
GridCube:) im making a booteable SD card :D00:58
slooksterpsvhas anyone test out the XMir iso of Xubuntu?01:13
Unit193I've done 3 with the new spin.01:13
Unit193(Not just me of course, just answering for myself.)01:14
slooksterpsvI know it's alpha, but I may run it as my primary linux os just to see what glitches, bugs, etc. I have using it day to day with XFCE apps01:15
slooksterpsvdo you feel it's becoming mature enough to completely replace X?01:15
Unit193Heh, must be working better than it did for me.  Not right now I don't, no, but that's me.01:15
slooksterpsvby the way this is my primary alias, on Xubuntu side I come in as shawnb - it's been busy so I haven't done much but I saw the email for the XMir and am pretty excited about it01:16
Unit193pleia2: Poke, still around?01:21
Unit193That was quick.  Mind if I crop everything above my nick to "we're collecting" in the pad?01:22
pleia2go for it01:22
Unit193Boom, ta.01:23
sak_finally got freenode.net working on my android01:59
Unit193Hah, congrats.  yaircc?02:01
sak_thanks 02:02
pleia2Unit193: do we want to collect the feedback again for mir folks?16:39
pleia2I mean, we are collecting, but emailing it to them :)16:39
* GridCube thinks we should17:05
giani admit i'm not very knowledgeable about these things, but...17:11
gianif you'll be staying with xorg (which i personally hope), do you know if you will depend on xorg components not supported by canonical?17:11
gianif so, perhaps it would be a good idea to liaison with other flavors in the same boat about how to manage the xorg situation17:12
elfypleia2: I'd agree wiuth GridCube - but let's not be in such a hurry this time to do it - give people enough time to actually try it17:18
GridCubegian: in order to take that desition we need lots and lots of real hardware testings17:20
gianGridCube: yes, among other things, agree17:20
GridCubegian: you should read http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2013/xubuntu-devel.2013-07-11-15.00.log.html17:21
gianyes, I was present at the meeting17:22
GridCubeoh, then you know how its going to be, canonical will not provide support for xorg, and soon engoun not even xmir if i didnt missunderstood17:22
gianhm, not sure that's exactly the full picture, but then i'm not very well acquainted with the technical intricacies17:24
gianit looks to me as a bit of a 'damned if you do, damned if you don't' situation17:24
GridCubewe are in a weird place17:26
pleia2gian: so there wouldn't need to be a lot of direct collaboration with other flavors, we all use the same exact packages (xorg in this case) so as long as *someone* is maintaining it and we're all testing + filing bugs it should just come together like it always has, even if Canonical isn't paying much attention to it17:28
gianpleia2: agree, i was thinking about that someone17:29
gianif there turns out to be no such person around, that means you basically have no choice17:30
pleia2well, if no such person comes around then we just do a direct sync from Debian, where someone is maintaining it17:30
pleia2but I'm not worried17:31
pleia2enough flavors and derivative will continue to use xorg for now that it'll be handled17:31
giani hope so too17:31
giannot that switching to debian would be very painful, but i really like what you have done with xubuntu17:32
gianand at least up until now, the ubuntu base has been pretty solid17:33
Unit193pleia2: Well, didn't get much/any helpful feedback, IMO...19:28
pleia2Unit193: I disagree19:28
pleia2maybe we didn't get a lot of quantitative data this time, the feedback we have now is important19:29
pleia2are there any systems where it worked better?19:29
pleia2maybe for skellat, since it was working for him all along19:29
Unit193I was just saying last time didn't go very well, but you are free to disagree. :)19:30
Unit193(We do have more info this time, yes.)19:30
pleia2well they fixed our issues from last time19:31
pleia2we need to keep communicating if we're serious about trying this thing :)19:31
pleia2woo, mailing list archives are finally caught up to august!19:32
pleia2knome: care to tweet? https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/xubuntu-devel/2013-August/009205.html19:32
pleia2I put it on the facebook and g+19:38
* pleia2 passes around the troll repellent19:39
pleia2good to be prepared19:40
skellatpleia2: Even if XMir boots for me it is only doing so on an End Of Life netbook from System76.  I can't get it to work on our production audio machine for The Burning Circle and other programs.20:20
pleia2skellat: have you tried the latest image?20:21
pleia2curious to see progress from everyone who tested previously if possible20:21
Unit193Yeah, the best computer here doesn't crash on mir, but would be far better as it'd fall to xorg.  Completely unusable...20:21
skellatpleia2: Yeah, got a cascade of apport failures in booting on the System76 netbook.  I took a picture of what I got on-screen on the super-critical audio production computer here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/skellat/audiobox-profile?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=IMG_0039.JPG20:22
pleia2good golly20:23
skellatThe netbook is ultimately expendable in the grand scheme.  The audio production computer isn't.20:23
knomei just got the inspiration for the next xubuntu wallpaper!20:23
skellatThe parent wiki page has the full lshw output for the XMir developers to mull over20:24
* knome can't find wiki.ubuntu.com/Parent20:25
* knome hides20:25
pleia2thanks, seeing your notes in the etherpad now20:25
knomei know. i'm just telling some really bad jokes.20:25
Unit193skellat: Is that an image with the background of the current session?  If so, that's better than the stuff happening here! :P20:29
skellatUnit193: No, that's me taking a shot with a camera of what's shown on a 32 inch display20:29
Unit193Sure, but if the image on the monitor is of the current session, then it's more or less right.20:30
skellatUnit193: It is only more or less right if one has consumer massive quantities of hallucinogenic drugs, though20:30
skellatMy hands were very steady on that20:32
gianbut...does it at least feel fast and slightly smoother? ;)20:32
skellatI had to pull the plug on that machine as it was unresponsive with that trashed display image and would not even bail out20:32
Unit193How well does it work to take a video of a monitor? :P20:33
skellatI can run such again and post it to YouTube20:33
knomeUnit193, badly. i've done that to indicate a failure in the monitors output20:33
Unit193Bleh...  So we're booting a live system, the Lord of the Rings ring is the background on the real system.  When in Mir, I see the One Ring, Firefox (which wasn't open before shuting down.), and something else pixelated all over the screen, changing with every twitch of the mouse.20:35
Unit193Not sure I can explain it any better.20:35
skellatRan another test, attempting to upload it to YouTube, will post link once it is up20:43
elfyknome: http://pad.ubuntu.com/4XGwzaC0JI20:51
elfystarter for 10 ... 20:53
knomeoptional/mandatory looks good20:53
knomepower manager and settings manager could be run once20:53
knomei think xfdesktop and appearance are different enough - if not, we should rather look at merging them20:53
knomesame with xfwm4 settings/wm20:53
knomedoes that make sense to you?20:54
elfyI just made some quick notes20:54
elfyI need to sit down with the settings manager - there might be some in there that should be mandatory and others not20:54
elfyif that's the case we should move mandatory out so we can specify once etc for those 20:55
elfybut I need to not look just now :)20:55
knomethe settings manager is something that probably gets tested along with the other tests that you run under that20:57
knomeeg. getting to the appearance settings requires settings manager working20:57
knome(unless you know the CLI command, but that's obviously cheating)20:57
elfyother thing that needs to be checked is that all setting types are catered for somewhere20:58
knomei'm not following now20:59
elfyI'll make notes on the pad :)20:59
knomei played around a bit with it :P21:00
knomere: settings manager tests generally... i'm not sure if we need to test every single button21:01
knomebut if people will test those... sure.21:02
elfythere are ~30 ... 21:03
elfyknome can you insert an image into pad? 21:04
knomeuse imagebin21:04
knomeand link21:05
elfyknome: do the notes I've made make more sense to you? 21:06
elfyother thing I have thought of - we've created our product - with a bunch of testcases21:07
elfycan someone like ubuntustudio use a testcase in their product if we've used it?21:08
elfyok 21:08
elfyif they couldn't then it's tough anyway :) as we wrote the things lol 21:09
knomethough we should try to put the big, in-common tests in the common pool21:09
elfyI can laugh - was worried for a while21:09
elfyyea agreed 21:09
knomebut with xfce we can pretty much just even tell them to run the xfce tests under xubuntu21:09
elfyI'd guess that people with someone else doing legwork anyway 21:10
elfyknome: thanks for doing optional/mandatory listing - I wanted you to see the currents and changes 21:13
knomenp :)21:15
pleia2Unit193: have you been actually installing xubuntu or clicking on "try" like skellat did?23:46
Unit193Try, it's live and being tested on real machines (also known as, computers that will not be messed up. :P )23:47
pleia2ah, I've been installing!23:47
pleia2suppose I could try no-install on my desktop and other computers23:48

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