
jbichalet's hope this gtk upload goes smoother than last time00:40
=== roasted_ is now known as roasted
BezukhovDoes Ubuntu Gnome use Nautilus as a file manager?03:42
bjsniderof course03:58
bjsniderwhat else would it use?03:58
BezukhovFor some reason thought it used something different. Tnx04:19
roastedyou can install others if you wish04:19
roastedI had nemo running for a while, as an example04:19
BezukhovI don't.. In my limited experience Truecrypt doesn04:20
Bezukhov't play well with any thing else04:21
BezukhovDamn keyboard froze04:22
darkxstricotz, why are the webkit dbg packages so massive (amd64 only)?06:57
darkxst libwebkit2gtk-3.0-25-dbg_2.0.3-1ubuntu1~build1_amd64.deb (1.2 GiB)06:59
darkxstlibwebkit2gtk-3.0-25-dbg_2.0.3-1ubuntu1~build1_i386.deb (2.0 MiB)06:59
UbyscoobyGetting Alpha 1 nooooooooow14:33
UbyscoobyHave they fixed Nautilus so it stops closing on us14:34
UbyscoobyHave they fixed Nautilus so it stops from closing randomly?? Anybody know?14:36
roastedI never had it closing on me...14:37
UbyscoobyI see. Started about 1 month ago. Just started closing after about 10 minutes since it was opened14:38
roastedI haven't experienced that yet. are you updated?14:40
Ubyscoobyyes I do all updates... I will see hoe Alpha 1 is going after it downloads14:41
roastedisn't alpha 2 out now?14:41
Ubyscoobythanks then roasted...14:41
Ubyscoobyahhhh im just trying to see if Im gettin A2 or A114:43
roastedI would think you could just update it to alpha 214:45
roastedI'd check but I'm on my phone14:45
roastedin the waiting room of a hospital. joy. :-P14:46
Ubyscoobyok confusion. on the site lots of mention of A1 but no A2. But I see i am getting A2 so all is good14:46
roastedI think the daily build would be alpha 214:47
Ubyscoobyok I see roasted. thanks for your comments14:47
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=== Kinda_Bright is now known as Maple__
Zoiaguyverwow quiet tonight, all must be bug squashing21:24
SrslyGood Evening everyone21:57
SrslyI have a serious issue with my freshly installed ubuntu. It does not show a boot menu, just goes straight into ubuntu though I also have windows 8 isntalled21:58
ZoiaguyverTry holding the shift key when it boots, it should show you the menu then21:58
Srslyupdate-grub does not add an entry for windows 8 so I added one in 40_custom, still no menu showing up and I wonder how I can get into grub21:59
Srslywell I will try shift now21:59
Srslythough I dont like that.21:59
Zoiaguyverit should give the boot menu then21:59
ZoiaguyverDidn't work?22:01
Srslywell, I've been holding shift from the moment the medion logo appeared up to the login screen22:01
Srslymedion bios log, then blue screen, then login screen22:02
Srslynothing that amks any sense in beetween22:02
SrslyI alos tried grub-set-default with no effect22:02
ZoiaguyverI just normally keep tapping it soon as the bios appears, not sure what to suggest if you have already done a grub update, you could edit the grub.conf and set the timeout to -1, that would be the only other thing i could suggest22:03
Srsly-1 means forever?22:04
Zoiaguyverbasically means until you select something22:04
Zoiaguyverjust make sure if you do any changes to the grub.conf to run update-grub after or the changes don't normally take effect22:05
Srslytrying right now22:05
Srslyupdate-grub surely overwrites grub.cfg22:05
Srslyso I eitehr change grub.cfg OR run update-grub22:05
Srslyunless I do it in the 00_header configfile22:05
Srslywhatever, trying right now22:06
Zoiaguyverna update-grub just regenerates the file afaik it used to create a new one with the original grub i think22:06
Srslyit worked22:16
Srslyapparently a timeout=10 has no effect when tehre is a HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0 in /etc/default/grub22:17
Srslyand I need to hit esc to get into grub22:17
SrslyI actually set the HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=3 now22:17
Srslyand the HIDDEN_TIMEOUT_QUIET=false22:17
ZoiaguyverWell atleast you fixed it :)22:17
Srslymade windows 8 default again22:18
Srslyso all is as before with ubuntu available when wanted22:18
ZoiaguyverGood, good22:18
Srslyso thanks Zoiaguyver22:19
ZoiaguyverNo problem, glad I could help22:20
darkxstjbicha, there seems to be something strange with the webkit -dbg packages ? They are massive on amd64 but not i38622:30
jbichadarkxst: yeah but maybe that will be fixed with the next Debian upload22:48
fds_yo man23:03
fds_what is linux?23:03
fds_can i install linux on microsoft office?23:04

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