[06:23] jutro [06:23] zdravo [06:23] botsnack :) [06:23] ce se smejes ne vela. [06:24] aja [06:24] botsnack [06:24] now i'm worried [06:24] nc, sibam [06:24] srecno [06:24] lp [06:38] http://www.haber.ba/zanimljivosti/svastara/51250-u-zimskim-jaknama-prosetali-mostarom-na-41.html [06:38] Atrakcija na društvenim mrežama - U zimskim jaknama prošetali Mostarom na +41! - Haber.ba [06:38] »Trojici nepoznatih momaka nije trebalo dugo vremena da postanu atrakcija na društvenim mrežama. Naime, fotografija na kojoj tri druga poziraju kraj mostarskog sata koji pokazuje 41 stepen postala je prava senzacija na Facebooku. Vjerujemo kako su prolaznici bili zbunjeni, a također ne sumnjamo kako i vi nećete ostati ravnodušni na čin raspoložene ekipe.« [06:56] lol http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/aug/01/government-tracking-google-searches [06:56] My family's Google searching got us a visit from counterterrorism police | Michele Catalano | Comment is free | theguardian.com [06:56] »Michele Catalano: Officers showed up at our door suspecting we were terrorists because we looked up info on pressure cookers and backpacks« [07:02] !g pressure cooker bomb [07:02] Pressure cooker bomb - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pressure_cooker_bomb [07:03] lp [07:04] lp [07:04] !g backpack [07:04] A note about Backpack http://backpackit.com/ [07:17] ping [07:17] What is your wish? [07:19] botsnack [07:19] Om nom nom! [07:19] good bot [07:19] in pr tem pomislim, če je Seniorita ljubosumna :D [07:21] kolk botov je zdj tu gor? [07:22] http://www.haber.ba/tehnologija/mobiteli/51155-vlasnici-androida-pijanci-uz-blackberry-ima-novca.html [07:22] Mobitel otkriva - Vlasnici androida pijanci, uz blackberry ima novca! - Haber.ba [07:22] »Osobe koje koriste iPhone smatraju sebe neustrašivim, pametnim i najvjerovatnije rade u medijima, izdavaštvu, obrazovanju i prodaji.« [07:22] napsy: breza Seniorita ubuntulog za te vem [07:24] morda je še kak, nekateri so skoz tiho :p [10:01] http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2013-08-01/most-important-number-entire-us-economy [10:02] The Most Important Number In The Entire U.S. Economy | Zero Hedge [10:02] »There is one vitally important number that everyone needs to be watching right now, and it doesn't have anything to do with unemployment, inflation or housing.  If this number gets too high, it will collapse the entire U.S. financial system.« [10:08] http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2013-08-01/what-google-knows-about-you [10:08] What Google Knows About You | Zero Hedge [10:08] »In short, pretty much everything.« [10:24] [OMG! Ubuntu!] Unity 8 Available For Testing in Ubuntu 13.10 – But Don’t Expect Too Much http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/d0od/~3/xCKwL-vJvhw/unity-8-ubuntu-13-10-arrives [10:38] [Web Upd8] Andrew: Unity 8 Available In The Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander Repositories http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/webupd8/~3/RYPp7sOKtY0/unity-8-available-in-ubuntu-1310-saucy.html [10:39] http://www.haber.ba/zanimljivosti/luda-planeta/51269-ovo-je-zivot-idiota-koji-mi-je-ukrao-mobitel-foto.html hekerka [10:39] Patnje jedne djevojke - "Ovo je život idiota koji mi je ukrao mobitel!" (FOTO) - Haber.ba [10:39] »Ako vam ikada itko nešto ukrao, zasigurno ste se barem jednom zapitali gdje je telefon, bicikl, laptop ... No, jedna djevojka koja je izgubila svoj smartfon na Ibizi svakog dana ima uvid u to što novi vlasnik njenog mobitela radi.« [10:46] yang tole bo zate http://www.wandboard.org/ [10:46] Wandboard - Freescale i.MX6 ARM Cortex-A9 Opensource Community Development Board - BLOG [10:46] »Freescale i.MX6 ARM Cortex-A9 opensource community Wandboard« [10:47] hm [10:47] mogoce pa res [10:48] zgleda poceni [11:21] http://lifeofastrangerwhostolemyphone.tumblr.com/ [11:21] miha kul blog :D [11:31] CrazyLemon: tale bi bil zate http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1844770/ [11:31] Sand Sharks (Video 2011) - IMDb [11:31] »Directed by Mark Atkins. With Corin Nemec, Brooke Hogan, Vanessa Lee Evigan, Eric Scott Woods. A shark who swims in sand terrorizes a tropical paradise.« [11:39] CrazyLemon: me spominja na http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4oB28ksiIo [11:39] Defcon 18 Pwned By the owner What happens when you steal a hackers computer zoz part - YouTube [11:55] zdobersek nigga pls [11:55] 2011? get real..i only watch latest movies [11:56] miha zaz je car :) [12:07] Folku se je strgal, našopajo si klimo v avtu, poj pa vozijo lagano Loeb-sportski. [12:07] iščem eksperta za python regex :) [12:08] no, v bistvu ne rabi biti ekspert, ampak zgolj dobro podkovan [12:08] R33D3M33R: /topic [12:08] R33D3M33R: povej ... [12:08] s čim se ti pingvini ukvarjajo http://www.finance.si/8344924/Poslanka-PS-nad-rev%C5%A1%C4%8Dino-s-%C5%A1olskimi-uniformami/ [12:08] Poslanka PS nad revščino s šolskimi uniformami - Finance.si [12:08] »Največji slovenski poslovno - borzni portal« [12:09] tole bi rad matchal: http://pastebin.com/NhsdGa37 [12:09] [GetText] msgctxt "NAME OF TRANSLATORS" msgid "Your names" msgstr "Ime1,Ime2,Ime3" ms - Pastebin.com [12:10] tole imam: najdi = re.compile("msgid \"Your emails\"\nmsgstr \"(.*)\"\n\n#",re.DOTALL) [12:10] matcha preveč stvari [12:10] tule pa dela: http://www.pythonregex.com/ [12:10] Python Regex Tool [12:10] »A web-based python regular expression tool for rapidly testing regular expressions. Includes support for python regex specific functions such as dotall and unicode.« [12:10] sem poskusil z tudi re.M pa ni nič bolje [12:12] \w+ "(.+)" [12:13] kaj točno želiš potegnit ven? [12:13] orginal string pa prevedeni del? [12:13] potegniti hočem: [12:13] mail1@mail.com,mail2@mail.com,mai" [12:14] "l3@mail.com [12:14] .+ je prepožrešno :) [12:14] a se da požrešnost zmanjšati? [12:15] če dam ? namesto zvezdice ne dela [12:23] ah seveda, ? je treba dodati => .*? [12:23] no jaz sem za sprecifični primer tole pogruntal (msgstr "(.*)")(\n("(.*)"))+ [12:27] aha, zanimivo, torej + matcha poljubno število (\n("(.*)"))? [12:29] + sem sicer že uporabljal ampak nikoli na tak način ... [12:30] mhm matcha tega kjer je samo msgstr pol pa če ima še "" v novi vrstici do prve prazne vrstice [12:31] grafično http://screencloud.net/v/qgh3 [12:31] Screenshot at 14:30:31 | ScreenCloud [12:31] »Screenshot shared with ScreenCloud, an easy to use screenshot sharing application« [12:37] https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=_MSrAwfagG4 [12:37] Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa - Official Trailer - YouTube [12:37] »Johnny Knoxville stars as Irving Zisman in Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa. In theaters October 25th! Visit the official site to make your own GIFs using the B...« [12:53] [Web Upd8] Andrew: Ambiance Theme Updated With Dark Toolbars For Nautilus And Other GNOME 3 Apps [Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander] http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/webupd8/~3/hPdPq2z8hbM/ambiance-theme-updated-with-dark.html [13:11] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpnET4zzVyg [13:11] Q-FOG crowdfunding campaign - YouTube [13:11] »Please Support Us at : Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign: http://igg.me/at/Q-FOG« [13:16] lol You can go to the Yugo factory, give them the blueprints for a Cadillac and they’ll produce a vehicle that looks like a Cadillac but which is still, essentially, a Yugo. [13:16] ^^ http://fossforce.com/2013/08/why-mark-shuttleworth-is-important-to-desktop-linux/ [13:16] Why Mark Shuttleworth Is Important to Desktop Linux « FOSS ForceFOSS Force [13:16] »If you want to see desktop Linux finally get some traction with the unwashed public, Mark Shuttleworth is more likely to be the guy who'll make that happen than anyone who's come along so far. He's a capitalist and for better or worse this is a capitalist world. He knows that nothing big is going to« [13:28] dz0ny: v čem ti pa to tak obarva? [13:28] regexpal [13:29] u, lepo :) === jero is now known as Guest27917 [14:09] dz0ny: CrazyLemon: playnight? [14:10] hm 5ish vstanmjutri [14:13] to pomeni da igramo do 11ih [14:17] idioterna: http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2013/08/fukushima-worse-than-you-know.html [14:18] You Won’t BELIEVE What’s Going On at Fukushima Right Now | Washington's Blog [14:18] »Tepco Has No Idea How to Stabilize the Reactors You've heard bad news about Fukushima recently. But it's worse than you know. The Wall Street Journal notes that radiation levels outside the plant a...« [14:20] ah dej no [14:20] "worse than you know" [14:20] ker bullshit. [14:20] no it isn't [14:20] it's exactly how we know it is === LorD_DDooM_ is now known as LorD_DDooM [14:51] dan [15:13] pitko: a ze beres knjige ? :D [15:13] hahha [15:13] xD [15:13] ne [15:13] :D === Lurker69_ is now known as Lurker69 [15:13] pol pa dol pa knjige brat :) [15:13] druge posle [15:13] :) [15:15] http://www.siol.net/novice/crna_kronika/2013/08/voznja_napacna_smer.aspx [15:15] mal sm se še z jsonom poigrov [15:15] 78-letna voznica se ni zavedala, da vozi po avtocesti, vozila je celo v napačno smer - Planet Siol.net [15:15] »V sredo je voznik obvestil policijo, da po avtocesti na območju Vranskega v smeri Celja starejša voznica z osebnim vozilom renault clio vozi v nasprotno smer, so sporočili s PU-ja Celje.« [15:15] unfcking believable [15:15] mogoče nardim plugin za chrome [15:15] :) mal pomoči za prevajanje [16:40] [OMG! Ubuntu!] How To Create A GIF from Video on Ubuntu With QGifer http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/d0od/~3/x_Nti9zB6ps/how-to-create-a-gif-from-video-on-ubuntu-with-qgifer [17:44] HIV area http://www.mrstefanbraun.rs/img/about/10.jpg [18:21] yang ne bit tok nesramn no [18:21] nimajo vse dame noči HIV-a [18:21] ene imajo AIDS [18:34] hitnoj i vlaznoj [18:34] aids pa nebi vedel [18:54] Latest Beta Driver 116 MB 13.8 Beta 8/1/2013 [18:54] dz0ny ^ [18:54] http://support.amd.com/us/kbarticles/Pages/AMDCatalyst13-8LINBetaDriver.aspx [18:54] AMD Catalyst™ 13.8 Beta Driver for Linux [18:58] CrazyLemon: da vidmo === CrazyMelon is now known as CrazyLemon [19:20] kul..xorg-lts-raring je v LTS repozitoriju [19:33] ps axf [19:34] upps [19:38] OHNOES [19:39] sudo apt-get update [19:39] geslodaganepogruntaš [19:39] haha [19:39] js sam zvezdice vidim :/ [19:39] zihr si svoje geslo vpisal [19:39] :> [19:40] reverse psychology [19:49] nc grem eno dota2 [19:51] ej ej ej [19:51] jutri zgodej vstanes [19:51] sej 30 min je game [19:52] ob 11 spat [19:52] se polno casa [20:46] CrazyLemon: a orange ze pogeldal? [20:46] the new black? [20:46] mhm [20:52] ln [21:13] http://www.theatlantic.com/infocus/2013/08/afghanistans-children-of-war/100565/ [21:13] Afghanistan's Children of War - In Focus - The Atlantic [21:13] »The United Nations issued a report on Wednesday stating that the number of civilians killed or wounded in Afghanistan rose by 23 percent in the first six months of 2013, with women and children faring the worst -- killed by roadside bombs almost every day« [21:27] dz0ny ah kje.. 23gb je cela sezona