
=== scottrigby is now known as scottrigby_away
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JonathanDhi rmg5109:59
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scottrigbyhi :)11:22
jedijfgood morning12:05
scottrigbymorning jedijf12:05
teddy-dbearMorning peoples, dogs, turkeys and everything else12:17
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=== scottrigby_away is now known as scottrigby
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teddy-dbearmorinn MutantTurkey14:29
MutantTurkeymy Galaxy S III just kicked it yesterday14:36
MutantTurkeywhats the latest and greatest? jedijf any ideas?14:36
MutantTurkeystill have my totally working Galaxy S Captivate... but the SIM card doesn't work14:37
ChinnoDogThe girlfriend has an S4. I'm envious.14:38
MutantTurkeyyeah... but after how poorly the S3 held up14:38
MutantTurkeyI mean did Gorilla Glass take a giant drop in quality?14:38
MutantTurkeyI was actually testing out my original galaxy, hitting it on concrete and stuff14:38
MutantTurkeyand nothing happened14:38
MutantTurkeythis s3 is a POS!14:39
ChinnoDogMy S3 seems sturdy to me.14:44
ChinnoDogMutantTurkey: stop breaking your phone14:45
MutantTurkeycompared to my SI it is not14:47
MutantTurkeyi mean the back is plastic...14:47
MutantTurkeythe phone actually bends when you but torsion on it14:47
ChinnoDogIt survives being in my pocket and has survived a couple concrete drops before I put a massive battery on it. It has barely a scratch.14:50
waltmanMutantTurkey: Wait, you were *intentionally* hitting your phone on concrete just to see what happened?14:51
ChinnoDogMutantTurkey wants a phone made of adamantium.14:51
waltmanCould Wolverine break a phone made of adamantium?14:54
ChinnoDogUncertain. Have you seen the latest Wolverine movie?14:54
MutantTurkeymy old phone15:09
MutantTurkeyand nothing happened15:09
MutantTurkeyno, i just want a phone that is decently strong, made out of not plastic, but something sturdy15:10
MutantTurkeyaluminum maybe15:10
MutantTurkeywith built in shocks inside of it, a screen that is not so thin it breaks (because gorilla glass should be able to stop it)15:10
jedijfMutantTurkey: i am liking the note15:12
MutantTurkeyis it to large for you?15:12
jedijfdon't have - am liking/thinking/waiting for note3 at this point15:13
jedijfson-in-law has note3 and loves it15:13
jedijfbigger is better if you want to /use/ it15:14
jedijfof just get a flip phone15:14
waltmanI still think think the Note is an absurdly big clown phone.15:35
MutantTurkeyfits me15:36
jedijfit's really not that big15:36
jedijfmy 10 inch tab is a clown phone15:37
jedijfbut i wear the shoes to match, so it works15:37
waltmanI was watching a podcast the other day where someone was wishing he could use the Nexus 7 as his phone.15:48
jedijfthat was me15:49
jedijfbeen saying that for a little bit now15:50
waltmanNo, it was Leo Laporte on TWiT15:50
* waltman admits to confusing the Galaxy S$n's with Nexus $n's.16:45
adomMutantTurkey ChinnoDog: just saw the mention of the geeknic. that IS a far drive for ChinnoDog and myself, and there was only a couple days notice :/17:19
adomi need to login here more often17:20
JonathanDadom: yeah, it was short notice :P17:20
JonathanDadom: it amounted to KyleYankan saying "hey wanna have a picnic"17:20
JonathanDand me saying "sure, lets call it a geeknic and invite everyone"17:20
adomhaha i see17:20
adomfair enough17:20
JonathanDit rained17:20
JonathanDa lot17:20
JonathanDwe'll do it again after fosscon.17:20
JonathanDadom: coming to fosscon?17:20
adomwhen is it?17:21
JonathanDAug 1017:21
JonathanD(quite soon)17:21
KyleYankanHah, sorry adom. It was like a 36 hour notice for most people. If that.17:24
adomis the fosscon up in PA?17:26
JonathanDadom: Philadelphia17:27
adomKyleYankan: no worries, like ChinnoDog, i probably couldnt have made the drive anyway17:27
MutantTurkeynothing is more beautiful than this:17:27
MutantTurkeyRecords: 6784715  Deleted: 0  Skipped: 0  Warnings: 017:27
adomwow lucky17:27
adomJonathanD: its enticing. at first i was worried about the drive but i see its about 3hrs from me.17:29
adomim still not going to say its likely, but im going to say its possible17:29
adomif ChinnoDog happens to go, maybe ill be more likely to go. we really should meet finally, since we now live like, 40 minutes apart from each other. >.<17:30
MutantTurkeytfmaybe I should get an iPhone18:14
MutantTurkeyi have been resisting so hard18:14
adomguys, remind me what irc command sends in-channel private messages? am i stupid?18:16
pleia2/msg nickname hi18:17
pleia2I assume that's what you mean18:17
pleia2"in-channel" and "private messages" are two different things, but you seem to know how to send messages in channel :)18:18
adomfor a second i thought there was a command that shows a private message only in the channel you choose, rather than a PM.18:18
adomalas, twas a theme setting of mine playing tricks on my eyes.18:18
* adom blushes.18:18
pleia2where private messages show up depends on your client18:18
pleia2(some people choose to have them show up inline in a channel)18:18
adomit was just that someone was mentioning me, so the hilight settings for my theme made that line look different in the channel and i thought [for some reason] that only i could see it18:19
* adom is dum.18:19
adomman, if you ever forget how unforgiving IRC users are, just join a highly populated channel and ask a simple question.18:21
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adomwell, i got my answer so back to work :(18:22
adomill try to login here more often18:22
* adom waves.18:22
jedijfadom: msg me18:25
waltmanMutantTurkey: iphones are awesome!19:02
waltmanAnd if you splurge for AppleCare, they'll replace it if you drop it, so you don't have to worry concrete!19:03
ChinnoDogHow many times will they replace it?19:03
waltmanAn excellent question!19:04
waltmanI don't know, because I've never gotten AppleCare on a phone19:04
MutantTurkeyi wouldn't waste money on any extended things19:05
MutantTurkeythey are easy money for most companies19:05
teddy-dbearleave it to a turkey to try to smash a phone19:05
MutantTurkey'perpetually afraid of thanksgiving'19:05
waltmanI think it's a good deal for the laptops because there are all sorts of things than can fail, and they're all expensive to fix.19:05
JonathanDI always had it on my laptops, where it included the tech coming out onsite to fix the thing.19:10
JonathanDThis has been nice because you're back up in a day if something breaks.19:10
waltmanIt's really nice to be able to bring the box into the apple store and say "fix it!"19:11
waltmanThey replaced a faulty screen and battery in my macbook.19:13
waltmanThey also fixed up the mess I made of the bottom cover when I upgraded the ram to 8 gb.19:13
KyleYankan"Those screwriver scratches? Came like that"19:15
MutantTurkey"your easily worn off warranty sticker is broken? no sorry wecan't service that19:16
MutantTurkeyyour battery water indicator is purple even though it was kept in a watersafe container placed in a sealed vault for the entirety of its life, whilst next to a dehumidifier? sorry we can't service that.19:16
KyleYankanI recently dropped my phone in a puddle for ~10 min. Sticker is still white.... not sure if it's a trap....19:17
jedijfMutantTurkey doens't need a warranty/guarantee he's opening a repair business19:22
jedijfrepair my doesn't19:22
waltmanIt's REALLY difficult to take the bottom cover of a Macbook off and on without messing up the rubber coating on it.19:22
waltmanAlso getting the tiny screws all lined up properly is damn near impossible19:23
jedijfAppleCare sell Koolaid?19:24
waltmanI'm sort of glad the newer models are designed to not be opened. It removes the temptation to do so :)19:24
pleia2my laptops don't tend to break19:26
KyleYankanpleia2: then you're not tinkering enough19:26
waltmanIt's more that parts of them break :)19:26
waltmanAlso I was taking this on the train every single day.19:26
waltmanNowdays it gets to stay home most days, and I just bring in the much lighter iPad. :)19:27
pleia2my secret is not buying mac+applecare, but buying cheapo x86 laptops that last forever19:27
pleia2my netbook has been all over the world with me, 4.5 years with no issues19:27
* pleia2 toss in purse19:28
waltmanDo you have one of those Linux laptops that require a reboot every time you try to connect them to a projector? :)19:28
pleia2nope, all mine work great with projectors19:28
pleia2I loan mine to mac people who forget their dongles :)19:28
waltmanMeanwhile I'm still trying to convince my boss I can do a presentation in Powerpoint on my Mac, and that I don't want/need a Surface :)19:30
jedijfpleia2: did you find your way home or are you still in the office?19:32
pleia2jedijf: found my way home!19:32
pleia2we didn't get home until 10PM or so and I was all *so tired* and mjoseph was like "you know I do this every day, right?"19:33
waltmanpleia2: Wait, you have an office in SF and you work from home?19:33
pleia2waltman: no, palo alto19:33
waltmanOr is it way down in the valley?19:33
pleia2not my office, I'm badge for sunnyvale19:34
waltmanPA's nice from what I remember.19:34
pleia2PA is very nice ($$$$)19:34
waltmanpleia2: Tell them they need to bring back their RPN calculators :)19:34
JonathanDTitle for this position: FTP Specialist19:34
JonathanDDoing FTP full time doesn't sound very fund.19:34
JonathanDhow is that even a job?19:34
jedijfbtw, isn't that Buffy's hometown? Where you are badged.19:34
KyleYankanJonathanD: We have one at QVC.19:35
pleia2jedijf: alas no, that's sunnydale19:35
pleia2near LA19:35
JonathanDKyleYankan: is he/she being replaced...?19:35
ChinnoDogHP48 ftw19:35
KyleYankanJonathanD: I dont think so, but he does need to take some Vaca, dude it here waaay too much. He ahs no backup, so when a FTP job goes down, we're supposed to contact him. 24/7/36519:35
JonathanDKyleYankan: and what does he/she do... upload and download things all day?19:35
ChinnoDogI run an HP48 emulator on my phone as my calculator.19:36
waltmanI have an old HP 11C that's going on 30 years old and still works great.19:36
JonathanDKyleYankan: maybe his is more involved19:36
JonathanDthis descript is just... funny19:36
pleia2waltman: oh, and there are a couple sf offices but one is snapfish and another is sales or something (they don't let engineers in)19:39
waltmanthat's a lot of offices19:39
pleia2yeah, there are like a zillion19:39
pleia2the one in sunnyvale is cool, old palm building that looks out over Moffett air field19:40
pleia2not cool enough for me to actually go to it though19:40
waltmanDo they at least have free lunch?19:41
pleia2hah, no19:41
pleia2yesterday I was like "oh, cafeteria, do I need money?" "yes"19:41
waltmanHow quaint!19:42
waltmanWas it actually possible to pay with cash, or do you need to use paypal or nfc or suchlike?19:43
pleia2can use cash19:43
JonathanDpayapl? wouldn't it at least be google wallet?19:44
waltmanAt HP?19:44
JonathanDnevermind :P19:45
waltmanpleia2: Did you realize this early enough that you could do some quick mining on your laptop on the way down? :)19:45
JonathanDI don't think "quick mining" is a thing.19:46
JonathanDCertainly not on anything portable.19:46
pleia2google's cafeterias don't take google wallet either, but that's because the food there is free ;)19:46
pleia2they probably take it in their on site shop19:46
waltmanWhose food is better -- HP's or Googles?19:46
pleia2certainly more selection at Google, but I quite enjoyed my taco salad yesterday19:47
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