[00:22] i could watch Oblivion over and over again quite happily for the next month or two, it seems === virusuy_ is now known as virusuy === virusuy is now known as Guest45212 [05:59] morning all [06:36] morning === poketribble is now known as Awaken === schwuk_away is now known as schwuk [08:19] Good morning peeps :) [08:20] \o [08:24] good morning everyone, [08:38] hey mrevell [08:38] hey brobostigon MartijnVdS bigcalm [08:38] mornin' [08:38] morning knightwise [08:40] Good morning extra peeps :) [08:59] another dismal grey day :( [08:59] Arjen: \o/ [08:59] i've been spoilt by the sunshine [08:59] uh [08:59] \o/ [08:59] we're getting 36°C on Friday. [08:59] DO NOT WANT [08:59] Good morning all, happy Uncommon Instrument Awareness Day! :-D [09:00] its kinda cloudy here [09:00] yay for heat [09:01] I told my ampache server it could pick the music today. [09:01] I think it must be drunk. [09:03] anyone know of a good app for making text adventures on linux? [09:11] well brass lantern seems to have a pretty long article on them [09:11] http://brasslantern.org/beginners/linuxinterps.html [09:12] although I'm not sure if that's what you're looking for [09:12] but anyway, if it is, atleast there seems to be few versions of tads atleast for debian [09:13] i was reading that page, i just installed inform [09:13] :) [09:14] not sure if it requires it to run them too though [09:15] i hate when my hair is like this, all frizzy :( [09:17] lol, i've never heard a man say that phrase [09:17] i have the hair, shoulder length, fine curly hair. [09:17] brian may? [09:17] kinda. [09:19] I wish I had atleast a bit of curl or wave in my hair [09:19] i used to have mine permed [09:19] :-| [09:19] really? surely no [09:20] a female friend of mine did say, there is something kind of oil or something you can put in your hair, to make it less frizzy. [09:20] yeah, when i was about 15 === schwuk is now known as schwuk_away [09:20] pic? [09:21] my brother and sister are both hairdressers [09:21] i dont have any [09:21] well, i have one, and my scanner is packed away [09:21] i have darth vader helmet hairstyle at 118 [09:21] 18 [09:21] they liked to practice on me [09:21] had hilights too [09:21] lol. [09:22] https://www.youtube.com/user/ZoggFromBetelgeuse === schwuk_away is now known as schwuk [09:26] fortunatly it was stil the 80s [09:26] fashion disasters a plenty [09:26] yep. [09:27] yeah 1987 [09:27] I should have mine cut a bit, I haven't really done anything to it since 2009 [09:27] it's starting to get in the way in a major way if it's not tied back === alan_g is now known as alan_g|tea === alan_g|tea is now known as alan_g [09:41] Nom - Marmite on toast for a late breakfast. :-D [09:44] TheOpenSourcerer: http://i.imgur.com/qioJw0N.png [09:44] http://i.imgur.com/cS4JJsA.jpg [09:57] Morning all [10:01] * dwatkins shudders [10:01] MartijnVdS will give me nightmares [10:06] how does this cost £150? http://www.elc.co.uk/Little-Tikes-Secret-Garden-Playhouse---Exclusive-to-ELC/130590,default,pd.html [10:07] its a large piece of hollow plastic [10:09] it has to be tested [10:09] health and safety gone mad if you ask me [10:18] mungbean: Because stupid parents will pay it to keep their kids quiet [10:19] its a new realm of expensive though [10:20] fortunately we are being given one [10:20] mungbean: no anything for kids has been expensive for a while, Have a look at an argos catalogue they are designed for kids all the pretty colours [10:20] although resale for them is prob quite low anyway [10:24] we gave our little tikes house to the school [10:25] good guy popey [10:25] FSVO Good === alan_g is now known as alan_g|afk [10:31] * mungbean feelig down in the dumps today. looking forward to week off next week [10:31] mungbean: if you move away from the dump you'll feel much better I'm sure ;) [10:32] yeah, but you have to do interviews and apply for positions.. [10:32] its probably time to leave the company when you can't get any work done because there's no management to esnure the network team do any tickets at all. [10:38] devops is definitely trendy but is it a fad? [10:38] trying to think of previous trend === alan_g|afk is now known as alan_g [10:43] mungbean: it's an actual good thing that's been made into marketing-spea [10:43] k [10:44] mungbean: it can be either "the devs team == the ops team", so their goals are always 100% aligned [10:44] quite a few jobs are asking for it when maybe they aren't devopsy jobs at all [10:44] OR [10:44] "the dev team and ops team are the same kind of people, but do different jobs and communicate well (instead of ops forcing things on dev and vice versa)" [10:45] it's like "the cloud"-- nobody can define what it is, but everybody has to have experience with it [10:45] :S [10:47] oh, the sun is going behind paywall? [10:48] the newspaper or the ball of hydrogen plasma? [10:48] the former [10:48] "news"paper [10:48] yeah.. "the piece of paper" ;) [10:48] "with words on" [10:49] mostly capital letters and bold ones [10:53] this is what you'll get behind the sun paywall http://i.imgur.com/aUU62nW.jpg [10:53] hi guys is it OK if i post a link to the "open rights group" (British EFF) petition to try and stop UK internet censorship? [10:59] Go for it [11:00] I think a lot of us might have seen it, but no harm [11:00] yhank you, [11:00] https://www.openrightsgroup.org/campaigns/cameron-stop-sleepwalking [11:02] mgdm thanks, I had to ask as dont want to spam, just trying to do somkething to help our internet :) [11:03] who will you be voting for in the next general election? [11:08] like i said the other day, an automatic on could actually be the thing that saves "our" internet [11:08] sadly though, only if enforced world wide [11:26] mungbean: dont know yet, ali1234 it would be nice if the whole world could agree on anything === schwuk is now known as schwuk_away === schwuk_away is now known as schwuk [11:35] Asda is stopping stocking hte Wii U [11:44] lol http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/lomography/the-lomography-petzval-portrait-lens [11:45] most hipster thing i've ever seen [11:49] I am not a photographer at all, but that does look cool [11:50] that's hilarious === graingert_ is now known as graingert === alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch [11:59] Most likely the wrong place for this request... [11:59] #gynaecology ? [11:59] #crackwhores ? [11:59] #embarrassingproblems? [11:59] #windows ? I bet [12:00] #bsd [12:00] Hehe [12:00] #fedora [12:00] #dos [12:00] * bigcalm ponders asking 1 person before opening up the question [12:00] #centos [12:00] #fairdos [12:00] just ask it, jeez :) [12:00] evryone's awake now [12:00] bigcalm: ask already [12:01] LET US BE THE JUDGE OF RIGHTNESS OR WRONGNESS! [12:01] and by us, i mean popey [12:01] !ask [12:01] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [12:01] ;-) [12:01] !patience [12:01] Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/ [12:01] !lunchtime [12:01] Om nom http://omnombuntu.com/ [12:01] and if that exists, i will be in fear [12:02] neuro: how dare you link to such a site [12:02] thankfully it doesn't [12:02] did the question get asked yet? [12:02] dwatkins: gone on spoil it :) [12:02] mungbean: we are all on tenterhooks [12:03] * neuro is tempted to now register omnombuntu.com [12:03] neuro: omnombuntu.com/lunch and omnombuntu.com/beer [12:05] register.co.uk headlines in my google news are annoying me [12:06] prods bigcalm [12:06] my OCD is tingling [12:07] hehe [12:07] or whatever it is that makes me close brackets [12:07] mungbean: sorry, question has been dealt with :) [12:07] nooooooooooooooooooooo.com [12:08] can you make a new question? [12:08] Is it time for me to have lunch? [12:08] Answer: yes [12:08] Toodles for now [12:08] hmm [12:08] What should I have for lunch? [12:08] well, that took less time than i thought [12:09] * mungbean feels used. [12:09] neuro@defiant:~$ whois omnombuntu.com | grep "Domain Name: " [12:09] Domain Name: OMNOMBUNTU.COM [12:09] * TheOpenSourcerer ponders beans on toast... [12:09] took longer to push the bind zonefile data out than it did to register [12:09] * neuro has embedded lunch items in his forthcoming tesco delivery [12:10] * neuro wonders what to do with omnombuntu now ... [12:10] there was an episode of big bang where sheldon had closure issues [12:10] typical post-domain purchase buyers remorse [12:10] neuro: how much? [12:10] embedded lunch items? busylunchbox? [12:10] no idea [12:10] $11 or something? [12:11] wow. [12:11] i just mash buttons in opensrs and stuff happens [12:11] next time you get pointless urge to spend, you paypal me :D [12:12] no [12:12] unless i actually get something [12:12] that's why i spend money, to get stuff in return [12:12] i keep getting emailed every time i buy something to write a review of it [12:12] be it a thing or a service performed [12:13] mungbean: $11.03 [12:14] $7.85 to Verisign, $0.18 to ICANN, $3.00 to OpenSRS [12:14] humble website bundle [12:14] sadly the scales can't be sliderified :) [12:15] * neuro notes from the completed orders on his account, one of his mates has gone and registered some sort of doctor who domain [12:15] * neuro awaits the inevitable takedown notice from the bbc [12:15] neuro: neuro-for-eleven.co.uk? [12:15] uh [12:15] -twelve [12:15] i'm confused [12:16] don't confuse me [12:16] neuro: is it a domain asking the BBC to consider you as the next actor playing "the doctor" [12:16] doctorwhoforum.co.uk [12:17] it's a reseller account, i let my mates buy domains from me [12:17] so not directly ;) [12:17] MartijnVdS, that is a long domain. "ask-the-bbc-to-consider-neuro-as-the-next-actor-playing-the-doctor.co.uk" [12:17] diddledan__: hence neuro-for-twelve.co.uk [12:17] in the highly improbable event that i was offered it, i'd say bugger off [12:17] that one's mucho better :-p [12:18] I like saying bugger off anyway even when I haven't been offered the role of the doctor [12:26] mgiht be useful [12:26] http://blog.patdavid.net/2013/07/getting-around-in-gimp-photography.html === alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g [13:15] what's a good command line virtual machine tool for Ubuntu server? I just want whatever sets up quickest :P [13:15] man virsh [13:16] * Azelphur has a look [13:16] +1, virsh+libvirtd+kvm is awesome [13:17] http://www.centos.org/docs/5/html/5.2/Virtualization/chap-Virtualization-Managing_guests_with_virsh.html [13:18] this doesn't look anywhere near as simple as virtualbox [13:18] xD [13:18] kvm [13:18] there's a simple ugly gui to help you if you like [13:18] mungbean: sounds good [13:19] virt-manager [13:19] as promised, ugly and simple [13:20] can I use it to manage a remote setup? [13:20] I came across a mechanism for automatically installing and configuring virtual machines, but I can't find it right now. [13:20] xcat? [13:21] cloudspaz [13:21] it can indeed :) [13:22] I think this is it, Azelphur - http://www.vagrantbox.es/ [13:22] "Vagrant is an amazing tool for managing virtual machines via a simple to use command line interface. With a simple vagrant up you can be working in a clean environment based on a standard template." [13:23] looks good [13:23] and the docs here make it look really easy Vagrant is an amazing tool for managing virtual machines via a simple to use command line interface. With a simple vagrant up you can be working in a clean environment based on a standard template. [13:23] oops, sorry - http://docs-v1.vagrantup.com/v1/docs/boxes.html [13:32] this virt-manager thing is pretty cool [13:32] I've got a nice little debian machine running in it, ty :) [13:40] booooooored [13:41] * davmor2 sends popey to tickle mungbean [13:42] * dwatkins assignes all his cases to mungbean [13:43] You all hear leap motion is hitting maplin at £69.99 soon (preorder available) [13:43] i'll wait for LM to be more mature [13:44] mungbean: it's only ever going to be used for fun it'll never be mature ;) [13:47] * mungbean eats all the tickets [13:47] i would play with that gimp gmic stuff but any procrastination must be on cli as not to arouse boss [13:52] ...and that's why I use irssi ;) [13:54] nfs server under heavy strain, how to tell the main culprit? [13:56] argh, ever since I installed askpass it keeps demanding I give it the password for alfie@azelphur.com for some reason [13:57] I guess something is trying to ssh there, but 1) that user doesn't exist any more, and 2) Why is it trying to ssh that [14:01] that's probably actually the 'comment' on the end of one of your SSH keys? [14:01] if you look at the end of the lines in your SSH id_whatever.pub it might have that on the end [14:01] it's the username and hostname of where the key was generated - though I think they've removed it in very recent SSH [14:03] well w3c, you suck! they've undeprecated the target="" attribute on anchors [14:04] mgdm: no mention of alfie in ~/.ssh/* [14:05] it's weird because ps aux | grep alfie is nothing too === alan_g is now known as alan_g|tea === alan_g|tea is now known as alan_g [15:13] http://www.theverge.com/2013/7/31/4574878/microsoft-skydrive-name-change-bskyb [15:13] "lol" [15:13] xD [15:13] popey: did you hear apple had to give up iPhone in one country, I think it was Brazil [15:15] i thought they appealed? [15:17] whaaaaaat http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-hereford-worcester-23522499 [15:25] popey, it's probably (the skirts) because the male teachers area liable to catch sexual predator-itis from the presence of skirts [15:28] popey: reminds me of a school that banned shorts, so all the boys went in in skirts as a protest. [15:30] heh yeah [15:47] the lights on my new nas are going berserk! === schwuk is now known as schwuk_away === schwuk_away is now known as schwuk [16:18] popey: I went to walkwood trust me when I say it's to lower conception rates :D [16:33] \o/ new Computerphile: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-15nx57tbfc [17:30] http://i41.tinypic.com/wj8f1h.png === schwuk is now known as schwuk_away [17:32] they'll just call it Windows One or something [17:34] MartijnVdS: something one for a cloud service why does that ring a bell........ [17:41] Ubuntu One: the Power of One [17:45] the entire tech industry is extremely unoriginal [17:46] s/tech// [17:46] "the entire industry"? [17:46] which one [17:46] all [17:46] your proposed substitition is bad, and you should feel bad [17:47] no, the tech industry is far worse than others [17:47] But I no English from birth! I only from school! [17:47] software is the only place where you get the same thing from 20 years ago with a new name, and labelled as highly innovative, and everyone accepts it because the whole system is run by 20 year olds [17:47] yur englsh iz week i no yu r nt da smart [17:48] * neuro stops before this degenerates into youtube comments [17:48] neuro: is that Scottish? ;) [17:48] no, youtublish [17:48] blinglish [17:48] blingish? [17:48] the language spoken by people who are awed by "Bling" [17:48] the language of jewellery? [17:48] neuro: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bling-bling [17:49] neuro: look for "International" on that page [17:49] no [17:49] #yoloswag [17:49] awgh [17:49] s/w/r/ [17:49] neuro: also, Urban Dictionary knows it, so it's actually a word :P [17:49] paranoid much? [17:49] i know what bling means [17:50] \o/ [17:50] anyway [17:50] anyway, my point is U SUK [17:51] neuro: No. [17:51] AND [insert random rant about 9/11, Jesus, North Korea, the NSA, global warming, and/or Israel/Palestine here] [17:52] neuro: don't forget time cube! [17:52] um, ok? [17:52] oh wow I think it's been updated [17:52] have you noticed, the crazy people have a new thing that they rant about? [17:53] ali1234: #belieber4life? [17:53] these days, everything has to be P2P, decentralized, and two-factor [17:53] even if this is provably impossible, it doesn't matter [17:53] it still has to be P2P, decentralized and two-factor [17:53] even if they don't understand what that even means [17:53] MartijnVdS: good grief [17:53] i can't even read that [17:54] timecube has malware on it now btw [17:54] watch out for that [17:54] cool [17:54] i have have tried to read it at some point in the past, but have wiped it from my mind [17:54] or so i am told anyway [17:54] ali1234: chrome + mac - java [17:54] should be fine [17:54] it's MS-Office-generated HTML [17:57] word 2003, blimeh [18:04] :D [18:04] the real way to web develop [18:04] *cough* [18:38] I have a friend who has been writing her own CV for her website, she just opens the HTML in MS Word and edits it. [18:38] Personally, I wouldn't do that, but it works for her, hideous as the HTML probably is. [18:46] i don't see why that's any worth doing over just using a text editor [18:47] nano, or gedit, :) [18:47] isnt word wysiyg though? no real coding required. [18:50] brobostigon: indeed, that's probably why she uses it [18:50] well if you're just editing HTML you don't need to know either [18:50] She wants formatting etc., though [18:54] :'( [18:54] how *not* to internet [19:04] daftykins: I agree, but it's all she knows how to do - it was a nightmare trying to explain to her not to edit files directly on the server, let alone anything that isn't WYSIWYG [19:04] :D [19:05] hah my dad's work got a new IT guy it seems [19:05] they did an assessment of all the PCs on the network [19:05] called out his celeron 2.4GHz with XP as being 'possibly in need of an upgrade' [19:05] \o/ [19:15] 'possibly' - such a wonderful understatement [19:16] :D [19:16] it almost got to the point where i wanted to put a new one together just for him to put in at work [19:18] make a super-duper PC in your spare time to demonstrate to the company what they could have? [19:20] nah, it's a case of others doing the IT and i can't really muscle in [19:20] if i did though, they would no longer be running in-house Exchange, ugh [19:20] I had enough trouble with other people ignoring important e-mails today, but thankfully I have a relatively fast laltop. [19:21] laptop, too. [19:21] everyones in holiday mode due to warm weather ;x [19:21] yeah, it turned out the person I thought would see this mail ignores the entire distribution list :-/ [19:22] hopefully the customer got in touch with the backup guy, although they didn't say. [19:29] http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/jul/31/nsa-top-secret-program-online-data [19:29] thoughts on this one? [19:31] just saw this by chance on pastebin.com =/ http://pastebin.com/FTJdyPfv [19:32] what the heck? [19:33] indeed [19:34] AlanBell: Have you seen this, sounds like something you'd be interested in http://opensource.com/education/13/7/linux-westcliff-high-school [19:34] that's horrific. who on earth uses / as a delimiter? [19:34] shauno: when obviously you should use | :D [19:34] a very english selectiion of passwords [19:35] lots of electrical and heating companiestoo [19:36] 18 matches for "arsenal" [19:36] ugh [19:36] there's a good x-files reference in there - 'trustno1' [19:37] letmein [19:37] is there [19:37] good times [19:37] my first thought was - is it worth contacting anyone? [19:37] but it probably isn't [19:37] these are all reminiscent of average joe windows users logins at a prev company [19:37] heh [19:37] daftykins: write a email; [19:38] \\you\R acOUNT has been cormporised [19:38] that will work for sure [19:38] they'd just report me XD [19:38] top tip, dont use your first name, ESPECIALLY when its in the email address trrroo. [19:39] ;D [19:39] 'newyork' [19:39] omw. [19:39] daftykins: report abuse button on pastebin [19:40] 11111111 [19:40] absence of special chars in the list suggests brtueforce> [19:50] this alito1 person seems to be a bit cheeky [19:50] click on their username on that pastebin [19:50] another paste with more emails/pwds [19:51] and another with a few visa card numbers and cardholder details [19:51] this stuff turns up on pastebin all the time [19:55] still wont be removed if u dont report it [19:56] i already reported all three [19:56] it's interesting that there's a high proportion of co.uk in there [19:56] and ntl.com, btinternet.com etc [19:56] it must be from a UK site [20:00] yeah [20:00] ctrl-f my name ...phew [20:01] wonder if from phishing or brute force [20:02] my 9-char yahoo/flickr one got done out of the blue [20:02] by soemone is egypt [20:18] watching ch4 the plane the saved britain [20:18] about the mossie [20:35] Oh, there's a book called that, IIRC [20:51] well well, my Nexus 4 just downloaded a system update [20:51] ^_^ [20:54] :) [21:06] yay, TRIM support for me [21:06] trim on a nexus 4? [21:07] yep [21:07] and all devices getting android 4.3 [21:08] it kicks in depending upon charge - only after the device has been idle for 1hr [21:11] cunning [21:11] there's an article on anandtech.com [21:12] a full one talking performance before and after is forthcoming [21:12] * mgdm has his eye on a new-model N7 some time this year [21:14] =] [21:14] i like this article about the samsung galaxy s 4 cheating in benchmarks [21:16] daftykins, remember the oldern days? [21:16] yip :) [21:16] radeon 8500 would drop image quality in quake 3 to cheat benchmarks [21:16] iirc nvidia cheated image quality in 3dmark [21:17] and of course some motherboard manufacturers would (and still do) run bus speeds slightly higher to gain a tiny edge [21:36] personally i shop for clothes at 'Splinter Cell bad guys.com' http://i.imgur.com/ojR8Q3p.jpg === SirCrispinTheJew is now known as RaycisCharles