=== Muzer_ is now known as Muzer === dduffey_afk is now known as dduffey [10:07] hi [10:08] i've got a small problem with mythbuntu: it seems mythfrontend starts before mythbackend is loaded. it then prompts me to enter language/backend ip. how can i prevent mythfrontend from starting before mythbackend? [10:18] <__raven> "recording" shell session: do you know about a way/tool to record a shell session to a kind of ascii-video? [17:36] lux3_, you could add a sleep to the start script [17:45] tgm4883: where's the start script located? [17:46] i could also do a check in the start script if mythbackend is already running, and if not sleep until it's running [17:46] lux3_, IIRC, /usr/bin/mythfrontend [17:46] while(mythbackend not running){sleep 2s} somethin like that [17:47] hum but that would mean it sleeps every time i start frontend. i only want to put a sleep in when i turned on the computer [17:48] lux3_, I'll leave that to you then to figure out what to do [17:50] tgm4883: would it be possible to start another script on computer startup? [17:50] I suppose so [17:50] any idea how? [17:52] lux3_, we set the frontend to start by adding this file ~/.config/autostart/mythtv.desktop [17:54] ok so i would have to delete this symlink and create a new .desktop file, pointing to my script? [17:54] lux3_, yes, or you could just alter that file to point to your script [17:54] gotta run [17:54] * tgm4883 out [17:55] yes but if i modify that desktop file it would always when i launch frontend launch the modified script === __raven is now known as raven_sleepmode