
=== dreverri_ is now known as dreverri
dreverrihazmat: ping01:18
hazmatdreverri, pong01:21
dreverrinot sure if you remember but I had an issue this morning with my bootstrap node not showing up in juju status01:21
hazmatdreverri, i remember, did you get access to the instance?01:22
dreverrinothing in /var/log/juju/all-machines.log01:22
dreverrino other log files in the juju log folder01:22
dreverrisyslog does have this: auth: couldn't find user admin, admin.system.users01:23
hazmatdreverri, could you paste /var/log/cloudinit-?output?01:23
hazmatdreverri, aha i think that's the issue01:23
hazmatdreverri, so are the juju agents running , is mongodb running?01:24
dreverrimongodb is running01:24
hazmatdreverri, no juju process?01:25
dreverrino juju process01:25
hazmatdreverri, could try manually starting it via upstart (service juju-machine-agent start), there might be more output to syslog01:26
dreverrijuju-machine-agent: unrecognized service01:27
dreverrithere are failure messages in the cloud-init-log file01:28
dreverriI'm going to parse through that01:29
dreverrithank you01:29
dreverrithis seems interesting: http://pastebin.com/G7x8CsUF01:30
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hazmatfiled bug 120759002:24
_mup_Bug #1207590: ec2 provider trouble bootstrapping <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1207590>02:24
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dreverrihazmat: thank you for filing a bug, any thoughts on what the issue might be?04:11
hazmatdreverri, what version of juju ?04:12
dreverrithe bootstrap node is running: 1.11.4-precise-amd6404:13
hazmatdreverri, where did you  get that client version from? distro backports/ppa/src?04:13
hazmater.. where did you install juju from04:13
dreverrifor OS X04:14
hazmatic, thanks04:14
dreverriis that no good?04:15
hazmatdreverri, i dunno how much active testing on mac we have. that bug doesn't look famliar.  there is a newer release of juju out 1.12 @ osx via homebrew mp  https://github.com/rochacon/homebrew/blob/juju-core-source-proposal/Library/Formula/juju.rb and there's another release planned for this weekend.04:18
dreverriI will try that out04:19
dreverrithank you04:19
thumpermarcoceppi: ping04:27
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
noodles775adam_g: Sorry - I don't have a public one, no. All I've got at the moment is a private MP that updates a charm from the saltstack support to the ansible support. I'll try to get something public together.06:25
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rogpeppemornin' all08:18
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m0dexhey all, quick question (well hopefully quick) i'm using juju 1.11.4-raring-amd64 and when trying to 'juju bootstrap --constraints "instance-type=t1.micro"' it fails with "unknown constraint "instance-type"' any ideas?14:00
marcoceppim0dex: instance-type isn't supported yet with 1.X you'll instead need to supply something like cpu-cores=114:02
marcoceppiuse generic constraints cpu-cores and mem to map to the instance type14:03
m0dexalright cool. ill give that a shot right now..14:03
m0dexhey any idea what version of juju i'd need to be using to get that instance-type support?14:14
AskUbuntudeploying openstack on 6 servers | http://askubuntu.com/q/32786514:21
marcoceppim0dex: juju 0.7, but it's honestly not worth going all the way back to that old, soon to be if not already unsupported version of juju14:26
m0dexalright. any idea if theres a possibility that juju doesn't want me to create such a small instance box? when i specify the EXACT specs for a t1 micro instance, its like nah dude, imma make an m1.small14:33
jcastrom0dex: yeah that happened to me yesterday14:33
jcastroI put in the exact numbers for a large and it makes a xlarge14:33
jcastroI'm going to ask the core guys for instance-type support14:33
marcoceppim0dex: that shouldn't be the case. Try under-selling the numbers a bit. Instead of 725MB or whatever it is, do 500MB14:33
marcoceppiit'll match that number or the next biggest unit14:34
m0dexok. let me give that a shot14:34
marcoceppijcastro: yeah, having instance-type would be awesome.14:34
m0dexor to elaborate, no luck. i'll undersell them even more.....14:35
jcastromaybe it's time to file a bug14:37
jcastroah good news, instance-type is coming back14:38
jcastro"2-3 weeks" is the roadmap14:39
m0dexlol yeah i guess  "juju bootstrap --constraints "mem=1M"14:39
m0dexand it still makes an m1.small. silly juju14:39
jcastromicros do suck though, you'll have a tough time on those things14:39
m0dexi know, but i don't think i can justify the cost of anything else yet.14:39
jcastromarcoceppi: how did we ever get anything done without --to?15:34
jcastroI could do this all day15:34
rick_hjcastro: lol15:54
jcastrorick_h: any word on those links?16:01
jcastrothe store is pretty much unusable as a browser right now. :-/16:01
rick_hjcastro: deploy is going out now16:01
rick_hjcastro: IS is working on it as we speak I hope16:02
jcastrorick_h: wanna check on something for me?16:03
jcastrorick_h: so I modified the readme in the python-django file16:03
rick_hjcastro: k16:03
jcastroand converted it from RST to Markdown ---> README.md16:03
jcastrowarn: no README file16:03
jcastrono idea if it's working on the actual GUI since I can't get to the README link currently16:04
rick_hhttps://bazaar.launchpad.net/~charmers/charms/precise/python-django/trunk/files no readme file :/16:04
jcastroI'm just an idiot. Pushing ...16:04
jcastrothere she is!16:05
rick_hjcastro: cool, so yea hold tight while it re-injests then16:05
marcoceppijcastro: stirring memories of jitsu, I feel faint and may need to lie down16:06
jcastrorick_h: it's like what, 15 minutes?16:07
rick_hjcastro: there abouts16:07
jcastroGood Enough16:07
rick_hjcastro: https://jujucharms.com/sidebar/precise/ceph-14/#bws-readme deploy done16:10
arosalesrick_h, is it expected for the gui to have the juju-gui md displayed with the comment at the top16:17
jcastroI think you need a triple dash in markdown16:19
arosalesI can propose a branch, just wasn't sure how the charm browser was parsing16:20
rick_harosales: jcastro so we hit this with the juju-gui readme and when I checked the module we're using to parse I couldn't find it supporting that syntax directive16:21
rick_hwe've got a card/bug to try to update the module we're using16:21
jcastroor just put the license in the code files and not in the readme like everything else?16:22
arosalesrick_h, ok thanks.16:22
rick_harosales: yea, checking in http://markdowntohtml.com/ two or three - doesn't matter. They don't parse it either :/16:23
arosalesrick_h, interesting that the soruce tab --> Read.md for the gui doesn't show the comment16:24
rick_hactually nvm16:24
rick_harosales: that's because in the source tab it's an html comment so it's not shown16:24
rick_harosales: but in the markdown parser, it's escaped? /me is checking16:25
arosalesjcastro, knows I am not a markdown expert by any means16:25
rick_harosales: right, the parser is turning <!-- into &lt;!--16:25
jcastrorick_h: simple solution is for now to put the license at the bottom of the readme, heh16:26
rick_hjcastro: true16:26
rick_hjcastro: why it's not gotten fixed. Things like routing bugs > markdown parsing16:26
rick_hjcastro: but we do know about it and would like to fix it16:26
arosalesrick_h, is the source intended to parse _all_ items in the charm directory?16:28
arosalesto jcastro's ealier point I don't see the "copyright" or "COPYING" file in the source tab listing for the juju-gui16:29
rick_harosales: yes, in general people like that. we've got bugs to do some basic type detection though to 'show' images and display file content as we do now16:30
rick_harosales: so it's only files that the back end loads. So we load everything in hooks, and other files we know charms need/etc16:30
arosalesrick_h, +1 on showing all the files they the name change to source from hooks, just wondering why those files weren't showing up16:31
rick_harosales: the gui can only display info on files the back end knows about. We don't load all files in a charm because there could be source packages/etc in there if the ywanted to16:31
arosalesrick_h, ah16:31
rick_hif there are files we want to whitelist we can submit a bug on charmworld and add support for them and then they'll show up16:31
arosalesrick_h, would you like me to file a bug to whitelist copying and copyright files?16:31
rick_harosales: sure16:32
arosalesrick_h, thanks, bug  1207833 submitted16:35
rick_harosales: thanks16:35
arosalesbug 120783316:35
_mup_Bug #1207833: Juju GUI Charm Browser: Source Tab: Whitelist files such as  copying, copyright, license <charmworld:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1207833>16:35
marcoceppijcastro: we've got a few (additional) inconsistencies on the juju website17:26
jcastroI will fix them17:26
marcoceppi`juju generate-config` provides links to pages like https://juju.ubuntu.com/get-started/openstack/ (amazon, openstack, hp-cloud) which I think should be removed and redirected instead to the docs page. However the openstack doc page is also pretty badly out of date (and a little light) https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/config-openstack.html17:27
marcoceppiSo Ask Ubuntu needs to be updated and the docs example config needs to reflect actual environments.yaml layouts17:28
jcastroI thought we were going to stacktack instead?17:28
marcoceppiBecause, lets face it, default-instance-type hasn't been a valid option for quite a while17:28
marcoceppijcastro: I wasn't sure what should point where17:28
marcoceppibut everything we have for openstack is out of date17:28
marcoceppiSo, I figured you'd know best what to sort and where17:29
marcoceppiopenstack_s3 was a hack added to the python juju17:29
jcastrook so step one would be to update the docs?17:30
marcoceppidocs and ask ubuntu, are probably sufficient for now17:30
jcastroman, why yuo bring this up when nick is already off for the weekend. :)17:30
marcoceppihaha ;D17:30
jcastrook so I don't know what is correct wrt. an openstack config17:30
marcoceppijcastro: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5940862/17:31
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jcastrofixed in both places17:34
marcoceppijcastro: ta!17:37
jcastroI'll talk to nick about what the plan for AU/docs integration or non-integration will be17:37
jcastroin the meantime updating in both places17:38
marcoceppijcastro: we've basically postponed stacktack integration, but if it's a blocker for content we can elevate it again17:38
jcastroyeah the thing is is we can't remove the AU question, all the juju config questions have nice google juice17:38
marcoceppistacktack integration is technically "done", but we've had problems getting it to work consistently17:38
jcastroThey link to the docs though, so we should be fine17:39
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
AskUbuntuWhat's the difference between the python-django and django-rainbow charms? | http://askubuntu.com/q/32793818:11
jcastromarcoceppi: did we put deployer in a new place yet? I built a stack locally and I'm ready to test it on HP18:28
marcoceppijcastro: not that I'm aware of18:28
jcastroarosales: I have a ~charmers proposal I'd like to run by you19:21
arosalesjcastro, for sure do you want to cover that today?19:21
jcastroso I was thinking19:22
jcastroif we should do autolanding charm updates with tarmac19:22
jcastroso like let's say I do a merge proposal19:22
jcastroand then marco +1's it19:22
jcastroand mims +1's it19:22
jcastrotarmac auto lands it without us having to manually merge19:22
jcastrothis would make it trivial for us to like review doc changes19:22
jcastroyou could just read the diff, and then approve/disapprove19:23
jcastrowithout having to manually merge the submission19:23
jcastroit's one less step for the reviewers19:23
AskUbuntuSharing SSH keys during a Juju Charm deployment | http://askubuntu.com/q/32796719:25
marcoceppijcastro: that's the hope with the charmtester stuff19:28
marcoceppiis to gate on tests actually passing before a merge is even looked at19:28
arosalesmarcoceppi, Charm tester also came to mind when jcastro mentioned tarmac19:29
arosalesjcastro, I don't think there are any issues with using something like tarmac.  I think the work would be to integrate that into charm tester19:29
marcoceppitarmac is fine, that's just a mechanism and test runner for landing changes. I think we definitely want to use the idea of gating merges on tests though, for sure19:30
* marcoceppi cross fingers for this cycle19:30
jcastroarosales: yeah so I totally didn't think about tests19:31
arosalesI think once we have a good test story the next step, as you mention, is automating more of merge requests19:32
arosalesbut the core philosophy should be centered around quality19:32
arosalesbut yes a generally +1 to CI19:32
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away

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