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Sweetsharkwgrant: remember me complaining about the download stats doing weird things?08:15
Sweetsharkwgrant: running "python ~/ppastats.py libreoffice ppa saucy i386" returns weird results right now.08:16
wgrantSweetshark: Weird results?08:22
wgrantIt's all 0 here08:22
Sweetsharkwgrant: right08:22
Sweetsharkwgrant: it usually prints "$PACKAGENAME $COUNT"08:23
wgrantSweetshark: Yes, but you just uploaded a new version that presumably hasn't been downloaded yet...08:24
Sweetsharkwgrant: and it did -- up until I copied the package with binaries from ppa:bjoern-michaelsen/libreoffice-staging to that ppa08:24
wgrantSweetshark: The download counts are per version08:24
Sweetsharkwgrant: hmm, ok, lets see after the first download.08:25
wgrantIt's the number of times that the deb has been downloaded from that archive.08:25
wgrantSo I'd be quite concerned if it wasn't 0./08:25
Sweetsharkwgrant: still, i wonder why the pkgname isnt printed.08:25
wgrantSweetshark: That would be the fault of your script.08:26
wgrantThat's nothing to do with Launchpad.08:26
Sweetsharkwgrant: k08:26
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pkernHi. Is OAuth required for API consumers or is it possible to query bug data without it?11:30
cjwatsonpkern: You don't need it for anonymous requests11:33
cjwatsonSo obviously you can't see private bugs without OAuth signing, but you can query public bug data11:34
pkerncjwatson: Thanks. I guess the lesson here is "don't use api.staging" :)11:37
cjwatsonpkern: staging shouldn't be different in this regard.  What are you trying to do?11:41
pkern% curl -k "https://api.staging.launchpad.net/1.0/bugs/1191993"11:44
pkernObject: <lp.systemhomes.MaloneApplication object at 0x9df6b90>, name: u'1191993'11:44
pkernIf I remove the staging it looks much better.11:44
cjwatsonFor example   GET 'http://api.staging.launchpad.net/1.0/ubuntu?ws.op=searchTasks&assignee=/~cjwatson'   works here, though I can't say it's the most convenient way to get at that kind of thing11:44
cjwatsonAh, that's probably just because staging's database dump is old11:44
cjwatsonhttps://staging.launchpad.net/bugs/1191993 doesn't show it either11:45
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1191993 in net-retriever (Ubuntu) "net-retriever relies on MD5SUMs, should use SHA256" [Undecided,New]11:45
cjwatsonYes thank you ubot511:45
pkernOh ok.11:45
pkernAnd the API is not even excluded by robots.txt \o/11:45
cjwatson$ GET http://api.staging.launchpad.net/robots.txt | tail -n211:46
cjwatsonUser-agent: *11:46
cjwatsonDisallow: /11:46
pkerncjwatson: Not on non-staging.11:46
pkern(FWIW I was not sarcastic. Here it will help me to do what I want to do.)11:47
cjwatsonAh, I'm not sure why that's the case.  It disallows http://api.launchpad.net/api/, but that's 404 anyway11:47
cjwatsonMight be an error11:47
cjwatsonYou might find it easier to use something like lp-shell11:48
cjwatsonWorking with the raw API isn't so pleasant that I'd go out of my way to do it rather than using the bindings11:48
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pkernI can't use lp-shell or the Python bindings.11:49
cjwatsonOK, but how come?11:49
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cshubhamraoi need help15:32
cjwatsonWith ...15:33
shubham_i need help15:33
shubham_unable to update launchpad.net ppa s15:34
cjwatsonWhat's your Launchpad username, and exactly what did you try that failed/15:34
shubham_username cshubhamrao15:35
shubham_on trying apt-get update, I get error, failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/yannubuntu/boot-repair/ubuntu/dists/saucy/main/binary-amd64/Packages  404  Not Found15:35
cjwatsonThat PPA doesn't have anything published for saucy, only for precise/quantal/raring15:36
cjwatsonSo I suggest editing the relevant file in /etc/apt/sources.list or /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* to say "raring" for that archive rather than "saucy"15:36
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AmpelbeinHi there. What could be the reason that https://launchpad.net/debian/+source/xalan shows the latest version in unstable as 1.11-1, when http://packages.qa.debian.org/x/xalan.html says that 1.11-2 is the current version? The upload to unstable was 2 weeks ago. Is the package import manual?20:04
elfyseeing an odd issue with https://launchpad.net/ubuntu - in Get Involved - Report a bug - mouseover shows the right path - click the button and I get https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs21:26
dobeyit's not an issue. you can't report a bug against the ubuntu distribution. if you want to report a bug, pick the source package it is in, and file a bug against that. for example, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gedit if it's a bug in gedit.21:32
dobeyread the help page you get redirected to21:32
Ampelbeinfwiw, it works for me and gets me to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug21:33
dobeyAmpelbein: you're probably in a team that it is special for and allows that.21:34
dobeythere is generally no reason to report a bug against ubuntu rather than a source package in ubuntu21:34
AmpelbeinYeah, except for "needs-packaging" sort of bugs. So it is probably the correct thing to redirect to the wiki.21:35
elfyI know - I don't do it personally - it's just new to me = having done it the other way with ubuntu-bug etc21:35
dobeyyes it is the correct and intentional thing to redirect to the wiki :)21:35
elfyI was asking for someone esle21:35
elfyperhaps it should be changed to read - How to report a bug21:36
elfyanyway - thanks peeps :)21:36
dobeyfor the person who e-mailed the list about it?21:36
dobeyyou don't need to ask N different places for help either. one will do :)21:36
elfyno idea if they mailed the list? I'd doubt it21:37
elfythey didn't :)21:37
dobeysomeone mailed ubuntu-devel-discuss less than an hour ago, about it.21:38
elfysomeone might have - but it wasn't this person nor me21:38
elfyanyway - really not an issue - just asked the question and got the answer21:39
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