
saktaking freenode.net mobile02:00
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pittiGood morning04:26
smartboyhwHello Noskcaj how's the translation fixing with kirkland?05:38
Noskcajsmartboyhw, good. I've fix the.pot file on Launchpad, the one in testdrive is now current and testdrive actually includes translations05:46
smartboyhwNoskcaj, great:)05:46
smartboyhwNow we can enable translations for everybody:P05:46
Noskcajyep. I've also fixed a stack of lintian warnings and made testdrive a debian "native" package05:47
smartboyhwNoskcaj, wait. Why native?05:49
smartboyhwGive me a proper explanation plz.05:49
Noskcajas in the debian/sources/format file say 3.0 (native) rather than 3.0 (quilt). This is becuse the debin folder is a stock part of testdrive05:49
smartboyhwNoskcaj, OK.05:51
smartboyhwHas the code been merged in?05:51
Noskcajhalf has, then kirkland went offline and i had school05:52
Noskcajalso, i'm part of the testdrive maintainers group now05:52
smartboyhwNoskcaj, good job:)05:53
smartboyhwHeck, I'm too busy with Kubuntu here;P05:53
NoskcajI've found time to finally maintain stuff in debian and to mod my PC. Although that's about all i've done05:56
smartboyhwNoskcaj, well it's summer holidays, of course you have time....05:57
Noskcajsmartboyhw, no it's not. It's winter and school is happening05:59
smartboyhwNoskcaj, well "Winter" holidays for you I thought;P06:00
NoskcajFYI: holidays only go for two weeks here.06:00
smartboyhwNoskcaj: So, the Testdrive hackfest, when can you stay till?06:00
Noskcajalso, I GOT SPONSORED BY IceModz.com06:00
smartboyhwNoskcaj, I knew that, thank you...06:01
smartboyhwYou publicly announced that on your blog, PLZZZZZZ06:01
smartboyhwNoskcaj, where's the Testdrive Hackfest wiki page?06:01
Noskcajsmartboyhw, ok. but the stuff is here now. and wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Testdrive/Hackfest06:01
smartboyhwNoskcaj, I saw one bug talking about pae settings, you want that bug to be fixed?06:04
smartboyhwIn Testdrive project I mean (forgotten the bug no.)06:04
smartboyhwIf somebody is able to add netboot to the ISO testing list, I will really give him a thumbs up:P06:05
smartboyhwSince it's a different link entirely06:05
Noskcajsmartboyhw, feel free to add more things to the to-do list. can you add both of those?06:06
smartboyhwNoskcaj, both?06:07
smartboyhwnetboot is in there already:P06:07
smartboyhwNoskcaj, I want the Google+ Hangout on 14-15 UTC.06:07
Noskcajok, change it. I'm not going to be online then.06:07
Noskcajmaybe we finish at 1500 then?06:08
smartboyhwNoskcaj, well no, I just don't want to do Hangouts when I'm about to sleep.06:08
smartboyhwI will sleep at 160006:08
smartboyhwNoskcaj, changed06:15
smartboyhwNoskcaj, I'm now thinking about Parallels.06:16
NoskcajIf someone pulls that off...06:17
smartboyhwAndres will drop it, so I guess in the wiki page don't say "fix" it?06:17
smartboyhwI think it's rather difficult to....06:17
smartboyhwYou know, fix06:17
smartboyhwNoskcaj, it's better you post to Planet Ubuntu to promote the Testdrive Hackfest06:19
smartboyhwSo we can include it in the coming UWN06:19
smartboyhwAnd ofc, tell everyone you are now one of the maintainers:P06:19
smartboyhwWT, you got 8580 karma in Launchpad!!?!?06:20
Noskcajsmartboyhw, I'll leave parallels in the hackfest for if someone wants to make it work.06:20
smartboyhwI got 7682 only:(06:20
NoskcajTranslations FTW!06:20
NoskcajI've got about 2000 through other stuff06:20
smartboyhwNoskcaj, most of mine from packaging:P06:20
smartboyhwYou got 170 in Soyuz, I'm 596006:21
smartboyhwSo, too focused on packaging it seems;P06:21
Noskcaji'd say that06:21
Noskcaji'll be back soon. i have jobs to do and a case handle to make06:22
smartboyhwNoskcaj, you got a job!?!?!?06:22
Noskcajsmartboyhw, no, i mean, feed animals, carry rubbish to the bins, etc. although with a family of 7 and 50+ animals, i chould be getting payed ;)06:28
smartboyhwNoskcaj, LOL\06:28
DanChapmanGood Morning all :-)07:32
smartboyhwHey DanChapman07:33
DanChapmansmartboyhw, hey! How was your trip to London?07:34
smartboyhwDanChapman, greato07:35
DanChapmanjibel: hey, how are you? Any idea why the terminal test has an import error? I've been trying to figure it out but it runs fine locally.07:58
jibelDanChapman, Hi, I'm fine thanks. It is because the file is not in python path. I'll add '.' before starting autopilot, that shoudl fix the problem08:02
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DanChapmanjibel, brilliant cheers mate.08:18
Noskcajsmartboyhw, one other testdrive thing. Have you translated it to all the languages you know?08:44
smartboyhwNoskcaj, no. And translating to Chinese takes a real lot of time.08:45
smartboyhwNot like English (Australia)08:45
smartboyhwAfter all, it's not-Latin.08:45
smartboyhwAnd I only use Pinyin instead of the better Cangjie or Quick08:45
smartboyhwSince I don't know the latter two.08:45
smartboyhwI will ask people to help, no worries;P08:45
smartboyhwNoskcaj, can you ask kirkland to kill the 3.21 SRU to raring?08:46
smartboyhwObviously it can't be an "SRU", since it introduces new features08:46
Noskcajsmartboyhw, ok, and will do, although kirkland and roaxsoak have power08:47
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Noskcajsmartboyhw, What do you think i still need to do with the hackfest on planet ubuntu? http://noskcaj10.wordpress.com/?p=143&preview=true08:56
smartboyhwNoskcaj, eh, that page gave me a 404, thank you08:56
NoskcajI'll put it up then, should be fine.08:56
smartboyhwNoskcaj, I got somebody that will help translate UbuntuKylin to Chinese08:59
Noskcajsmartboyhw, please tell me you typed that wrong.08:59
smartboyhwNoskcaj, no I didn't. That somebody will tell a whole GROUP of people to translate.09:00
smartboyhwA GROUP of people is much faster than me.09:00
smartboyhwAnd as I said, my translation speed is VERY slow.09:00
Noskcajsmartboyhw, ok, cool. the bit that confused me was "I got somebody that will help translate UbuntuKylin to Chinese" when kylin is already chinese. I see what you meant though09:02
smartboyhwNoskcaj, s*** I mean testdrive09:02
smartboyhwAnd BTW UbuntuKylin isn't translated fully INTO Chinese:P09:02
smartboyhwSo Noskcaj your post managed to copy everything from the wiki page. Good job.09:03
smartboyhwDon't copy next time, plz.09:04
Noskcajsmartboyhw, i tried to edit the bits that mattered09:05
jibelDanChapman, I failure left in terminal tests https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/autopilot-ubuntu-applications/35/testReport/09:26
jibelDanChapman, it is probably because the terminal is open from the current directory not $HOME09:26
DanChapmanjibel, yeah just seen it. I will change it to get the cwd and test it that way. Thanks for sorting that out :-)09:28
jibelDanChapman, that or launch with gnome-terminal --working-directory=~09:29
jibelor the value of $HOME if ap doesn't expand ~09:30
DanChapmanjibel, the --working-directory works a treat. thanks09:35
slickymastergood morning all10:00
smartboyhwOuch, Noskcaj left10:11
smartboyhwGood evening slickymaster10:11
slickymastersmartboyhw: hi, morning here ;)10:14
DanChapmanslickymaster, morning!10:15
slickymasterDanChapman, good morning10:15
pittijibel: do you have an lxc setup to give https://code.launchpad.net/~racb/ubuntu/saucy/autopkgtest/lxc/+merge/172856 a try? if not, I'll postpone that until after the holidays11:06
pittijibel: it currently needs cloud-images containers, not debootstrap ones, so I'll think about how to install that on ubuntu builds only11:06
jibelpitti, I am not sure to have time to test it today11:12
pittijibel: ok, no worries; this isn't super-urgent11:13
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smartboyhwballoons, PING PING PING15:22
smartboyhwCan you promote Testdrive Hackfest for us?15:22
smartboyhwus = me + Noskcaj15:22
balloonssmartboyhw, evening to you15:23
balloonsit's next saturday :-)15:23
balloonscoming up fast :-)15:23
balloonsand yes, I most certainly can15:24
smartboyhwballoons, many thanks!15:25
smartboyhwNoskcaj is now in the Testdrive team BTQW15:25
balloonsI'm happy to see you guys have specifics to work on, a nice timeframe and hosted hangouts.. Good work, I think it will come together nicely for you15:26
balloonsActually smartboyhw I'll make a g+ event for folks15:27
smartboyhwballoons, GOOD15:27
smartboyhwThank you!15:29
balloonssmartboyhw, bah, I can't find you on g+15:30
smartboyhwballoons, !?15:30
smartboyhwHo Wan Chan15:30
smartboyhwIt's not Howard Chan at least;P15:30
balloonsahh, not howard.. :-)15:30
balloonsyour in my friends, it should pop.. but it wasn't, lol15:30
smartboyhwballoons, LOL15:30
slickymasterballoons, sorry for intruding so abruptly but since you're speaking about Noskcaj, do you think he might had forgotten this https://code.launchpad.net/~slickymaster/ubuntu-manual-tests/Orage/+merge/17768315:33
balloonsohh my slickymaster didn't even see your message :-)15:51
slickymasterballoons, np15:51
slickymasterballoons, as you were speaking about Noskcaj with smartboyhw I remember to ask you if it was possible that he might had forgotten to merge https://code.launchpad.net/~slickymaster/ubuntu-manual-tests/Orage/+merge/17768315:52
balloonsslickymaster, sure..  it sounds like he was ready to merge it. I can certainly do so, but it seems he wanted a few changes -- can you make them?15:52
balloonsbtw, great work on all the xubuntu testcases.. It's amazing they've all been written15:53
balloonsDanChapman, ohh mate, I wanted to ask you about ubiquity.. did you get followup on the errors?15:54
slickymasterballoons, of course I can, I posted exactly that asking him,and as he haven't answered me until now I imagine that he completely forgot it15:54
balloonsyea, most likely. I'd make the change and send another message. if he doesn't merge it over the weekend, I'll do it for you ;-)15:54
xnoxballoons: it's best to follow up with somebody who wrote autopilot, as that's unrelated to ubiquity nor the tests.15:54
slickymasterballoons, ok, will do it, then15:54
slickymasterballoons, thanks15:55
DanChapmanballoons, hello!15:55
balloonshey xnox, DanChapman. So the issue boils down to an autopilot bug16:00
robotfuelballoons: what's the autopilot bug?16:01
DanChapmanrobotfuel, we've been getting an attribute error, Process object has no poll attribute16:03
DanChapmanrobotfuel, https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/autopilot_ubiquity-saucy/20/ARCH=i386,TESTNAME=ubiquity,label=rabisu/testReport/ubiquity.tests.test_default/DefaultInstallTests/test_default_install/16:03
balloonsDanChapman, so no changes have been pushed to the code.. and thus it started then when a new version of autopilot hit?16:05
xnoxrobotfuel: we had our own way to specify private dbus address, and now the new way to do it, interferes with us. and i'm not sure how to port ubiquity to new way.16:05
xnoxor some such.16:05
xnoxrobotfuel: our wrapper script starts dbus session bus as root and starts ubiquity & autopilot with that bus in environment. but now it throws a hizzy fit =)16:06
DanChapmanballoons, i made some changes to the tests but they were running fine until ap updated16:06
robotfuelxnox: do you have a bug open?16:07
balloonsyes, ^^ ?16:07
xnoxrobotfuel: no. I wasn't sure where to investigate it further.16:07
balloonsok, well, let's get one opened up :-)16:07
robotfuelxnox: we can ask for more info if we need it16:08
xnoxbug #120782416:10
ubot5bug 1207824 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "custom session DBUS" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120782416:10
xnoxit's against autopilot & ubiquity16:10
balloonsthanks xnox16:12
robotfuelxnox: thanks16:13
robotfuelxnox: this was the commit that broke your test https://code.launchpad.net/~veebers/autopilot/fix_1206011_launch_test_app_dbus_bus/+merge/17733416:50
xnoxrobotfuel: but i guess you want that, thus ubiquity should be fixed. but i didn't look deep enough to see how ubiquity should be fixed =)16:52
robotfuelxnox: if you have a custom dbus session bus address you need to add it to your  get_autopilot_proxy_object_for_process(my_process, None, dbus_bus=<my custom address> )16:53
robotfuelxnox: by default it's using session16:53
robotfuelxnox: which wasn't the case before16:54
xnoxrobotfuel: ack, thanks. I'll look into that next week =)16:54
balloonsguten abend dkessel17:34
dkesselhallo balloons! :)17:34
balloonswie geht?17:35
balloonssorry knome I know exactly 0 words in Finnish :-(17:36
knomeballoons, mitä kuuluu?17:37
knomeballoons, == what's up?17:37
knomefixed that for you ;)17:37
balloonsknome, I want to answer "the sky"17:38
* balloons wonders how on earth to pronounce that17:38
dkesselmir geht es gut balloons. aber es ist etwas warm hier.17:38
knomelol ;)17:38
dkesselknome, mitä kuuluu?17:38
knomeballoons, that joke doesn't work in finnish ;)17:38
balloonsknome, hah!17:38
knomeballoons, but the literal translation can be "what do you hear"17:39
balloonsahh, it literally means What do you hear?17:39
knomeyes ;)17:39
knomeso you can answer "i'm listening to ..."17:39
balloonsdkessel, gut! es ist warm hier auch. Ich mag es :-)17:40
dkesselthat explains the many finnish bands :) if people have to explain all day what they are listening to....17:40
knomedkessel, minulle kuuluu hyvää. entä sinulle?17:41
dkesselknome: ??? :)17:41
knomedkessel, just answering your question!17:41
balloonslol! a little friday evening fun.. So knome since I stopped hacking autopilot, shall we finish the mockup from yesterday?17:42
knomeballoons, later, if that works for you17:42
balloonsknome, I think the ball is mostly in my court. I'll try and update things now17:42
dkesselknome, minulle kuuluu hyvää :)17:42
knomegoogle translate?17:42
dkesselmhh yeah some translation site :)17:43
dkesseldict.cc, actually17:43
knomewho needs translation sites for finnish? O:)17:43
* dkessel talks to cat: no cat, it's 30°C in here. there's lying on my lap today....17:50
balloonsdoes he like your lap or your shoulders better?17:50
balloonsknome, when you'd like to have a look; http://packages.qa.dev.stgraber.org/qatracker/milestones/254/builds/27972/testcases17:50
knomeballoons, exactly what i was looking for ++17:51
balloonsI want delve into the conversation now.. we can save it for later. but I have some thoughts17:51
knomei can do that now ;)17:52
knomeresolved other issues already17:52
balloonslol.. well, I should keep moving forward.. I've got to roll out the next cadence week for tomorrow17:52
balloonsalmost today, it's getting late in europe and I want to have it up :-)17:53
knomejust ping me when you have time :)17:53
balloonsohh.. I thought it was 1700 here..17:53
balloonsit's 1400.. hah!17:53
balloonssure, let's chat17:53
dkesselballoons, lol17:54
balloonsok, so looking at http://packages.qa.dev.stgraber.org/qatracker/milestones/254/builds would there every be anything else under (product) xubuntu besides xubuntu desktop tests?17:54
knomeballoons, no. (and i'd remove the redundant "Tests" -part)17:55
balloonsSeems a bit silly to have that distinction then, eh? Why not have this be the main screen right? http://packages.qa.dev.stgraber.org/qatracker/milestones/254/builds/27972/testcases17:55
knomeballoons, in the future we can expand that to17:56
knomexubuntu autopilot tests17:56
knomeor "xubuntu smoketests for new features"17:56
knomewe will have one redundant level anyway, and i'd rather have it in the "top" end17:57
knomebecause we will always be able to skip that if we link directly to the product17:57
knomedoes that make sense to you?17:57
knomeand to expand the idea before, the product could also be "Xubuntu alternative image tests" (if we had an alt, and if it was any different)17:58
balloonsI'm just trying to get a sense for what else would be listed in the top level18:01
knomebasically nothing else atm18:01
knomebut my point is,18:01
knomewe will have a redundant level anyway18:01
knomewhy not have it in the top rather than having to dig three levels into "fileroller" ? :)18:02
balloonssure, sure ;-)18:06
balloonsjust trying to see if any sanity existed for having something else up there18:07
balloonsok, so what does this break if anything.. hmm hmm18:07
knomeif we want, we can list the autopilot tests there18:07
knomeand while they aren't reported in the tracker, they can be there for completeness18:07
balloonsI think it can work like this.. I was expecting the data to not line up so well, but as usual, I think this makes it easier for everyone.. me too18:09
knome(or we can simply list the autopilot tests that exist for a product)18:09
balloonsyes, automated tests are an example of what else could go there18:09
knomeso that's just to indicate that this is the level that will expand, if any18:10
balloonsright.. again, understanding what could expand that level.. I'm thinking if we cared about say arch differences, or live session/not live session perhaps.. stuff like that might make sense there.. stuff of that high level of a distinction18:11
balloonscool.. So, the real question is how to convert everything then18:11
knomejust do it18:11
balloonsok, I'm going to type my way through this..18:12
knomeas i said, there's the xubuntu desktop product in the production tracker ready18:12
balloonsok, so you see this page18:12
knome(just create the saucy daily milestone and make the xubuntu product appear)18:12
balloonsall those milestones.. we drop and remove them from view completely (so status is archived, not released)18:13
knomei can't see those though18:13
balloonsright.. if we set them as released, they might confuse and clutter because of the changes.. we have the choice though18:13
knomei can only see up to the xubuntu desktop product18:13
knomethat's something you need to decide, but i'd probably simply mark them archived18:14
balloonsalright. Next we make a saucy daily milestone18:17
balloonsThen we create product familes for each flavor. Next, we create a "desktop/manual test" product for each flavor and assign it as a member of the flavors product family18:18
balloonsfinally, we add testsuites that group each of the testcases into logical units (internet, office, etc, etc). then we add those testsuites to the "desktop/manual test" product for each flavor18:19
knome(what i also like in this new system is that it reminds the ISO tracker, and thus should be pretty intuitive for anybody having used the ISO tracker)18:19
balloonsfinally we publish a build pushing the desktop/manual tests out to saucy daily18:19
balloonswhat we lose is the ability to track package specific changes in doing this18:19
knomehmm, what changes?18:20
balloonsas testcases are the only representation of a package18:20
knomedo you see that as a problem?18:20
balloonsthat said, I think we might be able to retain our current setup for calls for testing, so we can track packages.. but then the products page might be funny.. hmm18:20
knome(i'm still not sure what you mean though)18:20
balloonsright, let me give you an example18:21
balloonscheck this out: http://packages.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/262/history18:21
balloonswe tracked changes in the smart scopes ppa so the bugs and reports lined up with the ppa version.. everytime a new version was pushed, the package was updated18:22
balloonswell.. sorry, a new build on the tracker was pushed18:22
balloonsala, the iso tracker style18:22
knomei'm still not quite "on it" :)18:22
balloonsknome, what do you mean? so in this case if "ubuntu desktop tests" is the product, we can't track it like this18:23
knomecan't you track changes on the testcase level?18:23
balloonsno, you can't push a new build for a testcase18:23
balloonswe track products, lol18:23
knomeso do you see that as a problem?18:24
balloonsknome, for this type of thing, yes18:25
knomewe can still track the product bugs/changes, and isn't that what's important for an OS to track?18:25
balloonswe need the current setup in order to be able to track a package18:25
balloonsI would say for our normal "daily" testing that the tracking isn't needed18:26
balloonsindeed, perhaps it's not needed for calls for testing eitheir.. you can argue those things. That said, it's not possible to do if it is needed18:26
knomeif you need to track say, Unity, just create a Unity product under the Ubuntu family, right?18:26
knomewe always can do different things18:26
balloonsand we'd make a milestone just for it as always18:27
balloonsso you'd see saucy daily, as we've presented it18:27
knomebut i'd say not all packages need to have their own product18:27
balloonsthen a unity test -- scopes milestone or something18:27
knomeat least not from xubuntu's point of view18:27
balloonsI agree.. it's not sustainable.. the admin interface is overrun quickly doing that18:27
balloonsok, so, heh, shall we do this for this week's testing :-)18:29
knomeagain, the xubuntu desktop product is ready in the production tracker if you want to see how it looks like in reality ;)18:29
balloonsahh yes, you keep mentioning this..18:29
knomewell, we created it with this mindset18:30
knomeso it's a real example18:30
balloonsohh lookey there18:30
* balloons is a slow floater18:30
knomethat's why i've been so convinced this is the right way - we already did the brainwork ;)18:31
balloonsok, so new familes are xubuntu, ubuntu and multi-flavor18:31
balloonsi'll need to add at least lubuntu to start as well I think18:32
knomesounds correct18:32
balloonsk, archiving the milestones18:33
balloonsok, only saucy daily exists18:35
balloonsk, xubuntu first since it's ready18:36
balloonsit's beautiful18:37
knomeit is18:37
knomeno redundant clicking18:37
balloonsas always knome your input is most treasured.. many thanks18:38
knomejust get-to-the-point and enable people to test18:38
knomeno problem :)18:38
balloonsi like the grouping.. seeing it in action is believing..18:38
knomewe might want to move Xfce as a product at some point18:38
balloonsI wanted to go with the grouping idea, but I didn't quite bring it this far along.. I think this can work18:38
balloonsI was going to ask you about that :-)18:38
balloonssince it's shared :-)18:38
knomebut let's keep it as is for now18:39
knomeoh btw, xubuntu desktop seems to be under the ubuntu family ;)18:39
balloonsyea, everything was reset to ubuntu18:39
balloonsalmost every product I should say18:39
balloonsfixed :-)18:39
knomeelfy, ping18:40
balloonsso brainstorming multi-flavor.. I'm thinking kernel, and x stuff.. put that in one product.. then make just a generic "packages" product too, or make it all under one banner.. hmm perhaps one banner is fine18:42
knomehehe, yip18:43
knomeany "packages" or "tests" group is redundant18:43
balloonsdo we have a better term than multi-flavor?18:43
knomeyou *are* on the *PACKAGES* *TESTING* tracker18:43
knomecommon ?18:44
balloonsok, multi-flavor is up.. renaming is easy, so :-)18:44
dkesselhm let's see if the jenkins tests still fail if i install ALL build-deps as a pre-condition....18:44
elfyknome: pong18:45
knomeelfy, http://packages.qa.ubuntu.com/18:45
knomeelfy, see how we're organized now?18:45
knomeisn't it!18:46
knomeballoons, re multi-flavor18:46
elfythat's awesome18:47
knomeballoons, i'd probably add products like "X", "audio"18:47
balloonswould you? I was debating18:47
knomeballoons, does that make sense?18:47
balloonsbtw, I like common.. elfy your thoughts on what to call it?18:47
knomeballoons, and please stop using "Tests" ;)18:47
elfybut common works18:47
knomeballoons, as i said, it's redundant, you are on the *TESTING* tracker18:48
balloonsanywhere you see tests, feel free to rename18:48
balloonsI've been doing it as I see them18:48
knomei'll run a big commit some day then :P18:48
balloonsof course, we'll have to sync the lp source18:48
balloonsyea :-)18:48
balloonsbut testsuites was were I was worrying about it18:48
knomeelfy, we might want to rethink the mandatory/run once/optional tests18:48
balloonsthat's stored in the tracker18:48
balloonsthe cases we can do a big commit and fix18:48
elfyballoons knome - I'd +1 calling the multi flavour thing common18:48
balloonsthat's easy18:48
balloonsok, common it is.. switching18:49
elfyknome: agreed - I was thinking that about 1 minute ago :)18:49
knomeelfy, thinking that core components like xfce panel should be mandatory18:49
knomeelfy, and things like xfce dict optional18:49
knomedon't know what to group under run-once though18:49
elfyknome: let me deal with the 3 I want to sort out tomorrow and then I will look at mandatory - let you know so you can yay or nay18:50
knomeprobably something like the settings manager, which is kind of tested with all the rest of the settings tests too18:50
elfysettings manager needs to be looked at imho18:50
knomeelfy, please set up a pad at pad.ubuntu.com to do that so we can collaborate on it :)18:50
elfyknome: yep - will do :)18:51
* elfy is only setting aside half a day for forum account/sso mishaps tomorrow 18:51
knomeonly ;)18:51
elfyrest is all xubuntu stuff18:51
elfyknome: I got home at 6pm - I've just done 70 odd mails to people18:51
elfynot even looked at any on the forum today - been a complete nightmare18:52
knomeisn't it always?18:52
* knome hides18:52
elfy:) 'my e-mail is exactly the same it is broken' 'umm - no they aren't - do you want me to fix'18:53
balloonsok, so we should probably group the tests a bit better18:53
balloonsyou see this isn't as pretty: http://packages.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/300/builds/50385/testcases18:54
elfyballoons: anyway - multi-flavor tests is spelt wrong ... there's a U in flavour :p18:54
knomeballoons, firefox + thunderbird + networkmanager -> network18:54
balloonssomething wrong with the colour too eh?18:54
elfyall seems out of line here18:54
knomeballoons, alsa + pulseaudio -> audio18:54
balloonsyea.. me and my horrible english18:55
elfyyou can't help it balloons - I blame your teachers :)18:55
knomeballoons, kernel + xmir -> core18:55
balloonswhy thank you elfy :-)18:55
knomeballoons, or xmir + mesa -> graphics core or sth18:55
balloonsok,it's set to common.. an easy word to spell18:55
elfylooks good to me18:56
balloonsso elfy knome for now shall we agree to set aside the issue of some common apps across flavors.. beyond the couple big ones we pull out.. for instance, simple scan. or should we try and get them all?18:57
knomeballoons, i'd think grabbing the biggest ones is fine18:58
knomeotherwise we end up putting everything under common18:58
balloonsk. So firefox and thunderbird (we don't have a chromium test, we should note a bug for it if we don't have one)18:58
balloonswhat else besides the core things of Graphics and Kernel?18:58
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1185946 in Ubuntu Manual Tests "Test Needed: Chromium" [Undecided,New]18:59
* balloons notes his spelling is on display again18:59
knomeballoons, can't think of much more18:59
knomeballoons, we'll group when we hit something18:59
balloonsnetwork manager and orca are in there18:59
balloonsnot sure how many flavors use nm19:00
elfynot sure who uses pidgin as default without checking19:00
knomethat's why i there was a question mark ;)19:00
balloonsI think we'll leave it to the big browsers for now and see what happens19:00
balloonsso now, last thing we need is grouping these19:00
elfybetter to add things later than have to fiddle about removing things and putting them elsewhere19:01
knomeballoons, i already msg'd you some proposals19:01
balloonsyes, indeed..19:01
knomethe odd tests can then be grouped under "others" IMO19:01
balloonsremove the redundant naming eh.. you must really hate that!19:02
balloonsafter this is over I'll want to clean up all the old stuff to make the admin pages saner19:02
knomeyeah... was thinking about that too19:03
dkesseljamespage, are you there? i saw your name on the ubuntu jenkins package page... maybe you can help me19:04
* dkessel wonders how jenkins itself can be built for ubuntu at all....19:04
balloonsdkessel, :*-(19:05
dkesselballoons, even with all build-deps, the tests (and product code) still cannot find some java packages they depend on...19:06
balloonspretty.. http://packages.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/300/builds/50385/testcases19:07
balloonsphillw, any chance your about?19:07
knomeballoons, that does look good :)19:07
dkesseltest cases for common...mhhh19:07
dkesselthat reads strange19:08
balloonsdkessel, your input appreciated19:09
balloonsslickymaster, check out the changes to the packages tracker.. input appreciated :-)19:09
knomecan be fixed by changing the template to "$PRODUCT testcases in $MILESTONE"19:10
dkesselwell - maybe not call it "multi-flavo(u)r" again ;)... but "test cases for all flavors" would kind make sense19:10
knomebut not accurate19:10
knomenot *all* flavors have say, firefox19:10
dkesseloh ok. then i misunderstood.19:10
dkesseld'oh. maybe i should've added the build-deps for "saucy", not raring....19:11
knomeballoons, what do you think if we reordered the words as i proposed? that'd fix the issue, and must be trivial to do19:11
knomeballoons, or just "$PRODUCT in $MILESTONE" if you want to get shorter :)19:12
balloonsknome, ok, I got lost somewhere19:14
knomeballoons, lol, dkessel's point...19:14
knomeballoons, currently:  Testcases for Common in Saucy Daily19:14
knomeballoons, change to: Common (testcases) in Saucy Daily19:15
knomeballoons, fixes the naming problem19:15
balloonsknome, ahh.. that's a coding change19:15
knomeballoons, yup.19:15
knomeballoons, trivial one though19:15
balloonswell.. actually no19:15
knomehow so?19:16
knomeit's just text.19:16
balloonsyes yes19:16
dkesselknome, good idea19:16
knomeballoons, in iso, currently:  Testcases for Ubuntu Desktop amd64 in Saucy Daily19:16
knomeballoons, change to: Ubuntu Desktop amd64 (testcases) in Saucy Daily19:16
knomemuch more to-the-point as well19:17
balloonsfair enough.. we should file a bug then19:17
knomei can do that in a few minutes unless you jump on it before :D19:17
knomeok, filing19:19
Letozaf_balloons, buonasera :)19:21
knomeballoons, do you have a tag for all trackers?19:22
knomeaha, qa-tracker19:22
balloonsLetozaf_, buonasera19:23
Letozaf_I have been working on that rssreader app problem, but swipe does not work even if I got the Canonical feed correctly now19:23
knomeballoons, bug 120787719:23
ubot5bug 1207877 in Ubuntu QA Website "Update testsuite/case page title on trackers" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120787719:23
balloonsLetozaf_, we've been busy messing with the qatracker if I can sidetrack you for one moment19:23
Letozaf_balloons, sure, I will be back in another moment when you are not so busy :p19:23
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balloonsLetozaf_, we want your opinion :-) o19:25
balloonshave a look: http://packages.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/300/builds19:25
Letozaf_balloons, oh! sure19:25
* Letozaf_ is looking 19:25
balloonsso knome basically had the idea, along with the xubuntu crew to change how the layout works to be very similar to the iso tracker19:28
Letozaf_balloons, yes it look fine, with a lot of links for understanding better what to do and how19:28
* elfy waits for irclog to catch up as he lost connection19:28
Letozaf_balloons, thats very helpful19:28
balloonsso the products are split between what's common and what a flavor specific, and you'll see how nicely they've grouped things: http://packages.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/300/builds/50384/testcases19:29
knomeelfy, that's why you need a screen on this channel :)19:29
balloonsahh, yea, having a permanent connection is rather nice19:30
elfyknome: oh yea - I'll go look ... piskie will tell me all :)19:30
Letozaf_balloons, yes look neat19:31
* balloons wonders how many aliases elfy has19:31
slickymasterballoons, sorry for interrupting, but it's just a quick update. Already made the changes to https://code.launchpad.net/~slickymaster/ubuntu-manual-tests/Orage/+merge/17768319:31
slickymasterballoons, it's ready for merge19:31
balloonsLetozaf_, great.. So I have to group the ubuntu tests together and we should be good to go for this week :-)19:31
elfyballoons: about 10 ...19:31
balloonsknome, or elfy could you merge slickymaster's changes whilst I help Letozaf_ ?19:31
Letozaf_balloons, yes I19:32
elfyyou can just never tell who'll tell tales :p19:32
Letozaf_balloons, think it will be good19:32
elfyknome: I can do it shortly if you like19:32
balloonsalways iterating along.. I'm curious to see what everyone else will think.. anyways, to rss reader!19:32
knomeelfy, sure. thanks :)19:32
Letozaf_balloons, thanks, I pushed everything here: https://code.launchpad.net/~carla-sella/ubuntu-rssreader-app/anotherSwipeCnt19:32
balloonsty both!19:32
Letozaf_balloons, yw19:32
balloonsk Letozaf_ I'll bzr pull to update :-)19:33
slickymasterballoons, elfy, knome, thanks. Got run. My wife is waiting for me19:33
balloonsenjoy slickymaster !19:33
Letozaf_balloons, I have clicked on the canonical feed before swiping, and the click is correct, do not understand why swipe does not work19:33
balloonselfy, about 10, wow.. I think I know of 319:33
forestpiskieballoons: you might know of themadmonk19:34
balloonsLetozaf_, ohh good.. if the click is correct, this should be easy to fix, lol :-)19:34
balloonsforestpiskie, nope, that's new19:34
balloonsto me19:34
Letozaf_balloons, ha ha... :p19:34
elfyknome: I knew that having screen somewhere would be a good idea ... anyway - time to eat19:34
Letozaf_balloons, I put a sleep just to see that the click works, it's just for debugging19:35
knomeelfy, bon appetit19:35
balloonsLetozaf_, conflicts ofc, lol.. because I changed things too.. I'll just revert to your stuff19:39
Letozaf_balloons, ok19:39
Letozaf_balloons, :)19:40
* balloons remembers bzr shelve and bzr unshelve19:40
Letozaf_balloons, :?19:41
* Letozaf_ uses google19:41
Letozaf_balloons, cool19:42
dkesselmh, jenkins autopkgtest build fails with saucy build-deps, too :-(19:43
balloonsdkessel, when you become an autopkgtest expert too, you can update me :-)19:44
knomesudo apt-get install balloons19:44
dkesselsudo apt-get install autopkgtest-expert-wisdom19:44
knomeor is it just in a private PPA?19:44
balloonsohh.. to think if I was a package19:44
* balloons dreams19:45
knomemistype me and you'll get "half of gnome"19:45
knome(something we in xubuntu refer to when some package pulls in unwanted dependencies)19:45
balloons--no-install-recommends is your best friend19:46
balloonsI want knome only, not elfy too!19:46
dkesselballoons, maybe its best if i post to ubuntu-devel-discuss (if that is an open list) and ask for help...19:47
knomeballoons, not when building the ISO seed ;)19:48
balloonsdkessel, I'm sorry, I thought we sent something along already to someone who could help19:50
balloonsand yes, it's an open list.19:50
Letozaf_balloons, I've been trying, whatever values I put in self.pointing_device.drag it drags high19:53
balloonsLetozaf_, sorry, it's failing long before for me19:54
balloonsone sec19:54
balloonsLetozaf_, ok, I think that's solved.. one issue with the test is that it wants to remove a topic that might not exist19:55
balloonsas in my case :-)19:55
balloonswe might want to roll this into the add test.. so it adds and removes.. anyways19:56
Letozaf_balloons, oh sorry, the Canonical feed should already be added... otherwise it does not work19:56
Letozaf_balloons, have to complete the test still, it's just work in progress19:56
balloonsright :-)19:56
balloonsso anyways, it's running now19:57
balloonsLetozaf_, ok so I fixed the get_topic issue20:02
Letozaf_balloons, what was it ?20:02
balloonsLetozaf_, well I used the objectName.. I did several things20:03
balloonsit wasn't selecting the right topic for me20:03
balloonsso let's see if it works now that it does20:03
Letozaf_balloons, weired, I could click the topic, but it doesn't matter as long as it works :)20:03
balloonsNoskcaj, check out http://packages.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/300/builds20:06
Noskcajballoons, will do20:07
dkesselmail is out, good night!20:07
balloonsdkessel, gut nacht120:07
balloonslol Letozaf_ it simple doesn't go to the proper place20:08
Letozaf_balloons, yes but I cannot get it to go to the right one :p20:08
Noskcajballoons, looks good.20:09
Letozaf_balloons, maybe I need a map :p20:09
balloonsLetozaf_, I printed the coords.. its moving to 15,1620:09
balloonsthat's no good.. hmm20:09
balloonslet me try adding in the qmlview coords :-)20:10
balloonsLetozaf_, ohh d'oh!20:10
balloonsstupid stupid20:11
Letozaf_balloons, what :p20:11
balloonsok, so the x axis was totally wrong20:13
balloonswe only care about the width of the screen.. the location is meaningless20:13
balloonsfixing the y axis now20:16
balloonsI grabbed the qml view and using the width and hight properties20:16
Letozaf_balloons, but where the x and y values of the canonical topic wrong ? I mean in vis20:16
balloonsLetozaf_, no, but they are relative values I believe20:17
balloonson our pc screens it matters20:17
Letozaf_balloons, oh!20:17
balloons        startX = int(qmlView.x + qmlView.width * 0.35) stopX = int(qmlView.x + qmlView.width * 0.50)20:18
Letozaf_balloons, and the y ? was that fine ?20:18
balloonsLetozaf_, no.. so the y value I'm trying to figure out20:19
Letozaf_balloons, sorry :p20:19
balloonsyou have qmlView.y and qmlView.height20:19
elfyknome: ok - merged orage now20:20
balloonscanonical topic.y for me is 15.. the coord for me is listed as 52 and the height is listed as 60020:20
knomeelfy, ta ta20:20
* elfy must send a note to the list - not sure who's marking bugs - that was one of the 3 I had down as committed and needing to go to tracker20:21
balloonsLetozaf_, playing in vis now to understand things better20:21
Letozaf_balloons, thanks20:21
Letozaf_balloons, for showing the toolbar you did        lineX = qmlView.x + qmlView.width * 0.50       startY = qmlView.y + qmlView.height - 1      stopY = qmlView.y + qmlView.height * 0.9520:24
Letozaf_balloons, maybe this can help understand20:24
balloonsyes, you grab the coord, qmlView.y + the offest20:25
balloonsthe offset in the toolbar case is qmlView.height * a percentage20:25
balloonsin our case, we need to know where the thing we clicked is at :-)20:25
Letozaf_balloons, yes but how ?20:25
Letozaf_balloons, that's why I said  I need a map :p20:26
balloonswell, I thought we'd have the proper offset20:26
balloonsbut it seems the x, y isn't?20:26
Letozaf_balloons, no it clicks on the upper left side of the screen20:26
Letozaf_balloons, well not clicks, swipes20:27
balloonsLetozaf_, lol.. it doesn't do that anymore :-)20:27
balloonsLetozaf_, so it should be something like lineY = int(qmlView.y + canonicalTopic.y)20:29
balloonsbut that's just a little too high.. something is missing20:29
Letozaf_balloons, maybe we need the qmlViwe.height light for the tooldbar20:32
balloonsLetozaf_, yes I agree20:32
balloonsthe tabbar at the top rather20:32
Letozaf_balloons, but that percentage, could it be right or what ?20:32
balloonsautopilot vis has the answer I think20:35
balloonslet me confirm20:35
knometabbar? sounded like swedish20:36
balloonsso the qmlView is 400x600 on my screen for example20:36
balloonsnow, the units are relative, so we can depend on these values.. however, the page view is only 524 units20:36
balloonsthus in my case the top section is 76 pixels high20:37
knomelol, and is... "tabba" is "a goof", "tabbar" is "goofs"20:37
Letozaf_knome, :p20:37
balloonsLetozaf_, so we should be able to grab the page height instead and subtract them to get the offset we need20:37
Letozaf_balloons, I'm a  bit lost :p... let me see if I see the values you see20:38
balloonslook at the mainview width and height20:39
balloonsthen look at the pagestack, and click one of the pages.. you'll see a slightly smaller value20:39
Letozaf_balloons, oh right the header is 76 also for me20:40
balloonsright.. but it could change, so we'll do the math20:40
balloonslet me add that and we should be good :-)20:40
Letozaf_balloons, also my page is 600 x 40020:41
Letozaf_balloons, well 400 x 60020:41
Letozaf_balloons, the globalRect property seems to have the right values20:43
Letozaf_balloons, of the page I mean, all together20:43
balloonsyes, but I don't think we want to use that20:43
balloonsit has absolute pixels20:43
Letozaf_balloons, no, you're right20:43
balloonsbah, just need to get the objectName squared.. almost got it20:44
* Letozaf_ is lost in vis20:49
balloonsit worked20:49
Letozaf_balloons, gooooood!20:50
Letozaf_balloons is magic :O20:51
balloonsok, so I'll push my branch back up so you can see20:52
Letozaf_balloons, thanks :)20:53
balloonsLetozaf_, lp:~nskaggs/ubuntu-rssreader-app/carla-remove-topic20:59
Letozaf_balloons, I will pull it now thanks20:59
balloonsyou should be able to bzr merge if you'd like21:00
Letozaf_balloons, I have already branched it in another directory :p21:02
Letozaf_balloons, so I can look at it and understand, at least I will try to :p21:03
Letozaf_balloons, it works!!! thank you!21:04
Letozaf_balloons, I owe you a milkshake (you do not drink beer :p)21:04
balloonsLetozaf_, your most welcome. So know you get to finish up the heavy lifting.. does what we did make sense?21:04
balloonsLetozaf_, :-) I'm happy to do it..21:04
balloonsi had to learn something too!21:04
Letozaf_balloons, yes21:04
balloonsyour always finding these troublesome things21:04
Letozaf_balloons, :p21:05
Letozaf_balloons, going to bed now, I will carry on tomorrow, thanks a lot and have a nice week end21:05
balloonsciao Letozaf_21:05
Letozaf_balloons, ciao e buon fine settimana21:05
balloonsci vediamo lunedi21:06
elfyballoons: odd issue - you know anything ? go here https://launchpad.net/ubuntu click Report a bug - I've just confirmed someone else's issue - it goes to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs21:32
balloonselfy, that redirect is intended21:32
balloonsbasically the bugsquad doesn't want generic bugs to triage from ubuntu21:32
balloonsso to help there workload, that redirect exists.. they prefer things filed using ubuntu-bug :-)21:33
knomehmm, i don't get that21:33
elfyneither do I - but then I don't do anything with bugs21:33
balloonswhew, I finished arranging ubuntu.. I'm going to try something for lubuntu.. see what is out there21:33
balloonsright, I would chat with the bugs guys a bit more.. but afaik, that's how that works21:34
balloonsnow if your logged in, it might not redirect you, depending21:34
balloonswelp.. ok, so nvm.. redirects me too :-)21:34
balloonsok, so ubuntu gnome and lubuntu are all set it.. lubuntu even has some tests :-)21:39
phillwballoons: I am21:39
balloonsphillw, right on cue21:39
balloonshave a look mate:21:39
phillwballoons: yup, looked... now seriously puzzled as to why there is only one lubuntu offering?21:40
balloonswell, you've got to help me expand it ;-) The basic idea was to sort things out and flatten the views, and make things more similar to the iso tracker21:41
balloonsknome really helped pioneer the idea, and we spent a couple days hashing on it this week21:42
phillwballoons: whilst I'm sure it does make things much easier on the eye for people, do not for get that 1) lubuntu are the only flavour with server who have an alternate image 2) with last weeks issue from the release team, we are now the ppc holders. I'd love for it to be cut down as it is, but these two sets of ISO's are *really* important to lubuntu and part of raison d'etre21:46
balloonsphillw, I'm confused -- this is about the package side.. no matter how you run lubuntu, you've got lubuntu packages ;-)21:50
balloonson the iso tracker, all those images will of course be tracked and tested, etc21:50
balloonson the packages side, we've lumped them together as one.. now, we can happily consider adding tests on the packages tracker for specific arch's, etc21:51
phillwballoons: you have also lost me, I've had a real long day today.21:51
balloonswe spoke about that briefly today.. for xubuntu and ubuntu, we'll leave it as is21:51
balloonsphillw, ahh.. no worries then.21:51
phillwI'll catch up with things over the w/end... between dead bodies on the rail line and points failures in the tracks... It has been a blooming LONG train journey there and back. balloons I promise to look into it over the w/end. I'm still trying to catch up with emails.21:53
balloonsin a nutshell, the packages tracker has the a listing of testcases for all default apps in every flavor (well, that's our goal, some flavors have more tests written than others). We want to test all the default apps, just like we test the images. We've changed the layout to make it easier to see what needs tested in each flavor by sorting the testcases between "common" and flavor specific21:53
phillwballoons: did you see the one re: OVH, which was preying on minds?21:53
balloonsif you click xubuntu, you see all the xubuntu tests, click common, you'll see the common things like kernel, etc21:53
balloonsdon't worry to omuch about it now21:55
phillwballoons: I'm sorry, but I've not gotten people from lubuntu for the test case re-writes. mine were some time ago. I've been spending time on wiki stuff.21:55
balloonslike yourself, it's time for me to wind down and find some food!21:55
balloonsphillw, I know I know.. I think this will help folks want to write more tests.. We have a list of stuff needing done, and a very clear place they will end up21:55
balloonswell, know we have a very clear place :-) hence I think it will help21:56
balloonsanyways, cheers mate21:56
balloonselfy, knome , Noskcaj good night to you as well21:56
elfynight balloons21:56
Noskcajnight balloons21:56
phillwhaving a newcomer take a look at the ppa wiki, reminded me just how much we take for granted of a new person joining.21:57
phillwg'night balloons have a good week end.21:57
elfyphillw: try using the packages.qa manual21:57
elfyoh sorry - there isn't one :p21:57
elfydocumentation is in peoples heads :)21:58
phillwelfy: try https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/PPA_Testing hopefully easier for n00b to understand. It is all very well to have a page that lasts 10 pages on for 'glossary', but a newcomer would never take that all on board. I am used to getting told off by Liz for pre-assuming knowledge. As a way to get around this, I've asked a person how is a new-commer, but a very good author to review my pages. It may look simplistic to you and others, but when 22:01
phillwdeatils of what we are talking about on one page.22:01
elfythat looks easy to follow22:02
phillwwe have the next one to for adding in the *test* repo's :D22:05
phillwelfy: it may seem easy, but even for me trying to write in newcommer language, I take for accepted terms that we all use that will not understand.22:06
phillw*that they will not*22:07
knomenighty balloons :)22:08
phillwelfy: that new page is built from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Testing/PPA_Testing Has all the same instructions, just less explanation. This is what I'm quietly trying to get done :)22:08
elfyphillw: I know what you mean - I had the same thing with bzr and then getting to grips with packages.q.com22:10
elfyplanning to write stuff out22:10
phillwelfy: if you need an "over view" and do not mind the questions, Linda has already shown herself to be very good on such pages. Basically, she has to be able to understand it. Pages may be longer, but someone dropping onto them for the 1st time have a darn good chance of uderstanding it. Her work on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Hardware changed that page totally in explaining *why* is does stuff, instead of of >> Just do this<<22:15
phillwsection 'A' didn't even exist :D22:17
elfyphillw: probably hard to do that way - as if it was me then I'd want to look physically at what I was writing - and you'd need to be an admin22:17
phillwI write them technically correct, and explain as I think they should be. It is only when a literate newcommer reviews things, do we realise that we forgot some of the basics :) This is no slur on us, we have to get it technically correct, but having a 'techcnical author' review our stuff is a gain to everyone who follows.22:19
elfyI agree - but if said reviewer cannot see what you're writing about ...22:20
phillwHe he, the HOURS I spent on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Activities and I still have stuff to add!22:21
phillwelfy: they will ask, because if they cannot; you cannot expect a new comer to understand. Here's a blast from the plast.... http://forum.phillw.net/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=35 when you editied it, you asked me to remove your name. over 2,000 people have viewed it since :)22:29
elfyphillw: you're not understanding me :)22:32
elfywrite something about win7 - ask me to review it - how can I - got no access :)22:32
Noskcajelfy, I just borrow/take on of my brother's computers for that22:34
phillwelfy: I was quietly warned away from Win7, now that Win8 has had the start button added it is getting pretty good reviews22:39
Noskcajphillw, 8.122:39
phillwNoskcaj: what ever they call it. when I replaced an XP machine, I was quietly advised to go to Win 8 with the update.22:41
phillwthat win did offer (very quietly) a free update from win7 to Win8, does speak volumes. for my self? I'm glad, XP goes EOL in march... talk about cutting it fine!22:44
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