
alkisgHi, at what date is linux-hwe-generic (precise) going to depend on the raring kernel?06:56
alkisgBtw, I just tried the raring kernel + xorg, they work fine here, thanks :)06:59
Mirvhi. I've been unable to find some information on the wiki (BuildYourOwnKernel, KernelGitGuide, FAQ). I'd like to offer a PPA build of the kernel with a proposed patch for users before hailing the kernel team with the patch.07:19
Mirvso I've git clone:d the raring kernel, have modified a patch to apply with git am and then wondering what should I do to achieve essentially debuild -S for dputing07:20
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argesapw: hello08:17
apwarges, yo08:17
apwarges, ya08:17
apwarges, ya08:17
xnoxSo i've been discussing with Darren Hart possibility to support the new Intel MinnowBoards over at g+ https://plus.google.com/109160032876474505377/posts/35eAHQfYMbQ08:28
xnoxthe support is in/for 3.12, but there are patch series & config changes that could be pulled into 3.11.08:29
xnoxWill saucy be 3.11? it's at rc3 at the moment =/08:31
ogasawaraxnox: yep, we're gonna push for v3.1108:37
xnoxogasawara: do you know the story with EMGD intel drivers in ubuntu? (v1.18 or better) as that's what that board requires. I see some community PPAs with it, but not much else.08:38
xnoxthere is also android drivers, which means that potentially ubuntu touch can also be brought up on MinnowBoard.08:38
ogasawaraxnox: I'm not up to speed about the EMGD drivers08:41
xnoxok. thanks =)08:41
apw?b !^09:32
ppisatiapw: #$%^09:33
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apwcommit 6d3bfc7be6f80d0c6ee6800d58d573343bf6e26013:44
apwAuthor: Krzysztof Mazur <krzysiek@podlesie.net>13:44
apwDate:   Wed Mar 27 13:51:14 2013 +010013:44
apw    [libata] Fix HDIO_DRIVE_* ioctl() Linux 3.9 regression13:44
apw    13:44
apw!kernel compile14:31
ubot2`Factoid 'kernel compile' not found14:31
ubot2`Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall14:31
jibelrtg, results of dkms tests on 3.11.0-0.1
rtgjibel, cool, thanks14:36
jibelrtg, there is no view on the public jenkins for this kernel yet, you'll need a vpn access14:36
rtgjibel, right, gotta turn that on14:37
smbapw, !kernelcompile14:37
joshhunti know the non-LTS kernels are only support for 9 months now, i was wondering if there's a pay service ubuntu provides to continue getting USN updates after that 9 months?16:40
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mcs-seattleHi. Trying to find the right place to get plugged and get my hands dirty to support new laptops on the market (starting with mine). I am a developer.21:28
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