[00:00] !repos | Increase [00:00] Increase: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories. [00:00] jrib, I'm root (sudo su) and I've ran update already [00:00] jacobguy7800, Thats 10 pushups for you. [00:00] ;) [00:00] best to not use 'sudo su' to get a root shell. use 'sudo -s' [00:00] universe is enabled [00:00] I have a problem with compiz whats the compiz desk menu package called i can't find it in the repos. [00:00] or 'sudo -i' [00:00] Increase: I said you need to do 2 things. And use « sudo -i » not sudo su [00:01] What's the difference? [00:01] Out of curiosity, why is sudo su bad? [00:01] sudo -i will sanitize the environment [00:01] Wulframn: it dosent swet the env settings properly and its redundant [00:01] like su - as opposed to su [00:01] vieira: my suggestion is to set your login shell back to bash, and use ssh config to force the execution of the script [00:01] jacobguy7800, ccsm or compizconfig blah blah [00:01] fiz login [00:01] I gotcha [00:01] eu acho [00:01] But wheres compiz-deskmenu [00:01] jacobguy7800, Needs to be installed [00:01] !find compiz-deskmenu [00:01] It's on pacman where is it on apt!! [00:01] Package/file compiz-deskmenu does not exist in raring [00:02] ok, when i use nomodeset from cd boot, then select boot from hd... it gets to the user/guest option screen, but nothing works...mouse...keyboard...nothing... ? [00:02] jacobguy7800: that eosent mean the package name is the same on ubuntu. what does it do exactly? [00:02] !find compizconfig [00:02] Found: compizconfig-backend-kconfig, libcompizconfig0, libcompizconfig0-dev, compizconfig-backend-gconf, compizconfig-settings-manager [00:02] I'm stuck in a menuless window manager and tint2 won't install agh!!! [00:02] compizconfig-settings-manager is it Ibelieve [00:02] alguém pode falar em português ? [00:02] jacobguy7800: it may be part of a bigger compiz plugins extra package. try apt-cache search deskmenu yet? [00:03] honestly: Can I do that programatically (via a shell script) on a per user basis? Can you point me in the right direction? [00:03] I've search in software center and tryed aptgetting it even as root and it still won't work!! [00:03] fabrina: Aqui não se fala português. Junte-se ao canal #ubuntu-br. Lá fala-se português. [00:04] fabrina, This is an English channel. [00:04] If i find the package for arch how can i recompile for raring? [00:04] a sim obrigada [00:04] I know i need the source. [00:04] jacobguy7800, I doubt you need to. [00:05] not a good option really [00:05] I like standalone window managers like openbox cause rick click is simple but i want eyecandy like compiz. [00:06] HELP... on the black screen boot problem...ok, when i use nomodeset from cd boot, then select boot from hd... it gets to the user/guest option screen, but nothing works...mouse...keyboard...nothing... ? [00:06] someone speak spanish [00:06] help please. unity doesnt see ntsd [00:06] It's all fine though. [00:06] how do i see other partitions in unity? [00:07] connect [00:07] I like unity just as much as the next guy, I might just get fresh-from-the-farm debian and deal with it. [00:07] tripelb, gparted or sudo fdsik -l are two [00:07] Phoenix1969: so on the LIVE Cd/Installer disk its asking for a login? last time i saw that - it was due to a bad cd image/burn [00:07] tripelb: you mount filesystems in order to access them. [00:08] i selected boot from hdd, and when it got to the choose user...Me, or "guest"...nothing worked [00:08] tripelb: what filesystem is the drive in question using? [00:08] Phoenix1969: your system cant boot itself normally? [00:08] fdisk -l* [00:09] Phoenix1969: why are you using the live cd to boot the system is what im asking [00:09] not onto ubuntu, just win7 [00:09] eu consegui entrar [00:09] Ubuntu is a scam [00:09] Think about the DEVELOPES. [00:09] it wont boot into ubuntu, i get a black screen with cursor [00:09] DEVELOPERS [00:09] DEVELOPERS [00:09] Steve_Ballmer: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [00:09] Phoenix1969: i would try to get grub working on the installed system, then start troubleshooting the video issues. what is your video card anyway? [00:10] 7970 [00:10] Phoenix1969: so you DO boot the system with grub from its hard drive? or not? [00:10] it still wont work i cant seem to find the files i deleted from the live cd [00:10] I tried both, it simply wont boot [00:10] wilee-nilee how can i just see and write and read directories, files, on other partitions like i used to in gnome where it was transparent. [00:10] 7970 is just a random number to me.. dosent tell me much of anything. [00:10] Phoenix1969: booting is one thing.. a working X desktop is another.. the system CAN boot and still have a unuseable desktop [00:11] ok... [00:11] Phoenix1969: try the TEXT boot option from your installed systems grub menu, not the live cd. [00:11] ? [00:11] !text [00:11] To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode [00:11] k, then what [00:14] gigabyte amd 7970 [00:16] Phoenix1969: how about easybcd for the booting and burn that iso again [00:16] dr_willis: hi. I've been offline a while. i never had to mount in gnome. how do i get the my_computer or explorer, you know the normal nautilus voew. and... where can i learn to do this in bash? help does not even lost the ls command. e [00:16] Damn I love saucy [00:17] easybcd? [00:17] Phoenix1969: i had a coaster from using burnerxp, went with the built in burner on windows and everything worked [00:17] ya, i just used windows to burn.. [00:17] oiii [00:17] Phoenix1969: verified too? [00:17] ya [00:18] hello all [00:18] Phoenix1969: shoot [00:18] oi[ [00:18] ............................................................ [00:20] so, if I know "nomodeset" got me to the user logon before, would I then need to edit the grub...correct? [00:20] Phoenix1969, Or install a driver. [00:20] hmm, so to install the ubuntu driver for my gigabyte 7970, I do what? [00:21] dr_willis: i can see the ubuntu partition. that is the 12.04 disc only. Is that the answer to what filesystem. [00:21] Phoenix1969, Go into Software & Updates -> Additional Drivers, select the proprietary one for your card [00:22] Phoenix1969, Have you run a update and upgrade? Have you looked after tha if no driver installed in additional driver in software sources. [00:22] How can I do that with a blank screen? [00:22] Phoenix1969, Do you get a desktop with nomodeset? [00:23] yes, but without keyboard & mouse functionality [00:23] :( [00:23] Phoenix1969, desktop or laptop? [00:23] desktop === CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob [00:24] Phoenix1969, usb or the old what ever there called? [00:24] Can dpkg break into circular dependencies? [00:24] cd/dcd [00:24] ya [00:24] lol [00:25] Phoenix1969, Do you understand the question? [00:25] ps2 [00:25] Phoenix1969: is your keyboard a plug round or flat [00:25] yeah ps2 or usb on the keyboard and mouse Phoenix1969 [00:26] aaah, usb [00:26] loll [00:27] Phoenix1969, Did they work on the live cd? [00:27] no [00:28] just stays on purple screen when trying to boot from cd [00:28] with logos at bottom [00:28] Phoenix1969, when do they work? [00:28] what OS [00:28] hmm, might just be stuck on splash screen and behind it a bunch of errors.. not that the keyboard is unresponsive [00:28] when I'm in windows 7 [00:28] the root problem was black screen, remember... [00:29] when booting ubuntu [00:29] Phoenix1969, From the desktop can you try ctrl-alt f2 [00:29] Phoenix1969: initially, but then you nomodeset and login and then blank again [00:29] to bet a tty command line [00:29] get* [00:29] ok, i can indeed, what to expect then...ill have to shutdown to try...? [00:30] no, when i get to nomode set guest/me logon, nothing works [00:31] Phoenix1969, If you get that with those key presses your keyboard works, so from there login and run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade [00:32] Phoenix1969, It may be if we can get to a command line the update and upgrade may get this fixed or closer anyway [00:32] so i just enter that into cmd line? [00:33] Phoenix1969, from ctrl-alt-f2 from the desktop or the login area. === CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away [00:33] ill try, bb soon [00:34] good luck camper === g_byers is now known as gbyers[Away] [00:34] dr_willis: so 1/3 of my HD is useless to me. [00:36] Phoenix1969: strange thing, are you sure you couldn't TAB your way around at that login [00:39] irssi-mike, I wonder if this is a uefi setup. [00:40] users get those and reinstall W7 and never mention oh by the way I have the fastboot...etc blah blah blah [00:42] they should kinda notice since they tend to have to place the bootx64.efi file on flash drives to UEFI boot :( [00:43] daftykins, One would think so I see users here all the time with what is uefi, when they have it. [00:43] *nod* [00:43] hi [00:43] UEFI is definitely causing a lot of people here a lot of trouble [00:44] ubuntu is so easy is the word so people jump in the shallow pool head first [00:45] it is easy [00:45] you can't compare installing an OS to receiving a computer with a preinstalled OS [00:46] not that UEFI isn't awful :p [00:46] to be honest most people that install Windows don't do it right [00:46] but yeah reisio's factory install point is very fair === Aww is now known as [[Aww]] [00:46] looking for information on the command to copy and rename a file in the same directory please. Thank you [00:47] gambit69: cp [00:47] gambit69, You were just in #ubuntu-touch what is the OS? [00:48] complaining of no help within 3min [00:49] Yeah I was in there but no one was saying anything. I'm on the ubuntu system commandline. I'm just looking for the command to copy and rename a file in the same directory. [00:49] how can you mess up a pre-installed os btw? [00:49] luke_: in the case of Windows, by booting it :p [00:49] cool, have some patience you had an answer already. [00:49] i completly disagree with that [00:49] bazinga reisio [00:49] BAZINGA [00:49] hey guys! [00:50] luke_: your opinion is noted! [00:50] kaihit: hi [00:50] what's up! [00:50] my blood pressure [00:50] :D [00:51] gambit69: there isn't a rename, there's move, i.e. mv file destination [00:52] so, what are you talking about? [00:52] cp sourse destination copies a file from one place to another. How does that allow me to copy the file and rename it in the same directory? [00:53] ubuntu support, we only chat on occasion. [00:53] when the ops aren't around :( [00:53] a hierarchal earned privilege [00:54] so there is no way to make a duplicate file and rename it without moving it to another directory first? [00:54] wilee-nilee: all right! [00:54] gambit69: "cp " how many more times must i repeat myself? [00:55] daftykins: he wants to clone a file and keep it in the same directory [00:55] with a diff name [00:55] lol [00:55] i don't know [00:55] gambit69: i have the same doubts you have [00:55] mv [00:56] luke_: yes but he wants to keep original as original [00:56] he didn't get the renaming part :P [00:57] i believe i need a diagram to understand gambit's conundrum [00:57] it would have pretty pictures and arrows along a timeline [00:57] lol [00:58] but alas, he or she has gone :( [00:58] i may never know the circumstances surrounding this challenging fate which presented itself to one... gambit69 [00:58] has anyone here written irc bots before? [00:58] and so i must turn in for the night [00:58] nn all \o [00:58] nite [01:00] I am trying to apply a patch (https://patchwork.kernel.org/patch/2718041/) to fix my signal strength issue with the Atheros AR9485. When I navigate to the appropriate driver directory (ath9k driver), however, I don't see the appropriate file to patch (or even anything with a .c suffix). I can only see files with .ko extensions. Am I missing something? [01:01] choct155: you have to apply patches to the source files, and then compile them and install them [01:01] Where do I find where the swap partition is mounted? [01:01] Maple__: they aren't mounted at all [01:01] luke_, Yeah, they never write back though they are uppity. ;) [01:01] choct155: run "sudo apt-get source package" to get the sources for package [01:02] choct155: ar9003_eeprom.c? [01:02] errrrk [01:03] hey so I am using Empathy, is there anything better/more unity integrated for IRC [01:03] hello, i was hoping someone could point me into the right direction ubuntu updates [01:03] choct155: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/BuildYourOwnKernel [01:03] spikespiegel, what updates, kinda a vague question. [01:03] i'm trying to downgrade a package with apt right after an upgrade, but apt-cache policy is not giving me the previous version nor apt-cache showpkg [01:03] any idea ? [01:04] i just can't downgrade my package it's really bothering [01:04] huh.. turns out that ssh -D actually makes a simple vpn connection. anyone else know that [01:05] spikespiegel, There is a update gui and the command line, is this updates beyond the repos packages? [01:05] wilee-nilee, just updating in general, i know people say its better to update using apt-get but for some reason when i do the dist-upgrade to match what updates the gui will do my system seems to act haywire [01:05] guest_01: if i'm not confusing ssh -D is setting up a proxy socks [01:05] with remote host [01:05] NK`: you shouldn't need to downgrade a package (at least not one in the repos). what package is it? [01:05] it's gdb [01:05] spikespiegel, Can you explain hayware [01:06] haywire* [01:06] latest version of gdb is linked with python3 lib [01:06] nope NK you're right. but, if after that socks is set up you type an ip of another system and port in the browser it'll access them [01:06] and i have a python2 gdb script [01:06] like a vpn [01:06] so i would really want to downgrade my gdb to the python2 version. [01:06] wilee-nilee, last time i did dist-upgrade with 12.04.2 it downloaded new kernels (which right now on fresh install are not being installed with just apt-get upgrade) [01:06] i just don't want to bother about 2to2 just because of the upgrade [01:06] 2to3* [01:07] wilee-nilee, after the kernel, my keyboard wasnt responding and after a couple reboots it started working again, and just other weird system glitches [01:07] spikespiegel, That is normal, you need the dist-upgrade for some updates [01:07] guest_01: almost like a vpn yes [01:07] NK`: you could go into Launchpad and download the default version of gdb that comes with Raring (or whatever distro you're using) [01:07] because it's a proxy tunneled inside ssl [01:08] spikespiegel, keyboard problems are not normal I was answering the previous post [01:08] wilee-nilee, is it "safer" to do the dist-upgrade using the GUI as i've read it does not actually delete any packages? [01:08] saiarcot895: that would be a way to do it yes [01:08] cept you're stuck in browser. i guess. i didnt know that tho. blew my mind [01:08] NK`: wait, are you using Saucy? [01:08] but can't it be done with embedded tools in the distri ? [01:08] wilee-nilee, or am i better off not doing dist-upgrade until say 12.04.3 is released [01:08] saiarcot895: i have to confess guilty yes :) [01:08] NK`: it might, but you would have to know the version [01:09] i know it exactly from the apt-get changelog [01:09] spikespiegel, I run dist-upgrade every time the key is looking at what it is doing, I use the terminal though. [01:09] NK`: oh yeah, I forgot about that [01:10] NK`: you can try using "sudo apt-get install gdb=7.6.5ubuntu1" [01:10] wilee-nilee, yeah thats what i usually do after doing normal upgrade, do you think it was just a coincidence that my system became glitchy after the dist-upgrade? [01:10] yes i tried that [01:10] spikespiegel, Have you seen any partial upgrades offered? [01:10] it didn't work unfortunately [01:10] i don't know why i don't have the previous version when i do apt-cache policy gdb [01:10] wilee-nilee, The following packages have been kept back: [01:10] linux-headers-generic-lts-quantal linux-image-generic-lts-quantal [01:10] wilee-nilee, thats all that isnt updating from upgrade [01:11] NK`: because only the latest version is kept in the repos [01:11] yes i guess [01:11] that's really wrong they choosed to link it with python3 already [01:11] :') [01:11] spikespiegel, you have run a update inspite of a partial warning? [01:12] wilee-nilee, no i haven't updated anything yet as i dont want my system to glitch out, it hasn't said anything about partial upgrades though [01:12] NK`: python3 has been included since what, Quantal? [01:12] hm [01:12] since quantal i think yes [01:12] reisio: thanks for the pointer [01:12] wilee-nilee, looks like lix-headers and linux-image 3.5.0-37 is whats being held back from standard upgrade [01:12] linux-headers [01:12] saiarcot895: what is the package in this case? the ath9k? [01:12] maybe since precise [01:13] i think apport is using python since quantal at least [01:13] python3* [01:13] saiarcot895: you're using saucy as well ? [01:13] spikespiegel, Good, you don't want to run a partial it is generally waiting for additional packages. Kernels are vheld and need a dist-upgrade. Not sure on the keyboard problems. Problem here is that your questions are well lets say special, and hard to answer. === sarcasticsimba is now known as vigs [01:14] choct155: I believe it's linux-image-extra-`uname -r`-generic [01:14] NK`: raring [01:14] choct155: but there may be a slightly easier way [01:14] what's the last gdb included in it so far ? [01:14] wilee-nilee, lol of course thats me. what is your recommendation? is it worth doing dist-upgrade or is it better to play it safe with just upgrade [01:15] NK`: seems to be prerelease version of 7.6 [01:15] saiarcot895: i see (at least enough to move the ball a bit). what's the easier way? [01:15] spikespiegel, If nothing is messed up dist-upgrades should be fine, but do this from a terminal and before you hiy Y for yes look at what it is doing. [01:16] wilee-nilee, alright going to give it a shot [01:16] spikespiegel, Takes a little while to understand and remember all the key apps, so just keep on learning. === fffree is now known as abcdefghijklmnop [01:16] and understand all of updates and upgrades [01:17] wilee-nilee, i just want to make sure im not messing up by doing the dist-upgrades right now its fine cause its a fresh install but 2 months down the road would kinda suck :P [01:17] lastest in saucy is gdb (7.6-5ubuntu2) from the 30 of july, and it's the one which is linked to python3 lib [01:17] wilee-nilee, i figured i was being an idiot and forcing things that shouldnt be installed [01:17] spikespiegel, A good concern really, better to ask than act all wilee-nilee [01:17] i guess i'll go for a 2to3 [01:17] wilee-nilee, indeed [01:18] choct155: the linux backports project (https://backports.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Main_Page) has tarballs of just the wireless drivers in the package I mentioned; you could try downloading this, applying the patch, and installing it [01:18] choct155: if it works, this would require less time than recompiling 2/3 of the kernel drivers [01:19] wilee-nilee, looks as if its not going to remove anything, but just install an additional kernel, so im assuming the older kernel will stay as a failsafe option? [01:19] choct155: note that they have their own IRC channel at #kernel-backports, so you can go there to ask any questions [01:19] spikespiegel, yeah the old ones stay you v=can remove them if needed if they build up keeping two sets is the nrom, one as a backup. [01:19] norm* [01:20] wilee-nilee, where are these kernels saved and how do you remove just apt-get remove? [01:21] saiarcot895: ok, I saw that page before, but I was unsure what version I was supposed to acquire. I can ask that in the backport page though. Thanks for your help. One more quick thing: it looked like (from the bug) that the patch was applied to 3.10-rc5. Since this is before a stable 3.10 release, I can apply it to 3.9 right? [01:21] spikespiegel, They are in root basically, can be removed from the terminal I use the ubuntu tweak 3rd party janotor at times, or from synaptic, and probably the software center. [01:22] wilee-nilee, okay thank you! [01:22] spikespiegel, NO problem, enjoy. ;) [01:22] time to wash the delicates afk [01:22] lol === [[Aww]] is now known as Aww [01:23] choct155: yes, you can (that being said, functionality isn't guaranteed, so be prepared to uninstall the driver (it installs to a special update folder, I think) if it doesn't work) [01:23] saiarcot895: you have been most helpful! thanks [01:23] choct155: also, there's a script in there that lets you build only the wireless driver you use, but it's available only for some drivers [01:24] reisio: you have also helped me out a couple times now! [01:24] saiarcot895: in the backport site? [01:24] choct155: in the tarball itself [01:25] saiarcot895: gotcha [01:25] saiarcot895: i will be on the lookout === bazhang_ is now known as bazhang === root is now known as Guest98231 [01:26] tried to manually recover system after upgrade by mount -n -o remount,rw / and then dpkg --configure -a , got Processing halted because there were too many errors , any idea what i can do ? i've tried boot-repair disk and got different kernels booting options [01:26] really i need help if anynbody can help , i'll appreciate it [01:27] ubuntu crap [01:28] jghfuyitf768i5f: that's not very productive [01:28] windows rocks === luckybunny is now known as QuirkyCarlalala [01:28] If you want people to help you, be nice. If you just want to complain, please go away. [01:28] I like ubuntu [01:28] !offtopic [01:28] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [01:29] I am still a fan of Ubuntu in spite of what Richard Stallman might say [01:29] !offtopic | sudoatx [01:29] sudoatx: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [01:30] dont you mean GNU/Ubuntu [01:30] ppl anybody can help [01:31] hello, I'm trying to write a script to directory using lftp, as mentioned in step 3, I should hardcode the destination directory, but I thought I'd better write a scripts that works even if the user moves the destination directory, how can I replace the hardcoded destination directory with a variable that tells the current directory (where the script is located) to lftp? [01:31] !anyone | f00bar80 [01:31] f00bar80: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll. [01:31] Hi. I have installed a mini.iso for net install on usb, booting works, but I need a roprietary wlan driver b43 + firmware. I have it on 2nd usb partition, but i cant mount it in boot shell. then I booted again from hdd and mounted ISO as loop, but always only ro, remount,rw doesnt work :( any idea? [01:32] tried to manually recover system after upgrade by mount -n -o remount,rw / and then dpkg --configure -a , got Processing halted because there were too many errors , any idea what i can do ? i've tried boot-repair disk and got different kernels booting options [01:32] uninstall ubuntu and install windows all problems solved [01:32] !ops [01:32] Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l! [01:32] cgtdk: what is the issue? [01:33] jrib: jghfuyitf768i5f is a troll [01:33] !behelpful | jghfuyitf768i5f [01:33] jghfuyitf768i5f: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes. [01:34] HELP...Im back... none of that worked...but..I was able to download the .run driver istallation file for the graphics card I have, so how do I do this?? its sitting on my windows desktop...do I move it into the ubunto folder somewhere?,...how to run? [01:34] Does anyone know about the SMF forums getting hacked? [01:34] hey guys, any of you know if it's possible to use my Ubuntu PC as a bluetooth headset? [01:34] haha [01:35] Hi I have public keys set up on my ssh server now I want to be able to ssh into that server with my laptop what is the best way of getting the keys over [01:36] bigbadben: copy any way you can? (e.g. using ssh) [01:36] but I cant scp from laptop to the server [01:36] bigbadben: use a password to auth? [01:36] bigbadben: why not? Anyway, you should generate a new key for your laptop [01:37] but you don't have to [01:37] bigbadben: you can do the "ssh"y part on either side of scp. For example, scp foo host:bar or scp host:foo bar [01:38] my desktop is at home I it connects to the server I am not at home but I want to connect to the ssh server is it possible with public keys set up [01:38] Is there a way to remove some of the items from the recently used list? [01:38] Sorry, the question is corrected now: 'm trying to write a script to sync a local directory with an ftp site using lftp, as mentioned in step 3, http://www.kreci.net/linux/how-to-synchronize-your-files-by-ftp/ I should hardcode the destination directory in the script, but I thought I'd better write a variable that tells the current directory (where the script is located) to lftp, so the script works if the user moves the destination directory. is it possible? [01:39] anonee: do what? [01:39] deadmund: do you mean in unity? [01:39] Is there a way to find which usergroups a user is in via terminal? [01:40] cynicist: ~/.local/share/recently-used.xbel [01:40] Maple__: groups [01:40] anonee: in your script put the output of 'pwd' as a variable [01:40] deadmund: where are the results showing up? [01:41] No, rather than descriptions, just the group names alone. [01:41] cynicist: In a script that I am working on that reads and parses the XML of this file? [01:41] Maple__: groups [01:41] cynicist: what does it matter what modules read the file, what is really important is what writes it no? The file automatically regenerates itself [01:41] does anyone know what might cause all of a processes child processes to receive SIGABRT at the same time? We have a starter process, which can kill children with SIGQUIT as required, however, it never sends SIGABRT. When we kill the parent, the children do not die, which is expected behavior so exit of the parent doesnt seem to be the cause. Neither does an out of memory condition (thought [01:41] perhaps all the processes fail on a malloc when unblocking from their receive queues, but this isnt the case either)... ideas? thanks. [01:42] ...oh. [01:42] nvm [01:42] Thanks. [01:42] deadmund: my question was where the results are showing up and whether you wanted to see them at all [01:42] deadmund: if you mean selectively remove then I don't know [01:43] cynicist: My script shows me which episode of TV shows I've most recently watched. I recently started a series over (from season 24 to season 1) so I want to remove the season 24 entries that are still int he list [01:43] cynicist: I mean selectively remove them [01:43] cynicist: this recently used files feature is buried really deep in gtk. Seems like it should be more modular [01:43] cynicist: thanks anyway, i'll keep searching === andrex is now known as andrex|off [01:45] deadmund: yeah it's not very configurable, gl [01:45] cynicist: thanks [01:45] jose should this work? [01:45] mirror -n ftp://site/dir1 $pwd [01:46] anonee: haven't used the mirror command, but if you write " $pwd = `pwd`" without "" at the beginning, it should === Amr_ is now known as dr3mro [01:50] sorry jose, $wd=pwd [01:50] mirror -n ftp://thesite/dir1/ $wd [01:50] I'll try this, thank you. === dr3mro is now known as drvista [01:50] anonee: put a space before and after the = === drvista is now known as dr3mro [01:52] man i hope this ubuntu phone actually happens, that would be pretty amazing [01:52] hello [01:52] hi [01:53] spikespiegel: are you talking about the edge? [01:53] woo, yea === sarcasticsimba is now known as vigs [01:54] spikespiegel: is ringtail the os side? [01:55] woo, not really sure how that works === andrex|off is now known as andrex [02:00] OMG jose you should see this. try lftp> set -a [02:00] anonee: pardon? [02:00] jose this is how you can see which variables you can set [02:01] oh, ok [02:02] anyone have any ideas on sshfs and hibernate. either keep the connection open or remount it somehow [02:05] think fstab is suppose to do that but wont accept any options for some reason [02:07] Hello. Sorry if it is a silly question, but how do I uninstall old kernels and packages that put files in my /boot partition? [02:07] guest654: you probably want to unmount shares with fuse before hibernation or suspend. some neatly composed script should do [02:08] qin: where would i put the scipt. i can put it together i just need the right file location [02:08] andsch: with the pavkage manager tools [02:09] or, even on the ifup, that would work i think. where would i put that file [02:09] andsch: askubuntu.com ahas some scripts to clean out old kernesl [02:10] dr_willis: how do I run it? Is it in Ubuntu Software Center? [02:10] ubuntu tweak has stuff to remove the old kernels [02:11] andsch: you use software center or apt-get. or aptitude. or synaptic to.remove the packages [02:11] any of the package manager tools will work [02:12] guest654: one way would be to go with pm-actions, but I have never managed to make it work properly. [02:14] qin: i know i tried that too. it wouldnt even look at the file so gave up. [02:15] i was thinking the interval setting in sshd_conf but im not sure how that works with hibernate === Floyd is now known as Guest58178 [02:17] guest654: I think furthest it was manual unmounter, and some batty ideas to call hibernate and screenlock from within script. [02:18] how can i enable/disable crossfire from the command line? [02:22] ok thanks. [02:22] hi all :) i am using nvidia driver 304.88 for my GeForce 9600 GT. is there a newer driver i should/could be using? i have a lot of problems with my desktop hanging. seems to always happen when i'm running 3D OpenGL applications. either running more than one, or running those and a web browser at the same time will cause my computer to hang for 2-12 seconds every so often. [02:23] guest654: Here is mass unmounter, it should be easy to add remount feature and hibernate http://paste.ubuntu.com/5934900/ [02:23] im looking at the ffmpeg utility for terminal. it says its depricated and to install avconv. sudo apt-get install avconv. couldnt find package [02:23] any good terminal tools for sound conversions i can use that doesnt require me going on a goose chase? [02:25] eh... doing ffmpeg -h. the tools is too big and beautiful to lose [02:27] acidrain: a bit of info here that might help you about the state of ffmpeg/avconv http://superuser.com/questions/507386/libav-vs-ffmpeg-better-to-use-libav-avconv-today === din2 is now known as din_ [02:29] !info dmenu [02:29] Package dmenu does not exist in raring [02:30] ! find dmenu === scott is now known as Guest85821 [02:33] dr_willis: I am getting retarded,,, suckless-tool for dwm for dmenu, it cant be less wired. [02:41] quick question, I added a PPA repo for php5 [02:41] but now when I try to install PEAR, I got these error messages [02:41] Err http://ppa.launchpad.net/ondrej/php5/ubuntu/ raring/main php-pear all 5.4.17-1~raring+1 [02:42] how can I remove this PPA or find another PPA that has pear package? [02:42] is it possible to have 2 applications start at workspace 2 at startup? [02:43] !ppa-purge [02:43] To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:/ » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html [02:44] angelazou: that was for you...forgot to prefix your nick [02:44] is there a ppa-list? [02:44] I'd like to confirm before I remove it [02:44] !ppa | angelazou [02:44] angelazou: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge === koto_ is now known as kotopuffs [02:48] anyone here who runs powerdns/any other dns server? I'm running pdns and it dies in the middle - cant find anything suspicious in the logs. grep "error" /var/log/daemon.log = nothing - Any ideas how to debug this? [02:52] hi guys [02:53] hi baby [03:05] Hello all, can anybody recommend a good program to recover deleted files on Precise Pangolin 12.04???.... [03:06] you're pretty much screwed [03:06] you have to do file carving [03:06] ext3/4 zeros out the pointers so once its deleted there is no mapping to the data anymore, unlike ntfs [03:06] how can that be out of all the software on database and not one for file recovery [03:07] john38: deleted how? [03:07] angelazou: yes you can search for Software & Updates in the dash or edit > software sources from the Ubuntu Software Center and find your ppas listed under the 'Other Software' tab [03:07] you'd have to make a forensic quality image of the disk then use advacned forensics tools to recover the files [03:07] reisio, deleted from trash [03:07] john38: via the file manager? [03:08] reisio, no accidently [03:08] accidentally via what... [03:08] what do you mean via what [03:08] nevermind, look into extundelete [03:08] try not to make writes to the FS in the interim [03:08] i mean empty trash [03:08] reisio: and this would work with ext3/ext4? [03:08] extundelete [03:09] mumpitzel: yup, potentially [03:09] ok thanks [03:09] reisio: no. https://ext4.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Frequently_Asked_Questions#Can_I_undelete_files_in_Ext4.3F [03:10] mumpitzel: no what? [03:10] it won't work [03:10] oh are the pointers to the disk blocks that belong to a file stored in the FS journal? [03:10] anybody heard of foremost [03:11] mumpitzel: are you pitting a wiki against an entire application named 'extundelete'? [03:11] that might work in that case assuming the block wasn't moved since the last entry in the journal [03:11] benkillin: read the link and the stuff it lonks to itself [03:11] hang on while I edit the wiki to not say that anymore [03:11] heh [03:11] oh nevermind [03:11] reisio: yes. cause the ext2/3/4 developers know more about their filesystem than other people, who write arbitrarily named programs [03:11] did you ever follow its own link? https://ext4.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Undeletion [03:11] mumpitzel: spoke too soon :p ^ [03:13] you can try to undelete ext3 files, but the results will rarely give you your files back for any non trivial case. and I don't know any program for ext4 with the new features [03:13] no way [03:13] but do you know what 'potentially' mean? [03:13] meanz [03:14] "extundelete uses some concepts and code first shown to be successful by the ext3grep program. extundelete is able to recover the contents of an inode by searching the file system's journal for an old copy of that inode. It then uses that information to determine the file's location within the file system. Then, extundelete reads the corresponding data and copies it to a file in the recovery directory." [03:14] that sounds extremely iffy [03:14] by the time you even install and compile the program you've probably overwritten the data that you were trying to recover if you didn't immediately power down and take a forensic image [03:15] you're right, he shouldn't even bother trying it [03:15] good call :p [03:15] benkillin: to use any undelete program you unmount or mount the filesystem in question read only immediately and do nothing at all anymore on it [03:15] I know [03:15] I actually have done forensic file recovery before [03:15] !ops TirixTa is messaging GNAA spam [03:15] So I've two routers in my home, both linksys, two Ubuntu 12.04 installations, exactly the same, with a printer connected wirelessly to one of the routers. The Ubuntu machine on that router can print to it. The Ubuntu machine that is on the router that's not close to the printer cannot print to it, though. One router is set to Gateway mode (this is the one connected to the modem), the other router is set to "Router" mode and DHCP ser [03:16] Both routers have the same SSID, encryption, and so on. Only their channel is different. I've tried different SSIDs, and that doesn't make a difference either. [03:16] Any help would be appreciated. It just doesn't make sense to me that one could print, while the other can't, meanwhile all other traffic seems to go through just peachy. [03:16] how are the routers hooked together? [03:16] do you have one of the lan ports from one plugged into the wan port of the other [03:16] sandman: can you ping the printer or any other host from the machine? [03:17] if so the nat is probably getting in the way [03:17] router 1, we'll call it, hooked up to the modem, has a cable in the WAN port. The second router does not use its WAN port, but has a cable running from one of its LAN ports to one of the LAN ports on the other router. [03:17] I can ping the other printer, yes. [03:17] All machines can print. [03:17] wait whats th problem [03:18] I thought you said one machine cant print [03:18] So I can ping it right now, but the printer that I've added for it manually says "it may not be connected" [03:18] Let me lay out the topology [03:19] Modem => Gateway => Router => Printer. The Ubuntu machine that cannot print is the one that I'm on. [03:19] hi, does anyone know how to kill certain processes and make sure they do not turn right back on? [03:20] Gateway and Router both have the same wireless configuration, SSID and all, except the channel; one is set to 1, the other 11. [03:20] Router has IP, Gateway has Router's DHCP server is disabled. [03:20] sandman, isent the channels being different a problem? [03:20] Printer is connected to the Router's WLAN. This Ubuntu machine is connected to the Gateway's WLAN. [03:21] iampoz: I've tried the same channel, too. Unfortunately doesn't make a difference =( [03:21] oh okay [03:21] what kind of printer? [03:21] is client isolation turned on in the wireless settings on the router [03:21] can you print when it is connected by wire? [03:21] From this Ubuntu install, connected to the Gateway's WLAN, I can look at the printer's web interface, ping it, etc, but cannot print to it. [03:22] For the Ubuntu install connected to the Router, through a cable (not WLAN), I can print. [03:22] what are your firewall settings? [03:22] have you ensured you can print to it using a wired netowrk as well? maybe you didn't install the driver correctly [03:22] Printer is connected to the Router's WLAN, once again. [03:22] Firewall is disabled on the Router [03:22] ok so its your compy connected to the router bone, then the router bone is connected to the printer bone, all over wireless [03:23] what about the firewall in ubuntu? [03:23] yeah check your iptables rules with `iptables -L` [03:23] iampoz: They are both fresh 12.04 LTS installs, no modifications made to the firewall [03:23] try to disable the ubuntu firewall [03:24] sudo iptables -L lists nothing. [03:24] what about ip6tables -L [03:24] Nothing. Just the column headings. [03:24] what's the default policies [03:25] any that say drop or reject [03:25] But again, yeah. I can print to it from the Ubuntu 12.04 LTS machine which is connected through cable to the Router. [03:25] benkillin: Nothing is listed from anything. [03:25] have you tryed turning off the ubuntu firewall? [03:25] for iptables [03:26] iampoz: Not on this machine, but I'd like to note that the other machine is the exact same install as this [03:26] And it can print. [03:26] also did you check to see if client isolation was turned on in the wireless settings of the router [03:26] But I can do that, sure. How goes? [03:26] benkillin: Okay, just a sec [03:26] Okay, AP isolation is off on both routers. [03:28] I take it that's it =) [03:28] No solution [03:28] maybe this will help: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j--A1UIWYqk [03:29] make sure the networks are the same and it's not routing just acting as a switch [03:29] if its routing maybe there is some sort of natting going on for wireless clients [03:30] benkillin: Hmmm... that makes me think [03:30] I have ubuntu 13.04 and a sound card that is detected fine by PulseAudio and works fine with Skype. I want to be able to record from it to disk using the command line. Can anyone point me in the right direction? [03:30] iampoz: heh [03:31] Have you tried rebooting? [03:35] so my problem is that i have a number of processes (avahi-daemon, wpa_supplicant, NetworkManager, dhclient) that i want to kill and make sure they do not restart, is it possible to do this? [03:36] iampoz: no its completely impossible [03:36] in fact if you try your computer will reformat [03:36] dont be mean [03:36] http://askubuntu.com/questions/21654/how-to-temporarily-turn-off-networkmanager-from-the-command-line [03:37] thank you benkillin [03:37] my pleasure [03:38] is there a way to "apt-get" docker yet on ubuntu? [03:39] clj_newb_2345: it's in universe: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu [03:39] and probably has been for ages :) [03:39] isn't docker recent? [03:39] if it is, it has a terrible (taken) name [03:40] talking about this? http://www.docker.io/ [03:40] yes, was about to paste a link myself [03:40] were you now :p [03:40] clj_newb_2345: https://launchpad.net/~dotcloud/+archive/lxc-docker [03:40] hi I need to remove a PPA package [03:40] like the logo, anyways [03:41] I already have python software properties installed, but ppa-purge seems like a different package [03:42] it's possible the answer to this question is "don't use ubuntu" but -- what is the ideal distro for a server machine (thus no worry about graphics / 3rd party binary drivers) whose sole job is to run ssh + docker host? So in the "root" system, I need sshd so I can login, and it needs to be able to run docker [03:42] Hello. I have 2 old computers running Ubuntu server 12.04. I used to update them regularily. but I'm wondering if there is a way to update both of them without having them 2 to download the same packages individually, is that possible? [03:42] Ubuntivity: yup [03:42] clj_newb_2345: What's wrong with using Ubuntu on a server? [03:42] How is that, mighty reisio? [03:42] Try Arch-linux [03:42] Ubuntivity: Use a proxy. [03:43] jpds: nothing, was just wondering if these was a solution tailor made for this [03:43] Ubuntivity: sudo apt-get install squid-deb-proxy [03:43] Ubuntivity: wheee blogs https://locallost.net/?p=6 [03:43] Ubuntivity: no [03:43] whoever: No what? [03:44] Ubuntivity: http://askubuntu.com/questions/3503/best-way-to-cache-apt-downloads-on-a-lan [03:44] Did I mis-explain myself earlier? Or I AM getting confusing answers? [03:44] jpds: he asked if he would have his to ubuntu boxes bothe update but only dl the package onece [03:44] Yes whoever, That's what I meant. [03:44] whoever: That is possible. [03:45] Ubuntivity: whoever is confused. [03:45] I am looking for a software or music player that works like itunes. [03:45] I can install itunes on ubuntu but seems it's very slow. [03:45] Ubuntivity: You just need a proxy server to cache the package downloads - see the link I sent you. [03:45] jpds: yes if you had a server that dl'd the packages then you had each box go to the server [03:45] danny4way: yes it would be :p [03:46] I am looking for any music player that actually connects my iphone and let me transfer music from my computer to my iphone [03:46] jpds: he doesn't have that though [03:46] I want to know how to start a linux group in my town? [03:46] wh1t3warri0r: just start one [03:46] Thanks jpds, I'm reading the answers to that question on askubuntu right now... [03:46] you don't need permission [03:46] whoever: Of course; he's asking on HOW to set it up. [03:46] Please, on ubuntu 12.10, I have this "'/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup'" while charging my virtualbox [03:47] danny4way: do you not have banshee already? [03:47] or rhythmbox [03:47] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_iPod_managers#iPhone_.26_iPod_Touch_compatibility [03:47] jpds: the only part of hes post i sav was can i update both boxes but only dowload the package once , so sounds like i missed something [03:47] Will people show up [03:47] Thank you for the chart. reisio [03:48] kgalahassa: hrmm? [03:48] But how do i install it? [03:48] How do I know if people are going to show up in the linux group. [03:49] I am actually looking at iRip [03:49] It seems to work better than others. [03:49] reisio: Please, on ubuntu 12.10, I have this "'/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup'" while charging my virtualbox [03:49] kgalahassa: is that a question? [03:50] How can I protect my home network while I have two Ubuntu Server 12.04 PCs with ssh enabled on them? [03:50] Ubuntivity: you dont have to you're unhackable if you run linux [03:50] not true [03:50] hi. Anyone? [03:50] What about brute-force attacks? [03:50] I just need to install iRip [03:51] What about brute-force attacks? benkillin? [03:51] reisio: Please, on ubuntu 12.10, I have this "'/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup'" while charging my virtualbox, :: reisio, i need someone who can help, because of this problèm, i can not work on virtualbox [03:51] Ubuntivity: yeah you're super invulnerable against brute force attacks with ubuntu [03:51] Ubuntivity> Try using a firewall like gufw [03:52] How would I firewall protect me if I have to keep my port 22 open to ssh into my PCs? [03:52] kgalahassa: what's the problem? [03:52] Ubuntivity: step 1) make sure no unneeded services are running on your machine, you can check this with netstat or my favorite tool `lsof -i -n` to list all open network sockets and which program is bound to them [03:52] Ubuntivity: step 2) set up a host based firewall using iptables [03:52] danny4way: iripdb? [03:52] Ubuntivity: step 3) run ssh on a non default port, but still some port number less than 1024 [03:52] I need a help... aparently ubuntu 12.04lts64bits does not work "out of box" with citrix xen + ibm blade server. I'm not familiar with xen. ubuntu frequently fails (3x per week) the harddisk/blockdev and it is remounted read-only). any hints? [03:52] Ubuntivity: step 4) install fail2ban [03:53] Wait. Because right now I am on iRip website. [03:53] And it's like itunes. [03:53] Ubuntivity: ssh is very secure already [03:53] But for windows i have to buy. [03:53] changing the port won't really make you more secure [03:53] But for mac, they provide it for free. [03:53] it might reduce traffic, though [03:53] Ubuntivity: step 5) disable password based authentication for your ssh server, disable remote root login, set up ssh keys with ssh-keygen and only use ssh key based authentication to connect to your machines [03:53] I have wine and playonlinux [03:53] in exchange for complicating your life hugely [03:53] Ubuntivity: http://xkcd.com/936/ [03:53] But I am not sure if wine and playonlinux actually install mac softwares. [03:53] Ubuntivity: step 6) set up a network boundary firewall and forward appropriate ports for your two machines if you wish to connect to them from the internet [03:53] Ubuntivity>Are you using key chains or a password for ssh [03:54] Ubuntivity: step 7) if you can, set up a VPS server, then use tcpwrappers configuration to make it so only that VPS's IP address can connect to the ssh servers running on your machines [03:54] Ubuntivity: then you could ssh to that vps then from that vps ssh to your servers from the internet, same steps apply for that vps server though, making sure to only use ssh key based auth and such [03:54] wh1t3warri0r: I'm using passowrd authentication so far [03:55] Ubuntivity> Try using a key chains. [03:55] AND I'm really fascinated by what ssh can do that I'm intending to port-forward through my router to my PC to remotely-control it from any friend's house or practically any wifi in the world === r is now known as Guest51499 [03:56] danny4way: they don't [03:56] Okay. [03:56] I tried at some point of time to use the GPG (isn't it the thing used for that?) [03:56] But I couldn't set up the two keys (I was really confused) [03:56] Thank you anyway. I just downloaded ubuntu for school anyway. [03:56] reisio is that each time i want start a virtual machine, i get it: http://pastebin.com/2Yp9C5rf, see yourself! [03:57] But it seems hard to use than what i expected. [03:57] Ubuntivity>Go to hak5.org if you want to learn more about linux. [03:58] kgalahassa: sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup [03:58] Ubuntivity: yes ssh -D and ssh -R and ssh -w all very fun [03:58] kgalahassa: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox#Ubuntu_12.04_LTS [03:59] Ubuntivity: http://superuser.com/questions/62303/how-can-i-tunnel-all-of-my-network-traffic-through-ssh [03:59] I didn't really understand what they do on the manual, benkillin! [04:00] Ubuntivity: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Keys [04:01] Thanks for that link benkillin, I'm gonna read it [04:01] Got to go to sleep. Thanks to everyone and good bye [04:05] BTW if anybody was wondering why I said to set an ssh server on a non default port but still less than 1024 its so if you do get your machine compromised, malware still needs root access to bind to your ssh port, this helps mitigate compromise a little bit such that a backdoored ssh server couldn't replace the legit ssh server and steal keystrokes and passwords for other systems [04:05] just throwin that out there [04:06] waste of time [04:07] not really [04:07] yeah [04:07] newp [04:07] yup [04:07] newp [04:07] yarp [04:07] newp [04:07] uhuh [04:07] no you're totally wrong [04:07] no u r [04:07] no u [04:07] NOU! [04:07] rofl [04:07] :p [04:08] it's almost french, nou [04:08] Non s'il vous plais! [04:08] this has been a very productive use of a screenful of irc output [04:09] reisio: why would it be a waste of time? [04:09] reisio, thks [04:09] benkillin: isn't that what host key verification (which private key should need root access to read from) is for? [04:10] eh [04:10] security by obscurity wont hurt anything, but one shouldnt depend on it [04:10] twu1: because it doesn't stop people from trying to authenticate [04:10] it will however absolutely massively complicate your ssh system [04:10] well the point is if you do move it to a different port you can be sure that you know you've either gotten rooted or something [04:10] does ubuntu 13.4CD have btrfs-progs ? [04:11] benkillin: I'd rather use an intrusion detection system for that [04:11] which you'd have to use anyways [04:11] meh [04:11] I like my logs cleaner [04:11] benkillin: yeah? how does the port change indicate that? [04:12] sobhan: http://www.google.com/search?q=help%20ubuntu%20btrfs [04:12] sobhan: 13.04 [04:12] it doesn't but it forces an attacker to have root to backdoor your ssh [04:12] benkillin: rm :p [04:12] !info btrfs-progs [04:12] Package btrfs-progs does not exist in raring [04:12] !butter [04:12] " Sorry, I don't know anything about butter" [04:12] poor bastard [04:12] sobhan: is it part of a larger package? [04:12] !date [04:13] assuming the prot change was to a port less than 1024 that is [04:13] apt-cache search btrfs [04:13] !shorewall [04:13] Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | GUI frontends such as Gufw also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo [04:13] benkillin: i have never heard that.. [04:13] well you need root to bind to any port less than 1024 [04:14] benkillin: unless you want to just do it on the router [04:14] wut [04:14] And the signature from connecting to the port will tell you it's ssh anyway. [04:14] oh if you're natting sure [04:15] benkillin: forward literally whatever port you want through the router firewall to whatever port on the server.. the public facing port is not the one on the server [04:15] I know [04:15] I'm assuming a direct connection to the internet [04:16] so assume you are connecting from a new device and between the time you last connected on a device that had the host key cached and the time you connected on the new device you got pwned [04:16] most people aren't going to verify the key [04:16] so its safer if you do move to a non default port on the actual box to make it less than 1024 [04:17] the benefits of moving the port is if you are directly on the internet and you dont want a bunch of traffic in your logs from the automated bots [04:18] i really don't think we should be encouraging people to not verify keys [04:18] if they care about security [04:18] well I'm certainly not encouraging it but lets be realistic [04:18] i mean they even make those ascii art keys now [04:19] It's sloppy security and will lead to people getting careless and could open themselves up to MITM. We shouldn't really be discussing this for anyone reading through the logs later. [04:19] its not slopy security to move ssh to a different port less than 1024 [04:20] the only thing sloppy is not checking the host key from a new device or ignoring a mismatch error [04:20] To ignore the keys is, however. [04:20] it's not sloppy security, it's just silly :) === fred_ is now known as Guest66856 [04:21] It's laziness not to be watching for invalid keys coming from the server. That's sloppy security. [04:21] to be fair there is a fine line between sloppy security and defense in depth, and you can't control your users 100% [04:21] yes that's what I just said [04:22] * kboodu agrees with benkillin [04:22] the original argument was it's a waste of time to move ssh to a different port [04:22] I disagree with that [04:22] for the reasons I've already stated [04:22] ignoring host keys is a completely different argument [04:22] and one I'm not making [04:23] anyway, pz out [04:23] However, moving to another port under 1024 still requires root (but you can just change the sshd.config). It still doesn't gain you much other than a little obscurity. [04:25] it adds just a little bit to the defense in depth posture and it makes me feel like I accomplished something [04:27] hm, why would moving ssh to a port under 1024 be more secure than one over 1024 ? [04:28] surely it would be less secure as a lot of automated port scans just scan 1-1024 ? [04:29] how would i install the latest version of https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fuse [04:29] when im on 10.04 [04:31] nathanbz: 10.04 desktop/ [04:31] ? [04:31] serer [04:32] nathanbz: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fuse/2.8.1-1.1ubuntu2 [04:32] yeah i need 2.8.4+ [04:33] nathanbz: might not be able to be supported in 10.04 [04:33] nathanbz: you will look for a PPA, or build it on your own.. or upgrade [04:33] so i would have to rebuild from source instead ? [04:33] nathanbz: you could build it from the source, manually. assuming it can be run on 10.04 [04:33] it can [04:33] nathanbz: i would confirm that.. kernel version.. dependencies.. etc [04:34] whats the command to get kernel version again [04:35] nathanbz: uname -a shoulc get you what you need [04:35] meh i have latest kernel [04:35] how to restore opened tabs synced via firefox sync in another machine or a reinstalled machine ? [04:35] 3.9.3- [04:36] nathanbz: i have no idea what the requirements are for the version of fuse you want to run... but, you can check the source, and the requirements [04:36] morning all [04:36] thre requirements are like 2.4.x [04:37] I have a crazy idea guys... I was cleaning my house today, and I ran in to an old 80GB ipod [04:37] 80, nice [04:37] nathanbz: the requirements will be listed... the officially suppported version of fuse is in the repos.. if you want a newer version that is not supported, you are welcome to manaully install it [04:37] yeah [04:37] I'm wondering if you guys happen to know if I can format with propper partitions and use it as a bootable ubuntu system? [04:37] I'm building it now from source [04:38] cant find a ppa :9 [04:38] insom: know which gen/model? [04:38] I believe 6th [04:38] ipod video [04:38] insom: i would just load it up and see.. there is nothing about ubuntu/linux preventing it from being used as a mass storage USB device [04:38] its an ugly clunky little guy [04:39] insom: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Ipodclassic120gb.jpg ? [04:39] I was more curious if I can turn it into a native usb storage type deal [04:39] insom: you can probably do that by just plugging it in [04:39] insom: if the device is allowed to be used that way, yes [04:39] that's part of the question also [04:40] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPodLinux#Compatibility :/ [04:40] the easy way to know is by plugging it in [04:41] lol yeah about that [04:42] when you're cleaning house and you stumble upon an ipod, what don't you find? [04:44] reisio I appreciate the link, but I have no interest in using it as an actual ipod [04:44] I basically want to turn it in to a thumb drive [04:46] does anyone use cario dock? [04:46] hm.. [04:46] I need help with it. [04:47] How do I add custom applications on the dock? [04:47] It seems like I can't just drag it from the application menu. [04:47] danny4way: seems? try it [04:47] I did. [04:47] But it didn't work. [04:47] danny4way start the application and then right click to "lock to launcher" [04:48] question: does the x64 kernel for 13.04 support pae? is pae support even necessary under x64? [04:48] danny4way perhaps I arrived late...missed your first comment about cario dock [04:49] Yeah [04:49] I can't. [04:49] ok [04:49] insom: right... except you said you had :p no worries [04:49] koolmon10: Uh. PAE is an extension for 32-bit machines that allows to use over 4GB of RAM. [04:49] Now it's lock and I can't even change any exist software on the dock [04:49] koolmon10: It's entirely unnecessary under 64-bit as it becomes useless [04:49] danny4way: you cant right click on it? [04:49] Yeah [04:50] theadmin; that's what i thought. ive got someone trying to tell me i need pae support [04:50] danny4way: try as a different user.. reinstall the dock.. remove the config in your /home [04:51] How does reinstalling the dock related to adding custom software? [04:52] is there anyway to fix this error on resume? could it be causing gradual performance decrease between resumes? http://imgur.com/eUknDhL.jpg [04:52] danny4way: its a suggestion you can ignore.. from me.. a volunteer.. i read that you are having issues since it is "locked" somehow.. and reinstalling it could be a "fix" if you have broken it [04:52] danny4way: if you test as another user, and it works, then the issue is in the config in your users /home (likely) [04:52] No. Now it's fixed by clicking on lock again. [04:53] Now I can change spots again. [04:53] The only problem that I have right now is that I can't add any custom apps. [04:54] danny4way, I add to it by when an app is open there is a right click add to dock, some do some don't [04:54] I actually want to use dock for short cut. Because built in side way dock is annoying sometimes. I am used to Mac docks. [04:54] Oh oKya. I will try. [04:55] anyone? [04:55] No. I can't wilee-nilee [04:57] OH I see how to add now. [04:57] I just solved it. [04:57] Anyway, Thank you for suggestions guys. [04:57] danny4way, Might have to do which dock image you use, here are a number of possibilities, I found one I like and just save the config per install. [04:57] there* [04:57] is there anyway to fix this error on resume? could it be causing gradual performance decrease between resumes? http://imgur.com/eUknDhL.jpg [05:12] ciao [05:12] ._. [05:12] !list [05:12] ciao: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». [05:15] what a good way to 'terminally' (if you will) lower the bitrate of a mp3/wav file. im attempting to create a website for a music label and i want to ensure that beats arent stolen. so ill stream them from the site in a lower bitrate and then when someone buys give them the high quality. [05:15] anyways, any input will do. [05:15] !it | ciao [05:15] ciao: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) [05:15] acidrain: I'd recommend excerpts instead [05:16] who wants to download music that sounds like a toaster oven [05:16] ^ I'll tell you who [05:16] the kind of people who don't care if it sounds like a toaster oven [05:16] and therefore won't buy a better quality [05:16] acidrain, reisio has a major point there, from experience distributing music independently, that concept will kill the sales. [05:16] toaster tunes for two to tango. [05:17] reisio, ok, i like your idea, how can i manage to do this though? like grab a certain section of the audio file? [05:17] ffmpeg and mencoder can cut out a section and put it in a file [05:18] can someone explain how to install something? [05:18] linux: ask away mate [05:18] dr_willis, i just cant find that much detail on ffmpeg to get a good idea on how to use it properly [05:18] linux: sudo apt-get install somthing [05:18] i see many examples, and man pages. but not good enough explanation [05:18] acidrain: i alwaus just google for examples [05:18] okay go in the directory or folder and sudo apt get install xxxx [05:19] ?? [05:19] linux: from terminal [05:19] the mane of the file I want to install xxxx [05:19] linux, no. from terminal [05:19] linux apt-get downloads the stuff from the internet.. no need to be in any directory [05:19] !apt | linux [05:19] linux: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Muon (KDE) or !Apper (KDE) [05:19] yes sure in the terminal. think I have it , i'll be right back in case it does not work. Have you installed frostwire in linux? [05:19] acidrain, Audacity is extremely simple for what you're trying to do. [05:19] ah, he left. [05:20] I am trying to do that with deb package. [05:20] linux: you can install .deb files also with software centre [05:20] linux then you should have stated the details to begin with [05:20] I did search for it in pkg manager but unsucessful? [05:20] sudo dpkg -i foo.deb [05:20] or 'sudo gdebi foo.deb' [05:21] or just double click on the .deb [05:21] what is In the deb exactly? [05:21] do not know what that means foo see it alot [05:21] think about it....foo = an example generic name... [05:21] I am getting the download now . do not know yet. [05:22] linux the download? WHAT are you downloading? [05:22] linux: you can replace xxxx with foo.. its a variable, as you have used [05:22] It says frostwire.all.2.deb something. just click on it? [05:22] !frostwire [05:22] frostwire is a totally open source !bittorrent client, based on Vuze, the Azureus BitTorrent Engine. For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire [05:23] linux or use one of the commands given abocce [05:23] above [05:23] i would suggest other torrent clients however [05:23] yes it gives option to open in package manager but does not seem to be opening. may need to sudo like you said. [05:24] package manager should have a big INSTALL butto at the right side.. [05:24] how do you scroll on this screen/ i lost the command at the top? [05:24] dr_willis, It's actually not just for torrents, complete p2p network where you can search the music, video, etc. directly. [05:24] rreed: and its so 2004-ish ;) [05:24] intall button, looking for that oen. [05:24] actually its also needs java dosent it? [05:25] hahaha, exactly. totally forgot it existed; wonder what ever happened to limewire. [05:25] linux: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingSoftware#Using_GDebi_to_install_packages for example [05:25] it did open and I am running the install in pkg manager. [05:25] all the p2p companies got bought out or gobbled up in the lawsuits of 2008? or so.. ;) [05:26] linux - why are you wanting to use limeiwire anyway? [05:26] got that holstein thanks. [05:26] yea, that's what i'm seeing. i have no idea how i missed all that :D [05:27] I found it was great , all kinds of music just some of the dls are crappy quality. free. [05:27] any one here feel like helping me with a networking issue? [05:27] well just rember - free is not always ; 'legal' ;) [05:28] no I want to use frostwire! [05:28] it is frostwore dr willis. not limewire [05:28] linux the 2 are the same basically, one is a spinoff of the other. [05:28] linux: use what you want.. [05:28] do you not have a reliable internet connection or data with a cell phone? [05:29] yes i know but i have not used much sharing on the network. been out of it. [05:29] youtube/playlist.com/iheaertradio/etc etc etc [05:29] what is the latest available for free? [05:29] linux im suprised limewire, or frostwire still exist... they are rather old out dated apps these days. [05:29] iheartradio and playlist.com are good.. so is xbox music on pc. tho thats 10 a month for the full version [05:30] point is that it plays music right off the bat. Just install. Have a sound card and puts files on the hdd for later. [05:30] dozens of free music streaming music services out there. [05:30] linux: try deluge [05:30] acidrain: hey I was just curious about that myself since you brought it up and found a page you might be interested in reading about it, http://blog.yimingliu.com/2008/10/07/ffmpeg-encoding-gotchas/ [05:31] hi guys I just installed 13.04 and I am having troubles connecting to my WPA router. However I can connect to my neighbours router which is also using WPA. I have broadcom wifi card with STA drivers. router logs says "could not find DHCP daemon to get information" and bunch of "send request, request ip=" messages. what could be the cause of this? [05:31] acidrain: by 'it' I mean cutting out portions of audio without re-encoding [05:31] ls : cannot access /usr/lib*/librt.so*: No such file or directory [05:31] how to fix this problem? [05:32] !find librt.so [05:32] Senor, that means you dont have that directory. [05:32] File librt.so found in libc6, libc6-amd64, libc6-arm64-cross, libc6-armel-cross, libc6-armhf-cross, libc6-dev, libc6-dev-amd64, libc6-dev-arm64-cross, libc6-dev-armel-cross, libc6-dev-armhf-cross (and 7 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=librt.so&mode=&suite=raring&arch=any [05:32] cynicist: he's gone mon ami [05:32] cynicist: /msg memoserv send acidrain dudez... [05:32] ah I have join/part messages turned off -_- [05:33] Senor: try using tab completion, to fill in directories and names.. instead of overkill use of * wildcards [05:33] cynicist: you typing his nick out or completing? [05:33] !tab [05:33] You can use your key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. [05:33] it is finally installign. Something was not trusted. i ran it. [05:33] source [05:33] reisio: typing [05:33] linux thats bcasue you dident get it fromt he repos. but downloaded the .deb from a site [05:33] cynicist: type r, e, i, then hit TAB :) [05:34] reisio, 0_o [05:34] and I type c, then y, then TAB [05:34] cynicist: bazinga! [05:34] tab key is our friend. [05:34] on IRC and in a terminal [05:34] why does it append a comma? [05:34] and most places [05:34] anyone here know anything about local dns [05:34] cynicist: it's tradition to delimit the nickname [05:34] cynicist: beayse your irc client tells it to [05:34] cynicist: although colons are the chosen delimter and not commas :p [05:34] Mean the source site? The repos ? [05:34] cynicist: you can change it in prefs if you want :p [05:34] I love TAB in the terminal I just didn't realize it was equally awesome in irc [05:35] mmm :) [05:35] linux yes. [05:35] reisio: thanks for the tip! <3 [05:35] !repos [05:35] The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories. [05:35] cynicist: also helps you to know someone has left, heh [05:35] or, sometimes, helps you to tab-complete to some random person's name 'cause the other guy left :p [05:35] reisio: honestly that is brilliant lol ty [05:35] Okay , may be some bad code in there. i will get virus then and have to reinstall. [05:36] !virus | linux [05:36] linux: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus [05:36] kind of like how if you can't tab-complete a path in a terminal, it doesn't exist [05:36] which is useful information [05:36] linux you are thinking in a 'windows mindset' [05:36] Not too much virus I have heard about in unix /linux [05:36] all i got is windows mindset! Ha ha. [05:36] linux i cant even name ONE linux virus right now.. they are so rare. ive not heard of one in years. [05:36] linux: there are only a handful, and most of those are proofs of concept that were patched against before they were even released [05:37] biggest danger to a linux box - is th eend user doing somthing stupid [05:37] you can still pick up a root kit :) [05:37] had to learn to type. You wouldnt believe how mch faster now. [05:37] viruses are only one type of badware [05:37] if you're paranoid, look into AIDE [05:37] I can actually enter info in the keyboard. [05:37] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Intrusion_Detection_Environment [05:37] was about 20 wpm [05:37] can anyone help me, my wifi is really poor now because of this [05:38] at least when you install stuff in linux, you dont have to fight to keep 10+ differnt toolbars of other crud from installing - like you do in windows.. [05:38] bbl. got a job to do. [05:38] That is because everyone looks out for it. Windows no one cares! [05:38] astral: Define "this". [05:39] Go figure , you pay and get virus and for free you are safe? [05:39] well that and because package management is... well, extant [05:39] hi guys I just installed 13.04 and I am having troubles connecting to my WPA router. However I can connect to my neighbours router which is also using WPA. I have broadcom wifi card with STA drivers. router logs says "could not find DHCP daemon to get information" and bunch of "send request, request ip=" messages. what could be the cause of this? [05:39] i do have issue with the wifi connection. Have dell 1390 mini card and the driver is proprietary. knoiw a fix? [05:40] astral: Maybe your router can't into DHCP? Do you need to configure a static IP? [05:40] Though I don't know any routers that don't support dhcp... [05:41] it supports dhcp of course. can I use static even if dhcp is set? [05:42] astral: yes you can [05:42] let me try [05:42] brb [05:42] although you don't want your manual address to conflict with anyone's DHCP address, so it's best to put it in a different address range [05:42] linux: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer; sudo apt-get remove bcmwl-kernel-source [05:43] Has anyone had an Nvidia with hdmi act as main soundcard and ignore usb x-fi as the soundcard default? [05:43] Okay. [05:43] and if so how can i make usb default [05:44] UBUNTU-ROOK: That's happened to me. Click the volume icon, choose "Sound settings" and then select the desired device in the "Play sound through" list. [05:44] UBUNTU-ROOK: Apply the same for the "Input" tab if necessary. [05:44] that list is actually blank [05:44] ...huh. [05:44] UBUNTU-ROOK: You do have Pulseaudio installed, right? [05:45] 13.04 default [05:45] i can see it in alsamixer [05:45] Well, then hit F6 in alsamixer and select the card, UBUNTU-ROOK === HandheldPenguin` is now known as handheldpenguin [05:45] it shows both nvidia and creative usb [05:46] i have but still no sound [05:46] Hm... hamsters. [05:46] I've no idea then [05:46] x-fi used to work on 12.04 for me [05:47] 13.04 seems different [05:47] no luck it just gives me back the network key dialog again. and there's nothing in the router logs now === CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob [05:48] hey guys. I am on 13.04 with nvidia g73 and cannot enable fastwrites and SBA. Any suggestions or solutions? [05:48] thanks [05:49] can this be driver issue? [05:50] astral: Well, in theory, but it's very odd that it works with another network. [05:50] how can I troubleshoot this? are there any logs from trying to connect to wifi? [05:51] Which network manager are you using astral [05:51] ubuntu's default, I just installed 13.04 === Craggy is now known as Guest18282 [05:52] try getting wicd and see if that fixes your issue. its another network manager. [05:53] will try. are there any logs from wicd in case it fails too? [05:53] ls : cannot access /usr/lib*/librt.so*: No such file or directory [05:53] this is reported at compilation time [05:53] for ACE [05:55] !details Senor what are you trying to do? [05:55] blazemore: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [05:56] !details | Senor what are you trying to do? [05:56] Senor what are you trying to do?: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." [05:56] astral, just about everything for linux has logs if something is going wrong. [05:57] how to restore opened tabs synced via firefox sync in another machine or a reinstalled machine ? [05:57] I assume they will be in /var/logs or ~/.wicd ? === elementary-site1 is now known as ggabriel96_97 === CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away [05:58] astral, yes [05:59] astral: this may help you with NetworkManager (the default one), https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingNetworkManager [05:59] anyone ? [05:59] hello guys [05:59] i cannot start wicd: Could not connect to wicd's D-Bus interface. [05:59] !patience | universal [05:59] universal: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/ [06:00] hey guys, i was installing the nvidia driver with additional drivers, but my pc suddenly turned off and now i can't see unity [06:00] (im running live usb right now) [06:00] is there a way to fix this? ;/ [06:01] utfans05: ok [06:01] ggabriel96, you need to get into one of your tty's you can do this by pressing CTRL+F1, log in and then reinstall the nvidia packages you were installing. [06:01] what is a tty? [06:01] ggabriel96, is it a command line [06:01] oh [06:02] like terminal [06:02] but built in by default. [06:02] i hit ctrl+f1 and then ill have to install nvidia through command line? [06:02] yes [06:02] oh idk how to do that ;x [06:02] once you do that you should have access to your system. [06:02] apt-get install nvidia-common [06:02] sudo apt-get install nvidia-common [06:02] will it install locally, normally? [06:03] I'm constantly getting these in syslog: "kernel: [ 3151.292988] ERROR @wl_cfg80211_get_station : Wrong Mac address" how can it be wrong?? [06:03] yes. [06:03] and what version of the driver will it install? [06:03] make sure you reboot into the os on your hard drive. [06:03] yes, into ubuntu [06:03] when you use nvidia-current it will give you the most recent stable release. [06:03] ah [06:03] so sudo apt-get install nvidia-current? [06:03] yes [06:04] ctrl+f1 does nothing [06:04] ggabriel96: Ctrl-Alt-F1 [06:04] [06:05] yeah ctrl+alt+F1 sorry. === CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob [06:06] bItc01D, i didnt see anything you typed. [06:07] utfans05: It's because it's a message consisting of whitespace [06:07] utfans05: lol [06:07] theadmin, thats what i thought but just making sure he didnt mean to say something. [06:08] ah damn firefox crashed [06:08] utfans05: u there? [06:08] yup [06:08] all night! [06:08] sorry [06:08] hehe ^^ [06:08] so [06:08] ctrl+f1 does nothing [06:08] ggabriel96_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [06:08] ctrl+alt+f1 [06:08] it did it again to him LOL [06:10] Projects that are in launchpad are peer reviewed? [06:11] welcome.. ^_^ [06:11] netlar: Nope, it's a hosting platform for FOSS projects, anyone can upload anything [06:11] netlar: Well I suppose malicious projects are removed, but... [06:11] well i would hope the malicous ones are removed. [06:11] theadmin: they get reviewed before ending up in the repository? [06:11] can i use to run .apk files in ubuntu [06:11] netlar: They don't end up in official repositories at all. [06:12] kickass: There's an Android emulator called "Genymotion", you can use that. [06:12] theadmin: how come [06:12] ubottu:I am compiling a networking c++ framework on ubuntu server 12.4 [06:12] Senor: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [06:12] netlar: If they are submitted to the Software Centre, yes, they are reviewed. [06:12] netlar: But Launchpad stuff doesn't automagically end up in the repos [06:12] theadmin: oh that is another process [06:13] theadmin: I want to get involved in a project, not sure where to start [06:13] unable to locate package genymotion [06:13] netlar: Yes, you need to submit your app to http://developer.ubuntu.com/ for it to end up in the official repos, you can either upload a source tarball directly or specify a Launchpad PPA. [06:13] hi derek jeter, you bunt, too? [06:14] kickass: It's not in the repositories, it's a fairly new project -- see http://genymotion.com [06:14] theadmin: so I can start it in launchpad first [06:14] netlar: For sure, it's probably the best if it's opensource [06:15] theadmin: I jsut read that it is best to have it reviewed early and often [06:15] netlar: Well you can submit early versions, sure. As long as they work and don't do bad things :D You can update your submission later [06:16] netlar: And if you submit through Launchpad, you don't have to bother, it will update as soon as LP builds a new package [06:16] theadmin: But until I submit it to ubuntu it will not be reviewed [06:17] netlar: Right. I think. [06:17] ok [06:18] im confused which option do i choose [06:18] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Atheros [06:19] can i use to run .jar files in ubuntu [06:19] hi all :) can anyone using a proprietary nvidia driver tell me their ubuntu version and which version of the driver they have? (i want to know if upgrading will get me the newer nvidia driver) [06:19] kickass: Yes, just install Java. [06:19] java -jar [06:19] (you can use nvidia-settings to see your nvidia driver version) [06:20] !nvidia [06:20] For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto [06:20] unable to locate package java [06:20] are firefox bookmakrs stored some where in the home directory? [06:20] kickass: openjdk-7-jre [06:20] theadmin: So if I want an application to be on another distro, I have to submit it to their software center seperatly [06:20] !java | kickass [06:20] kickass: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software Development Kit" (SDK). Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations. [06:21] netlar: Not all distros have submissions as easily open as Ubuntu [06:21] hdon: http://packages.ubuntu.com/ and search for "nvidia" for the version of your choice [06:21] netlar: But in general, yes [06:21] theadmin: that is an eye opener, why would they make it difficult [06:21] netlar: Eh. Not sure. [06:21] netlar: they have quality standards [06:21] mumpitzel, thanks. also thank utfans05 === Noskcaj10 is now known as Noskcaj [06:22] ok, ubuntu does not? [06:22] anybody know how i can install madwifi drivers [06:22] netlar: Sure does, but... still much more open to new developers [06:22] anytime [06:22] i got this from a search https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Atheros === DenBeiren is now known as zz_DenBeiren [06:23] hdon: launchpad is not part of ubunut. ubuntu has ppas which everyone can create and use, but that doesn't mean it's part of ubuntu or gets any support. just like you can put something on laucnhpad, you can use github, sourceforge, etc [06:23] are firefox bookmakrs stored some where in the home directory? [06:23] theadmin: good to know, made Ubuntu more of my fav distro [06:23] goddard: ~/.mozilla/firefox/ [06:23] rodrigo91: you shouldn't use or need madwifi drivers. ath5k and ath9k should be what you want. which are available by default [06:23] the link utfans05 gave me lead me to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia which lists several packages whose names contain the string "nvidia-graphics-drivers" but in the link from mumpitzel http://packages.ubuntu.com/ my search for nvidia-graphics-drivers yielded no results [06:24] how can i hide messages like "nevyn (~nevyn@ has joined | _deXter_ [06:24] | #ubuntu [06:24] I'm using weechat [06:24] mumpitzel, oh [06:24] i might not have the right ppa [06:24] hdon when you install nvidia-current you will get the most current stable nvidia release. [06:24] (ppa's are just apt sources right?) [06:24] hdon: sorry, that was for netlar [06:24] ah ok [06:24] but i wanna test my card to do a little experiment [06:24] hdon: you probably don't need a ppa. what videocard is it and why do you want newer drivers? [06:25] rodrigo91: madwifi hasn't been updated in literally years. it's an abandoned project for a long time now [06:25] not sure if it would even work with current kernels [06:25] for what do i use aircrack with [06:26] i have to inject [06:26] theadmin: it has json backups of the bookmarks but firefox only imports html [06:26] rodrigo91: http://www.aircrack-ng.org/doku.php?id=ath5k for example. [06:27] goddard: You can probably somehow export from within Firefox? [06:27] mumpitzel, i've upgraded to ubuntu 12.04 a while back, and haven't had time to fix an issue i started having with it. my system freezes up for 2-12 seconds at a time when running more than one opengl application, or running an opengl application and firefox or chrome (maybe flash player?) [06:27] mumpitzel, so i thought i'd investigate updating the driver [06:27] goddard: Actually, you can use those files as well. Bookmarks -> Show all bookmarks -> Import and Backup -> Restore -> Choose file... [06:28] hdon: what videocard? [06:28] mumpitzel, it's become important for me to fix it now though because i'm often running blender, my own opengl applications, and web browsers. too inconvenient to ignore now [06:28] mumpitzel, GeForce 9600 GT. it's not one of the "legacy" models listed on nvidia's site [06:30] hey utfans05 u there? [06:31] is nouveaux any good? [06:31] nouveau [06:31] if u dont need that much of performance [06:31] i think so [06:32] yes im here. [06:32] ~that didnt work [06:32] first i did that sudo apt-get install nvidia-current while in the live usb [06:32] (what a fail) [06:33] that didnt work obviously [06:33] yeh.... needs to be for the os [06:33] then i booted into my os [06:33] the locally installed [06:33] and did that [06:33] and didnt work to [06:33] did you reboot after install? [06:33] too*. now i did sudo apt-get purge nvidia-* [06:33] yes i rebooted ofc [06:33] ggabriel96: what videocard? [06:33] i thought that a purge would get nouveau back and everything would be fine [06:34] but it still doesnt show up [06:34] nvidia geforce 8600m gt [06:34] hrm. it should have [06:34] the problem is that i was installing nvidia driver with additional drivers and my pc turned off suddenly [06:34] can you check /etc/X11/xorg/ [06:34] and look for some logs [06:34] now i cant see my system [06:34] momment [06:34] or check in /var/log and see. [06:34] Hi everyone i was wondering if anyone had a fix for fglrx not working with kernel 3.10 any help would be appricaited. [06:34] what file [06:35] xorg.0.log? [06:36] yes [06:36] what command i use to open it [06:36] gedit? [06:36] chaosanon: 3.10 is not a supported kernel. [06:36] vim or vi or nana [06:36] nano* [06:36] ggabriel96: pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log === Granis` is now known as Granis [06:37] ggabriel96: It'll give you a URL you can paste here [06:37] Hello there , just now i installed xampp using wine , it works fine until last and generates error . help me [06:37] oh [06:37] kickass: ...XAMPP has a Linux version [06:37] Hi, after restarting my sister's computer I can't see the login screen, I get a black screen with some text. [06:37] theadmin: bad idea [06:37] i gotta install it [06:38] ..... [06:38] kickass: install lamp via ubuntu repos [06:38] mumpitzel is that driver preinstalled or do i have to install it manually [06:38] theadmin : i have only exe file [06:38] ok thanks do you know when it will become supported by chance? [06:38] rodrigo91: which one? [06:38] kickass: Then download the Linux version. [06:38] kickass: WINE isn't supported. [06:38] kickass: don't use XAMPP on linux. that's like bringing owls to athens [06:38] mumpitzel: Why? [06:38] mumpitzel:Is lamp same as xampp [06:38] !lamp [06:38] LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process. [06:38] http://paste.ubuntu.com/5935417/ [06:39] kickass: no it's not. Ubuntu LAMP has security updates and is integrated into ubuntu. XAMPP is not. [06:39] How can I fix the black screen thing, I really want to fix it before she notices? [06:39] MsCourtney, what is the text? [06:39] what does the log say? ;x [06:39] MsCourtney, do you know what a VT is? === vincent is now known as Guest20710 [06:40] ggabriel96: it says "all is fine" [06:40] what cant i see unity then? ;/ [06:40] why* [06:41] mumpitzel ath9k well thats what it says is good for astheros based cards [06:41] ggabriel96: dpkg -l |grep nvidia [06:41] rodrigo91: it's part of the kernel, yes [06:41] nothing output [06:41] can you give me a link to an injection test [06:41] hdon: The text is "Ubuntu 13.04 Emily-Laptop tty7" [06:42] rodrigo91: no. cracking is against freenode TOS too [06:42] hdon: log in and run "startx" [06:42] im not doing anything illegally i just wanna see if i can crack my card [06:42] hdon: The next line is "Emily-Laptop login:" [06:43] MsCourtney: press ctrl-alt-f(then cycle through the f keys) === mr_ksco__ is now known as ksco [06:43] mumpitzel: nothing as output [06:44] ... [06:44] aeon-ltd: Same black screen but it changes like tty1 ,2,3,4 etc [06:44] ggabriel96: shouldn't be, it should show how nvidia was installed before [06:45] ggabriel96: oh, you have purged nvidia packages? [06:45] MsCourtney, try hold ALT key and pressing the left/right arrows. see if you can find the desktop [06:45] mumpitzel: yes [06:46] hdon: No, again the number changes only [06:47] MsCourtney, have you tried rebooting? it seems like X isn't starting [06:48] hdon: Yes I reset it multiple times, same issue. It was just working, when I rebooted it it started this. [06:49] mumpitzel: only way to solve is reinstalling ubuntu? [06:49] MsCourtney, do you have administrative login credentials to the system? [06:49] I really want to get this sorted as it isn't my computer. [06:49] hdon: Yes [06:49] MsCourtney, could you login? [06:50] MsCourtney: sudo service lightdm start [06:50] ggabriel96: what happens if you start the displaymanager like this? [06:51] mumpitzel: sudo service lightdm start? it says already running [06:51] After using parted magic and then subsequently installing ubuntu using a live usb how do i stop parted magic from booting and instead booting into ubuntu? [06:52] MsCourtney, you're sure if you hold ALT and press the left/right arrow keys, you can't find the desktop? does it loop? [06:52] hdon: It now says "Emily@Emily-laptop~$" [06:52] mumpitzel: what about the first answer to this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/285571/ubuntu-13-04-fail-to-start-after-installing-nvidia-drivers-vostro-laptop [06:53] MsCourtney, "Emily@Emily-laptop~$" is your shell prompt. it's waiting for you to enter a command. [06:53] hdon: Yes it loops [06:53] mumpitzel: or this http://askubuntu.com/questions/204428/unity-missing-cant-see-top-or-side-panels [06:53] MsCourtney, ok, going back to the shell prompt, enter the command "ps ax | grep /usr/bin/X" [06:53] MsCourtney, the | symbol on most keyboards is made with Shift+Backslash [06:53] ggabriel96: this is what you already did: removed nvidia drivers and restarted X [06:53] hello [06:54] I want to ask a question [06:54] MsCourtney, make sure you use forward slashes in /usr/bin/X [06:54] hmm ;/ [06:54] mumpitzel: lightdm: unrecognized service [06:54] is it possible to make somehow my ubuntu (from terminal) every 30 minutes to put automatically a command? [06:54] ggabriel96: have you started lightdm as I said? [06:54] MsCourtney, whoa [06:55] elpidios2: yes, with cron [06:55] mumpitzel: yes, it says already running [06:55] grinwoody: and ctrl+alt+f7 shows you what? [06:55] yes that command i have its cron command [06:55] does anyone know [06:56] hdon: 3887 pts/2 0:00 grep --color=auto /usr/bin/Xsdwer [06:56] mumpitzel: i think i will reinstall ubuntu tomorrow [06:56] something like that is oputput [06:56] MsCourtney, what about "ls /usr/bin/Xorg" === cafuego_ is now known as cafuegrumpt [06:56] MsCourtney, "ls" is LS lowercased [06:56] mumpitzel: just let me ask u something. i have chose to encrypt my home folder during the installation, and in the first boot, a message saying th swap was not ready appeared [06:57] mumpitzel: but then everything loaded and booted normally and i dont see that anymore [06:57] mumpitzel: so everything's fine, right? [06:57] ggabriel96: yes [06:57] hdon: "/usr/bin/Xorg" [06:57] i have a problem whit mint when i boot it via usb it says its running in fallback mode and i cant install it properly [06:57] mumpitzel: ok. the last thing: i did a sudo apt-get install nvidia-current on the live usb, is there a problem with that? [06:58] I have this error when updating my ubuntu 12.10 http://paste.ubuntu.com/5935446/ [06:58] kindly help [06:58] ggabriel96: no problem. might even work and be of course gone after a reboot [06:59] MsCourtney, does the command "dpkg -L lightdm" list a bunch of files or does it say lightdm is not installed? [06:59] inerkick: what's in your sources.list? [06:59] mumpitzel: oh, ok. thank u, utfans05 and everyone for ur support. cya later guys, gn! [06:59] hdon: Not installed [07:00] MsCourtney: dpkg -l libc6 | tail -1 and dpkg -l xorg | tail -1 [07:00] MsCourtney, hmm, was your system maybe going through a software update and got unplugged or something? [07:00] have to check mumixam [07:00] mumpitzel, you think she has no libc? [07:01] !mint | topke [07:01] topke: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org [07:01] Q: After using parted magic to format and then subsequently installing ubuntu using a live usb how do i stop parted magic from booting and instead boot to ubuntu? [07:01] where to find the sources list mumpitzel [07:01] hdon: I want to know what OS she has installed [07:01] i have to do that ? [07:01] crontab -e [07:01] hdon: It was a normal reboot, I did install and remove some stuff in software center and delete some unwanted files before restarting [07:02] and after... */30 * * * * /path/to/your/command [07:02] ? [07:02] Grinwoody_: how did you use parted magic? Live cd, USB? [07:02] mumpitzel, ahh [07:02] MsCourtney, you should have started with that information when you came here [07:03] @ubottu ok but since its same platform in basic and karnel i thought u might have same problems [07:03] Wizrd. I used a live usb and used 64 bit option [07:03] MsCourtney, i don't know which packages ended up being accidentally uninstalled, but i'm sure someone with more knowledge can get your desktop back [07:03] topke: it's not the same. either use mint support channels or go to ##linux. [07:04] MsCourtney: I'd start with apt-get install xorg ubuntu-desktop [07:04] no problem im about to conn to them [07:04] hdon: Sorry, didn't think it was relevant. I use Windows normally so I'm not really familiar. This isn't my computer and I want to get it working as quick as possible [07:04] Grinwoody_: did you remove the usb drive before booting? [07:05] MsCourtney, windows' vendor doesn't intend you to uninstall your desktop environment, so it's harder to do it accidentally [07:05] mumpitzel: apt-get: command not found [07:06] MsCourtney: reinstall ubuntu then [07:06] hdon: I think I am aware of that, but what I uninstalled was mostly unused programs like games === CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away [07:06] Wizrd. Yes but it still boots to partition manager [07:07] no apt-get command?? [07:07] MsCourtney: something is not right. removing apt-get is almost not possible [07:07] mumpitzel: Can I do that and keep the files and settings and make it exactly as it was before? [07:07] hdon: No [07:07] MsCourtney, what does "dpkg -L apt" tell you? [07:07] Grinwoody_: do you get any error messages when it wants to boot to gparted? [07:07] MsCourtney: sudo /usr/bin/apt-get install xorg ubuntu-desktop [07:07] mumpitzel: I've used apt-get in Konsole before and it worked [07:08] * hdon hopes it's a PATH issue [07:09] but how... could PATH not include /usr/bin... impossible [07:09] mumpitzel: sudo: /usr/bin/apt-get: command not found [07:09] wizrd. I had to disable my asrock sata through my bios to run both live usb. I just enabled it and removed the usb and i get error insert boot media. However when i try reinstalling ubuntu it recognizes as already installed. [07:09] then what did you do that it doesn't work now but worked before? [07:09] MsCourtney, apt is the most important part of package management. this is something someone would do to your system if they hated you. [07:09] Grinwoody_: where have you installed ubuntu? [07:10] Is this because I installed and uninstalled stuff (also updated) or something else? [07:10] wizrd. I ran the defaul installer option onto my hd [07:10] MsCourtney, i've never heard of it happening because of that. [07:10] i've actually never heard of this happening [07:10] MsCourtney: no. removing the apt package is very hard. you really notice it when you want to do that [07:10] MsCourtney: can you please show me the output of "uname -a" please [07:11] ikonia: Something like "Linux Emily-Laptop ...Ubuntu SMP ...x86_64 GNU/LINUX [07:12] MsCourtney: no, please show me exactly [07:12] MsCourtney: not "something". please paste the exact output. [07:12] not "something like" [07:12] ok its a bit long to type [07:13] is there a way to install linux on a system without livedisk [07:13] http://paste.ubuntu.com/5935486/ When I do sudo apt-get update [07:13] chunkyhead: what version of linux ? [07:13] ikonia: ubuntu [07:13] ikonia: Linux Emily-Laptop 3.8.0-21-generic #32-Ubuntu SMP Tue May 14 22:16:46 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux [07:14] chunkyhead: what do you mean without livedisk? [07:14] !install | chunkyhead [07:14] chunkyhead: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - See also !automate [07:14] paste.ubuntu.com/5935489/ this is the error [07:14] when updating ubuntu 12.10 [07:14] inerkick: you already posted that [07:14] aeon-ltd: my usb drives are not working and i dont have a cdrom :) [07:14] chunkyhead: then no, you'd have to setup a pxe install, buy a new usb or cdrom [07:15] Someone elsewhere says to do a "filesystem check".. How do I do that? [07:15] hello [07:15] this one got few more errors in it ikonia [07:15] MsCourtney: ls -la /usr/bin/apt-get please [07:15] ikonia: what is pxe install [07:15] chunkyhead: a huge ammount of effort to setup including 2 machines [07:15] For some reason when I torrent on my Ubuntu partition the download rate is capped at 10 kb/s - 12 kb/s [07:15] but when I boot windows the dl rate is normal, so it seems something is wrong with Ubuntu [07:15] any ideas? [07:15] ikonia: booting from network is an option? PS: let me google [07:15] inerkick, pastebin the text from running cat /etc/apt/sources.list [07:15] chunkyhead: 'surrogate' install? move the harddrive to a machine with the same hardware then install? [07:16] Grinwoody_: Grub is loading? [07:16] inerkick: your dns is not working [07:16] dolphin-man, torrent client settings [07:16] ikonia: ls: cannot access please: No such file ordirectory [07:16] MsCourtney: you've deleted core system libraries [07:16] that's why nothing is working [07:16] aeon-ltd: will grub need to be set up or when i plug in my hard disk i can directly boot without configuring?" [07:16] i think MsCourtney needs to ask herself who has it out for her or her sister [07:16] the binaries are there but the libraries they depend on are missing [07:16] wizrd. Grub isnt loading, I am remaking the live usb and will reinstall it. [07:17] who is probably a sysadmin [07:17] MsCourtney: your best bet is to backup core data and re-install [07:17] chunkyhead: wait you have access to a machine that has the same hardware as your current machine? [07:17] ikonia: Can they be restored? [07:17] Grinwoody_: be sure to remove the usb with gparted before you boot ubuntu [07:17] MsCourtney: it will be easier to backup your data and re-install [07:18] wizrd. Thanks for the help, i will be sure to do that. [07:18] Grinwoody_: did you set the correct boot option in bios? [07:18] I don't really get what I did wrong here. Can core system libraries be removed from software center? [07:18] MsCourtney: depends on the package dependencies [07:18] MsCourtney: lets just check a few other things [07:18] it's not supposed to be easy to do on accident MsCourtney [07:18] wizrd. Yes i did but with my motherboard i have to disable something called Asmedia Sata 3 mode to run live media from boot [07:18] Grinwoody_: better check that one first. Happend to me once [07:18] MsCourtney, Sure they can [07:18] MsCourtney: can you run "ls -la /usr/bin/ps" please [07:19] maybe MsCourtney should do a fsck [07:19] hdon: why ? [07:19] aeon-ltd: im not sure. that was a good option which u had mentioned. so im exploring my options. but i dont see switching hard disks would be any problem as long as both are sata ports [07:19] MsCourtney, I see where you're going with this.... [07:19] when i use "java jar path" it shows error could not find or load main class jar [07:19] ikonia, why what? [07:19] rather, ikonia [07:19] hdon: why run fsck [07:19] ikonia: ls won't run: 09:16 < MsCourtney> ikonia: ls: cannot access please: No such file ordirectory [07:19] ikonia, i might have missed some info but it's amazing that apt got removed maybe the filesystem lost the commands [07:19] compromise? [07:19] mumpitzel: that was against /usr/bin/apt-get I want to check the output as that isn't real output [07:20] ikonia: No such file or directory [07:20] hdon: well 1.) fsck wouldn't bring them back 2.) there is nothig to suggest any file system corruption [07:20] MsCourtney: ok, it looks like your libraries are missing [07:20] MsCourtney: backup your data and re-install [07:20] How did you remove core-utils? [07:20] Ok, thanks for your help, how do I backup data? [07:20] syn-ack: it's not [07:21] Grinwoody_: makes no sense to disable the sata controler to boot from usb [07:21] syn-ack: something like libc is missing and the "file not found" error is "ls" erroring that it can't find a library it needs to run [07:21] MsCourtney: copy all of /home/ to a backup disk [07:21] syn-ack: the files are there, but they can't run as something like libc is missing [07:21] yep, thtat would certainly do it [07:22] wizrd. There is a seperate option to disable the sata controller so it cant be what it does. [07:22] hi were there changes in Unity GUI in recent months, that allow users not being spied by amazon or other internet search and service companies, E.G. Allowing User of Ubuntu Unity to control it's own personal data flow on it's own desktop computer, by default? Or is it the same by default like before? [07:22] MsCourtney, Out of curiosity, how long has your system been doing this? [07:22] Hey all I'm currently running Mint but thinking of switching back to Ubuntu. I realise this is probaly not the best place for an objective opinion, but are there obvious advantages to switching to Ubuntu? [07:22] wizrd. i think its a motherboard 'feature' that makes live usb not load properly [07:22] syn-ack: it ran dpkg half an hour before and not even ls anymore [07:22] mumpitzel: Ok sorry if this sounds stupid, but I don't know how to copy it from the Linux CLI. I know how to use cd, dir ls to navigate [07:22] syn-ack: Just now, after a reboot [07:23] MsCourtney: you need to use a livecd to get the data off [07:23] MsCourtney: boot from a live cd. the "cp" for copy program won't run either [07:23] wow, that's what apt is for, you know that, right MsCourtney? [07:23] chunkyhead: if you absolutely need ubuntu, then 2 hours or so if trying this is worth it assuming no other options are available [07:23] MsCourtney: a lot of the tools you want to use won't work [07:23] ikonia: does ubuntu ship with busybox? [07:23] Yes [07:23] mumpitzel: by default yes, but she's not going to get into it at this stage [07:23] Grinwoody_: just read about it. Looks like asmedia sata controlers are not supported by the linux kernel [07:23] mumpitzel: booting a livecd - copying of then clicking install seems the best 1 stop solution [07:23] MsCourtney: you need a livecd to install ubuntu anyways. so you can use the same CD/USB stick to save your userdata [07:24] Wow, what a mess [07:24] ikonia: busybox is statically compiled, so if it's there it will run [07:24] mumpitzel: I dont mean it won't run, I mean she's not going to get ito it [07:24] into [07:24] nii236|irssi, Better support and a much larger development pool, a big forum...etc [07:24] he's got a point, ikonia but yeah [07:24] hrm [07:24] hi there. i'm running ubuntu 12.04 server (amd64) using full hard disk encryption. the system comes up fine, however, there is no /var/run/network/ifstate (not even a /var/run/network directory). this causes ifup to malfunction and the loopback device to be missing. can anyone point me to the script that should create that file/directory, so i can see what's going wrong? [07:25] it would probably be better to just recover what you can and reinstall, anyway [07:25] wilee-nilee: Cheers [07:25] mumpitzel: I have a Kubuntu livecd and it was actually Kubuntu installed [07:25] ikonia: why not /bin/busybox cp -h ? works just fine. [07:25] mumpitzel: that works fine [07:25] MsCourtney: that will do fine [07:25] vinyl, that sounds dreadful [07:25] mumpitzel: she's not going to be able to mount the disk to copy off, or use a network etc etc etc [07:25] something like libc going missing is never a nice thing from which to recover. [07:26] mumpitzel: the livecd will do all this for her, so it's easier to boot livecd with working environment, copy and re-install in one hit [07:26] aeon-ltd: im ok with any linux option but i guess if i mention that here i'd be asked to leave the chat room :P [07:26] mumpitzel, She'd have to buid a chroot and once she does that... no workie [07:26] agreed [07:26] build, ugh [07:28] Ok livecd booted to a completely black screen and hangs there. [07:28] Well its actually a liveusb [07:28] wizrd. Ah i see, I have re made that live usb and running now. Would the Logical Volume Manager be any use? [07:28] hdon, indeed it does. manually touching the missing file and executing ifup -a cures the problem. however, only until the next reboot. [07:29] Grinwoody_: LVM is a good option. You can't go wrong with it [07:29] Should I wait longer, the USB led is not blinking [07:29] chunkyhead: if you have windows currently, supposedly there us a hdd only install with unetbootin http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/#install [07:30] I have been told never to boot a livecd as it doesn't work on this laptop. [07:30] chunkyhead: is there any chance you can share the truth about what you are doing [07:30] chunkyhead: such as trying to install centos [07:31] MsCourtney: worth trying [07:31] Its still at this black screen on other computers its fast usually [07:31] wilee-nilee, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5935529/ check this , thats the sourcelist [07:32] inerkick: your dns is not working [07:32] ikonia: trying to update centos or install something with updated kernel. i dont have [07:32] chunkyhead: ok, so that's nothing to do with this channel [07:32] /lastlog chunkyhead [07:33] inerkick, I would take ikonia's word. [07:33] ikonia: imma install ubuntu, how does it matter? [07:33] chunkyhead: so you're now trying to install ubuntu you say ? [07:34] im trying to update this computer with a recent kernel [07:34] centos unable to offer me that hence im moving to ubuntu [07:34] chunkyhead: right, and you're using centos [07:35] can you help? [07:35] haha [07:35] with what? [07:35] ikonia: hence i am moving to ubuntu === alan_ is now known as Guest57477 [07:35] chunkyhead: ok, so what's stopping you from just installing it ? [07:35] wait, you were using CentOS as a workstation? [07:35] The screen remained blank. I powered it off with the button and I know this sounds crazy but now it won't turn on. Any ideas? [07:35] Guest57477: We don't yet until you ask your real question [07:35] ikonia: my ports are DEAD [07:35] chunkyhead: what do you mean "dead" [07:35] can i download fruit loops on linux?? [07:35] chunkyhead: as in hardware failure ? [07:36] ikonia: does not detect anymore [07:36] update managers says no updaters available and I still have ver 12 ? Anyone know how to install ver 13? [07:36] chunkyhead: detect in the OS or the bios ? [07:36] The laptop is a Samsung 530u3c ultrabook [07:36] unable to locate lamp in repositories [07:36] aeon-ltd: that will require me to use a usb right? [07:36] MsCourtney: hardware failure if it won't turn on [07:36] MsCourtney: contact the vendor for an RMA [07:37] Its about a year old. [07:37] ikonia: OS. i cant event boot anything from usb. although bios detects there is a usb there [07:37] wizrd. I reinstalled and now and its working fine, thanks for your help. [07:37] chunkyhead: unetbootin? there's a frugal install/hdd only; you might need to read into it [07:37] chunkyhead: right , so you should be able to boot from an ubuntu livecd [07:37] chunkyhead: or an ubuntu liveusb [07:37] Grinwoody_: anytime. You can buy me a beer someday [07:38] ikonia: no cd drive lol [07:38] linux you need to do a release upgrade, to the next released version. not update your current system to the latest packages for that version. if its a new install. it maybe easier to just get a 13.04 cd and do a clean install [07:38] !cookie | wizrd [07:38] wizrd: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! [07:38] chunkyhead: I suspect it will work if you mack an ubuntu usb [07:38] ikonia: cant boot thru usb that's what i've been telling you [07:38] lotuspsychje: no cookies for me. Makes me fat [07:38] chunkyhead: what can you boot to? [07:38] chunkyhead: no, you've told me your current OS doesn't detect USB [07:38] wizrd. will do buddy [07:38] chunkyhead: you've told me the bios sees it [07:38] So its nothing I did that could have caused it to stop right? [07:39] Okay , think I have it on a cd already anyway. Does that wipe everything from my partitions hdd? [07:39] chunkyhead: if you create an ubuntu usb install device, it should work [07:39] MsCourtney: no idea, contact the vendor for an RMA [07:39] linux the instgaller can delete the old os. [07:39] ikonia: lol i have tried. doesnt work [07:39] chunkyhead: how did you install centos ? [07:40] ikonia: centos was installed in this. usb stopped working recently :| [07:40] chunkyhead: so to confirm, you have created an ubuntu usb stick already ? [07:41] chunkyhead: you can install ubuntu via debootstrap [07:41] while runnint centos [07:41] mumpitzel: THANKS finally [07:41] thank guys [07:41] chunkyhead: so to confirm, you have created an ubuntu usb stick already ? [07:41] no [07:41] debootstrap can be very... intense ;) not for the faint of heart [07:41] chunkyhead: then how do you know it won't work ? [07:42] ikonia: because USBS DONT WORK ON MY COMPUTER [07:42] chunkyhead: no, it doesn't [07:42] I"VE TRIED EVERYTHING [07:42] chunkyhead: usb does not work on your current OS [07:42] chunkyhead: you've told me the bios shows it still, [07:42] dude have you been reading anything i typed till now [07:42] chunkyhead: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/installation-guide/powerpc/linux-upgrade.html [07:42] i said i cant boot [07:42] chunkyhead: TRY an ubuntu usb stick [07:42] os is irrelevent [07:42] chunkyhead: what do you mean can't boot ? [07:42] bios detects but doesn't boot [07:42] chunkyhead: what have you tried to boot ? [07:42] see if the usb stick you made, does in fact boot on a differnt pc. [07:42] chunkyhead: what mainboard is it? [07:43] chunkyhead: grub2? [07:43] i gtg [07:43] chunkyhead: supposedly plop can boot to anything even if it's not supported http://www.plop.at/en/bootmanager/mbrinstall.html#grub2inst [07:43] i will ttyl [07:43] what a surprise [07:44] The laptop doesn't have warranty according to me as it was bought online from a 3rd party [07:44] MsCourtney: then we can't help you any more, contact a repair place [07:45] did we get trolled for half an hour by a fake request? [07:45] yes [07:45] and n [07:45] no [07:46] bottom line is from the other channel, he'd screwed his centos install up so it wouldn't detect usb an more as he was trying to do a custom kernel [07:46] hence why if he made an ubuntu usb stick, it probably would have booted as it was his current OS / stick that wasn't working with usb [07:47] Red Hat *anything* is tricky to get the kernel right [07:47] is there a collection of pentesting tools fro ubuntu, so you dont have to manually install them one-by-one? [07:47] always has been... [07:48] lotuspsychje: you'd probably be better looking at kali-linux [07:48] ikonia: found this and just wondering: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuPentest [07:49] how do i set a default folder for the terminal to start in === akshay_ is now known as akshay_r [07:49] lotuspsychje: sorry, not sure how that url has anything to do with your question, that's explaining what a team does [07:51] ikonia: isnt kali linux another Os? [07:51] lotuspsychje: correct === karlo|afk is now known as karlo [07:51] lotuspsychje: if you're looking for something specific for pen-testing it's worth considering, if you want to use ubuntu, just install the tools you want [07:51] can i install a graphic card driver on my vbox guest windows ? [07:51] ikonia: ok so no collection exist for ubuntu? [07:52] lotuspsychje: there are many tools, there isn't a metapackage for them [07:52] HypnotiX: no. only the vbox guest additions [07:52] ikonia: ok tnx [07:52] Apparently booting Ubuntu livecd's on this particular laptop bricks it and I should not have tried the livecd on it! [07:52] MsCourtney: a Toshiba? [07:53] Samsung 530u3c [07:53] there was a lot of news/posts about that issue a few months back i recall. [07:53] Never heard of a liveCD bricking a laptop [07:53] i forget the details.. some weirdness with the bios/uefi or somthing [07:54] ah, well... [07:54] syn-ack: never heard of laptops bricking either [07:54] dr_willis: Was just going to say it was some Samsung laptop [07:55] MsCourtney: that's nonsense [07:55] aeon-ltd, Well, now that it was mentioned that it's something about the UEFI, it makes sense... There's been a lot of breakage with them... [07:55] MsCourtney: please show me where you found that information [07:55] ikonia: Bug 1040557 [07:55] bug 1040557 in linux (Ubuntu) "UEFI boot live-usb bricks SAMSUNG 530U3C,np700z5c laptop" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1040557 [07:55] My sister said so, I can't confirm it [07:55] are you kidding me ? [07:55] i was thinking samsung also came out with a bios (or whatever it is) update [07:56] MsCourtney: my apologies, thats terrible [07:56] other os's could also brick the thing [07:56] ikonia: it was a bug in samsung's uefi implementation [07:56] Nope, was big news a few months back, turned out to be not Ubuntu specific, was a bios fault that could affect other os's including windows [07:56] ikonia: Its not your fault ... should have researched this [07:57] samsung should have fixed this a long time ago [07:57] wonder if they had a recall? ;) [07:58] mumpitzel, It should never have happened. [07:58] http://www.theregister.co.uk/2013/02/01/linux_samsung_laptop_fix_advice/ [07:59] !fonts [07:59] Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "ttf-mscorefonts-installer" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". For the official ubuntu font, see: http://font.ubuntu.com/ [08:00] But I thought this was only for 12.04 and 12.10?530U3C [08:00] MsCourtney: was it 13.04 you tried ? === sol is now known as Guest93755 [08:02] My wireless nic working not so good , [08:02] My wireless nic working not so good ,can I do some benchmark for it? [08:03] I thought it was Kubuntu 13.04, but it seems like I accidentally used Ubuntu 12.10... Anyways there's nothing I can do now. Hopefully it can be fixed and the data recovered. [08:03] how do i install all fonts from a directory? [08:03] at once [08:04] hi guys can i change dash button to show applications by default in 13.04? [08:04] MsCourtney: get in contact with samsung and explain, [08:05] hi every1 === aeon-ltd_ is now known as aeon-ltd [08:07] i need a help in wine.after i run a game under wine(full screen) then the resolution becomes akward after i exit the app.any work around? so that each time i exit the app,resolution auto corrects itself [08:07] anyone can tell me how I can get the active nic on the commandline (want to use it tn an sh script) [08:07] g0ran: if its doable. id bet its been asked and answered on askubuntu.com [08:07] so I want to know it eth0 or eth1 or whatever is the active networkcard being used [08:08] sahil__: common 'fix' is use a script to launch the wine game, and have the script run xrandr with the right optiomns to set the res when the game exits [08:09] espio: look at the output of ifconfig and parse it to see which one has an ip# perhaps [08:09] okey i nearly understood what you have said...is any sample script available? [08:09] espio: of course its possible you will have both nics active ;) in some cases. [08:10] sahil__: #!/bin/bash wine /path/to/whatevver.exe xrandr optionsgohere [08:10] sahil__: 3 line script [08:10] appears it cannot be done. what about using three finger gestures with touchpad, for example to go back/forward in browser. is there a tweak which enables this. synaptics touchpad settings do not have this [08:11] Guest93755: you are better off talking in the channel. that way everyone can help === karloone is now known as karlo [08:11] dr_willis: thx. sounds a bit complex though [08:11] oksay i want to have 1280*1024 reso after the game exist.so will it be xrandr 1280*1024?? [08:12] espio: ifconfig has differnt options, you can parse the output throught grep to see what eth# has a ip address. that would most likely be the one in use [08:12] !xrandr [08:12] XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X. Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR12 [08:12] sahil__: check xrandr --help also for its syntax. i dont use it much [08:12] thanx :) [08:13] is there any wine specific channel? [08:13] !wine [08:13] WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu [08:15] hello people. some help here! I cannot boot my Ubuntu 12.04! it shows several messages on the screen and now has stack to the following msg : udev[113] : '/sbin/blkid -o udev -p /dev/sda6' [240] terminated by signal [08:16] hdon, just to follow up. i found the issue. was due to me replacing /sbin/initctl during installation time for it to work in a debootstrap/chroot environment. unfortunately i must have lost the post-it where i reminded myself to revert back to the original. [08:16] problem solved. [08:17] ahhh [08:17] awesome [08:21] hello [08:22] i set ssh service on my ubu server and i am trying to connect from other machine... it asks me for password [08:23] I type passw like I used to login to that server as a user but it doesn't work [08:23] any sugestions what my password could be ? :) [08:24] lol [08:24] I mean seriously. If on the router I have user named XXX and password XXX isn't it true that using ssh I login XXX:XXX ??? [08:24] not router, * server [08:25] karab44: ssh user@server, then enter password when prompted [08:25] ok but is it the same as user password? [08:25] should be [08:25] karab44: it is the password for the user on the server [08:25] karab44: Yes, it should be the same password as for the username on the server [08:26] hey [08:26] I just lost my mind because I got user@server and tried password that I just logged in (I have local access granted) [08:26] how are ya [08:26] oh ya [08:26] dang [08:26] This is what I get: Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-with-mic,password) [08:27] Do I need authenticity ? [08:27] to establish a connection? [08:28] karab44: no. You connect with ssh user@server, and when prompted you enter the user's password. Try ssh -vvv user@server for more details. Or check /var/log/auth.log on the server for messages [08:28] somsip: thank you mate [08:29] ooooookaay.... [08:29] I think I found a subtle detail [08:30] on the ssh server see if you can 'ssh user@localhost' and verify that works [08:30] how to list all user accounts? [08:30] look in /home/ is one way ;) not the best way.. but a way [08:30] geezas [08:30] true [08:30] ! [08:31] Im noobie [08:31] there is no excuse for me [08:32] even the most experienced at pcs learn something new all the time man dont sweat it [08:32] I think I found what's wrong [08:33] nope, I'm a step closer but still not in. [08:33] . [08:34] hi [08:34] anyone? [08:34] hi w4pm [08:35] hi wow [08:35] hi karab44 [08:35] uff so many "w" guys... [08:35] how do i copy a text from vbox to linux ? [08:35] HypnotiX: there is an option about that [08:35] sorry dunno what vbox is [08:35] virtualbox [08:35] virtual box [08:35] ohh okay [08:36] ah found it [08:36] shared clipboard [08:36] :) [08:36] heh [08:36] I wish I have that much luck [08:36] yeaa i reckon, me too [08:37] Ok I made a common mistake. I was logging into user that not exist. [08:37] but finally I tried to correct username and with no effect [08:37] karab44: that will cause permission denied errors... [08:38] \exit [08:38] Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-with-mic,password). this was when I used wron username [08:38] karab44: so what's happening now? [08:39] The same Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-with-mic,password). [08:39] Is this public key or any other authentication essential to establish an connection? [08:39] karab44: you can connect to SSH using various ways. publickey is one, password is another. You're trying to get in using password, so dont worry about publickey for now [08:40] because first of all I got something like The authenticity of host '91.192.8x.xxx' can't be established. [08:40] karab44: where do you get this? [08:40] karab44: or does it then prompt you 'Do you want to accept the identity....etc'? [08:40] how can i run windoes exe files in ubuntu [08:40] !wine | thunder1212 [08:40] thunder1212: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu [08:40] first of all I got something like Could not create directory '//.ssh'. [08:41] karab44: 'get' is not very descriptive. Are you seeing this in the SSH client or on the server? [08:41] :))))) somsip sorry [08:41] all prints are client side [08:42] Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes [08:42] Failed to add the host to the list of known hosts (//.ssh/known_hosts2). [08:42] these are client prints as well [08:42] Just figure I would let some felow Linux users know I managed to get the Sound working with my Sound Blaster Z card with an older kernel 3.8.11-gentoo in case . I compiled it on a whim needless to say I'm very happy I used the this position fix as well [08:43] (I know a a lot of Ubuntu users were going nut with this too) [08:43] your useful s home is not encrypted is it? [08:43] I did nothing with the configuration of ubuntu server, I just forwarded ports on my router, thats all [08:43] karab44: you have a local permissions problem. can you post a ls -la ~ [08:43] !paste | karab44 [08:43] karab44: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [08:45] somsip: what should I expect using this listing? [08:46] karab44: a list of permission of all files and directories in your home directory [08:46] somsip: the files he needs to know about are not in the home directory. they are in ~/.ssh/ [08:47] mumpitzel: and we don't know if there are permission problems in ~. We have to start somewhere. Neither is a wrong approach [08:47] somsip: ok I got it but now I got to copy somehow from vbox :P [08:49] karab44: try shared clipboard. Hypnotix found it early in the channel [08:49] *earlier [08:50] somsip: it is. ~ doesn't matter [08:50] I don't have any X installed, pure terminal so I can't use any pointer [08:50] ciao [08:50] karab44: mumpitzel is quite right that "ls -la .ssh" is something we need to see too. So paste that also [08:51] I'll paste jpg if you don't mind [08:51] karab44: do not paste ~ content: those are your private files where we have no business intruding. .ssh are only configuration files which exist on every ubuntu [08:51] !pastebinit | karab44 [08:51] karab44: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com [08:52] mumpitzel: no worry, this is a fresh system [08:52] my apt-get dist-upgrade is failing - anyone have any ideas? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5935724/ [08:54] guys there's no such file as .ssh in my home location [08:54] so there's nothing to display :S [08:55] karab44: so this could be a problem. mkdir .ssh && chmod 700 .ssh [08:55] mshadle: you have packages that conflict, have you added any 3rd party repos or PPA's ? [08:55] karab44: then try connecting again (very strange there is no ~/.ssh though) [08:57] ikonia: yes a couple ppas, but nothing that should be altering any of these. [08:58] should apt-cache policy i suppose [08:58] Well still nothing. Could not create directory '//.ssh'. [08:58] mshadle: well, the conflicts coming from somewhere, those are the automatic candidates and their dependencies [08:58] so should I have same folder on my client machine? [08:58] karab44: what was the exact command you used. [08:58] ssh user@serv [08:58] karab44: where are you running this from? You are running it on the client aren't you? [08:58] karab44: the mkdir command.. [08:58] ikonia: apt-cache policy is showing me the only sources for those 4 packages is all straight ubuntu repos... [08:58] mkdir on my server [08:59] your error message seems weird with the '//.ssh' [08:59] mshadle: those packages yes, but their dependencies, probably not [08:59] karab44: what is the EXACT command you are using [08:59] I didn't touch anything :( [08:59] ikonia: ssh user@server [08:59] karab44: you run the client and need to mkdir in the ~ on the same machine. For now, assume the server needs nothing doing. [08:59] karab44: there should be a .ssh directory on the users home on the client, and in the users home on the server [08:59] karab44: that is not the exact command [08:59] karab44: show me the EXACT command [09:00] i need to list what packages HAVE those dependencies.. sadly, those are pretty important packages. a lot will rely on them. i should evaluate what i'm getting through ppas i suppose. [09:00] ikonia: I will not provide my server address [09:00] karab44: can't help ten [09:00] then [09:00] sorry [09:00] the user was the most important thing [09:00] ikonia: I know. I've already found it out [09:01] karab44: what was the problem then ? [09:01] slowdown, it's not solved yet [09:01] karab44: then you've not found iut [09:01] I just answered your question :) [09:01] karab44: what is the username you are using [09:01] karab44: as that is the key thing to your problem [09:03] ikonia: just let me finish what dr_willis and somsip adviced to do, ok? [09:07] hello people, I am doing some php coding and noticed sendmail in 12.04 does not play so well… Does anyone know a solution to this issue? PHP scripts that run the mail() function take forever to execute and the mails are sent out after a too long time [09:08] MindSpark: sendmail works just fine, [09:08] MindSpark: what's the actual issue [09:08] MindSpark: and which MTA are you using? [09:08] hi the first user that is created during installation is a "standard" user, right? When I use adduser to add another new user do they also become a "standard" user with the same privileges as the one created during install? [09:08] how do you check if your kernel supports FUSE ? [09:08] well, I surrender [09:08] ikonia: yes, maybe I should have completed the sentence, "does not play well with PHP" [09:09] MindSpark: plays great with pph [09:09] php [09:09] MindSpark: I have the pairing on over 30 servers [09:09] mumpitzel: sendmail. I am developing on a test server, but I am not sure what MTA the live server is going to have yet [09:09] joshu: no, it's an "admin" user by default [09:09] anyone used ssh client from MinGW set ? [09:09] MindSpark: ubuntu ships with postfix by default [09:10] ikonia: http://www.flogiston.net/blog/2009/05/11/sendmail-painfully-slow-on-ubuntu/ [09:10] I mean msys [09:10] MindSpark: check your logs then [09:10] this is the issue [09:10] mumpitzel: I am not saying it doesn't send. It just takes forever [09:10] ikonia ok so I created a new user with sudo adduser test and when I login I see this is /var/log/auth.log,"requirement "user ingroup nopasswdlogin" not met by user "test"" [09:10] * mumpitzel wonders why one uses sendmail for a developer machine in the first place [09:11] joshu: looks like pam requirements are not set for minimal groups [09:11] MindSpark: so you know it's a queue based system by default ? [09:11] nathanbz: grep CONFIG_FUSE_FS /boot/config-* [09:11] mumpitzel: I actually removed postfix and installed sendmail because it wouldn't send at all [09:11] MindSpark: you also know that dns resolution and reverse resolution will be key [09:11] joshu: you have to give the test user a password [09:11] histo I did [09:11] during the adducer process when it prompted for one [09:12] ikonia: how do I go about the reverse? [09:12] MindSpark: set it up on your dns server [09:12] joshu: what groups does the user belong to? [09:12] MindSpark: it will also need to work on the hosts the mail servers the mail is going to as if they take too long to reverse lookup where the mail is coming from, it will just sit in the queue [09:13] histo this is the user created during install: admin:x:1000:1000:admin,,,:/home/admin:/bin/bash [09:13] histo this is the user I created:test:x:1001:1001:,,,:/home/test:/bin/bash [09:13] ikonia: ok, so you're saying the issue is mainly resolutionk? [09:13] resolution [09:14] mumpitzel: what do ytou recommend instead? [09:14] MindSpark: no, I'm saying "you know he basics right, and you've made sure they are ok" [09:14] joshu: id test [09:14] MindSpark: if postfix won't send and sendmail is slow to send, it sounds like your mail infrastructure is not setup correctly, as both those MTA's work great with php [09:14] MindSpark: the ubuntu default: postfix [09:15] ok, I'll give postfix another shot [09:15] MindSpark: why ? [09:15] MindSpark: what are you randomly changing MTA's [09:15] histo uid=1001(test) gid=1001(test) groups=1001(test) [09:15] why not actually fix the problems you have with the core function "sending mail" [09:15] because I removed postfix and installed sendmail thinking sendmail is the default on ubuntu [09:15] MindSpark: how can it be default if it wasn't installed and another MTA is isntalled === zipper_ is now known as zipper [09:15] MindSpark: and you said you couldn't get postfix to work - that doesn't suggest you removed it because you thought sendmail was default [09:16] joshu: id admin [09:16] histo uid=1000(admin) gid=1000(admin) groups=1000(admin),4(adm),24(cdrom),27(sudo),30(dip),46(plugdev),108(lpadmin),109(sambashare) [09:16] MindSpark: ssmtp [09:17] joshu: how are you trying to login? [09:17] histo lightdm unity-greeter [09:17] ikonia: ok, I added a few lines to my /etc/hosts and uncommented the line accordingly in sendmail.cf and the mail function returns true, which means the mail is sent out [09:17] histo is something wrong with how I created the user [09:17] but I think it might be the queue that is holding it back now? [09:17] MindSpark: you know the mail is being sent out, [09:17] MindSpark: you already said that, you said it's just slow [09:18] histo: I tried that and it works fine with gmail. But I am not sure if I am going to be allowed to switch to ssmtp on the live server [09:18] ok I've added HOME variable as msys\1.0\home on my client. There is .ssh folder and first warning dissapeared [09:18] ikonia: yes, now the script actually returns in a matter of seconds [09:18] rather than a minute or two [09:19] but still can't connect [09:19] and it returns 1 [09:19] MindSpark: ok, so that's your internal mail resolution working it appears [09:19] karab44: please ask in a mingw support forum. you don't run ssh on ubuntu [09:19] how do you check if your kernel supports FUSE ? [09:19] MindSpark: so that seems to be "ok" if it takes seconds [09:19] ikonia: ok, what now? [09:19] nathanbz: I already told you [09:19] MindSpark: well, what's the problem now, you said it sends quick, is that not problem solved ? [09:19] joshu: doesn't appear so should work. You could create another user with the users tool in System settings and compare but should be working [09:19] exactly, what do I have to check for the external one? [09:19] Is there any reasonable (so, meaning I am not hacked) explanation for a line like ? root Unknown TCP 13KB/s in nethogs output? [09:19] MindSpark: if it's working now, job done [09:20] MindSpark: mail.log,syslog [09:20] karab44: are you definitely connecting to the correct server? Is there are chance you have some DNS issues given it sounds like one machine is a VM [09:20] ikonia: well it looks like it stays in the queue forever [09:20] sorry mumpitzel i just saw [09:20] MindSpark: how are you checking ? [09:20] ok thanks histo [09:20] I am not, I am just not getting mails [09:20] MindSpark: right - don't "assume" things then [09:20] MindSpark: for all you know it could have left and its the next hop that's slow [09:20] ikonia: I am not assuming, I am trying to explain myself [09:20] MindSpark: you are assuming [09:20] MindSpark: you just said "it stays in the queue for ever" [09:21] MindSpark: you have no idea if it's even in the queue [09:21] grr [09:21] ikonia: ok, let me rephrase, how do I debug which hop is taking so long? [09:21] jdoles: which ubuntu do you run? [09:21] MindSpark: answer the quesitons [09:21] why isn't this frigger s3fs not working for me :( [09:21] mumpitzel: 12.04 LTS. [09:21] fuse is ther /boot/config-3.2.0-49-virtual:CONFIG_FUSE_FS=y [09:21] ikonia: which one? [09:21] mumpitzel: with all the security updates. [09:21] mumpitzel: 12.04.2, I think. [09:21] MindSpark: the ones I keep asking you, answer them with "fact" not "what you think", if you don't know say "I don't know" [09:22] MindSpark: have you checked the mail queue ? [09:22] ikonia: php mail() returns 1. [09:22] ok, bye bye MindSpark [09:22] MindSpark: I didn't ask for php mail functions, I asked "hav eyou checked the mail queue" [09:22] ikonia: oh come on, I am trying [09:22] nathanbz: fuse is in the kernel by default on ubuntu - yes. most of the fuse tools have some soert of verbose logging options i think [09:22] no I have not, how do I do that? [09:23] MindSpark: you're not, I've just given you speech on giving factual information, not what you think, and if yo udon't know say "I don't know" [09:23] ok [09:26] hi [09:26] dr_willis I'm trying to mount a amazon s3 bucket with s3fs i have it working on ubuntu 10.04 but can't get it to work with 12.04 [09:27] it just doesn't let me list the directory its really weird > < [09:27] i've changed many time my WiFi network card, and now its name is wlan5, i want set it wlan0, what can i must do? [09:27] nathanbz: have you check the log? dmesg? [09:28] megagolgoth: theres some persistant-network rules file ive seen mentioned in here befor that keeps track of that.. It may be mentioneed at askubuntu.com also i see a similer wuestion to yours mentioned in here almost weekly [09:28] people, can someone (who can bear with me for a bit) tell me how to check "the mail queue" of sendmail? [09:28] drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 0 Jan 1 1970 s3 [09:28] MindSpark: I can bear with you if you are just honest [09:28] that looks really weird [09:28] and say "I don't know" rather thank making up issues like "it's stuck in the queue" when you don't even know how to check [09:29] MindSpark: the command is "mqueue" [09:29] anybody knows what this command is doin? I am trying to fix a problem : sudo fsck -yv /dev/sda [09:29] Hey guys, I used pen drive linux to make a live USB for ubunutu and set the persistant to max, but everytime I shutdown and restart everything goes back to the original live. [09:29] ok, can someone (who can bear with an dishonest guy for a bit) [09:29] Anyone know how to fix it? [09:29] nothing in dmsg [09:29] > < [09:29] sol2: you shouldn't be running that [09:29] sol2: you run fsck against a partition, not a disk [09:29] nathanbz: go to /var/log [09:30] MindSpark: is your queue full or empty ? [09:30] yeah nothing happening in /var/log/gmsg [09:30] yeah nothing happening in /var/log/dmsg [09:30] dr_willis: oh, it's nice, but how can i found it? [09:30] megagolgoth: askubuntu.com has a search function [09:31] syslog has Aug 1 09:30:55 ip-10-0-0-150 s3fs: init $Rev: 444 $ [09:31] somsip: you're right [09:31] Hello [09:31] megagolgoth: all i rember is its a file in /etc/ ive seen people twiddle with in here befor. [09:31] ikonia: the commandline says the command does not exist (see I explicitly said that the cmmandline said that, not assuming anything this time) [09:31] another words for the request? [09:31] this is so fkin weird :( [09:31] somsip: I've just connected to the server (VM) on local network address [09:31] nathanbz: no need for bad language [09:32] MindSpark: ok, so install it, it will be something like sendmail-tools or mail-tools package, or even mqueue package it's self, also look at the splool location on the file system, see if it's full [09:32] dr_willis: do you remember another words for making my search requests on askubuntu? [09:32] nathanbz: hmm. ive not used that fuse tool. so cant really suggest much. or i could suggest just setting up ssh and sshfs and get to the server that way ;) but i dont use the amazon stuff [09:32] somsip: Problem is, when I try this trick using a public IP [09:32] I am.getting stack overflow error when I try to boot. [09:33] megagolgoth: id search for 'change network device name' and sort the answers by votes [09:33] MindSpark: also try "mailq! [09:33] MindSpark: sorry "mailq" [09:33] dr_willis: ok, thank you :à) [09:33] ikonia: /var/spool/mqueue-client is empty [09:34] s3fs 256T 0 256T 0% /mnt/s3 [09:34] MindSpark: hat's the client, is there /var/spool/mail ? [09:34] whoa 256Tbs [09:34] ikonia: there's only this /var/spool/mqueue is empty [09:34] nathanbz: thats almost enough for my wallpaper collextion. ;) [09:34] MindSpark: also check mailq [09:34] MindSpark: if /var/spool/mqueue is empty it looks like it's either not gone into the queue, or left the host [09:34] nathanbz: there is another log file on /var/log, on this folder try ls -lh [09:34] megagolgoth: it's in /etc/udev/rules.d/ in there grep for "wlan5" and you will find it [09:35] mumpitzel: ok thank you [09:35] Need help guys [09:35] Hey guys, I used pen drive linux to make a live USB for ubunutu and set the persistant to max, but everytime I shutdown and restart everything goes back to the original live. [09:35] Anyone know how to fix it? [09:35] I am getting stack overflow when booting [09:36] ikonia: ok, so messages in /var/spool/mail are the ones that are not sent out yet, and the ones in /var/spool/mqueue are the ones that are current;y being sent? [09:36] Increase: check that the casper-rw file exists and the boot options tell the system to use it.. would be step 1 in trouble shooting i think [09:36] stringdb: which program gets a stack overflow? [09:36] mumpitzel dr_willis : founded! [09:36] thx! [09:36] dr_willis how do I check that? [09:36] MindSpark: /var/spool/mail is normally containing incoming messages, it depends on your setup really [09:37] MindSpark: lets walk it through, does "mailq" do anything [09:37] Increase: look on the usb for the file. and check the syslinux config files, or when it boots look at what options its using [09:37] ikonia: yes, maiq outputs MSP and MTA queue status [09:38] MindSpark: that's "mailq" correct ? [09:38] yes [09:38] dr_willis I can check the USB, but I don't know how to check the options when it boots [09:38] Are there any tools that allow me to compare the packages installed on a number of Ubuntu Precise servers? [09:38] Increase: the bootloader should havce some keys to 'edit' the options you can look and see what its using. or check the bootloaders config files. (whatever loadre the system is using) [09:38] When I boot I get error. [09:38] Stack overflow. [09:39] MindSpark: can you poastebin the output, lets have a look if it shows anything ? [09:39] Ikonia: Yo mama's so fat. When I tried to boot her, it gives me stack overflow [09:39] ikonia: http://pastebin.com/PjEpFKJW [09:39] dr_willis casper-rw file isn't in syslinux on the USB. [09:39] Should I create one? [09:40] Increase: should be on the root of the usb flash i belove. not in the syslinux directory. it should be the largest file on the usb i imagine === dan_ is now known as Guest61576 [09:41] MindSpark: great, so key thing there is the pre-queue prepperation has nothing in, and the queue has nothing in [09:41] MindSpark: that suggests they have "gone" from your machine, or not been processed at all (unlikley) [09:41] MindSpark: if you look in the mail log, you should see confirmation of messages being processed [09:41] ikonia: isn't sendmail logging what it has sent by default in mail.log or similar? [09:42] mumpitzel: I'd hope so, hence why I've just asked for th elog to be confirmed [09:43] dr_willis I found the casper-rw file, it is not in a folder, it's in the main page of the usb taking up a lot of space. === andrex is now known as andrex|off [09:44] hey! =] wasssup [09:44] anyone know how i can get to #ubuntu on irc.freenode.net [09:44] Konshiro: you are hthere [09:44] Konshiro: You're already there [09:44] here? [09:44] Hello friends! I would like to know if I could sell laptops as a company with ubuntu installed on the laptops: Ubuntu would be offered for free but is it legal to offer laptops with ubuntu as a company? [09:44] Konshiro: correct [09:44] ok thanks =) [09:45] upsidedownslippe: yes [09:45] ikonia: ok, this shows more errors [09:45] upsidedownslippe: dell, system76 and several others offer it [09:45] gethostbyaddr( failed [09:45] MindSpark: ok, so there is your dns failing [09:45] i'm trying to install a search engine on firefox, but it says i need to disable "Unity Desltop Integration" add-on? can't find it [09:45] thanks. because I heard that it is legal to offer ubuntu but there are some programs within ubuntu that have different licensing [09:45] MindSpark: I suspect if you type "mail" as the post master account you'll see a LOT of bounce messages (you'll see the files in /var/spool/mail) [09:46] upsidedownslippe: no [09:46] ikonia: ok, in the case where dns is failing, shouldn't mqueue show them? === TheBrayn is now known as The_Brayn [09:46] as still not being sent? === The_Brayn is now known as TheBrayn [09:46] ikonia: yes, I did that and I do have mail in the root mailbox [09:46] MindSpark: no, as they have left the queue, they have been sent, but when they are sent they fail, so get bounced [09:46] MindSpark: so the queue has worked - hence being empty [09:47] ikonia: ok… in what case would they still be in the queue then? [09:47] upsidedownslippe: there are some issues with pro. software and codecs. but a regular ubuntu install is legal [09:47] MindSpark: think of it as prepare->queue->sendqueue - once they have left the queue for sending, the queue is done [09:47] MindSpark: they would be left in the queue if they couldn't be processed, [09:48] ikonia: what is processed? having smtp headers added etc? [09:48] MindSpark: ubuntu does it a little different, but basically getting it into the queue, so yes, making sure it's in th right format, from the right user etc etc [09:49] anyone heard of the "unity desktop integration"? and how to disable it === Abd_Allatif_ is now known as Abd_Allatif [09:50] Konshiro: what do you mean? [09:50] Konshiro: integration of what? [09:50] i need to diable it on firefox to install something, they say it's an add-on [09:51] but it's not in the list [09:51] they? and you want to install what? [09:51] your mother [09:55] hi i am using ubuntu 12.04. can i upgrade to the latest kernel version? [09:55] why do you want to ? [09:55] really ? [09:55] ikonia: can you have a look at this? http://pastebin.com/5JRzF63T [09:56] MindSpark: ok, looks like you have a message in the queue [09:56] thunder1212: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack see this [09:57] How do i install debuginfo for kernel ,which will be used by systemtap? [09:58] Is systemd avaliable for ubuntun 12.04 LTS as of current? [09:58] ikonia: ok, so the issue is that the hostname does not resolve I guess, but to me it looks like it is trying to connect to a domain that is nonexistent, localdomain? [09:58] I have installed it [09:58] flipper89_fl:yes [09:59] MindSpark: that's where you are sending the mail to [09:59] MindSpark: .local or ,localdomain are strickyly for private and testbed environments [10:01] ikonia: ok, so where do I change that? [10:02] MindSpark: it should be in how you send the mail [10:03] MindSpark: it's basically your "too" address [10:03] MindSpark: Are you trying to configure a mail service? [10:03] whoops server  [10:04] flipper89_fl: yes [10:04] ikonia: I am sending to a gmail address [10:04] MindSpark: ahh I see what's happening [10:04] MindSpark: from a dynip? [10:04] MindSpark: one of two things (or both) [10:05] #ckan [10:05] MindSpark: 1.) the user www-data is not authorized to use the mail server [10:05] How do i go about getting a ubuntu spacific cloak? [10:05] k1l: no [10:05] !membership | flipper88_fl [10:05] flipper88_fl: Ubuntu Membership means recognition of a significant and sustained contribution to Ubuntu and the Ubuntu community. For more info see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership [10:05] MindSpark: 2.) the host berlin01.localdomain is not accepting connections from you or can't be resolved [10:05] ikonia: ok… and how do I enable him to? [10:05] hi.... I'm running 12.04.2 LTS and whenever I open windows they all open under the top panel so that you can't see the top bar of the windows... anyone have any ideas on how to solve this? Yes I do have the compiz "Place Windows" option checked. [10:05] MindSpark: which which one of the problems it is [10:05] well berlin01 can't be resolved, thats what I am sayng [10:05] flipper88_fl: if you are an ubuntu member you can request a cloak in #ubuntu-irc [10:06] MindSpark: ok, so you have to get the resolved able then [10:06] resolbable [10:06] rsolvable [10:07] I may could donate the hours of my day between 5 and 7 am Eastern Time [10:07] xrandr --mode 1280x1024 why this syntax is wrong? I wanted to use it in a script to change the resolution to 1280*1024 [10:07] plus what ever loose hours i get durring the day [10:08] sahil__: try a man xrandr [10:08] ikonia the authentication issue I had earlier. Is ti possible that it's a character in the password that's not allowed? [10:08] sahil__, try xrandr -s 1280x1024 [10:08] #!/bin/bash wine /home/sahil/wine/drive_c/Program Files/Rockstar_Games/MaxPayne2.exe xrandr --mode 1280x1024 [10:08] joshu: technically possible, but doubtful [10:09] ikonia so there are no special characters that are not allowed for passwords? [10:09] okey trying both of your advice...wait few min :) [10:09] ill be here till 8am CST :D [10:09] joshu: What mmail server back end are youn using? [10:09] joshu: shouldn't be [10:09] After installing Kubuntu to a partition, it should automatically detect a Windows 7 install and allow be to select Windows 7 on boot right? [10:10] flipper89_fl ? [10:10] MsCourtney, should, if it doesnt install os-prober once your in your kubunto side and then run grub-update [10:10] MsCourtney: you got the laptop working ? [10:10] that will fix it if its broken. [10:11] ikonia: No, I want to restore the installation on another laptop. [10:11] That type of issue is why Ditched windows and stuck with linux nearly the past year [10:12] xrandr is solved...but how to deal with white space in directory nmaes in wine? [10:12] names* [10:12] before this http://smitty2788.blogspot.com/2013/07/battle-of-linux-distributions.html [10:12] for exaple program files,shouldi write program%20files? [10:13] I believe its _ to fix that. [10:13] so write it as Program_Files. [10:13] flipper89_fl your mail server question was that meant for someone else? === scx_ is now known as scx [10:14] No joshu Oit was meant to showw that I am serious abpout the ubuntu Family of linux Distributions [10:15] flipper89_fl: do'nt post that junk in here please. [10:15] hi2all [10:15] Hello [10:15] debootstrap installing outdated packages [10:15] why? [10:15] flipper89_fl ok it's good to be serious some times ;) [10:15] Sorry ikonia [10:15] im doing a raid (mdadm) instalation and when i try to install the grub in /dev/md0 i get segmentation fault, why? [10:15] flipper89_fl: no problem [10:16] BrixSat: you don't install grub to the metadevice [10:16] how to deal with white space in directory names? Like program files. i am using wine... replacing whie space with%20 is not helping [10:16] BrixSat: you install it to the physical device [10:16] ikonia: i have to, i always did it and it always worked, [10:16] sahil__, try using _ instead of %20. %20 is the windows coding for a space. [10:16] ikonia: i dont do it i wont be able to boot the system i would end up in grub rescue [10:17] okey giving it a shot ASAP :) [10:17] BrixSat: you install grub to to a physical boot sector [10:17] sahil__: placing quotation marks aroung said files names might help? [10:17] ikonia: but i would end up in grub rescue :/ [10:17] BrixSat: no you wouldn't [10:18] ikonia: but i always did it and it always worked why not working now? [10:18] BrixSat: if it's segfaulting you'll need to log a bug [10:18] BrixSat: or check your machines hardware stability [10:18] anyone know how to stop windows from opening under the top panel such that you can't see the window title bars? [10:18] ikonia: the server is ok, and working nicely the disk was on a previous server and also working nicely [10:19] BrixSat: so you have a software problem that you'll need to log a bug for [10:19] ikonia: how do i log the bug? What info can i provide besides the segmentation fault error? [10:19] Any one know how to get rid of the darn botom hidea panel in xubuntu 12.04LTS? [10:20] !bug | BrixSat [10:20] BrixSat: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs. [10:20] ikonia: is there a way to try to resend all the mails in the queue? [10:21] ikonia: thanks [10:21] MindSpark: if they are in the queue they will get picked up at the next re-try time [10:21] MindSpark: (I think the retry time is 25 minutes, but don't quote me on that) [10:21] Are there any popular alternatives to Thunderbird, for an email client on Ubuntu? [10:22] hi all (big channel............big channel:-) [10:22] Thunderbird is driving me crazy. :( [10:22] SuperLag: Claws-mail [10:22] SuperLag I use thunderbird, what's your issue with it? [10:22] can anyone tell me how to give read/write permissions to a mounted hard disk... root can delete files, but ordinary user cant [10:23] SuperLag: What knid of feature set are you requiring in a client side mail application [10:23] darkr00t: what file system is on the hard disk [10:23] ikonia: vfat [10:23] darkr00t: it doesn't support permissions [10:23] ikonia: ok can I mount it so that my user has access? [10:23] MonkeyDust: fonts, formatting... while composing\ [10:24] ikonia: I guess root has full access as thats what mounted it [10:24] MonkeyDust: it's never consistent, and I can be typing and a font will just change to be smaller with absolutely no intervention on my part [10:24] ikonia: so there's no way to force it now? [10:24] darkr00tlook at the "mask" mount option [10:24] SuperLag: Which spacific fonts are you requiring? [10:24] flipper89_fl: it doesn't matter what font I use [10:25] MindSpark: you can run the queue manually, but do you really want to start chanign your config at this stage / [10:25] flipper89_fl: this happens regardless of font... and it's not something that happens on a consistent basis... but when it does, it pisses me off [10:25] buntu [10:25] ikonia: ok thanks, umask=xxx right? [10:25] darkr00t: yeah, you got it [10:26] ikonia: great thanks, i'll try that now [10:26] Hi [10:26] SuperLag: Have you tried a comand line mail reader/composer like mutt or alpine? [10:26] ikonia: I switched to postfox and this is the error I am getting in the queue [10:26] http://pastebin.com/LNsMMfPm [10:26] flipper89_fl: no [10:27] MindSpark: I doe beleive you need a fully qualified Domain name (FQDN) [10:27] I am trying to get a Lenovo/Ericsson F5521GW WWAN card working with ubuntu 12.04. The card is detected by network manager, which also tells me I am registered on the network and shows signal strength, but when I try to use the connection I am getting some 'busy' type error messages in syslog and the connection fails [10:28] MindSpark: why did you switch to postfix ? [10:28] MindSpark: you had sendmail working [10:28] MindSpark: look at the error, it's relaying out of a non-existent host [10:28] ikonia: I am panicking and I need to get this done as soon as possible so I can get back to coding [10:29] MindSpark: I cannot understand why after having sendmail working a fe wminutes ago, you've randomly switched to postfix [10:29] MindSpark: if you need aquick solution visit www.gmail.com :P [10:30] flipper89_fl: Okay, I take that back. I did use mutt at one point, just to see if I could get it to work... not for anything serious like what I'm trying to do now (mail out an agenda that's going to go to 40+ people) [10:30] MindSpark: yes, so if you needed a quick solution, why did you change when it was working ? [10:30] ikonia: I don't know. Just randomly trying anything out, maybe I get it to work by chance. Postfix is "working" too. [10:30] if working is getting the email to the server it was sent from that is... [10:30] ? worked :) thnx guys :) [10:31] sahil__, ANYTIME!!! [10:31] MindSpark: so if it's working what's the problem, what are yo uasking ? [10:31] Or there is alwau=ys sdf and i am a double life time member (two different ARPA level memberships thus meaning I can validate you onece you nhace signed up MindSpark [10:31] anyway can a script be excuteable ?? i mean double click and done?? O.o [10:32] ERM.... [10:32] Let me look and see. [10:32] Hey can anyone help me out using reaver on ubuntu [10:32] sahil__, try this. http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/newbie/65731-how-run-bash-script-executable.html [10:32] I successfully start it and all it does it channel hop constantly [10:32] ikonia: I am asking why it is not sending out of the server. You said working means that the connection between the sending app (PHP script in my case) is delivering the email to the MTA. and it does. The mta however is not forwarding the e-mail [10:33] Increase, possibly? [10:33] okey lets c... :) [10:33] Increase, find a vulnerable network and specify the channel and target mac address manually [10:33] ikonia: sorry to bother you again, ive added uid=1000,umask=000 to my fstab and its still giving permission error [10:33] ikonia: the uid is correct [10:33] darkr00t: check if that's supported on vfat [10:33] Why would I target the mac address over the BBSID? [10:33] MindSpark: I do beleive a gmail accoun is you're only and safest bet? [10:34] MindSpark: look at the error, it can't resolve the host - exactly the same as sendmail [10:34] Increase, to stop reaver from trying to find target aps itself automatically by looking on different channels? [10:34] flipper89_fl: that's right, I tried that and it works, it is service specific though and I would need to change the configuration for the server to run [10:34] ikonia: which host are we talking about here? I can see 3 different hosts [10:35] MindSpark: well, check all of them [10:35] MindSpark: dns is important in mail [10:35] No, I enter the BBSID using reaver -i mon0 -b BBSID -vv [10:35] agoodm [10:35] And it just channels hops afterwards [10:35] Oh so very important [10:35] ikonia: the only thing I can change for now is /etc/hosts. would that suffice? [10:36] MindSpark: for your local resolution, ys [10:36] yes [10:36] Increase, also tell reaver the channel [10:36] What's the channel? How do I find it? [10:36] agoodm, also where should I put the command? [10:37] #ubuntu [10:38] Increase, -c n where n is channel number. after the bssid [10:38] ugh [10:40] Is there a way to install packages with a wildcard? like apt-get install claws-mail-* [10:40] How would i reconfigure the dchlient.conf file in order to tel dhclient to use the followninfg dns servers, [10:41] you don't tell it to use servers. dhcp does a broadcast in the subnet and the fastest dhcp server wins [10:41] flipper88_fl, configure your dhcp server to tell clients to use the correct dns servers in the first instance? [10:41] oh. dns [10:42] agoodm Where do I find the channel? So, it'd be before -vv? [10:42] flipper89_fl: see stuff like this https://calomel.org/dhclient.html [10:42] well converting script to a executable file was little too steap for me to understand :( [10:42] I have a SAMSUNG Android Phone and when I play any music on the phone and I am connected to the Network and the TV is on. I can play the music on the TV through DLNA. Is there any way I can do that on any media player on Ubuntu ? [10:42] Increase, use airodump-ng and yes before very verbose [10:42] is there any libreoffice channel? [10:43] sahil__: /msg alis *libreoffice* [10:43] agoodm I am using airodump-ng, what do I do after? It just sits there waiting for beacon [10:43] sorry. /msg alis list *libreoffice* [10:43] sahil__ mumpitzel dont forget 'list' in that line [10:43] Increase, airodump doesnt find any networks? [10:43] oh, misread [10:44] MonkeyDust: I did forget it first, yes [10:44] agoodm, No it does, when I run reaver it just sits at waiting for beacon from BBSID. [10:44] after I enter sudo reaver -i mon0 -b 00:1C:0E:D4:A4:52 -c11 -vv [10:44] can you try aireplay -9 to see if you have packet injection working correctly? [10:45] it should be -c 1 [10:45] err [10:45] -c 11 [10:45] sudo aireplay -9? [10:45] agoodm [10:45] Increase, aireplay-ng iirc [10:46] someone just rm -R * in his root folder... /facepalm [10:46] ikonia: hmmm nothing I do seems to make it mount rw, if I were to format it ext4, will the ownership be a problem in future? i remember trying to mount a drive with a live-cd but it wouldn't allow me access to it due to permissions [10:47] agoodm No replay interface specified. [10:47] When command is ran [10:47] darkr00t: it will be fine with ext43 [10:48] ikonia: so how do I avoid permission issues trying to read it from a Live CD? or wont there be a problem? [10:48] darkr00t: there won't be a problem [10:48] Hi people. I use gnome-panel and for some odd reason, the clock as well as the volume thing and the message indicator are gone. This is how my panel looks like atm: http://i.imgur.com/tjIEmkv.png - how can I fix this? I tried some instructions on the web and none worked, but the panel is there for newly created users. [10:48] ikonia: ok I'll look to format it [10:48] ikonia: thanks again [10:50] Increase, from memory aireplay-ng -9 mon0 [10:51] agoodm, it states that injection is working! [10:51] is there any way to see .psd images? [10:51] I think that's a PS extension [10:51] Increase, does it say its working for your target AP? [10:51] Increase: agoodm network sniffing is not supported in here [10:51] Shogoot, thats a photoshop file, some versions of photoshop work in wine [10:52] hey guys! What is the command to zip folder with all guts? thx! [10:52] agoodm, it says found 2 AP and can do both [10:52] but they are both open encryption APs [10:52] Is there any method by which i can get an oficial acrobat readed linux binary through yhe ubuntu partner or other non free repositories? [10:52] Increase: no discussion, that is not supported in here. [10:53] agoodm, ok, thanks, but im looking for something opensource [10:53] Shogoot: http://blog.pixarea.com/2011/10/opening-photoshop-psd-files-in-ubuntu-11-10-oneiric-ocelot [10:53] Shogoot: found that in seconds [10:53] ActionParsnip, rgr ill look at that, [10:54] What is terminal command to zip folder? === zipper_ is now known as zipper [10:54] zip :) [10:54] vlad77: zip -r filename.zip directory [10:55] vlad77 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression [10:55] vlad77: went to google, searched for: zip folder bash [10:55] flipper88_fl: go to adobe.com and download it yourself [10:55] thx! ^_^ [10:55] flipper88_fl: make sure you have ia32-libs installed, and get the .deb file from Adobe [10:57] Gotcha SuperLag [10:57] could someone explain, please, what is the difference between: bash, terminal and console? Why 3 words exist instead of one? [10:58] flipper88_fl: it will default to giving you the .bin file. Say you have a different OS, then pick Linux, and then you'll see the option for the .deb file [10:58] vlad77 bash is a language, terminal is a program === asma is now known as Guest26604 [10:58] flipper88_fl: and it will install the app to /opt/Adobe/ [10:59] I am aware of that that is why I always partiton my hdd with a minimum of 20GB for / === babilen_ is now known as babilen [11:00] Hey babilen [11:00] flipper88_fl: heh. I have /opt in a completely separate partition, since I have so much 3rd-party software [11:00] flipper88_fl: /dev/sda2 38G 16G 20G 44% /opt [11:01] SuperLag: /dev/sda1 19G 5.7G 13G 32% / [11:02] flipper88_fl: why did you highlight me? [11:02] good morning [11:02] Good morning babilen [11:02] good nite all [11:02] nite xnockout [11:03] flipper88_fl: Is there anything specific you want? I consider it to be quite rude to be highlighted on random channels I idle in. So, what can I do for you? [11:03] :) flipper88_fl [11:04] easiest way to connect any mobile to ubuntu? basically for internet === _BJFreeman is now known as BJfreeman [11:05] how can I increase the desktop size in ubuntu? (to have scrollable option) [11:06] jony_easyrider like increase the resolution? [11:06] Ahhhh quit saying my name [11:06] Lol [11:08] ya increase resolution~ [11:09] ... === Plinker_ is now known as Plinker [11:14] monkey, no, to be scrollable [11:14] https://dpaste.de/3weeE/ [11:14] how could i disable this service? [11:15] MonkeyDust, I have a font and I cannot install it since it's install window is bigger then my desktop, and I cannot press the "Install" button [11:15] jony_easyrider: hold alt and then click and drag the window [11:16] jony_easyrider drag the window, then decrease its size by dragging an edge or corner [11:16] auronandace, TY, it worked! [11:16] MonkeyDust, ty to you too [11:17] Hi people. I use gnome-panel and for some odd reason, the clock as well as the volume thing and the message indicator are gone. This is how my panel looks like atm: http://i.imgur.com/tjIEmkv.png - how can I fix this? I tried some instructions on the web and none worked, but the panel is there for newly created users. [11:17] hi [11:18] !fixpanel | brotherBox [11:19] !panelfix [11:19] !fanelpix :p [11:19] ActionParsnip, is something supposed to happen? Because nothing does [11:19] !resetpanels [11:19] To reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel » [11:19] brotherBox: yes, but i was not typing a valid trigger [11:19] Thanks [11:20] I entered into a terminal with gnome-panel running but to no effect [11:20] id -u www-data <- will that always be 33 ? [11:20] ActionParsnip: that was for gnome2 (long since dead now) [11:21] brotherBox: what is the output of: cat /etc/issue [11:21] I use gnome-fallback I think [11:21] auronandace: bah [11:21] I installed gnome-panel [11:21] ActionParsnip, Ubuntu 13.04 \n \l [11:22] brotherBox: dconf reset -f /org/gnome/gnome-panel; killall gnome-panel [11:22] brotherBox: http://askubuntu.com/questions/125662/how-to-reset-gnome-panel found using google.... [11:22] Hiyas all [11:22] I think I tried this one alraedy - and the clock etc is still not there [11:22] fly-away: when you use debian please see debian support [11:22] Also I tried it again without success [11:22] brotherBox: if you hold ALT+CTRL then right click the panel, can you add items? [11:23] ActionParsnip, nope. Nothing pops up [11:24] brotherBox: there's some weird-ass buttons you have to hold down to get right click to work as expected [11:24] I tried super + right click and that worked [11:25] Actually its alt [11:26] brotherBox: great huh? === andrex|off is now known as andrex [11:26] brotherBox: if you dislike Unity session, I suggest you install Xubuntu :) [11:27] brotherBox try alt-f2 > dconf-editor > find panel see if you find something useful [11:27] ActionParsnip, that doesnt allow me to restore the message indicator. Also I use gnome fallback, not unity [11:27] brotherBox: just a tip really [11:28] hi, how can I trim my startup services, as shown in "service --status-all"? [11:28] hello, can anyone suggest me a twitter client that enables to view multiple accounts together, comprising usual follow/tweet functions? I used choqok until now, but it doesn't work for about 2 months now [11:28] the ones that run on startup that is.. can I back them up and delete them? [11:29] uvala: omgubuntu review twitter clients quite a lot [11:29] uvala, I think hotot used to but the twittercide api change may have messed it [11:29] question I am new to linux been on linux mint for 8 or so months but i jut have a feeling i want to be on ubuntu. i just dont know if i should join LTS or wait till the new release happeens [11:29] suggestions? [11:29] shomon: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ShowHiddenStartupApplications [11:29] thanks [11:30] Fooguo: if you want long support and stability, go for the LTS [11:30] cool, now I don't have to run postgres every single time :) [11:30] shomon: you can keep them in place, just disable them in the start apps app [11:31] uvala: You could look at 'polly' its only in a ppa be thats what I've found to work well, not sure about multiple accounts, but worth a look [11:31] shomon, yes, I'd tried hotot, but it didnt work on my machine even before twitter policies changed [11:31] hello friends i want to revert back to Ubuntu 13.04 from the devoloper version how can i do it [11:31] Thank you ActionParsnip and Djones, I will check omgubuntu now, and polly, too [11:32] wahay! "gnome login sound" off!! [11:32] fallen_: From 13.10 back to 13.04? You'll have to reinstall 13.04, you can't go back down in versions [11:32] i'm creating a live ubuntu 13.04 usb with startup disk creator.....why is it taking 10-15 mins and that when booting from the same usb why is it taking 10-15 mins to boot ? i tried ceating live usb again but startup disk creator crashed showing finalizing msg... [11:32] from wiki there will be a new release of ubuntu before 2014? [11:32] k thank u very much [11:32] Fooguo: Yes, 13.10 released October 2014 [11:33] i may switch over then i think [11:33] Fooguo: look at the version numbers ;) [11:33] ActionParsnip, I just ran it but the list doesn't include all the stuff I have in service --status-all [11:33] Fooguo: you can get Saucy now, it is prerelease [11:33] Djones, according to website it supports multiple accounts: "Polly is a multi-account supporting and multi-column toting desktop app for Twitter. It sports a healthy set of features whilst also having a relatively light footprint on system resources." [11:33] i have drank to much to try anythink now buy love the support from this channel [11:34] i am unable to compile kernal modules in ubuntu << it shows that the header files are not found [11:35] i have used the make -C directorypath/ [11:35] i'm creating a live ubuntu 13.04 usb with startup disk creator.....why is it taking 10-15 mins and that when booting from the same usb why is it taking 10-15 mins to boot ? i tried ceating live usb again but startup disk creator crashed showing finalizing msg... [11:36] live-ubuntu, I use windows for this kind of things.. but the speed is depending on you usb disk speed as well [11:37] fallen_: check out this link: http://www.garron.me/en/go2linux/how-install-linux-kernel-headers-debian-or-ubuntu.html [11:38] hey do any one know how to compile linux kernel modules in linux [11:38] peyam: ok...how much space to choose for documents and settings stored in reserved extra space ? 1gb is default and its a 4gb sony usb [11:39] live-ubuntu, do you want other things in your usb stick? [11:39] currently no but maybe afterwards [11:40] format the whole usb stick.. later on you can just drag your files into the disk.. [11:40] without any problem [11:41] peyam: ^^^ btw any difference if i choose higher or lower space ? any performance difference ? [11:41] no??? as soon as it s not too small [11:42] also if i boot from same usb and save few files in it then after reboot files will still be there or auto cleaned ? [11:42] shomon [11:42] oops! [11:42] peyam: ^^^ [11:42] they will be there.. no autoclean... [11:43] will "update-rc.d -f service_name remove " break anything? [11:43] shomon: removes the service from automatically starting on bootup..... if that is a 'break' then yes, if you want that to happen then no [11:44] I mean if I want it back on is it easy to do? [11:44] ok....previously i booted with it and i was surprised that there was no windows key working or it may be error in creating the disk ? [11:44] peyam: ^^^ [11:44] 13.04 live [11:45] hi, does anyone know of a tool to handle network interfaces? im using ubuntu but non-gnome wm [11:45] rob___: network manager or wicd are decent [11:46] ActionParsnip: cool, can i run network manager if im not using gnome? [11:46] can any one know how to compile a linux driver module [11:46] live-ubuntu, windows key? [11:46] live-ubuntu, what do you mean? [11:46] fallen_, which driver ? [11:47] super key peyam [11:47] live-ubuntu, in what perpuse? you can go to "keyboard" in the setting and give it an actuall action [11:48] rob___: why would you not be able to? [11:48] but is it disabled in 13.04 by default ? [11:48] fallen_: you will need the kernel headers for your kernel and the source for the module [11:48] i am a newbie to linux kernel module designing and i am facing problem with compiling the basic hello world program for kernel === Transfusion is now known as immediately_zips [11:48] I dunno. I use xubuntu live-ubuntu . you can anyway give it an action.. it is a simple problem.. [11:48] i have already got the headers [11:48] Djones, polly looks like a charm, first twitter client I found that really has it all there! [11:48] and the source [11:49] Djones, thank you very much! === immediately_zips is now known as Transfusion [11:49] fallen_: could ask in #linux too [11:49] peyam: ok [11:49] live-ubuntu, :) [11:50] thank u [11:50] ActionParsnip, shomon, thank you very much for your support, polly seems to be the one I looked for! === carabas1 is now known as carabas [11:50] hi guys, I have the following set up: Ubuntu host and Ubuntu server in VirtualBox VM. I want to map/mount a directory inside VM in the filesystem of the host. What is the best approach here? sshfs? I am running a webserver in the Ubuntu Server VM [11:51] xeiter: virtualbox can share folders with guests [11:51] xeiter: there is no single best approach [11:52] uvala: You're welcome [11:52] peyam: i did ctrl+alt+f1....now what is it and how to return back to normal ? sudo lightdm was only showing mouse arrow pointer with black screen [11:52] f2 live-ubuntu [11:52] xeiter: Easiest way is probably a shared folder in VBox; it will probably be faster than sshfs. [11:53] ctrl+alt+f2 or anyother functions keys live-ubuntu [11:53] ActionParsnip, is there any advantage of Shared folders compared with sshfs? I had issues with speed whening mounting filesystem over ssh. This is the reason I am asking [11:53] ActionParsnip: i dont understand how to get the gui interface for it up [11:53] what should I follow if I have Ubuntu 12.04 on Macbook7,1? 11.10 or 12.04. From https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro [11:54] i did that but it was showing the same terminal with few lines of msgs peyam [11:54] hodapp: oh nice - I should check it out then [11:54] rob___: run: nm-applet [11:55] ActionParsnip: im not using gnome, so the applet has no where to appear.. [11:55] live-ubuntu, presst ctrl+alt+f7 or f8 or f9 [11:55] xeiter: local shared folders will probably be faster. SSHFS will allow you to move the virtual system around and not have to worry about locally shared folders in the guest config [11:55] peyam: thnx [11:56] rob___: you can use nm-applet in LXDE, it will appear in the LXPanel [11:56] live-ubuntu, or alt+right arrow key untill you come back to the window you want [11:56] ActionParsnip: thank you [11:56] ActionParsnip: im using 'notion', it has no sys tray [11:56] rob___: why are you so tied up about Gnome not running. You don't have to run gnome..... [11:56] ActionParsnip: because i have no system tray! [11:56] rob___: gnome is not a sys tray, is it? [11:56] Q: Ubuntu 13.04 64bit Dual Monitor setup: I cant change the display settings past mirrored even though both monitors are recognised. When i try to change settings it logs me out then reverts to normal when i log back in. [11:57] ActionParsnip: when i run nm-applet, nothing appears on the screen [11:57] rob___: if you like, you can remove network manager and install wicd, you can then configure the settings in CLI. Or you can install tint2 and get a panel..... [11:57] ActionParsnip: ahh ok, thanks for the advice [11:58] hi, doubleclick in my keyboard has stopped working, for example if u i press o and o it only puts one o. I have wait about 1sec so I can choose previously selected key. [11:59] peyam: ok...how to restore opened tabs synced via firefox sync in a new machine or a reinstalled macine firefox ? [11:59] in login that is working [12:05] where can i find trash === user_ is now known as user_222 [12:06] where can i find trash in ubuntu [12:06] i want path [12:06] user_222 [12:06] user_222 ~/.local/share/Trash/ [12:07] i am not able to see local in home/user [12:07] user_222 it's hidden [12:07] user_222: its hidden (hence the .) [12:07] how can i see hidden files [12:08] user_222 in the terminal or in the GUI ? [12:08] ctrl + h [12:09] <_Amr_> join #python === Amr_ is now known as dr3mro === geek is now known as Guest44566 [12:11] how to restore opened tabs synced via firefox sync in a new machine or a reinstalled machine firefox ? [12:12] hi everyone [12:12] can anyone take a look at this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1830739 [12:14] Hi all! [12:14] hi [12:15] hi [12:15] i have 4gb of ram on an amd64 system [12:15] how much swap? [12:16] I was wondering how to link my outpup sound to a virtual mic in. I tried with Jackd, but didn't find how... And I also find a trick with PulseAudio and Audacity, but can't find ALSA mic... http://manual.audacityteam.org/man/Tutorial_-_Recording_Computer_Playback_on_Linux [12:16] benu: Do you want to use hibernation? [12:16] benu: depends on your needs [12:16] Thanks to all of those who will read and/or respond to my answer [12:17] mudkip908: possibly [12:17] benu: then at least 4gb. [12:18] anyone ? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1830739 [12:18] is telling the installer to use 8000MB for it good? [12:19] and can it be a logical partition? [12:20] benu: I think 8GB is a bit too much, unless you're going t use it for compiling heavy software or other RAM-intensive tasks. [12:20] MastaaK, never heard of a virtual mic in, use a virtual line in. [12:20] benu: It can be a logical partition. If you are going to hibernate, it needs to be at least as large as your RAM. [12:20] 6000MB? [12:21] benu: That's more than enough [12:22] I also have a 4GB x64 system, without swap. [12:22] more than enough as in use it or as in too much? [12:23] benu: as in use it. [12:23] i have never tried x64 buntu [12:24] always had x86 [12:24] that's what ithought [12:24] but am fatigued [12:24] Hejkki: no reason not to use 64-bit these days [12:24] if you use suspend to disk your swap should be twice the size of your ram iirc [12:24] gordonjcp: ok, good to know [12:25] unless you have a 32-bit cpu [12:25] :) [12:25] and root partition is fine at 4GB? [12:25] benu: that's very small [12:25] really? [12:25] mine is 30GB [12:26] are you going to have a separate /home [12:26] mine is 1TB [12:26] i have /home and /tmp and /usr and /var... [12:26] why /usr and /var [12:26] and why /tmp, unless you plan on having that in ram [12:26] benu that's a server partitioning table [12:27] Q: How do i get out of low graphics mode since i took my monitors off mirrored [12:27] you're not supposed to use that kind of table? [12:28] on a laptop, i mean [12:29] does anyone know the fonts in the browsers in virtualbox are very pixelated ? [12:29] benu not really, ubuntu-server has all that on their own partitions, desktop does not need that [12:30] then thank you for catching me before doing something stupid [12:31] i'm used to debian requesting that style layout [12:31] benu: these days it's hardly worth doing anything other than separate /home and / for all the rest [12:31] unless you're doing something *mental* with masses of disks carved up into many partitions [12:31] hi [12:32] hey guys I am on ubuntu 13.04 with nvidia g73 and cannot enable fastwrites and SBA [12:32] Grinwoody: How did you disable mirrored mode for the monitors? Can you pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log file? [12:33] /,/home,swap or /boot,/home,/,swap? [12:33] adamk: hey guy ..long time :) [12:34] how to check if I am running ubuntu 12.04.1 or 12.0.2 ? [12:35] * 12.04.1 or 12.04.2 [12:35] coz_: Hello there. It certainly has been a while. [12:35] adamk: yep :) [12:35] decoder_: cat /etc/issue [12:35] decoder_: lsb_release -a === captain__ is now known as captainfixerpc14 === lux_ is now known as Guest45043 [12:36] decoder_, hardinfo [12:36] decoder_, lsb_release -a [12:37] or lsb_release -sd [12:37] Thank you guys. It worked. I am running12.04.1 [12:37] i have an error in apt-get [12:38] http://pastebin.com/jWGP94em [12:38] well i have made a executable script , is it possible to embedded an icon...just to make a differentiation [12:38] sahil__: if you make a .desktop for it, you can put it in /usr/share/applications and it will appear in Dash too :) [12:39] Marlene_r for one, you don't need sudo if you're already root [12:40] MonkeyDust : i get smae error without sudo [12:40] Marlene_r: what is the output of: cat /etc/issue [12:40] i see, ...thnx [12:40] Marlene_r and "root@root" makes my eyes bleed [12:41] ok guys... problem with ssh connection... somehow it started to work. [12:41] I did nothing! [12:42] Grinwoody: keep it in the channel, please. [12:42] adamk. I went into the ubuntu display settings and just unclicked mirrored mode after installing the amd catalyst control centre. I dont know how to copy the xorg output over using terminal from another computer [12:43] Marlene_r: its a simple terminal command. What is the output please [12:43] does anyone know the fonts in the browsers in virtualbox are very pixelated ? [12:43] olnelast thing for now: should I encrypt my home directory? [12:43] benu: Why not? [12:43] *one last [12:44] HypnotiX: what browsers have you tried? [12:44] i paste the error on pastebin [12:44] http://pastebin.com/jWGP94em [12:45] Hello. I have just installed ubuntu 12.04 server with lamp and phpmyadmin [12:45] Marlene_r: its one line, so you can paste in here [12:45] hello, can i not access stuff on my hard drive when using a live boot cd? im using a 9.10 i found somewhere [12:45] Now when I go to the url for phpmyadmin in my browser, I get the login screen. I enter the credentials and then the browser downloaded index.php [12:45] So it seems that php isn't functioning [12:46] How can I solve this? [12:46] enable module [12:46] php module [12:47] hello , I need to play rmvb files in totem .. it was working before before upgrade to raring .. how to play it in totem [12:47] What's the module called? [12:47] How can i write the rules for this OUT put in iptables {DROP all -- anywhere anywhere} [12:47] iptables -A INPUT -j DROP im doing this but its blocking ssh [12:48] Tantor: i have suphp [12:48] Tantor: but you could use php5 also [12:48] Tantor: to see if you have any installed: ls /etc/apache2/mods-available/*php* [12:49] I have installed php5 and libapache2-mod-php5, but in /etc/apache2/mods-available is nothing with *php* [12:50] Tantor: ah, ok i did it with the debian way, i mean the debian modules are there [12:50] Which means? [12:51] Tantor: do you have a command a2enmod [12:51] Yes [12:51] then try running a2enmod php5 [12:51] ERROR: Module php5 does not exist! [12:52] adamk. I used a live usb to copy over the output http://pastebin.com/3Wj5KwDn [12:52] sudo apt-get install php5 -> php5 is already the newest version. [12:53] sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5 -> libapache2-mod-php5 is already the newest version. [12:53] The packages are installed, but there is no apache module [12:53] hmm, strange [12:53] Yes indeed [12:53] can you normally access your hard drive when using a live boot cd? im wondering if its an ubuntu thing or if its a hardware thing [12:54] adamk: Is that the correct output ? There is another named Xorg.failsafe.log [12:55] Is there a way that I can force a reinstall of php5 and libapache2-mod-php5? [12:55] Tantor: sudo apt-get --reinstall insta php5 libapache2-mod-php5 [12:56] oirhdgfuiohegone: usually yes, assuming the controller has a driver [12:57] and even that didn't help. Still no php in the apache module dir [12:57] Tantor: you can use switch --reinstall with apt [12:58] apt-get --reinstall install libapache2-mod-php5 i guess [13:01] I did a purge on libapache2-mod-php5 and then an install command and now it works again [13:01] Tantor: ok great :) [13:02] i tried to make it a executable scrip...where am i wrong? #!/bin/bash [13:02] chmod a+x /home/sahil/Game [13:02] wine /home/sahil/wine/drive_c/Program?Files/Rockstar_Games/Max?Payne?2/MaxPayne2.exe [13:02] xrandr -s 1280x1024 [13:02] sahil__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [13:04] Thanks for the help [13:05] sahil__: you will need to escape the spaces in the filename [13:05] sahil__: yuo may need to cd to the folder containing the binary, sometimes pwd is important [13:05] Hi. ssh-agent stoppped asking for ssh password and apps just get Permission denied (public key). How can I fix that without logging out? [13:06] hy [13:07] Hi, can someone tell me why Deja vu backups stop accepting my password [13:09] resure: is your key correct? [13:09] ok, running 12.04 64 bit. verified that the motherboard supports 16gb of ram. Installed 4 gb yesterday, but when i view my memory specs it's only 'seeing' 2 gbs... how do I enable the other 2 gbs? [13:09] PedroGomes: nope! did you change or reset your password or keys [13:09] Does anyone know how to recover deleted photos directy from the iphone 4s in dfu mode? Dr. phone says it doesn't support 4s photo recovery [13:10] Captain_Proton: nope, I changed nothing. Last time it did a fresh backup to avoid corruption and since then it does not accept my password [13:10] marianne: what is the output of: uname -a [13:11] ActionParsnip: 3.4.0-030400-generic #201205210521 SMP Mon May 21 09:22:02 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux [13:11] ?? [13:11] how to get regiestered in irc [13:11] how can libreoffice autoconvert the introduced test to uppercase? [13:11] marianne: good, and the output of: free -m please use a pastebin to host [13:11] ActionParsnip: sure. I've just figured that problem appears only with git. [13:11] text [13:11] !register | ritesh [13:11] ritesh: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode [13:12] how can libreoffice autoconvert the introduced text to uppercase? [13:12] PedroGomes: ez way would be reset your password with ubuntu one - force new keys [13:12] jony_easyrider: https://help.libreoffice.org/Common/Change_Case [13:13] jony_easyrider: went to google.com and searched for: libreoffice uppercase [13:13] jony_easyrider: top link in the results........ [13:13] Captain_Proton: I don't even have a Ubuntu One account [13:13] hello [13:13] /msg nickserv register 8129655164 riteshnpatel1994@gmail.com [13:13] ritesh: mistake :) [13:13] ritesh: ooops [13:13] send it properly quick ye :p [13:14] ActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5936391/ [13:14] lol [13:14] ritesh: I suggest you do it in #freenode [13:14] PedroGomes: where are backing it up to? local? [13:14] Captain_Proton: yap [13:14] marianne: if you run the memtest86 from Grub does it show all ram? [13:15] PedroGomes: did you change your use password? [13:16] ActionParsnip: ok, dumb question... how do i get to grub... it boots right to the OS [13:16] reisio : but i want to use #ubuntu channel [13:16] PedroGomes: user* [13:16] marianne: hold left SHIFT [13:17] Captain_Proton: hop, I can't understand what happened [13:17] ritesh: I didn't say that :) [13:17] PedroGomes: remove that profile and recreate it [13:18] ActionParsnip: on reboot? === matthew_ is now known as Guest90581 === Guest90581 is now known as mjayk [13:18] marianne: yes, before Grub loads, hold SHIFT [13:19] Captain_Proton: here_ [13:19] ? [13:19] ActionParsnip: ok back in just a few [13:19] Do you think it wise to insert a piece of bread into a floppy drive to toast it? Ubuntu thinks not. [13:20] r0uh: I don't think it'd toast for a long long long while [13:20] reisio : i didnt know its case sensitive [13:20] Oh, I beg to differ. This is definetely toasted. It does not suffice however, I have no working floppy drive anymore. I am also from 1995. [13:20] I like turtles. [13:20] ActionParsnip, ty for trying to help me, but I need automatic converting when typing data [13:21] jony_easyrider: caps lock? === tbn is now known as Guest68447 [13:24] ActionParsnip, I want to be automatic. that file will be used by many people. it's a form [13:26] ActionParsnip: what's goin' on? [13:28] ActionParsnip: chrome and firefox [13:29] sorry i just saw the message now [13:29] i asked: does anyone know the fonts in the browsers in virtualbox are very pixelated ? [13:29] theres a why in there somewhere :D [13:30] Captain_Proton: verified, for some reason the fresh backup that was created as a different password [13:30] Captain_Proton: do you know if Backups as a default password_ [13:30] : [13:30] ? [13:31] ActionParsnip: got to the test but it didn't show anything. how do you see the results? or do you just sit at that screen until something comes up? [13:33] who had succeed to install Canon LBP6020 on Ubuntu? It shows when it's online or offline, but when I try to print, it says that it's "Processing" and does nothing [13:34] hi [13:34] how can I set date en time with ntp? [13:35] if the ntp-server is not running you can use ntpdate to manually synchronise it once [13:35] if that is what you meant [13:36] TheBrayn, I get the following error : no servers can be used, exiting [13:36] man ntpdate [13:37] TheBrayn, where can I find the servers to use? [13:37] google [13:37] PedroGomes: it would be your user password and keys [13:38] Captain_Proton: system user? [13:40] TheBrayn: isn't ntpdate also a service running in background and automatically doing the things, no need to run ntpdate manually [13:41] cron? [13:41] I get the following error : "no server suitable for synchronization found". what does it mean? [13:41] Hejkki, cron? [13:41] how to run executable .bat file in wine? [13:41] nope [13:41] i have never put ntpdate to cron [13:41] and why would you? [13:41] sahil__ if wine is installed, right click the exe or bat and select 'open with wine' [13:41] i wouldn't [13:42] :D [13:42] who's using Canon LBP6020 under Ubuntu? [13:42] too lazy days, need to get out of irc now -> [13:43] no result,no prompt ..nothing... [13:43] jony_easyrider, did you check the openprinting.org database? i could not find a solution yesterday [13:44] sahil__ at least, can you select wine, or is it not even there? [13:44] i selected via right click context menu...open with wine program launcher...nothing happened [13:45] sahil__ that's odd, what kind of exe or bat is it? what's it supposed to do? [13:45] well its a setup of a game :) [13:46] sahil__ ok, try play on linux, or wine tricks [13:46] wine tricks is installed...though hardly used it ..well lets try then [13:47] :) [13:47] sahil__ or is it an old DOS game? if yes, try dosbox [13:48] okey... === jack is now known as Guest26983 [13:53] what is the command to check which dns servers are currently in use? I have used the gui network configuration tool, but I would like to know how to check it via the cli [13:57] anomaly: /etc/resolv.conf ? [13:57] anomaly: nslookup hostname [13:57] anomaly try nm-tool [13:58] anomaly: nm-tool | tail -n 8 [13:58] Hello. I'm trying to install ubuntu form usb on a new laptor (Asus X55U), but I can't set the usb boot in the bios. Anyone can help me? [13:58] anomaly, /etc/resolv.conf as Effex mentioned should show the nemeservers [13:59] BluesKaj: it will show localhost due to dnsmasq === kaktus is now known as kaktus_ [13:59] BluesKaj: nm-tool | tail -n 8 will show what is actually used :) [13:59] abailarri BIOS issues are not for this channel, this is ubuntu support [13:59] if dnsmasq is installed ActionParsnip , right ? [14:00] MonkeyDust, where I can find help¿ [14:00] abailarri depends on the laptop model, i guess [14:01] is a asus x5uu [14:01] PedroGomes: sorry yes [14:01] BluesKaj: should be used by default, thats why it says by default :) [14:01] sorry asus x55u [14:01] abailarri: try F11 or F12 at POST, you should be able to select it one-time for that boot [14:02] abailarri i'd say, contact the vendor [14:02] Captain_Proton: no luck, I tried all the passwords that came to mind and nothing, Dunno what password it used to create the new backup [14:02] ActionParsnip, no, only appears uefi mode and windows boot manager mode [14:02] hi [14:02] ah, uefi :) [14:03] can someone help me for a basic question? === kaktus_ is now known as kaktus [14:03] melodie: just ask :) [14:03] melodie, does't that depend on the question? [14:03] ActionParsnip,ok , this is confusing to me , I didn't have dnsmasq.conf until I installed dnsmasq 2 days ago , i guess an upgrade deleted it somewhere along the line. [14:03] I would like to know if some programs can still be installed to /opt, and if /opt is in the $PATH of executables? [14:03] hi ActionParsnip hello thomi [14:03] Thor [14:03] sorry [14:03] melodie: echo $PATH [14:04] abailarri uefi is not bios https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI [14:04] melodie: but you can change PATH [14:04] melodie, they can run from /opt, I usually do a soft link to /usr/local/bin [14:04] melodie: you will need to take steps to integrate /opt by means of symlinks and scripts, you can install apps to /opt if you wish [14:04] PedroGomes: I dont know. if it was me. I would delete the backup profile in Deja vu and recreate it [14:04] reisio I am not running Ubuntu presently, I am having a mail with Brother for a printer does not behave well [14:04] MonkeyDust: do you really think someone was calling UEFI, which is spelled UEFI, _literally_ BIOS, which is spelled BIOS? :p [14:04] melodie: that has no bearing on my msgs to you :) [14:04] reisio come again? what do you mean? [14:05] except that someone might yell at me for helping a non-Ubuntu user [14:05] MonkeyDust: yes, exactly [14:05] reisio I don't understand what "no bearing" means :) [14:05] melodie: means it doesn't matter, what I said is true in any situation [14:05] can you confirm that /opt is not in the $PATH ? I don't have an Ubuntu running right now [14:05] melodie: ah [14:06] also do you think it's the same in 12.04 and above ? [14:06] reisio I multiboot ;) [14:06] multibooting is silly :) [14:06] Captain_Proton: I'm now creating a new backup on a side folder, as I can use all the backups on the old one except for that last one [14:06] reisio my main distro is arch and I contributed to Ubuntu because I help newcomers and non tech around me with linux [14:06] Captain_Proton: deleting the profile won't do much to me, the files on disk are all encrypted with the missing password [14:07] s/contributed/contribute/g [14:07] thank you to all who responded. nm-tool did the job. [14:07] melodie: :) [14:07] melodie: briefly, why arch over ubuntu? [14:07] so /opt is not in the $PATH : right or wrong? [14:07] MonkeyDust, solved [14:07] I don't run Ubuntu either, someone else will have to say [14:07] mdinstuhl a matter of personal choice, nothing related to the quality of distros [14:07] melodie: its not, but its not needed [14:08] ActionParsnip ok, why is it not needed? [14:08] melodie: its for applications as a whole rather than a folder of shortcuts and binaries [14:09] melodie: neater to install to /opt then symlink to /usr/bin etc (or make a shell script if pwd is important) [14:09] melodie: Ok. I've found that the default setup for Ubuntu has gotten just a little bit too "eye candy" for me but I understand that it is important when it comes to new users. I usually just switch my WM to fluxbox on new installs and it works for me. [14:09] abailarri how did you do it? [14:10] mdinstuhl: *box are awesome [14:10] ActionParsnip the Brother packages are installed to /opt, the cupswrapper (which has to be started as root usually) is in /opt [14:10] melodie: if thats where the debs go, let them [14:10] changing some options on the bios (launch cms enabled, security boot disabled and then changing the boot priority) [14:10] mdinstuhl I have started to work on a remix with Openbox, that is on Precise for the time being [14:11] abailarri great, but where did uefi come in? [14:11] ActionParsnip the problem is I could print only a test page, but could not print a file from libreoffice or even a pdf from within evince [14:11] and I am having a discussion by mail with Brother about it [14:12] entering to to the bios and changing this options only [14:13] melodie: did you try removing the printer and rebooting then reinstating it? [14:14] PedroGomes: you need the old keys. if you do not have them, try checking the website [14:14] ActionParsnip I did [14:14] I also rebooted after installing and the result was same [14:14] ok, thanks anyhow I have the answer I needed. [14:15] melodie: coolio [14:15] I'll check the path and adapt it accordingly (although I think I have added it to the ~/.bashrc) [14:15] hi .. i've a problem with my ubuntu task speed .. when opening libre office writer it takes 6 seconds to open.. so i find it slow ..my laptop hp compaq 6730s with core 2 due 2.2 GHz and 2 gigabytes ram .. any method to speed up ubuntu? [14:15] max64: you can tweak settings in Libreoffice === allen is now known as Guest74158 [14:16] max64: http://www.liberiangeek.net/2013/07/increase-libreoffice-memory-to-improved-performance/?= [14:16] ActionParsnip:many software takt too long time..not only libre office [14:17] max64: SSD [14:17] max64: set steps to 20, graphics to 256 and memory per object to 10 [14:17] max64: also enable the quickstarter tray icon, this loads a lot of libreoffice to ram so when it launches it will be quicker [14:17] how to install a software from iso file? [14:18] sahil__: mount the file, install software [14:18] i mean via wine [14:18] sahil__: Linux doesnt care that the ISO file is not on a CD, they are viewed the same [14:18] AqD:sorry i didnt understand === kaktus_ is now known as kaktuskuchen [14:18] sahil__: playonlinux may help [14:19] max64: install preload as well [14:19] okey..thnx... :) [14:19] max64: 6 seconds for libreoffice isnt bad going [14:19] ActionParsnip:i will read the page and apply it .. telling you the results when finished .. thank you :) [14:19] i'm having serious trouble with my flash player in firefox it constantly crashes i have the latest version 11.2. is there some place i can download older versions that might be more stable. i've checked the flash website but didnt see old versions for ubuntu just old ones for other os. can anyone point me in the right direction? [14:19] max64: the startup time cannot be helped except by fast disk [14:19] max64: also disable java in libreoffice if you dont use it [14:19] max64: you could preload it but it wouldn't solve the real problem [14:19] AqD: more RAM for disk cache [14:20] ActionParsnip: not for first-time access [14:20] ActionParsnip: but SSD could help that, a lot [14:20] AqD: true but not overly practical in this case [14:20] he would be able to start everything at the same time instantly [14:20] hmmm [14:21] AqD: why not get a few Gb PCI-X SSD, SATA is slow :) [14:21] ActionParsnip: the problem isn't SATA [14:21] it's the terrible HDD [14:22] even the cheapest SSD can provide like 10x performance than HDD for random file access [14:22] AqD: i doubt thats a viable option with time / cost etc, so tweaking the software is next best [14:22] it's the wrong solution [14:22] to workaround the weakness of HDD [14:23] a lot of optimizations, disk scheduling algorithms, etc, etc [14:23] AqD: thats the best we got. I'm sure an SSD will be bought if resources ae available etc [14:23] ActionParsnip: some poeple don't know it [14:23] [14:23] not that they wouldn't buy it [14:24] a lot of new servers still use overpriced (so-called enterprise-level) HDD which cost the same but provide terrible performance and reliability [14:24] tones: couldn't agree more [14:24] ActionParsnip:i did the memory config as you told .. not it reduced from 6 sec to 2.5 seconds ... thanks :) [14:24] did tones write anything? why can't I read it in kvirc? [14:24] AqD:thank you for help :) [14:24] max64: np dude :) [14:25] max64: preload just loads libreoffice before you want to use it....... [14:25] max64: you just assigned it more resources, makes a difference [14:25] AqD:i installed preload already but i dont knoe how to use it .. or it work standalone? [14:26] max64: workson its ow [14:26] *own [14:27] ActionParsnip:whatever .. i use office suit most than other tasks [14:27] max64: then the systray thing will be a big help [14:27] how to do that systray on ubuntu? [14:28] max64: its in the memory options === MonkeyDu1t is now known as MonkeyDust [14:29] i enabled systray already [14:29] max64: then log off and on, or run: libreoffice3.6 --quickstart (i believe) === fire__ is now known as sunny_123 [14:30] Hi! I'm trying to backup an ntfs partition with ubuntu. The PC where that hdd was built in, could not start. I searched about fixing ntfs problems. [14:30] max64: sorry: libreoffice --quickstart [14:31] its amazing to work on GNU/linux .. i'm a newbie to it .. i wanna give an effort to say thanks linux .. what can i offer ir back? [14:31] i am using 2 ubuntu instance one on desktop and other on laptop, can i just copy the config file of one to the other such that i don't have to configure all the things. [14:31] !contribute | max64 [14:31] max64: contribute is To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://community.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu [14:32] I ran sudo ntfsfix /dev/sdXX - but the last line I can see is Going to clear the Jourmnal ($logfile) ok [14:32] max64: be cool and kind etc, report bugs [14:32] What next`? [14:32] * fosstux is panicky [14:32] max64: as you lean, you can help others and so on and so forth [14:32] * fosstux freaks out soon!!!!!!! [14:32] fosstux: I wouldnt do anything like that outside of Windows as NTFS is proprietary to Microsoft [14:33] fosstux, it's better to learn to be patient. then only you will learn :) [14:33] ActionParsnip:i can pay some dollars according to my ability .. and i already made about 30 ubuntu diske to give to my family and friends [14:33] max64: thats great [14:33] anyway thank you my great new community :) [14:33] max64: you can donate to canonical if you desire [14:34] max64 ubuntu edge has raised a fund [14:34] i am using 2 ubuntu instance one on desktop and other on laptop, can i just copy the config file of one to the other such that i don't have to configure all the things. [14:34] ActionParsnip: ok, I'm back. I figured out how to run the memory test.. and it appears that I have a bad chip.... going to work on it this afternoon, when work doesn't get in the way [14:35] ActionParsnip: thank you for your help [14:37] ActionParsnip, But the pc won'rt boot [14:40] well i am installing oil rush via wine problem is ,it shows as its getting installed,though no directories are actually created inside wine/drive_c/program files... any clue?? [14:41] no one is replying :( [14:41] sahil__ type /join #winehq [14:41] okey :) [14:41] sahil__: does your partition which has /home on it have free space? [14:42] sunny_123: yes that is one of the benefits of storing configs as Linux does [14:42] yeah,about 7 gb free === rpadovani is now known as WebbyIT [14:42] sunny_123: you can backup and restore settings by copying the hidden folders for the apps [14:42] yeah... [14:42] what can happen if I kill ntfsfix? Will the hdd then be bborken???? [14:43] Planning to buy an Ultrabook with 24gb ssd cache. Can I make Ubuntu use this cache instead of Windows? [14:43] ActionParsnip, hidden folder of respective apps like firefox and chromium in home folder right ? [14:44] DriedOrange that question makes no sense, cache is used by whatever OS is booted [14:45] MonkeyDust, So I can just install ubuntu along side Windows and both will be able to use the ssd cache? [14:46] DriedOrange it's called !dualboot [14:46] MonkeyDust, So I can just dualboot ubuntu with Windows and both will be able to use the ssd cache? [14:47] DriedOrange: GNU/Linux supports more hardware than any other OS [14:47] DriedOrange yes [14:47] MonkeyDust, Thank you [14:47] !dualboot | DriedOrange [14:47] DriedOrange: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot [14:47] sunny_123: yes, just copy them over [14:47] MonkeyDust, What? [14:48] to be exect it support any sort of hardware which have a microprocessor and a storage ;) [14:49] hi === Triramisu_ is now known as Triramisu [14:49] ubottu, Yeah, I know how to dual boot, I just wondered about this ssd cache thingy [14:49] DriedOrange: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [14:49] hi Triramisu [14:49] ActionParsnip: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [14:49] just kidding [14:49] ubonttu is a bot,autonomous replying engine ;) === mjayk is now known as mj[away]k [14:50] sahil__, oh, lol, I'm new to IRC. [14:50] i am not a bot ,still i am not intelligent :p [14:51] i am psedo_new lol [14:52] Can I simply kill ntfsfix without problems?????? [14:55] fosstux: ask #linux… calmly [14:55] fosstux that's ##linux, double # [14:56] i need help to make a win xp usb in ubuntu [14:56] arc__: i believe unetbootin can do it if the storage is formatted to NTFS [14:57] no unet bootin won't let me use ntfs [14:59] arc__: http://askubuntu.com/questions/162174/how-do-i-use-unetbootin-to-make-a-bootable-windows-usb-installer [14:59] ok i will look at it [15:00] arc__: www.youtube.com/watch?v=KbClN3DJtX4 [15:00] ok === BadLarry_ is now known as BadLarry [15:08] !help [15:08] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [15:09] !patience [15:09] Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/ [15:09] ActionParsnip, thank you :) [15:09] What can I do if the software update application hangs? I have no Close Symbol to close the app [15:10] 70 [15:11] I also am running ntfsfix in the terminal - which also hangs..... === gary is now known as Guest45878 [15:19] fosstux: could run xkill [15:19] I want to make a script that installs a few packages in linux, how do i check if a user has sudo access? [15:19] mnewton: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/shell-root-user-check-script.html [15:19] mnewton: google -> check root access bash [15:20] mnewton: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_rbeqbj-n1Z0/Skeak1qBGyI/AAAAAAAAAeM/3k_ntrDWmOw/s1600-h/ubuntu.png [15:20] hey all [15:21] I'm having some weird issue with libgphoto2-2. can someone take a look at this? http://pastie.org/private/slegfu1aqgtagkpwcifbsg [15:21] i have rsyslog logging data from A.B.C.D to foo.log, however, it also is logging to messages. How can i remove its logging to both locations? i would really just like the logs seperated to foo.log [15:23] more details: http://pastie.org/private/g8wndrs2y2peq6omq5jilg [15:25] anyone know how to not load all of these indicators: ['ug-keyboard', 'ug-accessibility', 'session', 'datetime', 'power', 'soundmenu', 'application'] [15:25] does any one nows! easiest way to connect phone to linux(ubuntu)? for internet [15:26] kui [15:27] vishnu_, the easiest way is to create a bridging network [15:28] what happen if.. ubuntu does'nt know what to do with device(mobile)? [15:29] how to tell os to connect to internet via mobile if no drivers avaliable [15:31] where u gone>chjunior [15:32] you should create a network, like anyone in your phone to share your 3g [15:32] vishnu_, [15:32] 4g, whatever [15:32] ya bro === 92AAAI4D8 is now known as HiddenCloud [15:32] tell... me pls [15:33] anyone using gtile extention, if so than i would like to know if there are keybindings, do you like it .. etc [15:34] i am not using iphone [15:36] vishnu_: don't you mean your using !iphone +-) [15:36] sry i have'nt read ur post......but now thanx [15:37] ? for any programers. I am looking @ learning a new gui based launge. I have done alot of php mysql stuff, I have play with mono c# which is fine but I get lost when I need to hook gtk window to the back end [15:39] Hi all please go throught my issue i have explained here and its About Iptables , i need to open only 5 ports including ssh and all others want to be closed , please have a look her ehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/5936805/ === jack is now known as Guest9016 [15:41] babinlonston: can you use ufw? [15:41] !firewall | babinlonston [15:41] babinlonston: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | GUI frontends such as Gufw also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo [15:41] holstein: why not have just asked your question rather than using pastebin to ask? [15:41] holstein: you're missing a few basic rules though [15:42] babinlonston: tried asking in #iptables as well? [15:42] holstein: this one is iptables i cant use the command ufw there in server , i have checked it and its only working woth iptables commands its too ubuntu 12.04 server 64 bit its located in remote location [15:42] ubottu: no ufw is not working here [15:43] holstein: i'd suggest you do these two lines first: iptables -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT; iptables -A INPUT -m conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT [15:43] k [15:43] holstein: which will allow traffic on the loopback interface (localhost / and allow data related to anything else going outbound like web traffic or such to still work [15:43] TheLordOfTime: babinlonston is the one with the pastie, FYI [15:43] holstein: oops sorry [15:43] holstein: my bad [15:43] babinlonston: see my last posts [15:44] TheLordOfTime: no worries [15:44] * TheLordOfTime yawns [15:44] guess it's COFFEE TIME >:D [15:44] yeah, without accepting related and established, stateful tracking doesnt work! [15:44] heh [15:44] babinlonston: also, do you need to have SSH access, or do you have physical access to the box or something [15:45] because if you use SSH and you didn't change it from 22 then you're locking yourself out there [15:45] he said it's remote, my guess is yes, but he doesnt have an apparent port for it [15:45] k [15:45] tmmunq: if he's set up SSH then it's probably default, 22 [15:45] in which case he'll need iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT somewhere before the last line [15:46] although it wouldn't hurt to restrict the connections on SSH by IPs, and add more complex, source-ip-filtering rules. [15:46] (for SSH) [15:47] nah. limit the connection attempt rate, use fail2ban or denyhosts [15:48] TheLordOfTime: oh no its located in US and im in india :D today morning i wrote the iptables and it kicked my back lol and its got block for all traffic cos i used the line { iptables -A INPUT -j DROP} lol unfortunately not saved the entry so i logined into cloud manager dashboard and restarted the server and it got cleared .... [15:48] babinlonston: okay, then if you don't mind me writing a list of rules for you to use? [15:48] use public key and restrict users/groups that can login. instaban anyone trying to login as root [15:49] Sure ... offcourse but after using in local machine only ill apply it in Cloud [15:49] :) [15:50] Just only i need 5 ports to be opened including ssh and all others want to be closed and ping request want to be limited ... === eden is now known as gaarasub [15:50] babinlonston: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5936834/ <-- that's the rules you've got plus a few added by me, and we haven't even started looking at ICMP [15:51] how can i install the intel gpu driver for ubuntu 12.04? [15:51] babinlonston: ICMP rules aren't even there, if you want PINGS to be accepted you have to add that otherwise you aren't going to get ping responses here [15:51] babinlonston: i also suggest using a REJECT rather than a drop, but... [15:51] Fine [15:52] my root file system have just a few kb of space left.and my home partition have around 10 gb left...what should i do so that atleast 500 mb of space remains in root partition [15:52] hi i need help for installing skype ubuntu x64 [15:52] please help [15:52] gurami, go to skype website [15:53] i go to skype website already [15:53] its hardly complicated with software management tool [15:53] TheLordOfTime: let me check and come back [15:53] i download deb file [15:53] gurami, just run it [15:53] nothing works [15:53] ok [15:54] gurami: install it in a terminal, the output will be useful [15:54] how can i down irc also? [15:54] Install it from the Canonical Partner Repo. [15:54] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype [15:54] gurami: what is "down irc"? [15:54] i mean xchat [15:55] gurami: i'd stick to one issue at a time [15:55] how can i download the intel gpu driver?i am using 12.04 64 bi [15:55] gurami: if you want to install xchat then use software centre [15:55] gaarasub: its in a default install [15:55] thanks [15:55] ActionParsnip, but in details section it says driver unkown [15:56] is tripwire obsolete ? [15:56] gaarasub: then udev didnt detect the screen properly or (more likely) screen didnt report its capabilities [15:56] gaarasub: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/04/intel-release-graphical-installer-for-their-linux-drivers may help [15:56] gaarasub: Check your /var/log/Xorg.0.log file to see if it's really using the intel driver. [15:56] i cant seem to get ssh to reload my config [15:58] pvl1: are you modifying the right file? [15:58] playing around with "Disks" utility v3.6.1 in ubuntu 13.04. Did they remove the option to create a partition? I'm not seeing it anywhere. [15:59] <`compdoc> baggar11, not sure, but you can always install gparted [15:59] pvl1: There is /etc/ssh/ssh_config and /etc/ssh/sshd_config the latter is for the ssh server. [15:59] `compdoc: yeah, I know. Just wondering about the program "Disks" specifically. I already used fdisk for what I was trying to do. [15:59] ActionParsnip, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5936858/ [16:00] baggar11: There's a + at the bottom, no? [16:00] Pici yeah its the right file === tiger is now known as Guest43036 [16:00] theadmin: no, all I see is the little gear wheels to format... and all that does is format the device like /dev/sdb [16:01] baggar11: Huh. [16:01] theadmin: when I format the device using the gears, it creates a filesystem on /dev/sdb [16:01] theadmin: when it should create a partition --> /dev/sdb1 and format that [16:01] baggar11: That's a strange thing to do. I usually use gparted or gdisk anyway === scott is now known as Guest57941 [16:02] gaarasub: try the installer, you may need an xorg.conf file [16:02] theadmin: after I manually created the partition with fdisk, I see a minus button to remove the /dev/sdb1 partition [16:02] baggar11: If you click "Empty space", a + should show up. [16:03] ActionParsnip, what installer? [16:03] baggar11: Or maybe you need to right click it... Or something... Anyway, the functionality is there [16:03] gaarasub: You are definitely using hte intel driver. [16:03] adamk, so? [16:03] gaSo what? You wanted to know how to install the intel driver. I'm telling you that you are using the intel driver already. [16:04] gaarasub: ^^ [16:04] theadmin: yeah, not getting a plus sign when I click and right click doesn't do anything [16:04] adamk, it should't be updated or something? [16:04] baggar11: Strange, oh well [16:04] adamk, i am using 12.04 [16:05] TheLordOfTime: Its Worked For me :) :D Cheers [16:06] babinlonston: yeppers, if you want the ICMP echo (aka ping pong) to exist i can add a rule for that [16:06] theadmin: weird, I just used the top "gears" button to format the drive, then a plus sign showed up under the partition [16:06] Hey guys [16:06] otherwise it's blocked/ignored [16:06] Thanks and will u please give me one info what does the line iptables -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT do [16:06] firefox has json backups of the bookmarks but firefox only imports html [16:06] how can i import the json? [16:06] TheLordOfTime: ya go ahead [16:06] gaarasub: Why would it have to be updated? If it does what it needs to do... [16:07] Unofrtunately, I have come here for a possible answer. Because asking in #kde and #kubuntu yas yielded no answers, or even any chatter at all. In the 15min or so since I asked [16:07] adamk, i don't know maybe save more power [16:07] babinlonston: i told you: the -i lo -j ACCEPT line accepts local traffic within the system, i.e. the loopback interface which has / localhost [16:07] Any suggestions on a program that can search for dupe MP3 files in folders, and delete the things? Preferably GUI, I found one, but I donno it doesnt seem to work right or something [16:07] I need some help with installing ubuntu on another hard drive separate fromt the hard drive that windows 7 is on. When i boot up from my usb with the ubuntu rom the only choice I have for setting up my partitions is the drive i wanted but it says 750 gig when I know there is only 698 gig. im confused on why this is and don't want to mess up my other hard drive. [16:07] I would prefer QT, but if it works, what the heck, I'll take it. [16:07] TheLordOfTime: oh fine got it [16:07] GigaHuRtZ learn bash [16:08] babinlonston: as for making PING requests work, the basic rule is: iptables -A INPUT -p icmp -m icmp --icmp-type 8 -j ACCEPT but I"m not sure you can use stateful watching on ICMP [16:08] The one I tried is called dupeguru, they have ones for all different file types. I used dupeguru_me (music edition) but I dont know, didnt seem to be working right [16:08] pvl1: I know some bash, unfortunately not enough to do the job [16:08] hogarth how do u know its 698 [16:08] I've just installed a new wireless router (model is CGN2-ROG), which is connecting fine on the Macs in the house but not on my Ubuntu machine. (I appear to be able to connect to the network, have an ip, etc, but can't load pages or ping anything.) Anyone know what might be the problem? [16:08] ok let me try [16:08] TheLordOfTime: ok let me try [16:08] I somehow got like 300+ plus dupes in my library, I think from one of my android devices or something [16:08] i got skype already thanks [16:09] can someone suggest a way to to tile windows in unity, i have tried grid in compiz but is only changing ws [16:09] pvl1: you know bash? [16:09] hogarth, What is the installation is saying "this hard drive or the 750GB HDD?".. maybe its not talking about free space at all.. [16:09] GiGaHuRtZ some but im busy atm. write the logic in your own language, and then transfer to bash [16:09] If so, if you know an example for what I am trying to do, that would be awesome :) [16:09] Eh, nvm [16:09] It's obvious you were trolling me [16:10] GiGaHuRtZ im willing to help you write it, not write it for u [16:10] well it has nothing on the hard drive and its not a 750 gig. neither is the either one with the windows. [16:10] I didnt ask you to help me, or write it for me. [16:10] I would rather NOT use bash [16:10] GiGaHuRtZ and i say this because i had to do it myself. these gui's are written for what the devel wanted, not u [16:10] whoever, try gtile [16:11] But use a proper application. Because it's good to know a good GUI of doing things so I can show other less technicallyt inclined people how to [16:11] GiGaHuRtZ and eventually i got sick of them. [16:11] Such as my fiance === Craggy is now known as Guest28218 [16:11] GiGaHuRtZ itunes did it pretty well for me [16:11] it should only be a 660 gig total drive [16:11] pvl1: eh? it detects dupes? [16:11] if so, I may fire it up in a VM [16:11] whoever, or xtile [16:12] I have a windows 8.1 vm here I believe [16:12] GiGaHuRtZ, exact copies yeah. but i dont know how to do it on the new itunes. the older versions were able to show me my duplicates [16:12] http://support.apple.com/kb/ht2905 [16:12] sweet [16:12] pvl1: thx for the tip [16:12] GiGaHuRtZ no problem [16:12] Snake2k: thx, i'm looking to tile simlar to xmonad , will xtile allow that [16:12] pvl1: I can figure it out, because itunes is documented moreso than say, dupeguru [16:12] Thoiugh dupeguru also used tag info too [16:13] Npot just file names, iirc [16:13] But im just worried about file names atm I think [16:13] whoever, Well im not so sure on that.. I use Gnome not unity, there is a shell extension for gnome which uses gtile, does what i need [16:13] Oh, I deleted my Windows 8.1 VM, crap [16:14] GiGaHuRtZ: time for a file restore from backup :) [16:14] I wouldnt bother backing up a windows 8.1 VM, ahaha [16:14] I do backup other things though [16:14] GiGaHuRtZ thats the point itunes reads tags [16:14] Most of my home and such [16:14] Sora1995|Cloud: i need to use gnome not unity [16:14] pvl1: oh it does? nice [16:14] oops [16:14] Either way, it should work [16:15] pvl1: does itunes work decently in wine? (never tried, though I have it heard people using it) [16:15] Snake2k: i need to use gnome not unity [16:15] GiGaHuRtZ no idea [16:15] I dont need it to work with usb (ipod or whatever), just read the music from my FS [16:15] whoever, then switch to gnome on your login screen [16:15] its not a big deal for me to install windows in vbox though [16:15] a [16:15] !appdb | GiGaHuRtZ [16:15] GiGaHuRtZ: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help [16:15] whoever: when you use Unity you are using Gnome [16:16] auronandace: I know that [16:16] whoever: Unity doesnt replace Gnome [16:16] thanks though [16:16] whoever, log out of your session, click on the ubuntu logo on the right of your name, and choose gnome [16:16] whoever, it should be installed [16:16] GiGaHuRtZ goo look in wine db, im sure ppl have reported how it works with wine. and yeah its specific to FS i dont think it works like that on ipod [16:16] whoever: Unity is a shell, Gnome is a desktop environment [16:16] Pici any idea what it could be [16:16] whoever: if you want the old style desktop session, if you install gnome-panel you will be able to use that instead of Unity] [16:17] Really, I dont come here for simple stuff. And I rarely come here, because the questions I have are generally more involved than most questions here (thats not a put down or anything, just saying most of the stuff I cant figure out on my own arent great questions to ask hewre) [16:18] hmm its only a 698 gig drive but the instalation says its 750 gig [16:18] hello~ [16:18] i've set this shell file in my cron tab [16:18] Looks like itunes, even newer aqre fine, Gold, silver and bronze ratings on versions. But 11.04 is gold [16:19] http://i.imgur.com/dBmcBoU.png [16:19] grass7boy: if you've got a question on the way, please try and put it in a single line [16:19] Looks like only the 64bit version run like crap, but i dont need a 64bit app for wine, lol [16:19] GiGaHuRtZ: there are youtube vids regarding it too [16:19] GiGaHuRtZ cant hurt to try it [16:19] this shell can change my wallpaper [16:19] Ya, I dont need it. But good to know its there [16:19] i cant seem to get ssh to reload my config file [16:19] GiGaHuRtZ: alternatively avoid devices requiring itunes, lots easier [16:19] pvl1: it should work perfect [16:19] I've just installed a new wireless router (model is CGN2-ROG), which is connecting fine on the Macs in the house but not on my Ubuntu machine. (I appear to be able to connect to the network, have an ip, etc, but can't load pages or ping anything.) Anyone know what might be the problem? [16:19] i ve tested this shell in console, it works [16:20] Latest version 11.04 is rated gold [16:20] pvl1: sudo service shh restart [16:20] As long as I use the 32bit install [16:20] Wow I havent used itunes in over 6 years..... 985MB now, jeez its getting bloated [16:20] ActionPasnip it says it restart but it doesnt actually open up on a new port [16:20] however when i set my crontab to execute this shell file every minnute, it didn't work... [16:20] All this for something so simple, haha [16:21] GiGaHuRtZ: er, it's not even over 100MB [16:21] Lmao, a guy in hong kong is claiming his Galaxy S4 burned down his house [16:21] ActionParsnip wait i lied [16:21] daftykins: it was typo [16:21] delete the 9 [16:21] 85MB [16:21] but i think it isnt reading my hosts file [16:21] avalarion: thx, utimatly what i am tring to do is get a plugin from gnome that lets me tile like xmonad wihout have to inall xmonad ontop of gnome , do you know of one [16:22] GiGaHuRtZ: ah :> [16:23] Gonna use the wine ppa [16:23] * GiGaHuRtZ always like having newest stuff whenever possible [16:23] GiGaHuRtZ: wine doesnt work like that [16:24] ActionParsnip: what? [16:24] GiGaHuRtZ: check which version of wine was used with the gold rated runnning of itunes [16:24] Wine teams ppa certainly has newer packages [16:24] Oh I know [16:24] GiGaHuRtZ: some apps like different version [16:24] hello ubuntu! so I'm setting up winelocale following this guide https://bitbucket.org/dsobodash/winelocale/src and I've got to the point of installing font packages, the repos say ttf-mona doesn't exist but it's reffered to by another pkg, what's the name of that pkg? same question for ttf-unfonts alternative... [16:24] I know [16:24] Can anyone recommend a mobile payments system for a nonprofit? (not really a ubuntu question) [16:24] however, if i add a log command in my shell ( https://gist.github.com/Grassboy/6132933 ), the log file will be updated successfully after the crontab run [16:24] GiGaHuRtZ: so why are yo ublindly installing the newest, if the one you have may be the one which made it work? [16:24] GiGaHuRtZ: makes no sense at all [16:25] I've been using Linux for 15 years, since like RH7. Im pretty well aware of how wine works, though ?I rarely use it nowadays [16:25] the fonts are meant to be installed from non-PPA repos btw [16:25] zacktu, Knowing that why do you ask? [16:25] Its been at least a year since I even installing it [16:25] but the wallpaper still didn't change after this sell... [16:25] but the wallpaper still didn't change after this shell... [16:25] GiGaHuRtZ: you need to see which version itunes works best on, not just getting the newest [16:25] grass7boy: what's the problem? [16:25] is there any problem in my shell file or in my ubuntu setting? [16:25] GiGaHuRtZ: its nothing to do with how wine works, its what works best for teh app you want to run [16:26] ActionParsnip: because with an app like itunes, generally the wine team does a good job at making sure there are any.... what the word..... backwards progression [16:26] i lied again [16:26] ActionParsnip: Dude, I know this. [16:26] i ve wrote a shell file to change my wallpaper automatically [16:26] Seriously. If I wanted your support, I'd ask for it. [16:26] and put it in my crontab [16:26] GiGaHuRtZ: so why install the newer one without checking first, it may get a lesser rating in the newer one [16:26] What makes you think I didnt check? [16:26] ffs [16:26] Just stop. please. [16:26] !attitude > GiGaHuRtZ [16:26] GiGaHuRtZ, please see my private message [16:27] Go "guru" someone else that actually wants the help [16:27] wilee-nilee: because i have no idea where to ask and this is a channel where people respond -- even to ask your question [16:27] GiGaHuRtZ: the way you were saying it was "newer = better" as you 'like to have the newest version'7 [16:27] firefox has json backups of the bookmarks but firefox only imports html [16:27] Ya, too bad I am +g, ubottu might as well be messaging thin air [16:27] how can i import the json? [16:27] GiGaHuRtZ: which as I said, isnt how wine works [16:27] Anyways, I am done here. [16:27] and this shell change my wallpaper when i run it in console, but it can not change my wallpaper when it was executed by crontab [16:27] pvl1: thanks [16:27] this is my shell: https://gist.github.com/Grassboy/6132933 [16:27] And ActionParsnip thx for uh..... something [16:27] zacktu, the web? [16:28] do some research [16:29] ActionParsnip: hello! I'm installing font packages, the ubuntu repos say ttf-mona doesn't exist but it's reffered to by another pkg, what's the name of that pkg? same question for ttf-unfonts alternative... [16:30] i corrected my log command ( 'echo $(date +%H%M%s) >> /home/grassboy/Documents/hihi.txt' ) [16:30] my log file can be updated every min [16:31] anonee: google says ttf-mona has it [16:31] but the wallpaper can not be changed [16:31] !find ttf-mona [16:31] Found: ttf-mona, ttf-monapo [16:31] !info ttf-mona [16:31] ttf-mona (source: xfonts-mona): Transitional dummy package. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.90-7 (raring), package size 1 kB, installed size 26 kB [16:31] anonee: do you have universe repo enabled? [16:32] Yes! ActionParsnip, it seems I should try ttf-monapo instead?... I'm working on it let's see... [16:35] If I need to rebuild bind9 to add a missing compile flag for a feature I need, is there a reasonably easy way to do that while keeping all the other default flags in ubuntu? === HisaoNakai is now known as The_Empire [16:36] Improv: apt-get source bind9 [16:37] Improv: Will give you the source as it appears in the Ubuntu tree [16:37] wilee-nilee: how do you know i haven't -- they have a provider for nonprofits who handles desktop transactions, but sends you to a company that's expensive for mobile -- they don't tell you their price until you dig deeply -- hoping someone might have experience -- if you do, you're not being helpful, and no one else has responded -- thank you [16:37] theadmin: Aha, cool. Didn't know about that option. [16:37] !find unifont [16:37] Found: ttf-unifont, unifont, xfonts-unifont, unifont-bin [16:39] theadmin: Are the default flags to configure stashed somewhere in there? [16:39] Improv: Also, use "checkinstall" instead of "make install" so that it gets installed as a debian package, then just put it on hold so that updates don't overwrite it: echo bind9 hold | sudo dpkg --set-selections [16:39] how do you exit from a desktop xsession full screen firefox session? I can't click any of the menu items, e.g. File, Edit, View History. i have tried ctrl+alt+del, crtl+alt+space, ctrl+alt=arrow nothing returns me to the login screen [16:39] Improv: Ah, not sure [16:39] joshu: Eh, F11? [16:40] I'm using gufw (graphical uncomplicated firewall) [16:40] theadmin just tried that nothing [16:40] it says the firewall is off. but I can't ping my PC from a VM. however I CAN access apache. any ideas? [16:41] theadmin: I don't immediately see what flags it was built with, but if I'm to rebuild it I don't want to use different options apart from adding the one I need. [16:41] (that is, --enable-filter-aaaa ) [16:41] Improv: Maybe there's already a configure output file, a Makefile or such present [16:41] Improv: ? [16:42] theadmin: I don't see one. [16:42] Improv: Hm. Well, I don't know, sorry. [16:42] no worries. I'll do more research [16:42] I'm running gufw (GUI for uncomplicated firwall) it says the firewall is disabled. I can access my apache (port 80) from a VM, but I can't ping it or access another service on a different port. any ideas? [16:43] Lope: Check what rules are currently in place. "sudo iptables -nvL" [16:44] is ufw just a frontend for iptables? [16:44] Yes. [16:44] pretty sucky firewall program then. [16:45] Lope: I personally prefer to use iptables, but to each his/her own. [16:46] rypervenche: okay I entered the command it gave me a bunch of info on stuff it rejected. [16:46] what's the best way to backup my ubunut machine ? === The_Empire is now known as HisaoNakai === SANDVICH is now known as Guest17041 [16:46] ffio: what sort of backup do you want ? [16:46] Lope: Can you pastebin the output? [16:47] ffio: hire a team of squirrels [16:47] ikonia: i want to back up my data in case my hard drive fails. [16:47] daftykins: please don't make silly suggestions, help, or don't [16:47] ffio: so just the data, or the whole OS [16:48] Great citizens of Ubuntu, please help me rescue my system after installing ATI drivers [16:48] ffio: (I'd recommend just the data, as you can always re-install easy) [16:48] just my data [16:48] ikonia: yeah :) [16:48] !details > arleas [16:48] arleas, please see my private message [16:48] ffio: do you want to backup to a remote machine, or an external disk, or something else [16:48] external disk [16:49] cheers guys === Mr is now known as Guest81945 [16:49] ffio: ok, so you basically want to mount the disk and setup a regular process to do something like rsync your data to the disk, or tar and compress the data, something like that [16:49] i installed the latest ATI drivers to reduce the fan speed of my GPU - but the OS hangs at the login screen [16:49] i'd like to do two things - 1) uninstall the ATI drivers [16:49] 2) make my GPU quieter and be able to dual screen! [16:50] !enter | arleas [16:50] arleas: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [16:50] apologies [16:50] why there is no desktop in 13.04 ? how to restore it ? [16:50] ikonia: ok . is that possible that i take the backup of my data on my current hard drive as their is any change in my data ? [16:50] rypervenche: http://pastebin.com/v975NFwX [16:51] ffio: not real time, the overhead on that is silly, but you can do a process that runs either on login, or say two times a day that syncs all changes to the backup, so you always have a current bakup [16:51] Is it safe to use the methods listed here to recover password? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword [16:51] backup [16:52] Guddu: It's on the official Ubuntu documentation website, so yes. [16:52] Guddu: safe? [16:52] ikonia: that's great :) even once in 3-4 days would be nice :) [16:52] theadmin: so probably yes :p [16:52] !backup [16:52] There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning [16:52] ffio: perfect, [16:52] Guddu: generally, though, you can't "recover" a password... [16:52] ikonia: fair enough, you have to admit it's quite amusing that 90% of support requests come from those that can't type the name of the distro correctly though [16:52] Guddu: You can only change it. [16:52] arleas: fan speed is dependent on need to cool down GPU [16:52] ikonia: :) [16:53] theadmin, Thanks Yes...Change is what I wanted. Also, is there a way to find out all users that were created on the machine? [16:53] sakang: it runs too quickly - the GPU functions fine at a lower fan speed [16:53] reisio, By Safe i meant if it works :) Wrong choice of word...I will try it now [16:54] How can I uninstall the driver using terminal? When I boot using recovery mode, Unity is disabled (I have no launcher or task bar) [16:54] arleas: GPU functions fine even w/o fan, but eventually will fry it [16:54] why there is no desktop in 13.04 ? how to restore it ? [16:54] Lope: Try running "sudo iptables -F" and try again. What port(s) are you trying to access? [16:54] Guddu: As an admin user, yes: sudo cat /etc/passwd | awk -F ':' '{print $1;}' [16:54] sakang: I play games in Windows at 40% fan speed - temp is fine at 100% GPU activity [16:54] ikonia: how can i find out various terms that can be used as " !backup, !sbackup, !cloning etc " [16:55] ffio: sorry, what do you mean ? [16:55] Guddu: Err, actually, admin access isn't required and neither is sudo. Seems it's not locked for regular users to read. [16:55] Or maybe something broke on my machine === bubulle_ is now known as leagris [16:55] It's odd it's out in the open === live-ubuntu-rari is now known as live-ubuntu [16:56] ikonia: for backup we did !backup so similarly there might be terms for update like !update , so how to know this keywords "!backup !update" so i can get a reply from the bot [16:56] !sbackup [16:56] sbackup is a tool to create complete and/or incremental backups (which can be scheduled to be automatic, and can be done over a network). It is available in !Universe [16:56] !ubottu | ffio [16:56] ffio: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots [16:56] theadmin, I can execute that from recover console also? [16:57] ikonia: thank you so much :D === jack is now known as Guest65039 [16:57] ikonia: i should run this bot commands in this channel itself ? i think it will spam the channel. [16:57] how do I create a channel on IRC on freenode ? [16:57] will the following uninstall the ATI drivers? sudo sh /usr/share/ati/fglrx-uninstall.sh sudo apt-get remove --purge fglrx fglrx_* fglrx-amdcccle* fglrx-dev* [16:57] ffio: use a pm [16:57] north: the guys in #freenode can explain the policy [16:58] ikonia: :) [16:58] Guddu: :) [16:58] how do i give a user permission to write into the root directory [16:59] by suspending your sense [16:59] HypnotiX: what situation could that ever be a good idea [16:59] if the user were root [16:59] :p [16:59] but what _other_ situation :p === chinkal is now known as user1245 [16:59] i dont have space left anywhere else [17:00] HypnotiX: you shouldn't use / [17:00] i need to copy some files there from my windows partition so i can get rid of windows forever :D [17:00] HypnotiX: create a directory off / and use that [17:00] HypnotiX: /my_temp [17:00] HypnotiX: then give them access to /my_temp [17:00] i cant create a directory in / [17:00] i'll give it a go and see if it works [17:00] HypnotiX: is this your machine ? [17:00] yes === user1245 is now known as ria_ [17:00] HypnotiX: do you have access to sudo ? [17:01] yes [17:01] HypnotiX: sudo mkdir /my_temp [17:01] ah ok nm :D [17:01] ok [17:01] now how do give access to that folder [17:01] do I* [17:01] HypnotiX: if it's only temporary sudo chmod 777 /my_temp [17:02] what if i write -R [17:02] HypnotiX: there is no need to use -R [17:02] HypnotiX: as it's empty [17:02] i see [17:02] thanx a lot === QuirkyCarlalala is now known as luckybunny [17:05] HypnotiX: Creating stuff in / is usually a bad idea [17:05] HypnotiX: Totally unnecessary, the Linux filesystem structure defines directories for everything. [17:06] hmm [17:07] well the thing is have two linux paritions and one of them is mounted to /home [17:07] sorry for the typos [17:10] by the way do you guys know why website render differently for firefox on linux and the one on windows [17:11] i was getting responed from a nic what begain with an "a" about window tiling but can't remember the nic, if you , plaease respond [17:11] HypnotiX: perhaps the system font is different [17:11] HypnotiX: different versions of FF.. different webpages.. flash, or other elements.. many variables to confirm there [17:12] whoever: why not use a tiling window manager [17:12] plain text [17:12] with font set from css [17:12] holstein: i didn't say i wasn't [17:13] can i paste the website here to show you [17:13] whoever: i would just state some details then.. "im using ubuntu 13.04 with xfce and wanting tiling".. or whatever [17:13] rypervenche: sudo iptables -F shows nothing. [17:14] HypnotiX: i dont have any way of testing that in windows, but sure [17:14] Lope: It's not supposed it. It flushes the firewall rules. Try connecting now. [17:14] how can I clear my iptables completely? how can I find where the config file is? [17:14] haha, awesome [17:14] Lope: Check my pm too. [17:14] http://stonestudio.com.ro/ [17:14] holstein: no , i am tring to find the nic that i was comunicating with [17:15] the idea is that the font size is different on firefox windows, so that dotted line overlaps the text [17:15] Lope: you can temporarily delete all rules by doing iptables --flush [17:15] Hi all [17:16] whoever: its not going to be OK to ping all the "a" nic's.. i would just address the volunteers generally, and someone will assist [17:16] I'm having trouble with my SMB share [17:16] is there a way i can enable hibernate on ubuntu 12.04LTS [17:16] I did set it up for about 40 minutes ago, and it worked perfectly [17:16] holstein:and that i have one up and running and just wanted to say that the only tiling manager that will let you tiLe like xmonade in a GUI without installing xmonad is running bluetile in gnome classic [17:17] but now the sharing seems to be dead [17:17] Hi! Me need support for Joomla 3.0. I have error: Layout default not found. I writing new components. Help! [17:17] smb.d is still active [17:17] whoever: that will "let you", or that you have been able to personally configure? [17:17] holstein: thats why i did't ping then i said nic starts with "a", which should not ping all nics tht start with a [17:17] whoever, https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/28/gtile/ [17:17] I have tried restart the computer, and it still dead [17:17] anyone got any ideas? [17:18] Есть кто из России!? [17:18] removing and re-adding the share won't work either [17:18] Snake2k: i tried gtile but it wouldn't let me stack then the way you can in bluetile/ Xmonad [17:18] I'm using Ubuntu 13.04 [17:19] handheldpenguin: it will let you [17:19] !ru | bupy7 [17:19] bupy7: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke. [17:19] whoever, Hmmm in that case, im out of ideas, sorry [17:19] is there a way i can enable hibernate on ubuntu 12.04LTS [17:19] you don't need to confiure unless you want to do some custom thing [17:19] ? [17:20] Kai_p_IE: i do it in the power management.. its more likely "how do i get suspend working on my particular hardware" [17:20] Snake2k: i don't know if you saw but i posted bluetile [17:20] I'm new to ubuntu and I tried installing Krita via terminal.. the installation ended with "ldconfig deferred processing now taking place" ... can anyone help me with what the problem might be? [17:20] !nvidia [17:20] For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto [17:20] Kai_p_IE, http://askubuntu.com/questions/94754/how-to-enable-hibernation [17:20] Kai_p_IE: http://www.howtogeek.com/113923/how-to-re-enable-hibernate-in-ubuntu-12.04/ [17:20] google is your best friend [17:20] whoever, No I didnt see that, was AFK [17:20] Snake2k: ok [17:21] Guys I need help with something, my Laptop has a finger print scanner, is there a way I can use that on lightdm? [17:21] anybody has any advices? === MsCourtnet is now known as MsCourtney [17:22] Snake2k: http://lifehacker.com/5992397/log-into-ubuntu-with-your-fingerprint [17:23] thanks whoever :) [17:25] Snake2k: let me know if it works [17:25] How can I arrange for my application's init script to be completly run on shutdown before the other upstart scripts? (for example: don't stop rsyslog until my app is down). [17:25] whoever, definitely, setting it up now :) [17:26] Snake2k: do you know if i can you facial recognition with lightdm simler to how xbox use it to log you in, so you don't have to type anything [17:26] if to facial might be better then a figure print if you have more then one use and want to creep them out [17:26] scampbell: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#stop-before-depended-upon-service [17:27] scampbell: though perhaps not exactly [17:27] whoever, You want to know if there is a way to integrate a facial recognition software or are you telling me? lol [17:27] I am trying to get ALL updates to install automatically, following this guide http://www.richud.com/wiki/Ubuntu_Enable_Automatic_Updates In the section headed "Adding xbmc to unattended-upgrade" it says "if it doesn't tell you the archive name try just omitting it ... otherwise try appending the distro name, "LP-PPA-team-xbmc-unstable:${distro_codename}". (perhaps if you see the 'Suite:' present it means this is what needs setting [17:28] PinkSwing: ppa's are not officially supported [17:28] Snake2k: would like to know if there is [17:28] trism: yeah, I saw that. Unfortunately, rsyslog is stop on runlevel [012] and there doesn't appear to be a way to get in front of that (that I've found yet). I just started digging in today though. [17:28] and also suggesting that you might want t try it out === SonikkuAmerica is now known as imnotwhoimnot [17:28] holstein: The third party repos are not all PPAs === steven__ is now known as bsprogs [17:29] PinkSwing: ok.. 3rd party repos are not officially supported === imnotwhoimnot is now known as SonikkuAmerica [17:29] PinkSwing: you will go to the maintainers and creators of the specific sources for support and issues [17:30] holstein: I was hoping someone here might have gone the same way before me so could answer the question [17:31] native traktor on ubuntu/xubuntu/debian? [17:31] whoever, well I don't know of a way to use that. I've seen facial recognition used on a friend's laptop, win7.. it should be available on ubuntu [17:31] PinkSwing: you can just ask the question and see.. i have had issues with automatic updates, so i dont do it, nor suggest it [17:31] PinkSwing: if you are going to use PPA's, you might not want auto upgrades so you can keep track of breakage [17:32] scampbell: i suspect it would not be that easy to set up thoug [17:32] how to configure fail2ban for ssh [17:32] what exactly is active directory ? [17:32] whoever: so I'm finding out :) [17:32] basiclaser, What is you question? [17:33] your* [17:35] whoever, hey the fingerprint scanner works great! [17:35] basiclaser, #opensourcemusicians [17:35] whoever, thank you! [17:36] Snake2k: thx for letting me know [17:36] Snake2k: do you just walk up and scan finger and your logged in or do you have to hit enter [17:36] No no I just have to swipe my finger on it [17:36] it logged in [17:37] It asked for my pass again :/ key ring something, no idea what that was for whoever === CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob [17:38] hi [17:38] whoever, any idea how I can tweak the theme of the fingerprint gui prompt that appears on lightdm? [17:38] StathisA: curiouse if you have a sweaty hand, and you use the reader, and then you use soneone elses linger with tap over the print, will therr body heat transfer to trigger the reader and thing of the oil deposted on the reader is the print of the indeviudal belongs to u and log you in [17:39] Snake2k: what do you want it to say or look like [17:39] /usr/bin/env bash would run /bin/bash on ubuntu right? Or is bash symlinked to something else? [17:39] whoever: huh? [17:39] whoever, I want to invert it's colors.. white to black and black to white [17:39] whoever, to make it darker [17:39] whoever, Ooohh thats useful info O_o [17:39] I'm trying to get a second graphics card running in my machine. The current card (Radeon HD 5450) is working fine with both outputs enabled. The second card I installed was a leftover Nvidia Quadro FX 550. I tried it without installing any new drivers (loaded nouveau) and I also tried blacklisting nouveau and using nvidia drivers. In both cases, lspci shows both cards and the drivers load, but nothing appears on the third screen and I can't get X or [17:39] nvidia-detector to find the card. Not sure what to do next. Any thoughts? [17:40] StathisA, I think he was talking to me I guess lol [17:40] oh well..:-) [17:41] Snake2k: there is a config file in /etc/lightdm , if the option isn't there , you may need to grab the source and make the color changes, but try theme lightdm first to see if there is a plugin for it [17:42] Evening all! [17:42] whoever, I'll check the second option first.. then the config file [17:42] Snake2k: whats usefull info, i typed so much i don't really know what your reffering to [17:42] whoever, the whole paragraph related to the finger print scanner being triggered etc [17:43] Oh, Action(whatever his nick was) isnt here [17:43] anymore [17:43] Can anybody recommend any Linux/Debian/Ubuntu qualifications? [17:44] Well, Im curious about wine installs. I noticed there are Wine1.X and Wine1.x-amd64 packages, I would think the non -amd64 would be for 32bit apps only, and the other for 64bit apps. [17:44] <[S][T][Y][X]> hey guys, i have this error: "Malformed line 15 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list" how do i fix it [17:44] So I really want the 32 bit version (i am on 64bit linux though) [17:45] But when I install just wine1.X, it seems to grab the 64bit edition also or something [17:45] [S][T][Y][X]: can you pastebin the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list [17:45] So when I go to install 32bit itunes, it will not work. [17:45] when I grab 1.4 for instance apt wants to install: wine1.4 wine1.4-amd64 wine1.4-i386:i386 [17:46] the i386 package would /seem/ fine, but its also grabbing amd64 package as well [17:46] Snake2k: ah thx [17:46] I have no idea how to even diferentiate the two once installed if thats even possible === ridolien is now known as plagerism [17:46] So I could run/install an app using the i386/32bit wine [17:46] I changed my hostname in /etc/hostname, but it seems there's still some "residue" of the old hostname... I'm running salt-minion and that is getting the old hostname from somewhere. (I rebooted before doing this) [17:47] <[S][T][Y][X]> i can copy it out of the folder, if thats what you meant [17:47] I mean, it clearly also installs the i386 deps also [17:47] [S][T][Y][X]: put it on http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/ [17:47] Snake2k: you should try it let me know, i dog paw pads do have striation in then you you try dog , human, cat(if you canget them to stay stell long enough ) [17:47] pvl1: you around? [17:47] Hmm, I see wine and wine64 [17:48] how do i give myself permission to a new ext4 partition i created [17:48] <[S][T][Y][X]> oh, ok [17:48] whoever, sure i will :) [17:48] GiGaHuRtZ: WINEARCH=win32 [17:48] Maybe when I launch an exe via file manager its using wine64 manually, so I need to use the cmd line instead [17:48] make a folder there and chown it [17:48] reisio: will that really do anything? I would think I would still need to tell Dolphin "hey, dont use wine64, use wine instead" [17:48] mv ~/.wine ~/.wine-old && WINEARCH=win32 wine foo.exe [17:49] its not a big deal [17:49] As I dont use wine, im using it one time only [17:49] GiGaHuRtZ: when you generate ~/.wine (the default prefix) with a particular arch, it sticks until you remove the directory [17:49] thing is its mounted as media [17:49] alright [17:49] Good to know [17:49] reisio: thx [17:50] GiGaHuRtZ: so it'll probably "just work" after you create it with WINEARCH=win32 [17:50] I just wish there was a way of telling dolphin to use a certain wine [17:50] GiGaHuRtZ: there is [17:50] reisio: right, there should be. [17:50] there is [17:50] I havent gotten there yet, nor do I really care [17:50] I don't think you really need to care :) [17:51] LKike I said,m this is purely a one time use purpose [17:51] unless you want to be able to pick between win32 and win64 at your discretion [17:51] I want to run itunes, once, that is it. [17:51] GiGaHuRtZ: why? ew [17:51] reisio: Eh, shitty library issues [17:51] lameness [17:51] Once I fix them with itunes, I will be home free to use mpd or amarok on all of my collection [17:52] an1 frm India? [17:52] I havent used wine in.... years. Before 1.0 heh [17:52] jdale: some people are, yes [17:52] GiGaHuRtZ: what's wrong with "them"? [17:52] reisio: for shats and giggles, I shall try the WINEARCH trick, and see what dolphin does now [17:53] I got the giggles covered, not into scatology [17:54] !chown [17:54] An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions [17:54] its a common phrase in the US, but I didnt wanna use the real world, cause the ops here are like the gestapo [17:56] do you guys just know all the bot commands here or are they listed somewhere? [17:56] !ubottu | Sk1Special [17:56] Sk1Special: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots [17:56] Sk1Special: you also get to learn the common ones if you use the channel a fair bit [17:57] ikonia, yeah. thank ya thank ya :] [18:00] I'm new to ubuntu and I tried installing Krita via terminal.. the installation ended with "ldconfig deferred processing now taking place" ... can anyone help me with what the problem might be? [18:00] hola [18:00] hello === picca_ is now known as picca [18:01] clamav is an antivirus [18:02] Clamav sounds like a foreign version of Clamato or something [18:02] i have rsyslog logging data from A.B.C.D to foo.log, however, it also is logging to messages. How can i remove its logging to both locations? i would really just like the logs seperated to foo.log === _BJFreeman is now known as BJfreeman [18:06] ria_: that's normal [18:07] I'm having a devil of a time fixing my application links in thunderbird. the biggest issue is that I have no way of finding out from the ubuntu desktop what the command-line name of an application is, and thunderbird has no way to link to the Launcher. What do I do? [18:07] <[S][T][Y][X]> CyberJakob: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5937255/ [18:07] Why are some third party sources at the end of /etc/apt/sources.list but other sources are added as separate files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ ??? [18:07] agliodbs: You can find out the name of an application. open /usr/share/applications in a file manager and find the one you want [18:08] agliodbs: then open it with a text editor and look for the line with "Exec=" [18:08] mudkip908: wow, ghetto. nobody has thought to fix this in 6 years of ubuntu? [18:08] thanks, though [18:09] i think gnome 2 had a feature to show the command in the menu [18:09] agliodbs, ideally you wouldn't have to do that. I do agree with you that we should be able to find the CLI command for applications easily though [18:09] euxneks: well, really this is bad design by Thunderbird [18:09] mudkip908: yes I realized that a few minutes ago.. problem is somewhere else-- it is unable to locate the executable file 'klauncher' [18:09] euxneks: but since there is no replacement for TB, we have to live with it [18:09] agliodbs, email in linux is hurtful all around I think [18:09] agliodbs: or you just open the application and see which processes are running... [18:10] PinkSwing, that is a design choice. [18:10] ria_: Are you tying to open it with the terminal or through your launcher? [18:10] [S][T][Y][X]: Could you paste the results of this command: [18:10] [S][T][Y][X]: cat /etc/apt/sources.list [18:10] with terminal [18:10] euxneks: it's because so many linux devs use mutt. nobody actually cares about GUI mail clients. The Evolution developers notoriously never used the program themselves, and made fun of any linux geek who did. [18:11] mudkip908: with terminal [18:11] OerHeks: So who decides which method is used for particular repos? I have third party sources in both places and it's a little confusing [18:11] ria_: are you sure that's the right command to launch your software? [18:11] agliodbs, haha. yeah. I just use gmail in the webbrowser [18:11] bertogatti: I don't know about you, but I have ~~ 200 processes running on my machine [18:12] mudkip908: I think so, but let me recheck and get back to you.. [18:12] agliodbs: yes but applications you open have high PIDs so they are at the end of the list, making them fairly obvious [18:12] [S][T][Y][X]: cool nick dude [18:12] <[S][T][Y][X]> CyberJacob: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5937267/ [18:12] sudo apt-get install mutt [18:12] PinkSwing, from 12.04 and up /etc/apt/sources.list.d/, i think it is designed this way, to disable ppa's easily. [18:12] équit [18:13] mudkip908: yes, it is correct [18:13] <[S][T][Y][X]> reisio: Thanks, although it's a pain to write it^^ [18:14] <[S][T][Y][X]> reisio: Especially with a Qwertz-Keyboard [18:14] OerHeks: So I guess it depends whether I added the repo manually by editing sources.list or by adding it in the sources dialog? [18:14] mudkip908: the error that it shows is --- [18:14] [S][T][Y][X]: ok, on line 15 and 16 of the sources file [18:14] Legacy integer arithmetics implementation [18:14] krita(8758)/kdeui (KIconLoader): Error: standard icon theme "oxygen" not found! [18:14] Could not find 'klauncher' executable. [18:14] kdeinit4: Communication error with launcher. Exiting! [18:14] krita(8758)/koffice (lib komain): "krita" part.desktop not found. [18:14] ria_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [18:14] [S][T][Y][X]: you need to add a space between quantal and partner [18:15] PinkSwing, just add it to the sources menu / dialog, that would add the key also, and put it in the right place. [18:15] FloodBot1: okay.. sorry will take care of it next time [18:15] <[S][T][Y][X]> CyberJacob: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5937280/ Better? [18:15] #basicprogramming.org [18:15] OerHeks: I'm not trying to add a new repo, just trying to understand why they are in two different places [18:15] ria_: run kdeinit4 in a terminal [18:16] [S][T][Y][X]: you also need to remove the space between archive and .canonical on lines 18 and 19 [18:16] [S][T][Y][X]: *17 and 18 [18:16] PinkSwing, well, me too. [18:16] perhaps it keeps system-wide repos and user repos separate? [18:17] [S][T][Y][X]: yeah, after I type [s I want to type t, not ] :p [18:17] anyways [18:17] <[S][T][Y][X]> CyberJacob: It won't let me alter it. [18:18] [S][T][Y][X]: access denied message? [18:18] <[S][T][Y][X]> CyberJacob: Exactly [18:18] daftykins, didn't know there used to be a difference. [18:18] mudkip908: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5937293/ [18:18] [S][T][Y][X]: what user are you logged in as? [18:18] OerHeks: I found this http://techpatterns.com/forums/about1005.html which rather slams Ubuntu for doing this. [18:18] OerHeks: er, perhaps it creates that distinction :D personally i find it just frustrating to diagnose at pure CLI [18:18] ria_: install kdelibs-bin [18:19] <[S][T][Y][X]> CyberJacob: Not as root, I think. [18:19] [S][T][Y][X]: what does the prompt look like? [18:19] is k torrent and utorrent the same thing ? [18:20] mudkip908: done! retried to run krita.. still couldn't find klauncher [18:20] <[S][T][Y][X]> CyberJacob: Just plain "Access denied", although the design of it looks a bit like a Wine error message. [18:20] [S][T][Y][X]: are you in a shell prompt? [18:21] ria_: install the package "kde-plasma-desktop", then run kbuildsycoca4. [18:21] (don't worry, this doesn't install full KDE, only some parts of it) [18:22] <[S][T][Y][X]> CyberJacob: Fixed it, I think, by using the sudo command. And no, I wasn't using a shell prompt at any given time -.- [18:22] [S][T][Y][X]: ah, I kinda assumed you were [18:22] [S][T][Y][X]: and yeah, you would need sudo or gksudo to edit the file [18:23] [S][T][Y][X]: You should always use gksudo for graphical applications. [18:23] <[S][T][Y][X]> CyberJacob: Ok [18:24] <[S][T][Y][X]> mudkip908: Ok [18:24] mudkip908: while it is installing, i'd really like to know why is it that one has to install parts of kde desktop? [18:25] for installing krita that is [18:25] ria_, dependencies [18:25] <[S][T][Y][X]> CyberJacob: So, do I have to reboot or anything? Although it seems to me that everything works fine now. [18:25] ria_: they should have installed automactically [18:25] wilee-nilee okay.. [18:25] [S][T][Y][X]: nope [18:25] the ubuntu package must be broken or something [18:26] <[S][T][Y][X]> CyberJacob: Ok, thanks for the help :) [18:26] [S][T][Y][X]: no problem [18:26] the full KDE suite is huge, most likely you dont want all of it. the best way to go is install plasma-desktop, then cherry pick applications or meta packages. kde-admin, kde-accessibility, etc [18:26] mudkip908: okay.. I could check that with the community maybe [18:27] * hodapp is not a KDE fan. [18:27] can anyone help me connect to freenode via xchat ? [18:27] motaka2 - Lol, haven't you already> [18:27] :) [18:27] motaka2: You already have [18:27] KDE is pretty nice [18:28] DJones: HisaoNakai :) I am using chatzilla on firefox [18:28] motaka2: Assuming you're using xchat now (that is) [18:28] motaka2 - Oh, lol. [18:28] /!\ Warning! DE wars imminent!! /!\ [18:28] there using chatzilla [18:28] motaka2 - What's the issue? error or something? [18:30] HisaoNakai: I keep recieving this: http://codepaste.net/oupzy2 [18:30] motaka2 - Sorry, no idea :( Maybe someone else knows. [18:31] motaka2, Try #xchat [18:31] Cursorily, I'd check if xchat is being blocked by a firewall or something. [18:32] wilee-nilee: they dont answer [18:32] motaka2: That sounds likes xchat is trying to connect to an old freenode server, some have been taken out of commission lately, if you join #freenode and ask the people there showing that codepaste, I think they should be able to get you on the right track [18:32] DJones: They say try xchat [18:32] motaka2: try /connect moorcock.freenode.net [18:33] that one definitely works [18:33] * reisio giggles [18:34] motaka2, xchat has a build-in list of servers, incl #Freenode [18:34] mudkip908: You did it thank you very much === Vampire0_ is now known as Vampire0 [18:34] motaka2: From the paste, it was connecting to irc.freenode, according to freenodes website, it says to connect to chat.freenode.net [18:34] hooray [18:35] motaka2, http://freenode.net/certfp/certfp-xchat-1.png === markalanevans_ is now known as markalanevans === motaka2_ is now known as motaka2 [18:36] motaka2_: I just saw in freenode, they suggested using chat.freenode rather than irc.freenode [18:36] is there any text editor like notepad++ on ubuntu that is able to compare two text file to detect the differences? [18:36] everyone thank you I am now in using xchat [18:37] It's weird, I have my xchat connecting to irc.freenode.net and it automatically "redirects" me to chat.freenode.net [18:38] mudkip908, I am using what you gave me, I forgot it is that good or I should change it to chat.freenod? [18:38] motaka2: change it to chat.freenode.net [18:39] Hi all. New to ubuntu desktop (but have used server). What's the recommended desktop manager for raring? Too many choices here. [18:39] aberrant: The default one? (lightdm) === amin_007110 is now known as amin007110 [18:40] aberrant, There is no recommendation, use what works for you. [18:40] aberrant: define desktop manager [18:40] mudkip908: Im probably asking the wrong question. I see kubuntu, lubuntu, xubuntu... [18:40] aberrant: desktop environment [18:40] aberrant: Kubuntu (KDE) is a little nicer for people coming from Windows [18:40] aberrant: Use whichever one you like. [18:40] if you want something similar and not different [18:40] Hi, Does anybody know, if there is a way to turn on and off the GUI in ubuntu? [18:40] or, rather, less dissimilar [18:40] Ok :) last time I used a unix desktop was a sun 3/50 running twm :) [18:41] mmm, twm [18:41] you can use that ;p [18:41] Hah. Its for my daughter. [18:41] mojtaba: that would be the lightdm service [18:41] aberrant, ubuntu comes with unity, kubuntu with kde, lubuntu with lxde, etc. [18:41] aberrant: daughters love twm [18:41] with its bright color. [18:41] eww twm [18:41] heheh [18:41] reisio: How should I do that? (I am pretty new to linux) [18:41] Reisio: yeah, but i [18:41] aberrant, depends on your memory : lubuntu 256 mb / xubuntu 512 mb / ubuntu 1 gb kubuntu too [18:41] Think I'll go wi something more modern [18:41] aberrant: how old? [18:42] 9. [18:42] yeah, a nine year old still has a flexible mind :p [18:42] you could just try the default [18:42] <[S][T][Y][X]> mudkip908: My XChat is connecting to FreeNode via irc.freenode.net/8001 , probably the default connection, so I don't understand motaka2's problem. Why does he have such problems to connect? [18:42] put i3 or awesome on it [18:42] What's the default? Im not seeing one specified. Im doing a NetBoot install [18:42] you might, um, uninstall the amazon thing; sudo apt-get remove unity-lens-shopping [18:42] [S][T][Y][X]: No idea, mine also works fine with irc.reenode.net [18:43] aberrant: the default is a version of GNOME 3 with a modified window manager and front end configuration, called Unity [18:43] aberrant: it looks a lot like a purplish version of Mac OS [18:43] Is that the ubuntu-desktop package? [18:43] aberrant: yes [18:43] reisio: Could you please let me know how can I turn the GUI on and off? [18:43] mojtaba: right right [18:43] Ok, I see that one. Thanks. Will try it. [18:43] mojtaba: http://askubuntu.com/questions/139014/how-to-disable-lightdm [18:44] mojtaba: /etc/init.d/lightdm stop? [18:44] Thanks for the suggestions :) [18:45] mudkip908: Actually I just want to be able to run startx at the bootup from cmd, if I want to have the GUI enabled. [18:45] mojtaba: skip the display manager altogether and write yourself an .xinitrc [18:46] mojtaba, edit grub to text, then you can run startx from the cli [18:46] mojtaba: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CustomXSession [18:46] aberrant: Xubuntu (Xfce) looks a lot like a gray version of Mac OS :p [18:46] aberrant: Unity (ubuntu-desktop) has an accelerated window manager, though, so it has fancier effects by default [18:47] mudkip908: Thanks for the link, I will take a look at it [18:47] wilee-nilee: could you please explain more? [18:47] Reisio: got it. Installing the 1343 ubuntu-desktop packages as I type this. [18:47] you multitasker [18:48] mojtaba, http://askubuntu.com/questions/174312/how-can-i-set-my-ubuntu-12-04-lts-to-boot-to-console-without-gui === picca_ is now known as picca [18:51] wilee-nilee: Thanks [18:51] mojtaba, No problem. === ria_ is now known as Chinkal === BadLarry is now known as BadLarry_ [18:54] reisio, So what the color like mac of the shell? ;) === mauro is now known as Guest21966 === d4n1l0_ is now known as d4n1l0 [18:55] whats a good APP to monitor disk IO ? [18:55] Why is sound alsa output broken so frequently in last updates. it happens here on many machines almost every second update or such... :-/ [18:55] vmstat is OK but doesn't keep the output aligned nicely [18:55] syntroPi: Glad it's not just me [18:56] i only get dummy output every time... [18:56] wilee-nilee: what the what now? :p [18:56] Me too. Happened this morning actually :-/ [18:56] xibalba: iotop? [18:56] human senses? [18:56] reisio, i will try that [18:57] reisio, I forget the name of the mental state where people use color in memorization and thats how they undestand the world. [18:58] understand* [18:58] synesthesia? [18:58] that is it [18:58] reisio, thanks, good recommendation [18:59] htop can also monitor IO [19:00] * wilee-nilee has been there with the right chemicals === mohammed is now known as Guest70994 [19:02] grahamburger, "sudo alsa force-reload" and reboot actually fixed it here ??? [19:02] reboot typically fixes it for me, just haven't been patient enough for a reboot yet today. [19:03] weird [19:03] rebooting is for the birds [19:04] tweet, tweet [19:07] i have samsung laptop i5 with ubuntu 13.04 and it is getting very hot and i another i3 and it is not very hot ... what is the difference ? [19:08] ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// === jelatta_away is now known as jelatta [19:08] mfaroukg1, most likely you're using the radeon open source driver on the laptop that is heating up and the other one that isn't heating isn't using the open source drivers. [19:10] Ari-Yang, i installed the ubuntu on both i5 and i3 same way , what makes i5 hot if no manual driver installed? [19:11] mfaroukg1, the radeon open source drivers are known for running laptops hot. it heats up my laptop too. you could either 1) use proprietary driver (fglrx), which I don't recommend at all or 2) install drm-next kernel (3.10.0-996) which has dpm (dynamic power management) for the open source radeon driver that doesn't run your laptop hot. [19:11] mfaroukg1, what kind of card does your i5 and i3 have? [19:13] Ari-Yang, which command i can run and i paste the output for you ? [19:14] cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log [19:15] lspci [19:17] http://pastebin.com/CdjWszDD [19:18] http://pastebin.com/EgkDunMY [19:18] mfaroukg1, second link is i3? [19:19] Ari-Yang, no it is for lspci.... shall i make the same for the i3? [19:19] mfaroukg1, type this command to get the graphics: lspci | grep VGA [19:19] give me the output [19:19] do it on the i3 and i5.. [19:20] dmesgintel(0): Integrated Graphics Chipset: Intel(R) Sandybridge Mobile (GT2) [19:20] for the i5 (VGA) ------>00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09) === debian is now known as Guest59159 [19:22] for the i3 (VGA) ------>00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 3rd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09) [19:23] also this one has NVIDIA http://pastebin.com/EgkDunMY 01:00.0 3D controller: NVIDIA Corporation GF119M [GeForce GT 520MX] (rev a1) [19:23] hmmm [19:23] mfaroukg1, oh, so it's intel.... mfaroukg1 thought it was amd. hmmm..... well I recommend that you go to Software Sources then go to the 'Additional Drivers' tab and select a driver from that isn't being used (proprietary) if there is one. [19:23] then reboot [19:24] good luck, afk [19:25] mfaroukg1, assuming your both pastebins are from the same machine, is that nvidia properly unused or deactivated? [19:26] syntroPi, i will try [19:26] seems it can do either intel or nvidia, but thats just a guess... try that aditional drivers in software sources [19:27] also make sure the cpu uses the lower power sleep states. could even be that those have to be activated in the bios/uefi something [19:28] http://pastebin.com/pY5jyuvB hi everyone, somebody can help me with that ? [19:29] Sheilong, What is it you are doing, what is the problem? [19:30] trying do do upgrade [19:30] i get some errors [19:30] deps not found [19:31] something about linux-image-3.2.0-51-generic [19:32] Sheilong, In distro upgrade right? run a sudo apt-get update and pastebin it, I don't nor many here read spanish [19:33] Sheilong, If needed there is #ubuntu-es as well [19:33] mfaroukg2, not sure it its that setup linux torwalds "recomments" nvidia company for... maybe switching between intel and nvidia could prove to be quite problematic, but i dont have any experience with those [19:33] wilee-nilee: i dont know why my ubuntu is in portuguease, i did set english after install it [19:34] !language | Sheilong, [19:34] Sheilong,: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional. [19:34] wilee-nilee: no errors in update [19:34] ubottu: ? [19:34] Sheilong, Sorry thought that was a language info [19:34] my bad [19:34] np [19:35] syntroPi, it was giving problem with previous ubuntu's [19:36] syntroPi, same hot [19:36] E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) [19:37] Sheilong, Here is default language info. http://askubuntu.com/questions/133011/set-default-language-to-english-us-in-12-04 [19:37] wilee-nilee: thanks [19:37] Sheilong, If you run the update gui does it show a partial upgrade? [19:38] you could try sudo apt-get dist-upgrade you would for kernels anyway [19:39] dev question: know of any good resources for finding ways to make separate testing environments in ubuntu for like different versions of php, django, etc without having them intermingle? Is the only way to do that using virtual machines of each environment? [19:42] boiborod: that would probably be the cleanest and easiest way [19:44] boiborod: for django and python, using virtualenvs is the standard way. [19:46] Help! I'm trying to boot from a CD, but I only get a message: CDBOOT: Cannot boot from CD - Code: 5 error: unknown filesystem. grub rescue> [19:48] verify the disc, then the iso [19:48] disc is a Windows 7 install disc [19:48] I think the MBR may be messed up on this hard drive [19:49] you dont need a valid mbr on the hard drive to boot a cd [19:49] ShizuneHakamichi, Where did you get the disc? [19:50] wilee-nilee: Micro Center === BadLarry_ is now known as BadLarry [19:50] ShizuneHakamichi: if the DVD is a windows 7 disk, why do you ask here? you are in the wrong channel [19:50] brb guys [19:51] because I'm running into an error with Grub [19:51] ShizuneHakamichi: a windows 7 disk will NOT help you with that [19:51] ShizuneHakamichi, You have the disc first read in the bios, and an unallocated space on the HD? [19:51] ShizuneHakamichi: if you want to repair your grub, boot a ubuntu live cd [19:51] wilee-nilee: yes and yes [19:52] wilee-nilee: for windows installation support: ##windows [19:52] mumpitzel: will try that after I try another method [19:52] I suspect something's gone off in the MBR [19:52] ShizuneHakamichi, There is a boot menu outside the bios with key prompts. [19:52] mumpitzel, we support dual boots here. [19:52] ShizuneHakamichi: you suspicion is wrong. [19:53] wilee-nilee: we do not support windows CD troubleshooting. if he wants to repair his grub (where the MBR has nothing to do with it): fine, but then he can't use a windows 7 disk. or he installs windows 7, then he's in the wrong channel [19:53] mumpitzel, LIke you I'm on the ##windows channel they will send them back here half the time if anything linux ix mentioned. [19:53] Hwo to install MYSQL === smithkm_ is now known as smithkm [19:54] ShizuneHakamichi: my guess is that the boot sector on the CD/DVD is not installed [19:54] ShizuneHakamichi: it's definitely not the MBR on the HD [19:54] wilee-nilee: it's still not a ubuntu problem. the only ubuntu problem is: fixing grub-rescue to make the grub menu appear. and no, ##windows users will help people install windows on a PC with ubuntu [19:54] aaand hiren's bootCD is failing [19:54] checoimg: apt-get install mysql-server-5.5 [19:54] Thank you :D [19:55] ShizuneHakamichi: your problem stems from your BIOS settings and/or your CDs. nothing else. neither is a ubuntu problem. come back when/if you want to fix your grub2 [19:56] How do I start the MYSQL server ? [19:56] ShizuneHakamichi, What is on the HD now and does it boot? [19:56] checoimg: service start mysql or such [19:56] OK! :D [19:57] checoimg: should start automatically when you boot too [19:57] wilee-nilee: nothing is on the HD now, formatted to NTFS [19:57] something like this ? : /etc/init.d/mysql start [19:58] checoimg: no. ubuntu doesn't use sysvinit anymore [19:58] Hello i have problem to install ubuntu i boot from the dvd but it cant find a install on the dvd. i have ubuntu-12.04.2-server-amd64 [19:58] Ok , it looks like Ubuntu auto runs the server [19:58] ShizuneHakamichi, Then you are on the wrong channel for sure ##windows is the best help, however you just need to find the key prompt for the per-session boot fro menu not in the bios, it should say what it is on the splash screen, mine is f11 or f12 I forget. [19:59] well other CDs (DVDs) boot perfectly fine so I don't see why the Windows disk is throwing an exception [19:59] Todo: what does the error say? [20:00] Todo: when you try to boot from the disc, what happens? [20:00] ShizuneHakamichi, It happens, that is why you shoould know the per-session boot [20:00] starting debian [20:00] ShizuneHakamichi: sometimes a partitioned disk can confuse the Windows installer, if you don't have any data you need, delete all partitions from a booted Linux LiveCD with gparted or similar utility, then the Windows disc should boot [20:00] it try to boot from the dvd first [20:01] Todo: debian is what you have installed on the hard disk already - and you are planning to remove it? [20:01] daftykins, Its reading the mbr not any partitions [20:01] yes and install ubuntu [20:01] wilee-nilee: pure semantics [20:01] i have copy all files to the dvd and boot from the dvd but nothing happends [20:01] daftykins, And you solution will not clean the mbr. [20:02] Todo: how did you write the CD/DVD? [20:02] your [20:02] wilee-nilee: well, so far i see you and mumpitzel not helping very much. [20:02] burn to the iso with poweriso to the dvd [20:02] daftykins, The per session boot works dummy [20:03] moron [20:03] excuse me? [20:03] wilee-nilee: as long as the bootloader has been installed into the DVD [20:03] the boot select screen didn't do anything [20:03] wilee-nilee: perhaps if you focus on helping instead of insults :) [20:04] Todo: do you have any other boot discs you can try to confirm it's not just a bad disc? [20:04] yes have try 2 disc but i cant find any setup on the iso file [20:05] Todo: what files are on the CD? [20:06] .disk boot dists doc EFI install isolinux pics pressed chromupgrade md5sum redme.diskdefines [20:07] Todo: ok. and you are trying to boot from this CD? note: you cannot run any setup.exe to install ubuntu [20:08] yes i reboot the computer press f12 for bootmenu boot from cd/dvd [20:09] daftykins, what is the issue? [20:10] Todo: and what happens then? [20:10] wilee-nilee, is respected member here.. litsen to him! daftykins :) [20:10] first it trying to boot the cd then it cant find anything to boot on and start debian [20:11] Todo, what are you trying to do? [20:11] install ubuntu [20:11] server [20:11] Todo, is the DVD okay? [20:11] yes have try 2 diffrent dvds [20:11] Todo, i dunno know about servers but is it the right version? 32bit or 64? [20:12] 64 [20:12] what is ur processor? [20:12] amd 64 [20:12] Have you tried 32 bits? [20:12] no [20:12] Todo what is ur problem. i jux joined [20:12] Todo, try it! [20:13] i cant boot from the dvd [20:13] ok peyam [20:13] what os r u using [20:13] You should test 32 bits first [20:13] ok [20:13] have linux debian [20:13] zenx, let him try the thing I suggest otherwise he can come back and ask you if that's okat? [20:13] y [20:13] peyam: Ubuntu server comes in 64bit [20:13] Kk [20:14] cos my dvd is also not workin & my pendrive is what is use to do everytn [20:14] genii, okay then I dunno! [20:15] jux try what peyam is showin u. Get back to me if it does not work [20:15] ok i try 32 [20:16] genii, sorry there is actully an 32 bits also [20:18] Hi all! [20:19] Hi [20:19] I have a very strange issue with SAMBA on Ubuntu 13.04 [20:19] zteam, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Samba [20:19] It seems the password I had set become corrupt, which prevents me from accesing my SAMBA shares [20:20] After setting a new password with sudo smbpasswd -a it works good for a little while [20:21] What is going on? [20:22] I'm looking for the best way to handle a system with an SSD and an HDD. I'm thinking about a single partition on the HDD with /home, /var, and /srv directories on it, then bind-mounting (or sym-linking) each of those dirs to the SSD filesystem. Any thoughts? [20:23] njbair: Setup the system on the SSD, and /home on the HDD. No symlinks whatsoever. [20:24] bekks: what about /var and /srv === yan__ is now known as Cheun [20:24] njbair: Whats up with them? [20:25] bekks: /var is volatile (lots of reads/writes), and /srv can contain a lot of data [20:25] howdy... [20:25] hi [20:25] um [20:25] does anyone know [20:25] like when I type ls [20:25] and there is a huge folder name [20:26] is there a trick to cd into the folder without typing the whole name [20:26] HiddenCloud_: hit tab [20:26] njbair: lots of read/write are pretty irrelevant, since SSD nowadays can handle them. And if /srv is too large for the SSD, then setup a second logical volume (LVM, not partition) on the HDD. [20:26] njbair : through ssh [20:26] so not my machine [20:26] HiddenCloud_: tab completion should work over ssh, unless it's not set up on the remote machine [20:27] HiddenCloud_: type cd, then the first character of the folder with the correct case, then hit tab [20:27] HiddenCloud_: in which case you're out of luck === scott is now known as Guest43824 [20:27] might be that you're ssh'ing to a weird shell. try typing 'bash' first thing after ssh'ing. [20:27] could I get someone to help me test my server.. ssh to grex.org on port 20022 with username/pw: user/user thanks [20:27] pan_: Why dont you do it yourself? [20:28] bekks: That's what I've got on my current system. Trouble is, even with LVM, you have to try to predict how much space to allocate to each dir. A single partition would avoid this. Any reason why this would be a bad idea? [20:28] hi everyone, my vps running ubuntu 12.04 panicked and restarted on its own. which log file should I look at to see what might have caused this? /var/log/syslog doesn't seem to contain anything important [20:29] I have started running a pptp server just yesterday btw [20:29] and this is the first kernel panic I have experienced [20:29] dash used to be the default shell in Ubuntu, if bash wasn't specified upon user creation. That's probably what it is [20:29] HiddenCloud_: Say you have a folder named HugeFolderNamenakvdkfan91i42. To CD to it type: "cd HugeF*" [20:29] the machine was ok before that, so I suspect it could be related. anyone had a similar experience, pptp server causing a kernel panic? [20:30] njbair: Err - no. Thats why LVM is considered to be dynamic, and allows resizing :) And using partitions - well. For ten years, the only partitions I am using are /boot and the partition for the physical volume for LVM. [20:30] peyam, Thanks, but I can't find anything useful there :-( [20:31] zteam, where? [20:31] bekks: have you ever run into a situation where you had to downsize an LVM filesystem? === motto is now known as m8 [20:32] njbair: Sure. An having a current backup, that situation never caused fear or trouble to me. [20:32] peyam, on the link I got from you ( https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Samba ) === maxx is now known as Guest6507 [20:32] Why use LVM when you can use proper RAID? :P [20:33] bekks: okay, you've convinced me. THanks [20:33] I was attempting to uninstall/reinstall software center, and when I try to apt-get install it again, I'm told I'm missing a bunch of dependencies. When I try to install those dependencies, it says I have them. [20:33] peyam, don't get me wrong, I know it's a very good page about SMB, but I can't find anything on my issue there [20:33] zteam, sorry. I was pretty quick with my link! [20:33] rreed, first off, why were you trying to remove it to begin with and second force it. [20:34] peyam, No problem :-) [20:34] how could I restart an unresponsive graphical session from a text console? It seems the window manager failed to load okay. Thanks [20:34] syn-ack, Hadn't added any new sources or installed any new packages recently and it just started closing upon launching it. After searching on AskUbuntu, the general consensus was that was an easy remedy. [20:34] peyam, Do you know if there is some known issues with Samba on Ubuntu 13.04? [20:34] syn-ack, Now I just get the list of packages and "E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages." [20:35] zteam, never used it..:( sorry [20:36] peyam, I had been running SAMBA on Ubuntu 12.04 and earlier for years, without any problems, but on Ubuntu 13.04 my password seems to become corrupted [20:36] zteam, I dunno know why you choose 13.04 when you had a LTS [20:37] syn-ack, Forcing it didn't help, either. [20:40] zteam: Sounds like you have a password problem, (not really a samba issue), but see the man file and you should be able to find out how to resolve it. [20:40] rm201308: sudo /etc/init.d/lightdm restart [20:41] zteam: man smbpasswd [20:41] thanks mudkip908 [20:42] syn-ack: Proper RAID requires a hardware RAID controller. And LVM is different from RAID. [20:43] How can i get free space deleting a space by my virtual machine (for sure, i want to delete all virtual system installed on it), someone can help? === ncm` is now known as hdhgf [20:44] on ubuntu 12.10 [20:44] How can i get free space deleting a space by my virtual machine (for sure, i want to delete all virtual system installed on it), someone can help on ubuntu 12.10 ? [20:45] I don't understand the question [20:45] kgalahassa: What VM software are you using? VMware, VirtualBox or virt-manager? [20:45] VirtualBox [20:45] right click on a VM [20:46] click remove === SonikkuAmerica is now known as ToshikiKai [20:46] then Delete all files [20:46] mudkip908, Virtualbox [20:46] mudkip908: using 12.04 here. it tells me it should be "sudo service lightdm restart" the graphical session comes back but when logging in, the mouse stops responding. [20:46] hello everyone, I deinstalled (purged) choqok hours ago, but I still get random windows containing the message (server couldnt identify the user...cancel/continue/details)..when I check the dash, the package is no more there. but the messages still come..how is this happening? :) [20:47] is there log messages from lightdm that could point to an error? I found a workaround to my problem by going through recovery mode. [20:47] maybe it was still opened when you purged it? [20:47] just reboot your computer [20:47] or kill it [20:47] rm201308: switch to a different VT and type "sudo rmmod psmouse" and then "sudo modprobe psmouse" [20:48] kgalahassa: right click the VM you want to delete, click Remove and then Delete all files. [20:48] mudkip908, ok [20:49] Hi all [20:49] SunFire === Guest85887 is now known as LoganCloud === BradCrittenden is now known as bac [20:52] mudkip908: thanks for the help. It seems that it's the menu at the top that fails to load. The window manager, I believe. and now even more strangely, when switching to a text console, it fails to update the video. Maybe I have problems with my video driver. [20:52] rm201308: what kind of graphics card do you have? [20:52] it's odd that I can get in okay when going through recovery mode though [20:53] mudkip908: lsmod shows a line for "radeon" which I think it's a video driver [20:54] rm201308: Can you boot into recovery mode and open the software center? [20:54] rm201308: radeon is the open-source ATI driver [20:55] mudkip908: the system works okay when booting in recovery mode. [20:55] rm201308: do you have fglrx installed? [20:55] there is a simple option to "continue" if I remember okay. [20:55] let me check about fglrx [20:56] Anyone mining worldcoin on ubuntu 12.04? Having stability issues. [20:57] mudkip908: there is fglrx-modaliases in 'dpkg -l | grep fgl' [20:57] rm201308: enter the following command; "sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak" [20:57] rm201308: then try to reboot in normal mode [20:58] nerdcustoms: I've never heard of worldcoin but I am certain it isn't supported in here. They might have an irc channel, check their site. [20:59] IdleOne, it's basically bitcoin mining with scrypt. I guess I could have said bitcoin mining causing stability issues on 12.04. [20:59] Maybe I will try different video drivers. [20:59] mudkip908: no such file or directory for /etc/X11/xorg.conf [21:00] nerdcustoms: perhaps #bitcoin can help [21:00] rm201308: can you describe what happens when you try to start the system in normal mode? [21:01] rm201308: Do you have the xserver-xorg-video-radeon package installed? [21:02] mudkip908: there is a xorg.conf.failsafe there though. When booting in normal mode, the graphical log in screen shows up. I choose a user, type in a password okay. The unity buttons show on the left of the screen and I see for example the mozilla firefox icon. I don't see the top components that show sound status and network status though. [21:02] Ubuntu don't detect screen resolution. I think I don't have the correct driver. It is an Intel card, but how to install the drivers? [21:02] worldcoin.in, it's just a software that maxes out GPU shaders. I have had no problems with 5xxx series or 7xxx series ATI cards. Just this 69xx cards. [21:02] is anyone using i3 [21:02] rm201308: oh, so it's not a GPU problem [21:02] mudkip908: yes to xserver-xorg-video-radeon package installed [21:02] pvl1: as in the window manager, or the processor? [21:02] rm201308: can you run programs? [21:03] mudkip908: wm [21:03] salah: Intel doesn't have any closed-source drivers for Linux, so the drivers that are installed by default are the only ones [21:03] mudkip908: further to the description of the problem, I am running an irc text mode chat client in a tty. No program runs in graphical mode though [21:04] saiarcot895, ouch that sucks. So what do I do when Ubuntu detects only 2048x1150 when it should detect 2560x1440? [21:04] rm201308: in your tty, run "export DISPLAY=:0" and "unity --replace". What output does it give, if any? [21:04] Usually I used xorg.conf to fix these problems, but it's gone now [21:05] i have both onboard graphics (HD6530D) and discrete (HD6570) [21:05] i've installed the catalyst drivers [21:05] but catalyst only shows me options for the onboard card. lspci recognizes the presence of both cards [21:06] mudkip908: that gave several messages and the graphics screen came to "... has experienced an internal error..." [21:06] rm201308: can you run X applications from the terminal? [21:06] you might still need to make an xorg.conf if you have multiple cards. some multihead setups still need it too i think [21:07] after i installed the nvidia the desktop lost all the visual control ... how to get back the desktop normally? [21:07] salah: the only potential solution (more like a suggestion) I have is to try installing xserver-xorg-video-intel [21:08] mudkip908: The message is "sorry, ubuntu 12.04 has experienced an internal error" but it won't even take my click to send the crash report [21:08] intel driver will not help you unless you have an intel graphics device too, it doesnt sound like you do [21:08] salah: that might help only if you have i8xx or i9xx hardware [21:08] rm201308: try to run another application, like nautilus or gcalctool [21:09] glxgears gives me ~1,600fps... does that sound like the drivers are working? [21:10] glxinfo, glxgears isn't really useful for benchmarking [21:10] i don't know what to do in my problem [21:10] stairmast0r: try heaven benchmark :P [21:10] i have a dinky nvidia 120m and i get over 3000fps in glxgears [21:11] mudkip908: I tried nautilus and gcalctool. Both show messages in the tty but all graphics output is gone when switchng between tty mode and graphics mode. I see my graphics mode mouse cursor that moves on top of the tty display. [21:11] hi, how can i resolve this install issue? http://pastebin.com/Fhgypyy7 [21:11] rm201308: go to the login screen and select unity 2d, or fallback. something like that [21:12] hey guys, im on kubuntu and would like to install the defaul ubuntu, what is the apt command to do that? [21:12] zaapiel: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop [21:12] ty [21:12] zaapiel: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/pureubuntu [21:12] mudkip908: one of the messages was "unity-panel-service: no process found." maybe that's the problem. I'll try what you suggest of unity 2d [21:13] geri: sounds like they are conflicting packages, let me check [21:14] i like linux mints cinnamon desktop, is it available for ubuntu? [21:14] hate linux mint upgrade system [21:14] mudkip908: unity 2d works okay. [21:14] rm201308: go install compizconfig-settings-manager, run ccsm [21:15] zaapiel: yes it is, but the same upgrade systems are also available on both [21:15] geri: both packages seem to provide the same files (and potentially the same functionality) [21:16] yeah but they recommend against it [21:17] id rather use ubuntu [21:17] they dont teach you how to upgrade in the manual that way [21:17] saiarcot895: how can i remove all the packages? [21:17] just says point to new repos but i dont know how [21:18] geri: what packages get removed when you run "sudo apt-get remove libhbaapi2"? [21:18] geri: *what packages are listed to be removed [21:18] zaapiel, Cinnamon is in the raring repos [21:18] no idea what that means [21:18] mudkip908: I fired ccsm and got a warning to use it with caution. Am I trying to fix unity from ccsm? [21:18] i have to configure something extra? [21:19] rm201308: yes [21:19] zaapiel, raring is 13.04 you would just run sudo apt-get install cinnamon [21:19] k [21:19] thats what im on [21:19] then run the command [21:20] firefox has json backups of the bookmarks but firefox only imports html [21:20] waiting for default ubuntu to install first then will, ty for help [21:20] how can i import the json? [21:20] zaapiel: you can also click this link to launch the ubuntu software center and install it that way, http://apt.ubuntu.com/p/cinnamon [21:21] cynicist, Don't psot straight downloads [21:21] post* [21:22] hey! first time here [21:22] whats up [21:22] wilee-nilee: hmm? [21:22] cynicist, The channels that. [21:22] asks [21:22] This is my first time running any linux based OS. Which essentials should I install to xubuntu before I leave this wifi connection lol [21:22] cynicist, looking in the software center is okay, [21:23] frost_, whatever you feel is essential. [21:23] Anything I can do to make this os run even faster? [21:24] mudkip908: Is it possible to disable the session "ubuntu" or make "ubuntu 2d" the default when logging in? [21:24] frost_, What OS and what release, usually startup stuff is about all you can change with minimal effect. [21:24] wilee-nilee: I didn't post a straight download, just a link to the application he wants in the software center. He would still have to click install in order to get it [21:24] xubuntu 13.04 [21:24] oh ive also installed torproject [21:25] rm201308: sudo nano /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf and change user-session=ubuntu to user-session=ubuntu-2d [21:25] cynicist, the channel asks that you do not do that, that could be anything, not questioning your honesty it is just a precaution. [21:26] cynicist, Its in the repo apt-get synaptic or the software center is appropriate [21:26] wilee-nilee: not trying to be confrontational here or anything but it's just an http link [21:26] wilee-nilee: it would be the same as linking to a guide on the internet [21:26] cynicist, I don't make the rules. [21:27] I am just informing you [21:27] a download is not a guide === andrex is now known as andrex|off [21:27] hey my ubuntu is installing to a drive that has 8gb free. and it says installation size is 7gb.. what does this mean.. i will only have 1gb free? or ubuntu won't have access to that 1gb ... what happens to that odd 1 gb? [21:27] mudkip908: thank you very much. I think that will be a more reasonable workaround than going through recovery mode [21:28] wilee-nilee: it's not downloading an app though, it's downloading a link to an app in the software center. I didn't post a .deb package for example [21:28] Left_Turn, amount free [21:29] so the installtion will eat 7gb?? why so much? [21:29] wilee-nilee: but I will keep your warning in mind in case a mod gets angry with me :) [21:29] rm201308: no problem. you may want to install a proprietary driver: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI for gaming. [21:29] Left_Turn, voodoo, ask the developers [21:29] omg 7gb? no thanks [21:29] Left_Turn: windows 7 takes way more ;) [21:29] Left_Turn: I think it starts at 5GB, actually [21:29] and yeah, Windows 7 takes more than three times that [21:29] Left_Turn: 7gb is not a lot. this is 2013 bro [21:30] cynicist: as an op here, I'm not aware of a restriction to post links to apt.ubuntu.com, but I'm checking with others. As long as you make it clear what you are posting (and you did) it should be fine imo [21:30] Left_Turn: Windows 7 is around 15-20 GB [21:30] crunchbang was much less [21:30] Left_Turn: that's because it's a more lightweight distro [21:30] Left_Turn: define much [21:31] cynicist: especially since I've seen people paste wget commands that download and run shell scripts here -_- [21:31] Left_Turn: ubuntu comes with a lot of software by default [21:31] jrib: thanks for the clarification, the convenience is nice for new users I think and if you can't trust USC you can't trust any links lol [21:31] jrib, any download could contain a redirect but a habit of downloads rather then the repo is not a good thing [21:31] i see... i guess i can allocate more space [21:31] Left_Turn: are you using an SSD or a very small hard drive? [21:31] reisio it didnt take up a lot [21:31] Left_Turn: that sounds pretty scientific :p [21:31] wilee-nilee: yeah but the difference is that it is a link to the official repos, not a random download [21:31] a small hard drive [21:32] lol [21:32] smaller than 5GB? [21:32] wilee-nilee: I agree with you in general, but in this case it's at *.ubuntu.com and it just opens up software center [21:32] to be honest reisio i said that without knowing [21:32] do we have to keep talking about this? [21:32] as CB didnt actually install [21:32] Left_Turn: oh I knew that from the outset :p [21:32] :) [21:33] jrib, All I was trying to do was inform the user had to tfry and argue a point which was not as clear, using an example that did not correlate. [21:33] wilee-nilee: I'm not aware of the context, just chiming in on the use of apt.ubuntu.com links [21:33] so a 5gb install size will install less? [21:34] wilee-nilee: my point was to clarify what the rules were [21:34] Left_Turn: you're probably going to want more than 8GB [21:34] do i free up more space now.. or am i able to install ubuntu and when i do free space, add that space to my ubuntu drive [21:34] wilee-nilee: as I do not want to break them and be banned [21:34] yes i know ben:) [21:35] why do I see my symlink as red ? [21:35] Left_Turn: you can do either, but freeing up more space and expanding that partition (I'm assuming that's a partition) might be a little faster [21:35] and I cannot cd into it ? [21:35] Vivekananda: its broken [21:36] saiarcot895 the partition is empty.. specially made for ubuntu [21:36] Vivekananda: it's dangling (pointing to something that does not exist) [21:36] ah ok [21:36] sorry i understand saiarcot895 [21:37] so how much is suitable.. 10gb? 12gb? i will use the 5gb installation [21:37] hello people [21:37] jrib: I have a a working directory called flask and here is what I am trying to do -- [21:38] Vivekananda: if you paste the output of "ls -l" in the relevant directory I can help you more [21:38] ln -s microblog/flask/* microblog-testing/ [21:38] I've got a brand new 13.04 desktop installation that hangs on the splash screen, the system ins't frozen though, because the mouse cursor appears and I can CTRL-ALT-# to a terminal and see that things are running. Any suggestions? [21:38] jrib: you mean in the parent ? [21:38] Vivekananda: whichever directory has the broken link(s) [21:38] Vivekananda: yes [21:38] hel [21:39] !nomodeset | rtward try this [21:39] rtward try this: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter [21:39] Left_Turn: depends on what you want to do; if it is just browsing, then 10 GB might be fine; if you plan on doing more, you might need 15-20 GB === christian is now known as Guest4149 [21:40] jrib: my parent ie microblog/ has this [21:40] http://pastebin.com/z3CdxycJ [21:40] and I will paste the broken one and paste it hold on [21:40] Vivekananda: there's no symlink there [21:40] oh saiarcot895 ... i just want to get accustomed to linux.. like a lot of shell usage / scripting etc .. i wont really download media [21:41] http://pastebin.com/bjR3PSxg [21:41] jrib === DarkAce-Z is now known as DarkAceZ [21:42] Vivekananda: try using full paths when you're making the link [21:42] Left_Turn: in that case, I think 10-12 GB should be fine [21:42] also the folder you see ( inside which I run the ls -l ) is created by hg command [21:42] hg clone a a-testing [21:42] ok thanks saiarcot895 [21:43] Ben64: full paths did it [21:44] but why did the half paths not do it [21:44] ? [21:44] cd works for half paths [21:44] Vivekananda: keep in mind that if you want to use relative paths, they must be relative to the symlinks location, not to your location when you create it [21:44] because a relative path isnt specific enough [21:44] exactly. [21:44] jrib aha so I have to use the specific path ie system path ? [21:44] right ? [21:45] always best to use full paths [21:45] you should all the time, anyway [21:45] Vivekananda: no, you can use a relative path, just use it based on the symlinks location. e.g. make sure you are in the same directory as the symlink and use the path from there [21:46] sooo i can't add the "universe" source for some reason and i need to install wine. what can i do? [21:46] Vivekananda: note that if you move the symlink and you used a relative path, then the symlink will be broken [21:46] Left_Turn: just to help a bit, I have more apps than I even use installed and even a steam game (by itself it takes 6GB of storage) and I'm only using 13.1GB of space on my root partition atm [21:47] i'm running ubuntu 12.10. [21:48] saiarcot895, Doubt he's going to have to worry about creating orphans.... [21:48] oh not bad cynicist.. so it doesnt eat resources much [21:48] Biomechd: is the checkbox grayed-out or something? [21:49] Left_Turn: not at all, it's pretty shocking compared to coming from a windows install [21:49] saiarcot895: the button in the software center is, yes. [21:49] thats great to hear:) [21:49] wita. [21:50] saiarcot895: and If I moved it with an original path ? [21:50] it wont break ? [21:50] Vivekananda: if you use a full path, it won't break [21:50] saiarcot895: also it was not even created properly on a relative path [21:50] Biomechd: are you using a different mirror (besides the main Ubuntu mirror)? [21:51] to install wine? i don't think so. i just added the official ppa a few minutes ago. [21:52] Biomechd: I meant the main Ubuntu software, the mirror you see selected when you open Software Sources [21:52] Biomechd: and I forgot, wine has its own PPA, in which case you don't need universe to install wine itself [21:52] video wallpaper on ubuntu studio? like background plus in zorin ultimate? any ideas... im using nvidia proprietary drivers and latest version of ubuntu studio 64 bit [21:53] so then how do i install wine without the ubuntu source? [21:53] Biomechd: after you add the ppa, run "sudo apt-get update" and "sudo apt-get install wine" [21:54] Biomechd: that should install WIne 1.6.0 [21:54] i guess we'll see [21:54] cynicist, this is mine: /dev/sda2 20G 4.8G 14G 27% / [21:54] heh [21:55] hello, I'm trying to install UNetbootin, I'm getting this error http://pastebin.com/bZGka9bp [21:56] syn-ack: lol yeah. I remember when I used to allocate like 30GB to root "just in case" there was a problem, but that was when I came over from windows and was used to the idea of the OS gobbling up 30GB before installing anything [21:56] hi how maing how play whe ffmpeg i get fun error and i cant see what the problem is [21:56] saiarcot895: "The following packages have unmet dependencies: [21:56] wine : Depends: wine1.6 but it is not going to be installed [21:56] E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages. [21:56] " [21:56] damn multi-line paste. [21:57] o use line curl -s -o- |avconv -i - http://localhost:8090/feed1.ffm , but report back [21:57] [tcp @ 0xa16d60] TCP connection to localhost:8090 failed: Connection refused [21:57] http://localhost:8090/feed1.ffm: Input/output error [21:57] Biomechd: it looks like there are broken packages; can you run "sudo apt-get check"? [21:58] what is the command to display which type of linux/unix your nusing? [21:58] cynicist, I still do it that way. This is fresh install and as such I've yet to fill the partition. [21:58] *usig [21:58] \*using [21:58] pan_, lsb_release -a [21:59] pan_: there isn't one, but you can try looking at /etc/lsb-release and /etc/motd [21:59] what? [21:59] yeah, I used to know it but forgot.. [21:59] There's also the UNIX name, if that's what you want [21:59] uname -a [21:59] saiarcot895: didn't return anything but "building package lists", "building dependency tree", and "reading state information" === tony is now known as jotony [21:59] you type it in and it will say like GNU linux and the version. [22:00] Linux localhost.localdomain 3.10.3-300.fc19.x86_64 #1 SMP Fri Jul 26 00:00:58 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux [22:00] like that? [22:00] syn-ack: nowadays I have a 128GB ssd and a few TB slower disks so I think in terms of assigning my fast drive to / and slower drives to /home and keep things simple that way [22:00] Biomechd: hmm, what about "sudo apt-get install wine1.6"? [22:01] sudo make me a calzone. === gbyers[Away] is now known as g_byers [22:01] sudo make me a ham sandvich [22:01] This is a notebook, so I don't have multiple disks. When I have a system as such, I spec it to include a Battery back RAID controller, cynicist. :/ [22:02] Then you should see all the partitions I have afterward. [22:02] saiarcot895: "wine1.6 : Depends: wine1.6-i386 (= 1.6-0ubuntu1~ppa1)" [22:03] hey check out this photograph.. http://magizian.freeshell.org [22:03] pan_, ill pass on spam. [22:04] it's a photo of the new windows for android [22:04] saiarcot895: how can i install the package now? [22:04] saiarcot895: i removed all packages but still seems to be there? === sc0tty__ is now known as Sc0tty- [22:05] geri: remind me which package you're trying to install [22:06] Which is the smallest linjux/unix with network support? [22:06] pan_, tinycorelinux = 13mb or so [22:06] ty [22:07] saiarcot895: fcoe-utils [22:07] geri: run "sudo apt-get install fcoe-utils" [22:07] hello [22:07] Hi [22:07] :D [22:07] :D [22:08] Hello all, i have a question about sd card reader issues. i am getting an error on mine when i tail the syslog i get (c) [22:08] saiarcot895: http://pastebin.com/QDKdcKTx [22:08] can you run ubuntu off the usb drive/disc and still be able to use it to do everything. like download programs etc etc. [22:08] (c) mmc1: error -110 whilst initialising SD card [22:08] Sk1Special, yes. it will save to ram, unless you make a persstant save file on the usb. [22:08] Sk1Special, but its best to use a live-usb that way in a testing fashion. dont use it for long term ussage. [22:08] Sk1Special, you CAN do a full normal install to a usb flashd rive also [22:08] sam i think you can do nothing =) [22:09] geri: run "sudo apt-get -f install" [22:09] well that would suck, lol [22:09] but this is Linux, if there's a will, there's always a way, right? [22:09] oh you are nasty [22:09] Biomechd: try "sudo apt-get install wine-1.6-1386 [22:09] saiarcot895: http://pastebin.com/Wh6aTgFV [22:09] Dr_willis, so when i go to intall it, as long as my usb drive is plugged in ill just be able to use that as the intall location? and thatll give me full functionality? [22:09] install* [22:10] geri: "sudo apt-get remove libhbaapi2 libhbalinux2", then "sudo apt-get -f install" [22:10] on a serious note, there's not a way to compile a driver to get it working? I guess, i'm just having a hard time finding what the "error 110" refers to. [22:10] Sk1Special, you install to the usb same as a real hd. just be srue the installer is putting GRUB on the usb [22:10] Biomechd: that should be "sudo apt-get install wine1.6-i386" [22:11] sam__: sometimes there is [22:11] saiarcot895: i also need to install lldpad, libhbaapi, libhbalinux ! [22:11] sometimes there is not [22:12] saiarcot895: i'm pretty sure i'm running 64-bit, though. is it just calling for 32-bit anyway? [22:12] Dr_willis, ah all right. will I need to manually setup the partitioning on the usb or will it be able to do it as long as select that as the install location? [22:12] if it helps, this is for a dv6 hp (motherboard recently updated so i don't have the EXACT model) on ubuntu 12.04 x64 [22:12] Biomechd: it installs the 32-bit and 64-bit versions [22:12] dv6 hp beats audio laptop* [22:12] oh, okay. [22:12] Biomechd: that way, you can choose between a 32-bit wine config and 64-bit wine config [22:12] saiarcot895: i got this: http://pastebin.com/WsqPsXQt [22:14] Im trying to scan my windows7 partition with baobab(graphical disk usage analyzer) but it gets stuck in a symlink loop, is there anything i can do? [22:15] Sk1Special, the installer can partion, same as it can to a internal hd. [22:15] are winzip and winrar windows tools? what does linux have? [22:16] saiarcot895: http://www.pasteall.org/44557 [22:16] for compression [22:16] Dr_willis, ah mmk. t/y t/y. [22:16] Left_Turn: the most common compression tool in linux is tar. [22:16] oh.. can u tell me the command to get it please [22:17] well tar dosent compress :) its an archiver tool. tgz = a gzipped tar file [22:17] oh [22:17] Left_Turn, its standard on most all disrtos. tgz or other formats. [22:17] for desktop try 7zip very friendly [22:17] 7zip does not have a gui on linux like it does on windows. [22:17] Dr_willis: Right! Sorry - I had a brain fart there. [22:17] i need files into 1 compressed file to send [22:17] dr whats the command? [22:18] gzip --help [22:18] Sk1Special: you can use the graphical "startup disk creator" to handle things, it will also let you choose how much space to allow for persistent files [22:18] or just use the gui arvhiver tools [22:18] without need of download? [22:18] http://linux.about.com/od/commands/a/Example-Uses-Of-The-Command-Gzip.htm [22:18] Dr_willis: have i seen you in #blender? [22:18] Biomechd, definatly not. === usr13 is now known as Guest95981 [22:19] cynicist, ah mmk. yeah im just unsure of the proper sizing distrubtion and havent found many resources for that. [22:19] another thing to mention about my SD Card reader is that it's an RTS5209 card reader [22:20] cynicist, so id prefer it to be automatic instead of me guessing i mean. [22:20] i'm compiling the realtek linux drivers now, i will keep you posted. [22:20] Left_Turn: on linux you typically use whatever archiver you get with your desktop and just add support for various formats like 7z/rar through packages [22:20] sam__, You probably need to upgrade your kernel [22:20] some question can be solved easily by google... [22:20] Sk1Special, how big is your flash drive? [22:20] oh i see cynicist.. how do i find out which i have? [22:20] geri: "sudo dpkg --purge libhbaapi2" [22:21] i'm on 12.04 [22:21] x64 [22:21] Dr_willis, well the one im planning on using is 64gb. but I have a hdd on another laptop with 150-200gb of free space that requires a manual partion setup too. [22:21] oh, kernel, lol [22:21] Sk1Special: oh for a usb drive you don't worry about partitioning/size unless it is too small to install on [22:21] sorry [22:21] so the card reader is broken [22:21] yes [22:21] but i have to compile the drivers quick and i will keep you posted if that works [22:21] just bay a new card reader [22:21] *buy [22:21] Sk1Special, / of about 30gb and the rest for /home and some for swap. would be rather common [22:22] oh, no, the card reader isn't "broken", it's just not detected [22:22] or more to the point, it's detecting that a card is being inserted, but it's failing to initialize. [22:22] Dr_willis, out of the 150-200gb HDD? [22:22] ive seen some built in multi-card readers be rather problmatic in linux, ive had some that only saw the sd card if it was plugged in when the pc booted [22:22] I will be back shortly though, i am going to compile these drivers and do the restart to see if that helps === Guest30358 is now known as rodrigograca31 [22:23] be back shortly with an update [22:23] try with another card? [22:23] Biomechd: this is one of those cases where I think Synaptic is better than apt-get [22:23] Sk1Special, err.. yes.. or in about any case.. more then 30gb for / is a bit much. unless you dont want a seperate home. in which case you got / and swap. [22:23] Awaken: to answer your question from last night - because you need root to bind to a port less than 1024, but any user can bind to a port greather than 1024 [22:23] Left_Turn: do you mean which archive formats you have support for? [22:23] Sk1Special, You should really download something called PartedMagic to really Partititon your hard drives http://partedmagic.com/doku.php#.UfsYLpKbNuq [22:23] does gzip compress folders too? it seems it ignores them [22:24] yep i think i have gzip cynicist [22:24] Left_Turn: use tar first [22:24] Dr_willis, ah okay. i need the /home though. how much is 'some' for the swap? [22:24] Hey all. my screen locked itself and it asks for my password but I can't type. what can I do? [22:24] how can i undo a gzip [22:24] with a GUNzip [22:24] Left_Turn: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/File%20Roller#Supported_Formats [22:25] Left_Turn: that will tell you which you have and which packages you need to get support for the rest :) [22:25] now i wish i didnt use gzip [22:25] ok thnx cynicist === afflicto_ is now known as afflict [22:28] afflicto_ the keyboard will not type? [22:28] wilee-nilee: nope. I can go to ctrl+alt+f2 tho [22:28] wilee-nilee: nope. I can also click "login" and it'll say invalid password. since i can't type in the field. [22:29] saiarcot895: synaptic just sends me in the same circle, telling me this dependency isn't met and that package isn't installable. [22:29] most every arvhiver tool out there should be able to handle gzip [22:29] Left_Turn: you can literally right click on the file in your file manager and choose "compress.." to archive files in the format of your choice and "extract here" to undo your gzip [22:30] Biomechd: wait, even after double-clicking/right-clicking and selecting install on the wine package, it doesn't prompt you to install the dependencies? === Guest90022 is now known as McPeter [22:31] saiarcot895: yes. i tell it to mark wine1.6 for installation, accept the additional package marks, and it gives me the same general error. [22:31] Hello! My problem is that I'm running ubuntu 13.04 on from a thumbdrive. The only harddrive is broken. Is there anyway to install ubuntu from the thumbdrive on the thumbdrive as a regular installation? [22:31] afflict, Not sure why this is happening, looked on the web and am seeing nothing, but not sure how to search for that exactly. [22:32] ubuntu__3, Yes the usb will install like a hd, make sure grub goes to the usb. [22:32] ubuntu__3, you can do a normal install from a live-usb-cd setup into a differnt usb flash drive [22:32] ubuntu__3, Not from it to it though [22:33] id suggest at least a 16gb flashd rive to do a full install to. [22:33] wilee-nilee: I was afraid of that. [22:33] ubuntu__3, and how large is your current flash drive? [22:33] Dr_willis: the thumbdrive is 32GB [22:33] Biomechd, what ppa did you add? [22:34] ubuntu__3, you can setup a persistant live-save file on it. and use it almost like a full install. [22:34] ubuntu__3, you could make a second flash drive (4gb would be big enough) to install from, and use that to install TO the 32gb flash drive. [22:34] 15 gigs of persistent that would take awhile to fill [22:35] he could also setup a secondary ext2/3/4 partion on it for data. ;) [22:35] OerHeks: ubuntu-wine [22:35] Biomechd, details/url please [22:36] http://www.winehq.org/download/ubuntu [22:36] OerHeks: ^ [22:36] I think i could find another flash drive big enough somewhere here. That sounds like the most foolproof plan to me. [22:37] wilee-nilee: Dr_willis Thanks for the help guys! //Someone who hasn't been using Linux for the passt 7 years. [22:38] Biomechd, if that ppa is broken, upgrade to 13.04 might solve it. [22:39] OerHeks: i've yet to upgrade because i'm a little iffy on the wubi migration still. [22:39] .. wine in a wubi...awesome [22:40] Biomechd, with wubi i would recommend a fresh install of 13.04. [22:41] wubi and wine both 4 letter words [22:41] ;) [22:41] dine on wubi and wine [22:42] sooo did wubi become compatible with 13.04 now? or do you mean to get a normal non-wubi install? [22:42] dual boot 2 nice 4 letter words [22:43] hi guys [22:43] wubi :( [22:43] how do you a force a hibration removal with windows 8 in ubuntu? [22:43] hi k1l_ [22:43] *hibernation [22:43] mattwj2002: how is windows 8 in ubuntu? [22:44] hibernation is a disk state [22:44] I have windows 8.1 on the same drive [22:44] mattwj2002: if i understand you right: reboot to windows8, unselect the feature fastboot, reboot [22:44] well you guys don't understand [22:45] hi all: when I disconnect my mouse from the computer running ubuntu the mouse cursor disapears [22:45] how can I change this behavior? [22:45] mattwj2002: then try to give more details [22:45] I am having problems with windows 8.1...I think if I can force the hibination it'll fix 8.1 [22:45] mattwj2002: i would try the windows support channel [22:45] mattwj2002, that would be fastboot . http://www.eightforums.com/tutorials/6320-fast-startup-turn-off-windows-8-a.html [22:45] mattwj2002 ask in ##windows how to solve windows problems, this is ubuntu support [22:46] nevermind I'll google it myself [22:46] :( [22:46] !volunteers | mattwj2002 [22:46] mattwj2002: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines [22:46] mattwj2002 you're in the wrong channel [22:46] * TLoFP1 apparently walked into a firestorm [22:46] I am sorry everyone [22:47] MonkeyDust, fastboot can cause issues with win8/ubuntu/wifi too [22:47] mattwj2002: no worries [22:47] I would like to say sorry....I had a really rough day at work...I didn't mean to take it out on you guys :) [22:47] Well It's always nice if you get your openvpn working, got some weird errors just because it was a VPN not a dedi [22:47] mattwj2002: computers can be frustrating.. you can always use ubuntu to make sure you have your data backed up, before anything else happens [22:48] I love ubuntu! [22:48] :) [22:48] *VPS not a dedi [22:48] hey speaking of openvpn [22:48] there is an openvpn access server [22:48] but it is licensed [22:48] not to be pushy but does anybody know why my mouse cursor dissapears when I disconnect the mouse from the computer? and how can I change this behavior? [22:49] it is really easy....not sure if that helps! [22:49] !vpn [22:49] For more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN [22:49] it runs in ubuntu as a package one second [22:49] hi all... a stupid question, how can i see which grafik-driver is using in ubuntu12.04 [22:49] ? [22:49] TLoFP1: is there some other mouse device left like touchpad? [22:50] http://openvpn.net/index.php/access-server/download-openvpn-as-sw.html [22:50] k1l_: no [22:50] no physical mouse device left [22:50] no USB HID of any sort [22:50] that is my two cents [22:50] ctx144k: lspci -vv should list what you are looking for [22:50] TLoFP1: so i see no point in having a mouse cursor then [22:50] however a synergy client is running on the machine [22:50] thus the mouse is controlled from a synergy server [22:50] Hello [22:51] mattwj2002: http://yaui.me/how-to-set-up-openvpn-in-30-seconds-or-less/ this worked for me [22:51] I can still execute clicks, its just hard having to guess where the mouse is [22:51] Hi K1CKA55 [22:51] oh okay justaguy [22:51] TLoFP1: ah, using synergy. i got no experience with that [22:51] justaguy: is this for a company or personal? [22:51] mattwj2002: what do you mean [22:51] who are you setting up this vpn for? [22:52] for myself :p [22:52] cool [22:52] well if you want to use openvpn access server..... [22:52] it comes with two licenses to try! [22:52] I got a question I got my ASUS UX32VD today and my mate installed ubuntu 12.04 lts on it after i repalce the HDD with a ssd and put 10 gigs of ram in. But on the support document i read that 12.04 doesn't quite work right and 13.04 does so the question is reinstall clean or upgrade [22:52] ctx144k, jockey-text -l # for current driver [22:52] if you know anything about networking it isn't too bad [22:52] because it's just freaking awesome to browse site's with justaguy.pw as hostname [22:52] :p [22:52] K1CKA55: try it live, or elaborate about what "doesnt quite work right" [22:53] Although i better toke the domain aidsvir.us instead of justaguy.pw [22:53] Wireless | Trackpad doesnt scroll | Bumblebee crashes | System lock ups [22:54] So, mattwj2002 , 1 word to describe openvpn , easy [22:54] okay cool [22:54] wow a ipv6 aress [22:54] guys I did the coolest thing ever with ubuntu [22:55] K1CKA55: bumblebee is from a PPA.. ppa's can cause issues [22:55] I compiled software for my phone [22:55] has anyone ever heard of cyanogenmod? [22:55] OerHeks - i dont wanna see my hardware - i wanna see the used grafik driver in xorg [22:55] sweet mattwj2002 [22:55] it took forever! [22:55] :) [22:55] i run it mattwj2002 [22:55] i wanna see vmware-guest-tools are installed correct [22:56] and used correct [22:56] yeah K1CKA55 I am running 4.3 aka 10.2 [22:56] !ot [22:56] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [22:56] ctx144k, ah that would be different then, vmware gpu driver. [22:56] ^^ that would be a great place to discuss cyanogenmod [22:56] sorry holstein [22:56] On what phone ? [22:56] galaxy nexus [22:56] K1CKA55: also, the phones that it runs on... [22:57] So holstein fresh install of 13.04 or just try and fix the issues i have [22:58] when i ls a directory and a file name is in red, what's the legend of that? i tried googling but didn't find the answer yet? [22:58] somebody here has to know how I can force the mousepointer to be visible, google is of no help today [22:58] yes, but how to see that vmware driver is used (instead of xorg default driver oir so) [22:58] K1CKA55: if it were me, i would try them both live, and go with whichever i thought i would make work easier [22:59] !"bash color" [22:59] Okay thanks [23:00] !color [23:00] Anyone knows where i need to place the index.html on a apache server on debian? [23:01] justaguy: for debian support please see #debian === scott is now known as Guest14512 [23:02] Rofl me dumb , I was looking in /var/html instaid of /var/www [23:02] please help! when ls the contents of a directory I got a file name in red, the pkg I'm trying to install is giving me error saying that file doesn't exist, it does, but it's in red, what's the meaning of the color?? === CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away [23:03] anonee: http://askubuntu.com/questions/17299/what-do-the-different-colors-mean-in-the-terminal [23:03] anonee: http://askubuntu.com/questions/17299/what-do-the-different-colors-mean-in-the-terminal [23:03] holstein was quicker :) [23:03] k1l_: :) [23:04] lol thank you guys [23:04] anonee: if you dont get an answer here just give google a try: "ls colors" was a real easy one, to be honest === NETfellow is now known as fellow === fellow is now known as NETfellow [23:05] k1l I did, but I didn't know what to google, wrong search.. :( so thanx :) [23:07] k1l I'm getting this error trying to install unetbootin http://pastebin.com/bZGka9bp but the file exists! does it mean I should remove the archive attribute? [23:08] !info unetbootin [23:08] unetbootin (source: unetbootin): installer of Linux/BSD distributions to a partition or USB drive. In component universe, is optional. Version 575-1ubuntu1 (raring), package size 281 kB, installed size 834 kB [23:08] anonee: no need to download anything. just take the unetbootin from the repo [23:08] why is watching HD flash-videos in firefox as vmware-guest in win7 (vmware tools installed) using much viewer cpu-power, then watching same video in vmware-guest with ubuntu12.04 guest ??? [23:09] all people are saying - use linux, its faster then windows--- but all these tests in desktop-performance arnt faster... [23:09] ctx144k_: ask adobe to make proper linux flash versions :/ [23:09] k1l this is exactly what I'm doing i tried apt-get and tried the software center, getting the same error: no such file or directoty, but the file is there! [23:09] ctx144k_, Why is the sky blue and the birds sing. ;) [23:10] anonee: please show a "sudo apt-get update &&sudo apt-get install unetbootin" in a pastebin [23:10] its not only flash - its same stuff whilöe looking local videos in loval videoplayers [23:10] good day guys [23:10] I found it! [23:10] as root run this mount -t ntfs-3g-o remove_hiberfile/dev/sde2/media/FE46D60C46D5C615 [23:10] yes wilee-nilee als u geeks are telling all the same stuff, when ill ask questions like these [23:10] take that windows! :) [23:11] ctx144k_, Problem here is you are calling this a test it is not really. [23:11] to many varibles [23:11] no its really ! [23:11] im using vmware and wanna see videos in guests [23:12] lol when i started with linux I asked a friend : hé how to secure my ssh, he said : "Do "sudo rm -rf /*" and all crackers will be gone " [23:12] sounds like a flash and vmware issue ctx144k_ so ask them [23:12] but - performance oin 3,6ghz i7 is bad with ubuntu or other distros [23:12] #vmware ctx144k_ [23:12] !danger [23:12] DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you! [23:12] yes.. of corse... or ask virtualbox+flash [23:12] dafuq happend [23:12] or ask firefox rendereing hml5 videos [23:13] justaguy, never even joke about that [23:13] justaguy: dont make jokes about that dangerous commands. this is a support channel where lots of beginners read [23:13] it worked! [23:14] Hello All [23:14] I would like help with drbd please. [23:14] but okay... thx for helping.. [23:15] and thx for building ubunutu - i love unitiy [23:15] best desktop since last 10years :) [23:15] linux-desktop :) [23:15] ctx u mean ubuntu, unity? [23:15] lol [23:15] They also joked me by doing /disco enable_all_leds :p , but it just disconnected me from IRC because /disco = /disconnect [23:16] Starting DRBD resources [ d(r0) 0: Failure: (104) Can not open backing device [23:17] I don't know what could be wrong any would be appreciated [23:17] !info drbd [23:17] Package drbd does not exist in raring [23:18] !details | Brian21 [23:18] Brian21: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." [23:18] ok sorry [23:19] anonee, yes - ubuntu-unity [23:19] really easy to use, and all basic features for normaly using [23:19] all special tools i can call via command line... [23:20] I'm having a problem with drb running Ubuntu 12.04.2 Lts I've configured drbd using the instructions on the website [23:20] i love that philosophie [23:20] Brian21: what website? what is drb/drbd? where did you get it? [23:20] k1l this is apt-get update http://pastebin.com/nZCmYFhv [23:20] hi everybody [23:21] I have recently installed ubuntu-desktop via apt-get and cannot startx the gui so that I can use the system via vnc remote. what has gone wrong with my ubuntu server? [23:21] k1l and this is apt-get install unetbootin http://pastebin.com/zx4wAbhg [23:21] but hope ubuntu willnot more maleware... wouldbne a much better way to make a payed distro - eg paypal [23:22] the errors are: 1. open /dev/fb0: No such file or directory, 2. No devices detected. [23:22] hostein, https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/drbd.html [23:22] also these are shown when startx fails: xinit: giving up, xinit: unable to connect to X server: Connection refused, xinit: server error [23:23] we all should want distros which are respecting our privacy... [23:23] Brian21: that is for 10.04.. and you are running 12.04.. [23:23] anonee: sudo apt-get --reinstall install memtest86+ [23:23] Brian21: what are you trying to instal from there? [23:23] Brian21: sudo apt-get install drbd8-utils ? [23:24] i know can you try to point me in the right direction im trying to install & configure drbd with 2 nodes [23:25] Brian21: maybe http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRdaiPR39b0 will help ..there are lots of resources [23:25] do I need to install kde, gnome3 etc separately in order for 'startx' to run??? [23:25] Brian21: i would try a server channel [23:25] sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop isn't enough? [23:26] the server channel no one responding or even chatting [23:26] anyone, guys? [23:26] k1l it worked, but how did u know? [23:27] multiHYP: dont use startx, just start the *dm, which is lightdm for ubuntu [23:27] How do I select a small part of my screen for a screenshot? Thought it was ctrl+printscreen? [23:27] multiHYP: "sudo lightdm start/restart" [23:27] Brian21: its slow, but volunteers here will repond if they no.. i would go right to drbd, or find another option that works for me [23:27] anonee: just go for the errormessages [23:27] i'm using trying to setup a little cluster [23:28] what does that mean? sudo echo eth0 > /sys/module/libfcoe/parameters/create_vn2vn bash: /sys/module/libfcoe/parameters/create_vn2vn: Permission denied [23:29] k1l_: thanks, that seems to get further than startx, but when logged in via vnc I get a 'log out' dialog saying failed to load. [23:30] and a gray background without any gui, apart from 3 checkboxes in the top left corner. [23:31] error message shown in terminal is: ** (lightdm:2392): WARNING **: Error using VT_ACTIVATE 7 on /dev/console: Invalid argument [23:31] k1l i c, but when I saw that error msg I went to check if the file is there and i found it exists, it should be broken then... thanks! [23:34] it would be really great if I could get a nice gui going, took ages to get this far with vnc etc. [23:35] Hey guys in 13.04 you know when you use the window switcher and lets say you have 2 chrome windows open it'll stack them so that if you hover over them with alt+tab they'll split [23:36] how do i disable the stacking [23:37] failed to load session 'gnome-classic' [log out]. :( [23:37] k1l_: any other advise? === andrex|off is now known as andrex [23:38] multiHYP: sorry, no experience with vnc [23:38] how can i set group permissions for all files in a directory to rw? [23:38] vac works, but the gui doesn't startup [23:38] *vnc [23:38] ok it's the "switcher" how do i make it not stack windows... looking in ccsm at the moment... [23:38] like chmod +rw --only group haha [23:38] hey if i loas some pages that I need to print out at the university library will the linux files be read and printed with a Mac are they compatible? [23:39] or do I just need to buy a new printer... [23:39] *load [23:39] is there a relatively easy way to get pinch zoom to work? [23:39] hi how can i resolve that issue? sudo echo lo >/sys/module/libfcoe/parameters/create_vn2vn bash: /sys/module/libfcoe/parameters/create_vn2vn: Permission denied [23:40] http://my.opera.com/mazwarbz/blog/pinch-zooming-gestures-for-synaptics-touchpad-ubuntu [23:40] http://ubuntu-snippets.blogspot.fi/2009/03/multi-touch-for-anyall-synaptics.html [23:41] this first link seems to claim that the latter shows how to make pinch zooming work but theres no mention of pinching in it [23:41] any suggestions on a good, bulk image editor? crop / normalize brightness / resize & compress nicely? With a limited featureset - so not gimp with far too many buttons :P [23:41] geri: try sudo -i to get a root shell, then do the echo command when you get a root prompt [23:41] oh [23:42] oop, nevermind [23:43] Algum brasileiro? [23:44] Loshki: root@ubuntu:~# echo eth0 > /sys/module/libfcoe/parameters/create_vn2vn -bash: echo: write error: File exists [23:47] geri: it's warning you that there's already a file with that name. You could try appending the "eth0" to the end of the file using >> instead of a single >, but I don't know if that will result in the right syntax in the file. Might want to make a backup copy before you modify e.g. cp /sys/module/libfcoe/parameters/create_vn2vn/sys/module/libfcoe/parameters/create_vn2vn /tmp/create_vn2vn.bak so you can easily revert the file if the mod doesn't work [23:48] geri: you probably have noclobber set or something [23:48] geri: oops, make that cp /sys/module/libfcoe/parameters/create_vn2vn /tmp/create_vn2vn.bak or something similar [23:50] Awaken: ImageMagick might be what you want... [23:51] multiHYP, you said you have a lot of debian packages installed? [23:51] yes via sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop [23:52] basically 80%+ of those are .deb [23:52] that shouldn't install debian packages unless you use some dbian reposity [23:52] and the few extra things I was running myself were debian too, i.e. jetty, mongodb, etc. [23:52] ubuntu uses .deb files for packages but that doesn't mean they're debian packages [23:53] have you manually added debian repositories? [23:53] multiHYP: so you added ubuntu-desktop to a server install? [23:53] anyway, I'm in real deep …. otherwise I wouldn't ask about this online. [23:53] yes that too [23:54] Hi everyone - I am currently using RemoteApps on Windows 2008 R2 server - the OS is also used for AD/DC. Is there anyway I can incorporate Ubuntu and take some tasks away from Windows? [23:54] yes [23:54] vnc runs too [23:55] but startx fails, lightdm cannot launch either. [23:55] what am i doing wrong... [23:55] we're talking about an ubuntu server install, right? [23:56] multiHYP: Why exactly do you need a GUI? [23:56] multiHYP: http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/XDMCP-HOWTO/index.html [23:56] multiHYP: sounds like something went wrong with your install. I assume you have a backup in case it all goes wrong. In that case, I'd try reinstalling ubuntu-desktop, and keep a log of the install so we can debug it later... [23:56] I hate it that the ubuntu edge funding seems to be stuck. [23:56] jhutchins: that link is not helping, as i mentioned earlier. [23:57] no backup [23:57] production machine, so not much i can test either. [23:57] multiHYP: time to make a backup then, unless you're a no-seat-belt kind of guy... [23:57] multiHYP: That link tells you how to forward a GUI from a remote system. [23:58] Loshki: yes pretty much [23:58] multiHYP: I still don't understand why you would have a GUI on a server. [23:58] china [23:58] jhutchins: enough said. [23:58] vpns blocked, proxies blcoked. [23:58] multiHYP: No, not enough said. How is china a reason for a GUI? [23:58] life and air blocked. [23:59] gui on a machine is my only way out. [23:59] jhutchins: not the point, surely. You *are* supposed to be able to add a desktop to a server, pretty much by installing ubuntu-desktop. [23:59] multiHYP: what OS/version is this, btw? [23:59] yes, don't really get his wonder. [23:59] Does Ubuntu have something like Windows RemoteApps? [23:59] 11.04 i believe [23:59] . [23:59] oneric [23:59] vnc [23:59] monsterco: [23:59] 11.04 is EOL [23:59] !eol [23:59] End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades