[18:20] MagicFab: hellos there [18:20] hey! [18:20] whats the haps? [18:52] http:/blog.digital.telefonica.com/?press-release=Firefox-os-Latin-America-launch [18:57] for some reason lynx wants to connect to an FTP site when i use this link [18:58] sorry! http://blog.digital.telefonica.com/?press-release=Firefox-os-Latin-America-launch [18:58] (missing "/") [19:02] oh [19:02] yes, i am blind [19:04] ~100$, no plan. [19:08] my guess is firefox os will same the same way like "linux foundation" [19:08] MagicFab: *reading* [19:09] MagicFab: telefonica... doing open-source.. thats kind of rich, but OK, whatever [19:09] or why there is no real competition next to ebay. the well estsblished big players get it all (iOS and Android for smart phones) [19:09] Slim is _not_ about open-players.. [19:14] Will it run ubuntu phone? [19:14] lol [19:17] IdleOne, I doubt it, the Firefo OS spec are only OK for low-end Android. The Edge requires much more. [19:18] Chex, what's Slim? [19:19] MagicFab: sorry, wrong company [19:20] MagicFab: was this Carlos Slim from Mexico [19:20] thinking [19:22] Chex, doubt it, telefonica is from Spain.