[06:46] OK pr ubuntu so spet pametni, so kar lib32asound2 vrgli iz repota in nek svoj lib furajo zdej [06:46] wtf [07:33] While evaluating our options, using the lib32asound2 (or any of its implementations) we concluded that neither approach would allow us to do what we want in the quality that we would like to see for Ubuntu. [07:33] :P [08:05] jero__: to si bom pa sposodu :P [08:25] .imdb The matrix [08:25] The Matrix (1999) - 8.7(✋ 717,646 http://imdb.com/title/tt0133093 [08:25] A computer hacker learns from mysterious rebels about the true nature of his reality and his role in the war against its controllers. [08:27] .imdb Elysium [08:27] Elysium (2003) - 3.8(✋ 200 http://imdb.com/title/tt0356577 [08:27] Four knights fight against 'The Elysian' to guard 'The Ark'-mankind's last defense. [08:27] .imdb Elysium 2013 [08:27] undefined (undefined) - undefined(✋ undefined http://imdb.com/title/undefined [08:27] undefined [08:44] .imdb The Gatekeepers [08:44] The Gatekeepers (2012) - 7.3(✋ 1,472 http://imdb.com/title/tt2309788 [08:44] A documentary featuring interviews with all surviving former heads of Shin Bet, the Israeli security agency whose activities and membership are closely held state secrets. [09:29] [Ubuntu.si] strauski: Re: Izšla je SUP - Slovenska Ubuntu premešanka 12.04 https://www.ubuntu.si/punbb/post/40565/#p40565 [09:29] lp [09:30] ravno gledam kaj bi danes se pogledal :> [09:41] [Ubuntu.si] jierro: Re: Izšla je SUP - Slovenska Ubuntu premešanka 12.04 https://www.ubuntu.si/punbb/post/40566/#p40566 [10:16] .vreme ljubljana [10:17] .vreme bled [10:17] ARSO: Ljubljana (299m): 32.5°C @03.08.2013 11:30 CEST. [10:17] V naslednjih 12 urah je predvidena oblačnost [10:17] .vreme nedela [10:17] http://forecast.io/#/f/46.05645089999999,14.5080702 [10:17] ARSO: Rudno polje (1347 m) (1347m): 27.6°C @03.08.2013 11:30 CEST. [10:17] V naslednjih 12 urah je predvidena oblačnost [10:17] http://forecast.io/#/f/46.3683266,14.1145798 [10:17] Občina Bled: 32.38°C, Sončni vzhod: 05:48:09, Sončni zahod: 20:31:13 [10:17] Mestna Občina Ljubljana: 32.98°C, Sončni vzhod: 05:47:26, Sončni zahod: 20:28:44 [10:17] dz0ny: na desetinko natancno je ok [10:18] na dve decimalki pa ni potrebe da obvesca :) [10:18] tok vremensko obcutljivi nismo :) [10:25] hellow [10:30] [OMG! Ubuntu!] Ubuntu Edge Crowdfunding Passes $8 Million Mark http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/d0od/~3/Q1XWEUB__0U/ubuntu-edge-soars-past-8-million-milestone [10:58] [Ubuntu.si] R33D3M33R: Re: ubuntuforums.org shekan, priporočena zamenjava gesel https://www.ubuntu.si/punbb/post/40567/#p40567 [11:45] dan [11:45] Dober dan, pitko_ [11:45] rahla pomoč -.- #ubuntu-si [11:45] eh [11:46] zivjo pitko_ [11:46] sudo must be setuid root [11:46] kva je to [11:46] -.- [11:46] drive mi crazy že cel dopoldne [11:46] me* [11:47] to pomeni, da moras username dodati med sudoers [11:47] da lahko su-jas [11:47] sudo-jas pardon [11:47] sudo-ja se znebis tako, da se enostavno logiras kot root [11:47] napises "su" in postanes root [11:48] ce pa zelis iz userja poganjat "root" komande pa uporabis "sudo" komanda... [11:49] sudo su ne dela [11:49] ne [11:49] recimo [11:49] cd bi rad videl "ls -la" kot root [11:49] iz userja napises "sudo ls -la" [11:49] potem vneses svoje uporabnisko geslo [11:50] vendar moras biti v listi za sudo enabled logine [11:50] al pa samo vpisi "su" in bos root [11:50] pitko: od tebe zahteva da ima uporabniški id == 0 to je root v večini primerov [11:50] mal se mi čudnu zdi k je dozdej delalu :D [11:51] si se kaj igral za računi pa grupami? [11:51] ne to delam na ubuntu strežniku [11:51] .ubuntu alsa-lib [11:51] While evaluating our options, using the alsa-lib (or any of its implementations) we concluded that neither approach would allow us to do what we want in the quality that we would like to see for Ubuntu. [11:51] k ga mam doma postavljenga [11:53] to naj bi bil root uporabnik [11:53] -,.- [11:55] chown: changing ownership of `/usr/bin/sudo': Operation not permitted če zamenam [11:55] mism če dam to chown root:root /usr/bin/sudo [11:55] pitko_: nastavitve so v /etc/sudoers [11:55] ne pusti tisto [11:55] ja [11:55] to vem ja [11:55] :) [11:56] # Allow members of group sudo to execute any command [11:56] %sudo ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL [11:56] huhu pitko_ kaj ti čaraš no [11:56] pastebinaj /etc/sudoers [11:57] https://paste.sh/client [11:57] http://askubuntu.com/questions/7477/how-can-i-add-a-new-user-as-sudoer-using-the-command-line [11:57] tole je bl priročno [11:57] sudo - How can I add a new user as sudoer using the command line? - Ask Ubuntu [11:57] -.- [11:59] Error reading sudoers: Permission denied [11:59] pa omg [11:59] ja you borked everything [11:59] yea [11:59] ne [11:59] -...- [11:59] sudo su ti še dela? [11:59] sudoers moras editirati kot root [12:00] to je root uporabnik [12:00] mislim /etc/sudoers [12:00] ne mores ga spreminjati kot user [12:00] yang: njemu da error ker root ni več id == 0 [12:00] ceprav po defaultu bi ti moral user prijeti ampak si ocitno zjebaal nekaj [12:00] in pol nič ne more [12:00] aja, uf [12:00] pitko_: a ce probas "su" pa vpisati root geslo ti ne deluje ? [12:01] su: Authentication failure [12:01] tipkam [12:01] root geslo [12:01] morda si geslo pozabil [12:02] am :D [12:02] tale strežnik mam pol leta že [12:02] do zdej je delalu vsssssssse [12:02] OMG [12:02] še radius strežnik sm mel gor [12:02] :) [12:02] in pol en dan puf vse gre k vragu :D [12:03] I don't respond to people who use chat slang [12:03] btw sudo su root -c sh napiše kaj [12:04] ker če ne moreš nič greš v recovery mode [12:04] se dropneš v root [12:04] in tam porpaviš sudoers groups [12:05] pa users file [12:05] ja to sm glih nameravu [12:06] ampak bom še to probu [12:06] no go yess -.- [12:06] brb [12:09] heh [12:09] na eni strani morm nek pin vnest [12:09] in sem ga pozabil [12:09] probal sem ze vse moozne pine [12:09] pa noben ne prime [12:09] hehe [12:09] sicer hvalabogu ni pomembno [12:11] .ubuntu ia32-libs [12:11] While evaluating our options, using the ia32-libs (or any of its implementations) we concluded that neither approach would allow us to do what we want in the quality that we would like to see for Ubuntu. [12:11] hm [12:11] kva naj tipkam v sudoers [12:11] dz0ny: a teb rata instalirat ia32-libs ? [12:11] yang: ne :P nima več vira [12:11] pitko_: poglej na uno stran [12:11] so kr pobrisal [12:12] dz0ny: ja bedarija [12:12] pitko_: sem ti pastal [12:12] prej manual [12:12] in zdej java ne dela, teamwiever ne dela [12:12] a hvala [12:12] vidm.. [12:12] dz0ny: ja broken je tale ubuntu in posledicno trisquel [12:12] stream nekaj svojega vleče [12:12] steam** [12:12] wtf so to mel [12:13] hacked by true 64bit hackers! [12:13] :) [12:14] tale naš mark premal pizdi na developerje [12:14] za vzgled najman linus [12:15] hm grem mal spamat na ubuntu da vidmo kaj pravjo [12:18] pravijo da je sedaj raring multiarch ? [12:19] napiše mi da je read only file system -.- [12:19] ne kregajo se al ubuntu pomen pekarna al soba [12:20] na živce mi gre ker ni nobene sposobne osebe tam gor [12:20] se da kako forsat to [12:22] pitko_: remount -o rw / [12:22] cc sej res ja -.- [12:22] force is within you [12:23] * dz0ny majčkeno tečen danes [12:31] yang: equivs-control [12:31] fake deb [12:31] nardiš [12:31] ker so kao libi zdej v drugih paketih [13:16] jeeej [13:16] sesut strežnik [13:16] kumi čakam *_* -.- [13:16] nedela nič! [13:34] http://www.engadget.com/2013/08/02/android-device-manager/ [13:34] Google intros Android Device Manager to help you find that missing handset [13:34] »Frequently lose your phone? Yeah, join the club. Don't worry, Google's got a fix. Android Device Manager will be available later this month for phones« [13:34] 'bout time [13:38] .vreme koper [13:38] ARSO: Koper Kapitanija (3.837m): 30.7°C @03.08.2013 15:00 CEST. [13:38] V naslednjih 12 urah je predvidena oblačnost [13:38] http://forecast.io/#/f/45.54805899999999,13.7301877 [13:38] Koper: 32.63°C, Sončni vzhod: 05:52:00, Sončni zahod: 20:30:25 [13:38] .vreme ljubljana [13:38] ARSO: Ljubljana (299m): 38°C @03.08.2013 15:00 CEST. [13:38] V naslednjih 12 urah je predvidena oblačnost [13:38] http://forecast.io/#/f/46.05645089999999,14.5080702 [13:38] Mestna Občina Ljubljana: 37.09°C, Sončni vzhod: 05:47:26, Sončni zahod: 20:28:44 [13:38] huh [13:39] rekord v ljubljani :) [13:39] .vreme novo mesto [13:39] ARSO: Novo mesto (220m): 38.8°C @03.08.2013 15:00 CEST. [13:39] V naslednjih 12 urah je predvidena oblačnost [13:39] http://forecast.io/#/f/45.80108240000001,15.1710089 [13:39] Novo Mesto: 38.04°C, Sončni vzhod: 05:45:32, Sončni zahod: 20:25:22 [13:39] prav tako v NM :) [13:39] .vreme celje [13:39] ARSO: Celje (241.7m): 37.8°C @03.08.2013 15:00 CEST. [13:39] V naslednjih 12 urah se obeta stabilno vreme :) [13:39] http://forecast.io/#/f/46.23974949999999,15.2677063 [13:39] Mestna Občina Celje: 35.28°C, Sončni vzhod: 05:43:53, Sončni zahod: 20:26:13 [13:39] merilna postaja v Ljubljani izmerila 38 stopinj Celzija, medtem ko je bil dosedanji rekord 37,6 stopinje Celzija. V Slovenj Gradcu je samodejna merilna postaja izmerila 36,9 stopinje Celzija (prejšnji rekord je 36,8 stopinje Celzija), v Novem mestu pa se je ogrelo na 39 stopinj Celzija (prejšnji rekord je 38,4 stopinje Celzija). [13:40] bogi tisti brez klime [13:40] .vreme babno polje [13:40] ARSO: Babno Polje (756 m) (756m): 32.9°C @03.08.2013 15:00 CEST. [13:40] V naslednjih 12 urah je predvidena oblačnost [13:40] http://forecast.io/#/f/45.6454189,14.5493277 [13:40] Hrib-Loski Potok: 33.39°C, Sončni vzhod: 05:48:26, Sončni zahod: 20:27:25 [13:40] burja :) [13:40] indeed [14:20] .ubuntu kaj [14:20] While evaluating our options, using the kaj (or any of its implementations) we concluded that neither approach would allow us to do what we want in the quality that we would like to see for Ubuntu. [14:20] .ubuntu Unity [14:20] While evaluating our options, using the Unity (or any of its implementations) we concluded that neither approach would allow us to do what we want in the quality that we would like to see for Ubuntu. [14:20] hehe [14:20] najs [14:32] jero_: it's now called Unity v8 [15:00] .ubuntu penis [15:00] While evaluating our options, using the penis (or any of its implementations) we concluded that neither approach would allow us to do what we want in the quality that we would like to see for Ubuntu. === Lurker69_ is now known as Lurker69 [15:17] zdobersek: dota kej? [15:21] dz0ny: prot botom [15:21] lahko tud [15:21] pol urce [15:21] ? [15:21] cez pol urce? [15:21] lahko. [15:22] ok [16:11] hva zj [16:11] gres [16:11] frem [16:11] gg je bil [16:11] grem [16:12] http://i.imgur.com/lfvnxCR.jpg [16:13] NSFW mogoce?! [16:13] pol je tud dota no [16:14] perverznež dz0ny [16:14] but nice ass [16:22] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Seychelles_Export_Treemap.png [16:22] File:Seychelles Export Treemap.png - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [16:22] na sejselih majo export kompjuterjev ?? [16:22] kje hudica jih pa proizvajajo [16:25] [OMG! Ubuntu!] GTK3 Theme Fix Pushed to Ubuntu 13.10 http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/d0od/~3/ujNBrFLehnQ/ubuntu-themes-fix-coming-to-saucy [16:40] .breme lj [16:40] .vreme lj [16:41] ARSO: Ljubljana (299m): 36.6°C @03.08.2013 18:00 CEST. [16:41] V naslednjih 12 urah je predvidena oblačnost [16:41] http://forecast.io/#/f/46.0184975,14.5216705 [16:41] Ljubljana: 35.07°C, Sončni vzhod: 05:47:31, Sončni zahod: 20:28:35 [16:41] notri jih mam +27 v najbolj toplem delu [16:46] .vreme črnomelj [16:46] ARSO: Črnomelj (157m): 38°C @03.08.2013 18:00 CEST. [16:46] V naslednjih 12 urah se obeta stabilno vreme :) [16:46] http://forecast.io/#/f/45.57148369999999,15.1930773 [16:46] Crnomelj: 36.87°C, Sončni vzhod: 05:46:06, Sončni zahod: 20:24:38 [16:46] baje je blo 40 [16:49] am metaserver to se ne prevaja ne? [16:53] medvedi se bodo skuhal [16:53] v kozuhih [17:47] .vreme lj [17:47] ARSO: Ljubljana (299m): 35.6°C @03.08.2013 19:00 CEST. [17:47] V naslednjih 12 urah je predvidena oblačnost [17:47] http://forecast.io/#/f/46.0184975,14.5216705 [17:47] Ljubljana: 32.44°C, Sončni vzhod: 05:47:31, Sončni zahod: 20:28:35 [17:58] v gozdu ni take vrocine [17:58] ja kake 3-5 stopinj manj je [17:58] se vedno preko 30 [17:59] hm men se ni zdel [17:59] no verjetno odvisno od gozda tut [17:59] tle je bukov, hladen, vlazen [17:59] ja [17:59] odvisno [17:59] kok je zarasceno [18:00] medved gre najverjetneje k vodi se ohladit [18:22] dz0ny: si kej studiral wandboard kako se ti zdi [18:54] yang dual sd se mi zdi kul [18:55] sem že razmišlal o lvm :) [18:55] jst bi quad vzel [18:55] aja prov dual sd slot ima [18:55] ja 2 sd kartice [18:55] pa še sata [18:55] sam moram mal pogeldat kak oto video zmore [18:56] sd je bolj crap [18:56] mhm [18:56] prepocasi gre [18:56] sam se zna samo z tam bootat [18:56] ja [18:57] za boot je ok [18:57] pa fora je kako je vse skupaj povezano [18:57] če je sata sam pa direkt na vodilu potem ok [18:57] drugače hmm [18:58] vprasanje kak je tist sata sploh [18:59] mhm ni blok diagrama nikjer [18:59] btw https://www.yoctoproject.org/about [18:59] .vreme lj [18:59] ARSO: Ljubljana (299m): 31.6°C @03.08.2013 20:30 CEST. [18:59] V naslednjih 12 urah je predvidena oblačnost [18:59] http://forecast.io/#/f/46.0184975,14.5216705 [18:59] Ljubljana: 28.82°C, Sončni vzhod: 05:47:31, Sončni zahod: 20:28:35 [19:00] baje da je single core wandboard 2x hitrejsi od rpija [19:00] ker je ze novejsi ARM [19:01] ja to itak [19:01] cortex 9 + thumb v3 [19:01] ceprav najvecji problem je kako zna jedra izkoriščat [19:02] za 4 jedrni snap dragon že preklinajjo [19:02] da se je samsung samo pohavlu [19:02] dela pa ne :P [19:02] verjetno odvisno od samega softwera oz distribucije [19:02] verjamem da debian zna delat s tem [19:02] ja od jedara [19:02] kernela [19:03] sam probljem je da samo samsung ve cel stack in kako se krmil jedra [19:03] če tist del ni spisan [19:03] ja [19:03] potem je polom [19:03] .imdb Emperor [19:03] Emperor (2012) - 6.1(✋ 713 http://imdb.com/title/tt2103264 [19:03] As the Japanese surrender at the end of WWII, Gen. Fellers is tasked with deciding if Emperor Hirohito will be hanged as a war criminal. Influencing his ruling is his quest to find Aya, an exchange student he met years earlier in the U.S. [19:03] proprietary, kaj ces :) [19:04] .imdb godfather [19:04] Godfather (2006) - 6.5(✋ 788 http://imdb.com/title/tt0442781 [19:04] N/A [19:04] .imdb godfather I [19:04] undefined (undefined) - undefined(✋ undefined http://imdb.com/title/undefined [19:04] undefined [19:04] .imdb godfather 1 [19:04] undefined (undefined) - undefined(✋ undefined http://imdb.com/title/undefined [19:04] undefined [19:04] ? [19:04] .imdb godfather [19:04] Godfather (2006) - 6.5(✋ 788 http://imdb.com/title/tt0442781 [19:04] N/A [19:05] .imdb godfather 2 [19:05] undefined (undefined) - undefined(✋ undefined http://imdb.com/title/undefined [19:05] undefined [19:06] aha pogruntu [19:06] apiju so dal se neki [19:06] http://www.omdbapi.com/ [19:06] The OMDb API v2.1 by Brian Fritz [19:06] »OMDb API JSON XML« [19:08] how dare thee [19:08] .imdb The Godfather: Part II [19:08] The Godfather: Part II (1974) - 9.0(✋ 458,586 http://imdb.com/title/tt0071562 [19:08] The early life and career of Vito Corleone in 1920s New York is portrayed while his son, Michael, expands and tightens his grip on his crime syndicate stretching from Lake Tahoe, Nevada to pre-revolution 1958 Cuba. [19:09] hm se vid da to ni google [19:15] .film godfather [19:15] The Godfather (1972) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sY1S34973zA?fs=1&hd=1&hl=en_US Vito Corleone is the aging don (head) of the Corleone Mafia Family. His youngest son Michael has returned from WWII just in time to see the wedding of Connie Corleone (Michael's sister) to Carlo Rizzi. [19:18] dz0ny tist za octa core govorijo [19:19] exynos? [19:19] jp [19:19] 'octo'core [19:22] .imdb godfather 2 [19:23] .imdb the matrix [19:23] The Matrix (1999) - 8.7(✋ 717,646) (RT 87) http://imdb.com/title/tt0133093 [19:23] A computer hacker learns from mysterious rebels about the true nature of his reality and his role in the war against its controllers. [19:23] rt je gnil paradajz [19:24] .imdb Emperor 2012 [19:24] imdb Emperor [19:24] .imdb Emperor [19:24] Emperor (2012) - 6.1(✋ 713) (RT 30) http://imdb.com/title/tt2103264 [19:24] As the Japanese surrender at the end of WWII, Gen. Fellers is tasked with deciding if Emperor Hirohito will be hanged as a war criminal. Influencing his ruling is his quest to find Aya, an exchange student he met years earlier in the U.S. [19:25] Ratings: 6,1/10 from 1.350 users Metascore: 48/100 [19:26] hm tole se ne posodablja urno [19:32] mogoče mesečno? :> [19:57] oo kul http://spritesmods.com/?art=hddhack&page=3 [19:57] Sprites mods - Hard disk hacking - Hooking up JTAG [19:58] en cortex core je kr frej [19:58] zihr NSA rada kej ponuca [20:52] jap tole hdd hacking tgleda zanimivo [20:54] http://youtu.be/D8Im0_KUEf8?t=28m31s [20:54] Writing a Thumbdrive from Scratch [29c3] - YouTube [20:54] »Writing a Thumbdrive from Scratch Prototyping Active Disk Antiforensics This action-packed lecture presents the inner workings of the author's from-scratch i...« [20:54] tale travis godspeed ma zanimive prezentacije na podobno temo [20:55] http://travisgoodspeed.blogspot.de/ ter itjemen blog [20:55] Travis Goodspeed's Blog