
=== _salem is now known as salem_
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
DanChapmanGood Morning all04:29
pittiGood morning04:33
sakAre there any test procedures to test Mir?05:17
xubuntu_balloons, are any test parameters for Mir?06:03
NoskcajYay, smartboyhw is back!07:35
Noskcajwiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Testdrive/Hackfest is happening!07:36
WebbyITballoons, new MR for the test, without conflict :D https://code.launchpad.net/~rpadovani/ubuntu-calculator-app/1188716bis/+merge/17777109:25
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balloonsWebbyIT, awesome I'll have a look at the MR :-)14:04
WebbyITthanks balloons :)14:04
smartboyhwHey balloons14:08
smartboyhwAnd balloons, plz de-op14:08
balloonshey smartboyhw14:10
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
slickymastergood afternoonall17:00
balloonsslickymaster, afternoon17:00
slickymasterballons, :)17:01
balloonsevening dkessel17:03
dkesselgood evening balloons :)17:03
slickymasterballoons, only 3 to go, on xubuntu manual tests. We're almost there17:04
balloonsslickymaster, I saw!17:04
balloonsI synced everything up to the tracker last night. you guys have been busy!17:04
slickymasterballoons, just like the mailman, no rain or snow can stop us :)17:05
slickymasterballoons, even though I suspect that gmb is going to be a hard one17:06
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=== _salem is now known as salem_
slickymasterballoons, sorry. I meant gmusicbrowser17:27
slickymasterknome: ping. You there?17:59
knomeslickymaster, yes18:01
slickymasterknome: Hi, just wnat to run something wuth you18:02
slickymasterknome: I'm translating the Xubuntu documentation and I think I found a typo in the original. Should I raise a bug against it?18:03
knomeslickymaster, yes, or a merge proposal if you know how to do one18:03
slickymasterknome: I don't think I have the permissions18:04
knomeslickymaster, you always have permissions for merge proposals18:04
slickymasterknome: ok, didn't knew it18:04
slickymasterknome: the setence is. "The only way around this is to use a free alternative life <application>swf-dec</application> which comes complete in its package file."18:05
slickymasterknome: I think it's supposed to be like, not life18:05
slickymasterknome: so, what you're saying is to branch it, correct it, push up and propose to merge?18:06
knomeslickymaster, yup18:06
slickymasterknome: ok, I'll do it tomorrow. Today I have to work in the Ubuntu Manual18:07
knomesure, no hurry with it18:07
slickymasterknome, thanks. Always leaning a hand when it's needed18:07
knomeof course :)18:08
slickymasterknome: :) until later18:08
knomeif you run into other typos or spots you think could be improved, feel free to simply sumbit them as merge proposals as well18:08
slickymasterknome, will do18:09
slickymasterelfy, good afternoon and congrats on the work on bringing up the forums (also to all the other admins and mods918:10
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
qenghoShould a package landing in saucy with a debian/tests/ dir show up on jenkins.qa.u.c?  I added autopkgtest to chromium-browser and have a new version in S as of a few hours ago.19:04
qenghoI was hoping to be one of the cool kids who test publically.19:04
balloonsqengho, hello :-) What's your question?19:21
balloonsevening xeranas19:22
qenghoballoons: I think chromium-browser's autopkgtests should have shown up on Jenkins QA. It didn't. Why?19:27
balloonsqengho, they're in the source tree, and built in the package?19:31
xeranas_balloons: when I writing unknown file type test I face one strange problem: I wanted to add objectName property for dialog object inside "UnknowTypeDialog.qml". However when I run autopilot vis tool and inspecting dialog object it shows that it not specified (blank). I wonder what I miss.19:32
qenghoballoons: Er, it's in the source package. I don't know what you mean by "built".19:33
balloonsxeranas, ok, so you wanted to add the objectName to the object. Did you do it?19:34
balloonsqengho, autopkg tests are run at build time as you know :-)19:34
balloonsI wonder if the new source has been built, and thus if the autopkg tests have run or not19:34
balloonsthat said, jibel is the one to talk to more than myself. If needed, we can followup via email19:35
qenghoballoons: Er, source packages went into saucy-proposed yesterday and binaries landed in saucy today. I thought that was sufficient.19:35
balloonsqengho, then I agree with you.. it should appear. Let me look19:36
balloonsqengho, is the header setup right?19:36
balloonsyou got a quick link to the source?19:37
qenghoballoons: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~chromium-team/chromium-browser/saucy-proposed/files/head:/debian/19:40
balloonsqengho, yep, quick glance looks fine. Let me take this conversation to email19:41
balloonsqengho, yes I believe I have the address19:42
balloonsthe channel is logged, so don't post it here :-)19:42
balloonsxeranas, did you see my response?19:46
balloonsqengho, sorry I couldn't be of more help.. If you can be around during European hours folks should be more "live" to help you19:46
qenghoballoons: Okay. Good night.19:47
balloonsfor now, I'll cc you on the email. good night~19:47
balloonsxeranas_, or xeranas :-) Double-logins ;-) Did you see my response?19:50
xeranas_balloons: oh now I see, another login must be from other pc19:51
balloonsxeranas_, ahh.. gotcha.. I was guessing you didn't get pinged when I replied19:51
xeranas_balloons: yea I just add objectName: "unknownTypeDialog" and by autopilot vis tool it still was blank. I wonder if it something special with "Dialog" object or I needed set in different place19:53
balloonsxeranas_, generally when you add a name, add it to the lowest structure you can19:56
balloonsxeranas_, so if Dialog has some children, give them objectNames -- it's likely you'll see those19:57
xeranas_balloons: can't check right now, but probably I miss check children's. Since test was simple I end up using custom select_single selector. It on review right now. I probably be gone for around 2 weeks due vocation. I hope I will not forget how autopilot basics in that time :D20:03
balloonsxeranas_, I'm sure you won't! where's the review at? I can review it and get it merged :-)20:03
xeranas_balloons: https://code.launchpad.net/~xeranas/ubuntu-docviewer-app/unknown_file_type_test I think Anthony approved, but seems it still not in trunk20:05
Letozaf_balloons, buona sera :)20:06
balloonsxeranas_, I set it to approved so it would merge :-)20:08
balloonsdocviewer tests <320:09
balloonsLetozaf_, buona sera20:09
balloonscome va?20:09
Letozaf_balloons, bene e tu ?20:09
Letozaf_balloons, cool balloons speaks Italian :p20:10
balloonsLetozaf_, hehe20:10
balloonsdon't ask me to speak it with an accent20:10
Letozaf_balloons, :-)20:10
Letozaf_balloons, for the rssreader app test, I cannot get the canonical topic sweap for cancelling it20:11
balloonsLetozaf_, what do you mean topic sweap?20:11
balloonsxeranas_, if we don't speak again beforehand, have a wonderful vacation!20:11
Letozaf_balloons, :) to delete a topic you need to sweap it (drag it) to the right or to the left20:12
xeranas_balloons: thanks, I hope it will not rain too much :)20:12
Letozaf_balloons, is there docs somewhere other than here: http://unity.ubuntu.com/autopilot/api/input.html20:12
Letozaf_balloons, I sort of copied what was done in the calculator app but it's not working on the rssreader app20:13
Letozaf_balloons, the topic has a globalRect property but I get an error saying AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'globalRect'20:14
Letozaf_balloons, I can see the globalRect in vis tool20:14
balloonsLetozaf_, ahh.. sweap = swipe :-)20:16
Letozaf_balloons, maybe it's not sweap but swipe :=20:17
Letozaf_balloons, yeah ! swipe not sweap :p20:17
balloonsyou would "swipe" the topic to delete it20:17
balloonsit all makes sense now :-)20:17
Letozaf_balloons, lol20:17
balloonsLetozaf_, ok so to do that, I would do the following in code20:17
balloonstouch the screen, drag X pixels to the right or left. Let go of screen20:17
Letozaf_balloons, ok20:18
balloonsso press, drag, release20:18
balloonsLetozaf_, there's code doing that. .one second20:18
Letozaf_balloons, I used self.pointing_device.drag(x,y,  x, y)20:18
Letozaf_balloons, where x y are x, y, h, w = canonicalTopic.globalRect20:19
Letozaf_sorry self.pointing_device.drag(x,y,  h/2, w/2)20:19
balloonsLetozaf_, you want the screen dimensions?20:19
Letozaf_balloons, I thougt those were the topic rectangle ones :p20:20
balloonsLetozaf_, what are you going after? It's probably enough to just move say 30 pixels to the right or left20:20
balloonsif you want to get the screen dimensions and scale from that you can20:20
Letozaf_balloons, well let's do it the easiest way20:20
Letozaf_balloons, I though the globalRect property was the topic's dimensions20:21
balloonsLetozaf_, you can see where I've done some of this20:21
balloons        qmlView = self.get_qml_view()20:21
balloons        startX = int(qmlView.x + qmlView.width * 0.10)20:21
balloons        stopX = int(qmlView.x + qmlView.width * 0.45)20:21
balloons        lineY = int(qmlView.y + qmlView.height * 0.05)20:21
balloons        self.autopilot.pointing_device.drag(startX, lineY, stopX, lineY)20:21
balloons        self.autopilot.pointing_device.move(startX, lineY)20:21
balloons        self.autopilot.pointing_device.click()20:21
balloonsthe get_qml_view() is simply         return self.app.select_single("QQuickView")20:22
Letozaf_balloons, the problem is that the topic is not always at the same place ...20:22
balloonsyes, but autopilot knows where the topic is. So find the topic and you have the coordinates to it20:22
Letozaf_balloons, I found the topic with return self.app.select_many('LabelVisual', text = 'Canonical')20:23
Letozaf_balloons, but I get an error when I try to use the globalRect property20:23
balloonsLetozaf_, ok, so you've got the topic. you can then move_to_object20:23
balloonsthen use position() to get the location and use that in the drag20:24
balloonsmake sense?20:24
Letozaf_balloons, I also tried that, did not work :(20:24
Letozaf_balloons, maybe I did it wrong20:24
balloonsLetozaf_, ohh!20:24
balloonsthat's what I would have done.. I guess it's something a big more invovled?20:24
Letozaf_balloons, I will try again :)20:24
balloonsthat should work imho20:24
Letozaf_balloons,  now I know I am doing the right thing, so I suppose I just have to try again20:25
balloonsas usual, push the code to lp when your ready and I can look at it more closely :-)20:25
Letozaf_balloons, ok fine, let me try again a bit, then if it doesn't work I will push the code20:26
Noskcajballoons, I've nearly finished merging all the manual testcases, can you start on the tracker part?20:44
balloonsNoskcaj, everything was synced yesterday, but I know there were 4 reviews yet to land when I did it20:45
balloonsI'll see how much more needs to be added ;-)20:45

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