
jbichacould you retry the gtk+3.0 and gvfs autopkgtests? apparently they were triggered before the i386 gtk+3.0 binary had been fully published02:51
jbichaand notify-osd, software-properties, evolution-data-server03:01
xnoxCan ubuntu-themes please let through? it's being held by firefox autopkgtest that is failing08:56
xnoxautopkgtest for firefox 23.0~b10+build1-0ubuntu1: FAIL08:56
xnoxPlease de-new multi-arched tcl8.6 (following suite of the default tcl8.5) https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/saucy/+queue?queue_state=0&queue_text=tcl08:58
cjwatsoninfinity: Retries *ought* to be collected automatically09:06
cjwatsonHm, gtk+3.0 doesn't seem to have been though09:10
cjwatsonjibel: ^- Do you know why adt-britney still thinks gtk+3.0 is running?09:11
cjwatsonThere's a .result file with a pass at the proper version, AFAICS09:12
jibelcjwatson, I think I fixed gtk+3.0 earlier this morning, the only running I see in excuses are09:16
jibelautopkgtest for postgresql-9.1 9.1.9-2bzr1: RUNNING (Jenkins: public, private)09:16
jibelautopkgtest for php5 5.5.1+dfsg-1ubuntu1: RUNNING (Jenkins: public, private)09:16
jibelfor tzdata09:16
jibelcjwatson, where do you see gtk+3.0 is running?09:16
jibels/I think//09:17
cjwatson$ cat saucy-proposed_amd64_gtk+3.0; echo09:22
cjwatson{"status": {"i386": "RUNNING", "amd64": "RUNNING", "all": "RUNNING"}09:22
cjwatsonin ~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/autopkgtest/data/adt/saucy-proposed/amd64/09:22
cjwatsonAnd in excuses, gtk+3.0 is listed as FAIL, which is also wrong but differently09:22
cjwatsonThe most recent test at that version passed and that was several hours ago09:23
cjwatsonchrisccoulson: Any chance of either fixing or removing the firefox autopkgtests?09:24
cjwatsonxnox: firefox tests forced for now09:25
xnoxcjwatson: thanks.09:26
seb128cjwatson, on -devel earlier: <chrisccoulson> seb128, jibel, i can't reproduce it here. and from looking at the log, it doesn't look like it even gets to the point of starting the test harness09:37
infinitycjwatson: The retry for eglibc doesn't seem to have been picked up, it's still FAIL.09:41
chrisccoulsonseb128, cjwatson, see last comment in #ubuntu-devel ;)09:42
xnoxhttps://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/saucy-adt-ubiquity/128/ARCH=i386,label=adt/console is very odd, it failed, but it is testing 2.15.13 adt tests against 2.15.12 installed package.10:00
xnoxwhich is expected to fail, but obsolete package version is being tested.10:00
xnoxjibel: cjwatson: ^ mirror delays again?!10:00
cjwatsonxnox: not my fault10:09
jibelxnox, it's my fault. I'm stepping through the workflow to find where it should wait, and where test states get out of sync10:18
ogra_Setting up python3.3-minimal (3.3.2-3ubuntu1) ...10:30
ogra_  File "/usr/lib/python3.3/site.py", line 23210:30
ogra_    if hasattr(os, "getgid") and hasattr(os, "getegidify         # check process gid == effective gid10:30
ogra_hmfp ...10:31
ogra_(last ubuntu touch image build ^^^)10:31
ogra_weird, and there were no changes to python10:32
cjwatsonogra_: it's obvious panda damage again10:33
cjwatsonjust retry10:33
ogra_yeah, i'm not sure if i shouldnt ask for a reboot first10:34
cjwatsonI wouldn't bother10:34
* ogra_ retires10:34
cjwatsonI was actually just in the process of catching up on #ubuntu-touch to see if you were already discussing this before telling you10:34
cjwatsoninfinity: How goes the Calxeda install, anyway? :)10:40
infinitycjwatson: See #is.10:41
cjwatsonHm, right10:43
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