
joshuI finally got it working with the following https://gist.github.com/anonymous/d8e61294931052f96f7600:08
xnoxjoshu: you can do env HOME=/home/test \n exec /usr/bin/brscan-skey, thus no need for script / end-script.08:42
xnoxjoshu: but it looks ok / good none-the-less.08:43
joshuhi xnox thanks for looking at it. I can make those changes. It took a long time to figure out that chdir wasn't working. I still don't understand why, but with the export or env in your case it works08:44
scampbellI have a system daemon that takes a long time to shutdown, I want rsyslog to stay up until that daemon is completely down but rsyslog.conf states stop on runlevel[06].   I'm not seeing how to accomplish this without altering rsyslog (and really others).  Suggestions?13:13
jodhscampbell: echo "stop on stopped your-job" |sudo tee /etc/init/rsyslog.override13:33
scampbellah, thank you.13:34
jodhscampbell: note that if your daemon takes a really long time to stop, you may need to meddle with /etc/init.d/sendsigs as that is what currently handles "final cleanup" before shutdown.13:37
scampbellthx, this points me in the right direction to read up :)13:49
* SpamapS gets annoyed by the default respawn limit15:29
xnoxSpamapS: too much, too little, not often enough? =)17:10
SpamapSxnox: Actually I took a moment to reason about what was happening and it is good.17:10
SpamapSxnox: my program does a few http fetches and fails.. and then gets respawned.. infinitely17:10
xnoxSpamapS: a cup of tea solves everything !17:10
SpamapSbut.. that's probably a good default17:10
SpamapSeven though the fail is not related to the fetches..17:11
SpamapSkind of makes sense to just keep trying something that fails 1 time per second forever in the thought that it may very well just be failing temporarily because of network17:11
scampbellIt's turning out to be real fun to arrange for large application to be stopped on shutdown/reboot before the other services are stopped.17:11

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