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_rubenrbasak: would you happen to have any clue as what could be the cause of bug #1008385, or in which direction to look?11:49
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1008385 in apache2-mpm-itk "apache-mpm-itk writes wrong process name in /proc/$$/status" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100838511:49
_rubenthis bug report is pretty much the only info i could find on this matter11:50
rbasak_ruben: I'm not sure, sorry. I know that processes can modify their process name. Perhaps apache is doing it somewhere and getting it wrong for some reason? It's the sort of thing that probably needs a deep dive.11:52
rbasakAnd not being able to reliably reproduce it makes it difficult for anyone who isn't affected, of course.11:53
_rubenrbasak: that's about as much as i know as well ;)11:55
_rubenjust ran a test on a bunch of servers i happened to be logged in on, at first sight more are affected than not11:56
rbasak_ruben: an explanation and patches will be greatfully accepted :)11:56
rbasakerr, gratefully11:56
rbasakThat word seems wrong to me this afternoon for some reason11:57
_rubenwonder what will happen if i install -virtual kernel on a "broken" -generic vm .. will let you know in a bit ;)12:11
rbasakIt might not be kernel related at all.12:32
rbasakThat does seem less like to me, though I wouldn't rule it out.12:32
_rubenyeah .. finally managed to test booting -virtual .. no change12:37
rbasakNext I'd look for areas in the source that change the process name, and if there aren't any obvious bugs there, install debug symbols and get going with gdb.12:39
rbasakBut there might be a better way of course12:39
_ruben i'll be *peeeep* .. i did a strace on a single worker (apache2 -X) .. no references to /usr/sbin/apach .. turns out: process name is ok12:48
_rubenrbasak: interesting ... apache2 -k start: OK .. apache2ctl start: FAIL12:49
zulroaksoax:  ping12:54
rbasakstrace is unlikely to catch it IMHO, if it's a problem with the process name being wrong. IIRC, changing process name doesn't involve a system call.l13:01
rbasakbeing set wrong, that is13:01
_rubenrbasak: the output of strace didn't help, but it did show me something else: apache2 (the binary) isn't responsible, not directly atleast13:05
_rubendisecting apache2ctl now13:05
_ruben(files are identical on both "kind" of servers unfortunately)13:05
_rubenthe script is rather simple though13:06
_rubenah! ... for some reason apache2 doesn't do proepr stipping for its process name13:07
_rubenapache2 -k start => apache2 ... /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start => /usr/sbin/apach13:07
stgraberrbasak: changing process name is done through the prctl syscall, so it should show up in strace13:10
_rubenstgraber: good to know13:10
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rbasakstgraber: ah. I thought one could just change argv[0]?13:10
_rubenprctl(PR_SET_NAME, 0x7f0a15811b80, 0, 0, 0) = 013:11
_rubenI'm guessing 0x7... is a memory location13:11
rbasak_ruben: prctl(2) says that PR_SET_NAME is limited to 16 bytes, and should be null-terminated if shorter. "/usr/sbin/apach" is 15 bytes, and the 16th byte could be a null terminator.13:16
rbasakOTOH, "/usr/sbin/apache" is exactly 16 bytes, so does not need a null terminator.13:16
rbasakPerhaps there's a code path which limits the name to 15 bytes?13:16
rbasak(in order to account for the null terminator that isn't actually necessary)?13:17
_rubenit shouldnt be trying to set it to /usr/sbin/... in the first place13:18
_rubenthe code doesn't call prctl directly though (not for this at least)13:18
rbasakLooks like prctl is limited to 16 characters, and overwriting argv still works but is limited to length of the original cmdline.13:20
_ruben    process->argc = *argc;13:21
_ruben    process->argv = *argv;13:21
_ruben    process->short_name = apr_filepath_name_get((*argv)[0]);13:21
_rubenlooks kinda promissing13:21
rbasakapr probably stands for Apache Portable Runtime. A portability abstraction, IIRC.13:22
JanCyes, some other applications use APR too13:23
_rubenbut still .. all this doesn't explain how same package version on different systems could behave diffferently .. if it were "a simple" bug that is ;)13:24
rbasak_ruben: so it depends on how you start the service? I usually use "service apache2 start" rather than calling apachectl or apache2 directly.13:25
_rubenrbasak: any service wrapper is likely to use apache2ctl13:25
rbasak_ruben: how many reporters are doing something different that causes it to start differently?13:25
rbasak_ruben: the only wrapper I'm aware of is /etc/init.d/apache2.13:26
_rubenrbasak: none probably .. i know i aint13:26
rbasakCould there be two different code paths in the init script?13:27
_rubenmy curent suspect: a envvar called APACHE_HTTPD .. apache2ctl initializes it to /usr/sbin/apache2, but if you override it to apache2, it works as expected .. let me check on a "good" server13:29
JanCso, maybe a default config differs between some older and current package versions?13:32
rbasakHow about the upgrade path? Is everyone installing from fresh, or have they upgraded from a previous version?13:33
JanCrbasak: from the bug report it seems the working ones probably upgraded from 12.04.1, the broken ones installed 12.04.2 directly13:34
_rubenupgrade or fresh appears to be the very difference between good and bad13:34
* rbasak looks up the diff13:36
_rubennope, the envvar isn't it .. changing that also changes the output in `top` .. `top` should list /usr/sbin/apache2 (that is, it does list it like that on both good and bad)13:36
_rubenwhich leads back to a bug in apache2's dirname stripping again .. which again would be rather unlikely13:37
_rubeni hate nasty bugs like this! :P13:37
rbasakI found them intruiging :)13:38
_rubenup to a point, sure ;)13:39
rbasakapachectl was modified in 2.2.22-1ubuntu1.3 though I can't immediately see that it caused this13:39
_rubenthe change isnt in apache2ctl directly .. i compared those between a good and bad server13:39
_rubeni dont have any gdb skills .. or i'd trace the stuff upto the prctl call13:40
_rubenheck, even that apr_ function goes beyond my C knowledge, and its pretty simple function13:41
roaksoaxzul pong13:43
rbasakI don't see anything else relevant in the update diffs13:44
zulroaksoax:  available to do some reviews today?13:44
rbasakMost of the udpates have been in moduels13:44
_rubenwonder if it's some obscure libc related thing or something13:45
roaksoaxzul nah :p13:45
zulroaksoax:  ok then13:46
roaksoaxzul lol i am13:46
rbasak_ruben: but why would it be random? Or if it is only affecting upgraded systems, what is different about them to cause that to happen?13:48
rbasak_ruben: anything different in /etc/default/* or /etc/apache2/* between the two systems?13:48
roaksoaxzul just send them my way and ill review them as soon as my network behaves right13:50
zulroaksoax:  ack13:50
_rubenrbasak: i dont think its random, just a change that only affects new installs, and not upgrades .. as for changes in those locations: haven't found anything obvious, yet13:58
LLckfanDoes any1 know how to stop Shockwave flash from crashing? I have uninstalled both Flash and my browser (Chrome), installed both from a fresh download, and scanned my computer (come up clean). Everything is updated14:44
^^rcaskeywhere does $INTERFACES get set out in /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server?14:45
Techdude1011Is it possible to customize received snmp traps? I am using traptoemail15:04
zulDaviey:  fyi https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ceilometer/+bug/120696715:28
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1206967 in ceilometer "[MIR] ceilometer" [Undecided,New]15:28
mikeeydoes samba4 require any additional configuration except of the share definitions?15:29
mikeeyif it does, have anyone got a tutorial or any info regarding it?15:29
Davieyzul: the declared universe deps, are they covered by MIR?15:33
zulDaviey:  working on the universe deps MIR right now15:33
jkitchenquestion: multipath doesn't seem to be reading the "defaults" stanza of my config file, anyone experienced this issue?15:47
jkitchenI'm trying to set the default path_grouping_policy to multibus15:48
jkitchenbecause I would really rather not have to manually put all of my wwids into the multipath.conf since they'll be pretty much constantly changing (virtualization environment)15:49
chmacI've got a machine on which mysql / apache do not start at boot. The /etc/init/mysql.conf contains a 'start on runlevel [2345]' line. How else can I debug the issue?16:06
ikoniachmac: try to start them manually - confirm there is no problem16:07
chmacikonia: Yeah, they both start ok16:07
ikoniathat seems odd then16:07
ikoniachmac: maybe worth putting a touch /tmp/testfile.mysql(or apache) at the start of the script and see if the scripts even get executed16:08
chmacikonia: Ok, interesting, to see if maybe upstart is not getting started or something.16:08
chmacI'm a little out of my depth on this stuff. Thankfully ssh does start!16:09
ikoniachmac: yes, simple test to see if the scripts even get excuted or not16:09
ikoniachmac: then you know the problem is not the scripts, but that they aren't getting run16:09
ikoniachmac: or you know there is a problem with the scripts and you can take it from there16:09
chmacikonia: The scripts are the stock, whatever was installed with the system16:10
chmacikonia: I'll try that now and reboot. Thanks for the suggestion.16:10
ikoniachmac: yes, but that doesn't mean there i a problem at boot time16:10
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chmacikonia: In the pre-start section?16:10
chmacOk, so apache is in /etc/init.d/apache2 not /etc/init/16:11
zulroaksoax:  https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/ceilometer/refresh/+merge/17789816:13
chmac_This bouncer is on that server, so I lost my connection!16:19
chmac_ikonia: No files were touched :-(16:19
chmac_dpkg-reconfigure upstart ?16:19
chmac_I'm guessing!16:19
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ikoniachmac: interesting so it didn't run16:25
ikoniachmac: so check what those scripts depend on16:25
ikoniachmac: or make sure those scripts actually do run when called directory16:25
chmacikonia: The /etc/init.d/apache2 script I can execute directly like `/etc/init.d/apache2 status` and I get the expected output16:27
chmacikonia: But /etc/init/mysql.conf is not an executable file...16:27
chmacikonia: I gotta run, thanks for the help, I've made some progress in understanding. I'll get into it again another time. :-)16:35
zuladam_g/roaksoax: https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/neutron/refresh/+merge/17791017:17
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Shadowandlightsemi off topic.... what should the privileges look like for a mysql user who only needs to read/write access to there specific database? - i know this is too much (i think?) http://i.imgur.com/CBLdvMA.png17:48
Shadowandlightbut im not sure what to pare it down to17:48
Shadowandlightdo i uncheck everything in "administration"?17:48
ikoniachmac: you still there ?17:52
roaksoaxMadkiss: howdy! so just wanted to let you know that I have a few patches for your packaging. I've also packaged 'dlm' and dropped redhat-cluster from Ubuntu17:55
roaksoaxMadkiss: so this means we now fully support pacemaker + corosync 2.0 and bye bye cman17:55
Madkissi'm hunting a bug right now that affects pacemaker.17:57
roaksoaxMadkiss: i'll also be forwarding dlm packaging to you by EOW17:57
Madkisswonderful, thanks17:57
vedicI have installed pgbouncer using dpkg. When I try to start it (/etc/init.d/pgbouncer start) there is no output. Even I don't see the log file created into /var/log/postgres/pgbouncer.log . How to know what is the problem?18:11
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chmacikonia: Was offline, but my bouncer was on, so I'm seeing your message now… :-)18:57
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Peryton272I'm having a problem installing Ubuntu Server to my Dell PowerEdge 2600. Is this the right place to be?19:02
sarnoldPeryton272: sure19:04
Peryton272so I boot from the disk that has the .iso on it, but when it boots my server no longer recognizes my USB keyboard so I cant even select a language or anything.19:04
Peryton272the keyboard works fine in the Dell bios but as soon as I try to boot from the disk that has Ubuntu on it, the keyboard stops working19:08
sarnoldPeryton272: some BIOSes have a setting for how to handle usb keyboards and mice; it's intended to help along OSes without USB support, like many win95, win2k releases, but if you fiddle with it, you might get lucky?19:09
Peryton272alright I'll see if I can find something19:09
Peryton272sarnold: I got it to work. Thank you!19:17
sarnoldPeryton272: cool, what was it?19:21
Peryton272just what you said. I had to turn on the bios support for USB devices19:21
sarnoldPeryton272: crazy. that shouldn't have been needed since 2.0 or 2.2 kernels, I forget which it's been long enough... anyway. hooray. :)19:22
Peryton272sarnold: now it's saying "This kernel requires an x86-64 CPU, but only detected an i686 CPU."19:26
Peryton272sarnold: What does that mean? lol I haven't done anything with servers before19:27
sarnoldPeryton272: there's two images for x86 systems, i386 and amd64. the amd64 ones will require the x86-64 CPUs, but it sounds like you've got a machine that'll require the i386 image instead19:27
Peryton272sarnold: oh ok. Could you point me in the right direction to get that?19:29
sarnoldPeryton272: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/server   note the 'choose your flavour' drop down, you'll want the 32 bit option19:30
Peryton272sarnold: awesome thank you19:31
ikoniachmac: there ?19:33
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caraconanHi there. How can disable this apparmor filter? http://paste.org/66396 It's a VM inside a KVM hypervisor. Thanks19:37
caraconanJust removing /etc/apparmor.d/libvirt/libvirt-VM-UUID files ?19:40
caraconanLooks like is performing a: sudo /etc/init.d/apparmor teardown19:41
sarnoldwow, running without apparmor? brave man19:43
patdk-wksarnold, apt-get remove apparmor20:03
goddardi am trying to change apache document route for default to /home/goddard/Web/20:04
goddardbut i am getting 403 error20:04
patdk-wkgoddard, heh?20:06
goddardpatdk-wk: i am trying to change the default apache document route from /var/www/20:07
goddardto /home/goddard/Web/20:07
patdk-wkgoddard, ya, but apparmor doesn't block that20:08
patdk-wkwhat version of ubuntu?20:08
patdk-wkmaybe that is why, I'm in 12.04 as my servers stick to lts20:09
patdk-wkand there is no policy to block that20:10
geniiWhy not use userdir with UserDir Web instead of UserDir public_html, and Directory /home/*/Web>  instead of  Directory /home/*/public_html>   ... in the userdir.conf file20:10
jdstrandapache is not confined by apparmor by default20:10
patdk-wkgenii doesn't matter20:10
goddardjust a test server20:11
* genii sips and ponders20:11
goddardi didnt wanna do anything complicated20:11
joseHey, guys! I don't konw if you can give me a hand with my DNS server in Ubuntu, which appearently doesn't work (using bind9)20:24
jkitchenI figured it out. apparently the 'device' defaults override my explicit defaults in multipath.conf, so I just added a devices/device stanza and set what I wanted. works great!20:41
joseoh, nvm. Looks like I was missing some reverse record. thanks anyways!20:45
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LLckfanDoes any1 know how to stop Shockwave flash from crashing? I have uninstalled both Flash and my browser (Chrome), installed both from a fresh download, and scanned my computer (come up clean). Everything is updated21:27
sarnoldLLckfan: file a bug report with adobe?21:28
LLckfansarnold I have21:30
LLckfanNever got an answer21:31
Patrickdkweeee, watchs debian 3.0 install to an ssd21:33
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tux050My postfix server keeps sending Error 501s.22:00
tux050I don't have domain, but I have the external ip address in the config file.22:01
tux050*an MX domain22:01
ikoniahow are you sending mail to it though ?22:02
tux050from my gmail account22:02
ikoniahow though if you don't have a domain ?22:02
tux050to root@my.ip.address22:02
ikoniais it getting there ?22:03
tux050but there are error logs22:03
ikoniaso it is hitting the server but getting rejected ?22:03
tux050501/invalid address from mail.blahblah.gmail.com22:03
tux050What would I need to change in my config?22:03
ikoniainvalid address suggests that server is not aware of that user/domain combination22:04
tux050ok.  how do I fix that?22:04
ikoniado a "HELO" test locally to root@ip22:05
ikoniasee if it works22:05
tux050it seems to22:06
tux050it gives a 25022:06
LLckfanDoes any1 know how to stop Shockwave flash from crashing? I have uninstalled both Flash and my browser (Chrome), installed both from a fresh download, and scanned my computer (come up clean). Everything is updated22:06
ikoniatux050: ahh are you using a nat ?22:06
ikoniaI wonder if that's the issue22:07
tux050I was giving it it's external ip address though.22:07
ikoniaeg: the server is listening on - but when it gets rom external.ip it doesn't know about it22:07
Patrickdkthis is all pointless22:09
Patrickdkyou need to pastebin 'postconf -n' and the logs22:09
tux050would "myhostname" have anything to do with this?22:18
tux050should that be set to the external IP?22:18
ikoniathat's what it sets up what it's listening on22:19
tux050also, what are aliases?22:21
tux050never mind, I got it22:22
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joshuhi can someone please have a look at my upstart script because i'm not confident it's working as it should https://gist.github.com/anonymous/ed8b9b4e54bc66e079af22:38
LLckfanDoes any1 know how to stop Shockwave flash from crashing? I have uninstalled both Flash and my browser (Chrome), installed both from a fresh download, and scanned my computer (come up clean). Everything is updated22:39
PatrickdkLLckfan, ubuntu-server doesn't have a gui, so flach and crome are unsupported in this channel22:42
sarnoldjoshu: you might want to use 'setuid test' rather than su -c .. test22:44
sarnoldjoshu: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#setuid22:44
joshuhi sarnold initially I tried that from the exact link, but it wouldn't work22:44
joshudon't know why22:45
sarnoldjoshu: did you get any error messages in the logs or on the screen?22:45
joshunot on the screen, but when I tried to scan the brscan-skey wasn't producing a file as it does with su -c or if I start it manually as user test with brscan-skey.22:46
joshuI can try again now22:46
joshutesting now will report back after I reboot and try to scan22:47
joshusarnold ok just tested with setuid test, scanned fine, but no document was created in /home/test/brscan as it should22:49
sarnoldjoshu: any error messages in log files?22:51
joshusarnold /ar/log/syslog ?22:51
sarnoldjoshu: check also /var/log/upstart/brscan-skey-daemon22:52
sarnoldjoshu: if there's nothing obvious there, try adding a chdir /home/test/brscan/  to the config: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#chdir22:53
joshusarnold https://gist.github.com/anonymous/fc59b7641918b9f516c422:53
joshuit's trying to write to /brscan and not /home/test/brscan22:54
sarnoldjoshu: cool, that might be fixed by the 'chdir' ..22:54
joshuok going to test22:55
sarnoldjoshu: note that you don't have to reboot to test that -- you can just service brscan-skey-daemon restart22:57
joshusarnold oh ok tried with chdir but it is still writing to /brscan22:59
sarnoldjoshu: what's the home directory for the test user?22:59
joshuI tried chdir /home/test/brscan23:00
sarnoldjoshu: try just chdir /home/test, and try changing the home directory in /etc/passwd to just /home/test as well23:01
joshuok let me try one sec23:03
joshustill same thing23:03
joshutiff2pdf: Can't open output file /brscan/20130801010332_27436.pdf for writing.23:04
joshuI don't know what su -c does instead of setuid that the former works23:04
sarnoldjoshu: hrm, me neither. you could go back to su -c ..23:06
joshuok is the script otherwise written ok? something I found odd is that if i kill the process using sudo kill <number> and then do sudo status brscan…. the process number is the same. Doesn't seem right to be if it respawns?23:07
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