
rick_hheh, missed this one http://sourceforge.net/blog/today-we-offer-devshare-beta-a-sustainable-way-to-fund-open-source-software/11:22
snap-lrick_h: Yeah, that's fucking brilliant14:54
rick_hok, so motox isn't what I want. /me waits for new nexus this fall hopefully...though 4.3 just came out :/ http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2422625,00.asp17:50
snap-lYeah, seems the MotoX is a mixed baf23:14
snap-lbag, even23:14
rick_hyea, more consumer than I had expected23:16
rick_hnote to self, nex time I go to test a massive 'reindex all bookmarks' celery job...make sure to clear out most of the bookmarks in the test system.23:46

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