
drkokandythe options for UbuCon are full day or not at all? We couldn't do a morning-only or afternoon-only track?00:14
Unit193Hrm, this doesn't look like it's going well. :P00:39
thafreakSadly, I won't be able to make it Friday...I'm being forced into going to a wedding...01:09
thafreakI hope none of you are crushed01:13
Unit193Bummer for you, about the wedding that is. ;)01:32
drkokandyhope you'll get booze01:33
skellatdrkokandy: OLF scheduled us for a full day01:54
skellatdrkokandy: I can try to do some arm-twisting tomorrow01:54
skellatdrkokandy: This does not obviate the need to have presentations scheduled, though01:56
skellatdrkokandy: E-mail fired off to Moose02:10
drkokandyI just figured that if we could offer a (like you say) -solid- half of a day of sessions, it would be better than either hoping it comes together, like you say, or cancelling what some of our members have started planning.02:28
skellatdrkokandy: I've asked Moose about that in the e-mail I just sent.  I've also got an e-mail from Jorge Castro I'm replying to where he's trying to line up some people to speak too.02:36
skellatdrkokandy: Currently the only Ubuntu Ohio members slated to speak are myself and Jon Buckley02:37
skellatWe do have two pitches in from staff at System76 who would like to speak and both were very interesting topics02:37
* skellat hit send on the reply to Jorge Castro02:42
skellatdrkokandy: Moose says we can do the half-day if we want to.  It is our discretion.  I'll wait to see what I get back from Jorge Castro.02:49
drkokandythat could work, but yes, maybe Jorge Castro will have leads/suggestions03:16
JonathanDHi ohio.08:42
thafreakHi...was anyone actually up at 4:42 am? :)12:56
paultagnack :)13:27
thafreakpew pew14:16
thafreaksorry, left the safety off apparently14:17
* dzho giggles14:28
dzhoin other news:  Ahhhhhhh!14:28
dzho(that's the ah of relief, btw)14:28
dzhoafter how many weeks in this office, I finally got my USB cabling for the desktop sorted out that I can work the ergo keyboard in my lap instead of up on top of the too-high desk14:29
dzhoI think my forearms will be more happy, now14:29
dzhothe trackball, though is now waaaaay over there14:30
dzhofortunately, I've recently added the window switching keyboard shortcuts to my finger memory .14:31
jrgiffordskellat: so, jcastro is going to try? I wish I could confirm I was going. :(19:52
Unit193Might be interesting, but I'm pretty sure I won't be able to.19:54
skellatjrgifford: Jorge is trying20:40
skellatAll we do is wait and see20:43
jrgiffordgood luck20:49

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