=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang [01:25] Good night [01:25] sorry someone speaks Spanish? [03:20] hello === Noskcaj10 is now known as Noskcaj === zz_mutzs is now known as mutzs === mutzs is now known as zz_mutzs === zz_mutzs is now known as mutzs === mutzs is now known as zz_mutzs === zz_mutzs is now known as mutzs === mutzs is now known as zz_mutzs === zz_mutzs is now known as mutzs === stoeptegel is now known as ducktool === burn_ is now known as burn === raytray_ is now known as raytray === stoeptegel is now known as ducktool [13:32] Hi. I'm a bit desperate: Can someone tell me what's the command to open the whisker menu? I need it in order to configure shortcuts (i.e. Meta key to open it). [13:34] Nevermind, just found out. It's "xfce4-popup-whiskermenu" === azeam_afk is now known as azeam [15:51] Planning to buy a new ultrabook with 24gb ssd cache. Dual-boot Xubuntu and Windows. Will both OS'es be able to use the ssd cache automatically? [15:52] intel smart cache orwhatsit only works on windows [15:58] Sysi, so Xubuntu won't be able to take advantage of the ssd cache? [15:59] DriedOrange: nope, you could install xubuntu on ssd but then it wouldn't work as cache for windows AFAIK [16:00] Sysi, Alright, thanks. [16:01] just never close anything if you have enough RAM :P [16:03] Sysi, I will probably choose a different Ultrabook instead. [16:03] that works too === stoeptegel is now known as ducktool [16:15] Is there a way to use Alt+Shift+KEY for shortcuts? It doesn't seem to allow me to do it. === HisaoNakai is now known as The_Empire === The_Empire is now known as HisaoNakai [17:16] * nerxubuntu487 waves [17:16] * nerxubuntu487 says : Hi [17:17] * nerxubuntu487 wonders if anyone is asleep. [17:17] No one has any problems :) [17:19] * nerxubuntu487 is waiting for the installation to finish configuring the bcmwl-kernel [17:19] * nerxubuntu487 lookst at his watch and notices that it has been doing that for 10 minutes. [17:21] nerxubuntu487: talks about himself in third person [17:21] * nerxubuntu487 is being tired [17:21] Hi GridCube [17:22] !hi | nerxubuntu487 [17:22] nerxubuntu487: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay! [17:27] native traktor on ubuntu/xubuntu/debian? [17:32] what¿? [17:36] basiclaser: traktor is a windows application [17:36] I think on mac too, but no linux afaik [17:37] probably is sysi - never looked for it there - bronze in wine appdb so I'd not hold out much help [17:39] (of this wasn't offtopic) [18:39] How long does it take to configure the kernel-source? === stoeptegel is now known as ducktool === nerxubuntu487 is now known as HP-Pokie [19:23] hello there [19:23] Howdy. [19:24] I just installed xubuntu and heve some probs whot wireless [19:24] now connected on wired conn [19:25] when disconecting wire i cant see any psossible connectons [19:25] What wireless card do you have? [19:25] my pc heve wifi antenna [19:25] i dont know [19:25] : ] [19:25] i just today get used laptop [19:26] how to check what card i heve ? [19:26] If it's a PCI card, lspci [19:26] p.s sorry for bad english [19:27] Sure, you're doing well enough for me to understand, and that's what counts. [19:30] hmm [19:30] i not relly good on computers [19:30] but i try to find out what wireless card i heve [19:33] Network Card Ethernet 10/100BT integrated Wireless Connectivity 802.11 b/g WLAN [19:33] this is what u wnat to know ? [19:36] Unit193 [19:37] are u here [19:37] ? [19:37] xubuntu240: Howdy, kind of need to know the chipset. You can also open software sources, and jump to the "Additional Drivers" tab. [19:44] I guess now we'll never know. [19:44] I had gone off to read news. :( [19:54] its saying for me that No propietary drivers is in use [19:55] unit193 or i lookd in wrong place ? [19:55] Yeah, that's not helpful to you. Can you open a terminal and type lspci ? [19:55] yap [19:55] lspci | pastebinit will output a url. [19:57] http://paste.ubuntu.com/5937587/ [19:57] ...And additional drivers didn't find it? What a crappy thing it's become. [19:57] !bcm [19:57] Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx [19:58] BCM4311 is what you have, which is Broadcom. [19:58] * genii tries to refrain from retching [19:59] thanx a lot [19:59] : ] [20:00] so i heve crappy wireless card ? [20:00] xubuntu701: Frankly, yes. [20:01] BCM isn't so bad really, and jockey used to pick it up too. [20:01] But i cen replace that card to better once or its not possible ? [20:02] eh still here is old hp g5000 laptop and i just heve get used to it : ] [21:10] <_DeLa_> hi there [21:12] <_DeLa_> i am using xubuntu 12.04 and libreoffice. right now, i am using the latest libreoffice ppa for 4.x version but i found them too buggy. Can I just deactivate this ppa, install the ppa for the more stable 3.6 libreoffice version, update the system and have it working? is this way of changing ppa okay? [21:12] !ppapurge [21:12] To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:/ » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html [21:13] <_DeLa_> unit193: so first purge, and then install the new ppa? [21:14] That's the best way. [21:17] <_DeLa_> Unit193: thanks...hmm...errm...well, is this ppa-purge command safe? can it cause problems? [21:20] <_DeLa_> well... nothing is really "safe" anyway... [21:20] <_DeLa_> at least not 100% [21:21] I've used it, it takes a diff and reverts packages to the version in the repo. [21:23] <_DeLa_> it takes a diff? - sorry what does that mean? [21:28] <_DeLa_> Unit193: it takes a diff? - sorry what does that mean? [21:29] Basically, takes a look at the sources. [21:33] <_DeLa_> ok. thanks === azeam is now known as azeam_afk [22:20] What are the system requirements to run Xubuntu, and is it exactly like Ubuntu? [22:21] Not exactly like Ubuntu, that'd kind of make it Ubuntu.... Generally, 512M of ram, what is your system? [22:23] My system I plan on installing it on to is: 896MB og RAM, AMD Anthlon 64 processor, and the graphics card is unknown [22:24] Djmann1013: try it live... should be fine [22:25] holstein Will the regular Ubuntu work as well? [22:26] Djmann1013: try it live.. should be fine, though, i would expect arguably "better" results with XFCE since it doesnt require 3d [22:34] hello? [22:35] so i accidentally replaced windows 7 with ubuntu rather than running it alongside [22:35] i currently have 4 partitions on my harddrive [22:35] nathanesau1: you can shrink the partition, and install windows beside [22:35] !grub [22:35] GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 [22:36] i did that holstein [22:36] moondoggie: ^^ there will be instructions for recovering grub after installing windows [22:36] i shrunk the partition [22:36] i will tell you what my partitons are: [22:36] nathanesau1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows specifically [22:37] 1 for linux swap, 1 ntfs for windows, 1 ext4 for linux, 1 fat32 [22:37] no you dont understand, i have ubuntu installed and i want to install windows [22:37] not the other way around [22:38] nathanesau1: those instructions are for, after you have installed ubuntu, *then* installed windows, and windwos has removed grub.. [22:38] i havent installed windows yet though [22:38] thats what im trying to do... [22:38] nathanesau1: aftert you do, windows *will* blow out grub. you can then refer to the link i gave [22:39] no, i was wondering HOW to install windows after installing ubuntu [22:39] assuming you dont have a system restore disc that will not allow that [22:39] its proving rather difficult [22:39] i have windows 7 on a winusb boot stick [22:39] nathanesau1: i have no idea.. depends on what disc you have, and what microsoft allows you to do with it [22:39] which i put the iso on [22:39] but then do you need to modify the bios settings??? [22:39] nathanesau1: if its a system restore disc, then it will blow out the entire drive [22:40] nathanesau1: the bios settings will be what they ned to be to boot whatever needs to be booted [22:40] likely a CD [22:40] no but the problem is, the system restore disc wont execute [22:40] nathanesau1: maybe its bad [22:40] i dont think so [22:40] nathanesau1: have you *ever* seen it boot? if not, then it could be bad [22:41] um... is there any way i can completely wipe my pc; i.e. remove everything, all OS, and then install windows [22:41] because i cant uninstall ubuntu while in ubuntu [22:41] nathanesau1: there is not need to uninstall ubuntu [22:41] nathanesau1: you load up whatever disc you have, and do what it can do.. the windows disc wont have a lot of options [22:42] nathanesau1: you can either wipe out the whole drive and start over, or install windows beside ubuntu, and recover grub from the link i gave [22:42] i kind of want to just wipe out the whole drive [22:42] i was wondering if you know how to do that [22:43] nathanesau1: do what you want, with what is allowed by whatever disc you have [22:43] then i would install : windows, folllowed by ubuntu using the desktop installer [22:43] nathanesau1: the ubuntu installer will allow that [23:42] Hi all [23:43] got a question: Is there an install log on a xubuntu installed machine? Want to duplicate all the options of a surtain machine for another machine... [23:58] testing [23:58] how do i change my name [23:59] /nick newnickhere [23:59] whith /nick somethinghere [23:59] I think atleast === xubuntu018 is now known as frosteeeeh [23:59] thanks