
* ScottK didn't remove enough amarok binaries before.00:14
ScottKDone now.00:14
smartboyhwkubotu: newversion plasma-mediacenter 1.0.9003:42
smartboyhwAlright, where the hell is kubotu?03:48
smartboyhwAnyways, parallel doing 4.10.97 quantal and plasma-mediacenter 1.0.9003:56
smartboyhwAny packager: Is -dbg package necessary when there's a lot of debug-file-with-no-debug-symbols lintian warning appearing?04:02
=== smartboyhw changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - Friendly Computing | https://trello.com/kubuntu | https://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-ninjas 4.10.97 saucy/archive raring/beta quantal/WIP precise/ninjas | 13.10 Alpha 2 testing | 13.10 milestoned bugs tagged Kubuntu http://goo.gl/vHRjj
=== smartboyhw changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - Friendly Computing | https://trello.com/kubuntu | https://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-ninjas 4.10.97 saucy/archive raring/beta quantal/WIP precise/ninjas | 13.10 Alpha 2 released | 13.10 milestoned bugs tagged Kubuntu http://goo.gl/vHRjj
smartboyhwHmm, while backporting to 12.10 I spotted errors in okular04:25
smartboyhwdebian/control line 26...04:26
smartboyhwWhat happened?04:26
jussiMorning all05:19
jussiwhen did my last nick quit?05:19
TheDrums23:00:09 EDT05:19
jussiok, thanks... goes to look up what EDT  is :D05:20
valorie2 hours ago05:20
valoriewell, 2:2005:20
jussiahh excellent, just what I hoped05:20
TheDrumsdate -ud "23:00:09 EDT"05:20
smartboyhwUploading Quantal 4.10.97 to ~kubuntu-ppa/staging05:34
smartboyhwWith SPEED:P05:34
=== smartboyhw changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - Friendly Computing | https://trello.com/kubuntu | https://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-ninjas 4.10.97 saucy/archive raring/beta quantal/staging precise/ninjas | 13.10 Alpha 2 released | 13.10 milestoned bugs tagged Kubuntu http://goo.gl/vHRjj
mitya57hi, I started lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/qt4.8.505:47
mitya57if someone is interested in upgrading qt, please start with that branch05:47
mitya57(unless you are going to do a proper debian merge, which would be better)05:48
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smartboyhwOH NO >>>>>>>>>>07:45
smartboyhwSYMBOLS AGAIN>>>>>>07:45
yofelfor what?07:47
yofelgood morning btw.07:48
smartboyhwyofel, 12.1007:53
smartboyhwGood afternoon07:53
smartboyhwyofel, boing!?07:53
yofelyou can't maintain symbol files for different gcc versions07:53
yofelalso, the boost version etc. is different07:53
smartboyhwyofel, OK07:53
smartboyhwWaiting all to build then...\07:54
smartboyhwGood thing I can debsign *.dsc and dput ppa:kubuntu-ppa/staging *.changes (LOL)\07:55
smartboyhwyofel, one thing07:55
smartboyhwAny packager: Is -dbg package necessary when there's a lot of debug-file-with-no-debug-symbols lintian warning appearing?07:55
agateauQuintasan: no I have a X1 carbon, but its keyboard is similar to other recent Lenovo laptops07:56
yofelsmartboyhw: that's about something else http://lintian.debian.org/tags/debug-file-with-no-debug-symbols.html07:59
smartboyhwyofel, and I can't understand the page, sorry:p07:59
smartboyhwI did read it, but...07:59
yofelthe packages split the debug information out of the binaries into a seperate file (to make them smaller), what that warning tells you is that the new seperate debug file doesn't actually appear to contain any debugging information08:00
yofeli.e. it's probably useless08:00
yofelI can't really say what's wrong (or if anything is wrong) without actually looking at such a file08:00
smartboyhwyofel, it's the new plasma-mediacenter08:01
yofelwell, if you upload it somewhere I could try to build and look at it in the evening. Right now I'm at work and can't do packaging08:01
smartboyhwyofel, OK. I will upload to main PPA.08:02
smartboyhwBasically everything is OK except this strange lintian08:02
smartboyhwNot strange but08:02
smartboyhwNo dbg symbols hmm08:02
smartboyhwDamn, my main PPA was oversized08:05
smartboyhwyofel, it's in https://launchpad.net/~smartboyhw/+archive/2buntu/+files/plasma-mediacenter_1.0.90-0ubuntu1.dsc08:10
Quintasanagateau: Ah I  see, well welcome to the club anyways. I would throw some bricks at whoever thought PrntScr button there is a good idea08:18
agateauQuintasan: :)08:19
agateauQuintasan: it is the reason $DEITY blessed us with Xmodmap :)08:19
QuintasanAnyways, I'm KIND OF late for work08:20
lordievaderGood morning.08:36
lordievaderIs it known that in the ppa:neon/kf5 the package project-neon5-kde-workspace failed to build? Wanted to try it out but the dependencies of project-neon5-session were unmet because of the build failure.08:40
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smartboyhwlordievader, I think so...08:44
yofellordievader: upstream is changing so much currently that it's pretty much a gamble whether the package builds or not08:44
yofelyeah, that's broken code08:46
lordievaderOk, well I'll check back later to see if there is a sucessfull build ;)08:49
apacheloggerdid someone just trigger workspace? Oo08:56
yofeldid we both trigger it?08:56
apacheloggerI am doing a raring rebuild, dunno what you are doing :P08:57
yofelI clicked on 'Build now', which triggered another one for raring it seems08:57
Riddellsmartboyhw: calligra is out, we should get a story onto kubuntu.org, have you checked the backports?09:06
smartboyhwRiddell, uh first thing: Please change my Planet KDE thing to smartboyhwubuntu.wordpress.org09:07
smartboyhwAnd let me check the backports09:07
Riddellnothing at smartboyhwubuntu.wordpress.org09:07
smartboyhwRiddell, damn it's .com09:08
smartboyhwAnd I think Quantal and Precise failed.09:08
smartboyhwAh, libopencolorio-dev09:08
* Riddell said something about quantal not being worth it09:08
smartboyhwRiddell, you did:P09:09
smartboyhwBut Quantal's support period is longer than Raring, don't forget09:10
smartboyhwRiddell, I might give you a hackergotchi later;P09:10
smartboyhwWhat's the size requirement again?09:10
yofelsupport period isn't really about the backports though, precise is the first release where we decided to do some updates for CURRENT-2 because it's LTS09:11
yofelbut sure, if you want to do packages for quantal, go ahead09:11
Riddellsmartboyhw: planet updated, hackergotchi at 80x80 pixels a photo headshot on transparent background preferred09:12
smartboyhwRiddell, got it:)09:12
smartboyhwRiddell, oh wait09:14
smartboyhwRiddell, use http://smartboyhwubuntu.wordpress.com/category/planet-kde/feed/?mrss=off instead09:17
smartboyhwOuch, my webcam doesn't work09:32
smartboyhwA blurry imag09:32
xnoxRiddell: agateau: ubiquity fails adt tests in jenkins https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/saucy-adt-ubiquity/128/ARCH=i386,label=adt/console09:57
* xnox ponders what did I do wrong....09:57
xnoxRiddell: agateau: never mind.... jenkins is borked, testing 2.15.13 with 2.15.12 installed.09:59
agateauxnox: ok, no pb09:59
smartboyhwRiddell, uploaded ~ppa2 for quantal and precise, but plz expect quantal to build slower (since 4.10.97 is building)10:15
smartboyhw~ppa2 = calligra 2.7.110:15
smartboyhwAnyone interested in Python plz help with http://noskcaj10.wordpress.com/2013/08/02/announcing-the-testdrive-hackfest/10:16
yofelthe builders don't have release-specific queues, so they'll build equally slow10:17
smartboyhwEh, done anyway, what else TODO?10:17
smartboyhwBTW, Riddell please tell me why Calligra is still stuck in -propoesd10:21
soeeyesterday for the first time my Kubuntu saucy stopped working :/ had to reboot as there was no response10:22
soeelaso from time to time there is total plasma crash but this is related to latest KDE10:22
smartboyhw4.10.97 should be more stable than
soeei woinder if this has anything to do with my wireless10:23
smartboyhwsoee, wireless?10:25
smartboyhwThat shouldn't cause a TOTAL plasma crash10:25
debfxsmartboyhw: calligra (1:2.7.0-0ubuntu2 to 1:2.7.1-0ubuntu1) Depends: calligra poppler10:27
smartboyhwMaybe it's stuck on the new poppler ver. in -proposed10:29
smartboyhwdebfx, um can you try to explain to me how that happenes/10:31
debfxlike you said, it built against the new poppler version in -proposed10:32
smartboyhwAnd it was fried. Hmm10:33
soeesmartboyhw, more specific - maybe networkmanager10:36
smartboyhwdebfx, what can I do to solve that problem then?10:41
debfxsmartboyhw: find out why poppler doesn't migrate :)10:41
debfxsome packages probably need to be rebuilt10:42
smartboyhwdebfx, ouch10:42
smartboyhwdebfx, well at least poppler builts perfectly on all arch10:42
smartboyhwWhere do you get that calligra (1:2.7.0-0ubuntu2 to 1:2.7.1-0ubuntu1) Depends: calligra poppler BTW?10:42
smartboyhwdebfx, got it. poppler new binary10:43
smartboyhwNEW 10:43
QuintasanWell, almost 8 millions10:46
smartboyhwQuintasan, ?10:46
QuintasanI estimate that things will die off at $20M10:47
smartboyhwQuintasan, +110:48
BluesKaj'Morning folks11:46
smartboyhwHmm, somebody give me proper explanations of why https://launchpadlibrarian.net/146474240/buildlog_ubuntu-quantal-amd64.calligra_1%3A2.7.1-0ubuntu1~ubuntu12.10~ppa2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz will happen in quantal ...12:34
smartboyhwNot even made...12:35
smartboyhwMaybe because of no opencolorio?12:35
smartboyhwAnd no vc?12:35
smartboyhwAh, yes, opencolorio12:36
smartboyhwHmm, either I'm stupid, or I just can't find that .so file.12:39
yofelwell, it's not built without opencolorio12:40
yofel    add_subdirectory(lut)12:40
smartboyhwyofel, hmm?12:40
smartboyhwI mean, in quantal12:41
yofelwhat so file do you mean?12:41
smartboyhwyofel, kritalutdocker.so12:41
yofelwell, it wasn't built, so how can it be there?12:41
smartboyhwCan't exist WITHOUT using libopencolorio12:41
yofelor do you mean the archive package?12:41
smartboyhwyofel, quantal buildlog see above12:42
yofelyes, the file is not there because you built without opencolorio12:42
yofeleasiest fix would probably be to just backport opencolorio12:43
smartboyhwyofel, no I mean it doesn't exist in .install files12:43
* yofel looks again12:43
yofelsmartboyhw: uh, that's some "fun" architecture-specific stuff in debian/rules12:45
yofelprobably because of glew12:46
smartboyhwyofel, meh meh meh12:51
yofelwell, it kind of makes sense12:55
yofelthe alternative would be to maintain install files for specific architectures12:55
yofela few lines in rules are less maintenance work12:56
smartboyhwyofel, HOWTO fix?:P12:56
yofelbackport opencolorio if possible, otherwise delete the stuff from rules12:57
yofel(latter is more work later on, unless we find a good way to make backport hooks for non-kdesc packages)12:57
smartboyhwyofel, backport opencolorio then13:01
smartboyhwI filled in everyrhing precise, but filled in the series quantal...13:04
ScottKsmartboyhw: Did you see amarok migrated?13:16
ScottKForcing is almost never the right answer.  It's better to figure out why it didn't migrate.13:16
smartboyhwScottK, no I didn't;P13:19
smartboyhwOh you mean Amarok then yes13:19
ScottKIt did.13:19
smartboyhwScottK, what's the reason BTW?13:19
ScottKThe old armhf binaries were blocking.13:19
ScottKWhen I removed the amarok binary, I forgot amarok-dbg and amarok-utils.13:19
smartboyhwScottK, AH AH AH13:19
smartboyhwGOt it13:20
ScottKDid anyone merger your kubuntu-defaults change?13:20
ScottKI can do it today.13:20
smartboyhwScottK, dunnop13:22
ScottKNope.  Will do it.13:23
smartboyhwI don't think so13:24
smartboyhwScottK, and plz plz approve my ibus-cangjie SRU13:24
smartboyhwScottK, :)13:24
ScottKI can probably do that later today.13:24
smartboyhwHmm, sounded like I need to backport libsoprano-dev13:25
smartboyhwfor 4.10.9713:25
smartboyhwI clearly broke my PPA upload record13:27
Riddellapachelogger: you know you've made it when your project is on phoronix http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTQyNTc13:39
smartboyhwEven opencolorio has missing dependencies in Precis14:26
tsdgeosdigikam-dbg is 131MB?14:26
smartboyhwtsdgeos, +114:26
RiddellI just dropped opencolorio from precise backport14:27
smartboyhwRiddell, .......14:27
smartboyhwHmm, that's a problem14:28
smartboyhwNow I really have to touch debian/rules for calligra backport14:29
ScottKtsdgeos: It's not just Digikam anymore remember.  It's the "Digikam Software Collection".  Of course it's huge.14:32
=== jono is now known as Guest51067
smartboyhwRiddell, apachelogger look at my latest reply15:04
ScottKsmartboyhw: Did you fill out your application?15:07
smartboyhwScottK, yeah, it's in the original email15:07
smartboyhwDoes anybody object to change Kubuntu Team's "Leader" from Riddell only to Kubuntu Council?15:08
ScottKNo.  That's what it should be.15:09
smartboyhwScottK, DONE.15:10
Riddellsmartboyhw: I've never claimed to be a leader despite many people's trying it15:11
smartboyhwRiddell, many people = ?:P15:11
Riddellholy guacamole, 19 people given us £24215:13
smartboyhwRiddell, \o/15:13
smartboyhwThat's a real lot15:13
Riddellwe'll have to think of something to spend it on15:13
smartboyhwThe $775 #UbuntuEdge  perks are sold out.  If you missed out, you can still get one for $780, just $5 more, and there are 4500 available at that price!15:14
yofelI'm clueless how they want to gather 24M in 20 days though15:15
smartboyhwyofel, yeah15:16
smartboyhwThe problem: The hype has died down.15:16
yofelnot sure if it has. It's just that everyone that really wanted to spend the money already did it. (or missed the cheaper perks)15:18
yofeland those that think about taking the expensive perks have 20 days left to think about it15:19
smartboyhwyofel, +115:20
* Riddell blogs http://blogs.kde.org/2013/08/02/thanks15:31
smartboyhwGuys, I'm going to sleep. Please give support at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/smartboyhw/KubuntuDeveloperApplication15:51
smartboyhwGood night.15:51
Riddellright I'm away on holiday for the next week16:20
Riddellshould be around occationally but not much16:21
Riddellgood luck!16:21
tester56Riddell, have fun!16:41
yofeloh great, kdepim-runtime build-depends on libkgapi-dev which depends on libgkapi0 which depends on kdepim-runtime19:08
yofelThat won't quite work for precise :S19:08
* yofel makes that a recommends19:09
yofelhm, ancient kgapi version too19:12
yofelCMake Error: INSTALL(EXPORT "kgapiLibraryTargets" ...) includes target "kgapi" which requires target "kgapi2" that is not in the export set.19:15
yofeler what o.O?19:15
=== hggdh_ is now known as hggdh
yofelno ^^19:42
soeegrub shows me 3 or 4 times the sam entry ..19:42
soeesame kernel version 19:42
soeekinda strange as im on raring not saucy19:43
yofelwhat does grub.cfg say?19:43
soeeone second, Riddell you know i like you guys :D so i send a small donation to -.-19:45
soeeyofel, i have 340 lines in grub.cfg what should i look for ?19:47
yofelidentical "menuentry" lines19:48
soeenope here i dont see duplicates19:50
yofelhm, then grub shouldn't show any either... Do you have multiple OS installed that use the same MBR? Maybe a different grub.cfg is actually used?19:50
soeeum windows vista + kubuntu19:51
yofelreally weird then...19:52
soeeok i installed lates update, ill try later to reboot and see what grub will show19:53

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