
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
barrydkGood morning everyone05:50
Kilosgood morning peeps06:05
mazalMore oom06:06
mazalMorning barrydk , not_found , Squirm 06:06
Trixar_zaMorning Kilos06:06
Trixar_zaAnd the rest of you for that matter :P06:07
Squirmmorning Kilos 06:07
Kiloswow hi nuvolari Trixar_za 06:07
Kilosand Squirm too06:07
SquirmKilos: you were up late last night06:08
SquirmI'm going to take away your computer06:08
mazalOom , Kilos , I am 1 step closer to the k test :-)06:08
Trixar_zaProbably just to make fp06:08
Kilosyeah was using up night surfer data Squirm  but with faster internet i finished my day surfer as well06:08
Kiloshow many more steps mazal ?06:09
Kiloshehe Squirm why you wanna take my pc?06:09
mazal1 BIG one , need to do my scanning project now ( scan all my old photo's into pc )06:09
Kilosyou got the scanner working mazal 06:09
mazalNope , will scan on Windooze06:10
Kilosdid you write down what you did06:10
SquirmI can't remember what I was doing now06:10
Squirmmazal: sacrilege!06:10
mazalHuh Squirm ? What that means ?06:10
Kilosi shouldnt chastise you because i also have 7 running06:10
Kilosbut mainly to remind me why i am using ubuntu06:11
mazalKilos, and ubuntu is getting even more worse now06:11
mazalAnother thing came onto my list that stopped working :-(06:11
Kilosmazal, in mails from walter there are links for hp probs06:12
mazalAll of a sudden , after some updates , ps3 media server is having major issues. The list is growing rapidly now :-(06:12
Kiloshi psyatw 06:12
psyatwhi Kilos06:12
Kilosmazal, you on 12.04?06:12
psyatwhi mazal06:13
Kilosman go back to 12.04 till 14.04 comes out06:13
KilosSquirm, my 3g is flying06:14
Kilosover 1/2 mB/s06:14
mazalI have the 12.04 recovery partition as well. But it's sad to think you have to go backwards to use your apps. And 12.04 is not gonna last forever. I'm getting worried06:15
Kilosmazal, maybe also its a bad install or has some bug in it06:15
Kiloshi not_found 06:16
not_foundalo again :)06:16
Kilosoh sorry06:16
mazalAg I dunno oom. For now I use Win for the stuff that don't work. Have neither strength nor the time to struggle for days on end to get something working06:18
Kilosthats sad06:19
SquirmKilos: our 4x4mb bonded lines aren't that fast06:19
Squirmwe're getting like 1mb/s06:19
Kilosmine goes up to 600 mB/s06:20
Squirmoh yes, mazal06:20
SquirmMaaz: define: sacrilege06:20
MaazSquirm: Huh?06:20
SquirmMaaz: Google define: sacrilege06:20
MaazSquirm: "Sacrilege - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacrilege :: "sacrilege - definition of sacrilege by the Free Online Dictionary ..." http://www.thefreedictionary.com/sacrilege :: "Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Sacrilege - YouTube" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmRI3Ew4BvA :: "Sacrilege | Define Sacrilege at Dictionary.com"06:20
Maazhttp://dictionary.reference.com/browse/sacrilege :: "CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Sacrilege - New Advent" http:/…06:20
Kilosmainly hovers around 510 mB/s though06:20
Squirm"the violation or profanation of anything sacred or held sacred."06:20
Kilosit looks like it pays to complain with 8ta06:21
SquirmKilos: yet they can't upgrade their exchange06:22
Squirmthe exchange here in Mooi River is running at like 160% and there is a problem06:23
Kiloshehe they too busy fixing my side06:23
Kilosai! old pc woes06:33
mazalKilos, how much do you pay now for that package you have ?06:35
mazalHow much data ?06:35
mazal2gig a bit low for me. How is their top-up prices per gig , do you know ?06:36
Kilosthey have other promotions but they too big for me06:37
not_foundjust before I left SA I paid 189 for 1gb... glad to hear it as come down some06:37
mazalDo they have proper routers with wi-fi as well ?06:37
Kilosyip they sell routers and 3g modems06:37
Kilosmodems are R39906:37
mazalI don't want a modem. I despise connection sharing and I have e wi-fi devices as well06:38
Kilosyou can get from telkom stores and some partner stores06:38
mazalCurrently I pay R247 for 1mb speed06:39
mazalSo speed wise that is better06:39
mazalYours I mean is better06:39
Kilos1 mb is slow06:39
mazalTelkom sharks , what can we say06:39
Kilosmine is 4.7 mb/s i think the pro said06:39
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
mazalBUUUT , where I live I don't know if I will get that good signal06:40
Kilosthere are coverage maps06:40
Kilospta is well covered06:40
mazalI know we have 8ta , just don't know how strong06:41
KilosMaaz, google telkom 3g coverage in pretoria06:41
MaazKilos: "Coverage - Telkom Mobile" http://www.telkommobile.co.za/coverage/ :: "Coverage Map - Telkom" http://www.telkom.co.za/coverage/tm.html :: "do 3G - Telkom Residential" http://residential.telkom.co.za/broadband-internet/value-added-services/do-3g/faq.html :: "Fixed Line Look Alike (FLLA) - Telkom Residential" http://residential.telkom.co.za/voice-services06:41
Maaz/line-rental/fixed-line-look-alike/ :: "Telkom (South Africa) - Wikipedia, the free encycloped…06:41
mazalI'm not in PTA :P06:41
Kilosman it shoes past as well06:42
Kilosyou click where you are06:42
mazalI'll ask a friend of mine who has 8ta to come visit me. Want to see it in practice.06:43
Kilosor fone them and give your co-ords06:43
mazalNever trust Telkom promises over the phone , this I learned 06:43
Kilossims are cheap06:44
Kilosno man fone the 8ta peeps06:44
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
mazalAnd how easy or hard is it to top-up when your data is done ?06:49
Kilosvery simple06:49
mazalHow is the process for that ?06:49
Kilosi do it online now06:49
Kiloswait i get the link06:50
mazalDo they have a site you register on ?06:50
mazalCos that is also a concern for me , when data is done I need to quickly and easily add data06:50
Kilosalso you can install prepaid-manager-applet from the repos and use that06:51
Kilosthey also have a deal of 25+25g bundle06:53
Kilosbut thats R99906:53
mazalIs Telkom mobile and 8ta the same thing ?06:53
Kilosexpires after 6 months i think06:53
Kilosya so min of meer06:53
Kiloswith 8ta they do your complaining to the telkom peeps06:54
Kilosthey are like a branch of telkom06:54
mazalDon't see any routers on their site06:55
Kilosis there no query place there06:56
Kilosi cant browse till i get more data06:57
mazalAnd their top-up severely expensive. R119 for 1 gig06:57
Kilosblew 2.4g last night06:57
Kiloslook at the promotions06:58
Kilosi think the pro gets the 10+10 one06:59
mazalall I see is a 2gig one and then it jumps to 25g. Telkom mobile seems to cater more for cellphones06:59
mazalI see the 10g one07:00
Kiloslook here i dunno whats there07:01
mazalThe +10 don't really help anything. Who is awake that time of night07:01
Kilosyou can set things to download while you are asleep07:02
Kilosi go do sheep07:02
Trixar_zaI'll just call that done with07:02
Kilosupdated again Trixar_za ?07:11
Kiloshi Xethron 07:12
Trixar_zaNo, I just bothered to let the usb_modeswitch guys know about it since I've been getting some traffic from the site07:13
Kilosonly thing that dont work here when i use sakis3g is my evolution mail stays offline07:14
Kilosoh my mage is gone07:22
KilosGlego leeee coooowweeee07:23
KilosModem error: Getting IMSI failed: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.ModemManager.Modem.Connected: Cannot perform this operation while connected07:34
Trixar_zaKilos: That's probably because Evolution plugs into Network Manager, so unless the connection is done through it, the Evolution doesn't see the it07:35
Kilosaw but thats not serious for now anyway07:35
ThatGraemeGuymorning peoples07:39
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy 07:39
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
mazalKilos , how do you schedule downloads ? I haven't found a dl manager for Ubuntu that can schedule08:20
Kilosa command called at08:20
Kilosat 23.0008:21
Kilosi always have to ask for the correct command08:21
* not_found wonders if wget has a built in scheduler...08:22
Kilosi use wget it the at command08:22
Kilossudo at 23.0008:23
Kilosthen wget link08:23
Kilosi think08:23
mazalI have seen an almost ok one now08:24
mazalBut the router doesn't have ethernet ports08:25
mazalR159 , 5gb per month08:25
mazalThat would have been perfect for me , but no proper router08:25
Kilosa 3g modem?08:26
Kilosand locked to what isp?08:26
Kilosmust be locked at that price08:27
mazalI found a proper router on their site , but it's linked to big data contracts :-(08:34
mazalBut it doesn't want to open the specs for me. But that looks like ethernet ports to me08:35
mazalIf I can get that router , with the 3gig bundle , and proper signal , then I'll be ok08:35
ThatGraemeGuyhas anyone worked at hetzner? or knows someone who has?08:36
mazalThis one's specs open: http://www.telkommobile.co.za/devices/detail/huawei-b68308:54
mazalI assume the Wi-fi will be lan wi-fi ?08:54
Kiloswhere you see R159 , 5gb per month  mazal 08:59
mazalIt's in that interactive brochure Kilos 09:00
mazalThen click on the " Check out our interactive brochure "09:00
Kilosi would love 5g data at that price09:01
mazalPage 4 , on the top , the 3rd deal09:01
mazalPitty that modem that comes with that one doesn't have ethernet though09:02
mazalThat deal would have been perfect for me. I average 3 to 5 gig per month09:02
Kilosat thats price id put the sim in my modem09:02
Kilosand let the router rest09:03
mazalSorry that one is 3gig Kilos , not 5 hey09:04
Kiloseven so thats better than 2+1 for R10 less09:05
Kilosbut that page eats data with all the moving stuff09:05
mazalI would have really gone for that one , but I need ethernet on my router09:09
mazalWith that router you will only be able to connect wi-fi devices09:10
mazalI wonder if they would be willing to give me the bigger router with ethernet on that contract and I just pay in cash to make up the difference of the router09:13
Kilosit wont hurt to ask09:13
Kiloshi charl10:02
Kiloshi superfly Superhuman 10:03
Kilossee our poor mage is missing?10:04
inetproMaaz: tell mazal buy your own router separately like the Huawei B683 21Mbps 3G Wireless Router and then get a prepaid 8ta sim to test your connection, if it fails use CellC, MTN or Vodacom14:56
Maazinetpro: Sure, I'll tell mazal on freenode14:56
mazalThanx inetpro , but the prepaid is too expensive , otherwise that would be exactly what I would do14:57
Maazmazal: By the way, inetpro on freenode told me "tell mazal buy your own router separately like the Huawei B683 21Mbps 3G Wireless Router and then get a prepaid 8ta sim to test your connection, if it fails use CellC, MTN or Vodacom" 38 seconds ago14:57
inetprohmm... didn't notice you log in now 14:58
mazalHehehe , it was like 1sec14:58
inetpromazal: prepaid is very flexible14:58
inetproyou can get very cheap sims14:59
mazalI just not gonna pay R100+ just for 1 gig. That's just too much. I get 5gig for that now14:59
mazalI could never , and still can't understand why prepaid users have to be robbed15:00
inetproyou can get 250MB for R3815:00
inetprojust to test15:00
mazalFor test I'm gonna ask 'n tjommie of mine , he has an 8ta stick , that will show me how strong the signal is here15:01
inetprojust make sure it is a data sim 15:01
inetproif they haven't set it as a data sim you can not use the promotional options15:02
mazalAnd I know his stick works on my install so will be quick plug and test. He tested at my previous flat , couldn't even get edge there lol15:02
mazalThe other 3 cell companies are completely useless here , won't even consider them15:04
inetprosounds like you might even have a problem with 8ta as well15:05
mazalWell at his home (1km from me) his 8ta runs at about 3.8mb/s15:05
mazalAnd the 1km that I am from him is 1km nearer to town where the tower is. So mine , in theory , should be good as well15:06
inetproa high gain antenna might help you as well15:06
inetprocan you see the tower from your house?15:06
inetproyou need line of sight to get the best signal15:07
mazal**sigh** , nothing beats cable. But cable is so expensive15:07
inetprobut the bigger problem is the fact that Telkom doesn't want to install lines these days any more15:08
mazalI'm gonna see them when I'm in PTA again and ask about that router if they willing to give it on a 3gig contract or what other contract they willing to give it15:08
inetpromazal: what router are you looking at?15:09
mazalIf there is a good option , I will consider. Otherwise I will just stick with my current adsl. Slow but reliable15:09
mazalI think it's exactly that one you mentioned. I know it's B6 something15:09
mazalIn their site they only have it on the 7.5gig contract though15:10
mazalThen price jumps past what I'm paying now15:10
inetprojust make sure you can connect an external antenna15:10
inetprofor when you need it15:11
inetprounless you really don't need it15:11
magespawnGood evening 15:41
charlhi magespawn 15:57
magespawnHi charl16:00
Kilosevening all17:46
Kiloswb magespawn 17:46
Kilosthat mobile doctor works kiff17:47
magespawnHey Kilos17:53
magespawnDoes that mean everything is working?17:53
Kilosyeah i dunno what happened this morning, modem stopped working then pc wouldnt even see my old modem after fsck/s and reboots but the doctor sorted it17:55
Kilosoh even sakis3g couldnt see either of the modems17:56
Kilosand it flies magespawn over 1/2 mB/s18:02
Kilosso data min till sis gets to shops18:03
Kilossleep tight all18:03
magespawnHey Squirm18:29
Squirmhey magespawn 18:30
magespawnI am off good night all18:42
* ThatGraemeGuy yawns20:39

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