
robby_I would like to move all my pictures in a bunch of folder into one big folder00:00
robby_I tried mv *.jpg ~/Pictures00:00
daftykinsthat would only work in one folder at a time, yeah00:01
Brian21any one good using drbd?00:01
robby_it didn't work00:01
wilee-nileeBrian21, The channel works with you stating the issue.00:02
daftykinsrobby_: if you're in one of the folders with the pics, it should definitely work. maybe with an additional / at the end00:03
robby_daftykins, I'll try that00:03
=== Motoservo_ is now known as Motoservo
Brian21I followed this guide  https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/drbd.html  and it did not work.00:04
wilee-nilee!details | Brian2100:04
ubottuBrian21: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."00:04
robby_mv: cannot stat ‘*.jpg’: No such file or directory | when using | mv *.jpg ~/Pictures/00:05
wilee-nileeBrian21, Give any details you can if you can to the channel, cuts out the 20 questions dialog to get that info. ;)00:06
Brian21Failure: (104) Can not open backing device.00:06
Brian21[r0] cmd /sbin/drbdsetup 0 disk /dev/sda1 /dev/sda1 internal --set-defaults --create-device  failed - continuing!00:06
Brian21 00:06
robby_maybe another program command other than mv00:06
daftykinsrobby_: it might be case sensitive, if they're JPG00:07
daftykins+it won't work00:07
Brian21i tried using sdb1 as device but wont work00:08
Brian21any suggestions?00:10
raedovguys , how could i know which driver is used ?00:11
Brian21so what can i do?00:11
daftykinsraedov: for your graphics? pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log00:12
OerHeksjockey-text -l # for current driver00:12
raedovdaftykins: yes for graphics card00:13
caninSoo... what ARM computers does Ubuntu officially support?00:13
definedhey i installed ubuntu today and it already tells me low disk space... how can i check how much space i have left?00:13
reisiodefined: df -h from a terminal always works00:13
raedovdaftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5942043/00:13
daftykinsBrian21: were you running that with sudo?00:13
definedthanks... reisio its left_turn btw:)00:13
Brian21as root00:14
daftykinsraedov: intel00:14
reisiodefined: heyo00:14
raedovgreat , thank you00:14
OerHekscanin there is an #ubuntu-arm channel here on #Freenode, i think ARM 7+ ( not rasp pi )00:14
caninOerHeks: I'll ask there then00:14
OerHekscanin, there is a wiki too https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM00:16
daftykinsBrian21: i really don't understand enough about that to know what to do i'm afraid, i see the config recommendation in that guide does refer to being able to use a disk, but i can't think why it errors for you00:16
raedovdaftykins: is intel 3000 hd good for unity ? i use lxde now00:16
definedwow my /dev/sda6/ which i gave 4.0GB only has 381MB left... is this enough? should i reinstall ubuntu and give this more?00:16
daftykinsraedov: i'm not sure i'm afraid00:16
raedovdaftykins: mmm how can i know if it is good or not ?00:17
definedis there a task manager that can end programs like on windows?00:17
wilee-nileedefined, htop00:17
daftykinsraedov: just whether it runs well i guess :) someone else here may know better00:18
wilee-nileedefined, sudo apt-get install htop then run htop in cli00:18
daftykinsdefined: it depends what mount point sda6 is at - is it your /home ?00:18
raedovdaftykins: ok do u recomended a nvidia card works well with unity ?00:18
Prock81what does this mena00:18
Prock81/usr/sbin/grub-mkconfig: 36: /etc/default/grub: title: not found00:18
definedyes home00:18
defined@ daftykins00:18
Brian21daftykins: Thanks for trying to help me00:18
daftykinsdefined: purely depends how much data you plan on storing then :)00:19
definedthanks wilee-nilee00:19
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daftykinsBrian21: no problem, sorry i was of no use :(00:19
wilee-nileeno prob00:19
Brian21maybe I should ubuntu-server chat00:19
definedoh i see... il probably reinstall00:19
samXhello all, i have a question about SD Card readers.00:19
Prock81i wanted to add some lines to /etc/default/grub but it dont show00:20
reisioProck81: means it was expecting something to be in /etc/default/grub with the string 'title', I'm guessing, but didn't find it00:20
reisioProck81: what'd you want to add lines for?00:20
reisiosamX: prove it00:20
samXMy question is, why would my card reader work after initial install, but not after the updates and restart?00:20
reisiosamX: what all did you update?00:21
Prock81title My XP from vhd00:21
Prock81find --set-root /XP.vhd00:21
Prock81map /XP.vhd (hd0)00:21
Prock81map --hook00:21
Prock81root (hd0,0)00:21
FloodBot1Prock81: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:21
reisioProck81: that isn't the kind of thing you put into /etc/default/grub00:21
reisioProck81: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Custom_Menu_Entries00:21
reisioProck81: although -mkconfig might be able to generate it for you, and insert it into the right place for you00:22
tripelbHave virgin 12.04 with no net. How do I see the windows partitions?00:22
wilee-nileesamX, I have a acer d250 that works sporadically, it sems to want the card in when booted not just plugged in while desktop showing.00:22
samXit's an RTS5116 PCI Express Card REader.00:22
reisiotripelb: /sbin/blkid00:22
samXfrom realtek00:22
Prock81that was the error that -makeconfig gave00:22
reisioa lot of card readers have really awful contacts00:22
reisioprobably due to being a million different types of card reader at once00:22
reisioinstead of just one00:22
definedf9 in htop isnt killing my explorer:(00:23
wilee-nilee"billions and billions" Carl Sagan00:23
reisiodefined: could try changing from 15 sigterm to 9 sigkill00:23
definedsorry firefox not explorer00:24
samXis there a good site for info on fixing the issue?  I've been google'ing the issue the last couple days and haven't found a solid resolution.00:24
Prock81that link is to much for me00:24
definedreisio im noob remember... i dont know what that is:(00:24
reisioProck81: okay... what is it you're trying to do, add an entry for a Windows install on the same box?00:24
wilee-nileedefined, run killall firefox00:24
reisiodefined: when you hit F9, it's an option, on the left, use the arrow keys00:24
definedoh ok thanks00:25
Prock81no, to load a vhd image at boot00:25
reisioProck81: what part of the link don't you understand?00:26
samXalso, anyone in here using the Playonlinx install of League of Legends on an x64 system that has figured out a fix for the black screen?00:26
Prock81think of it as running an iso on boot with out burning and the iso is located on the HDD, how whould i do that00:26
reisioProck81: of this one https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/CustomMenus00:26
Prock81the one line i need to read for what to do00:26
wilee-nileereisio, This is a uefi computer only running ubuntu00:26
reisioProck81: you'll have to read more than one line00:26
reisiowilee-nilee: what is?00:26
Prock81i got my boot fixed ,00:27
reisioso what?00:27
wilee-nileereisio, Just adding info was a grub problem before.00:27
Prock81i need to add a manual entry to grub, what file to edit00:28
wilee-nileeProck81, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/ISOBoot00:28
wilee-nileereisio, I had them on ignore and did not have the latest info thought it was still a grub problem, many users come here and you have to pry out pertinent info, I had to in this case.00:30
Ben64samX: you might want to try using wine, and support for wine is in #winehq00:30
=== defined is now known as Left_Turn
samXplayonlinux uses wine00:31
samXi have wine 1.6 as the virtual host for the game, playonlinux is just an installer build to work with wine.00:32
Ben64samX: its not the same00:32
samXyou're right, they're not the same, but the game still loads with wine.  playonlinux is just an interface for working with wine.  all of the controls are done by wine though.00:33
samXall of the configuration is done in wine as well.00:33
samXbut the issue is with the fact that it's a 32-bit game and i have a 64-bit install.00:34
Ben64samX: regardless, support for wine is still in #winehq00:34
samXOh, i see what your saying there.  :D00:35
samXYou so tricky.  :P  lol00:35
Ben64and they probably won't help you with playonlinux00:35
Left_Turnhey will all my installed programs go to /home or / partition.. if that makes sense:(00:35
Ben64there is a #playonlinux00:35
daftykinsLeft_Turn: software goes to /, settings go to /home/user/00:35
wilee-nileeLeft_Turn, depends on what is installed and how.00:36
Left_Turnoh.. its my / that is low in space.. should i have given / more than /home00:36
daftykinsLeft_Turn: mm, depends on how much media you have00:36
wilee-nileeLeft_Turn, YOU can resize partitions with gparted on a live cd00:36
Left_Turnoh i see00:37
samXok, then back to my sd card reader.  i see the issue was fixed in kernel 3.4, but when you update after install, you're on Kernel 3.5.  would that cause it to stop working after restart?00:37
daftykinsLeft_Turn: a lean install could get away with 10-20GB / but /home could be 100GB+ depending on what music/pictures/video you keep there00:37
samXafter doing the updates that is.00:37
wilee-nileeLeft_Turn, Turn off the swap if you do, and make sure we know if you have a lvm, raid, gpt...ect rather then a standard ext400:37
Left_Turnoh i see.. i dont plan on getting a lot of media mp3s etc.. mostly installs/software etc00:37
Left_Turnhow do i turn off swap00:38
wilee-nileeLeft_Turn, you can on the live cd with a right click on it in gparted00:38
wilee-nileeswap off00:38
samXagain, it's an rts5116 PCI Express Card Reader.00:39
wilee-nileeLeft_Turn, how big is the /00:39
Left_Turnoh i see... do i install gparted00:39
Left_Turnis 4GB00:39
Left_Turnhome is 7 and swap is 200:39
wilee-nileeLeft_Turn, yeah way small, on a standard install, the live cd has gparted installed.00:39
Left_Turnoh i see00:39
wilee-nileeLeft_Turn, Really depends on your use I see 20 gigs or so generally recommended for / but again depends on the use and install type, like is it a virtual, a wubi...etc00:41
wilee-nileewubi would not have a seperate / is all.00:41
Left_Turnoh i see.. i will have to get it more space... its a dual installation with windows00:41
tripelbReshi this in terminal right. . Is this a command? /sbin/blkid00:42
Left_Turnits telling me root privileges are needed to run gparted00:42
=== FreakingTea is now known as FreakingShower
wilee-nileeLeft_Turn, YOu on the live cd?00:42
Left_Turnnope .. the install cd you mean? i can run that00:42
wilee-nileeLeft_Turn, You have to you can't resize mounted file systems. I mentioned this already and used your nick. ;) using gparted on a live cd.00:43
wilee-nileeresize in linux anyway not a ext type.00:44
quibblehow do I purge a corrupted windows from my computer00:44
quibbleusing linux00:44
wilee-nileequibble, gparted will delete00:45
daftykinsquibble: do you want to keep anything else on the disk? is it Windows alone?00:45
Left_Turnim struggling to understand im a big noob... could i do this operation on windows and give it extra disk space00:45
Left_Turnoh sry i cant resize00:45
wilee-nileeLeft_Turn, Not the linux partitions00:45
Left_Turnok ill have to reinstall00:45
Left_Turnwith more space this time00:45
wilee-nileeLeft_Turn, I doubt that, but do what you want.00:46
quibbledaftykins wilee-nilee: I used to have windows, before it crashed and corrupted my computer's hard drive- now I want to get rid of everything related to windows so I can redownload a clean version00:46
Left_Turni dont really understand what i have to do with gparted00:46
Left_Turnill google i guess00:46
quibblealso note: the windows i have now wont let me download a new windows, and it's saved somewhere NOT on the hard drive00:46
daftykinsquibble: yeah what wilee-nilee said then - you could boot an Ubuntu liveCD and nuke it from orbit.00:46
wilee-nileequibble, This a uefi setup?00:46
quibblewilee-nilee: i'm a noob, what00:47
wilee-nilee!uefi | quibble00:47
ubottuquibble: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI00:47
Ben64quibble: if you want windows support, ask in ##windows00:47
quibblewilee-nilee how do I tell? And woud you like to move this chat to ##windows00:48
Left_Turnhow can i use my dvd drive.. its saying cant mount00:48
Left_Turnudf volume is my dvd drive?00:49
quibbledaftykins: I'm using ubuntu right now on the corrupted computer, linux seems to be unaffected00:49
daftykinsquibble: so it's installed on the same disk?00:49
wilee-nileequibble, what is the windows installs release?00:49
quibbledaftykins: not exactly, I replaced the hard drive and -then- downloaded linux. The windows there now is just what I would call 'windows downloader'00:50
quibblewilee-nilee: windows 700:50
wilee-nileequibble, Cool, unlikely a uefi gpt. Do you want to reload that windows backup?00:51
Ben64quibble: you keep using that word, i do not think it means what you think it means... download is to get information from the internet and save it on your computer00:51
g0ranhello guys I have a problem. I cannot adjust screen brighness on my laptop on ubuntu 13.04 with intel gpu00:51
quibblewilee-nilee: the corrupt windows takes over the 'windows downloader' even if reloading from a recovery/OS disk00:51
quibbleBen64: better term?00:51
Ben64quibble: from context clues, it looks like you mean "install"00:52
wilee-nileequibble, downloader?00:52
wilee-nileequibble, Are you trying to run the recovery built in?00:53
quibblewilee-nilee: (i am using incorrect terms but bear with me)00:53
wilee-nileeno problem00:53
syn-ackWindows? Downloader? huh?00:53
=== xubuntu_ is now known as GridCube_
quibblewilee-nilee: I wasn't using the built in recovery (that didn't work) i was using the disk recovery00:54
quibblewindows usually comes with a recovery disk when you get a new computer00:54
syn-ackDoesn't sound like the recovery system is the issue, then00:54
Ben64quibble: what is it you're trying to accomplish exactly, what is your end goal?00:55
wilee-nileequibble, using the recovery disc how, and is this an actual oem reinstall set, or the tiny recovery disc?00:55
quibblewilee-nilee: It's the CD looking disk. Like the actual disk. It's supposed to reset windows when something goes wrong. It basically re-installs windows00:55
wilee-nileeBen64, wanted to delete windows, I told them how and just asked if they wanted to reload a back they said they had.00:56
quibbleBen64: I am trying to get rid of the corrupt leftover windows that is preventing me from using windows, redownload a clean version.00:56
Ben64quibble: then it seems you should be asking in ##windows00:56
quibblewilee-nilee will you move to ##windows?00:57
samXso is there anything anyone may be able to help me with with my card reader?00:57
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wilee-nileequibble, we can talk in ##windows as you had suggested00:57
quibblemeet you there00:57
samXagain, it's an rts5116 PCI Express card reader and i'm on 12.04x64 precise00:59
samXkernel is 3.5.0-37generic01:00
Ben64samX: pastebin lsusb and lspci, put a card in it, wait 10 seconds, then pastebin dmesg01:01
samXhow exactly do i use where should i set the pastebin to?01:06
HexagoniteIs anyone using Google Chrome (not Chromium) here? How do you enable Instant Search?01:06
samXsorry, had to install it.01:06
Ben64set the pastebin to? just use pastebin.com or a similar one01:06
osubuntuHexagonite, I'm using it and the instant search works fine01:07
Hexagoniteosubuntu: Where do you enable it? I couldn't find it.01:08
samXis pastebin command line?  cause it doesn't seem to be working for me.01:08
Ben64samX: its a website01:08
=== FreakingShower is now known as FreakingTea
ChrisMaQhi all01:10
calligaranyone know how to install belkin n600 db wi-fi usb adapter on linux?01:11
Hexagoniteosubuntu: It's not on the 'Search' section01:11
Left_Turnis there a way to delete all the unwanted software ubuntu gave me on installation01:12
jribLeft_Turn: sure, just uninstall whatever you want.  Take care to not uninstall things you need...  It may be easier for you to do a minimal install and then build from there01:12
samXok, the name/title is lspci/lsusb/demsg01:13
Left_Turni didnt see an option for minimal install01:13
MonkeyDustLeft_Turn  use the software center to look for software you don't (want to) use01:13
jrib!minimal | Left_Turn01:13
ubottuLeft_Turn: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD01:13
Left_Turnoh good idea01:13
ChrisMaQhi guys ... how do i remove Cairo docking files after uninstall?01:13
wilee-nileeChrisMaQ, what makes you think they exist?01:14
Left_Turncan u tell me the instaltion size of this cd01:14
calligaranyone know how to install belkin n600 db wi-fi usb adapter on linux?01:14
Ben64!patience | calligar01:15
ubottucalligar: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/01:15
Left_Turnthat cant be:)01:15
Left_Turnit will only use 30MB diskspace?01:15
Left_Turnubuntu used 5gb01:15
wilee-nileeLeft_Turn, the disc is that size01:15
samXjust curious, did you need anything other than the name/title for pastebin Ben64?01:16
wilee-nileecalligar, take you pick.  http://askubuntu.com/search?q=+n60001:16
Ben64samX: the url of the pastebin01:16
Ben64samX: what are those last two lines from01:18
calligartis why i asked, had difficulty finding online, guess no one knows yet, oh well...01:18
samXthe demsg01:18
samXthey're the last lines after putting in the card01:18
Ben64samX: dmesg should be a lot more than two lines01:19
samXit was, i guess i figured you'd just wanted the tail after putting the card in.01:19
Ben64samX: you sure nothing before that is relevant?01:20
wilee-nileeLeft_Turn, The minimal is a netload, it just starts the install to be downloaded.01:20
HexagoniteSo, how do you enable Instant Search on Chrome for Ubuntu?01:20
Left_Turnoh i see wilee-nilee01:22
samXfull demsg:  http://pastebin.com/EP8CzFqn01:22
wilee-nileeHexagonite, You have the latest chrome?01:23
Hexagonitewilee-nilee: Of course.01:23
wilee-nileeHexagonite, http://internet.wonderhowto.com/how-to/enable-chrome-instant-for-faster-searching-and-browsing-0125256/01:23
wilee-nileein preferences I believe01:23
Hexagonitewilee-nilee: It's not on the 'Search' section though01:24
Hexagonitecan't find it anywhere01:24
Ben64samX: ok, what is the output of "lsmod"01:25
wilee-nileeHexagonite, I don't use chrome so that is about it for me.01:26
samXlsmod:  http://pastebin.com/h1HKGJri01:26
Hexagonitewilee-nilee: :( thanks anyway!01:26
samXcrap, you going to be on for a while Ben64?  I have to get ready to head to work.01:27
nurowcan anyone recommend me an app to use in the place of QuickBooks on Ubuntu?01:29
jrib!info gnucash | nurow01:29
ubottunurow: gnucash (source: gnucash): personal and small-business financial-accounting software. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:2.4.12-1 (raring), package size 1946 kB, installed size 5750 kB01:29
Ben64samX: on and off01:29
max192mbcan anyone recommend me a currently developed light and fast graphical web browser that is something in between dillo and midori?01:29
samXOk, i should be on again in roughy 30-45min01:30
jribmax192mb: you into web-browsers with vim-like control?01:30
nurowthanks jrib01:30
samXif you're available.01:30
Jeriah_MarianHello everyone, Jeriah_Marianhere and i'm here and ready to DDoS.01:30
nurowjrib, do you know if it generates invoices?01:30
jribnurow: I have never used it01:31
samXwrong window01:32
osubuntuI think this can also be a channel about a philosophy that means "human kindness"01:32
calligarwell, I got to go, I'm assumin if it wasn't answered here, theres really not much known about it besides jus simply being incompatable01:39
calligari might be back later, thanks01:39
usr13nurow: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ackzvz94ABU01:39
cynicistHexagonite: hey I was curious about your issue so I installed chrome myself and there is a checkbox in the search section for me to enable instant search01:40
dommonhi, I'm having issues getting my wireless card in my hp compaq nx6125 to work. I've got it on the wl driver, but it doesn't seem to recognize as a device outside of iwconfig. Thank you01:41
cynicistHexagonite: so I'm not sure why it's not there in yours but it exists in both chromium and chrome for me. The version installed is 28.0.1500.9501:41
Hexagonitecynicist: :( I'm even using Chrome 30.dev01:41
Hexagonitecynicist: what privacy settings are turned off on Chrome? one of them might be affecting Instant01:42
ClientAliveI'm confused. I'm trying to figure out (and install?) evernote01:42
ClientAliveIs evernote even made for linux (I mean as a recent release) or is evernote used through a web interface or something?01:43
cynicistHexagonite: by default the only ones that aren't checked are the DnT setting and "use a web service to resolve spelling errors" but I'm surprised that the option doesn't even show up for you, maybe it has changed or moved in chrome 30?01:44
usr13ClientAlive: sudo apt-get install evernote-mode01:44
ClientAliveright on. thx usr1301:44
netlarClientAlive: I think there is a scope for unity01:44
cynicistHexagonite: installing dev channel to check01:45
ClientAliveas in, the scope in programming?01:45
Hexagonitecynicist: thanks!01:45
netlarThat will search your notes01:45
ClientAliveI see01:46
cynicistHexagonite: yep, the option is just gone from chrome 3001:49
ClientAliveWell how is evernote used though? It may not be suitable for my purpose. I've converted a 75 pg .pdf document to .png with pdftoimage and separated the diagrams and text. What I want to do is create a storyboard type thing whare I can manipulate the text and images and create a set of 'diagrams' with the text attatched to it (similar to notes in uml but able to see all 75 pgs in one window).01:50
Hexagonitecynicist: oh. :(01:50
ClientAlivecorrection: *use a storyboard type thing*01:50
netlarClientAlive: Actually everpad is an option01:50
netlarClientAlive: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/09/use-evernote-in-ubuntu-with-everpad01:51
ClientAliveI need something wtih it's own interface and can use the mouse alot01:51
cynicistHexagonite: this is just a guess but from how it seems to work I think it's just enabled by default and not even an option anymore01:51
cynicistHexagonite: I mean it works from the address bar like you would expect it to01:51
Hexagonitecynicist: can you try searching? it doesn't work here01:52
cynicistHexagonite: yeah it works fine here, as soon as I start typing a website it starts pulling up relevant stuff even if it's not in my history01:52
Hexagonitecynicist: might be my connection then01:53
Hexagonitethanks for the support!01:53
cynicistHexagonite: np man, I'd try resetting your chrome profile and maybe checking your net to see if chrome is being blocked somehow01:53
cynicistHexagonite: gl :)01:53
nAn00kMORE LIKE UN00BTU!01:54
wilee-nileenAn00k, were you not banned?01:55
netlarClientAlive: Try everpad, it is pretty good01:55
|Anthony|after a shutdown my nic is now running at 100mbit/s instead of 1000. Any suggestions?01:56
ClientAlivenetlar: Does that come with everpad-mode? I installed everpad-mode but don't seem to have a manual page for it and can't find how to start it.01:56
wilee-nileenAn00k, well you deserve an ignore anyway, lol.01:56
ClientAlive*everpad come with*01:56
netlarClientAlive: Not sure about everpad-mode01:56
netlarI gave you the link , check it out01:57
Prock81i cant seem to get a manual entry added to grub01:57
reisioProck81: why not?01:57
nAn00kprob lol01:58
cynicistProck81: remember to edit /etc/default/grub and not the config file in /boot because that one is overwritten01:58
cynicistProck81: and then run grub-update afterwards01:58
Prock81i have edited /boot/grub/grub.cfg , /boot/grub/menu.lst , /etc/default/grrub2ub , and done update-grub also update-g01:58
Ben64nAn00k: go away01:58
reisioProck81: you weren't supposed to have edited any of those01:58
Kr0n1ksPwnYourGfwho wants to suck this big long cock ?01:58
reisioProck81: why don't you read what you're told to?01:59
aj_Evening everyone01:59
reisioaj_: evenin'01:59
Prock81too much01:59
Ben64!ops | the children are back in the channel01:59
ubottuthe children are back in the channel: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!01:59
reisioProck81: well that's how everyone else learned it, they read until they knew it01:59
daftykinsfun times are here again it would seem01:59
Prock81i forget what i read at that01:59
cynicistand broke things many times in order to learn ><01:59
reisioProck81: keep it open while you read01:59
nAn00ksomeone got on my pc02:00
nAn00kmy son02:00
reisiothat seems completely likely :p02:00
elkynAn00k: no.02:00
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!02:00
IdleOnenAn00k: stop02:01
elkyIdleOne: he's yours.02:01
FloodBot1nAn00k: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:01
Th0masR0ssHow come there's more than one flood bot?02:01
reisioTh0masR0ss: non-transparent redundancy02:02
reisioaj_: you alright?02:03
ClientAlivenetlar: What is a stack name in everpad?02:03
dommonI'm having issues getting my wireless card in my hp compaq nx6125 to work. I've got it on the wl driver, but it doesn't seem to recognize as a device outside of iwconfig. Any ideas?02:03
aj_I am alright, thank you.  I"m trying to configure the colors for irc here02:03
kr0n1k5PwnyourGfyou fags cant ban me02:03
aj_and I'm just testing out the colors of the text.02:03
kr0n1k5PwnyourGffuck all you new fags02:03
Ben64aj_: do so in a different channel, not here02:03
aj_good suggestion02:03
kr0n1k5PwnyourGfCommon ban me again02:03
kr0n1k5PwnyourGfban me02:03
cynicistyou can just make your own channel for that :)02:04
kr0n1k5PwnyourGfban me02:04
FloodBot1kr0n1k5PwnyourGf: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:04
Ben64can't wait for school to start back up02:04
Prock81sudo update-grub02:04
Prock81/usr/sbin/grub-mkconfig: 36: /etc/default/grub: itle: not found02:04
kr0n1kspwnyourgfBAN ME AGAIN FAGSA02:06
kr0n1kspwnyourgfNEW FAGS02:06
FloodBot1kr0n1kspwnyourgf: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:06
* hodapp stares blankly02:08
Ben64just ignore it02:08
hodappif you can't muster up enough focus to pluralize "fag", maybe it's time to step away from the computer... and perhaps reconsider life decisions and take a visit to San Francisco.02:09
elkyhodapp: don't feed the trolls02:10
reisiommm, San Francisco02:11
IdleOneok enough of the silly, let us get back to important stuff like support02:11
aj_i just installed Lubuntu.  I'm diggin' it a  lot02:11
aj_I meant, xubuntu02:12
=== faz- is now known as faz3
hodappelky: I'm not feeding trolls, just commenting on the trail of troll spittle leading out the door.02:12
reisioaj_: gj02:12
elkyhodapp: the trolls enjoy it, the attention is why they troll.02:12
aj_I"m extremely new02:12
aj_I don't know what to do or where to start.02:12
IdleOnereisio: if you /notice me one more time with silly off topic comments I am going to ban you. Keep your comments strictly related to support and keep your unfunny jokes to yourself. thank you.02:12
aj_I'd like to eventually completely erase my hard disk and get rid of windows 7 premium and just keep all 600 gigs on my laptop for this one OS.02:13
Prock81sorry had connection problems cause at mcdonalds, the hourly reconnect thing, so sorry if this is a repete02:15
daftykinsaj_: so you'd like to install/try Ubuntu first, i take it?02:15
Th0masR0ssThe flood bots are being silly02:15
Prock81i did ... sudo nano /etc/default/grub ... added title my entry and other lines ... sudo update-grub ... and i get this as the result... /usr/sbin/grub-mkconfig: 36: /etc/default/grub: title: not found02:15
daftykinsaj_: oh ok i read up :>02:15
reisioIdleOne: righto, no jokes for IdleOne02:15
daftykinsaj_: just... use it 8D02:15
nurowwhen I print to PDF with Ubuntu, where does it save?02:15
aj_I have my disk partitioned where 400 gigs is for win7 and 200 is for linux02:15
IdleOnereisio: you got it wrong. No more jokes for you in this channel. This is the final polite nudge you are going to get.02:16
reisionurow: doesn't it ask you where?02:16
aj_I found a good place to start reading and learning things -- wonderhowto.com, null byte section/world02:16
reisioIdleOne: it wasn't in the channel, it was a private message, and I'm happy to not send you a private message containing a joke again02:16
dr_willisProck81:  pastebin your config fir others ti see.02:16
nurowno, it just does it.02:16
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:16
nurowah, found it. profile root02:17
reisionurow: ~/ ?02:17
dr_willisnurow:  in your home somewhere   perhaps on docs.02:17
dr_willisin docs02:17
ClientAliveI don't think everpad is the right package for me. I need a program for something and I don't want to use GIMP (if there is something better). I have .png images which came from a 75 pg .pdf. About half of them are diagrams and half text - but all are images (ie: .png). I need to lay them all out on a massive sized backgroud/canvas and begin cuttoing out portions of the text images and attatching them to the diagram images -> cratee somethign like a02:17
ClientAlivemassive storyboard.02:17
ClientAliveI'm sure GIMP can do it but I can't use GIMP very well02:18
reisioClientAlive: Inkscape02:18
dr_willis! info mtpaint02:18
ClientAliveis inkskape complicated like GIMP (and photoshop)02:18
reisioClientAlive: it's much simpler IMO02:19
reisioClientAlive: and vector based02:19
Prock81http://paste.ubuntu.com/5942294/  dr_willis02:19
ClientAliveRight on. I'll check it out  :)02:19
reisioClientAlive: you could also use scribus, though02:19
reisioClientAlive: hard to tell by your description which would be more appropriate02:19
dr_willisProck81:  that added unfo does  NOT  go in that file02:20
nurowone more q: can anyone recommend an application for editing PDF files in Ubuntu?02:20
ClientAliveit's an old patent in .pdf where everything seemed to be lumped together as one long image02:20
ClientAlivebut yeah02:20
Prock81thats what i was told, where can i put it please02:20
=== din_2 is now known as din
reisionurow: Inkscape02:20
dr_willisProck81:  put it in /etc/grub. d/custome  i think02:20
reisioClientAlive: man pdfimages02:21
Prock81ive done that too, no error, but it never show on my menu, u did update-grub02:21
dr_willisProck81:  all entries are in that grub. d dir02:21
nurowsezzy, thanks02:21
dr_willisloook at the example custom file i  that dir02:22
Prock81and its sudo nano /etc/grub.d/40_custom02:22
dr_willisive added custome entries to the 40_custome file02:22
dr_willisid definatly wont work in default/grub02:23
Prock81does update-grub or update-grub2 make a difference for ubuntu 12.0402:23
dr_willisProck81:  no differance02:24
Prock81is whaT u saw fine for the sudo nano /etc/grub.d/40_custom02:25
dr_willispastebin your whole 40_custom file02:25
ClientAliveIs there anything where you can breate dynamic effects too? Like mousover makes the text box pop up/ zoom in (like the mouseover on pictures in google).02:25
ClientAlive*can create*02:26
ClientAliveand *mouseover*  :)02:26
cynicistProck81: This will help you with custom menus, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/CustomMenus02:29
dr_willisProck81: that looks right..  no idea if yiu can boot a. vhd ..   never seen that done02:30
=== andrex|off is now known as andrex
cynicistdr_willis: I think the syntax has changed, there is an example windows entry in the link I provided that looks quite different02:30
Prock81can my lines work with the menuentry "Some title here" {02:31
dr_williscynicist:  for a  vhd image file.?02:31
reisioProck81: the value of the menuentry does not matter02:31
cynicistdr_willis: not for a vhd image file in particular but for grub menu entries in general02:31
Prock81 reisio menuentry VS title02:32
reisioProck81: title is a GRUB<2 thing02:32
reisiomenuentry a >=GRUB2 thing02:32
cynicistdr_willis: I remember manually adding entries using title but that was a long time ago, grub has changed a lot02:32
dr_willisi just borrow the windows entry from grub. cfg as an example normally02:33
dr_williscynicist:  grub2 is not  grub1    :)02:33
cynicistdr_willis: yeah exactly02:34
dr_willisgrub2 is almost its own os.  its got some amazing  features that are rarely ysed02:35
=== Noskcaj10 is now known as Noskcaj
|Anthony|after a shutdown my nic is now running at 100mbit/s instead of 1000. Any suggestions?02:42
dumnuthi, iam downloading ubuntu restricted extras 13.04 and it hangs in middle of download, what is wrong?02:43
SonikkuAmericaHey! Small problem. I'm working with someone in #ubuntu-es who can't speak a whit of English, and they're stuck in a login loop on Ubuntu 12.04. We tried every trick in the book regarding .Xauthority ... any further suggestions?02:45
|Anthony|SonikkuAmerica, ctrl+F1 and login that way?02:45
|Anthony|then restart lightdm?02:46
wilee-nileedumnut, There is a confer on  the ms-fonts install do you see that?02:46
dumnuthi wilee-nilee, you mean i should install ms-fonts?02:46
SonikkuAmerica|Anthony|: Tried that, no good02:46
|Anthony|SonikkuAmerica, but the login is successful from terminal?02:47
SonikkuAmericaYeomen are here.02:47
wilee-nileedumnut, The restricted extras installs it there is an acceptance of the terms or refuse.02:47
|Anthony|hrm. i've not been a fan of lightdm but meh... i'd try to reinstall lightdm tbh02:47
wilee-nileedumnut, I think you hit esc and accept.02:48
dumnuthmm i'll do that, thank-you for your help wilee-nilee02:49
wilee-nileedumnut, I have done this so many times I forget the actual process, it is an auto response now, and I'm assuming this is what is happening, make sure nothing is hiding behind another screen as well.02:49
dumnutwill check for that, good point wilee-nilee, t-y02:50
wilee-nileeno prob02:50
|Anthony|after a shutdown my nic is now running at 100mbit/s instead of 1000. Any suggestions?02:51
dumnutwilee-nilee: you are correct, there is a screen behind to install ms-font, now ure install ok, you are smart wilee-nilee02:52
wilee-nileedumnut, lol, no just here for the fun. ;)02:52
dumnutwilee-nilee: that is a good attitude , linux is fun, that is my attitude too02:53
Guest8568does anyone here know where I can find which commands to run from a installation rescue shell02:53
wilee-nileedumnut, The fun involves abuse sometimes, but we all get our kick somehow, I'm only human.02:54
Guest8568everybody leavin' since I got here02:55
wilee-nileeGuest8568, you should state your problem overall for help maybe to the channel.02:55
dumnutwilee-nilee: yes i am human too. i have some good qualitis and many bad qualities, but we live and improve02:55
iampozcan someone link me to how to manually (by terminal) configure a network connection? I tried googleing but for some reason can not find.02:56
iampozany the network manager is not working02:56
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:56
nibbler    Guest8568: there are 1000 commands available in the rescue shell... including ones to install even more commands.02:56
Guest8568I am trying to install ubuntu using net install on a desktop 'puter.  The installer was only getting to "install kernel" and failing, so I used expert command line mode and chose the virtual kernel now it fails at the next step.02:57
nibblerGuest8568: failing usually happens with an error message, which is very helpful in debugging any problem.02:58
Guest8568so I am in a rescue install now and can't get past that.  so the only option I have is to manually run02:58
Guest8568the installation02:58
wilee-nileeGuest8568, are you Left_Turn?02:59
Guest8568I am simply wanting to know where to find the documentation for what the installer does from that point on.02:59
nibblermy gnome3 shell got stuck somehow. alt-f2,r does not work. the "please enter a command" popup is stuck there. mousclicks work limited only. any way to execute the same as alt-f2,r in a regular shell?02:59
Guest8568no wilee03:00
wilee-nileenibbler, You running 3.8?03:00
nibblerGuest8568: well, sounds like its almost done. i'd guess install the kernel, install + configure grub and its done03:00
nibblerwilee-nilee: gnome shell
Matthew_MooreHey guys.  How do i record both my voice and what i hear in my speakers at the same time?  for purposes of recording audio from a voip call.03:02
Guest8568it fails there...  I tried apt-get -install grub and got "don't understand i in -install03:02
wilee-nileenibbler, You can ctrl-alt-f2 to a tty and restart or run sudo stop lightdm then sudo start lightdm03:02
reisioMatthew_Moore: JACK03:02
wilee-nileereboot that is*03:02
samXAre you still there, Ben64?03:02
nibblerGuest8568: the install is without a dash, just apt-get install ...03:02
samXsorry it took me so long to get back on.03:02
samXhad to get my laptop setup at work.03:02
Guest8568I'll try that and see what we get...03:03
Matthew_Moorereisio:  thanx03:03
nibblerwilee-nilee: well, actually the ttys appear as black screen only. but i can use the gnome still - being in it right now. its just very broken. so no alternative way of alt-f2,r?03:03
samXI know this isn't an xchat chat, but isn't there a way to join multiple rooms?03:03
nibblersamX: for me it is an xchat chat ;-)03:04
aj_Does anyone know how to determine if my core i5 2410M Intel HD 3000 sandybridge GPU is installed correctly?03:04
samXoh, nibbler, you got me there...  :P  lol03:04
nibblersamX: and for you it is, too....03:05
wilee-nileenibbler, You have a stuck alt-f2 prompt? not sure of any command line command.03:05
samXis there a way though, to do that?03:05
samXi can't remember.03:05
john38Hello i need some help with something03:05
nibblerwilee-nilee: all black  on alt-f2-f6. but thanks anyway03:05
nibblersamx: /join #oterchannel03:06
john38Is it possible to merge unallocated space to my existing ubuntu partition?????03:06
samXi tried it and got it, lol03:06
aj_JOhn, yeah, you can do it03:07
aj_I would suggest you use gpartd03:07
samXi thought it would quit this chat.03:07
aj_download that03:07
nibblerjohn38: basically yes. the "how" depends on the details. if you have lvm then its most easy. if not it would have to be at the end of your current partition or you might need to mess around with gparted03:07
wilee-nileenibbler, In the shell alt-f2 brings up a popup is all for r to restart we are not on the same pages here.03:07
=== Rez is now known as LoRez
aj_and burn it to a disk; it'll be a bootable disk, using that, you'll be able to accomplish your wishes with the partitions and the free space03:07
john38nibbler, should i use lvm or gparted03:08
nibblerjohn38: if you have lvm you dont need gparted. but you need to have your system installed on an lvm then. like /dev/mapper/foo mounted to /03:08
john38nibbler, my partion is /dev/sda5 and ext403:08
samXWell, i'm going to open my question up to everyone.  I have an rts5116 PCI Express SD Card.  It was working after i installed, but after doing the updates and rebooting, it quit working.03:09
samXHere is my info.  lsmod:  http://pastebin.com/h1HKGJri   full demsg:  http://pastebin.com/EP8CzFqn   lspci/lsusb/tail demsg:  http://pastebin.com/iz7uHw8D03:09
nibblerwilee-nilee: ah right. my alt-f2 is stuck (like always on top, right now while i'm chatting), but also my ctrl-alt-f2 is broken, as in completely black.03:09
nibblerjohn38: so lvm is no option. try gparted03:09
=== me is now known as Guest36272
Guest8568LOL!  I ran that and got "something wicked happened resolving ... (-11 - system error)03:09
samXif anyone can help provide me any insight, i would GREATLY appreciate it.03:09
john38nibbler, ok03:09
Guest8568is there a way to direct apt-get to another mirror?03:10
Guest36272rm rf ~03:10
wilee-nileeGuest36272, Do not ever post that!!!!03:10
nibblerGuest8568: you can configure apt via /etc/apt/sources.list and some .d directory03:11
cynicistjohn38: apt://gparted03:11
Guest8568okay, thanks, nibbler03:12
Simcha_LesterHello everyone, Simcha_Lesterhere and i'm here and ready to DDoS.03:12
ChrisMaQI cant understand why people spend there money on operating systems like windows03:13
cynicistGuest8568: you can also use a gui by searching for software & updates03:13
wilee-nilee!ops | Simcha_Lester03:13
ubottuSimcha_Lester: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!03:13
ChrisMaQits jus amazing03:13
cynicistGuest8568: if you choose "other" there is also an option to test for the fastest repository03:13
reisioChrisMaQ: well, most people spend their money on computers, which come with an operating system03:13
john38can somebody help me use gparted03:14
reisiojohn38: what're you having trouble with?03:14
john38reisio, well i want to use unallocated space and merge it with my existing linux partition to use it as additional free space not a separate linux partition03:15
john38reisio, does that make sense03:15
samXanyone had a chance to look at my issue with my sc card?03:16
cynicistjohn38: is this on the root partition?03:16
john38cynicist, i dual boot windows 7 and ubuntu  /dev/sda1 and .../dev/sda2 is ntfs with 437.93 GiB total and........unallocated 147.91 GiB ....../dev/sda3 extended...../dev/sda5 ext4 and /dev/sda6 linux swap03:19
cynicistjohn38: and which partition do you wish to change the size of?03:19
john38cynicist, i want to merge unallocated with existing linux i guess root?03:20
zakariaprobleme with nvidia drivers in xubuntu 12.0403:20
john38cynicist, use unallocated and additional free space on root partition03:20
HexagoniteHow do you delete the 'tmp' folder in your home directory? I got UCK and it didn't quite work. It left a 'tmp' folder for the ISO contents.03:20
cynicistjohn38: the reason I ask is because to change the size of the root partition you need to use a livecd03:20
HexagoniteTrying to delete it pops up 'crontabs cannot be deleted.'03:21
john38cynicist, oh ok03:21
cynicistjohn38: since you can't edit a partition you are currently booted into03:21
john38cynicist, i have to use livecd and do it from there03:21
john38cynicist, well would i be able to do that with livecd03:21
cynicistjohn38: but from a livecd you can use gparted and just choose resize and then wait for the lengthy amount of time it could take :P03:21
tgm4883I've acquired a macbook pro late-2008 model (5,1), can someone assist in booting and installing 13.04 on it? I've tried booting it, but I just get a boot error03:22
john38cynicist, wiould livecd add that unallocated space to existing partition03:22
cynicistjohn38: when you choose to resize you are presented with an easy to use slider that you can move around to take more or less free space03:22
samXeek, entered the wrong command!  lol03:22
cynicistjohn38: once you are in the livecd you would need to run gparted and change the size of your root partition by right clicking on it and choosing "Resize/Move" and then manipulating the slider to take up the rest of the free space on your disk03:23
samXok, so is anyone familiar with the issue with the rts5116 card reader not working?03:24
reisiotumppu: whwat error?03:24
john38cynicist, oook ..i assume gparted is the program that livecd uses huh?03:24
cynicistjohn38: well the livecd does partitioning in the installer, gparted is a separate program03:25
cynicistjohn38: I'm not even sure if it comes on the livecd by default but you can install it in order to use it03:26
john38cynicist, but i have to boot up computer into livecd right03:26
cynicistjohn38: yes, definitely03:26
john38cynicist, then why would i need gparted03:26
ChrisMaQare there socializing room on this thing?03:26
john38cynicist, if i can do that whole thing from livecd03:26
cynicistjohn38: because you are looking for a way to change your partition size without reinstalling ubuntu right? so the installer isn't useful there03:27
wilee-nileeChrisMaQ, #ubuntu-offtopic03:27
ChrisMaQthanks wilee-nilee03:27
wilee-nileeno prob03:27
ChrisMaQjoin #ubuntu-offtopic03:27
Guest8568I'm back...03:28
john38cynicist, when i boot from cd is that an option in menu that will say update existing partion or do i go to install ubuntu03:28
wilee-nileeChrisMaQ, /j #ubuntu-offtopic03:28
Guest8568Is there an editor available in the installer shell?03:28
stairmast0rhow can i check if my computer is using the correct graphics driver?03:28
stairmast0ri installed the AMD official driver for my radeon03:28
wilee-nileestairmast0r, Hows it running?03:28
samXaticonfig --list-adapters03:29
cynicistjohn38: neither, you would go to the ubuntu software center, install gparted, then launch gparted to edit your partitions03:29
samXthat should show you the adapters.03:29
john38cynicist, i already installed gparted now03:29
cynicistjohn38: and you would do that on the livecd because you can't edit the partition you are currently booted into03:29
stairmast0rsamX: i have two adapters listed, and for some reason it's choosing the wrong one. (onboard llano chip, but i want to use my discrete card)03:29
john38cynicist, so what option do i choose when booting from livecd03:29
reisioGuest8568: probably gedit, maybe nano03:30
john38cynicist, try ubuntu ...install unbuntu???03:30
stairmast0rwilee-nilee: not too well at times, but i'm not sure if that's the fault of the drivers or not03:30
wilee-nileestairmast0r, Generally proprietary drives are not suggested, as they don't follow kernel updates, so be prepared.03:30
stairmast0rwilee-nilee: mainly, java can't use openGL03:30
cynicistjohn38: you use try ubuntu, so you can get into the ubuntu desktop03:30
Guest8568gedit won't come up... I'll try nano03:30
cynicistjohn38: from there you can launch the software center and install gparted03:30
john38cynicist, right...ok03:30
stairmast0rGuest8568: vim :D03:30
wilee-nileestairmast0r, I would know nothing about java.03:30
john38cynicist, and from gparted i can resize unallocated to existing partition03:30
samXstairmast0r: it should give the options list for aticonfig if you type that seperately.  I believe there is a command to set the other one as default.  Otherwise, you should boot to your BIOS and disable the onboard if you're not using it.03:30
stairmast0rsamX: i can't disable the onboard.  i've tried.03:31
cynicistjohn38: yes, you just need the right click the partition you want to change and choose "Resize/Move"03:31
john38cynicist, ok cynicist thanks..bbl03:31
cynicistjohn38: yw03:31
wilee-nileestairmast0r, I have seen you on the channel before but have not followed any problems, you had help here on this issue in general?03:32
stairmast0rwilee-nilee: not really, no03:32
samXstairmast0r:  try using aticonfig --adapter={the adapter # you're trying to use} --initial03:33
stairmast0rsamX: eg. "1"?03:33
stairmast0rokay, now restart X?03:33
samXstairmast0r:  then aticonfg --adapter=1 --initial03:33
stairmast0rsamX: i did that03:34
wilee-nileestairmast0r, You might try if you feel you need to, some drivers just don't have all the bling in linux due to no support fro the manufacturers as a general point.03:34
stairmast0rsamX: the "default" marked with an asterisk is still adapter 003:34
stairmast0rwilee-nilee: they need to get on that...03:34
wilee-nileestairmast0r, Post the actual card for help if you need any, I know nothing about graphic drivers.03:35
stairmast0rwilee-nilee: radeon HD657003:35
stairmast0rthe one i want to disable is an HD 6530D (llano APU onboard)03:35
kotekHi, anyone here uses anjuta for django development?03:35
stairmast0r* 0. 00:01.0 AMD Radeon HD 6530D03:35
stairmast0r  1. 01:00.0 AMD Radeon HD 657003:35
stairmast0rwhat's the deal with 00:01.0 and 01:00.0?03:36
reisiokotek: ?03:36
cyniciststairmast0r: that's the busID03:36
stairmast0rcynicist: oh03:36
wilee-nileestairmast0r, Not sure if this helps but some info maybe. http://askubuntu.com/search?q=HD657003:36
stairmast0rkotek: kotek maly?03:36
kotekreisio, Anjuta's wizard seem not to generate settings.py file.03:36
cyniciststairmast0r: from my xorg.conf for example, (BusID  "PCI:1:0:0")03:36
reisiokotek: it's intended more as a C IDE, AIUI03:37
stairmast0rwilee-nilee: not really.. those don't seem to relate to the card being recognized but not used.  but thank you03:37
Twenty-threehi guys, a recent kernel update left me with a black screen upon booting, i tried to fix this through many appraoches but what worked was selecting a different kernel in GRUB. Now resolution is good and all but I don't get to see unity, only the desktop icons, i'm not sure how to reset unity, any clues?03:37
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cyniciststairmast0r: do you mind putting your xorg.conf on pastebin?03:37
cyniciststairmast0r: seems to me it would be as simple as just specifying the discrete card in your xorg file rather than the onboard one03:38
stairmast0rcynicist: yeah, sec03:38
reisiokotek: maybe ask #python03:38
kotekreisio, so I have a problem with django plugin for this C IDE03:38
Guest8568How do I get a different name here than Guest####?03:38
reisioGuest8568: /nick azkabar03:38
=== Guest8568 is now known as whitebeard
stairmast0rcynicist: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5942455/03:39
samXIt's too bad the Catalyst Control center offers such limited interaction with the devices on Linux as opposed to Windows.  I do apologize, stairmast0r.  i wish i could have been more assistance.03:39
cynicistTwenty-three: are you using proprietary drivers by any chance?03:40
stairmast0rsamX: no worries!  i don't _expect_ help from anybody.  i appreciate the thought though :)03:40
kotekHD 6530D - it uses fglrx-legacy?03:40
Twenty-threecynicist: yes, i use nvidia 304 drivers03:40
stairmast0rkotek: it shouldn't03:40
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stairmast0rkotek: it's still 6000-series03:41
kotekstairmast0r, I know. But my experiense says: There is no biggest shit than fglrx-legacy.03:41
_whitebeardOkay now I have a name03:41
stairmast0rkotek: lol03:41
samXI know how frustrating it can be though, i'm working on an issue with my sd card reader myself03:41
cynicistTwenty-three: likely that is the problem, check my post here and substitute fglrx for nvidia packages and you should be good03:41
cynicistTwenty-three: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11343771#post1134377103:41
kotekGalium is better than fglrx-legacy.03:41
wilee-nileekotek, THe channel ask you not swear.03:41
stairmast0rkotek: it's just using fglrx03:41
kotekSorry channel.03:42
stairmast0rsamX: i still believe linux is worth the extra effort you have to put in :D03:42
cynicistTwenty-three: that will take you back to using default open source drivers with a functional desktop, after which you can reinstall the proprietary one again03:42
kotekSo, my experience says: There is no biggest poop than fglrx-legacy.03:42
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stairmast0rkotek: jestes polski?03:43
linuxhack3rI have a form for html that I am trying to make work as a contact form via php. I have the form formatted exactly as I want it, but am having trouble figuring out how to use php to "catch" everything. Someone here good with PHP? Here is my form: http://pastebin.com/fBwK6aD103:43
Twenty-threethanks cynicist, i'll give it a go, if it doesn't work i'll be back in a few minutes03:43
stairmast0rcynicist: what part should i be taking out of my xorg.conf?03:43
kotekstairmast0r, I'd reather say, that my nick comes from USA kotex tampons than admit that I'm from Poland in the internet.03:44
stairmast0rkotek: aww.. why?  i'm not polish myself, so i don't really know03:44
FreezingColdHow can I "share" audio with other applications? I'm trying to skype and play with ardour on the same time03:44
stairmast0rFreezingCold: pulseaudio..?03:45
cyniciststairmast0r: I think PCI:1:0:0 is likely your discrete card, so I would try to comment out the sections involving "Device[0]-0" and see if that fixes it03:45
stairmast0rcynicist: every bit that involves [0]-0?03:45
cyniciststairmast0r: all the Section/EndSection bits that reference device [0]-0 yes03:46
stairmast0rhm.. here goes03:46
linuxhack3rWhat is a good PHP channel?03:46
_whitebeardDoes anybody  know the path to nano?  in this installer shell, I can just call it, but to get into the apt dir I have to use chroot...  the installer shell doesn't understand sudo03:47
kotekstairmast0r, because of LoL, poles are most irritating nation in online gaming just after greeks and russians...03:47
kotekand PWL's03:47
cynicist_whitebeard: /usr/bin/nano?03:47
_whitebeardI looked there03:47
reisiolinuxhack3r: well, s/good/appropriate/: #php03:48
john38cynicist, you there03:48
cynicistjohn38: yeah how did it work?03:48
linuxhack3rreisio: It says that I have to be invited?03:48
reisio_whitebeard: 'type nano'03:48
reisiolinuxhack3r: try ##php03:48
linuxhack3rreisio: "you need to be identified with services"03:48
reisiolinuxhack3r: /msg nickserv help identify03:49
reisiolinuxhack3r: /msg nickserv help register03:49
john38cynicist, it didnt work or im not doing it right i clicked on my linux partion it wouldnt slide03:49
reisio(in reverse order :p)03:49
john38cynicist, do i have to format the unallocated space03:49
cynicistjohn38: no03:49
cynicistjohn38: did you right click and choose resize?03:49
_whitebeardreisio: I can do that until I use chroot, which I have to do to get to the sources.list03:49
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz03:49
reisio_whitebeard: hrmm?03:49
john38cynicist, yes it was all that way at both ends03:49
cynicistjohn38: and you are sure you have unallocated free space?03:50
john38cynicist, i couldnt slide any more to take up unallocated space03:50
samXOk, so, again, anyone know what i can try to get my rts5116 PCI Express SD Card reader working?03:50
john38cynicist, yes im sure03:50
samXI've tried the manufacturer driver install03:50
_whitebeardreisio: I am trying to salvage a failing install03:50
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_whitebeardand working inside the installers shell03:51
john38cynicist, thing is what i did was go into windows 7 and used a third party partioning manager to change my free space to unallocated space03:51
samXI had to reinstall today and it did work after the reinstall, but then when i updated ubuntu and restarted, it stopped working.  any thoughts?03:51
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_whitebeardHI register03:51
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cynicistjohn38: when you launched gparted did you see any unallocated space?03:52
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john38cynicist, yes03:52
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john38cynicist, the slider was at full it wouldnt go any higher03:52
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wilee-nileejohn38, You have to resize the extended first03:53
john38resize extended ??03:54
cynicistjohn38: yeah I didnt know your partition layout, you can only have 4 primary partitions so if you have more than that you must have an extended partition03:55
wilee-nileejohn38, Isn't sda3 an extended partition if I remember your original post?03:55
john38wilee-nilee, yes03:55
anekshey guys, does anyone know much about vsftp?03:55
wilee-nileejohn38, That is a contaner for the rest click on its edge to resize.03:56
john38wilee-nilee, thing is when i booted from livecd i couldnt reisize extended just ext403:56
wilee-nileejohn38, Make sure the swap is off as well.03:56
wilee-nileejohn38, A screen shot of gparted would help in an imagebin.03:57
john38wilee-nilee, from livecd03:57
john38wilee-nilee, ??03:57
wilee-nileejohn38, That would be best probably.03:57
john38wilee-nilee, how to take screenshot again03:57
john38wilee-nilee, can i access xchat from livecd03:58
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.03:58
wilee-nileejohn38, I think it is on it, I forget, you can make a screen shot in the install for instructions, but live is easier as far as communicating.03:59
cynicistjohn38: yes you can join xchat from the livecd03:59
john38wilee-nilee, ok be right back03:59
samXOk, i'm back, i just wanted to see if reinstalling the sd card reader driver would fix the issue, but it doesn't.03:59
wilee-nileejohn38, Did you have the swap off when you tried to resize the extended?03:59
john38wilee-nilee, im not sure04:00
john38wilee-nilee, do i have to unmount??04:00
wilee-nileejohn38, That may be the problem is all.04:00
aneksI configured a small FTP server at home and I've set the local_root= to the directory I want users to be directed to. When I log onto the FTP server locally on my Ubuntu machine, I get directed to the appropriate directory but if I log in remotely from a Windows machine, I get directed to the / directory. Does anyone know how I can fix that?04:00
wilee-nileejohn38, Right click the swap then swap off.04:00
john38wilee-nilee, ok04:00
c2tarunHi friends, here is the screenshot of my tray icons. http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-08032013-093126am.php   I can figure out all the apps but not the third one from top, can anyone please help me in finding out what it is?04:03
_whitebeardgave up restarted the rescue install attempt...  thanks for your help04:06
WebSearchingProc2tarun: Its an unused icon - its called "Launcher"04:06
WebSearchingProyou right click it to program it04:06
c2tarunWebSearchingPro, ohh.. when I am right clicking it I am getting the same menu when I right click on battery icon04:07
WebSearchingProclick properties04:07
c2tarunWebSearchingPro, panel's properties?04:09
WebSearchingProRightclick the little icon with the red thing that you were asking about.04:09
WebSearchingProIt should have a "Properties" option04:09
c2tarunWebSearchingPro, it has preferences which is taking me to XFCE Power manager settings04:09
irssi-mikeaneks: why not use samba04:10
WebSearchingProOhhh its probably a shortcut to that then04:10
WebSearchingProOr a broken icon04:11
c2tarunWebSearchingPro, how can I remove it?04:11
WebSearchingProRightclick the time, go to Panel > Properties04:12
WebSearchingPro*Panel Preferences04:12
WebSearchingProunder the "Items" tab you should have a list04:13
c2tarunWebSearchingPro, yeah, I tried to go inside settings of Notification Icons but couldn't find this broken icon04:14
WebSearchingProWeird, I'm not sure then :(04:15
c2tarunWebSearchingPro, np :) thanks for helping04:15
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osubuntusudo mkdir /04:34
joseosubuntu: wrong window04:35
osubuntuwrong window?04:35
osubuntuthat's a command which doesn't work at all04:35
benkillinthats because you executed it retarded04:35
osubuntubenkillin, lol04:36
benkillinwould you like to know why you executed it retarded?04:36
osubuntubenkillin, because I expected that it wouldn't work04:36
benkillinand did it not work?04:37
osubuntuof course it does not work04:37
osubuntuit is a root directory which is ALWAYS created04:37
elkybenkillin: please don't be so rude.04:38
benkillinso why were you surprised that it did not work04:38
user42I NEED SOME HELP **  how can I use two headphones at the same time? Im using qjackctl and pulse jack sync... Im using turtle beach with a usb/3.5mm connector and $20 wallmart sony headphones04:39
user42 I want to record a friend in Ardour using jack and pulse sync and to be able to both hear the sound at the same time..04:40
osubuntubenkillin, please quote the sentence which I seemed to be surprised.04:40
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osubuntuuser42, google is your best friend ;)04:43
dr_willisid hope that dir exists allready.   :)04:44
sarthorHI, I am getting "totem-plugin-viewer requires to install plugins to play media files of the following type: text/html decoder" when I viewing some video from Moodle website.04:55
emmtechHelp with configuring 'samba server' using to computers for networking....any suggestions?04:56
dr_willis!info samba-doc04:56
ubottusamba-doc (source: samba): Samba documentation. In component main, is optional. Version 2:3.6.9-1ubuntu1 (raring), package size 5615 kB, installed size 13734 kB04:56
emmtechdoes samba need to be installed on both computers?04:57
dr_willisemmtech:  a client for samba does on one.  server on other04:57
dr_willis! samba04:58
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.04:58
emmtechgreat inform...etc...thanks04:58
wilee-nileesarthor, Are those media files in the public domain, a link maybe?04:58
dr_willis what os are the pcs running?04:58
dr_willis you dont need samba for ubuntu to ubuntu shares04:59
sarthorwilee-nilee, NO you need to get register, then you can view that, it is a paid registration04:59
dr_willisnfs. or sshfs can work well04:59
dr_willisor ssh. scp. ftp. and so on05:00
wilee-nileesarthor, These .mov05:00
sarthorwilee-nilee, .mp405:02
wilee-nileesarthor, If .mov thats quick time apple stuff I believe  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.mov  you sure not mp4v05:02
sarthorI can view the videos of youtube / facebook etc.05:02
emmtechso again if there isn't any need for 'samba' for ubuntu to ubuntu shares, you are suggesting nfs ssh?05:02
sarthorwilee-nilee, yea I am sure05:02
emmtechyou got me thinking now? are there any open source services of this kind that my not require such payment or registration?05:03
wilee-nileesarthor, I think your dealing with quicktime but a guess really.05:04
emmtechwell "samba is opensource"05:04
sarthormay be, But I know the files are .mp405:04
stairmast0rwhat's the actual program name of the default 13.04 volume control/sound options window?05:05
stairmast0rmy unity is broken so i can't start it normally05:06
wilee-nileesarthor, read the wikipedia on that it is not that simple, and here is some more info. http://askubuntu.com/search?q=+text%2Fhtml+decoder05:06
wickedpuppyhmms ... alantop you pinged me? can I help you?05:06
wickedpuppynetsplit happening too many times05:07
sarthorwilee-nilee, I am trying to give you access to that files.05:07
dr_willisemmtech: samba is a open sourced   version of ms share stuff.05:08
dr_willisemmtech:  depending  on your needs. other ways may work better05:08
wilee-nileestairmast0r, here is a reset unity link you might check out. http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/04/how-to-reset-unity-compiz-in-ubuntu-12-10-and-13-0405:09
stairmast0rwilee-nilee: my drivers aren't working05:10
stairmast0ri got fluxbox up, and moving a window takes like 10 seconds05:10
stairmast0ralso, i tried that.  dconf reset -f /org/compiz/05:10
GeorgeTorwellwhy would my boot partition get modified without me knowing about it? And why do I have a pending "Ubuntu base" security update that has no technical description? Is the NSA trying to hack me?05:11
stairmast0rGeorgeTorwell: use lfs05:11
sarthorwilee-nilee, can I send you PM?05:12
wilee-nileeGeorgeTorwell, You can loosen the tinfoil hat. ;)05:12
GeorgeTorwellyeah right05:12
GeorgeTorwellafter all the spying revelations that came out05:12
wilee-nileesarthor, I don;t do PM's05:12
sarthorwilee-nilee, ok. http://obdoo.net/course/view.php?id=3 check here please05:12
GeorgeTorwellmy boot partition was modified and I dont remember installing any boot updates05:12
GeorgeTorwellwhy would ubuntu update grub files on /boot well after installation?05:12
wilee-nileeGeorgeTorwell, what did you install what release?05:13
wilee-nileeGeorgeTorwell, And did an update right?05:14
GeorgeTorwellI have a pending ubuntu security update but no technical description is given and no information is provided. How interesting05:14
wilee-nileeGeorgeTorwell, Honestly your lack of details makes your post questionable at best.05:15
wilee-nileeand the paranoia05:15
GeorgeTorwellI've given all the details05:15
Ben64you've given no details actually05:15
GeorgeTorwelltheres no more details to give besides a security update without description. is anyone else seeing one?05:16
GeorgeTorwellAnd lets not pretend its paranoia now that we know the NSA uploads malicious firmware to android phones and cripples CPU pRNG instructions via Windows updates.05:17
wilee-nileeGeorgeTorwell, Show it to us in an imagebin or pastebin05:17
Ben64do you realize how many things would fall under "a security update" ? there are tons of those all the time05:17
santhoshhi how to create to active directory serverin ubuntu05:18
GeorgeTorwellhmm interesting05:19
GeorgeTorwellwhen I pipe the update through tor I get a description05:19
GeorgeTorwellbut through my regular internet, nothing05:19
dr_willismost all ubuntu upsates would be security or major byg fixs05:19
ubottuPackages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.05:19
GeorgeTorwellI hope Ubuntu starts offering those security updates through SSL05:20
GeorgeTorwellwhy should the NSA find out what packages we have installed so they can sit aorund and look for ways to exploit our systems?05:20
wilee-nilee!ot | GeorgeTorwell05:20
ubottuGeorgeTorwell: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:20
dr_willisyour paranoia  is showing05:21
GeorgeTorwellIt wasn't off topic at all, it's an important security enhancement.05:21
dr_willisyour rants are ot.05:21
ArcademanHi there I can't get Ubuntu 13.04 to load properly is there anything I might try. Upon bootup I see black and white pixels right when lightdm loads05:22
Ben64!nomodeset | Arcademan05:22
ubottuArcademan: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter05:22
ArcademanHey Ben64 does this affect ATI cards?05:23
Ben64Arcademan: i think it can affect anything05:23
dr_willisit can affect many chipsets Arcademan05:23
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Guest75090i activated draftsight but still error is coming that product is expired or not licenced05:23
ArcademanAlright I will try that thanks, yeah 12.10 loads just fine for me.05:24
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dr_willisGuest75090: contact their support perhaps?05:24
dr_willisdraftsight is some commercial app?05:25
ArcademanAnyhow bye. Thanks Ben64 and dr_willis05:25
sarthorwilee-nilee, I am sorry to ask again, do you still want to check this link of that video, about what you said, may be .mov files, here is the link again , http://obdoo.net/course/view.php?id=305:25
Guest75090dr_willis, its cadding tool like Autocad05:26
dr_willisi just use qcad. rarely these days05:27
Guest75090is qcad is fine and freeware? from where i can download it05:29
wilee-nileesarthor, I can't log in so not sure you might check with the schools IT.05:29
sarthorwilee-nilee, you can log as a guest.05:30
sarthorwilee-nilee, No need for password.05:30
sarthorwilee-nilee, http://obdoo.net and click on login as guest.05:31
wilee-nileesarthor, Problem is I'm in W8 they work in it.05:31
santhoshhi how to create to active directory serverin ubuntu05:33
Loshkisanthosh: look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ActiveDirectoryHowto. Looks like a lot of work...05:39
gt8ost4lcan someone tell me what i need to install to inject05:39
santhosh <Loshki> it is migrating in windoes to linux is there any special wat to create active directory in ubuntu05:40
Loshkisanthosh: Sorry, I don't know. Have you read the link I sent you?05:42
NoobCubeCan anyone help me out with a couple weird issues? (13.04 LTS)05:46
santhoshpresent iam working on linux i have an active directory server 2003 how to migrate that in to linux05:46
IdleOnesanthosh: read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ActiveDirectoryHowto05:48
NoobCube1. No sound coming out of speakers. 2. Print Screen creates a black image.05:48
santhoshit is migrating in windoes to linux is there any special wat to create active directory in ubuntu05:48
darkpassengerAnyway I can customize the HUD style in 13.04 ?05:56
alantopwho use mirc 7.32, I ask one question.  how to close someone join and leave message?05:58
IdleOnealantop: you can find that setting in the prefs. also might want to ask in ##mirc05:59
aceI have a problem :( df told me / is full of 20gb and df tell me that only 2.gb is used: http://pastie.org/820221206:02
alfreddbai want to rsync some files to remote host...but folder timestamp changing perodically contents are not changing....so how to rsync only contents...pls guide me...06:03
jemarkalfreddba: did you do rsync -avz ?06:07
alfreddbai want to rsync some files to remote host...but folder timestamp changing perodically contents are not changing....so how to rsync only contents...pls guide me...06:07
=== Awaken is now known as Awaken|zz
Loshkiace: Try du -x | sort -rn > /tmp/du.out instead06:10
=== sn is now known as Guest55966
aceLoshki: thank, i think it s a deleted file that is still there06:11
alfreddbai want to rsync some files to remote host...but folder timestamp changing perodically contents are not changing....so how to rsync only contents...pls guide me...06:12
Loshkiace: in that case, a reboot...06:12
jemarksort -rn06:12
aceLoshki: i just killed the process that keep the file opened and it s done06:12
acethanks for your help06:12
Loshkiace: very cool06:13
gt8ost4lcan anybody tell me if these drivers would work http://eagleeye1.com/thread-138481.html06:14
apodiohello i need help finding a driver for my mic i think it is a Conexant HD SmartAudio 221 sound card06:14
apodioi could be wrong the model of laptop is cq60-210us06:15
apodiocan any1 help me?06:15
syn-ackapodio, that's a closed source driver06:15
apodioso there is none for linux then?06:15
syn-ackapodio, Go to linuxeant.com for more information.06:16
apodiook ty06:16
syn-ackThat driver is NOT supported though so youre going to be on your own06:16
apodiosite is down06:16
apodioanyway to use a wrapper of sum sort?06:16
apodiosuch as ndiswrapper except for sound maybe?06:17
syn-ackstandby, I may have gotten the URL wrong.06:17
syn-ackSound card.06:17
apodiowell im not really sure06:17
apodiocan u maybe look up the specifications for the laptop and see if i have it right06:18
apodioim looking for a driver for the mic06:18
apodioif i do lspci tho it doesnt show mic at all so im prolly wrong06:18
syn-ackMic would be handled through the line in on your sound card06:19
syn-ackstill looking. hold on06:19
apodiowell sound works good but not the mic06:19
LoshkiIs this it? http://www.linuxant.com/drivers/hsf/full/downloads.php06:19
apodioalso if u cud help me thru teamviewer or sumthin id be glad06:19
eclipsecan someone help me with installing nvidia drivers?06:19
apodiosec let me check06:19
syn-ackLoshki, good catch.06:19
apodiogimme few mins im gonna try it out06:20
Loshkisyn-ack: googled it, in fact..06:20
syn-ackapodio, ok so open your sound control panel06:21
eclipseno one knows how to install nvidia drivers?06:21
aeon-ltd!nvidia | eclipse06:21
ubottueclipse: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto06:21
hewhomusteclipse, what's your gpu?06:21
eclipseas in06:21
eclipsegt 540m06:21
syn-ackLoshki, I was recalling from memory. I figured I had the URL wrong or something06:21
eclipsei've been at it for the past 5 hours06:21
eclipsemy entire desktop is gone06:21
apodiook sec u mean prefences?06:21
eclipseand i'm stuck in 640x480 resolution06:22
syn-ackapodio, yep06:22
hewhomusteclipse, is it the only gpu or do you also have intel?06:22
eclipsei also have intel06:22
linelevelHi, is it safe to put database passwords in my cronttab directly, as opposed to in a file with mode 600 which is read by a cronjob? The crontab can't be read by any other [non-root] user anyway, right?06:22
apodioalsa or pulse06:22
syn-ackapodio, Pulse.06:22
apodiothink i have both not sure tho06:22
Loshkisyn-ack: you were close enough that I could google it without knowing anything else about it, that's good enough in my book.06:22
syn-ackeclipse, The current nVidia driver doesn't support optimus. Only the intel would work06:22
apodiook i got it up06:23
syn-ackapodio, Ok so, click on input devices06:23
eclipsebut it was working awhile back when i was on linux mint..06:23
eclipsewhat about bumblebee? does that work?06:23
apodiook i did and internal microphone shows up06:23
apodiobut it doesn not show activity on it at the bottom06:23
syn-ackeclipse, you would still have to configure yourself an x config file06:24
syn-ackapodio, is it muted?06:24
apodioits at 32% volume so no i dont think it is muted06:24
eclipsewell, how do i fix this resolution then?06:24
eclipseand the missing desktop06:24
eclipsethe menu to the left is gone06:24
Loshkilinelevel: right, the real risk IMO is if someone gets root access to your machine, which usually means anyone who has physical access to the hardware06:24
syn-ackI can only do one issue at a time. Would someone else please give me a hand06:24
syn-ackapodio, click on the mute button to mute it then unmute it again06:25
apodioeclipse i had this problem b4 try googling sumthing like xorg wizard setup06:25
apodiotheres a command for it06:25
apodioto setup x06:25
linelevelLoshki: Right, but there's no keeping my db password safe in that case anyway, I figure.06:25
syn-ackapodio, well, it's a little more invloved that than that. he's got to install bumblebee as well06:25
apodiook i did06:25
syn-ackapodio, so is it working?06:26
apodiostill nothing btw :c06:26
syn-ackhrm. k06:26
apodiois there a way to see if i even have the kernal modules loaded?06:26
syn-ackapodio, try pulling it up in the ALSAmixer06:26
syn-ackapodio, you have sound, right?06:26
syn-ackthen it's loaded06:26
acidraini have an issue when clickin on torrent links (or any other link on the net that launches an application), when asked to chose an application to carry out the process i dont have any options. for example, im trying to use a torrent file, i can currently only save the link to desktop, and use transmission to open it. how can i make it so transmission automatically launches when i click on a torrent link?06:27
apodiomic boost is 0%06:27
syn-ackthis is in ALSA?06:27
syn-ackdo the mute thing again, please06:27
apodioin alsa?06:27
acidraini can click on "choose an application" but i cant find anything06:27
Loshkisyn-ack: it's ok to be selective about what you answer if you get overloaded. When that happens I usually try and concentrate on the harder stuff06:27
gt8ost4lcan anybody tell me if this would work https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LinuxWireless06:28
syn-ackapodio, yeah06:28
syn-ackLoshki, I do it in order of arrival.06:28
ShashankI tried to install g++ using sudo apt-get install g++ but it says you have broken dependencies. How to install g++06:28
apodiook it doesnt show M for mute but i did turned it down and then up wut are the settings it shud be? mic 100% mic boost is 0 internal mic is 40%06:28
syn-ackapodio, and is it working?06:29
syn-ackturn the internal mic up some more.06:29
syn-acksup, willis06:30
etfbLibreOffice has started opening up in a Firefox browser window instead of its own window! How do I fix that? Has anyone seen anything like that?06:30
apodiostill nothing06:30
shafoxHi, I am on ubuntu 12.04 box, recently installed one apache2 update and since then all the virtual hosts are not pointing to the correct directories , its now pointing the default localhost . also i am getting one error on apache2 restart shafox@shafox:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart06:30
shafox * Restarting web server apache2 AH00558: apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using Set the 'ServerName' directive globally to suppress this message [ OK ]. I know the servername is not localhost but why there is a AH00558 stamp before the error message ??06:30
syn-ackapodio, Remember that modem driver the other user found?06:30
damian_hi guys im brand new to this shit and i have no clue as to what to do all i know is that like everything is impossible to figure out like installing java06:30
syn-ackapodio, download that for me, please06:30
apodiou mean off that link?06:31
Loshkilinelevel: agreed, but note the risk of penetration goes up sharply IMO if you allow any kind of network access.06:31
syn-ackapodio, yessir06:31
dr_willis!java | damian_06:31
ubottudamian_: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.06:31
apodioyea i need to update kernal tool i think cuz i cant even use it yet my kernel is behind it... lol06:31
apodiomite be kernel06:31
linelevelLoshki: It's a database server.. kind of hard to avoid. :P06:31
syn-ackyou're not up to date, apodio?06:31
dr_willisdamian_:  i just use the java in the repos06:31
apodiosadly no06:31
syn-ackapodio, Update, please06:32
apodiothe distribution im using is apodio linux lol and i just installed a bit ago but06:32
eclipseargh this is hopeless06:32
syn-ackdr_willis, Android requires me to use Sun Java. :/06:32
dr_willis!manual | damian_06:32
ubottudamian_: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/06:32
apodioi did apt-get update upgrade etc and it did a kernel update06:32
apodioso idk06:32
apodioill try tho06:32
damian_yeah but i wanna install java so i can run games06:32
etfbOh, never mind. Worked it out.06:32
eclipsebtw how do you run xchat in tty06:33
etfbTurns out LibreOffice is unusable in Unity.06:33
syn-ackeclipse, you don't06:33
eclipsesyn-ack why not?06:33
syn-ackeclipse, you have irssi, bitchX(if that's still around) and IRCII for TTYs06:33
dr_williseclipse:  try weechat for a console irc client06:33
Loshkisyn-ack: I *wish* I could answer any and all questions in *any* order. Most of the time I have to pass cos I don't know the answer...06:33
syn-ackweechat's console too, eh?06:33
dr_willisdont use birchx  ;-)06:33
damian_i dont even know how to set up the copy and paste this is sad06:34
acidraini have an issue when clickin on torrent links (or any other link on the net that launches an application), when asked to chose an application to carry out the process i dont have any options. for example, im trying to use a torrent file, i can currently only save the link to desktop, and use transmission to open it. how can i make it so transmission automatically launches when i click on a torrent link?06:34
syn-ackLoshki, you'll learn06:34
dr_willisdamian_:  setup? details please.06:34
Shashank I tried to install g++ using sudo apt-get install g++ but it says you have broken dependencies. How to install g++06:34
syn-ackShashank, install the rest of GCC06:35
sixtyby3Shashank, you could try apt-get install build-essential06:35
overdubdamian_, any highlighted text will paste with the middle button06:35
damian_im starting to feel i should just go back to windows 7 but its a little late for that so ill just have to learn06:35
sixtyby3That did the trick for me06:35
syn-ackShashank, sudo apt-get install bin86 build-essesntial06:35
dr_willisdamian_:  start with that ubuntu manual06:35
Shashanksyn-ack I already have gcc. I can run c programms easily in my ubuntu but I can't run  c++ codes06:36
syn-ackdamian_, Theres no way to learn without doing06:36
syn-ackShashank, Surely you mean compile06:36
Shashankyes compile06:36
syn-ackShashank, Install what I told you to06:36
apodioim upgrading it to a generic 3.2.0-21 linux image kernel06:36
syn-ackapodio, That's better than what you'06:37
syn-ackve got06:37
apodioyea ik :P haha06:37
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall06:37
apodiomeanwhile while ur free know any tips to make linux look sexier? :P06:37
apodiostuff like dockbars etc06:38
aeon-ltdapodio: too subjective, ask in offtopic and forums06:38
syn-ackapodio, I run console only. Sorry.06:38
apodiook :c lol06:38
apodioits ok =o06:38
dr_willisyou mean •gaudy•06:38
BilLinux is sexy06:38
apodioik :P it is06:38
syn-ackI have only an 80x80 display and thats how I like it06:38
ubottuUbuntu includes several dock-like navigation bars. Some options are: avant-window-navigator, cairo-dock, docky (formerly part of gnome-do), stalonetray, simdock, kdocker, kooldock.06:39
aeon-ltdBil: too bad it's not elegant06:39
Bilsexier than what is it that windows is on . Whats sexier?06:39
tones syn-ack, a green screen?06:39
syn-acktones, Nah, white on black06:39
apodio:p idk haha i juss like changing looks thats all06:40
apodiobrbrolly gotta reboot06:40
apodioyea brb06:40
Bilapodio why do you want to use Linux for?06:40
aeon-ltdoooh just missed them06:40
damian_i feel they over complicate things on purpose on this os but maybe its because im new but i dont think so06:41
aeon-ltddamian_: examples?06:41
overdubdamian_, over time, you'll come to see that what looks like complexity, is actually freedom06:41
syn-ackdamian_, Wait till you learn06:41
dr_willisdamian_:  they dont.   its you..   :)06:41
damian_well like how i have to use command prompt to help me install something like minecraft lol06:42
overdubthe power is in the command prompt06:42
aeon-ltdyou don't have to, if you already have java, launching the jar would do fine06:42
overdubguis are the confinement06:42
damian_ill give it a go i guess it just seems the over complicate it06:42
dr_willisdamian_:  the omgubuntu site has a guide on minecraft06:42
Artemis3damian_, to install free software, you don't need to. Is Minecraft free software? The author of it is responsible, not the os.06:42
Bilthey dont over complicate its easier than it used to be ./configure; make; make install wasnt to hard to work out but what do Linux users have to cry about now? Nothing Linux is superior06:43
dr_willisi want sexier icons   :-P06:43
aeon-ltdnot if you use any complex peripherals06:44
BilDesign your own then at least linux lets you do that06:44
aeon-ltdbut then again that is also the responsibility of the manufacturer06:44
damian_so just wondering what type of advantages in something like minecraft would you get?06:44
aeon-ltddamian_: advantages from doing what?06:45
Bilnothing but what would windows give you the benefit of minecraft?06:45
aeon-ltdgpu drivers06:45
gt8ost4lcan anybody tell me where do i find the version of the kernal thats running06:45
dr_willisin mineceaft?06:45
damian_just having linux with  "freedoms" like what freedom?06:45
ubottugpl is the GNU General Public License. See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html06:45
aeon-ltddamian_: to do anything06:45
Bilgt8ost4l uname -r06:46
damian_like alter the game completely?06:46
aeon-ltddamian_: don't like your UI? change it, don't like your terminal? change that, hate BASH? change that06:46
Artemis3damian_, free software is available in the software centre, for example, "Minetest", which still needs some work to implement all in minecraft, but will get there.06:46
aeon-ltddamian_: no, minecraft isn't open source. though modding it is allowed i think06:47
dr_willisdamian_:  minecraft is not gpl free06:47
aeon-ltddamian_: it's not like minecraft has a shortage of mods06:47
damian_well ill call it a night but thanks guys06:47
Bilits a 16 bit graphic game whys it so popular?06:47
aeon-ltdBil: like lego but with zombies06:48
Artemis3however, minetest = c, minecraft = java. The perfomance difference is astounding :)06:48
shafoxCan anybody take look at this and tell me what is the issue http://superuser.com/questions/627441/recent-apache2-update-broke-virtual-host-and-new-error-on-restart-or-starting06:48
damian_its not the bit that makes the game06:48
Artemis3join the minetest community and make it do your will :)06:49
damian_whats minetest?06:50
damian_its weird because i used to know every knook and cranny on windows then i went to linux06:51
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Artemis3you have to take time to learn things, no way around that. But consider how many people know the other os, and how few know this one, guess who will become more valuable :)06:52
Bilwhen you first used windows how at home or easy did you find it?06:52
damian_very true and if it werent for this one half the features on other ones wouldnt exist because of this community06:53
apodiostill nothing06:53
damian_very very easy06:53
Shashanksyn-ack, it says gcc is already the newest version06:53
Bilshashank you compiling?06:55
nixshi! some help with ipv6 needed!06:55
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Bilipv6 lol I speak to people in are networks team they despise ipv6 so good luck06:56
nixsi have openwrt roter with configured 6to4 with radvd. ping6 ipv6.google.com working on router, but does not on ubuntu in lan06:56
stairmast0rwhat's the actual program name of the default 13.04 volume control/sound options window?06:57
Bilnixs maybe sounds like your routers dont support or ipv6 is disbaled on them06:58
Loshkinixs: see also #ipv606:58
syn-ackapodio, interesting06:59
syn-ackapodio, Your line in may actually work through your modem06:59
apodiofrom lspci: Audio device: NVIDIA Corporation MCP72XE/MCP72P/MCP78U/MCP78S High Definition Audio (rev a1)06:59
apodiomodem? lol06:59
syn-acknevermind, it doesn't07:00
user42I NEED SOME HELP PLEASE**  ----->  How do I use two headphones at the same time with jack? I want to moniter a friend as he records in ardour so I can help him produce a song07:00
apodiowell lets backtrack can u help me find the correct driver for my sound card07:00
syn-ackapodio, You've got the nforce drivers in07:00
apodioAudio device: NVIDIA Corporation MCP72XE/MCP72P/MCP78U/MCP78S High Definition Audio (rev a1)07:00
apodionot sure its from the default install07:01
syn-ackapodio, ftp://download.nvidia.com/XFree86/nforce/1.0-0310/ReleaseNotes.html07:01
A1ReconHow do i mount all the drives/partitions with one command?07:01
syn-ackapodio, Don't install it, I was just showing you07:02
Bila1reacon the only way with one command apart from using reg ex is adding them to /etc/fstab and mount -a07:02
syn-ackapodio, what does "sudo lsmod | grep snd" show you?07:03
apodiosec let me see07:03
shafox * Restarting web server apache2 AH00558: apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using Set the 'ServerName' directive globally to suppress this message [ OK ]. I know the servername is not localhost but why there is a AH00558 stamp before the error message ??07:03
apodiowant me to pastebin it?07:04
Bilshafox Apache started ok thats just a warning07:04
shafoxBil: yesterday i updated apache2 and the virtual hosts are not pointing to the correct dir , its pointing to the default localhost dir i.e. /var/www/07:05
apodioedit the httpd.conf file i believe not sure tho07:05
shafoxapodio, me ?07:05
syn-ackapodio, according to this, you have intel audio, not nVidia07:06
shafoxwell that will solve the generic error but what about the virtual host dir ?07:06
syn-ackapodio, what distro are you running?07:06
apodiohmmm shafox no clue ask bill :P07:06
Bilshafox dont know what your setup is but the dfault these days is always /var/www07:06
gt8ost4lcan anybody tell me what patches to download for compat wireless07:06
Loshkishafox: not sure what you're asking? AH00558 is presumably Apache Httpd error number 55807:06
syn-ackapodio, lsb_release -a07:07
Bilshafox sorry thinking Apache CentOs ways not Ubuntu07:07
apodioNo LSB modules are available.07:07
apodioDistributor ID:Ubuntu07:07
apodioDescription:Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS07:07
FloodBot1apodio: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:07
Bilshafox shafox we does your main Apache conf point to all includes you need?07:08
syn-ackRight, well07:08
A1ReconMy VLC Media Player is showing 2  Xs at the top left and if i click the lower one, the window behind VLC closes. Is something wrong with Ubuntu or VLC? http://i.imgur.com/BzkxTTZ.png07:08
apodioo yay i can talk07:09
apodioso any idea what to try now?07:09
syn-ackapodio, honestly, I'm a bit stumped.07:11
apodio:( lol07:11
syn-ackapodio, btw, the nVidia sound is for HDMI out07:11
apodioooo ok07:11
syn-ackfor analog out, it's intel audio07:11
Bilwe were all stupid at one point no one is born an expert07:11
apodiowanna maybe try teamviewer see wut u can do?07:12
acidflashapodio: what is your problem?07:12
grendal-primebee do bee do bee do07:12
acidflashapodio: please repaste it.07:12
syn-ackapodio, I'm on 3g, I can't do that.07:12
apodiowell the problem is my mic is builtin and doesnt show any mic activity and will not record sound07:13
syn-ackacidflash, Can't get his line in working for his integrated mic07:13
syn-ackacidflash, unmuted in Pulse and ALSA07:13
acidflashon a laptop?07:13
syn-ackacidflash, levels are good07:13
apodiocq60-210us is model07:13
apodioand if u want to try on teamviewer ill let u lol not alot on there atm anyway07:14
acidflashapodio: can you do a lshw and pastebin?07:14
stairmast0rwhat's the actual program name of the default 13.04 volume control/sound options window?07:15
R0SSII want to replace a video with black frame!07:15
stairmast0rR0SSI: ffmpeg?07:15
R0SSII googled and found this: http://stackoverflow.com/a/6087453 (not exact answer)07:15
apodio1sec sry lol hate scrolling so im redirecting output to text file to copy and paste to pastebin :P07:16
R0SSIstairmast0r: I knew, please be patient ;) I'm typing07:16
R0SSI I've converted the video to an audio file to bundle it with a picture and compile it with FFMPEG into a mp4 file! but I get some errors with the command mentioed in the above link.07:17
R0SSIMay you review this command:07:17
R0SSIffmpeg -loop 1 -shortest -f image2 -i image.jpg -i audio.wav -c:v libx264 -tune stillimage -c:a aac -strict experimental -b:a 192k out.mp407:17
apodioi think thats the right info07:18
apodioif its not tho let me know and ill do it over07:18
A1ReconMy VLC Media Player is showing 2 Xs at the top left and if i click the lower one, the window behind VLC closes. Is something wrong with Ubuntu or VLC? http://i.imgur.com/BzkxTTZ.png07:18
Loshkiapodio: Is this any use? http://askubuntu.com/questions/86863/internal-microphone-not-working-on-a-compaq-presario-cq6007:19
shafoxBill, Loshki : all the relative information about my problem I have posted in superuser forum here is the link please take a look http://superuser.com/questions/627441/07:19
apodiosadly i think i tryed that link b4 lol i did search for a lil07:20
acidflashapodio: ok your device is being read by ubuntu, this is your device -> MCP72XE/MCP72P/MCP78U/MCP78S High Definition Audio07:20
acidflashapodio: now we need to check if there is drivers for it.07:20
syn-ackdrivers are loaded07:20
syn-ackhe's got sound, acidflash07:20
apodiomaybe its not the updated driver tho07:20
apodiotell me the command to run07:21
syn-ackacidflash, it's snd_intel07:21
syn-ackapodio, you just upgraded your kernel. You have the newest drivers07:21
acidflashsyn-ack: ok.07:21
apodiook :c07:21
Shoosahhi guys, I just started working with ceph and I wanted to create a monitor07:21
acidflashapodio: im going to check if there is a specific driver for your version of HDA, your using generic snd_intel is generic.07:22
apodiook ty07:22
syn-ackacidflash, Thanks for going over my work, but I just wanted to help ya along07:22
apodioand if u want to try to help using teamviewer etc let me know lol07:22
acidflashsyn-ack: thanks, your saving lots of time.07:22
apodioty both :P07:22
acidflashsyn-ack: did you already check for specific drivers aswell?07:22
apodionot sure i tried alot tbh lol07:23
syn-ackacidflash, He's got the nForce chipset, but I'm unsure as to weather or not he needs the sound drivers for line in or if it's just for HDMI07:23
syn-ackwhether, that is07:23
apodioi have no clue lol usually just one driver per device but i guess it kinda counts as two07:23
ShoosahI checked bootstrap-mds and bootstrap-osd07:24
syn-ackacidflash, AFAIK, that was just for HDMI out...07:24
Shoosahbt the keyrings was not in there07:24
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:24
acidflashapodio: which kernel version are you on?07:25
apodioumm 3.2.0 something i think 1sec let me check07:25
syn-ackapodio, type this into your irc client07:25
syn-ackLinux localhost.localdomain 3.10.4-300.fc19.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Jul 30 11:29:05 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux07:25
syn-ack /exec -o uname -a07:25
apodioLinux SLICKCRAFT 3.2.0-51-generic #77-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jul 24 20:21:10 UTC 2013 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux07:25
apodioo kool didnt know u cud do that :P07:26
syn-ackacidflash, he's on 12.0407:26
acidflashsyn-ack: thanks.07:26
acidflashapodio: I have a suggestion, might help might not, but its worth a try.07:27
apodiothe actual like brand name of linux is apodio but its based off of ubuntu and debian i think07:27
acidflashapodio: I would suggest removing alsa, and installing pulse audio07:27
apodioill try anything07:27
apodiook 1sec07:27
apodiopurge alsa?07:27
syn-ackjust the userland07:28
syn-ackapt-get remove, not purge07:28
apodiook :P07:28
apodioso juss apt-get remove alsamixer or wut?07:28
acidflashapodio: pulse audio might help to route things down the right irqs, _if_ the problem is with alsa.07:28
Prock811how can i convert this to grub2 http://paste.ubuntu.com/5942884/07:28
shafoxBill: Any clue ?07:28
acidflashapodio: yes.07:29
apodiook alsa-base its uninstalled07:29
Bilshafox sorry nipped to the shop any clue on what?07:30
syn-ackYou're in linux, not windows. :P07:30
apodioidk lol07:30
apodioso wut now07:30
Prock811put my name if u talking to me07:30
acidflashapodio: look for and install pulse audio07:30
apodiook sec07:30
acidflashaptitude search pulse07:30
acidflashthat should bring up a list.07:30
ShoosahI started to use ceph and I followed the step in the webpage > http://ceph.com/docs/master/start/quick-ceph-deploy/ and I stuck in the gathering keys because the keys are actually not created in the bootstrap-mds and bootstrap-osd, then I thought the ringkeys which is in mon file might be copied into those files manually, then I proceeded to add ceph osd but I actually stuck in activating them without any response! do you have any idea07:31
shafoxBill: any clue on the question that I have posted in superuser for the same apache virtual host error . link here http://superuser.com/questions/627441/07:31
Bilceph is a file system and off topic07:31
dr_willisnever even heard of ceph. its not in the repos eh?07:32
apodiook its installed07:32
shafoxfor a virtual host in apache2 i have to do that in /etc/apache2/sites-available/ or /sites-enabled/ ?07:33
acidflashapodio: try and see if the mic volume bar is moving when you speak into it now?07:33
apodiook sec07:33
apodionope :c07:34
syn-ackapodio, May I ask you if there's any particular reason you're on LTS?07:35
syn-ackthe version you're on07:35
JohnathonDoeLong Term Support07:35
syn-ackit's somewhat old, apodio.07:35
apodioo no its just the distro i downloaded07:35
apodioanyway i can upgrade?07:36
dr_willisProck81:  ask in #grub  perhaps07:36
Bildepends on whats in /etc/httpd/httpd.conf07:36
syn-ackI'm wondering if a distro jump wouldn't help solve the issue07:36
apodiook sec07:36
jdolesapodio: don't do that.07:36
acidflashsyn-ack: I doubt it would, his laptop is from 2008 (the board).07:36
acidflashsyn-ack: its worth a try though.07:36
apodioits worth a shot right?07:36
jdolessyn-ack: do you know what LTS means?07:36
apodioyea i thought so07:37
Bilshafox the only thing missing from your http config is https everything else looks ok07:37
syn-ackI know exactly what it mean07:37
jdolessyn-ack: the whole point is that people do *not* need to mess with their systems.07:37
JohnathonDoeLTS is the most stable release.07:37
jdolessyn-ack: if for every tiny issue, someone recommends to upgrade to a non-LTS version, it completely loses its meaning.07:38
syn-ackLook, if he's not able to get hardware support on this version, a jump might not be out of the question07:38
apodio└─> do-release-upgrade Checking for a new Ubuntu release No new release found07:38
JohnathonDoesyn-ack: It's possible he has support but needs to muck with the configuration.07:38
JohnathonDoeDepends on the hardware.07:38
acidflashapodio: if you want to go to non-lts you need to change something somewhere, :)07:38
syn-ackjdoles, I'm one of the last people in the world to actually recommend a jump.07:38
dr_willisa live cd test would be a safeer test to see if the latest works07:38
acidflashapodio: just a min i can pull it up for you, if your inclined to try.07:39
syn-ackdr_willis, Good point07:39
shafoxBill: which http conf file ?07:39
apodioacidflash any chance u can help me directly?07:39
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest33461
dr_willistest the lts in a live cd also07:39
acidflashapodio: sure, send me teamviewer id and pass.07:39
shafoxBill here is my apache error logs http://paste.ubuntu.com/5942894/07:39
apodiook sec07:39
Bilshafox usually /etc/httpd/httpd.conf includes are usually at the bottom07:40
shafoxBil* ^^07:40
Guest33461Hi all, I'm having trouble installing ubuntu. Every time I reboot I get 'kernel panic, init not found'. I did notice no partition has the boot flag set, could that be the cause?07:40
shafoxBil: there is no httpd dir under etc :(07:41
Bilguest that means the kernel couldnt load init07:41
user42I NEED HELP PLEASE *** How can I use two headphones with jack? I want a headphone output for the producer's headphones and also want the vocalist to hear everything I hear as I edit it and everything.... I dont want to use a headphone splitter  but rather the computer's sound system's / jack send the output to two seperate headphones .....or sound cards........not even sure...  in jack settings one is  " hw:2 Turtle Beach PX21 Headset"     and one is "hw:007:41
user42HDA Nvidia"    How can I listen to both of those sound devices simultaneously?07:41
syn-ackI'm certainly not trying to cop out buy any means, however, I'm at a complete loss at this point07:41
Bilshafox Im only experienced with Apache under Red Hat sorry07:41
gt8ost4lcan anybody tell me which of the patches for my driver to install07:41
shafoxOk Bil: Should I reinstall Apache ?07:42
Ben64apodio: what problem are you having? upgrading to 13.04 will likely not solve it07:42
Bilshafox propbably yeah as if /etc/httpd isnt there as even though Debian/Ubuntu call it apache2 it still uses the same directory structure07:42
shafoxWhat I have to do for a clean Install Apache ? Bil07:43
apodiomic wont work but i get sound and its same card i think07:43
Bilshafox depends what your running?07:43
syn-ackapodio, this is with the LTS live CD?07:44
shafoxBil: I am on Ubuntu 12.04 . Here is my uname -a Linux shafox 3.2.0-51-generic #77-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jul 24 20:18:19 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux07:44
apodioi installed apodio linux07:45
Bilshafox what was the error on Apache restart again which vhost?07:45
syn-ackapodio, I've never heard of that07:45
apodioits main use or goal is for music artist07:46
Ben64apodio: sorry to say, but that is not supported in here. we work with ubuntu only07:46
alantopuseradd -d /home/oracle –g  oinstall –G  dba –m  oracle what's wrong?07:46
apodioit is based off ubuntu07:46
shafoxBil: * Restarting web server apache2  AH00558: apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using Set the 'ServerName' directive globally to suppress this message07:47
Ben64based off != is07:47
Bilalantop put the switches aFTER THE COMMAND07:47
shafoxwell Bil: every vhost are pointing to the /var/www/ now not to the dir that I mentioned in the config file that i have in my sites-enabled/ dir07:47
Bilshafox thats a generic warning Apache is runnin g fine07:48
shafoxapache running fine the log says something diff http://paste.ubuntu.com/5942894/07:48
oooaaaoooohi guys i have an old laptop sitting around somewhere and was wondering if it was possible to turn into a dedicated wireless router07:48
Bilshafox if your servers host name is non resolvable then thts wht you will get07:48
Ben64oooaaaoooo: possible? yes. efficient, easy, reliable? no.07:50
shafoxBil: the server name and the hosts file all contain the same name , names are not different as you can see in the question that i have posted in the superuser http://superuser.com/questions/627441/07:50
Bilshafox just add include path to sites enabled tou your mqain /etc/http/httpd.conf if that file isnt there then yes you need to reinstall Apache07:50
shafoxOk. Bil. Thanks07:51
oooaaaooooBen64: do you know of any notable attempts?07:52
Bilnotable attempts on what?07:52
Guest33461Is it required so set the boot flag on a partition for ubuntu to boot properly?07:52
Bilno guest07:53
Ben64oooaaaoooo: not really, real routers are many times easier to use07:53
Guest33461Bil ok, then I dont know why the install keeps failing07:55
Bilguest install on what hardware?07:57
Guest33461Bil Some Acer Aspire. It has been running ubuntu for over 5 year, including 13.04 which I'm installing now07:58
Bilguest what errors do you see?07:58
stairmast0rwhat's the actual program name of the default 13.04 volume control/sound options window?07:58
Guest33461Bil, Kernel panic, init not found07:59
Bilguest try reinstalling or re download your media a fresh install should not do that07:59
nabnhi. i am getting this error while compiling mmlinuxserver:  "fatal error: libconfig.h++: No such file or directory." The config file didn't seem to updated, so i changed libconfig++8-dev to libconfig++9. It didnt solve the problem. Next, i installed libconfig-dev, still no luck. any help?08:00
Bilnabn install gcc -dev08:01
Guest33461Bil, I've already reinstalled like 5 times, with different images, and I keep getting this error08:01
nabnbil, sorry? do i do 'sudo apt-get install gcc-dev'?08:02
Bilnabn yea08:02
stairmast0rwhat's the actual program name of the default 13.04 volume control/sound options window?08:03
Bilguest you havent installed it properly if the kernel cant boot to init08:03
Guest33461Bil, I just used the graphical installer with default options, 'install alongside windows' etc08:04
KyzzCan someone help me with mounting drives?08:05
hewhomustKyzz: what do you mean?08:05
hewhomustwhat do you want to mount?08:06
Guest33461Bil, I'll reboot now to see if the install worked, brb08:06
Bilmount /drive/i/want/to/mount /mountpoint (will need sudo if your running desktop Ubuntu.08:06
nabnBil, i found no such entry (gcc-dev) with apt-cache search. All i got was 'libgcc-4.7-dev', and that was already installed08:06
stairmast0rwhat's the actual program name of the default 13.04 volume control/sound options window?08:07
Sgarg2I tried installing g++. but it shows the following error. g++ : Depends: g++-4.6 (>= 4.6.3-1~) but it is not going to be installed. What should I do?08:07
Bilnabn and you still get complaints about h++?08:07
nabnbil, lemme check08:07
Bilsorry g__08:08
nabnbil, yes.08:08
hewhomuststairmast0r: I don't really know what youre talking about08:08
stairmast0rhewhomust: right click speaker icon -> "sound settings"08:08
stairmast0ronly, my unity is broken so i need to start it from a console08:09
noahHello! Is this the best place to ask for help if I have run into trouble installing ubuntu 12.04?08:09
Bilnabn your error points to >= 4.6. What does dpkg | grep gcc show?08:09
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
Sgarg2hi. I tried installing g++. but it shows the following error. g++ : Depends: g++-4.6 (>= 4.6.3-1~) but it is not going to be installed. What should I do?08:10
nabnBil, i think there is something missing in 'dpkg | grep gcc'08:10
Bilnabn what?08:12
BilI thought we had finished with dependency hell08:13
nabnBil, i installed libconfig++-dev and the error went away. i now have new errors. i'll try dealing those. well, you asked for output of 'dpkg | grep gcc', but that returned some 'dpkg: error: need an action option'08:13
nabnBil, thanks.08:13
Bilshould have been dpkg -l | grep sorry08:13
trijntjeBil, Hi, Guest here again, I still get the same error, init not found08:14
Sgarg2hi! I tried installing g++. but it shows the following error. g++ : Depends: g++-4.6 (>= 4.6.3-1~) but it is not going to be installed. What should I do?08:15
Bil<trijntje> init not found is a very generic error so we need to know what was if anything was changed , was the server resently rebooted? Have you tried booting from an older kernel?08:16
trijntjeBil, I just did a fresh install, so there are no older kernels08:17
trijntjeI also checked the disk for errors, no errors found08:17
dr_willistrijntje:  so has it ever worked\booted right?08:21
Sgarg2I tried installing g++. but it shows the following error. g++ : Depends: g++-4.6 (>= 4.6.3-1~) but it is not going to be installed. What should I do?08:21
trijntjedr_willis, no, the first boot after install I get the kernel panic. The pc has been running ubuntu fine for over 5 years, including the version I'm trying to re-install now, 13.04 64bit08:21
dr_willistrijntje: i would verify the cd/usb  and do a memtest. jyst to be sure08:23
Sgarg2I tried installing g++. but it shows the following error. g++ : Depends: g++-4.6 (>= 4.6.3-1~) but it is not going to be installed. What should I do?08:23
trijntjedr_willis, I already verified the usb, no errors. I'll start memtest as well, but I cant imagine thats the problem08:24
Sgarg2I tried installing g++. but it shows the following error. g++ : Depends: g++-4.6 (>= 4.6.3-1~) but it is not going to be installed. What should I do?08:25
Sgarg2I tried installing g++. but it shows the following error. g++ : Depends: g++-4.6 (>= 4.6.3-1~) but it is not going to be installed. What should I do?08:25
trijntjehmm, memtest wont start, to small lower memory, whatever that means08:25
dr_willisinstall to the hd from a different pc.. move the hd over. ;-)08:25
dr_willismemtest from grub menu says that?08:25
Ben64!patience | Sgarg208:26
ubottuSgarg2: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/08:26
Sgarg2please some one help me. I tried installing g++. but it shows the following error. g++ : Depends: g++-4.6 (>= 4.6.3-1~) but it is not going to be installed. What should I do?08:26
Ben64Sgarg2: you should look at what ubottu said to you08:27
dr_willisSgarg2:  once every 10 min is enough08:27
dr_willisfigure out why its not going to be installed....08:28
Sgarg2dr wills I also tried installing using synaptic. It gives the same error08:30
trijntjedr_willis, yeah, the memtest from the installed system gives that error. The memtest from the live system says 'cannot run with older kernel'08:30
dr_willissince synsptic is just an front end.. that makes sense08:30
Sgarg2I also tried installing g++ 4.6 but it also depends on some other thing08:30
dr_willistrijntje: thats seems weird08:30
dr_willisi normally kust install the build-essential packages08:31
trijntjedr_willis, the memtest in grub has been broken for years now, no idea why08:31
Sgarg2can you tell me the command to install build essential package08:32
syn-ackSgarg2, sudo apt-get install08:32
dr_willistrijntje:  weird. try a different distro like tinycorelinux  16mb in size.. see if it acts weird08:32
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)08:33
UbnoobtuIs there any good programs for ubuntu that everyone should install? I'm new with this OS in linux in general.08:33
dr_willis!info build-essential08:33
ubottubuild-essential (source: build-essential): Informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.6ubuntu4 (raring), package size 5 kB, installed size 37 kB08:33
stairmast0rwhat's the actual program name of the default 13.04 volume control/sound options window?08:33
dr_willis!manual Ubnoobtu08:33
Sgarg2Installing build-essential gives the following error. "Depends: g++ (>= 4:4.4.3) but it is not going to be installed"08:34
dr_willis!manual | Ubnoobtu08:34
ubottuUbnoobtu: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/08:34
UbnoobtuOh, thanks, dr_willis and ubottu08:35
dr_willisSgarg2:  so you need to find out why its not  going to be installed08:35
jribSgarg2: this is usually because you have used packages not from the official repositories for your distribution version (either through other repositories (like PPAs) or manually .deb installs).  Can you speak to that?08:36
Sgarg2how can I find out that?08:36
jribSgarg2: this would be something you remember.08:36
Ubnoobtuhow susceptible is ubuntu to virus and like attacks.08:36
dr_willisUbnoobtu:  basically nil.08:37
jrib!virus | Ubnoobtu08:37
ubottuUbnoobtu: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus08:37
Sgarg2can I completely uninstall gcc and then install it again. will it help?08:38
dr_willistey it and see08:38
UbnoobtuPretty great, does ubuntu have any flaws other than not being corporately pimped at the cost of the consumer?08:39
Left_Turnhow to i enter root to run a program with root privileges?08:39
dr_williswow.. buzzwords08:39
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo08:39
Sgarg2if I uninstall libstdc++6 synaptics says that it is an essential package and uninstalling it may result in disturbed system behaviour08:40
Ben64Sgarg2: probably shouldn't do that then08:40
histoUbnoobtu: it is pimped at the cost of the consumer's via ads08:41
Ubnoobtuhisto I can deal with the ads, just not the screwing over the windows does.08:43
histoUbnoobtu: true08:43
histoUbnoobtu: also it's easy to remove the shopping lens08:43
syn-ackUbnoobtu, Just wait. It'll be there.08:43
ubottuPlease do not fall prey to, or spread FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) - it is not welcome here!  Please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear,_uncertainty_and_doubt08:43
trijntjedr_willis, now running memtest from 32 bit 12.04-2, do you have any clue what the problem could be if it isnt faulty memory?08:44
histo!shopping | it's not FUD it's easy to remove08:44
ubottuit's not FUD it's easy to remove: If you wish not to see "More Suggestions" from places like Amazon in your Ubuntu, simply remove the package unity-lens-shopping, or adjust your Privacy settings as shown here: http://goo.gl/kFO4u . Mark Shuttleworth's blog entry on this is at http://goo.gl/uF7zZ08:44
Ben64histo: that was directed towards syn-ack , not you.08:45
UbnoobtuIs there any other utilities that would be useful for a beginner to use or great to have to tinker with to see the potential this Os ofers?08:45
dr_willistrijntje: dozens if potential hardware issues.  if it used to work and now dosent08:46
histoUbnoobtu: the software center08:46
stairmast0rwhat's the actual program name of the default 13.04 volume control/sound options window?08:46
sqrt7744does anyone know  how I list all the files in /usr that are *not* both owned by root *and* in  the root group? I can do the oppsite search, i.e. finding all files that are owned by root with find -user, but that doesn't help much08:46
Left_Turnin order to give space from 1 partition to another, do i have to unmount the drive?08:46
syn-ackThen call me out instead of triggering a bot, and if you don't like my opinion, so be it, but man up and we can have a debate about it in #offtopic.08:46
histostairmast0r: isn't it gnome-volume-mixer or something08:46
Ben64Ubnoobtu: probably a better question for #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-discuss08:47
syn-ackGnome-volume-control, I thought08:47
dr_willisLeft_Turn: you dont resize in use filesystems08:47
trijntjedr_willis, I just choose to reinstall because my windows needed more disk space, I had no issues with ubuntu before, and both windows and the live system run fine08:47
Ben64syn-ack: i don't care about your opinion, but don't go fud'ing around in this channel08:47
Ubnoobtuhisto| I whent there to see what they had to offer and it all seemed out of my skill level. i'm stll installing via GUI08:47
histoLeft_Turn: yes it needs to be unmounted08:47
stairmast0rahhh.. gnome-sound-applet gives you the tray icon08:48
Left_Turnok thanks08:48
histotrijntje: well then something went wrong with your install or it has a newer kernel etc.. than the live cd08:48
Ubnoobtuben64| rgr tht, sryy for crowding the chat up.08:48
dr_willistrijntje:  on a different box. try a full unstall to usb. see if it works on the problem box08:48
jribSgarg2: I can help you but you have to answer the questions asked of you.08:48
Ben64Ubnoobtu: not a problem, just the other channels are more open to conversations and suggestions of software and whatnot. this is for support questions only08:49
histo!manual | Ubnoobtu08:49
ubottuUbnoobtu: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/08:49
trijntjedr_willis, I'll try that after memtest has completed,  still have 13.10 on an externa drive which should work08:50
Left_Turnguys so / is like for the OS, and /home is like for data storage?08:51
histoLeft_Turn: /home is all yoru user files etc...08:51
Left_Turnoh i see08:51
Left_Turnso / should be made bigger than /home08:51
histoLeft_Turn: / is everything else software, libraries, system wide configs are in /etc, logs in /var/log, boot files in /boot08:51
histoLeft_Turn: No I would make /home bigger08:51
histoLeft_Turn: if youa re used to windows think of /home as c:\Users08:52
Left_Turnor.. i have low space in / and /home seems unused histo08:52
Left_Turnoh i see histo08:52
histo!partition | Left_Turn08:52
ubottuLeft_Turn: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PartitioningSchemes l - For partitioning programs see !GParted, or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap08:52
UbnoobtuThanks guys, I look forword to seeing everyone again. best community I've see yet. thanks for the help and understanding. keep it up and dont be fud'ing, lol.08:52
histoUbnoobtu: np anytime08:52
trijntjeLeft_Turn, if your feeling lazy, just put everything on /. /home will be located in / anyway, so you dont have to worry about assigning enough space to / and /home08:53
babinlonstonWill any one please verify  my iptables ...............shall i put the pastebin08:53
Left_Turni see.. ok thanks08:53
Left_Turni wish i did that08:53
histobabinlonston: verify it for what?08:53
histoLeft_Turn: well on the up side having a seperate /home is more beneficial if you ever reinstall you just blowout / but leave /home alone08:54
Left_Turni see histo.. ill leave them separate then.. and look at gparted08:55
babinlonstonhisto: you here cool its .... i need it to apply it in my remote vps before that i want to verify it by any one professional like u ppls , i used it in local pc and its getting block after a reboot , so need to verify by u08:55
=== _elixir is now known as elixir
frojndHi there. Is here someone who knows how to free up /boot partition? When I was doing an update I got following error: http://sprunge.us/TgVM08:56
ubottugparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php08:56
frojndNow I can't even delete or purge linux headers with apt-get. How do I free up space of /boot or remove headers?08:56
frojndLeft_Turn: It's a remote computer on whom I have only ssh access08:57
frojndLeft_Turn: I need to do it via ssh then. GUI apps don't help me08:58
Left_Turnsorry frojnd  that was for me to search08:58
frojndLeft_Turn: ah :) Ok :D08:58
jdaleWho was I talking to ?08:58
histobabinlonston: What do you mean it's getting block after a reboot?   Does that mean it's working or not locally?08:58
histobabinlonston: also any reason you don't use ufw?08:59
frojndAnyways, can somoene help me solve my problem with no space left on /boot partition and therefor can't use apt-get program?08:59
jdaleI was talking to someone08:59
histofrojnd: are you sure / isn't full?08:59
babinlonstonhisto: its Ubuntu server 12.04 only have iptables not ufw checked already08:59
frojndhisto: yes: http://sprunge.us/WeG09:00
histo!ufw | babinlonston09:00
ubottubabinlonston: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | GUI frontends such as Gufw also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo09:00
frojndhisto: yes: http://sprunge.us/WeGb correct link09:00
dr_willisfrojnd:  askubuntu.com has shell scripts to clean out old kernels09:00
histofrojnd: well it's ugly but navigate to /boot and rm some older kernels and images09:00
babinlonstonno the command ufw not working for me ... command not found09:01
histofrojnd: or use dpkg09:01
frojndhisto: I have some new kernels too that actually aren't in use, which is odd09:01
babinlonstonubottu: even man ufw tried09:01
ubottubabinlonston: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:01
histofrojnd: they aren't in use untill you reboot09:01
histobabinlonston: sudo apt-get install ufw09:02
babinlonstonhisto: without doing iptables working  then i dont want to intall it na09:03
histofrojnd: what happens when you dpkg -r packagename09:03
frojndhisto: now I don't know if I Want this, since new kernels aren't in use09:03
Ben64babinlonston: what? you know iptables is not magical. you're not going to get hacked by downloading a package without iptables running09:03
histofrojnd: if you install a new kernel you can't use it until rebooting09:04
frojndhisto: that's the thing. It was an error09:04
histofrojnd: what was error?09:05
frojndhisto: due to no space left: http://sprunge.us/TgVM09:05
osubuntusudo apt-get install ufo ?09:05
* histo people have trouble with english tonight09:05
babinlonstonBen64:  im saying already there is iptables na then one more firewall need to be installed ?09:06
histofrojnd: yeah it can't generate a initrd if there is no space on /boot09:06
frojndhisto: and this is the list of kernels in boot, second and last are marked as active: http://sprunge.us/RDgj09:06
user123right left click not working on desktop in ubuntu 13.04...what to do ?09:06
histofrojnd: either expand the /boot partition or remove a kernel that isn't being used09:06
frojndhisto: is it safe for me to remove linux-image-3.2.0-31-generic and linux-image-3.2.0-36-generic ?09:07
histouser123: panic09:07
Ben64babinlonston: ufw uses iptables09:07
histouser123: is this a touchpad?09:07
histofrojnd: are you currently booting to either of those kernels?09:07
frojndhisto: I'm currently booted in (uname -a says:) 3.2.0-38-generic09:07
user123histo: hp g6 notebook09:08
histofrojnd: If you don't need to boot them then ofcourse it's okay to remove them. I usually keep two kernels on my machines the current and one previous version09:08
babinlonstonsudo apt-get install ufw09:08
babinlonstonReading package lists... Done09:08
babinlonstonBuilding dependency tree09:08
babinlonstonReading state information... Done09:08
babinlonstonufw is already the newest version.09:08
FloodBot1babinlonston: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:08
histobabinlonston: then ufw allow or deny to your hearts content09:08
frojndhisto: I'll try with pkg, since apt-get is in error zone. Btw, what is the way to expand /boot? My / is 250GB which is huhe and /boto only has 100MB ? CLI - method09:09
babinlonstonlet me give the iptables in paste09:10
Ben64frojnd: you'd need to boot from a livecd or something to do that09:10
ikoniafrojnd: no09:10
ikoniafrojnd: do not use another tool09:10
ikoniafrojnd: fix the problem09:10
frojndBen64: can't do it. Remote computer09:10
histofrojnd: What error are you getting removing the kernel?09:10
user123right left click not working on desktop in ubuntu 13.04...how to fix this ?09:10
frojndhisto: just a sec09:10
histouser123: it was just a notebook previously now it's a desktop?09:11
Ben64i bet since the new kernel is half installed, it's trying to complete that before removing anything else09:11
frojndhisto: http://sprunge.us/bTCa09:11
ikoniaBen64: 10 points,09:11
osubuntuI wonder what the "#!/bin/bash" is...09:11
frojndBen64: that's is pretty much what is trying to do09:11
osubuntuin a shell script09:11
osubuntuit seems to do nothing09:12
user123histo: the desktop screen and not physical desktop.....the system is still the same notebook09:12
=== KindOne- is now known as KindOne
reisioosubuntu: it tells whatever is reading it to use that executable09:12
ikoniaosubuntu: what does ? please explain clearly09:12
reisioosubuntu: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shebang_%28Unix%2909:12
jribosubuntu: when you execute the file, it tells the system what to execute it with09:12
Ben64ikonia: what do i win?      frojnd: ok, i'd suggest moving .36 or another old one out to / or /home or something, let it finish doing .51, then you can purge .31 and put the old file back, etc, blah blah09:12
babinlonstonhisto: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5943106/09:13
frojndhisto: when I do apt-get -f install I get error about no free disk space :)09:13
ikoniaBen64: as always my respect.09:13
histofrojnd: ughh try dpkg -r whatever-kernel-3.2.blah.blah09:13
osubuntujrib, I run a script which contains that with sh, but the shell doesn't seem to switch09:13
jribosubuntu: correct.  It only matters if you execute the file. e.g. ./foo.sh09:13
reisioor if it's in your path, by simply typing the executable file name09:14
ubottugparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php09:14
ubottuPartitionManager is a !KDE !GUI partitioning program. Use !KPackageKit, !Adept or !Synaptic to install or type « sudo apt-get install partitionmanager » in a !terminal09:15
osubuntujrib, so I need to use some commands if I want to force it to run on a specified shell.09:15
frojndhisto: good thing about alternate method of purgin package (dpkg in this case)09:15
frojndbut still no enough space :D09:15
jribosubuntu: let's take a step back.  What exactly do you want to accomplish?09:15
histofrojnd: then get rid of another one and apt-get -f install09:16
osubuntujrib, nothing, just asking....09:16
Ben64frojnd: time to remove more old kernels then09:16
user123histo: any solutions ?09:16
jribosubuntu: when you execute the file, the interpreter you specify in the shebang line will be used.  i.e. You run "./file.sh", the operating system sees the shebang line "#!/bin/bash", the operating system then runs /bin/bash file.sh.  If you don't execute the file directly but instead decide to pass it to some other program then that other program will launch.  So if you call "zsh file.sh" zsh will launch and09:18
jribif it's programmed to, interpret its first argument, file.sh.  Or if you launch "gedit file.sh" gedit will launch and open file.sh for you to edit.09:18
histouser123: Not until you clarify the problem. Is it a mouse or touchpad that your clicks don't work?09:18
bfmt048third party sources were disabled , how to enable in sources.list09:19
trijntjeHi all, I'm trying to install ubuntu 13.04 64 bit. Installation goes fine, but after reboot i get the error "Kernel panic, init not found". I've already verified the cd and ran memtest on the pc, all fine. What can I do to fix this?09:19
Left_Turncan anyone tell me why i cant get my external dvd drive to play? or open?09:19
user123histo: its a touchpad.....and clicks are working fine on files and other folders but nothing is happening on desktop screen....nothing is showing on desktop and no clicks09:20
histobabinlonston: I don't use much iptables09:20
frojndhisto: Ben64 ok I now Only have: http://sprunge.us/NLSE09:20
reisioLeft_Turn: how're you trying to get it to?09:20
babinlonstonhisto: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5943106/09:20
histouser123: what GUI09:20
Left_Turni right click it.. click open and nothing happens09:20
Left_Turn@ reisio09:20
frojndhisto: Ben64 I also tried to remove *49 and *51 but it says it's dependency of linux-image-generic09:20
user123histo: yes09:20
frojndhisto: Ben64 and only 28MB free space on /boot /dev/sda2        90M   57M   28M  68% /boot09:20
Ben64frojnd: 51 is the newest one, you want that09:20
Ben64frojnd: pastebin the output of "ls -lh /boot" ?09:21
Left_Turna lot of things seem off.. sometimes firefox and gparted refuse to close09:21
reisioLeft_Turn: you put a data disc in there?09:21
Left_Turnyes.. and also a dvd movie09:21
histofrojnd: or dpkg -l linux-image* | grep ^ii09:21
frojndBen64: histo http://sprunge.us/BgZe09:21
reisioLeft_Turn: try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats for the movie09:21
Left_Turnok thanks reisio09:21
frojndhisto: Ben64 or: http://sprunge.us/ePRQ09:22
Ben64frojnd: if i counted correctly, that directory has <60MB in it right now09:22
histofrojnd: whicha reyou booted to currently?09:22
frojndBen64: correct09:22
frojndhisto: uname -a says:  3.2.0-38-generic09:22
histouser123: which Desktop Environment?09:23
frojndhisto: dpkg -l | grep -Eo "^.i +linux-(image|headers)[^ ]+" | cut -c 5- | grep --color -E "$|"`uname -r` says: http://sprunge.us/NLSE09:23
nantouI have proxified all my traffic editing the /etc/environment file. I know I can connect directly to the net, no proxy, via " http_proxy=";" app", however, if I try  http_proxy=";" chromium-browser, I still get a proxified connection. How's so?09:23
user123histo: default09:23
Ben64frojnd: 28MB should be enough to install the new one, you really should get a bigger /boot or get rid of the /boot partition all together09:24
histouser123: if you log out and back in are you able to click on your desktop?09:24
frojndBen64: will try and remove /boot later. Hm so apt-get -f install should do it now?09:25
Ben64frojnd: yeah09:25
user123histo: no...tried it already09:25
jribnantou: not that it matters much but you should probably either unset http_proxy or just set it to "", not to ";".   As for chromium, it probably uses system settings which are stored and accessed through some GNOME api (guessing).  Check your chromium settings09:25
histouser123: i'm not in Ubuntu right now but I believe nautilus manages the desktop. Perhaps someone in here could help further or askubuntu.com. If you tell people that you are unable to right click on the desktop would be a little better description than your mouse buttons don't work. As you've stated they work in other places.09:26
frojndBen64: histo heh now I get dpkg error: http://sprunge.us/CBDW09:27
frojndNo apport report written because the error message indicates its a followup error from a pre09:27
trijntjeuser123, is your desktop working at all, do you see the unity side bar?09:27
frojndvious failure.09:27
* frojnd is sorry for multiple enter09:27
osubuntulol I found that Alt + SysRq + C causes kernel oops and caps lock led blinking (DO NOT EXECUTE THAT)09:28
histofrojnd: yeah you can fix the errors later09:28
user123histo: nothing is showing on desktop except the wallpaper, if I save any file on desktop then its not shown on desktop but its shown inside folders and terminal09:28
trijntjeuser123, in that case its a problem with unity, the desktop isnt loading at all09:28
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frojndhisto: later?09:28
user123trijntje: everything is working except desktop, i'm chating from the same system histo09:29
wilee-nileeuser123, Have you modified compiz?09:29
histouser123: gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background show-desktop-icons true09:29
user123trijntje: how to fix it ?09:29
Ben64frojnd: well thats strange, try purging the .49 kernel09:30
user123wilee-nilee: I don't know how to modify compiz09:30
frojndBen64: probably I diddn't reboot when I previously upgraded09:30
trijntjeuser123, can you open system settings -> appearance, go to behaviour tab and reset everything to default?09:30
Ben64frojnd: well you probably don't want to reboot now09:30
user123trijntje: ok09:30
wilee-nileeuser123, here is a reset link that might help  http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/04/how-to-reset-unity-compiz-in-ubuntu-12-10-and-13-0409:30
histofrojnd: probably from not having an initrd for that kernel09:30
trijntjeosubuntu, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key09:31
babinlonstonhisto: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5943106/09:31
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frojndBen64: I've removed .49 kernel but when I do apt-get -f install I get: http://sprunge.us/FjdA09:32
user123trijntje: clicked restore default behaviours but nothing happening09:32
frojndhisto: Ben64 how can I make .51 working kernel now :)09:32
Ben64frojnd: what if you do "sudo apt-get install linux-image-3.2.0-51-generic"09:34
user123wilee-nilee: trijntje gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background show-desktop-icons true worked and its good now, thnx histo but what was wrong and how to makee sure its fixed permanently and it doesn't happens again09:34
frojndBen64: http://sprunge.us/fYDQ09:35
frojndBen64: I also tried with -f flag but it's the same output09:35
histouser123: that setting was probably false and now you changed it to true09:36
SuperLagreisio: I thought a "backport" meant you were going to make somehthing new work on something old. For example, making a current device driver work on a 2.4 kernel. If that's the case, why when I do an update do I see one of the repos labeled as raring-backports?09:36
histofrojnd: apt-get -f install  does whatt?09:36
user123histo: but everything is as it is out of the box, I didn't changed or modified it09:36
pinguy_dear all09:37
histofrojnd: just apt-get -f install    with nothing after it09:37
SuperLagtrijntje: that name sounds very Dutch :)09:37
reisioSuperLag: dunno, I'd ask #debian09:37
histofrojnd: have to go good luck though09:37
frojndhisto: this is what I get with just -f install http://sprunge.us/PWRS09:37
Ben64frojnd: yeah i figured. the only thing i can think of now is to remove all the kernels and just do "sudo apt-get install linux-generic linux-image-generic linux-headers-generic"09:37
frojndBen64: em.. it better works :D I can only access via ssh lol09:38
SuperLagreisio: seriously? COME ON, MAN! You're blowing my image of you! wilee-nilee told me that you are the fount of all knowledge of things Ubuntu! :D09:38
babinlonstonhelp me09:38
SuperLagwilee-nilee: oh HI! :D09:38
wilee-nileethats my twin brother09:38
clientDoes anybody know how to bypass a login for a Javascript webapp after copying the files locally?09:39
frojndBen64: by all you mean all in this list: http://sprunge.us/FTNc09:39
frojndon this list*09:39
Ben64frojnd: looks like it09:39
Ben64apt and dpkg work great, until you run out of space...09:40
reisioSuperLag: I'm not very familiar with Debian jargon09:40
SuperLagreisio: pfffft! I want a REFUND! :D09:40
reisioSuperLag: the internet says 'backports: This repository provides more recent versions than stable for some software. It is mainly intended for users of stable who need a newer version of a particular package.'09:40
reisiowhich is I believe what you said09:40
Ben64reisio, SuperLag: take it to #ubuntu-offtopic or elsewhere09:40
reisioBen64: ?09:41
reisiocan you at least pay attention if you're going to try and be an op?09:41
SuperLagBen64: pissy much? We're talking Ubuntu.09:41
reisioUbuntu has backports09:41
reisioSuperLag: hey it's a page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports09:41
SuperLagreisio: excellent. Looking.09:42
clientwhy do guys like Ben64 do things like that?09:42
Ben64i see talk about debian,  i see talk about refunds, i see a question related to ubuntu but not really support09:42
pinguy_need help about command line to set "turn screen off when inactive for"  to  NEVER plz09:42
Ben64keep the channel clear for actual support09:42
Left_Turnhey theres a lot of software ubuntu has given me that i don't need.. is there a way to delete all of the non programming related ones, bar a few like a media player?? do i need an ubuntu 1 account software?09:42
Left_Turncan i delete that account09:43
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reisioclient: presumably they want to be ops more than they want people to talk about Ubuntu support issues09:43
Left_Turnin software center they all seem importnt09:43
reisiopinguy_: in X or not?09:43
clientwats so great in being an op? reisio09:43
pinguy_yeh in x09:44
Left_Turnhey when ubuntu installs python.. is this seen as a 3rd party install?09:44
Left_Turnok unban reisio darnit09:44
Left_Turn@ IdleONe09:44
Ben64Left_Turn: not if it comes from the ubuntu repositories09:44
Left_Turnoh i see09:45
wilee-nileeLeft_Turn, You have to make a Ubuntu one account to have one. some things can be removed some not without taking important stuff with it.09:45
Left_Turnoh i see09:45
frojndBen64: .49 is making problems http://sprunge.us/PIjW09:46
himanshu_linuxhi , I am not able to mount my drive. It gave me error msg paste.ubuntu.com/5943184/ . here is my dmesg output   http://paste.ubuntu.com/5943169/  ... please help me how to clear this error .09:46
frojndBen64: any ideas why it is making sucha mess? I've dpkg --remove it09:46
Ben64frojnd: you removed them all and did "sudo apt-get install linux-generic linux-image-generic linux-headers-generic" ?09:47
pinguy_need help about command line to set "turn screen off when inactive for"  to  NEVER09:47
frojndBen64: I didn't remove .3809:48
frojndwill remove that too and report back09:48
Ben64frojnd: well hold on09:48
frojndBen64: didn't remoev it because I use it now09:48
frojndBen64: I'm on hold09:48
Ben64frojnd: but you removed the linux-generic and the other packages that didn't have 38 in it?09:48
frojndBen64: yes09:48
SuperLagIdleOne: Seriously. Please unban reisio.09:49
Ben64frojnd: strange.. it should have installed whichever version it wanted09:49
Gegsiteanybody on 13.04 have issue with kazam ?09:49
SuperLagGegsite: what kind of issue(s)?09:50
frojndBen64: It keeps on saying linux-image-generic depends linux-generic depends on linux-image-generic (=; however:09:50
Ben64frojnd: sudo apt-cache policy linux-image-generic09:50
frojndBen64: and then Version of linux-image-generic on system is
frojndBen64: http://sprunge.us/HLIG09:51
pinguy_listerning  to ozbourn, read your post , and waiting  for suggestion09:51
pinguy_need help about command line to set "turn screen off when inactive for"  to  NEVER09:51
Ben64frojnd: dpkg -l | grep -i generic09:52
SuperLagGegsite: hold on just a sec09:53
frojndBen64: http://sprunge.us/IYNT09:53
frojndBen64: am I seeing correctly? is there linux-image-3.2.0-49-generic  which has rc flag infrnt?09:54
Ben64frojnd: correct, rc is for "residual config"09:54
Ben64frojnd: the goal is to make those go away, or change to ii... see if you can purge all those packages except for the .38 ones because you'd still like to boot if something happens09:55
Ben64frojnd: and of course don't purge the fontconfig or the other non kernel packages09:56
frojndBen64: ok will try and remove images and headers except .3809:56
SuperLagGegsite: I'm guessing that Kazam uses Python 2 and not Python 3.... do you have python-dbus installed?09:56
clientdoes anybody know any popular web irc channels?09:57
Gegsitebut could be broken somehow my python.....09:58
SuperLagGegsite: have you been messing with your python packages?10:00
GegsiteI remember some python changes, for blender10:00
SuperLagGegsite: I'm not having any issues here. I just recorded a short screencast with Kazam.10:01
SuperLagGegsite: what kind of changes?10:01
Gegsitebut I did not noticed any issue so far... (btw blender did not request is, that was my fault )10:01
universalhisto: srry i got disconnect....how to make that setting permanent so that its remains the same even after i reboot and how it was turned off as i didn't modified any settings ? secondly if disconnected from this chat then how to reconnect from the same line coz my wifi keeps disconnecting and third question how to restore opened tabs of one machine synced via firefox sync on  another machine or reinstalled machine ??10:02
universalwilee-nilee: trijntje ^^^^10:02
Gegsitecopy the python folder from blender to /usr/lib/python10:02
SuperLagGegsite: whoa. That's major.10:02
SuperLagGegsite: that could hose your whole install... as LOTS of stuff depends on the stock python10:02
frojndBen64: OK, now I only have .38 after running dpkg -l | grep -i generic http://sprunge.us/fgBI10:03
Gegsitehow can I fix that? like download that needed package and overright is?10:03
makarahi. I need libdvdcss2 package. How can I install Medibuntu for Raring Ringtail? It doesn't show up in Synaptic or Software Center.10:03
clientmakara you can use a commandline code to install it.10:04
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - See also !automate10:04
clientoops wrong 110:04
clientsudo apt-get install <software>10:04
jrib!dvd | makara10:04
ubottumakara: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:04
Ben64frojnd: looks good10:04
wilee-nilee!info libdvdcss210:05
ubottuPackage libdvdcss2 does not exist in raring10:05
SuperLagwilee-nilee: even in a PPA?10:06
frojndBen64: ok let me try and install linux-generic linux-image-generic linux-headers-generic with apt10:06
frojndBen64: nice, no errors this time :)10:08
frojndtime to reboot and test10:08
makarajrib, thanks10:08
Ben64frojnd: yay10:08
frojndBen64: thank you so much. In case something goes wrong and I'm forced to use rescue mode, how do I change kernel I want to use? In my case .38?10:08
universalhisto: wilee-nilee ??10:09
Ben64frojnd: not sure since you only have remote access10:09
fishcookerhey there10:09
clienthow do I use the /who command in IRC?10:09
fishcookerim using putty10:09
frojndBen64: I also have remote rescue mode10:09
fishcookerbut accidentaly10:09
fishcookerthe character going strange mode10:09
frojndI mean what documentation should I read Ben6410:09
Aaruniclient: /whois nick10:09
fishcookerit seems binary10:09
wilee-nileeuniversal, All I did was give you a reset option, it does not mean I have an answer.10:09
clientI'm trying it on myself, but it doesnt work Aaruni10:09
fishcookerso when i try to type a command with romand letter10:10
GegsiteSuperLag, like with synaptic reinstall python ?10:10
fishcookeritsgoing strange10:10
fishcookerwhat happen ther10:10
Ben64frojnd: you may be able to set the older kernel to boot via /etc/default/grub , but i'm not 100% on that10:10
universalwilee-nilee: hmm...what about the rest ?10:10
io2can I use the ubuntu font in my KDE desktop without it making everything bold?10:10
Aaruniclient: when you do /whois nick , then check the freenode tab10:10
io2It is a nice font, but it kind of has a problem with Qt from what I understand and I was wondering if you guys had any fix for it.10:10
frojndBen64: looks empty file :D10:11
frojndBen64: only http://sprunge.us/NJKj10:11
fishcookerthis is what happen when i type htop10:11
clientoh ok Aaruni10:11
fishcookeranyone how to solve that instantnyl10:11
Ben64frojnd: yeah thats normal, it builds the grub.cfg using that and other parts10:12
frojndbut where do I tell it to use .38 kernel in case with 51 goes something wrong10:12
SuperLagGegsite: I'm sorry, man. I'm not even going to pretend to know how to fix that. I have Blender installed, as well... and I didn't have to do anything with the stock Python to get it to work.10:12
GegsiteI try to reinstall python10:13
SuperLagGegsite: I'd try to just reinstall python-dbus, first10:13
Ben64frojnd: i would normally say the GRUB_DEFAULT=0 line, but i'm not sure if the old kernels can be selected that way anymore10:14
fishcookeranyone has the same problem10:14
SuperLagGegsite: go with the simplest solution before you try something drastic10:14
fishcookerit happen when i type command "htop"10:14
frojndBen64: because of new GRUB and everything?10:14
Ben64frojnd: yeah10:14
wilee-nileefrojnd, Ben64 is correct for a default kernel. http://askubuntu.com/questions/216398/set-older-kernel-as-default-grub-entry10:16
Ben64wilee-nilee: neat10:16
clientfrojnd how are you concealing your ip address?10:16
frojndclient: on irc?10:17
clientyeah on irc frojnd10:18
frojndclient: I don't. Nobody does 100%10:18
wilee-nileefrojnd, If you want a gui option there is the grub customizer as well. http://askubuntu.com/questions/196657/how-do-i-change-default-boot-kernel-if-i-set-it-wrong-to-memtest10:18
frojndwilee-nilee: thank you. I don't need GUI.10:18
wilee-nileefrojnd, Did not think so. ;)10:19
clientits concealing your actual ip address frojnd10:19
frojndthanx for the link wilee-nilee. Got to test it now.10:19
saschagehlichhey, I'm trying to install ubuntu on my new notebook, but as soon as I enter the installation, my backlight turns off. how can I turn it on? is there a way to open the terminal while installing so that I can turn on the backlight using the command line?10:19
SuperLagsaschagehlich: what laptop is this?10:20
saschagehlichacer aspire v3-772G10:20
clienthey sascha are you a web developer?10:22
SuperLagsaschagehlich: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1864513 there are some older posts here, but the issue is the same... and they seem to have worked out a solution.10:23
clientcan you tell me how to bypass a login form for a JavaScript webapp?10:23
saschagehlichclient: eeeehm no.10:24
clientu dont know?10:24
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SuperLagclient: you're not going to get help hacking here.10:24
clientits not for a hack SuperLag10:25
wildc4rdI am getting loads of 'system problem detected' messages at the moment, on 13.04, is this normal, and is there a log somewhere I can look at to find out why?10:25
clientI have the source code with me10:25
SuperLagclient: if you have the source code, then you can figure it out10:25
saschagehlichSuperLag: how am I supposed to edit a file if I can't even install ubuntu?10:25
clienti'm not sure where to look. am i looking at events?10:25
SuperLagsaschagehlich: you said the backlight turns off. Are you just talking about the keyboard backlight?10:26
saschagehlichSuperLag: no, my LCD screen backlight10:26
SuperLagsaschagehlich: or are you saying the whole display turns off?10:26
saschagehlichthe whole display - if I use a torch, I can barely see what it says on the screen. but it's hard to install it that way10:26
balihello friend, i have a small problem.  i live in india, and ubuntu by default is using the 'south asian numbering system' to display file sizes, is there a way to change this to USA style 'millions, hundred thousands'?10:26
SuperLagsaschagehlich: I'd try installing using the Alternate (text-based) installer.10:26
saschagehlichwhere can I find that?10:26
frojndSo now it would be time to expand /boot or remove /boot :)10:27
frojndany suggestion on safely doing this?10:27
SuperLagsaschagehlich: what country are you in?10:28
saschagehlichSuperLag: germany10:28
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wilee-nileefrojnd, This a boot partition that is getting full?10:28
SuperLagwilee-nilee: wow. no more alternate installer?10:28
SuperLagwilee-nilee: or am I just looking in the wrong place?10:29
SuperLagwilee-nilee: all I see on the kernel.org mirror is desktop and server.10:29
SuperLagsaschagehlich: I don't know if this is the same thing... but try this: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/raring/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/mini.iso10:31
frojndwilee-nilee: yeah10:31
frojndwilee-nilee: it had 100MB partition when I got hands on computer10:32
wilee-nileefrojnd, Kind of small, generally not needed, however cleaning all but two working kernel set would be a start.10:33
saschagehlichSuperLag: I just entered "try ubuntu without installing", opened up the Terminal and blindly typed "cat /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/max_brightness | sudo tee cat /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness"10:33
saschagehlichnow I can hopefully select "install ubuntu" without having the backlight turn off again10:33
frojndwilee-nilee: that would be a way yes. The way that forces you to maintain a computer :P10:34
GegsiteSuperLag, no luck keep that error msg10:34
ThePendulumMy laptop has two issues atm: First of all, I am currently charging and Ubuntu shows how my battery is gradually getting fulled... yet it doesn't show it's charging, it just appears like magic.10:35
wilee-nileefrojnd, ubuntu-tweak has a janitor that will remove kernels and configs, couple of clicks and their gone10:35
ThePendulumSecond, I have to connect to the local hotspot using the settings menu... The connectivity icon has disappeared from the top panel.10:35
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Gegsitebut I found a forum with that error10:35
ThePendulumThis is Ubuntu 12.04 on a laptop.10:35
frojndthanx for suggestions wilee-nilee10:35
wildc4rdI am getting loads of 'system problem detected' messages at the moment, on 13.04, is this normal, and is there a log somewhere I can look at to find out why?10:36
saschagehlichis ext4 stable yet?10:36
ThePendulumwildc4rd: I got these a lot too, and since it's usually a false negative or insignificant, I ended up disabling the prompts :P10:36
wilee-nileewildc4rd, Those problems list what they are, any third party stuff like from PPA's10:36
ThePendulumwildc4rd: If you find yourself being able to continue normal operation time after time, and this isn't a machine used professionally, I'd personally justs set enabled=0 in /etc/default/apport10:38
ThePendulumThis disables the error message.10:38
wilee-nileeI purged it10:38
ThePendulumIt's a grey area to do that, but well10:38
ThePendulumI personally found it happening too often10:38
definedhey i downloaded codec to play dvds... but i get error messages from my DVD drive when i try putting in data disks. why? it says unable to mount dvd volumn.10:40
=== defined is now known as Left_Turn
ThePendulumLeft_Turn: I am assuming the disc is known to be working?10:40
flipper88_flis there is ppa for vlc?10:41
Left_Turnyes it works on my windows.. ThePendulum10:41
Left_Turnbut not ubuntu10:41
ThePendulumflipper88_fl: ppa:n-muench/vlc10:41
wilee-nileeflipper88_fl, yes10:41
amritwhats the visual difference in 12.04 and 1310:41
Gegsitethat shitty kazam keeps erroring anyways10:41
ThePendulumflipper88_fl: I don't want to be mean... but it was the first Google result ;)10:41
GegsiteI did uncomment those lines from /usr/bin/kazam and still  ha an error now it is module : 'gi'10:42
GegsiteI think he can import any moduls at all10:42
ThePendulumAre you okay, MonkeyDust?10:43
ThePendulumI mean we have to ensure no one dropped dead on his keyboard after a line of coke or something10:44
GegsiteIF somebody can make a zip pack from /usr/lib/python* and end me many thanks10:46
Left_Turnalso how can i get my ubuntu screen display as clear as my windows10:46
kkhello guys10:47
HypnotiXI have 3 ext4 partitions and i want to merge them, is it possible to that and keep the data from my main one ?10:47
kkI am windows user and would like to learn Ubuntu..Any god starting place?10:47
HypnotiXto do that*10:48
Gegsitekk, youtube?10:48
Andi1337@kk install ubuntu first under wine or use a virtual machine10:48
kkGetsite, tried but somehow i missed it10:48
kkI have instaleld on10:49
jribkk: help.ubuntu.com10:49
jrib!manual | kk10:49
ubottukk: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/10:49
MonkeyDustkk  boot a live cd or usb, hile you're in it, do some reading, click around a bit, see what's where etc https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwitchingToUbuntu/FromWindows10:49
kkand using irc via ubuntu10:49
SuperLagGegsite: reinstall.10:49
kkthanks. will check guys10:49
HypnotiXyou mean me SuperLag10:49
MonkeyDustkk  and get to know nixie pixel10:49
kkYes thats my goal. Need to start learning Ubuntu fast for my work10:50
SuperLagGegsite: seriously. You mess with something so crucial to the system, I wouldn't trust it after that.... unless you're able to completely undo what you've done, by going in reverse.10:50
kkThanks guys for the links. will check10:50
SuperLagHypnotiX: no, I mean Gegsite10:50
HypnotiXI have 3 ext4 partitions and i want to merge them, is it possible to do that and keep the data from my main one ?10:50
GegsiteSuperLag, I just want to use kazam for fun but it is not a must have , whatever10:51
HypnotiXso i just erase everything and create a partition :(10:51
Gegsitein any other program I did not notice any problems so FU kazam10:51
=== Quaaad is now known as Lajjla
SuperLagGegsite: why are you blaming the app, when you likely caused the issue? :)10:52
MonkeyDustHypnotiX  backup first, if you start experimenting with partition10:52
Gegsitehow do you know I had done it 100%?10:52
SuperLagGegsite: moving python libraries?10:53
Gegsiteif I uncoment the "import dbus" line from kazam still not findig the next import stuff10:53
SuperLagGegsite: and that app depends on python bits, in order to work10:53
SuperLagGegsite: that's exactly the point10:53
GegsiteI did reinstall from synaptic the python-dbus python* libs nothing helpd10:54
SuperLagGegsite: your whole python setup seems hosed... and simply dropping a copy of someone else's in.... that's not going to do10:54
Gegsiteso either synaptic is not reinstalling or kazam is bad10:54
SuperLagKazam works for me, just fine.10:54
Gegsitethese python files are just files, copy paste will work10:55
SuperLagOkay. Whatever you say.10:55
SuperLagthat's obviously worked so well for you, up to this point :)10:56
Gegsitehaha, recordmydesktop is no problem to work...10:56
HypnotiXwhy is ubuntu so awesome compared to windows?10:56
Gegsitenope it is not awesome10:57
HypnotiXi think it is so far10:57
HypnotiXboot times, memory usage10:57
HypnotiXi like unity much more then win 7 gui10:57
SuperLagHypnotiX: good hardware helps, too. :)10:57
Gegsitelack of programs like pro cad cam software etc10:57
HypnotiXthats not linuxs fault :P10:57
SuperLagGegsite: if it's so bad, then why waste time with it?10:57
ThePendulumOkay this is odd10:57
ThePendulumI plugged in my laptop10:57
ThePendulumBut it's not charging...10:58
SuperLagGegsite: or did you just come here to troll?10:58
ThePendulumIt does charge on Windows10:58
Left_Turnany programmers here?10:58
GegsiteI use linux for more than 15 years SuperLag so save time to say that10:58
SuperLagLeft_Turn: just ask your question10:58
ThePendulumLeft_Turn: I'm mainly a webdev but shoot10:58
SuperLagGegsite: sure.10:58
SuperLagGegsite: I'm convinced.10:58
HypnotiXpendulum backend or frontend ?10:58
Left_Turnubuntu comes with a lot of languages... if i remove all 3rd party packages during instalation.. will i still recieve all the languages?10:58
ThePendulumHypnotiX: bOTH10:59
ThePendulum*caps invert10:59
Left_Turni want languages but i dont want all the extra software10:59
SuperLagGegsite: if you'd had that much experience, then you'd likely have had this issue fixed, and on your way.... a LONG TIME AGO10:59
HypnotiXhow do you go about testing in ie in ubuntu10:59
MonkeyDustHypnotiX  you don't10:59
jribLeft_Turn: it's not clear what you mean by "3rd party package during instalation" nor is it clear what you mean by "all languages"10:59
SuperLagHypnotiX: Wine would be the easiest, I think10:59
HypnotiXi installed virtualbox for that10:59
SuperLagHypnotiX: then use that11:00
SuperLagHypnotiX: much cleaner keeping that stuff in a VM11:00
HypnotiXso far i noticed that browsers render differently in linux :(11:00
MonkeyDustHypnotiX  yes, that's the way to do it and the advice you'd get11:00
GegsiteSuperLag, because I use it I'm not a programmer IT genius11:00
ThePendulumHypnotiX: I usually develop on my main PC and test it on Windows on my laptop (both machines are dual booted), including I.E. If that's not an option, I usually use a virtual machine or this site where you can select browsers on different OS' and it will show you a screenshot (not sure what the site's called again).11:00
Left_Turnjrib my installation was too big.. during installation there was an option to include 3rd party software which i did.. im wondering if i deselect this option.. will i still get languages like python, java etc11:00
MonkeyDustHypnotiX  that's because windows != linux11:00
clientThependulum how do I check for events when loading an index.html file?11:00
GegsiteIf I say ubuntu is not awesome compare to any other OS why it is a problem?11:00
ThePendulumclient: You mean whether something goes wrong, or what?11:01
jribLeft_Turn: that's probably not much just some codecs and such (not sure).  What does "too big" mean exactly?  You don't have hard drive space?11:01
HypnotiXwell its weird tbh, same version of firefox renders differently in linux then windows11:01
ThePendulumGegsite: Feel free to say that. It's just that most people in here opted for Ubuntu thus think it's better than other OS' :P11:01
HypnotiXsame fonts11:01
SuperLagGegsite: I'd say it's counterproductive to come into an Ubuntu support channel, and start slamming Ubuntu... for errors you caused.11:01
Left_Turnyeah im out of space in my '/'11:01
clientlike say I'm loading an index.html file and its redirecting me somewhere to a remote auth page. how do I check the code/event that is pushing me there?11:01
jribLeft_Turn: how big is /?11:01
Left_Turnjrib do u know if lubuntu provides python11:02
ThePendulumclient: Assuming you didn't create index.html (otherwise you would've put the code in there yourself?)11:02
jribLeft_Turn: it does.  Didn't we tell you about minimal install yesterday though?  You can pick only the packages you want there11:02
Gegsiteubuntu is not kazam and not windows. I just said that11:02
clientIt's ironic Gegsite. You could be sitting in a win7 irc instead, but here you are...11:02
Left_Turnim unsure about manually picking stuff11:02
ThePendulumclient: Most browsers let you check the source with ctrl + u. I.e. Chrome has a more advanced debugging tool, it's available when right clicking on a page. The redirect should be visible when doing that.11:02
Gegsitejust try to make kazam work sorry11:02
flipper88_flLeft_Turn: you ought to be finew with a46-32gb flash stickl as an imaged backup/install nedium11:03
jribLeft_Turn: also, even if lubuntu didn't provide python (it does because python is used all over the place), you can still install things through apt after the initial install11:03
SuperLagLeft_Turn: I'm going out on a limb saying so... but I think nearly all Linux distros provide some form of Python, by default11:03
ThePendulumThis is so strange11:03
ThePendulumMy laptop is plugged in and charging...11:03
ThePendulumAnd Ubuntu just thinks the battery magically increases power11:03
Left_Turnpython is only an example... i just want all little things programming related included11:03
jribLeft_Turn: you can install whatever you want afterwards11:04
ThePendulumLeft_Turn: You want ALL the dev tools?11:04
flipper88_flWith wine and everything else my root partiton is 6.3GB11:04
ThePendulumI mean, there are dozens of lagnauges11:04
clientThePendulum is this advanced debugger tool available only in chrome or chromium too?11:04
ThePendulumclient: Both11:04
Left_Turnok thanks guys i think i know what to do now11:04
ThePendulumclient: It's developed to Chromium and adapted in Chrome11:04
ThePendulumMy / is 6.6GB11:05
jribLeft_Turn: is there no more room for you to make a bigger /?11:05
ThePendulumMy Windows root is 70GB11:05
ThePendulumOver 10 times as big11:05
ThePendulumGo figure...11:05
clientI see the source but I don't see the events @ ThePendulum11:05
Left_Turnthere is... but it involves gparted.. i just want a clean install.. jrib11:06
ThePendulumclient: Maybe the redirect is happening on the back-end?11:06
ThePendulumI.e. in PHP or Ruby11:06
ThePendulumWhatever the site uses11:06
ThePendulumYou can't view the source of that without access to the server11:06
jribLeft_Turn: honestly, if you have more room I would make / a bit bigger.  You'll likely regret it later if you don't11:06
ThePendulum0:22 left... 0:25 left... 0:30 left11:06
ThePendulumC'mon Ubuntu11:06
ThePendulumYou know it's charging11:07
Left_Turnyes jrib ill give it more space in a new install... but i dont really want to do this process with gparted11:07
Left_Turnis there anyway i can tell ubuntu to make the installation less than 5 gb11:07
clientLeft_Turn I would advise you to separate your dev environment from your everyday linux usage.11:07
ThePendulumI am a dev and I do not do this11:08
clientLeft_Turn you can. By using something like Lubuntu or Xubuntu.11:08
ThePendulumclient: Why, if I may ask?11:08
Left_Turnright Lubuntu seems the best choice atm @ client11:08
Left_Turnim just tired of wasting dvds on tiny iso files11:08
ZIPYi prefer xubuntu over lubuntu11:08
ThePendulumAaaah, Lubuntu, the XP gui of this decade11:08
clientTake for example, the ports issue @ThePendulum. When you install lamp, you don't want that lamp to be on your everyday linux system too.11:08
ThePendulumLeft_Turn: Use a flash drive?11:09
Left_Turndont have 111:09
ZIPYlike xfce more then lxde11:09
ThePendulumYou can make a USB live CD with a tool like UNetbootin11:09
ThePendulumLeft_Turn: They aren't too expensive...11:09
clientLeft_Turn my current system is 10 years old. Runs pretty ok on Xubuntu. looks nice too.11:09
Left_Turni need linux now.. not tomorrow:(11:09
Left_Turnso xubuntu ove lubuntu?11:09
ThePendulumclient: Ooooh, like that. Yeah, my server is seperate, but my actual development (the editor, the SSH sessions, the graphical editors, the testing, etc.) still happens on my main system.11:09
ZIPYxubuntu first11:09
ThePendulumLeft_Turn: I'd opt for that, yes11:10
MonkeyDustLeft_Turn  there is a learning curve, like with everything11:10
ZIPYif it is still to slow u can go the lighter one lubuntu :P11:10
clientI haven't used lubuntu so I can't criticise it. But xubuntu is very pretty.11:10
ThePendulumXubuntu at least looks okay11:10
ZIPYbut there is not much difference11:10
ThePendulumLubuntu... well, not for me tbh11:10
Left_Turnok thanks.. xubuntu ill try11:10
ThePendulumIt looks like Windows XP11:10
ZIPYsame here11:10
ThePendulumAlthough KDE is even worse imo11:10
ThePendulum(Not to critise the devs, they do a great job)11:10
jemarkrather gnome2?11:10
ThePendulumBut it's not my flow of design11:10
clientThePendulum have you looked at nitrous.io ?11:10
ThePendulumjemark: Xubuntu is very easily configured to look like gnome2 imo11:11
ThePendulumI wish I saved my configs11:11
ThePendulumclient: I have not, I'll check it out11:11
jemarkThePendulum: indeed11:11
ThePendulumclient: Not sure if it's for me. I'm rather comfortable with my Ubuntu development set-up11:11
clientI was doing some course on coursera and some guys recommended nitrous.io instead of using AWS11:11
ThePendulumMind you, I am mainly a webdev, so I don't have to compile11:12
clientyeah all these cool web tools come with a restricted "free" tier.11:12
ThePendulumI do my coding mainly in gedit and vim11:12
clientgedit :'D11:12
ThePendulumIt works just fine :P11:12
clientdo you use node.js ?11:13
ThePendulumI don't11:13
ThePendulumI probably should11:13
MonkeyDustwhat's node.js ?11:13
clientLooool MonkeyDust :'''''''''''D11:14
clientnode.js is what Ruby on Rails was 3 years ago11:14
ThePendulumI want to learn Ruby11:14
ThePendulumBut I am going to college in September and we'll be learning Python11:15
clientRuby can't scale11:15
clientbut you can get an 80k job with it11:15
Left_Turnhey since my data dvd cant open... can ubuntu open winrar files?11:15
ThePendulumWell PHP isn't too great either11:15
clientplus a 0.5% equity in a startup11:15
ThePendulumLeft_Turn: Winrar files being .rars?11:15
NewWorldThePendulum:  what are you complaining about? python is HUGELY popular11:15
Left_Turnyes ThePendulum11:15
ThePendulumLeft_Turn: It can, yes11:15
Left_Turnok great.. thanks11:16
clientok, if PHP and Ruby suck. Is Python/Django the next best option?11:16
ThePendulumNewWorld: Well, yes, but it's not all too great for webdev and I'd rather dev in C++ for desktop11:16
ThePendulumclient: Python for webdevelopment isn't too optimal11:16
clientI've heard that PHP is optimised for Apache. As far as scaling goes, its the best option11:17
ThePendulumI heard a bunch of arguments against PHP11:18
ThePendulumHonestly, I'm still happely using it11:18
clientwhich framework are you using?11:18
ThePendulumI'm afraid, Dave... My English is going.11:18
clientif any***11:18
Kumara_IlijaHello everyone, Kumara_Ilijahere and i'm here and ready to DDoS.11:18
amireldorDon't know about ruby, but Django can scale, PHP can scale, and all is nice. PHP has some flaws in its design (google for "php sucks"), but PHP can still do the job11:18
ThePendulumclient: Depends on the application. Momentarily, none, and I'm starting to notice that. I used to use CodeIgniter.11:18
ubnoobtuhey All.11:19
ThePendulumhey ubnoobtu11:19
clientCodeIgniter is dying. The original dev team is abandoning it11:19
ThePendulumI guess11:19
ThePendulumI really need something low-profile11:19
clientubnoobtu :'D11:19
ThePendulumCodeIgniter was huge, too11:19
amireldorwhat's the recent hype in the php frameworks world?11:19
clientthere's waves being made about laravel. very lightweight11:19
ThePendulumSomething to handle routing, an MVC model and templates, and maybe some modules like auth and cookies11:20
ThePendulumThat's enough for me11:20
ThePendulumnot cookies11:20
FloodBot1ThePendulum: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:20
ThePendulumknock it off laddy11:20
ubnoobtuCan someone tell me, where the hell do I find the program list, or better yet, how do I sellect an app to open a link?11:20
ThePendulumubnoobtu: I don't think there's a list of programs like in Windows...11:20
ThePendulumIf there is, I've never seen or needed it11:20
clientdefinitely not in hell ubnoobtu :p11:20
amireldorubnoobtu, what do you mean by opening a link?11:20
ghkinghello everyone. I have registered an account in http://www.vps.me/ ,but it new an phone number in usa to active it. unfortunately i am in china.who can help me to active it, i will send my account to you, thank you very much really!11:21
blazemore!ot | ghking11:21
ubottughking: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:21
clientThePendulum lets write one and post on GitHub :D11:21
ThePendulumclient: It would be11:21
ThePendulumugh, Enter, go away11:21
ThePendulumIt would be 50% awesomeness and 50% 'dafuq's this?'11:21
amireldorThePendulum, there are some decent micro-web-frameworks in php11:21
ThePendulumI account for the latter 50%11:21
ThePendulumI know there are11:21
ThePendulumI just don't know which ones :/11:22
ubnoobtuIm trying to dl some infovia magnet link... but yea,,, when I open the maflink, it doesnt show the avaible apps t process it11:22
ThePendulumAnd someone recommends something now, and in half a year, it's absolute crap all the sudden11:22
jribThePendulum, amireldor: please move the framework/web language discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic.  Let's keep #ubuntu dedicated to technical support related to ubuntu11:22
ThePendulumSame on ##hardware :O 'Get a monitor with DisplayPort, it's the next big thing!'. Now I have two, and I'm better off with HDMI.11:22
clientthere's only 1 place worse for getting answers to your questions. Stackoverflow11:22
ThePendulumjrib: Fair enough11:22
ubnoobtusorry, its dark in here, I swear I know how to spell.11:22
clientok ok jrib we'll move :D11:23
amireldorubnoobtu, are you trying to download a torrent with a magnet link?11:23
=== kalce is now known as _doctor_love_
Left_Turnsee this is what i dont understand. my DVDR  data CD for hours has been returning errors as to why it can't open.. then without me doing anything it just randomly opens.. what gives?11:23
ubnoobtuamireldor | yes11:23
blazemore!details | ubnoobtu11:24
ubottuubnoobtu: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."11:24
darm0khi i got a problem11:24
amireldorubnoobtu, and when you click a link on firefox you can't find transmission (the default bittorrent client in ubuntu)11:24
darm0ki tried to start darmok at tanagra but it won't run11:24
blazemoreubnoobtu: Try Transmission which comes with Ubuntu, or Deluge which is in the repositories and can be installed easily through the Software Centre. Both these bittorrent clients will handle magnet links11:25
blazemore!details | darm0k could you re-state that?11:25
ubottudarm0k could you re-state that?: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."11:25
darm0ki tried to start the module darmok from program tanagra, but it always comes with an error like "shaka when the walls fell"11:26
ubnoobtuI'm using 13.10 , I'm trying to download some motown cause I like oldies and I just got this pc. I currently have two downloads running from a diferent site, but I go to PB, and do the usual, and transmission isn't appearing. I DL'd qb, thinking the updated cersion would help with maglinks, and its not appearing on the "which app to open" list.11:26
jribdarm0k: ok, haha...  let's move on11:26
yeatsLeft_Turn: /var/log/syslog should have some messages about /dev/sr0 (or /dev/dvd or /dev/cdrom)11:26
darm0kmaybe its' a tamarian Horse?11:27
amireldorubnoobtu, try /usr/bin/transmission, or look in /usr/bin (not on ubuntu right now so can't check)11:27
ubnoobtudoing it now11:27
jribdarm0k: it was a good joke, but back to support please11:27
BluesKajHowdy all11:27
Left_Turnthanks yeats11:27
Kumara_Ilija1Hello everyone, Kumara_Ilijahere and i'm here and ready to DDoS.11:29
ubnoobtuso usr/bin is the dirrectory for all the programs? And what else?11:29
jrib!fhs | ubnoobtu11:29
ubottuubnoobtu: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier11:29
Left_Turnumm.. yeats not only did my dvdr data cd open..it open all of my windows drives?? my OS, data ??11:30
Left_Turni can see them on ubuntu11:30
Left_Turnwhich is actually not a bad thing:)11:31
Left_Turnis this behaviour normal.. to see the drives and files of your windows OS on ubuntu?11:32
jribLeft_Turn: yes11:32
gregor_dose anyone know any smtp servers that i can telnet to to send mail on the command line ?11:32
Left_Turnso i did a whole lot of backing up for nothing:(11:33
jribLeft_Turn: those are the good kinds of backups.  You make backups but you never want to use them.11:33
jribnever regret a backup -_-11:33
Left_Turntrue jrib.. as a result i think i may now stick with ubuntu rather than xubuntu11:34
darm0kshaka when the walls fell11:34
Left_Turnill learn gparted sometime in the future11:34
darm0kyou don't need that11:35
iKillCypherhello guys how do I install ubuntu 13.04 64bit without having an CD Or USB11:36
peppercornmedleywith wubi?11:36
iKillCypherwubi is only 12.0411:36
ikoniaiKillCypher: most realistic advice, buy a usb stick or cdrom11:36
Alabuliehello. Can I design a program with  WinForms in MonoDevelop in Ubuntu 12.04 ?11:37
Alabulie(in C#. I mean)11:37
iKillCypherI lend it to my friend11:37
iKillCypheris there any other way to install 13.0411:37
iceroot_Alabulie: #mono #c# or something like that11:37
Left_Turnsorry to be a pain... i was curious and clicked on work spaces.. and i have 4 desktops running in parallel.. is thi normal all the time, or should only 1 run as they eat resources?11:37
iceroot_Left_Turn: they dont eat much resources11:38
iceroot_Left_Turn: and 4 is the default11:38
Left_Turnok i see.. thats great11:38
Left_Turnnever saw that with windows11:38
iceroot_Left_Turn: its also possible in windows, just not the default11:38
Left_Turnah ok i see11:39
ChrisFR06Hi there, I would like to have some nice looking widgets on my desktop on Ubuntu 13, how is that possible ?11:39
ZIPYChrisFR06: conky is best for that, but its not easy to configure customize, but u can download some configurations11:41
ChrisFR06Ok, i'll try it out11:41
ChrisFR06But is it true that you can pick the widget stuff from KDE (don't know howw its called anymore) and put it on gnome (ubuntu) ?11:42
ikoniaChrisFR06: you can't mix like that11:42
ChrisFR06Oh, are u sure ?11:43
ikoniaChrisFR06: yes, they are different desktops with different display libraries11:43
kolorunning ubuntu 12.04 I'm not able to get libstdc++ dure to held broken package, here is the output of an apt-get install : http://0bin.net/paste/y5d0KFYcFqeLDduI#bEzbo9dnJFKReVBH+o2Raskfe7kQDbNr4mb3syUuowU=11:43
ChrisFR06Yes, of course :s11:43
koloI tried apt-get clean, update and upgrade (in this order)11:43
ikoniakolo: you have a PPA/3rd party repo enabled that's causing a conflict11:44
ChrisFR06ikonia: But look, on this website http://askubuntu.com/questions/38830/does-unity-have-any-widgets a guy has KDE widgets on ubuntu !11:45
ChrisFR06""You can use KDE Plasma Widget (Plasmoids) This is screenshot my desktop using Plasmoids ""11:45
ikoniaChrisFR06: yes, he will have installed all the KDE libraries for that11:46
ikoniaChrisFR06: looks at what he's installed "plasma-desktop" that brings in all the KDE stuff11:46
ChrisFR06Ok, i'll try this11:46
ChrisFR06But do you think it could "destroy" my desktop ?11:46
ChrisFR06like when you mess around too much with compiz ?11:46
Kumara_Ilija2Hello everyone, Kumara_Ilijahere and i'm here and ready to DDoS.11:47
OerHeksChrisFR06, that was 2011, with gnome2, i wonder what the effect will be in 13,04 with gnome311:47
ChrisFR06OerHeks: what was in 2011 ?11:47
OerHeksChrisFR06, see the date on your post11:47
ChrisFR06Yes but ubuntu has unity on the screenshot of the guy11:48
ChrisFR06so it could work on 1311:48
ikoniawhat do you mean "could work"11:48
ChrisFR06The KDE Plasma widgets could work properly on ubuntu 1311:48
ikoniaChrisFR06: they will do, if you install all the KDE stuff11:49
LjLi need some quick help with cron. i have an IRC bot ("phenny") that, since i'm leaving for holidays, i want to make sure doesn't die, so i wanted to put it into crontab and restart it daily. however, it behaves very strangely when started from crontab: it can't seem to find a few executables (that are normally in PATH) it uses. i've tried variations such as starting it with "./phenny", "bash ./phenny", "~/.profile ; ./phenny", but they didn't seem to help11:49
ChrisFR06Yes, ok, i'll try to ! I just hope it wont screw up my desktop like when you mess with compiz too much but thank for your anwsers :)11:50
Ben64LjL: use a script11:50
ikoniaLjL: are you starting it direct from cron, or using cron to call a script11:50
ChrisFR06Bye everyone and thanks for your help :D11:50
Kumara_Ilija2Hello everyone, Kumara_Ilijahere and i'm here and ready to DDoS.11:52
LjLBen64: i've tried that too, i made a "start.sh" with #!/bin/bash at the start11:52
LjLikonia: i've tried both methods11:52
ikoniaLjL: can we have a look at the script11:52
LjLby the way, this is my user's crontab, not /etc/crontab11:52
jribLjL: did you try just setting PATH in your crontab (or your script) to what it normally is outside of cron?11:53
kolook so is there anything more than removing it from sources.list and updating apt to do ?11:53
iceroot_LjL: you should have a look at "trap" instead of using cron for that11:53
LjLikonia: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5943516/11:53
iceroot_LjL: trap is designed to react when a script/comman dies/ends11:53
LjLjrib: no, that seemed too obvious :P11:53
jribLjL: I like the killall python11:53
ikoniaLjL: try it with either a.) absolute paths b.) setting $PATH in the script11:54
LjLjrib: i tried using "pidof -x phenny" or such but they didn't work!11:54
ikoniaLjL: does the date >>phenny.log work ok and just not the start11:54
koloikonia: after cleaning sources.list and updating apt, I still have the error, here is my sources.list : http://0bin.net/paste/kQETXTs0t-2toVJ4#emDxuMfFg3HQk2Ab2g5s/bONNT0TrZONZ4zizE1eUak=11:54
LjLikonia: the date does get printed11:54
LjLi'll try with setting PATH11:55
ikoniakolo: what do you mean, cleaning the sources.list, what was in the sources.list that you had to clean ?11:55
LjLiceroot_: what package is that in?11:55
Ben64LjL: i bet the problem is the ./phenny11:55
ikoniaLjL: ok, so ~ is being recognised.11:55
Ben64LjL: use full paths at every instance and try it again11:55
iceroot_LjL: should be in bash11:55
koloikonia: unecessary ppa, third party repository11:56
iceroot_LjL: http://linux.die.net/Bash-Beginners-Guide/sect_12_02.html11:56
Ben64line 10 should read something like "/home/bob/phenny >> /home/bob/phenny.log"11:56
LjLiceroot_: oh, that "trap". i assumed it was something else11:56
ikoniakolo: I suspect that's caused the conflict11:56
ikoniakolo: (of course that would have to be checked)11:56
Ben64but that still might not work, depending how phenny runs11:57
LjLBen64: uhm but i need to be cd'd into the right directory, since the bot expects some things to be in its pwd11:57
koloikonia: what is confusing me is that it's a conflit with ubuntu package11:57
ikoniaLjL: still cd in, but try using absoloute paths11:57
ikoniakolo: that is to be expected if the PPA's have caused a conflict11:57
kolommmmh ok, I have to find now the package that caused the conflict and remove it ?11:58
ikoniakolo: correct11:59
Kumara_Ilija2Hello everyone, Kumara_Ilijahere and i'm here and ready to DDoS.11:59
kolois there any tips, suggestion for easier package finding?12:01
LjLikonia, jrib, Ben64: it seems to work now. i'm not sure whether the key change was the absolute path, or the inclusion of a PATH variable, but right now i just don't have the time to find out. thanks for the help12:02
ikoniaLjL: we'll work it out on your return12:02
jribLjL: enjoy your trip12:03
kologrmbl I don't understand, I change my sources.list file, but apt-get update still fetch unwanted ppa12:05
Ben64kolo: use the ubuntu software center, go to Edit, then Software Sources to change sources12:07
kolowill try12:07
OerHekskolo, check the folder  /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ for ppa entry's12:07
ikoniakolo: it's not fetching unwated PPA, it's trying to finish your install that is in conflict12:07
OerHeksand removing a ppa just by deleting the list does not solve, i would use ppa-purge to reverse12:08
koloikonia: even the update ?12:08
ikoniakolo: yes, because it's got packages in an incomplete state12:08
Left_Turnhey how can i mnt my windows drives in my terminal so i can perform ls etc12:12
auronandace!mount | Left_Turn12:12
ubottuLeft_Turn: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount12:12
Left_Turnthanks auronandace12:12
Jake__how much should i sell a plain 2 layer round 6" buttercream cake for if i am hypothetically running a bakery or pastry shop?12:14
dz0nyWhile evaluating our options, using the ia32-libs (or any of its implementations) we concluded that neither approach would allow us to do what we want in the quality that we would like to see for Ubuntu.12:15
OerHeksJake__, hypothetically nothing, this is ubuntu support12:15
cloud___does ubuntu mean bakery in another language?12:15
dz0nyWhile evaluating our options, using the lib32asound2 (or any of its implementations) we concluded that neither approach would allow us to do what we want in the quality that we would like to see for Ubuntu.12:15
dz0nywhich morono decided this? ^^12:16
Jake__ok, if you don't want to help i will ask elsewhere =/12:16
dz0nyseriously guys what happened with ia32-libs and lib32asound2 disappearing from saucy repos?12:18
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wannabeHello  brothers and sisters :) I thinking about to install some IDS/IPS on my ubuntu. What you people using on your home workstations ?12:19
OerHeksdz0ny, join #ubuntu+1 for 13.10 saucy for design & support questions12:19
osubuntuWhich is better, gdm or lightdm?12:20
osubuntuI want fast desktop12:20
osubuntumaybe lightdm?12:21
ikoniaosubuntu: it's down to personal choice12:21
ikoniaosubuntu: see which works best for you12:21
dz0nyratpoison :P12:21
Godtfred_ProchorHello everyone, Godtfred_Prochoroshere and i'm here and ready to DDoS.12:24
kryptowhere will Ubuntu save its ssh access log?12:31
Loren_UzochiHello everyone, Loren_Uzochihere and i'm here and ready to DDoS.12:31
ikoniakrypto: syslog and the secure log12:31
kryptosimilar to secure.log12:31
fishcookerhow to know the host hardware spesification in summary info?12:32
fishcookerim only on cli12:33
fishcookerroot@timkubus:~# lshw12:34
fishcookerSegmentation fault12:34
fishcookerwhat happen there dz0ny12:34
ikoniafishcooker: please show me the output of "uname -a"12:34
fishcookerthere is no hwinfo ikonia12:35
ikoniafishcooker: please show me the output of "uname -a"12:35
fishcookerLinux timkubus 2.6.32-21-generic #32-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 16 08:10:02 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux12:35
ikoniafishcooker: that's very odd,12:35
ikoniafishcooker: what device is this running on ?12:35
auronandacefishcooker: thats 10.04?12:35
dz0nyold stuff12:36
fishcookeri've got this box from china12:36
fishcookerthis year12:36
dz0nyfishcooker: sudo lshw12:36
ikoniafishcooker: is it like a PC desktop ? a laptop ?12:36
fishcookerwhen my friend comeback from shenzhen12:36
fishcookerno desktop12:36
fishcookernor a laptop12:36
ikoniafishcooker: what is it then ?12:36
MonkeyDustfishcooker  2.6 is a kernel for 10.04, what's the output of     cat /etc/issue ?12:36
fishcooker10watt box12:36
fishcookeri think12:36
auronandacefishcooker: 10.04 is not supported on the desktop anymore12:37
fishcookerUbuntu 10.04.4 LTS12:37
fishcookerwhat happen MonkeyDust12:37
ikoniadoesn't explain the segfault though12:37
MonkeyDustfishcooker  the ubuntu verison you're using is no longer supported, that's called !eol12:38
ikoniafishcooker: what happens if you type "free"12:38
dz0nyikonia: it does older version required root permissios12:38
ikoniadz0ny: that is not a segault creating situation though12:38
fishcookermemory stuff ikonia12:38
ikoniadz0ny: that would simpley be a permissions problem12:38
fishcookerfeel dizzy LoL12:39
kryptoikonia: but there is no secure log .Syslog is not showing ssh sessions12:39
ikoniakrypto: you should see auths in the syslog12:39
fishcookerhmm MonkeyDust auronandace what should i do when eol12:40
napsckrypto: grep 'ssh' /var/log/auth.log12:40
fishcookeri still wanto stick to 10.0412:40
auronandacefishcooker: use a supported version of ubuntu12:40
MonkeyDust!eolupgrade > fishcooker12:40
ubottufishcooker, please see my private message12:40
auronandacefishcooker: if you want to stay with 10.04 then there is noly server support12:40
usr13fishcooker: Upgrade to 12.04 and install xubuntu-desktop12:41
fishcookerwell that would be great auronandace + MonkeyDust.. no fresh instal12:41
usr13fishcooker: Fresh install of xubuntu12:42
fishcookermy friend told me that i have to stick to 10.0412:42
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usr13fishcooker: But what do you want to do with it?12:42
fishcookerbecause it will break the apps that we have building12:43
kryptoyes auth.log has ssh logs thanks napsc and ikonia12:43
fishcookerstick to 10.0412:43
fishcookerhow to turn to server auronandace + MonkeyDust12:43
auronandacefishcooker: if you are using it as a desktop then we can't support you12:43
fishcookerthats the great option12:43
ikoniafishcooker: this sounds a little odd your building apps for a dead distribution, on hardware you don't even know the spec of12:43
usr13fishcooker: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade12:43
fishcookeri just continue this project ikonia12:43
MonkeyDustfishcooker  or modify the app in such way, that it does not break12:44
fishcookerhmmm i just do the rule MonkeyDust, but your option to turn to server will be the greap option here12:45
usr13fishcooker: See my pm.12:45
auronandacefishcooker: to turn it into a server you uninstall all the desktop packages (that can be tricky)12:46
fishcookerhmmm, just wonder why they don't turn to server at first12:46
fishcookeri just continue it here12:47
ibqnhey, is there any ppa repo which has gettext version >= 0.18.2 ?12:55
jribibqn: why?12:55
add_Rwhy some usb devices are not mount automatically ?12:55
add_RIt happens to me just with some usb12:55
MonkeyDustfishcooker  keep it in the channel please12:57
fishcookerthats the output of update and upgrade12:57
usr13ibqn: What is wrong with 0.18.1?12:58
ibqnjrib, I need to test the dynamic translation in the project I am working on. it's working on fedora and gentoo but not on ubuntu, probably due to a bug in the gettext12:58
usr13fishcooker: What's the ouptut of df?12:58
auronandacefishcooker: why do you have a chrome ppa if you want to convert it to a server?12:58
fishcookeri don't know maybe the other user install the chromium browser auronandace12:59
auronandacefishcooker: no, chromium is in the repos, that is chrome12:59
fishcookerthats the output usr1313:00
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ibqnusr13, so is there?13:01
fishcookerwhat happen with df -h usr1313:02
usr13ibqn: I dono13:02
|Anthony|after a shutdown my nic is now running at 100mbit/s instead of 1000. Any suggestions?13:02
usr13fishcooker: Nothing.  It just shows the size of your HD and how much you've used hand how much is still available.13:03
usr13*and* not hand13:03
ikillcypheron Ubuntu13:05
ikillcypherikillcypher@ubuntu:~$ uname -a13:05
ikillcypherLinux ubuntu 3.8.0-27-generic #40-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jul 9 00:17:05 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux13:05
ikillcypherIm on 64 bit right?13:05
auronandaceikillcypher: yes13:05
fishcookerhow to remove it auronandace.. your state* "fishcooker: why do you have a chrome ppa if you want to convert it to a server?"13:06
auronandace!ppa-purge | fishcooker13:07
ubottufishcooker: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html13:07
anoneehello ubuntu!13:07
anonee1. my phone PAN network is showing multiple times on the network list, how do I delete the duplicates?13:07
anonee2. many programs are showing multiple times on the list when I select open with another application in nautilus.. suggestions?13:07
anonee3. I can't mount ext4 drive, I've read here and there but not yet found the solution?13:07
ripplebitI'm having trouble installing ubuntu on a usb.13:14
ripplebitWhat are the steps?13:14
SuRfDaEmOnripplebit: what os are you in now?13:15
ZIPYripplebit: what system r u using13:15
anoneebtw is there anything similar to YUMI for linux systems?13:16
ZIPYthen use the usb creater13:16
ZIPYanonee: deb files for ubuntu/debian13:16
ripplebitZIPY: right which settings do I use? format type etc13:16
ibqnhey, is there any ppa repo which has gettext version >= 0.18.2 ?13:16
Beetooanyone having problem with sky2 module13:16
ZIPYripplebit: simply delete the usb with usb diskcreator then choose the iso13:17
anoneeZIPY u mean on YUMI site?13:17
Beetoosky2 module not working for marvell yukon ethernet13:17
ZIPYanonee: i thought u mean the .yum files13:17
ZIPYano anoneeu mean the usb disk creator too?13:18
ZIPYfor multiboot13:18
anoneeZIPY yep, multiboot13:18
ripplebitZIPY: Do I need to create a partition, and also which command do I run to put the iso onto the usb? is it sudo dd if=iso.iso /dev/sdb?13:18
ZIPYripplebit: thats how u do on terminal13:19
ZIPYripplebit: if u use the gui of disk creator u dont need that13:19
ripplebitZIPY: Ah ok13:19
ZIPYdd works too but if u put in the wroing of= u will delete everything on it13:19
ZIPYdd if=/input path of=/pathtourusb (/dev/sdX) x= ur usbdrive13:20
ZIPYbut be carefull with dd since it will overwrite even ur system drive if u put the wrong partition drive in of=13:20
ripplebitZIPY: the 'make startup disk' button can't be selected for some reason on the disk creator13:21
ZIPYripplebit: better use the usb-creator, its saver13:21
ZIPYdid u choose ur iso and ur usb drive?13:22
anoneeZIPY you mean safer?13:22
ZIPYanonee: i was talking to ripplebit13:22
ZIPYripplebit: did u choose delte ur usb?13:22
ripplebitZIPY: Yeah I erased the disk13:23
ZIPYstrange, u choose an ubuntu image?13:23
ZIPYit only works with isos13:23
ripplebitUbuntu 12.04 LTS13:23
ripplebitdownloaded from the ubuntu website13:23
ZIPYk then do it from terminal13:23
ripplebitZIPY: right using dd?13:24
ZIPYripplebit: yes but first look for the right drive (sudo fdisk -l)13:24
ZIPYripplebit: look for ur usb drive /dev/sdX13:24
dicaxaI'm not saying you're a slut, but if your twat had a password, it would be 'password'.13:24
ripplebitZIPY: On disk creator it says there's not enough free space. Do I need to redo the partiition using a different format?13:25
dicaxaYou smell13:25
ZIPYsudo dd if=/pathtourubuntu.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=4M && sync  <-- replace sdX with ur usbdrive13:25
ZIPYripplebit: can u paste the output of sudo fdisk -l to http://paste.ubuntu.com/13:26
anoneeOK, so now I still have the following problems:13:26
ripplebitZIPY: sure13:26
anonee1. my phone PAN network is showing multiple times on the network list, how do I delete the duplicates?13:26
anonee2. many programs are showing multiple times on the list when I select open with another application in nautilus.. suggestions?13:26
dicaxaI like to sit back and relax and imagine you sucking my dick.13:26
anoneeanonee: 3. I can't mount ext4 drive, I've read here and there but not yet found the solution?13:26
OerHeks!ot | dicaxa13:27
ubottudicaxa: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:27
dicaxaHaah... In the end, you're still a cunt.13:27
ZIPYdicaxa: u know ppl can ignore u right ^^13:28
ripplebitZIPY: terminal isn't letting me output the text using sudo fdisk -l > error.txt13:28
dicaxaHaah... In the end, you're still a cunt.13:28
OerHeks!ops | dicaxa13:28
ubottudicaxa: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!13:28
ZIPYripplebit: u dont need to put in into a txt, just copy from terminal and put it in http://paste.ubuntu.com/13:29
OerHeksformat the usb-device fat32, unmount it and usb-creator will work fine13:31
ripplebitZIPY: http://dpaste.com/1329352/13:31
ZIPYk u got a 8gb usb?13:31
ripplebityeah 8gb13:32
ZIPYsudo dd if=/pathtourubuntu.iso of=/dev/sdb bs=4M && sync <-- fill in path to ubuntu13:32
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__raven"recording" shell session: do you know about a way/tool to record a shell session to a kind of ascii-video?13:32
OerHeks!info recordmydesktop13:34
ubotturecordmydesktop (source: recordmydesktop): Captures audio-video data of a Linux desktop session. In component universe, is optional. Version (raring), package size 54 kB, installed size 148 kB13:34
MonkeyDust!info kazam13:35
ubottukazam (source: kazam): screencast and screenshot application created with design in mind. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.2-1 (raring), package size 879 kB, installed size 2411 kB13:35
Alabulie I was wondering if it's possible to make a program in C# using windowsforms , under linux, perhaps with monodevelop ....13:37
Alabulieany idea?13:37
ikoniaAlabulie: yes, talk to the mono guys13:37
Alabuliethey are sleeping now :D :D13:37
ripplebitZIPY: Right it's copying now13:37
ikoniaAlabulie: wait for them to wake then13:38
Alabuliei know it's a bit offtopic but .. hehe13:38
Alabulieok ok, thanks anyway :)13:38
gt8ost4li just installed a driver and well i have a problem i tried patching the driver but it says fill to patch what doi put13:38
gt8ost4lfile i mean13:38
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gt8ost4lanybody know what file in my computer i have to patch13:41
|Anthony|after a shutdown my nic is now running at 100mbit/s instead of 1000. Any suggestions?13:41
ikoniagt8ost4l: what are you trying to patch13:41
gt8ost4li trying to patch my drivers but it says what file but i don t know which13:43
ikoniaggherdov: you would need to patch the kernel source and recompile the module13:43
ikoniagt8ost4l:  you would need to patch the kernel source and recompile the module13:43
gt8ost4lso its multiple?13:43
ikoniagt8ost4l: the link you have just given is for ubuntu 9.04 though so I'd advise you not to use this on a modern ubuntu13:43
gt8ost4lim using ubuntu 12.04 what link do i show you guys13:45
ikoniagt8ost4l: the link you posted is for 9.0413:45
ikoniagt8ost4l: thts 3 years difference, a lot of changes13:45
gt8ost4lthats old i changed my mind13:45
gt8ost4likonia so where is the file13:46
ikoniagt8ost4l: what file ?13:46
ikoniagt8ost4l: what is it you're trying to do ?13:46
gt8ost4lthe one its asking for13:46
ikoniagt8ost4l: the one that what's asking for ?13:46
gt8ost4ldo you just want me to past the output in pastbin13:47
ikoniagt8ost4l: what are you tyring to do ?13:47
gt8ost4lwhat you said patch my drivers13:47
ikoniaI didn't say patch your drivers13:47
ikoniagt8ost4l: you posted a link for ubuntu 9.04 that I said you should not follow13:47
ikoniayou then said you changed your mind13:48
ikoniaso what are you trying to do now13:48
gt8ost4li cant explain it can i just show you the output13:48
ikoniagt8ost4l: you can't explain it ?13:48
gt8ost4lwhats the site for i can show you13:49
ikoniagt8ost4l: if you need to paste something, pastebin.ubuntu.com13:49
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clue_hhehehe ho hehehe13:51
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gt8ost4likonia here it is File to patch:13:51
ikoniagt8ost4l: that means nothing13:51
ikoniagt8ost4l: what are you trying to do13:51
gt8ost4lpastebin.ubuntu.com/5943817/ sorry i didnt mean to send file to patch13:52
ikoniagt8ost4l: why are you trying to apply that patch ?13:52
homecan anyone help13:52
ikoniagt8ost4l: that is not for your kernel13:52
ikoniahome: if you ask a question, people will try13:52
SuRfDaEmOn!ask | home13:53
ubottuhome: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:53
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gt8ost4lbut it clearly says i need b43 since i have an astheros chipset13:53
ikoniagt8ost4l: what does ? what says you need this ?13:53
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto13:54
gt8ost4likonia i need to patch to inject13:54
ikoniagt8ost4l: nah, you really don't13:54
OerHeksatheros <> Broadcom13:54
ikoniagt8ost4l: those instructions are not for your version of ubuntu13:55
compdocnot equal to?13:55
usr13gt8ost4l: "Last modified: 2010/02/04"13:55
gt8ost4lso the comat drivers i installed were incorrect to?13:56
usr13gt8ost4l: ... and it's old.13:56
ikoniagt8ost4l: lets be honest why do you need to use aircrack ?13:56
ikoniagt8ost4l: why do you need this functionality13:56
usr13...or do you?13:56
OerHekscompdoc, atheros and Broadcom are 2 different wifi chips, just wondering..13:56
gt8ost4li wanna test my router to see if i can test it13:56
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ikoniagt8ost4l: "test your router"....13:56
compdocwondering which is best?13:57
gt8ost4lyes test my router13:57
usr13gt8ost4l: Test your router for _____________ ?13:57
gt8ost4lthe wpa i wanna see if my card can go the distance13:58
ikoniagt8ost4l: what do you mean "go the distance"13:58
ikoniagt8ost4l: aircrack has nothing to do with testing signal on cards13:58
ikoniagt8ost4l: pick your laptop up and keep walking until it drops, that will tell you how far it can go13:58
gt8ost4lits not that you dont understand i want to check the vulnerability with my card thats all13:59
gt8ost4lrouter i mean13:59
ikoniagt8ost4l: read the security alerts online13:59
ikoniagt8ost4l: that will tell you the vunerablity of your router and it's firmware14:00
usr13gt8ost4l: What router do you have?  (What's the make and model?_14:00
gt8ost4lno im talking about the wpa i wanna test mine14:00
ikoniagt8ost4l: if it's wpa - it can be cracked, don't use it14:01
estudianteanyone else play KSP? i'm having some problems with window not being full screen which makes it so you can't play. any shortcuts i can use? other than editing the config file14:01
ikoniagt8ost4l: lets be honest - you have no idea how to use the technology you are trying to use - so it's going to be a worthless test14:01
ikoniagt8ost4l: you have no real need for aircrack and the modifications required to your system are out side of your skill level at this time14:02
usr13gt8ost4l: There is no silver bullet for WiFi security.  Just use the most recommended security methods and call it good.14:03
girlfrommarsneeding installation help14:03
MonkeyDustgirlfrommars  let's hear it14:03
usr13girlfrommars: What's the problem>?14:03
girlfrommarsfirst try with 12.04 and it gave cannot install grub error14:04
add_Rwhy some usb devices are not mount automatically ?14:04
girlfrommarsi have a dell laptop with raid 014:04
ikoniaa laptop with raid ?14:05
ikoniathat seems unlikely14:05
usr13girlfrommars: More than one HD?14:05
OerHeksestudiante, " Running Kerbal Space Program through Wine is (per 2013-02-30) not permitted by the Kerbal Space Program End-User License Agreement" but the site gives some help > http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Running_KSP_with_wine14:05
girlfrommarsinspiron 1721 it's about 6 year old14:05
usr13ikonia: (some laptops have 2 HDs.)14:05
ikoniausr13: I know some do, but this seems unlikely14:05
usr13ikonia: Agreed...14:05
ikoniagirlfrommars: the spec on a 1721 only has one drive bay14:06
usr13girlfrommars: So what exactly did the error say?14:06
usr13girlfrommars: ... do you remember?14:07
girlfrommarsi dunno according to my spec it has: SERIAL ATA RAID 0 STRIPE14:07
usr13girlfrommars: Where do you see that?14:07
girlfrommarserror was cannot install grub to /dev/sda14:07
girlfrommarsdell website14:07
usr13girlfrommars: What version of Ubuntu are you installing?14:08
OerHeksTHat inspiron can hold 2 hdd's and raid 0/1 >>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dell_Inspiron#Inspiron_1720.2F172114:08
girlfrommars12.04 64bit14:08
girlfrommarsfor amd6414:08
qubagubaI'm having trouble installing the ATI graphics drivers. Here are the logs: http://dpaste.com/1329388/14:09
girlfrommarsi am now trying to reinstall and it says i have 2 operating systems 12.04 and 12.04 do I want to overwrite or do something else14:09
islandmonkeyKeep getting this when starting JACK: http://pastebin.com/sjJSLdJp14:10
islandmonkeyAnd yes, I have done a restart (thrice)14:10
cloud___girlfrommars: overwrite14:11
qubagubaI'm having trouble installing the ATI graphics drivers. Here are the logs: http://dpaste.com/1329388/14:12
usr13girlfrommars: You want just Ubuntu, right?  (No other Operating System.)14:12
girlfrommarsjust ubuntu14:12
OerHeksqubaguba, for what ati card?14:12
ss_hazewhy my monitor configuration messes up itself again14:14
girlfrommarsit has now given option to install to /dev/mapper/pdc_bdgfffj (ext4) or I can set other partitions - don't want other partitions but I think this is what i selected last time and got grub error14:15
usr13girlfrommars: sudo fdisk -l   #Pastebin the results.14:15
ss_hazeI have 2 monitors, and it constaly changes resolution from account to account]14:15
qubaguba0erHeks: let me check14:15
usr13girlfrommars: ... let's see what you have now.14:15
usr13girlfrommars: sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit #And send resulting URL14:15
MonkeyDustss_haze  guess it's optimized as "per account"14:16
HypnotiXanyone here with a performance mx mouse and is willing to help me configure mine? :)14:17
jrib!anyone | HypnotiX14:17
ubottuHypnotiX: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.14:17
qubaguba0erHeks:  It's the 775014:18
girlfrommarsunable to seek on /dev/sda error14:18
ss_hazealso in log in screen I miss that it used ubuntu icon in center on one, and other was login screen, now it takes very bad resolution itself14:18
HypnotiXhow do i change my mouse 5 action to the mouse 3 action14:18
usr13girlfrommars: Was that the output from "sudo fdisk -l"?14:18
usr13girlfrommars: I suppose you have a hardware problem with sda14:19
usr13girlfrommars: sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb14:19
usr13girlfrommars: See what  ^^^^^  says.14:20
ss_hazeagain it chooses to not use dual monitoring on login14:20
qubagubaI'm having trouble installing the ATI graphics drivers (7750 HD). Here are the logs: http://dpaste.com/1329388/14:21
ss_hazeanybody can take a look at my monitors.xml configuration?14:22
Left_Turnare irc clientes like irssi for people who only installed an OS server package? and don't have gui??14:22
usr13girlfrommars:  It may be that you have a bad hard drive, sda.  You can try and fsck it but if fdisk can't even read the master boot record, I eoubt that it will do any good.  In which case, you might just take it out and use the other one.14:22
=== Vampire0_ is now known as Vampire0
usr13*doubt not eoubt14:23
HisaoNakaiLeft_Turn - CLI can be good at times.14:23
TheBraynnope, some people prefer such applications because the can be controled with the keyboard14:23
girlfrommarsusr13 that says i have 160 GB and does not contain a valid partition table - sorry typing this onto another PC I can type full message if needed14:23
Left_TurnHisaoNakai: but why would someone pick irssi over xchat etc.. its harder to see things... unless they only have a server OS install.. right?14:24
homehi , my keyboards suddenly gone crazy, its typing out all keys randomly, theres no pattern whatsoever, can anyone help me with this14:24
ss_hazeI need one monitor to run on 1280x1280 (LCD) and other 1367x760 (laptop), and same would work when I want to log in14:24
usr13girlfrommars: Well, it would be easier if you got on here from the laptop.  But, like I said before, you may just have a bad HD there....14:24
ss_hazeI need to see things on both14:24
Troy^Hey guys, So I have a 650m and a HD 4000 in my laptop and I use an external HDMI monitor as well as the laptop display. Is there any way to get both displays to work at the sametime. The HDMI is apparently connected to the NVIDIA 650m and the laptop display is using the HD 400014:24
ss_hazehome: trow your keyboard out14:24
girlfrommarsif sda but sdb has 160 gb would that imply one of my disks has blown or something?14:25
HisaoNakaiLeft_Turn - I've never used irssi :( I did try Weechat today itself though. You can try changing terminal colors in your terminal settings if that applies to irssi.14:25
girlfrommarssorry sda has nothing14:25
Left_Turnoh i see14:25
usr13girlfrommars: But the error saying that a HD does not have a valid partition table is not a serious error and it could still be good.14:25
HisaoNakaiLeft_Turn - Colors and even text size IIRC.14:25
cloud___Left_Turn: weechat is nice, but really it comes down to personal preference14:25
Left_Turntrue.. il have a look at weechat also14:25
girlfrommarsshould i continue with installation or do i need to create partitions?14:26
Troy^I use weechat14:26
SuRfDaEmOnLeft_Turn: I use weechat-ncurses in a 'screen' instance.  This way I can log in from anywhere that can access the machine running it, through SSH.  if I had to deal with a gui then I would need vnc or some other unecessary overhead.14:26
Troy^SuRfDaEmOn: same here14:26
homess_haze actually thats on my laptop, so unless u have any other suggestion you are not helping me get anywhere14:26
Left_TurnSuRfDaEmOn: i didnt think of that.. very nice:)14:26
cloud___unless you need all the extras, I prefer dtach > screen14:27
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Troy^Although I have used Smuxi and it's a nice client with a gui.14:27
MonkeyDustss_haze  if you don't get an answer here, try submitting the issue on a forum or so14:27
usr13girlfrommars: If sda is a truly a bad HD, you can just install on the other one,  (if it will boot to either HD, you're good to go).  But if sda is bad, I would take it out.  cat /proc/scsi/device_info  will give you some additional info.14:28
HisaoNakaiLeft_Turn - Thanks for asking this btw. I myself just remembered I could adjust terminal fonts, colors, and font sizes. Weechat is much nicer for me if I turn down the font size xD14:28
Left_Turnheh np:)14:28
HypnotiXCan i use xbindkeys to give my button8 the action of button2 from my mouse ?14:28
Left_Turnmy 1st day using linux.. so ive asked a lot of questons already:)14:28
cloud___Terminus font is nice for console14:29
Troy^i just use ubuntu mono14:29
cloud___have you tried terminus? ;)14:29
Troy^yea, did not like it14:29
applesaucemanI'm having trouble installing the ATI graphics drivers (7750 HD). Here are the logs: http://dpaste.com/1329388/14:31
HypnotiXCan i use xbindkeys to give my button8 the action of button2 from my mouse ?14:33
flyn4x4ubuntu will not boot this morning it says something to the line of your graphics input need to be setup then i click ok and it askes what i want to do. run like this once or troubleshoot or some other thing but any option just goes into a loop. mouse dont work in that screen. I suspect the kid to have held the power button to restart the computer. I checked filesystem and unlocked  swap. any suggestions? Thanks in advance.14:34
usr13girlfrommars: sudo hdparm -i /dev/sdb  #To find out the serial number of sdb14:34
ss_hazeI logout from my admin acc, I log in some other account, and my screen settings changes themself14:34
usr13girlfrommars: sudo hdparm -i /dev/sdb | grep -i serial14:34
ss_hazealso on log in screen resolutions changes themself14:35
ss_hazeI hate this14:35
usr13girlfrommars: sudo hdparm -i /dev/sda  #Might tell you if sda is totally hosed or not.14:36
islandmonkeyKeep getting this when starting JACK: http://pastebin.com/sjJSLdJp14:39
islandmonkeyAnd yes, I have done a restart (thrice)14:39
girlfrommarsthanks v much usr1314:40
usr13girlfrommars: NP, good luck.  (Let us know how it goes...)14:40
girlfrommarsi just let it continue with the installation again14:40
HypnotiXHow can i give my mouse 5 button the action of my mouse 2 button, anyone please?14:40
chillisauceI'm having trouble installing the ATI graphics drivers (7750 HD). Here are the logs: http://dpaste.com/1329388/14:40
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ss_hazehow to make lightdm use the same settings as my one monitor14:43
ss_hazemy both14:44
Marleneshow to run php script that depend on specifically php library on specifically time14:44
ss_hazeMarlenes ever heard of cycles if, while etc14:45
robert__hello. i have run the ubuntustudio installer and selected encrypt home folder. however the home folder didn't get encrypted and all i got was an encrypted ~/.Private folder. how can i get an encrypted home folder?14:45
MonkeyDustrobert__  start here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedHome14:47
thebrush_mobilehello I've got a problem using snippet in gedit, the popup window doesnt open for multiple key, hope it's clear...14:47
Marlenesss_haze : what you mean14:48
thebrush_mobileex.: if I have one snippet write the text, if the snippet are more than one I press TAB after writing and doesn't write nothing else the key...14:48
=== jack is now known as Guest48575
CaseyAnyone have a good link or know best how to move a current 12.04 server single HDD to a raid1?14:50
nevynCasey: online?14:52
islandmonkeyKeep getting this when starting JACK: http://pastebin.com/sjJSLdJp14:52
islandmonkeyAnd yes, I have done a restart (thrice)14:52
ss_hazewhen I boot in, one of my screens uses wrong resolution, and both uses same output, why no settings of resolutions in both screens saves14:53
ss_hazeI can't understand14:53
Caseynevyn online or off of memory.14:53
tsunamieanyone had fun with AID14:53
robert__MonkeyDust thanks! the page has a link to some instructions. i'll reinstall with encryption disabled and set it up from scratch to avoid complications.14:53
nevynislandmonkey: does that hardware have audio in/out or only midi?14:54
islandmonkeynevyn: I don't have a direct midi port for my computer (I use a USB cable provided with my microKORG synth)14:55
nevynislandmonkey: does it do pcm audio?14:55
islandmonkeynevyn: The synth?14:55
nevynjack is an audio routing system the card you start it with has to be a audio sound card.14:56
islandmonkeyIt has always started with my audio card14:56
Marlenesnevyn : how to make cron job for php script to run auto in specifically times14:56
nevynMarlenes: man 5 crontab14:57
Marlenesi make one but it dont run the script14:57
nevynislandmonkey: so the errors in your log are that jack can't start streaming audio to the soundcard14:57
nevynthis either means. you don't have permission to the soundcard14:57
nevynor the soundcard has no audio endpoints14:57
Marlenesnevyn : i make one but it dont run the script14:58
islandmonkeynevyn: Ah - I believe for some reason it is trying to use the midi to usb cable as a route to the sound card14:59
islandmonkeyLet me disconnect that and see if it works14:59
nevynislandmonkey: not a route to the sound card14:59
nevynit's using it AS the soundcrad14:59
nevynjack runs on one soundcard15:00
nevynwhen you plugin the usb to midi adapter it shows up s another soundcard15:00
islandmonkeynevyn: Still not working - it's coming up with this now: http://pastebin.com/mgccWTXq15:02
usr13Marlenes: Show us.15:02
usr13Marlenes: Does the script run when executed manually?15:03
Prock81? could i make a small fat32 partition and put grub4dos on it, and there have the old version of grub configs.... and in my Grub2, switch over the the older one on the fat 32?????????15:03
nevynislandmonkey: can you run alsa-info.sh wget http://alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh15:03
nevynusr13: it may be a reliance on something in the environment as cron's is different15:03
usr13nevyn: O15:04
nevynusr13: in particular cron doesn't run the user startup stuff.15:04
usr13nevyn: What user startup stuff?15:05
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islandmonkeynevyn: http://pastebin.com/APC25Hsu15:05
nevynusr13: .profile in particular (so if you're setting path or etc)15:05
usr13nevyn: I guess we'd need to know specifically what he's trying to do, (and I for one do not).15:06
nevynislandmonkey: what's the uri output from the script15:07
usr13nevyn: Yea, well, we'd have to see the script and the crontab entry as well.15:07
nevynthat looks like no soundcards exist...15:07
nevynusr13: you are right tho first step. does it run manually from the shell.15:07
islandmonkeynevyn: You mean you want me to upload it to the website the script suggested?15:08
usr13nevyn: Right.  (And I asked him exactly that... no answer... so...)15:08
nevyndid you say no?15:08
nevynislandmonkey: just check cat /proc/asound/cards15:09
nevynis there anything listed at all?15:09
pranavnetstat -a shows -> tcp        0      0 localhost:5037          *:*                     LISTEN15:09
nevynislandmonkey: what?15:09
pranavso, which program is using my port ?15:09
nevynjust paste here it should only be 2 lines15:10
nevynpranav: netstat -ap as root should tell you15:10
islandmonkey 2 [Intel          ]: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel15:10
islandmonkey                      HDA Intel at 0xd4500000 irq 4515:10
nevyneww device 215:10
nevynsomething wierd is going on was the usb-midi plugged in when you booted?15:11
islandmonkeynevyn: Yes15:11
pranavnevyn: thanks it was adb15:11
ss_hazehow stupid is ubuntu if it can't remmeber user settings of how screens should react15:12
ss_hazeI just can't make it actually remmber that it needs to have both of my monitors usable for my admin acc15:12
nevynislandmonkey: this is unfortunate and I hate it but I think you should reboot without the usb midi adapter15:12
ss_hazeit just doubles it15:12
MonkeyDustss_haze  no rants here, please, post your question on a userforum, if you don't get an answer here15:12
islandmonkeynevyn: Okay15:12
flashingpumpkinhi guys. quick question: Is there any way to set up unity to open new windows always on the monitor that the mouse is currently on? I'm getting sick and annoyed by having new windows open always on the laptop monitor instead of the second monitor that I spent most time on15:12
jribflashingpumpkin: I don't know if you can do it at the window manager level but do you want to poke a bit?  I have an idea.15:16
MonkeyDustflashingpumpkin  unity-tweak-tool lets you modify a lot of features15:16
islandmonkeynevyn: Everything works good now. Thanks15:17
nevynislandmonkey: can you check something for me.15:18
nevynwhat's in /proc/asound/cards now?15:18
ghkinghello everyone. I have registered an account in" http://www.vps.me "in china, but it need the phone number in USA to active it15:18
flashingpumpkinjrib, at whatever level. :) xfce let's me configure it so that new windows always appear on the monitor that has the mouse15:18
ghkingwho can help me to active my account, thank you very much15:18
gregLI am running 13.04 a recent update of some kind stopped auto login from working.. I goto system settings and users and try to set it to auto log in ,but it stays grayed out..Any suggestions on how to restore that function ?15:18
flashingpumpkinMonkeyDust, yeah, had already a look at unity-tweak-tool and didn't find anything :(15:18
islandmonkeynevyn: Oh - I did that immediately after the reboot. It's on channel 0 now15:18
nevynislandmonkey: card 015:19
AnalistBrasil ??15:19
flashingpumpkinjrib, happy to hear your idea15:19
nevynislandmonkey: but I'm curious as to how many cards there are (it's common in modern machines to have 2 one for analog audio and one for hdmi)15:19
jribflashingpumpkin: interesting.  I don't really see a way to do that without a massive hack unless the wm supports it.  But we can probably get the windows to always open in your other monitor instead of the laptop.  What's the output of "xrandr" and what's the output of "echo $DISPLAY"?15:19
islandmonkeynevyn: Yes - there is one for hdmi as far as I'm aware15:20
OerHeksghking, we do not provide phonenumbers so you can vps on that bill15:20
islandmonkeyBut that doesn't show up /asound/cards15:20
nevynislandmonkey: so you have 2 cards listed before plugging in the usb-midi?15:20
flashingpumpkinjrib, I've already tried xrandr --output VGA2 --primary if that's what you're hinting at :)15:20
islandmonkeynevyn: Yep15:21
jribflashingpumpkin: that was one avenue, yes.15:21
flashingpumpkinjrib, copying output..15:21
nevynislandmonkey: can you re-run alsa-info with everything plugged in?15:21
DJones!br | Analist15:21
ubottuAnalist: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.15:21
flashingpumpkinjrib, https://gist.github.com/flashingpumpkin/4b184e677a41e7376d6f15:21
nevynislandmonkey: /etc/modprobe.d/alsa is supposed to prevent this kind of boot switcheroo shenanigans15:22
MonkeyDustflashingpumpkin  alt-f2 > dconf-editor > find xrandr    <-- is that useful ?15:22
nevynislandmonkey: did you mess with that file?15:22
williamtdrI am using a script to automatically set up a computer. I need to assign a password to the vnc server for the user, which is normally done using the vncserver command. However, it prompts for the user to enter and re-enter their password, neither of which the script is capable of doing. So, how can I set up the VNC password without an interactive p15:22
jribflashingpumpkin: alright, run some tests: try "DISPLAY=:0.0 gedit" and then try "DISPLAY=:0.1 gedit"15:22
islandmonkeynevyn: Nope, never touched it15:22
nevynbleh alsa-base.conf even15:22
jribflashingpumpkin: erm, make sure you close gedit after the first since it will probably just open a tab the second time15:22
flashingpumpkinjrib, got it15:23
jribflashingpumpkin: or for the extra paranoid, try xclock instead of gedit15:23
flashingpumpkinjrib, 0.1 doesn't exist :)15:23
islandmonkeynevyn: Nope, never touched that either15:23
nevynislandmonkey: in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf is there a line:15:23
nevynoptions snd-usb-audio index=-215:23
flashingpumpkinneither does 1.015:23
jribflashingpumpkin: ok so your setup is basically one large screen stretched over two monitors?15:24
nevynislandmonkey: that options line should prevent usb-audio (the driver for the usb-midi adapter) from ever claiming the card 0 slot15:24
flashingpumpkinjrib, that's how I would interpret it yeah15:24
flashingpumpkinjrib, xrandr doesn't split it into two displays15:24
daniel11I accidently typed sudo ln -sf /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libudev.so.1 /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libudev.so.1. How can I go back?15:25
flashingpumpkinjrib, also saying that it's currently operating on 2840x1080 - which is the res of both screens combined15:25
flashingpumpkinMonkeyDust, not sure ... what should I see there? It references a configuration .xml file which does not exist in /etc15:26
islandmonkeynevyn: Not there (I wonder if some buggy update this week removed it)15:26
jribflashingpumpkin: yeah.  You could either swap the order of your screens (which presumably is undesirable because of their physical locations) or pass explicit -geometry of +1920+0 (or similar).  These both suck.  Is unity still just a compiz plugin?15:26
nevyndaniel11: there is no back there's just fix15:27
daniel11nevyn: yes, yes, thats what I mean15:27
daniel11what is the fix?15:27
nevyndaniel11: filesystems don't keep history15:27
nevynlink it to the right place.15:27
islandmonkeynevyn: Oh, wait, it is there15:27
daniel11what is the right place? I assume that every single person running 32bit in this forum has that file on their own systems. where it supposed to link to?15:28
jribflashingpumpkin: if you install ccsm and check out CompizConfig>Window management>Window Placement > Multi Output Mode (this is from an old askubuntu thread), you may be able to do something.  Poke around ccsm if you haven't yet15:28
nevynnfi havn't run 32bit for years15:28
daniel11I'm guessing its not hard to figure out where the 32bit is supposed to link to if you know where the 64 bit equivilent does..15:28
nevyndaniel11: look in /lib/i386-linux-gnu at all the libudev *15:28
nevynthere's usually a bunch of links and a single .so file15:29
jribflashingpumpkin: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/874146 suggests disabling the "Place Windows" plugin15:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 874146 in Compiz "Multimonitor: New windows open on the wrong monitor, Place Plugin settings silently ignored" [Medium,Fix released]15:30
elgatonHi everyone, I installed a new server using static IPv4 and IPv6, there is IPv4 connectivity but no IPv6 connections are possible from the server to IPv6 enabled sites (the message "Network is unreachable" is shown). Any clues?15:31
andschHello. I have installed my /boot partition in a USB stick, on which I have also installed GRUB. Is it safe to unplug it after booting?15:33
andschShould I be wary of automatic system packages updates?15:34
elgatonandsch: you should definitely be a little wary of automatic updates in your case (if they include GRUB, you would need to make sure your USB key is plugged in to allow it to be updated)15:35
andschelgaton: Is there a way to disable automatic updates?15:36
andschelgaton: This way I would be able to unplug it.15:36
elgatonandsh: Yes, you should be able to do it from System Settings (no Unity installed at the moment so can not check it)15:37
MonkeyDustandsch  system settings > Software & updates15:39
andschMonkeyDust: I just checked. Good thing in my case they are disabled by default. But what exact packages install to the /boot partition?15:39
MonkeyDustandsch  not sure, never tried it myself15:40
ikillcypherhello guys I have actually installed ubuntu using wubi15:40
ikillcyphernow it seems like ubuntu is saying my system dont have space anymore15:40
ikillcypheris there anyway to check which drive ubuntu is using15:41
MonkeyDustikillcypher  wubi uses a space inside windows, it does not have its own drive15:41
ikillcypherso why is it saying it does not have enough space left15:42
MonkeyDustikillcypher  wubi is a windows application, it's not a real installation and will give you headaches15:42
ikillcypherwell I dont have an usb/cd with me to install ubuntu15:42
MonkeyDustikillcypher  when you installed wubi, you could specify the amoutn of space ypu want to use15:42
ikillcypheris there anyway to do it now ?15:43
ikillcyphersince I have ubuntu already installed ?15:43
wildc4rdI run 2 monitors in twinview, how do I stop the launcher appearing on both monitors as its frustrating when trying to leave one workspace (12.04LTS)15:43
MonkeyDustikillcypher  delete wubi in the configuration panel, then reinstall it and assign more space, i guess15:44
_Y_o_Hello, i have got with my ubuntu 12.04 OS since it was corrupted by crash when hard drive was connected through usb to another computer. someone can help me?15:44
ikillcypherso I have to boot up windows and redo the wubi ?15:44
_Y_o_i hve got problem15:44
MonkeyDustikillcypher  yes, wubi sits inside windows, it's not independent15:44
ikillcypherthanks will try15:45
wildc4rdnvm, its an option under displays, resolved!15:47
flashingpumpkinjrib, thanks. none of this worked though. might just switch back to xfce.15:48
jribflashingpumpkin: shame.  I'm not sure if there's a unity-specific channel, but you could try the forums, askubuntu, and the mailing list to get more eyes on it.  I don't use unity so don't have much experience with it15:48
_Y_o_get this error "Erreur de segmentation (core dumped)" when using grep15:51
spikespiegelhey guys i am trying to get plex media server to add my video files, it doesnt seem to be working15:54
spikespiegelplex server itself seems to be fine as my ps3 sees the server already but no media will add15:54
SicpI get a blocked sign in my notifications about updates, I'm on 13.04 and I haven't changed anything in the sources.list for updating15:55
SicpAn error occurred, please run Package Manager from the right-click menu or apt-get from a terminal to see what happened15:56
SicpI'll pastebin the error that I get when running apt-get update from the terminal, one moment15:56
A1ReconI have some images on my Memory Card. Can I copy them from the memory card to the computer(Ubuntu 13.04) with the exact details/properties (date they were saved to the memory card)??15:56
jitsespikespiegel, make sure Plex has (read)access to the files you're trying to add15:58
Sicphere we go, http://pastie.org/820314715:58
SicpE: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.15:59
SicpI have touch nothing of value since the installation15:59
MonkeyDustA1Recon  i guess you can do it with rsync -t     <-- time15:59
Sicphave not edited 1 file15:59
=== Termana is now known as Guest88520
MonkeyDustA1Recon  type man rsync in a terminal to see what's possible16:00
Sicpnevermind, I think this is the solution http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=207899616:01
spikespiegeljitse, i did the chmod 755 to the directory i added to plex16:01
_Y_o_nobody can help me?16:02
compdoc_Y_o_, have you tried removing and reinstalling grep? also, have you looked at your hard drive's SMART data to see if the drive is failing?16:07
Sicpyep, that was the solution16:08
bluesunAnyone who knows where to discuss blueprints on Launchpad? I am looking at this one, which I don't see any comment field, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/security-p-apparmor-ubuntu.16:08
jitsespikespiegel, can you browse to the folder containing your media while adding or editing a section?16:09
_Y_o_compdoc, removing/reinstalling grep already tested and hard drive is not failing.16:09
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compdoc_Y_o_, then you did look at SMART?16:09
spikespiegeljitse, it seems to be a problem that theres a space in the name of my partition im trying to link16:11
spikespiegeljitse, idk how to chmod (ex) /media/Volume 3/16:12
jitsespikespiegel, use quotes around the path16:13
spikespiegeljitse, thanks16:14
_Y_o_<compdoc>  SMART support is: Available - device has SMART capability.16:14
_Y_o_SMART support is: Enabled16:14
jitsespikespiegel, chmod 755 "/media/Volume 3"16:14
_Y_o_compdoc, Device is:        Not in smartctl database [for details use: -P showall]   could be wrong?16:15
compdoc_Y_o_, open disk utility, and open the SMART for the drive. See what it says about the drive's health, and look at Reallocated Sectors. Or use smartctl -a /dev/sda  (or whatever the drive)16:15
_Y_o_ smartctl -a /dev/sda16:16
compdocmaybe need to: sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda16:17
_Y_o_yeah ...too fast16:17
spikespiegeljitse, yeah im not really sure whats going on, when i tried to do /home with a video it worked, now doing the partition it doesnt want to add the files16:17
compdocgtg - bbl16:17
_Y_o_SMART Error Log Version: 116:18
_Y_o_No Errors Logged16:18
A1ReconCan I make a folder stop showing on Search in the Launcher bar??16:18
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selene23come join me on live cam here: http://chinadating.tk/us/profiles/girl/selene2316:19
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MonkeyDustA1Recon  you mean search in Dash?16:19
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A1ReconMonkeyDust: yes16:20
Tore_IomharHello everyone, Tore_Iomharhere and i'm here and ready to DDoS.16:20
MonkeyDustA1Recon  there's System Settings > Privacy   if that's what you mean16:20
jitsespikespiegel, Right. You should take a look at "Plex Media Scanner.log" in /var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Logs16:20
A1ReconMonkeyDust: i just don't need to see one specific folder...16:21
spikespiegeljitse, still saying permission denied, i even tried to chmod 755 the exact folder on the partition16:23
spikespiegeljitse, according to the logs16:23
_Y_o_compdoc, nothing special with smart data. Everything is good.16:24
jitsespikespiegel, did you use chmod recursively (with the -R option)?16:25
spikespiegeljitse, i did not16:25
jitsespikespiegel, ok, so you set the permissions on /media/Volume 3/ but not on the files and dirs *in* /media/Volume 316:26
spikespiegeljitse, makes sense, do you run chmod 755 -R or chmod -R 75516:27
jitsespikespiegel, chmod -R 75516:27
natsukaoi would like to know why was removed xmms and why was replaced with xmms216:27
natsukaoprograms such as Streamtuner can't works with xmms216:28
whoeverhi all, is there a better terminal irc client then irrsi16:28
_Y_o_ok my problem is too much specific. Grep is not the only one. so i'm going to resinstall ubuntu OS.16:28
_Y_o_thanks all16:28
natsukaoi inform you that i toke contact with Canonical, and specially wsith Mr. Mark Shuttleworth, to have a reply16:29
spikespiegeljitse, hmm it is still having the same permission denied error in plex16:29
codephobicjust had a very weird problem with my ubuntu 13.04.16:29
ikonianatsukao: grow up16:30
codephobicFor months it's been working fine but today, just after a reboot, the sound went.16:30
ikoniabandroidx: talking to Mark Shuttleworth about why a single package has been replaced is childish16:30
codephobicNo sound, no sound card, nothing.16:30
codephobicI tried checking alsamixer ... nothing.16:30
ikoniabandroidx: oops sorry16:30
ikoniabandroidx: that was for natsukao16:30
codephobicI rebooted into Windows, works fine, but ubuntu doesn't even seem to see an audio chip16:30
natsukaoi asked why was replace xmms with xmms216:31
ikoniabandroidx: my fault, apologies16:31
bandroidxno apology needed :)16:31
ikonianatsukao xmms is dead,16:31
spikespiegelnatsukao, bet shuttleworth will bend over back wordwords for you16:31
ikonianatsukao: that's why16:31
codephobicmy motherboard is an Asus M5A78L-M USB 316:31
Myrttinatsukao: probably because Debian dropped it16:31
natsukaoand you offended me, without giving a reply to my request16:31
Farang8i first time here, write from Opera. Please tell me, its free?16:31
Myrttior I could be wrong too16:31
ikoniaMyrtti they dropped it because it's prett dead16:31
jitsespikespiegel, weird. Try restarting plex16:32
natsukaothis was decided from Ubuntu, it was not decided from Debian16:32
ikonianatsukao it's not in debian16:32
Myrttinatsukao: actually, it's not in debian, and debian is upstream of ubuntu16:32
spikespiegeljitse, going to try a reboot16:32
natsukaoprograms Free Software such as Streamtuner works with xmms16:32
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ikonianatsukao that doesn't change anything16:33
natsukaoif needed i'll go to write to Debian16:33
jitsespikespiegel, sure16:33
ikonianatsukao why don't you stop being silly and if you need it that bad ask for help getting it16:33
natsukaoi'll go to search responsable16:33
ikonianatsukao: as to be honest, your moaning and complaining and silly threats to write to Mark Shuttleworth are not gaining you any good will / help16:33
ikonianatsukao: if you do state what you want to do with can try to help you find a solution16:34
spikespiegeljitse, yeah just doesnt seem to want to play nice with my partition16:38
werxxxHow remove ubuntu if I have 2 ubuntu16:38
codephobicI think my system is being affected by the same bug as these people are discussing: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/116976116:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1169984 in Ubuntu Desktop Tests "duplicate for #1169761 3.8.0-18 HDMI/DisplayPort audio regression: Either oops or opening device fails with -ENODEV" [Undecided,New]16:39
codephobicbut what/where and how do I "rollback" to a previous driver for my hd audio? I have an asus m5a78l-m motherboard, I'm not sure about the audiochip's details but I do know that it was recognised as HD audio, back when it was working in Ubuntu (a few hours ago)?16:39
werxxxHow to remove other ubuntu16:39
spikespiegeljitse, keeps saying permission denied16:41
werxxxI have 2 ubuntu, how to delete left16:41
kunaguvarunHello all. Is there an option in ubuntu installer as "Use free space" that installs system into unallocated space?16:41
iamnotarobotwerxxx,  assuming that both installation reside on different partitions then just reformat  the ne you don't want.16:41
iamnotarobotwerxxx, make sure not to wipe the bootable partition16:42
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werxxxWhat I need program to do it16:42
kunaguvarunHello all. Is there an option in ubuntu installer as "Use free space" that installs system into unallocated space?16:43
iamnotarobotHave you tried running the installer to find out?16:43
kunaguvaruniamnotarobot, Not yet. Just looked at screenshots.16:45
islandmonkeykunaguvarun: Are you installing it alongside another OS?16:46
kunaguvarunYes, with Win716:46
kunaguvarunI've got some 40GB of unallocated space16:46
iamnotarobotYou can open the 'manual' option and configure partitions exactly as you want them.16:46
islandmonkeykunaguvarun: Oh, well when the installer asks you where and how to install Ubuntu - there should be an option to "Install Ubuntu alongside Windows 7"16:47
iamnotarobotWith 13.04 you can install 'alongside'16:47
kunaguvarunislandmonkey: Yes I saw that option in installer guide. I thought It would be an option to install Ubuntu inside same Windows partition16:48
islandmonkeykunaguvarun: No, that's a program called Wubi16:49
kunaguvarunislandmonkey:Oh, I don't want to install through Wubi.16:49
islandmonkeyThe option I've told you will install Ubuntu in a separate partition.16:49
kunaguvarunIf there is no option to chose install to "Free space", I'll go with traditional installation method, by creating 3 partitions out of free space16:50
iamnotarobotI don't think wubi is supported any more16:50
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islandmonkey*recalls his first days of using Ubuntu [11.04] with Wubi and thinking how terrible it was*16:51
flyn4x413.04 will take care of the partions itself16:51
kunaguvarunflyn4x4:So if I chose Install alongside windows7, will it install into the unallocated space?16:52
flyn4x4i did that16:52
kunaguvarunThanks for the confirmation :)16:53
serocultbuenas tardes16:59
nathanesau1is anyone familiar with this link??? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot#Installing_Windows_After_Ubuntu17:04
nathanesau1 so part way down the page it says "installing windows after ubuntu - there are two different approaches"17:04
nathanesau1and then it says "master boot record backup and re-replacement"17:04
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flyin4x4Yes u will need to do that17:05
nathanesau1but it does not work for computers with UEFI boot or pre-installed windows 817:05
nathanesau1which is WHY it DOES NOT work for me17:05
nathanesau1i was wondering if there was another way17:05
imthenachomanhey guys, i have tried googling but no luck. anyway to get ubuntu to work with mac/apple keyboard so things like apple+a work right?17:06
auronandace!uefi | nathanesau117:07
ubottunathanesau1: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI17:07
damian_does anyone know how to install minecraft17:11
schnitzlhi. i need some help to get some files via puty to a ssh box.17:12
schnitzlcan someone guide me through?17:12
Muuuh_hmmm... why would I choose the mongodb-10gen package over the mongodb package from ubuntu ?17:13
SuRfDaEmOnschnitzl: you probably want to set the ssh box as the default connection in putty and then run psftp17:13
jitsespikespiegel, very strange. It might help to take your question to the Plex forum17:13
schnitzlSuRfDaEmOn, default connection? why that.17:14
schnitzland yes. psftp. thats it.17:14
schnitzlhow to get that running?17:14
SuRfDaEmOnschnitzl: if i remember correctly, psftp didn't let me choose which server to connect to, it just went for my default, I could be wrong.17:14
schnitzlah ok. good to know.17:15
schnitzlhow to start psftp?17:15
SuRfDaEmOnschnitzl: get psftp from the putty site and run it17:15
schnitzlima try with pscp, wich is another option17:15
schnitzlshould be the same17:15
SuRfDaEmOnschnitzl: might need to use cmd17:15
schnitzlyea. cmd i guess17:15
schnitzlyou, sir, helped me17:16
Aniruddha_MiloszHello everyone, Aniruddha_Miloszhere and i'm here and ready to DDoS.17:17
ZnooseyAniruddha_Milosz: then i think you are in the wrong place :)17:18
islandmonkeyAniruddha_Milosz: Why thank you...17:18
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soniconuanceanyone know how to change the theme of firefox? Not jus the colors, but the tab bar style17:22
schnitzlSuRfDaEmOn, wotn work. i think i cant login as root. i just can change from my username to root in puty. but psftp wont allow that.17:23
schnitzlis there a possibility to download the files directly17:23
holsteinschnitzl: you think you cant login as root? try it17:23
schnitzli cant17:23
holsteinschnitzl: then, you wont be able to start services17:23
schnitzli can login as schnitzel17:23
holsteinschnitzl: you would contact the administrator of the machine for help17:24
schnitzland than change to root17:24
schnitzlsudo bash17:24
schnitzlbut i cant login directly as root.17:24
holsteinschnitzl: sudo -i17:24
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo17:24
schnitzlnah. thats not it ;)17:24
holsteinschnitzl: it actually is.. login as a user with sudo privs and run "sudo -i"17:25
damian_how do i use synaptic17:25
schnitzlits no ubuntu box i think :(17:25
holsteindamian_: you can lanuch it from the menu17:25
holsteinschnitzl: you are connecting to a non-ubuntu box from putty?17:25
damian_yeah but im not sure on how to use it :)17:25
usr13schnitzl: You don't know what operating system it is?17:25
schnitzlnope. just some ssh access given to me.17:26
schnitzllook. the problem is...i want to transfer some files from a win box to that machine via ssh17:26
schnitzlputy, first choice.17:26
schnitzlwell. psftp, right?17:26
usr13sudo nmap -O2 -sV --version_light -p0-65535 192.168.xxx.x  #Show lots of info about PC17:27
schnitzlbut with psftp i cant login as root. neither sudi -i nor sudo bash are working.17:27
schnitzlno nmap.17:27
damian_why does life on linux have to be so complicated :(17:27
holsteinschnitzl: you can connect with filezilla via sftp over ssh17:27
Caseyis there a GUI way to migrate 12.04 server to a Raid 1?17:27
schnitzlholstein. nice idea.17:27
holsteinschnitzl: are you connecting to ubuntu from putty?17:27
schnitzlthy didnt i think about that.17:27
schnitzli think its no ubuntu box. not sure which os.17:28
holsteinCasey: i mean, a file manager from a live CD is a GUI17:28
holsteinschnitzl: then, seek support in the channel that maintains the operating system you are using.. thanks17:28
usr13schnitzl: cat /etc/issue17:28
whoeverhow do i move between open chats with scrollz? it was alt+arrow in irssi17:28
CaseyHolstein let me correct my post sorry, Is there a way to migrate a current 12.04 server install to a raid 1 using a GUI.17:29
holsteinwhoever: i use escape arrow.. press escape, release it.. hit the arror key.. using terminator now instead of gnome-terminal17:29
schnitzlholstein...does it matter? its a basic ssh problem. not os related i thought. and since i am a little experienced with ubuntu, which is my linux system of choice, i thought i may ask here.17:29
holsteinCasey: a file manager *is* a GUI17:29
schnitzli have pretty nice experience in the past with you guys :D17:29
holsteinschnitzl: yes.. it matters.. as this is the support channel for ubuntu, and we, as volunteers, cant support other OS's, since we are likely not aware of the details of other OS's17:30
usr13schnitzl: If you are a linux user, why did you say you are using putty?17:30
holsteinschnitzl: this has nothing to do with "nice".. i assure you, you are *welcome* and encouraged to use ubuntu.. but if you are not using ubuntu, you are in the incorrect channel17:30
schnitzlusr13, cause dual boot.17:30
schnitzland holstein i said *i dont know*17:31
maprerihi! can someone help me understand why two client connect through a vpn in a server I manage can't talk between them? the client are both my pc (I'm doing some testing), one using ubuntu raring and one using windows 7 in a vm. The client are both well-connect and can ping the server. this is the openvpn.conf in the server: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5944539/ and the /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward is set to 1.17:31
usr13schnitzl: And what exactly is your question?17:31
damian_why do simple everyday task lke downloading and installing a program half to be researched just to find out how to install it17:31
schnitzlif it makes you happy i can switch to a ubuntu VM and start some console....would have the same effect :(17:31
holsteinschnitzl: you can rrn the command usr13 gave you.. cat /etc/issue17:31
schnitzlyou already helped me! filezilla was a nice idea :D17:31
usr13schnitzl: And what exactly is your question?   (And does it have *anything* to do with Ubuntu?)17:31
usr13schnitzl: Ok, there you go.17:32
holsteindamian_: what are you trying to do? with most OS's, you will need to learn things when coming to it17:32
holsteindamian_: synaptic is a GUI package manager.. you might want to try the software center17:32
mapreriand (ridiculous!) both the client can ping another client (my android phone)17:32
damian_as of right now all im trying to do is install minecraft and i think i did java right17:33
holsteindamian_: confirm that java is installed17:33
holstein!java | damian_17:33
ubottudamian_: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.17:33
usr13schnitzl: But not sure why you'd use filezilla if you have ssh access. But if you are going at it from a MS Windows platform, well, I dono, filezilla is probably good.  (Not sure how relevant the conversation is but....)17:33
BluesKajdamian_, that's what the software center is for17:33
damian_just trying to get my mind off of how if my mom founds out i went to linux she would get tight17:33
Blagun_HarduwichHello everyone, Blagun_Harduwichhere and i'm here and ready to DDoS.17:33
nathanesau1holstein: i have a question17:33
holsteindamian_: nothing about linux/ubuntu is preventing the creators of minecrats from making the installation and running of minecraft easier for you17:33
schnitzlusr13, ok. here is the problem. me at winbox trying to get some files to some linux machine (it MAY bit be ubuntu, i dont know, but it does not matter i think).17:34
schnitzlso. i use puty17:34
schnitzlbut i was to stupid to figure out how to send files through puty. @ usr1317:34
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whoeverned some help changing schollz irc open chan in gnome alt 1,2,3 will only change xterm tabs17:34
usr13schnitzl: Ok.17:34
nathanesau1installing windows after ubuntu: apparently the common method does not work for computers with UEFI boot or pre-installed windows817:34
holsteindamian_: http://www.webupd8.org/2013/04/easily-install-minecraft-in-ubuntu-via.html might be a simpler method17:35
damian_well jeez thats why i was asking earlier how i use the software center i give up17:35
holsteindamian_: you dont need the software center for minecraft17:35
holsteindamian_: you can refer to the PPA link i gave.. or, confirm that you have java installed, and download minecraft and run it17:35
usr13nathanesau1: "installing windows"?  (Not sure we are clear as to what your question is.)17:36
damian_i did download it and im posistive i have java but i cant figure how to run it17:36
Candroth-brbHello! I have a question about a'cannot write bytes: broken pipe' error looping on my netbook. Im tryingto get to recovery mode but im a linux newbie stuck on a smartphone screen17:36
usr13Candroth-brb: "smartphone"?17:37
anildigitalfriends.. what window manager do you recommend?17:37
anildigitalI am currently using xfce417:37
usr13anildigital: xfce17:37
holsteindamian_: http://askubuntu.com/questions/221981/how-to-run-minecraft17:37
anildigitalbut looks like there are pretty nice other options like openbox .. etc17:37
nathanesau1usr13: i only have ubuntu installed, i want to install windows as well17:37
Candroth-brbUsr13 - im typing this on my smartphone, since my netbook is erroring out17:37
anildigitalusr13: other than xfce?17:37
BluesKajsmart phone , dumb netbook :)17:38
usr13anildigital: There are lots.  How about lxde17:38
anildigitalusr13: hmm17:38
anildigitalwhoever: what are these numbers?17:38
Candroth-brbIve gotten into a setup utility on my netbook, but i dont see a revocery mode anywhere like the wiki's recovery page says.17:40
c_smith /exit17:40
holsteinCandroth-brb: what are you trying to do?17:40
damian_well i finally did it but now its saying some error when i go to open it and something about executable bit17:41
SuRfDaEmOnmplayer2 stopped exting on completion of a file, what did I do?17:41
masterzufuThis is a completely random question....but I'm trying to set it up so that every command I type in a terminal always prefaces with another command. I want to open every application with 'sudo proxychains ' first. Can you tell me how to do that without having to type it in everytime?17:41
Candroth-brbholstein: Get into recovery mode so i can fix this stupid 'cannot write bytes: broken pipe' error, or at least try17:41
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damian_well i finally did it but now its saying some error when i go to open it and something about executable bit17:42
holsteindamian_: i hear you, friend.. please relax, and dont repeat17:42
high_fiverdamian_, u just said that.. whats the error!17:42
damian_sorry it was accident17:42
usr13anildigital: see lxde.org kde.org xfce.org openbox.org enlightenment.org etc.17:42
damian_The file '/home/damian/Downloads/Minecraft.jar' is not marked as executable. and it continues17:43
holsteindamian_: right click and set it as "executable"17:43
high_fiverdamian_, mark it as executable17:43
damian_changing the jar to exe?17:43
holsteindamian_: no17:43
mudkip908damian_: right click, go to preferences, permissions and tick "Allow executing..."17:44
holsteindamian_: by literally right clicking on it, as i suggested..17:44
damian_ok thanks a lot guy i atleast like this community17:44
SuRfDaEmOndamian_: can also learn chmod17:44
mudkip908damian_: chmod a+x file17:44
streulmachmod +x17:45
mudkip908damian_: or u+x if you want only yourself to be able to execute it17:45
usr13anildigital: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Desktop_environment#Desktop_environments_for_the_X_Window_System17:47
damian_is pinguy coinsidered pretty basic?17:47
Candroth-brbI gotta jet for now, ill come back when i have access to an actual computer17:48
mudkip908damian_: It says it's designed for people who are new to linux, so yeah.17:48
high_fiverdamian_, you would have to complete the same process to play Minecraft on pinguy17:48
damian_oh i know im using it right now lol17:49
usr13damian_:  "Pinguy_OS_12.04-shell-i686.iso is a raw CD image of 1.6 GB"17:50
anildigitalNeed recommendation for a good and stable window manager..17:51
anildigitalsorry.. I got logged out earlier.. have missed your recommendations .. if you have given already17:51
DJonesdamian_: PLease remember that this channel is only able to support Ubuntu installs, pinguy has its own support channels17:52
mudkip908anildigital: awesomewm?17:52
mudkip908anildigital: It's the only tiling WM I've used, I think it's pretty good.17:52
anildigitalmudkip908: thanks..17:53
anildigitalany other?17:53
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usr13anildigital: You've got one.17:55
usr13anildigital: see lxde.org kde.org xfce.org openbox.org enlightenment.org etc.17:55
ironfoot495Hello I have a problem with my index.php file.I tried using that same file to display it on my localhost but it totally distroyed all the other files . I know I need to establish an alias to make it work is there someone who is familiar with this procedure?17:57
veryhappyhey guys, can you explain me what happened to the linux-image-server in 12.04? and what is the difference between a server kernel in comparison to a realtime kernel? thank you17:58
Cyclohexaneif you ssh tunnel will it provide an internal ip?17:58
ironfoot495I know I need to make thyese changes on the apache2 files.17:58
smokea */6 in the hour slot of my crontab should run the command every 6 hrs?17:59
jribsmoke: yes18:00
usr13damian_:  http://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=pinguy18:01
smokejrib, when i  check my syslog it says its being run every hour ..18:02
smokedo i need to put it on the day to make it run 4 times a day?18:02
jribsmoke: paste your actual crontab line.18:02
smoke0 */6 * * * /home/smoke/sbbs/exec/zeronet.sh18:02
jribsmoke: that will run every 6 hours18:03
smokehmm how strange18:03
high_fiverCyclohexane, what's you question?18:03
sandmanHow can I get my terminal to support additional fonts, such as those from other languages? Adding stuff to /etc/local.gen and regenerating locales?18:03
smokethat is my syslog18:03
smokeits saying its running every hour ? or am i not reading it right?18:03
jribsmoke: lok at what it's running18:03
Cyclohexanehigh_fiver: if i ssh tunnel using putty will it provide access to the local network (so i can only allow access to local ips for a part of the web server)18:04
smokek im an idiot :)18:04
jribsmoke: happens to everyone ;)18:04
smokethanks :)18:04
usr13smoke: 0 0,6,12,18 * * * would be 4 times a day.18:08
usr13.... every day.18:08
smokeusr13, */6 works also too i believe18:09
usr13smoke: 0 0,6,12,18 * * 1-5  would be 4 times a day, mon - fri18:09
usr13smoke: But you say it is running every hour?18:10
smokeusr13, no it was something else18:10
usr13smoke: What?18:11
smokeusr13, jrib found out it was crontab.hourly running18:11
usr13smoke: Oh.  Ok.18:11
smokethanks tho18:11
SuRfDaEmOnturns out my mplayer problem was an audio error, restart fixed it, but i don't know why or for how long.18:12
killerI need to run a  particular script whenever firefox or some program(chosen by me) run18:12
usr13SuRfDaEmOn: Next time, you'll have to do some detective work.18:13
usr13killer: You can do that with the launcher.18:13
usr13killer: That is if you're using a GUI launcher.18:14
killerusr13: I don't want it to be manual ,I want it to be automated whenever I launch it .I m not using unity18:14
CandrothAll right, let's try this again now that I have an actual computer to do things on. I've got a netbook running a mostly-updated Ubuntu that's giving a 'cannot write bytes: broken pipe' error before I get to the login screen. I'm trying to boot to recovery mode but the method on the Ubuntu wiki is different than what I'm seeing18:14
usr13killer: So, how are you launching it?18:15
SuRfDaEmOnusr13: well, it's back18:15
dhiaeldeenwhat is the ubuntu offtopic room name ?18:15
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usr13SuRfDaEmOn: Do you have audio besides what the player is supposed to be playing?18:16
SuRfDaEmOnusr13: file is supposed to be done playing, but mplayer2 is hanging for some reason.18:16
killerI use gnome-fallback mode and launch it from panel .Certain tasks I need to perform when I launch a specific program18:16
usr13SuRfDaEmOn: lsof | less   #look thru the list, see if anything jumps out at you. It's a LONG list18:17
dhiaeldeenwhat is the difference between a virus, bacteria, microbe and germ ?18:17
dhiaeldeeni meant to ask in ubuntu offtopic18:17
usr13SuRfDaEmOn: lsof -i   #Maybe18:18
BluesKajdhiaeldeen, google is your friend18:18
shadejunable to run setuid program from with in java code using runtime clas18:19
shadejthis is how i call it18:20
shadej p = r.exec(" nmap -PR "+client);18:20
mudkip908shadej: try asking in a java channel18:20
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shadejmudkip908: i did18:21
mudkip908shadej: what did they tell you?18:21
shadejthey told me to make my program setuid18:22
mudkip908shadej: chmod +s program18:23
shadejmudkip908: i have done that18:23
mudkip908shadej: what's the error message?18:23
xubuntuany1 here know how to create a hard drive partition in ubuntu18:23
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afiefI am trying to decide on a graphics card, does anybody know if the Radeon 7770 is any good on Linux?18:23
mudkip908nathanesau1: install gparted and use it18:23
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shadejmudkip908: there is not any error message nor correct result18:24
nathanesau1i am - but it says that my disc size is 698 gb and used is 698 gb18:24
nathanesau1and so i cant resize it18:24
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nathanesau1by the way its not even close to full18:24
SuRfDaEmOnusr13: at least now I know it wasn't anything my script was doing, i can live with that.18:24
shadejam sure that i have made the program to be setuid because it is running as admin with out sudo when i issue it from command line18:25
mudkip908shadej: chown root:root program18:25
ganeshranDoes ubuntu support UEFI booting?18:25
nathanesau1is there any alternative to gparted?18:25
OerHeksnathanesau1, make sure the disk is unmounted, so use a live cd or something18:25
auronandace!uefi | ganeshran18:25
ubottuganeshran: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI18:25
nathanesau1im using a live cd18:25
nathanesau1I CANNOT unmount it18:25
OerHeks!uefi | ganeshran18:25
shadejmudkip908: wha tis that18:25
mudkip908nathanesau1: yes you can, that's the point of using a livecd18:25
nathanesau1NO, you dont understand18:26
nathanesau1i dont have a linux swap18:26
ganeshranauronandace: my kepboard doesnt work after I booted in UEFI18:26
mudkip908shadej: changes the owner of the file to root, you need to do it if you want to use setuid(0)18:26
mudkip908nathanesau1: swapoff <partition>18:26
nathanesau1all i have it a fat32 (200mb) and lvm2 pv (698 gb)18:26
mudkip908nathanesau1: ohh. sorry i've no idea about lvm18:26
MarlenesOerHeks : what is the programme that can guess the right command == http://bpaste.net/show/rxHu48bNK2TK2aY9Egyu/18:26
ganeshranauronandace: I had installed with GRUB and MBR but switched to GPT and EFI bootloader. But my existing Ubuntu installation stopped working. It boots fine but the keyboard and mouse dont work o.O18:27
OerHeksMarlenes, i don't know.18:27
nathanesau1mudkip908 the lwm2 pv was automatically created when i installed xubuntu18:27
auronandaceganeshran: i have never used uefi so i won't be of help18:27
OerHeksMarlenes, <tab> completion will help sometimes18:27
shadejmudkip908: that destroyed the setuid bit18:27
mudkip908shadej: chmod +s it again then18:27
nathanesau1/dev/sda3 lvm2 pv xubuntu-vg 698.21gb 698.21gb unused 018:28
ganeshranauronandace: ok thanks18:28
ganeshranAnyone else has an idea if switching to UEFI for an existing ubuntu installation would impact it?18:28
mudkip908nathanesau1: like I said, i've never even touched lvm. you should ask someone who has used it18:28
mudkip908nathanesau1: regular partitions are confusing enough a;)18:29
nathanesau1BUT mudkip it did that by DEFAULT18:29
nathanesau1when i installed xubuntu 13.0418:29
shadejmudkip908: nothing changed18:29
shadejit seems it is java's problem18:29
mudkip908shadej: also are you sure nmap needs to be suid?18:30
high_fivernathanesau1, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lvm18:30
mudkip908nathanesau1: look in /dev/mapper maybe?18:30
shadejmudkip908: yeah that is what i am changing18:31
high_fivernathanesau1, there are directions to resize here, volume must be unmounted18:31
shadejmudkip908: does my java program need same thing too?18:31
mudkip908shadej: but nmap works without suid18:31
shadejmudkip908: the -PR option needs that18:31
mudkip908shadej: ohh i see. Does java have a setuid() function?18:32
shadejmudkip908: i don know18:32
shadejmudkip908: i am just calling p = r.exec(" nmap -PR "+client);18:33
mudkip908shadej: try this  p = r.exec("su -c \"nmap -PR "+client+"\"");18:33
mudkip908shadej: http://blog.tinola.com/?e=718:34
MarlenesOerHeks : this feature it was work on ubuntu but i dont know what happen to it is seem to me disabled == http://bpaste.net/show/rxHu48bNK2TK2aY9Egyu/18:34
shadejmudkip908: it throws an exception18:34
mudkip908shadej: sorry i don't know java. try telling ##java what you want to do and maybe they will be more helpful18:36
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nathanesau1does any1 here know anything about lvm??18:36
shadejmudkip908: ok18:37
high_fivernathanesau1, it stands for Logical Volume Manager18:37
stethoHi all. I'm trying to get to grips with PXE booting, apt mirror and kickstart - I've got the PXE booting working and if I set an existing machine to do its updates from my local apt-mirror that works as well. However, if I create a ks.cfg file with the line url --url it fails. The installer says it can't find the mirror, the log says - 404; I think that double slas18:37
stethomy problem but I can't figure out where it's coming from.18:37
nathanesau1i want to resize it high_fiver18:37
high_fivernathanesau1, did you try the link I posted?18:37
nathanesau1it says size "698.21gb" used "698.21gb"18:37
|Anthony|after a shutdown my nic is now running at 100mbit/s instead of 1000. Any suggestions?18:37
FroMasterI'm running a performance test on my server but I'm not sure how to check to see if the disk is the bottleneck.. suggestions?18:38
nathanesau1i am confused high_fiver18:38
nathanesau1i cant resize it or unmount it18:38
nathanesau1i dont understand lvm18:38
lengluii am so confused18:39
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lengluimy brother sold my hard drive...18:40
lengluiand left me with a external harddrive tha thas ubuntu18:40
lengluibut everytime i boot it18:40
lengluiit says18:40
q0_0pDoesn't seem to work18:40
lenglui"try ubuntu out | install ubuntu onto a drive"18:40
lengluiits driving me nuts18:41
lengluithat i can only use a temporary version of ubuntu18:41
q0_0pUbuntu on the nexus 7 still supported?18:41
lengluiand everything gets deleted when i reboot :(18:41
lengluiplease someone have a answer for me18:41
wilee-nileeq0_0p, try #ubuntu-touch18:41
saiarcot895lenglui: it sounds like the Live CD is stored on the hard drive18:41
jitseq0_0p, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/daily-preinstalled/18:41
lengluiyes sai18:41
lengluihow do i install it to the harddrive that its already.. on18:42
lengluiis that possible?18:42
saiarcot895lenglui: technically, I suppose so18:42
lengluiits a 1tb hard drive...18:42
lengluiso i KNOW there is space18:42
KyzzCna someone helpe mw with mounting drives?18:42
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount18:42
saiarcot895lenglui: run through the install, make sure it correctly partitions the drive (so that this partition doesn't get deleted and break your install or something)18:42
lengluithe install...18:43
KyzzI'm currently using i3wm and can't find my external hdd18:43
lengluishould it take 7 hours?18:43
saiarcot895lenglui: no18:43
lengluihow long am i looing at18:43
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lengluibecause... i tried installing18:43
lengluiand after 7 hours18:43
FloodBot1lenglui: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:43
saiarcot895lenglui: 1, maybe 2 hours should be enough18:43
lengluigee soorrry floodbot.18:43
saiarcot895lenglui: does it stop at a specific point?18:44
lengluibut the problem i have is there is a hard drive in my pc it just doesnt work...18:44
lengluiand the install keeps trying to install to that broken hard drive18:44
IncreaseHello everyone. I was wondering if someone familiar with USB wireless adapters could help me.18:44
lengluishould i just take that out? im sscared to.. im only 14 and no tech genius18:44
high_fiverlenglui, depends on disk speed - if your reading and writing from the same disk it will take twice as long as normal18:44
X-Sleepy-X!enter | lenglui18:44
ubottulenglui: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:44
high_fiverlenglui, you may want to make a live USB stick18:44
islandmonkeynevyn: You still there?18:45
BluesKajlenglui, do you know how to make the working HDD default in the bios ?18:45
lengluiit doesnt work18:45
lengluithere isnt a working hddd. thats why i need the external hard drive18:45
lengluiright now im on "try ubuntu out" mode18:45
lengluiand everytime i reboot, i lose all settings/everything18:46
IncreaseHello everyone. I was wondering if someone familiar with USB wireless adapters could help me.18:46
BluesKajlenglui, then make the external drive the default , aslong as it's connected when you boot up , it should show in the bios18:46
lengluiyeah it is the default thats how im booted on the try it out18:46
lengluibut how do i install the full version onto the external hard drive do anybody know??18:47
saiarcot895lenglui: I think you'll have to download the iso file, but installing from another USB or CD is probably the best option18:47
lengluii got a cd to put it on now18:47
BluesKajthe try out isn't a live cd or usb ?18:48
ShloopI moused over auto clear and clicked it. Now when i look at the drive, it's a clean version of all the linux kernels. Obviously it's over written my information, but did it really? It was way too quick.18:48
saiarcot895BluesKaj: it's booting off of the hard drive itself18:48
saiarcot895BluesKaj: the Live CD is on the hard drive18:48
lengluii put the ISO on the ext and ...yeah18:48
lengluithats how im running ubuntu is "Try it out" mode18:49
lengluiso if i put it on a disc18:49
BluesKajnever heard of that unlkess it's wubi18:49
lengluiit IS wubi18:49
lengluithats what i downloaded... im 14 so i dont know my stuff here.... but my hdd crashed18:49
BluesKajahh then you should always tell it's wubi , not the same as alive media18:50
lengluilost microsoft windows 8... since then ive been learning bit by bit. now enough to get on xchat on ubuntu to ask people who know something...18:50
X-Sleepy-X!install | lenglui you might find some useful information regarding external drives here18:50
ubottulenglui you might find some useful information regarding external drives here: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - See also !automate18:50
lengluimy dad wont pay for a new version of windows so i need ubuntu ... and it is growing on me with the weird way it works18:51
lengluiim gona have to boot this off18:52
lengluito use my brothers pc which is... xp18:52
BluesKajnothing weird about ubuntu ...windows is the weird OS18:52
lengluitry to move the iso onto a dvd18:52
lengluiis that what you think i should do?18:52
saiarcot895lenglui: that's what I would do18:53
saiarcot895lenglui: my guess is that Ubuntu is excluding the current 1TB hard drive since it's running off of that18:53
lengluiim gona try it18:54
lenglui:DD THANKS LOADS!18:54
Artemis3lenglui, i like thumbdrives more (less waste, more speed) but yes18:55
ShloopI accidentally clicked auto clear in the disks app. Now whenever i mount and open the HDD, all I see are folders for ubuntu. Did it really delete all my information that quickly? It wasn't more than a second.18:56
CandrothLast try: I'm getting a looping error on starting up my netbook and I'm trying to get into recovery mode. What I see on the wiki page is different from what my computer does (namely I don't see a recovery mode option). Where do I go from here?18:58
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saiarcot895Candroth: do you get a menu (typically purple background) to load Ubuntu?18:59
CandrothThe purple background loads, I can move the cursor for a second, the Ubuntu logo pops up, and it starts looping the 'cannot write bytes: broken pipe' error18:59
Shloopwow this place used to be a lot more helpful18:59
whoeverkresoa hello18:59
Shloopwhat happened lol18:59
islandmonkeykreso: Hey there19:00
kresooy, people. just got my ubuntu, still finding my ways around it19:00
saiarcot895Shloop: I can't find the auto-clear you're talking about19:00
ikoniakreso: try being polite19:01
ikoniakreso: rather than "oy people"19:01
meta4anyone else have a broken system after recent upgrade on 12.4LTS?19:01
ikoniameta4: forgot other peoples problem, state your problem19:01
CandrothI've had no luck holding Shift (as the wiki suggests), or ctrl-alt-f1 as other places have suggested; if I hit ESC I get into a setup menu but I still don't see a recovery mode option anywhere.19:01
kresoi'm sorry, didn't mean to be disrespectful19:02
saiarcot895Candroth: does it make a difference if you hold the right Shift button?19:02
meta4working 12.4 system last night; auto-update runs; now networking is broken19:02
CandrothI did think of that.  I tried left Shift, right Shift, both Shift -- nothing.19:02
ikoniameta4: can you expand more and clearer than "networking is broken"19:02
CandrothESC is the only key that seems to do anything, and that puts me into a Setup menu that doesn't look like the GIS results for 'gnu grub menu'19:03
meta4it trys to do a DHCP auto-negotiate and fails19:03
ikoniameta4: ok, so is this wired or wireless ?19:03
islandmonkeykreso: Anyway, what's your question?19:03
islandmonkeyCan anyone please explain why JACK is refusing to load? http://pastebin.com/qsaqVKL719:04
meta4 rebooting with earlier kernel version yeilds same issue19:04
kresomy laptop overheated and crashed while updating19:04
CandrothBeing as linux-noobish as I am, am I better off trying to create a boot-USB through my Windows box and loading that instead to try fixing it?19:04
meta4sorry, wireed19:04
ikoniaislandmonkey: jack server is missing, not running, hence why the socket file is missing19:04
kresoafter cooling it, tried to turn it back on. worked, until it crashed again.19:04
Shloopsaiarcot895 http://i.imgur.com/qF9LkH9.png19:04
meta4the NIC is fine; works in XP and netbsd19:05
Candroth(This may have started because of a system update I started and then aborted. I'm not sure, like I said, supernoob.)19:05
kresoit usually overheats and all, but never this much19:05
ikoniameta4: what is the interface name ?19:05
kresohow much damage has been done? (if any)19:05
ikoniameta4: so what happens if you do "sudo dhclient eth0" ?19:05
saiarcot895Candroth: are you able to boot into a Live CD/USB?19:05
meta4dunno; haven't tried that; brb19:06
CandrothI haven't tried yet saiarcot895 because I don't have a Live boot option yet. That's what I"m wondering if I should create.19:06
saiarcot895Shloop: I think that just unmounts whatever is there, because ISO files are mounted on a loop device19:07
saiarcot895Shloop: that being said, it seems you were mounting something that is in a CD drive19:07
stethoHi all. I'm trying to get to grips with PXE booting, apt mirror and kickstart - I've got the PXE booting working and if I set an existing machine to do its updates from my local apt-mirror that works as well. However, if I create a ks.cfg file with the line url --url it fails. The installer says it can't find the mirror, the log says - 404; I think that double slas19:07
stethomy problem but I can't figure out where it's coming from.19:07
Shloopsaiarcot895 hmm that's weird. I haven't loaded anything from a CD drive. The only thing I was trying to mount is a HDD19:08
saiarcot895Candroth: my guess is that there's some missing package in Ubuntu or there's a hardware problem, but I'm not sure how to resolve it from a live CD19:08
meta4lol - now the stupid thing is working; I'd done nothing but reboot the fucker 6+ times19:09
ikoniameta4: there is no need for that language19:09
meta4whatever; bye19:09
saiarcot895Shloop: actually it might not be on a CD drive; I'm just going based on the location "/cdrom/casper/filesystem.squash"19:10
CandrothI could understand that guess sairacot895; I tried doing a bunch of updates last night and it hung or errored out (I'm honestly not sure), maybe that fubared something?19:10
phong_hi guys19:10
CandrothEh, I'll try working on a Live/recovery USB and work my way from there.  Trial and error, I guess -- if nothing else works, I'll back up the files I want to keep and reformat. This is my first Linux in ten years, I won't let it beat me19:15
CandrothI've been invited to dinner with some folks, so I'm off for now.19:15
anildigitalAnyone know keyboard shortcut to open app launcher on xfce?19:15
balihello friends, i have LTS 12.04 64-bit installed on a AMD 64-bit system with 4GB RAM.  But my 'System Details' in settings is showing only '3.3 GB' of RAM.  Why is 64bit OS not showing all 4GB of RAM?19:15
HisaoNakaianildigital - App launcher? Do you mean Run? Alt+F2 does that, in that case.19:17
ikoniabali: can you show me the output of "uname -a" please.19:17
baliikonia: sure, just a sec19:17
OerHeksbali most likely the onboard videocard is enabled19:18
ikoniaOerHeks: 900mb would be an agressive onboard card19:18
saiarcot895ikonia: 700 MB19:18
baliikonia: output of 'uname -a' http://pastebin.com/BAyTEwTY19:18
HisaoNakaianildigital - If it doesn't, making keyboard shortcuts in XFCE is super easy, go to the menu -> settings -> settings manager -> keyboard -> application shortcuts tab.19:19
saiarcot895ikonia: 4 GB-3.3 GB=0.7 GB=700 MB19:19
ikoniasaiarcot895: oh 3.3,19:19
ikoniaI thought he said 3.119:19
ikoniabali: ok, thats great can you now do the output of the command "free" please and put it in a pastebin please.19:19
saiarcot895regardless, it would still be pretty heavy-duty19:19
HisaoNakaianildigital - समझे जी ? :)19:19
baliOerHeks: correct, this is a low end AMD APU,  E1-210019:19
samXhello again all, i'm back with the question about my sd card reader rts5116 PCI Express card reader.  so i screwed up my system again last night working on some video issues i was having and had to reinstall again.  When i first install 12.04, the card reader works fine.  but after updates, it's gone.  anyone have any thoughts?19:19
daftykinssamX: is it the kernel doing it, or a package?19:20
samXi tried removing the old kernel files that weren't being used, but that did not resolve.19:20
baliikonia: output of 'free' : http://pastebin.com/3J7NqyFs19:20
samXso i don't "think" it's kernel related, but i don't know.19:21
anildigitalHisaoNakai: hindi?19:21
daftykinssamX: have you tried booting an older kernel?19:21
HisaoNakaianildigital - yeah :)19:21
lotiahello all. when attempting to set up a source package for a ppa is there a way to satisfy build dependencies using other ppa packages?19:21
samXI have not19:21
samXi'm just afraid of screwing up my system again, lol.19:21
saiarcot895lotia: more of a question for #launchpad, but yes19:21
ikoniabali: ok, so that's clearly showing 3.4GB of ram, so either something like your video card is using 600mb of ram (check the bios - this is very unlikely though) or you've actually got less ram than you think19:21
samXi found a temp fix once while google'ing the issue, but can't seem to find that fix19:21
lotiasaiarcot895: thanks19:22
samXi've tried manual install of drivers19:22
samXi'm thinking that maybe it's a linking issue.  but i don't know at this point.19:23
OerHeksbali, this command tells more about CPU memory consumption > grep -i --color memory /var/log/Xorg.0.log19:23
ZiberIf I do "du -s * | sort -rn", I want to make the file sizes more readable, in like GB or something. Can I use xargs for this somehow?19:24
ikoniaZiber: du -h19:24
baliOerHeks: 'grep -i --color memory /var/log/Xorg.0.log' shows no output...19:24
ZiberYes, but then if I sort -rn, it disregards the G vs K, etc.19:24
shadejI want to run nmap as a root from a java program19:24
shadejto do that i have made the nmap program to be setuid program19:25
samXi guess, at this point, i'm just trying to figure out the cause.  I don't know if i should post a bug report on the issue or not.19:25
shadejhow can i run it now?19:25
daftykinssamX: just booting an older kernel as a one time thing won't do any damage. try it.19:25
chverma79can anyone hear me19:25
daftykinssamX: locate the offending update package that breaks things by updating slowly maybe, though it could likely just be the kernel change19:25
saiarcot895chverma79: no, but we can see your messages19:26
shadejmudkip908: i have got a native library to seuid19:26
HisaoNakaichverma79 बोलीये भाईसाहब ।19:26
shadejcan help now please19:26
Ziberikonia: ?19:26
HisaoNakailol saiarcot89519:26
trismZiber: but sort -h will sort by those human readable values19:26
chverma79HisaoNakai: great so you a pro19:26
saiarcot895HisaoNakai: this is an English channel; there's a separate channel for Hindi19:26
chverma79whois HisaoNakai19:26
mudkip908shadej: chown root:root binary then chmod +s binary19:27
HisaoNakaichverma79 - great.19:27
ikoniaZiber: ahh, I see, I missed that the sort was stipping that19:27
chverma79new to linux19:27
ZiberHey, thanks!19:27
Zibersort -rh does the trick19:27
shadejmudkip908: is that to nmap or to my java program?19:27
chverma79and nice cool lxde mint 1519:27
HisaoNakaisaiarcot895 - There isn't and well, lots of English impaired people from India, so I figured I'd help. I'll stop if it's against rules :(19:27
mudkip908shadej: to your native binary19:27
HisaoNakai(saiarcot895 not to the best of my knowledge)19:27
samXis there an easy way to do that if i've removed the old kernel files in an attempt to fix it thinking it was regarding upgrading the kernel?19:28
mudkip908shadej: PM me a description of what your program is supposed to do19:28
saiarcot895HisaoNakai: my bad; there's a channel for India, but not necessarily for Hindi19:28
baliikonia: the output of 'sudo dmidecode -t 6' shows that DIMM1 has 4096 MB RAM. http://pastebin.com/y9Gv5ruG19:28
HisaoNakaisaiarcot895 - Yeah, they insist on English, although not without reason :)19:28
shadejmudkip908: ping hosts that ignore ping requests19:28
ikoniabali: as crazy as it sounds then, I wonder if your video card is using 600mb19:28
yahi everyone, anybody using R here? I am having trouble install the MATRIX package on lubuntu 13.04. Any suggestions?19:29
HisaoNakai!ubottu package19:29
daftykinssamX: so you've only got the upgraded kernel on right now?19:29
ubottuYou can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !KPackageKit, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 30000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!19:29
mudkip908shadej: and you're making it in java because you want a nice GUI?19:29
Ichabod_KaderHello everyone, Ichabod_Kaderhere and i'm here and ready to DDoS.19:29
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots19:29
HisaoNakai!package ttf-indic-otf19:29
ZiberWhat's a good, recommended way to rotate logs based on size?19:29
jitseshadej, Why setuid java programs don't work: http://blog.tinola.com/?e=719:29
ikoniaZiber: logrotate can do it19:29
ZiberHm. Okay.19:30
mudkip908HisaoNakai: it probably has a different name on ubuntu19:30
baliikonia: i can understand the GPU memory hole in 32-bit OS, but is it possible in 64-bit?19:30
samXcorrect.  my thought was maybe something with the old kernel was hanging on to the driver map causing the issue, so i tried removing all the old kernel files not being used and reinstalling the drivers.19:30
ikoniabali: it's not a hole19:30
chverma79can anyone tell me whats all this logs19:30
chverma79and what are people randomly discussing????19:30
OerHeksBali, any chance you have windows 8 32 bit installed next to ubuntu? with fastboot enabled?19:30
ikoniabali: if your onboard card is setup to use 600mb (that's wild if it is) then that's where your missing ram is19:30
shadejmudkip908: no because i need to use database19:30
ikoniachverma79: it's an ubuntu support channel - nothing random here19:31
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chverma79ikonia: hmm19:31
saiarcot895chverma79: there are about 3 different threads happening at the same time19:31
baliOerHeks: Yes i have win 8, i disabled fast boot.19:31
daftykinssamX: a kernel won't be doing anything just sat on the disk. just reinstall it with apt and boot in19:31
ikoniaOerHeks: curious to your thoughts as you seem to have something in your head on this19:31
chverma79saiarcot895: real fast troubleshooting guys19:31
chverma79real nice19:32
baliOerHeks: perhaps i will double check...19:32
OerHeksbali ok that could do some nasty stuff to your hardwareconfig, as it remembers your windows settings19:32
BlueEagle!ot | chverma7919:32
ubottuchverma79: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:32
samXOk, thank you, i'll try that later tonight.  i would just like to get the SD card working again because i have an install of rosetta stone i was working on sitting on it that i would like to run in wine.19:32
baliOerHeks: brb, going for a reboot.19:32
OerHeksikonia, these 2 things are the only ones that come in mind19:32
chverma79i am happy to connect to irc as my friend19:32
ikoniaOerHeks: I'm all ears19:32
chverma79BlueEagle: thanks19:32
ggabriel96hey guys19:33
chverma79so how do i BlueEagle19:33
ggabriel96is it possible to make a dualbook on a single virtual machine?19:33
chverma79ggabriel96: hi19:33
chverma79yes ggabriel9619:33
ggabriel96hi chverma79. in virtualbox?19:33
jitseshadej, take a look at nmap4j.sourceforge.net19:33
samXthanks again for your help. :D19:33
ikoniaggabriel96: a virtual machine is the same as a physical machine19:33
ikoniaggabriel96: (in terms of capabilities)19:33
shadejjitse: for what?19:33
ggabriel96I know, it's because I don't remember having the option to customize the partitions when installing a system on a virtual machine19:34
HisaoNakaichverma79 - General IRC tip, try to ask your question in one line. Because clarity ;)19:34
ikoniaggabriel96: you select that in the installer, it's nothing to do with it being a virtual machine19:34
jitseshadej, it's a library to call nmap from java programs19:34
jitseshadej, that's what you're trying to do, right?19:34
shadejjitse: yeah19:35
ggabriel96thanks ikonia19:35
shadejjitse: but will that still ask me for privillege to run nmap with options like -PR19:36
chverma79thanks a lot i need to learn a lot guys19:37
FuzzyThoris there a way i can upload a file from my server to a remote ftp web server19:37
jitseshadej, yes19:37
ikoniaFuzzyThor: by ftp19:37
ggabriel96see you guys19:37
chverma79FuzzyThor: if you own the root19:37
ggabriel96ty everyone19:37
newbie34I want to match multiline text with grep19:37
ikoniaFuzzyThor: ignore what chverma79 said, it's nothing to do with root19:37
jitseshadej, you'll need to run the parent application with sudo in order to get the root privileges.19:37
newbie34Anyone familiar?19:37
shadejjitse: why i should i add additional overhead?19:37
FuzzyThorI own my root linux server but i use a remote webhost19:38
ikoniaFuzzyThor: what's the actual problem ?19:38
shadejjitse: how about making the child application to be setuid19:38
jitseshadej, you can't do that with java19:38
BlueEaglenewbie34: Do you want . to also match the newline character or are you looking for \n?19:38
jitseshadej, there's no way to do a setuid with java19:39
FuzzyThorWell i dont know how i can get files from my server thats in my house to a remote webserver through ftp19:39
shadejjitse: there is JNA19:39
ikoniaFuzzyThor: use the "ftp" command19:39
newbie34BlueEagle: dot-match-all would be a good solution, but I didn't find it in grep19:39
BlueEaglenewbie34: If you go to http://regexpal.com/ you can enter sample data there and see how the regex picks up matchers. You may also find very good help in #regex.19:40
=== newbie34 is now known as Stdedos
FuzzyThorikonia yes i used ftp but im not sure how to to write the line19:40
john38Hello can somebody help me out with scalpel for a sec???19:40
ikoniaFuzzyThor: ftp hostname.of.ftp.server19:40
StdedosBlueEagle: text is like 40k lines, kinda big for web apps ... I will also need a replace later19:40
BlueEagleStdedos: Well, you would not use the entire production data, only a segment for testing purpouses. Also, in which context is the text being parsed?19:41
Stdedosxml database, I need to swap path-to-files and delete some19:42
BlueEagleStdedos: And please do not change nicks in the middle of a conversation. I ignore nick changes in order to keep the channels from scrolling out of control.19:42
jribStdedos: you can use perl regexp with grep and should be able to active dotall19:42
StdedosBlueEagle: new version / new computer - my bad19:42
StdedosBlueEagle: pcregrep that is?19:42
john38does anybody know how to use scalpel??19:43
BlueEagle!anyone | john3819:43
ubottujohn38: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.19:43
jitseshadej, that's true, but: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5985597/jni-setuid-question19:44
BlueEagleStdedos: So you have a 40K xml file and you want to do a regex search and replace for a multi line text?19:44
john38When i try to recover files with scalpel it retrieves such a big chunk of the hardrive but the file im trying to retrive isnt that big???19:44
FuzzyThorikonia: so i have to have root access to the remote web server i want to upload to19:45
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ikoniaFuzzyThor: no, you don't, as I said earlier19:45
jribStdedos: you know there are commands and libraries meant to deal with xml (grep isn't)19:45
Stdedosyes that is correct, only one line to change, but if they must be deleted, the whole <> </> block must go aswell19:45
Stdedosjrib: No, as I am a complete firstcommer19:45
BlueEagleStdedos: If you pastebin an example of the source blocks and expected result and go to #regex I am sure you will find some help there.19:46
shadejjitse: that is a lot of work19:46
StdedosI am off then BlueEagle! Thanks19:47
shafoxhi I am on dell vostro 2420 series laptop. it was preinstalled with 12.04 ubuntu. i just installed olivia and now my wifi isnot working previously it was working . what to do ??19:47
BlueEagleStdedos: But listen to jrib before you go, as he prolly have some nifty XML tools handy for you.19:47
pet2001filter list19:47
FuzzyThorikonia: ok i logged into the ftp. Now i need to copy a file from my server to the remote I dont know what the command is im kind new to ubuntu19:47
daftykinsshafox: olivia as in you installed Linux Mint in place of Ubuntu?19:48
ikoniaFuzzyThor: "put"19:48
ikoniaFuzzyThor: I'd suggest a quick google for "ftp commands"19:48
shafoxdaftykins: yes19:48
OerHeksshafox, "olivia" is a mint codename, mint is not supported here19:48
daftykinsshafox: there's no support for non-Ubuntu here i'm afraid, even if it's 'related'19:48
OerHeks!mint > shafox19:48
ubottushafox, please see my private message19:48
shafoxOerHeks: but you may know how to tackle this i guess19:48
john38Hello can somebody help me out with scalpel for a sec???19:48
jribjohn38: ask your actual question19:49
chverma79how to make a usb modem work in linux?19:49
daftykinsjohn38: ask the full question and you might get a response if someone knows19:49
BlueEagle!patience | john3819:50
ubottujohn38: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/19:50
john38jrib, i installed scalpel ...and i edited the conf.txt to recover only the type of file i want when i go to recover in terminal it recovers almost the size of the whole harddrive19:50
jribjohn38: I still don't see a question, but you should ask the channel19:50
chverma79how to make a usb modem work in linux?19:51
john38jrib, my harddrive is 504gb and the file i belive is only 16 or 17gb19:51
chverma79and even configure proxy in linux19:51
FuzzyThorikonia: thanks for the help i was able to upload the file19:52
john38jrib, how do i recover the file i want without it taking up whole harddrive19:52
mjburgesshello, i have groupadd svradm, chgrp /etc/hosts  to svradmin, chmod g+w  /etc/hosts   and  usermod -a -G  mjburgess svradm19:52
StdedosBlueEagle: No luck so far from jrib19:52
mjburgessbut if i vim /etc/hosts  its still readonly19:52
mjburgessgroups mjburgess  shows svradm19:52
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jribjohn38: that is a proper question.  But you should be sure to ask the channel and not me.  I don't know about scalpel.  When you reask (in a few minutes) be sure to ask your question on one line with the details you gave just now19:52
chverma79and even configure proxy in linux for torrents19:52
mjburgessll /etc/hosts  shows root:svradm19:53
jribStdedos: xmlstarlet is the xml tool I know of that you can use from the command line, but it will take some reading/learning19:53
ikoniamjburgess: changing the permissions on /etc/hosts is a bad idea19:53
ikoniamjburgess: you also need to restart your shell to get the new group membership19:53
john38jrib, usually people tell me what i;ve done so far to get a clearer picture19:53
mjburgessah, shell restart19:54
jribjohn38: sure, just do it on a single line19:54
mjburgesswell if its root:root to begin with, it can have abitary permissions19:54
ikoniamjburgess: what ?19:54
john38How do i recover a specific file in scalpel???19:54
mjburgessif you need root priviliages to modify a file, then that file can be owned by anyone..19:55
ikoniamjburgess: sorry, that's not good logic, but do what ever you want19:55
mjburgesswell i've restarted my shell, and it's still readonly19:55
ZIPYjohn38: with photorec you can choose filetype to recover, never worked with scalpel tho19:55
ikoniamjburgess: ls -la /etc/hosts please19:56
mjburgess-rw-rw-r-- 1 root svradm 229 Aug  2 19:52 /etc/hosts19:56
ikoniamjburgess: id mjburgess19:56
john38ZIPY, i know how to search for a specific file type i need to know how to search for specific name and size but thanks...19:56
mjburgessuid=1000(mjburgess) gid=1000(mjburgess) groups=1000(mjburgess),4(adm),24(cdrom),27(sudo),30(dip),46(plugdev),108(lpadmin),124(sambashare),1001(bumblebee),1002(svradm)19:56
ikoniamjburgess: how did oyu restart your shell ?19:56
ikoniamjburgess: type "exit" to until it logs you out19:57
ikoniamjburgess: then log back in and try it19:57
mjburgessi ALT-F6'd  and it works19:58
mjburgessmust just need to logout19:58
mjburgess- thanks19:58
KyzzI keep getting "NTFS signature not valid while trying to mount an external hdd19:58
ikoniaKyzz: you need to run chkdisk from a windows host on it19:58
john38ZIPY, how do i install photorec19:59
Kyzzikonia: What will that do?20:00
ikoniaKyzz: fix the disk20:00
Janika_DustyHello everyone, Janika_Dustyhere and i'm here and ready to DDoS.20:00
Kyzzikonia: Even if nothing is wrong?  I see ntfs parts in it?20:00
ikoniaKyzz: what ?20:00
ZIPYjohn38: apt-get install testdisk20:01
KyzzIf I view the disk in Ubuntu I see there are parts of it that are NTFS20:01
john38ZIPY, ok20:01
ZIPYjohn38: to run -> sudo photorec20:01
ikoniaKyzz: ?? it's an ntfs disk, it should be ntfs.20:01
minidinoHow would I go about deciding if I should learn vim, vi, or emacs (or mabey even something else)?20:01
ikoniaminidino: well, you'd sit down and think about if you want to learn that20:02
ikoniaminidino: thats how you decide if you want to learn something20:02
minidinoikonia: I mean like how do they compare?20:02
ikoniaminidino: then you open a browser, and search for each one, noting down the differences / pros cons20:02
john38ZIPY, i have a 1000gb harddrive but i dual boot windows 7 and ubuntu i dont want to search entire drive just ubuntu partition20:03
john38ZIPY, it wont allow me to specify linux partition20:03
ChrisMaQare there any serious graphic designers here who have migrated fully from windows apps like cs6 and illustrator20:04
chverma79and even configure proxy in linux for torrents20:05
ZIPYjohn38: i just tried, i selected the partition and then go to proceed20:05
john38ZIPY, ik i did that20:05
ZIPYwhat happens when u select the partiton20:05
ZIPYjumps 1 higher?20:05
john38ZIPY, do i choose linux or extended20:06
ZIPYur linux partition is in the extended i guess so choose linux20:06
jitseshadej, indeed20:06
=== ubuntu is now known as alc
shadejjitse: but one i dont understand is why we need to call setuid function?20:08
StdedosBlueEagle: No luck ar #regex20:08
shadejwhen we call the program from the command line we dont need to do anything20:08
shadejbut when calling from a program we have to use setuid() why is that necessary?20:09
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=== BadLarry_ is now known as BadLarry
BlueEagleStdedos: Well post a pastebin and I'll see if I can make heads or tails.20:12
chverma79any idea on how to set proxy and the port in linux for torrents20:13
john38ZIPY, how do i tell to recover only zip files20:13
StdedosBlueEagle: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5945049/20:13
BlueEagleStdedos: I assume that is what you have. What is it you want from it?20:14
ZIPYjohn38: after choosing the partition choose "file opt" press s to disable all and select .zip, then b to save20:15
StdedosBlueEagle: I can write the regex needed to match what I want20:15
StdedosI want all my subsequent matches to remove the whole block20:15
alchi, i've tried to install ubuntu 13.04, but somewere between bot-repair and reboot, i've lost my windows partitions, and ubuntu's one got damage, could anyone help me recovering at least the windows8 backup ones? bot-repair log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5944101/20:16
BlueEagleStdedos: That is not a good enough explination for me to be able to help you.20:16
Taylr0xFilezilla used to have, I think and please correct me if I am wrong, a sister program for hosting FTP servers. Can someone please remind me what it was? Or recommend one to me if this isn't the case please.20:16
StdedosBlueEagle: Help me to elaborate. All I can think of is what I am matching, which is the path to file or the extension20:17
chverma79alc reinstall the grub bootloader20:17
BlueEagleStdedos: So if the value of Filepath occurs more than once then the entire <song> block should be removed?20:18
john38ZIPY, do i press enter when choosing zip20:18
pet2001Taylr0x: Filezilla server. It's Windows-only, as far as I know...20:18
jitseshadej, are you absolutely sure you need nmap -PR?20:18
StdedosBlueEagle: If I will need that path removed for a reason, recursively every file belonging there must be removed  - thus every entry of it20:19
Taylr0xpet2001, I thought that was going to be the case as I recall using it whilst on Windows. Bugger.20:19
alcchverma79: thanks. but i think it's a worst problem, the only recognized partition is ubuntu's one, i've got 4 hidden partitions acording to gparted, but don't know what else can make20:19
shadejjitse: if there is another solution to ping host that intensionally ignore ping requests20:20
BlueEagleStdedos: So if you want to replace  <Song FilePath="E:\Τα έγγραφά μου\Η μουσική μου\ÓÁÑÌÐÅË\ÐáñÜîåíï Óõíáßóèçìá\11-Σώπα.mp3" FileSize="3667825">20:20
BlueEagle  <Display Author="ÓáñìðÝë" Title="Óþðá" Genre="Other" Album="ÐáñÜîåíï Óõíáßóèçìá" Color="910941" Cover="2218" Tag="1" />20:20
BlueEagle  <Infos FirstSeen="1102171827" />20:20
BlueEagle  <Comment>                            </Comment>20:20
BlueEagle  <Link Wmp="21A5BD5C-C39A-474C-8269B2C4C5786186" />20:20
FloodBot1BlueEagle: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:20
BlueEagleouch... Sorry. :(20:20
pet2001Taylr0x: Most used on Linux are vsftp and proftp.20:20
StdedosBlueEagle: Back offline? Refer to <> </> as block :P20:21
OerHeksshadej, why ? servers that ignore pings have a reason to do so,20:21
chverma79alc it happens only when your linux distro doesnt recognize the windows partition20:21
BlueEagleStdedos: So you want to replace FilePath="E:\Τα έγγραφά μου\Η μουσική μου\ with FilePath="D:\Something\sensible?20:21
ZIPYjohn38: first b to save20:21
chverma79alc you need to manually modify the grub file by live booting20:21
StdedosThat's one aspect, changing the file path20:21
shadejOerHeks: I know but i want to hosts on my LAN20:22
StdedosBlueEagle: The other aspect of my modification is to remove entries  from a speciefic path20:22
shadejhow can i do that with out using -PR option in nmap20:22
chverma79alc orelse check fosswire site for a thread realted to it, i got mine solved there20:22
alcchverma79: performing another bot-repair?20:22
anoneeI activated bluetooth to browse files on my phone, selected the PAN profile, I did the selection 3 times instead of selecting my phone from the bluetooth menu and selecting (browse files), as a result, I have my phone name listed 3 times in the network list, on click, they will ask if I want to use my phone's internet. how can I remove the duplicates?20:22
BlueEagleStdedos: The first you don't need regex for. The second you don't want to use regex for.20:22
ZIPYjohn38: then q to go back and then choose search20:22
StdedosBlueEagle: Ok ... why and why?20:23
alcchverma79: it can't even recognize windows on bot, can it be grub?20:23
chverma79alc yes20:24
BlueEagleStdedos: Well if you know the exact text you are searching for and what to replace it with a regular search and replace is all you need. No regex required. As for manipulating *ML, regex is not the right tool for the job.20:24
chverma79check for how to repair grub bootloader20:24
mudkip908shadej: use arping20:25
jitseshadej, well, you could do a plain netcat to a (pseudo) random port on the host you need to check. Example: http://fpaste.org/29947/20:25
StdedosBlueEagle: I do know what I am searching for, but I got some parameters on the table, splitting folders and so forth20:25
jitseshadej, the error message is different, you see. Connection refused = up, No route to host = down20:26
shadejmudkip908: arp -n ?20:26
StdedosBlueEagle: And again, deleting entries, still have some variables20:26
jitseshadej, exactly20:26
BlueEagleStdedos: If you are not able to describe completely what you need then it would be hard for anyone to help you. Perhaps xmlint is the tool for you?20:26
shadejjitse: ok i will try that20:27
BlueEagleStdedos: Maybe you even want a xml transform document?20:27
jitseshadej, but ARP only works on the local network, you'll need another trick to check hosts outside of your LAN20:27
StdedosBlueEagle: Noooo! I feel this is getting way over than where I feel a solution might be!20:29
shadejjitse: ok, but i need to solve the setuid and java issue because i need to run nmap as a root for OS finger printing,port scanning,mac address discovery ..20:29
StdedosBlueEagle: I just want a way to tell the replace engine, if you bump into this, <(search parameters)>, then delete it untill the first </Song> is found20:30
john38ZIPY, you there20:30
BlueEagleStdedos: Well, what you think the solution is, and what the solution actually is doesn't really have to match. I too once thought that regex was the key to all serach and replace needs, but it is not, and read http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/2009/11/parsing-html-the-cthulhu-way.html if you do not believe me.20:30
john38ZIPY, how do imagebin a photo again so you can tell me which installation is the one i want20:30
alcchverma79: any idea of the page title? I haven't found anything20:32
alcshould it be this one? -> http://fosswire.com/post/2009/05/restoring-overwritten-grub/20:33
ZIPYjohn38: didnt understand ur last question20:33
john38ZIPY, well when i started recovery for zip it made over 2000 recoverys ....it wasnt fininished yet but i dont recall having deleted so many zip files20:34
john38ZIPY, in the past20:34
wilee-nileealc, I missed you initial description, are you trying to repair the grub bootloader?20:35
ZIPYhm did u choose whole disk or only free space?20:35
john38ZIPY, i think free space20:35
ZIPYif u deleted the file accidently u should use free space20:35
john38ZIPY, i did choose free space20:37
StdedosBlueEagle: sudo apt-get install perl? :/20:37
john38ZIPY, and it had about 2hr remaining20:37
jribStdedos: you could have mastered xmlstarlet by now20:37
HxD_NightFallI love the massive amount of joinings and leabings20:37
jitseshadej, ok, as I said before, setuid is not an option. The easiest solution would be:  use Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[]{"sudo", "nmap", "-PR", "host"}) and add an entry to the sudoers file on your machine20:37
wilee-nileeHxD_NightFall, My client allows that to be turned off, makes it a bit easier.20:38
Stdedosjrib: I headed over to CPAN, found this http://search.cpan.org/~grantm/XML-Simple-2.20/lib/XML/Simple.pm ,and I saw a Makefile.PL20:38
jribStdedos: pretty sure almost any language you pick will have an xml library.  And I would be surprised if you don't have a perl xml library in the repositories20:39
shadejjitse: what will that sudoer do?20:39
saleemhi, what kernel is the LTS version for ubuntu precise?20:39
shadejmake me superuser forever?20:39
jrib!info linux-image precise | saleem20:39
ubottusaleem: linux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (precise), package size 1 kB, installed size 32 kB20:39
saleemthanks jrib20:39
alcwilee-nilee: i'me in a pre-installed win 8 pc, and installed ubuntu. after running bot-repair, it doesn't loads, gives a message about media wich can't be loaded, and on ubuntu live, i can't see the windows partition, the linux one seems to have the size of linux + win ones20:39
jitseshadej, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sudoers20:39
john38wilee-nilee, thank for last night swap did have to turned off20:39
ZIPYjohn38: http://linuxpoison.blogspot.de/2012/05/recover-deleted-files-using-scalpel.html i just found the option u can use -i to look for filename20:40
wilee-nileejohn38, Cool. ;)20:40
john38ZIPY, thanks20:40
Stdedosjrib: ah, so starlet is in Ubuntu ... let me man then20:40
jitseshadej, needless to say, this only works on GNU/Linux-based systems20:40
alcwilee-nilee: after bot-repair, prior to the crash, it showed this report: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5944101/20:40
shadejjitse: like ubuntu?20:41
shadejthat is what i want20:41
jitseshadej, yes20:41
wilee-nileealc, The UEFI setup with W8 is a bit if a mess for some, best place support I have seen consistently is the UF, here is a link to that helpers thread.  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=214729520:42
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john38ZIPY, but this is for scalpel ...where do i type in the -i option20:43
john38ZIPY, after ...-o20:43
dorohoroi have problem with repozitorium, it download litl at full speed and than stop and wait some time then download again etc.. to install anything i need ages.20:43
guntbertdorohoro: that looks like you have choosen a mirror server far away from your location20:44
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=== BadLarry is now known as BadLarry_
wilee-nileealc, I'm quite fond of using that bootscript however have not had the joy/pain of messing with a urfi setup isall.20:45
anoneeanyone? I activated bluetooth to browse files on my phone, selected the PAN profile, I did the selection 3 times instead of selecting my phone from the bluetooth menu and selecting (browse files), as a result, I have my phone name listed 3 times in the network list, on click, they will ask if I want to use my phone's internet. how can I remove the duplicates?20:47
dorohororep is in my city but still problems20:47
levotaking webcam picture in ubuntu 12.10 with capability of seeing preview. what program do you suggest?20:48
HisaoNakailevo - KDenLive perhaps.20:48
columbComputer keep freezing. I don't think that it's OS issue (same freezes on windows). I think that it's power issues. How do I get info about power supply from system? Or what I should to do to find cause of this freezes?20:48
Dr_Willisanonee:  if you cant find a gui way to do it. theres most likely some config file for it in ~/.config/ that you cold remove to reset the bluetooth settings  (but i dont use BT much any more so no idea what files)20:48
eziois there any way to get sendmail to asynchronously send email?20:49
levoHisaoNakai: too big!20:49
levoHisaoNakai: streamer is ok , but i can't see the preview.20:49
john38ZIPY, this is how i recover in scalpel to my home directory but where do i put in -i option..............sudo scalpel  /dev/sda5  -o  /home/recovered20:50
ZIPYafter ../recovered i guess20:51
john38ZIPY, the filename is intermediate.zip20:52
HisaoNakailevo - There appear to be loads of them listed in synaptic. Try a few more out, try asking in ##video or somewhere, or try contacting support of the software which doesn't work.20:52
john38ZIPY, sudo scalpel  /dev/sda5 -o  /home/recovered -i intermediate.zip20:53
Dr_Willislevo:  cheese works well for most people.20:53
john38ZIPY, like that20:53
levoHisaoNakai, Dr_Willis: thanks20:53
ZIPYjohn38: try, it will show an error if its wrong20:53
john38ZIPY, ok20:53
Dr_Willisive been tracking down nice simple video-recording/capture app to use with my new USB Video capture Dongle. So far cheese is the easiest to use.20:54
ZIPYjohn38: did you get an error?20:54
whoeverDr_Willis: cinerella20:54
john38ZIPY, hold on20:54
ggabriel96I got a problem >_<20:55
napsckazam is about as simple as it gets20:55
ggabriel96I just installed virtualbox and every time I go to File -> Preferences, my system logs out20:55
Dr_Williswhoever:  i just mainly need to 'capture for set time (like 1 hr)' with a preview/audio preview. and save to file.. thats it. :) setting up  a 'vcr to video file' station for the wife.. and anything extras will conruse her. im not really doing any video editing (at that point)20:55
chverma79ggabriel96: yup20:56
ggabriel96hey chverma79 ^^20:56
Dr_WillisIf cheese had a 'record for XXX time' it would be  almost perfect for my needs.20:56
ggabriel96can you help me?20:56
john38ZIPY, couldnt open file ---no such file or directory20:56
Dr_Willisggabriel96:  well dont use the term 'logs out' when you mean X is crashing back to the login screen. ;)20:56
ZIPYjohn38: ok wait let me try20:57
whoeverDr_Willis: script a timer on the pid creation20:57
Dr_Willisggabriel96:  try making a new user.  see if affects them also.20:57
ggabriel96Dr_Willis: oh, didn't know it was that20:57
Dr_Williswhoever:  yea.  but the goal is to set it up where the wife can  do it. :)20:57
whoeverDr_Willis: that sounds a little hi-tech for here20:57
ggabriel96Dr_Willis: will virtual box be available for the new user?20:57
ggabriel96or I'll have to download it again?20:57
whoeverDr_Willis: aren't there hooks for chesse tha8t you can use20:58
Stdedosjrib: So, let's say I am kinda familiriazing with xmlstarlet. XPath all that (so far) seems to me does is making  simple matches20:58
Dr_Willisbasically i need a time field/widgit  where she can enter like 1.3 hrs.. and hit play on the vcr. then click 'go/record' on the app. and she can walk away..  other day we frogot we were recording and got a 15hr video capture file of static. :) that filled up the hd.20:58
Stdedosjrib: How can I make more complex search requests?20:59
Dr_Willisggabriel96:  make a new user in virtualbox (you got ubuntu in vbox? make a new user in ubuntu in vbox)  Unless i missread your issue.20:59
guntbertggabriel96: it will be available20:59
Dr_Willisggabriel96:  or you maean VBOX itself is crashing your desktop?20:59
ggabriel96Dr_Willis: oh, no. I didn't even create a virtual machine yet!20:59
ggabriel96yes, it's crashing my system20:59
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Dr_Willisrun vbox from a terminal, and look for errors. may give a clue also as to the issue.21:00
ggabriel96Qt WARNING: void DBusMenuExporterPrivate::addAction(QAction*, int): Already tracking action "" under id 1621:00
ggabriel96Qt WARNING: void DBusMenuExporterPrivate::addAction(QAction*, int): Already tracking action "&Pause" under id 1721:00
ggabriel96Qt WARNING: void DBusMenuExporterPrivate::addAction(QAction*, int): Already tracking action "&Reset" under id 1821:00
ggabriel96Qt WARNING: void DBusMenuExporterPrivate::addAction(QAction*, int): Already tracking action "D&iscard saved state..." under id 2421:00
FloodBot1ggabriel96: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:00
ggabriel96Qt WARNING: void DBusMenuExporterPrivate::addAction(QAction*, int): Already tracking action "Re&fresh..." under id 2521:00
ggabriel96Qt WARNING: void DBusMenuExporterPrivate::addAction(QAction*, int): Already tracking action "Show in File Manager" under id 2721:00
Dr_Williswarnings shouldent be fatal ;)21:01
jribStdedos: I don't know the answer to your question, I would have to go read about it21:01
ggabriel96oh I should use pastebin haha21:01
Dr_Willisggabriel96:  also what ubuntu release are you using?21:01
ggabriel96but that's just the output in terminal when I type "virtualbox" in it21:01
jribStdedos: google something like "xmlstart delete block" after going through the intro tutorial they have in their official docs and then just read a bunch of examples21:01
ggabriel96my system is 13.0421:01
Stdedosjrib: I see - Thanks21:02
larrymoI installed ubuntu and now I cant su root21:02
larrymoIm trying to actually edit files that are read only21:02
guntbert!sudo | larrymo21:02
ubottularrymo: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo21:02
ggabriel96larrymo: try sudo su21:02
Dr_Willisggabriel96:  dont use 'sudo su'  :) use sudo -s or sudo -i21:02
ggabriel96Dr_Willis: why?21:02
jribStdedos: and make sure you have a backup of your file :)  Also, I would make a small toy file with similar structure to the actual file so you can practice on it21:02
Dr_Willisggabriel96:  because sudo su is wrong. ;P21:02
ggabriel96didn't know that21:03
Dr_Willissudo -i will give a 'sane' enviroment21:03
Dr_Willissudo su is also redundant.21:03
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guntbert!enter | ggabriel9621:03
ubottuggabriel96: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:03
ggabriel96Dr_Willis: did you read the Qt WARNING stuff?21:03
Dr_Willisggabriel96:  as i said 'warnings shouldent be fatal'21:03
ggabriel96well but they are crashing x, as you said21:03
Stdedosjrib: This is a no-brainer - file is on Windows and I am working on VM Ubuntu :P21:03
Dr_Willisggabriel96: and i see identical warnings here. and vbox does work for me.21:03
ggabriel96I'll click preferences again and see if something else appears21:04
Dr_Willisyou said it crashed when you selectd file->new. well here vbot starts the wizard the first time.21:04
ZIPYjohn38: did u uncomment zip in /etc/scalpel/scalpel.conf21:04
jribStdedos: http://xmlstar.sourceforge.net/doc/UG/xmlstarlet-ug.html has a basic deletion example, so now you just need to construct the correct XPath expression21:04
john38ZIPY, hold zipy im trying something else give me a sec21:04
Leo145hi. i tried to make sudo read my password from stdin but i also want to redirect stdin for my program. it will become like this: echo pass | sudo -S program < input. now sudo trys to read password from stdin. what can i do?21:06
ggabriel96Dr_Willis: nothing else appeared, it just crashes21:06
ripidez /whois ripidez21:06
jribLeo145: take a step back and explain why on earth you are doing this21:06
john38ZIPY, in photorec i didnt choose right ext to search in my linux is ext4...i was choosing ext2 and ext321:07
john38ZIPY, but it also might have been a rar or zip im not sure21:08
Dr_Willisggabriel96:  id try making a new user as a test. just to eliminate the potential that it could be a user setting issue.21:08
Leo145jrib: because i'm writing a server program and one of its tasks is to take some c++ file from user. compile it and run it. and it should have specific input and output file and it should be run as a limited user.21:08
ggabriel96you mean a user on my system, not in virtual machine, right21:09
jribLeo145: why do you need sudo?21:09
Dr_Willisggabriel96:  since you have no OS runningin the vm. :) the only place you can add a new user is on the ubuntu os  correct?21:09
kubuntoo wow21:10
Leo145jrib: server program runs as user A. user B is a limited user. i want to use sudo to run taken c++ code as B instead of A.21:10
kubuntolots of ppl here21:10
ggabriel96I'll try it out, be right back later21:11
ZIPYjohn38: ext2 and ext3 option works with ext4 aswel21:11
jribLeo145: I think you should redesign whatever it is you are doing21:11
john38ZIPY, yeah but now its more realistic with only few minutes remaining which means its acatully looking for file21:12
john38ZIPY, not the 2000 files21:12
john38ZIPY, well lets see21:12
guntbertkubunto: welcome, Do you have an ubuntu support question?21:12
DesJWhat is the Pandora app exclusive to linux called? It has unlimited skips and shows you whats next in queue.21:12
ltrottierSo, I have a Zotac media box which is detecting an externa VGA-connected TV as an LVDS21:12
john38ZIPY, damn didnt find anytyhing21:12
kubuntoi ran update and my system has become a bit unreliable because of it21:13
ZIPYjohn38: the -i option doesnt work for me too, i get the same message21:13
guntbert!details | kubunto21:13
ubottukubunto: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."21:13
jribDesJ:  use pianobar.  I'm sure there are lots of clients for pandora though21:13
peyamHi I opened Dropbox and the theme of my windows changed to this : http://i39.tinypic.com/2mxms75.png21:14
peyamit is beautiful what is that and why does it appear only when I open dropbox21:14
ZIPYjohn38: omg i found out21:14
Left_Turnhey how do i search for a file or directory with the terminal21:15
john38ZIPY, what21:15
kubuntoi am running xubuntu 13.04, I ran system update (about 100 or so packages went thru) rebooted, choked a little before login but i was able to get past it21:15
ZIPYjohn38: u need to create a empty file and put in a list of words to search for21:15
kubuntonow cant open the system update gui without it grashing21:15
ZIPY-i expects a file21:15
john38ZIPY, for scalpel21:15
guntbertLeft_Turn: the command is   find, you use it like   find . -name "somefile"    (the dot is the starting poiint for the search21:16
TaceoHow goes?21:16
john38ZIPY, damn21:16
Left_Turnok thanks guntbert21:16
john38ZIPY, hey zipy i gotta run somewhere bbl21:16
ZIPYi will try out meanwhile21:16
guntbertLeft_Turn: You're welcome , for further info look at   man find21:17
ggabriel96Dr_Willis: nope, doesn't work on new user too21:17
Left_Turnok will do:)21:17
ggabriel96I was reading something on the internet, I think it's related to some configuration on nvidia settings21:17
edenhow can i know if i am using my nvidia driver? Iam using 12.04 64 bit21:18
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wilee-nileeedenhi, Check software sources-additional drivers21:19
DesJAh, my friend answered me. The Music program is called Pithos.21:19
edenhiwilee-nilee, nothing also i have a hybrid laptop21:19
edenhiwilee-nilee, nvidia and intel21:20
wilee-nileeedenhi, is everything look good?21:20
edenhiwilee-nilee, what do you mean?21:20
ggabriel96Dr_Willis: you there?21:20
kubuntoguntbert: i am running xubuntu 13.04, I ran system update (about 100 or so packages went thru) rebooted, choked a little before login but i was able to get past it21:21
wilee-nileeedenhi, I believe the hybrid setup runs the nvidia under certain circumstances, the details your giving help the channel in general.21:21
kubuntoguntbert: the error reported seems to be a parse error21:21
kubuntoguntbert: E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.21:21
edenhiwilee-nilee, ah when i run glxgears it gives me only 60 fps so i guess so i don't use the nvidia21:22
edenhiwilee-nilee, i have 640m le21:22
Tunix2Hey guys, I just bought a VPS that is virtualized with OpenVZ and I am using the Ubuntu 11.04 img. My problem is there is no aptitude! How do I install it?21:22
guntbertkubunto: use a !pastebin to show us the errors21:22
guntbert!pastebin | kubunto21:22
ubottukubunto: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:22
jribTunix2: congratulations, your provider gave you an unsupported ubuntu release21:22
wilee-nileeedenhi, Your best help scenario is to identify that hardware info in detail, lspci in the cli will give exact graphic info to post for help.21:23
Tunix2jrib: They have been a nightmare to work with. What are my options short of contacting them21:23
jribTunix2: you can try upgrading but I would suggest finding a different provider, there are so many21:23
jrib!eolupgrades | Tunix221:23
ubottuTunix2: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades21:23
wilee-nileeedenhi, Graphics are not a strong area for me so the channel is the best help here21:23
edenhihttp://paste.ubuntu.com/5945255/ wilee-nilee21:23
Tunix2jrib: how do I upgrade without aptitude? I do not have the package update-manager-core installed on this machine21:24
jribTunix2: you can also see if they offer 12.04 images through their web interface21:24
Tunix2jrib:  they do not21:24
jribTunix2: you don't have apt-get?21:24
Tunix2jrib: http://puu.sh/3SYPV/9cd982ce71.png21:24
wilee-nileeedenhi, He, you want to find the actual info and post it a pastebin may or not be read is all I would say.21:24
kubuntoguntbert: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5945261/21:25
wilee-nileeedenhi, The key here which can be difficult at times is exact info, the details needed, otherwise one can get lost in the channel traffic. ;)21:26
Tunix2jrib: I do have apt-get but it can not locate any packages called update-manager or update-manager-core21:26
jribTunix2: you need to follow the guide to enable the repositories for eol versions21:26
edenhiwilee-nilee, roger that21:27
Irving_NsiaHello everyone, Irving_Nsiahere and i'm here and ready to DDoS.21:27
edenhiwilee-nilee, i found this guide21:27
helmholtzI've just installed a new theme, and it's screwed over all my shortcuts. How can I fix this?21:27
wilee-nileeedenhi, Sorry I will take off the preacher hat, lol, that is a problem we see with new development hardware.21:27
debfananyone use these programs and have a usb headset?   audacity21:28
guntbertkubunto: looks strange, I have not had to deal with such an error before but I suppose there are several helpers here you can tell you what to try, so I suugest you make a complete question (with link to that pastebin) and post it here again (without my nick in this case)21:28
delnithanyone here very good with ubuntu?21:29
k1l_!details | delnith21:29
ubottudelnith: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."21:29
Shloophow do I set up a vpn for irc with ubuntu?21:29
delnithI want to convert to ubuntu from windows, but am unsure of what will run and what will not21:29
helmholtzI'm having a problem with my shortcuts after installing a theme. I'm running ubuntu 12.04. When i try to use shortcuts, nothing happens.21:30
wilee-nileeedenhi, I believe but not sure it is bumblebee that is part of this, check though to be sure it is still. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bumblebee21:30
wilee-nileeedenhi, There appears to be a #bunblebee channel as well if this applies.21:31
wilee-nileedebfan, State the actual issues for help. ;)21:33
helmholtzIs anybody able to help me?21:34
wilee-nileeedenhi, a search at askubuntu, good luck. http://askubuntu.com/search?q=bumblebee21:34
ggabriel96Dr_Willis: you there?21:35
debfanwilee-nilee:  ahhhhhhh  lol21:36
holsteinhelmholtz: what theme? what shortcuts? what version of what operating system?21:36
debfanso annoying  ....ehlp!!!!!!! lol21:36
debfanstarted working again... don't know why *bangs head*21:36
ggabriel96has anyone here experienced crashes of X when running virtual box21:36
holsteinhelmholtz: i would load up a new user, and see if the issue is the same over there in that account21:36
larrymohow do I know if I have natty etc?21:36
Dr_Willisggabriel96:  im in and out all day/night long21:36
wilee-nileehelp I've fallen and can't get up. ;)21:36
holsteinlarrymo: do you know the release number?21:37
ubottuUbuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) was the fourteenth release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on 2012-10-28, see http://ubottu.com/y/natty for details.21:37
ggabriel96Dr_Willis: oh. look at the logs: http://pastebin.com/gFJxE0wP21:37
larrymothe last stable one21:37
holsteinlarrymo: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckingYourUbuntuVersion21:37
helmholtzholstein: mac-os-x theme, ubuntu 12.04. alttab, search menu, workspace change, basically all of them21:37
debfanI don't know why it stops working!!!  so, it will stop again21:37
helmholtzholstein: although ctrl-t works, but that's on firefox21:37
holsteinhelmholtz: where did you get the theme?21:37
helmholtzholstein: NoobLabs21:38
ggabriel96Dr_Willis: by the way, if I do a sudo apt-get purge nvidia*, will nouveau be restored automatically?21:38
Dr_Willisggabriel96:  not sure. ive rarely needed to purge my drivers. if not you can reinstall ubuntu-desktop package and it should reinstall them21:38
holsteinhelmholtz: you should ask them for support, or try using a theme from the repos21:38
ggabriel96sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop?21:38
helmholtzholstein: ok thanks21:39
ggabriel96Dr_Willis:  sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop?21:40
TaceoWhat would one suggest, for an ubunto distribution, for an XP capable machine, used only for browsing, and onboard programs?21:45
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kostkonTaceo, lubuntu21:46
larrymoI have precise21:46
Dr_Willisggabriel96:  just try 'install' first21:48
ggabriel96Dr_Willis: ?21:48
ggabriel96Dr_Willis: ah ok21:48
ggabriel96Dr_Willis: I installed my nvidia driver with sudo apt-get install nvidia-current21:48
ggabriel96Dr_Willis: so there is no problem in using sudo apt-get purge nvidia*, right?21:49
ggabriel96Dr_Willis: or, even if I installed the driver with Additional Drivers, I could do that, couldn't I?21:49
johnj2How can I adjust the volume in Ubuntu 13.04 with the Gnome Classic environment?21:50
holsteinjohnj2: i like "pavucontrol"21:51
Dr_Willisggabriel96:  be VERY carefull with using wildcards * with apt.21:51
Dr_Willisggabriel96:   use tab completion to complete the package name if you dont know it21:52
ggabriel96Dr_Willis: but nvidia* will remove everything related to ONLY nvidia, won't it?21:52
Creni got my lxde meny empty after i reinstalled lxde21:52
Dr_Willisggabriel96:  and the addationial drivers tool - uses the apt system to installs tuff so its the same21:52
Dr_Willisggabriel96:  read what it wants to uninstall.. your use of nvidia* may confuse things. when in doubt use the proper package name21:52
Dr_Willisbe VERY VERy carefull with 'wildcards' and apt-get ;)21:52
wilee-nileeCren, Can you explain that in more detail and in understandable way?21:53
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ggabriel96Dr_Willis: but I want to completely remove everything related to the nvidia driver. I should use sudo apt-get purge nvidia-current then?21:53
ggabriel96Dr_Willis: as I used nvidia-current to install21:53
Crenwilee-nilee: ok i tried to get an program i installed appear in the menu, but it didnt so i reinstalled the lxde and after i did that, the meny got empty with only logout and run in it21:54
Crenwilee-nilee: i have deleting the config files too, but didnt work21:54
johnj2holstein: that doesn't seem to work on my computer.  It says: "Connection to PulsAudio failed. Automatic retry in 5s." and some other stuff.21:55
holsteinjohnj2: share the *exact* stuff21:55
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ggabriel96Dr_Willis: if after this "sudo apt-get purge nvidia-current", I only get a black and white terminal after booting, what can I do?21:55
holstein!paste | johnj221:55
ubottujohnj2: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:55
codephobichi, got an urgent problem with unity/ubuntu 13.0421:55
wilee-nileeCren, What is your native language?21:55
codephobicI lost sound earlier today, then tried removing and purging pulseaudio and reinstalling21:56
codephobicnow when I reboot into ubuntu, it does not go to unity, or rather it doesn't look like unity. there is no launcher nor is there the menubar at the top of the screen21:56
codephobicI can't seem to get unity to work again21:57
codephobic(and I still have no sound)21:57
wilee-nileecodephobic, When you ran that purge did you look at all that was removed?21:57
codephobicwilee-nilee, "sudo apt-get remove --purge alsa-base pulseaudio" this is all that I ran21:58
codephobicremoving alsa-base and pulseaudio21:58
Crenwilee-nilee: swedish21:58
wilee-nileecodephobic, And in the terminal it says what its going to do and you have ti yes or no it did you look?21:58
codephobicwilee-nilee, yes21:58
ggabriel96Dr_Willis: well I'm restoring nouveau with the additional drivers itself and see if vb works21:59
ggabriel96Dr_Willis: after restoring it, can I delete xorg.conf?21:59
codephobicwilee-nilee, It worked correctly but then I think when I reinstalled (and the  sound didn't work), I tried to remove & purge again and then reinstall, at which point it "hanged" and I did a hard reboot.21:59
daftykinsggabriel96: you probably should no matter what21:59
Crenwilee-nilee: ok the entries in the menu is gone, with only the run and logout left22:00
ggabriel96daftykins: I should? like now? or after rebooting? the changes were applied already22:00
codephobicright now, I'm trying to reset compiz but it's stuck on "compiz (core) - Info: unloading plugin: core22:00
daftykinsggabriel96: move it to xorg.conf.old for safety22:00
tucemiuxanyone knows if there are tablets with ubuntu out yet ?22:00
wilee-nileecodephobic, A hard shutdown generally should n ot cause a lot of problems rae you familiar with reisub?22:00
ggabriel96daftykins: how can I open Files with adm?22:01
codephobicwilee-nilee, nope never heard of it.22:01
wilee-nileeCren, On a fresh install right, hard to tell exactly with your posts?22:01
TaceoHow might I check which distro is on a machine, if I was just gifted a linux machine?22:02
wilee-nileecodephobic, a soft shutdown option. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reisub22:02
TaceoI know it is Ubuntu.. and that is it.22:02
Crenwilee-nilee: sure you dont trolling me?22:02
ggabriel96daftykins: and this xorg.conf.nvidia-xconfig-original?22:02
k1l_Taceo: "lsb_release -a"22:02
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codephobicwilee-nilee, I can't browse right now, I have no access to launcher and terminal doesn't launch chrome22:02
daftykinsggabriel96: eh i guess that's a valid backup for at some point too. just as long as 'xorg.conf' isn't there it'll be fine22:02
wilee-nileeCren, No, you are hardly understandable, in general I want exact details, bad communication compounds this.22:03
codephobicwilee-nilee, is there anyway to recover ubuntu at an earlier point in time (like Window's "system restore"), say from sometime today?22:03
ggabriel96sudo rm xorg.conf?22:03
holsteinggabriel96: why remove?22:03
wilee-nileeCren, #ubuntu-se might be easier22:03
ggabriel96holstein: I just restored nouveau22:04
codephobicI don't know why the sound card stopped working in Ubuntu, out of the blue, and I think it's something to do with  some buggy update done to the kernel, atleast that's what I deciphered from my earlier googling.22:04
holsteinggabriel96: you can always just rename.. or move it out of the way.. not need to removing things like that since you might be troubleshooting22:04
Taceowe are using ubuntu 10.10, it seems22:04
ggabriel96holstein: I copied it into documents, now imma remove it22:04
Crenwilee-nilee: i already told you want i have done, and whats the problem, i want get the menu entries back, and not the panel.22:05
wilee-nileecodephobic, Not really, try this reset for unity though if it is 12.10 or 13.04 sometimes a couple of reboots can fix a hard shutdown. http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/04/how-to-reset-unity-compiz-in-ubuntu-12-10-and-13-0422:05
ggabriel96holstein: I don't know how to rename it. I needs admin rights and I don't know how to do that neither graphically, nor thru command line22:05
k1l_!eol | Taceo22:05
ubottuTaceo: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades22:05
codephobicwilee-nilee, I'm using 13.0422:05
k1l_Taceo: 10.10 is way out of support. best way would be to make a clean install onto at least 12.0422:06
holsteinggabriel96: sudo22:06
wilee-nileeCren, You are not answering basic questions needed, instead accusing me of trolling you, things are not always an easy fix, especially without any real details.22:06
ggabriel96holstein: that part I know. I don't know the rest. is is sudo mv xorg.conf xorgbackup.conf for exemple?22:06
ggabriel96is it*22:06
holstein!info mv22:07
ubottuPackage mv does not exist in raring22:07
wilee-nileeCren, Do not bother answering me find another helper.22:07
ggabriel96ok it worked22:07
ggabriel96be right back22:07
holsteinggabriel96: http://linux.die.net/man/1/mv22:07
codephobicwilee-nilee, that's not working for me, I tried that solution earlier. I get warnings and none of the launcher or menubar returns22:08
wilee-nileecodephobic, Try the reset in that link.22:08
wilee-nileecodephobic, Hard to say for me, any details like graphic drivers...etc are helpful.22:08
thunder-stormhello everybody, i'm using ubuntu 12.04 LTS with unity. Do you know an easy way to change the font-colors of the environment?22:10
ggabriel96ok. nouveau restored normally (i did it with additional drivers). what doing a sudo apt-get purge nvidia-current would do now?22:10
wilee-nileethunder-storm, I believe there is a unity-tweak app that may have that option, but surely others22:11
johnj2assuming I have a broken pulseaudio, is there an easy way to figure out what's wrong and how to fix it?22:12
holstein!audio | johnj222:12
ubottujohnj2: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.22:12
SuperLagYou seriously *still* have reisio banned? *shaking my head*22:12
holsteinjohnj2: i test with a known good audio file, simple supported codec.. (no flash or mp3's).. i use a player i know how to use22:12
johnj2I don't have trouble getting sound to happen.  I just don't have a working volume control.22:14
ggabriel96aha! virtualbox doesn't crash x with nouveau!22:14
ggabriel96its some error with nvidia settings22:14
holsteinjohnj2: then, you have no issues with pulse22:15
ggabriel96is there any configuration tool for nouveau?22:15
holsteinjohnj2: open a terminal and type "alsamixer"22:15
wilee-nileethunder-storm, Not sure that app is available for 12.04 though.22:15
holsteinjohnj2: see if that works for you22:15
holsteinggabriel96: what error? what settings?22:16
LXLEanyone know why use_xft is not working?22:16
ggabriel96holstein: when opening the preferences menu at virtual box, my x server was crashing and I was getting back to login. now with nouveau that doesnt happen. is there any configuration for nouveau?22:16
thunder-stormok, i will try, thank you wilee-nilee22:17
holsteinggabriel96: what configuration?22:17
ggabriel96holstein: or, is there any way to fix that with nvidia driver? I can't play tf2 with nouveau XD (i won't have time to do so anyways, but...)22:17
ggabriel96holstein: I mean, any config tool , just like nvidia has the nvidia settings22:17
wilee-nileeLXLE, Details go a long way for help here. ;)22:17
holsteinggabriel96: you should need one, what configuration are you trying to do?22:17
ggabriel96holstein: none actually, just wanted to know if there is something like the nvidia settings but for nouveau. anywhere I could change my graphics settings just like nvidia control panel22:18
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holsteinggabriel96: there are general tools.. i use arandr22:18
johnj2holstein: yes, alsamixer works.  Thank you.22:18
LXLEwilee-nilee: i'm in conky, using use_xft= yes all configs work fine on most machines except to where xft= yes is not being honored22:19
ggabriel96holstein: oh, but there isn't a pre-installed/default one then... just one thing: why this auto-hide for launcher doesn't work sometimes? I mean, it hides and then sometimes I can't get it back when putting the cursor on the left side22:19
holsteinggabriel96: what launcher?22:20
ggabriel96the launcher22:20
ggabriel96holstein: where you lock your apps22:20
ggabriel96holstein: the one that is at the right side of the screen22:20
ggabriel96holstein: the one that holds the ubuntu button on the top22:21
holsteinggabriel96: what what version of ubuntu? and what desktop?22:21
holsteinggabriel96: unity?22:21
ggabriel96holstein: 13.04 unity22:21
holsteinggabriel96: AFAIK, you cant hide it by default.. what have you added?22:21
ggabriel96holstein: of course you can hide it! go to system settings->appearance->behavior22:22
Hariwald_TirasHello everyone, Hariwald_Tirashere and i'm here and ready to DDoS.22:23
holsteinggabriel96: i dont use it, friend.. but, if you share details, it will help the volunteers better assist you22:23
holsteinggabriel96: what is the issue?22:23
ggabriel96holstein: sometimes it just randomly doesnt show up again, after hiding22:24
theadminggabriel96: There seems to be some oddity of a mouse gesture that causes an issue with auto-hide being permanently stuck in one of the two states. Usually restarting Unity fixes the problem (from a terminal: unity &disown)22:24
tucemiuxholstein, you think you can help me pick out a firewire card ?22:25
ggabriel96thanks theadmin Ill try it out when I face this problem again22:25
retrosenatorI notice that that apt-get resumes downloads.. but why not apt-get update?22:27
ggabriel96installing guest additions on virtualbox is as simple as going to devices->install guest additions?22:27
holsteintucemiux: i like/prefer texas insrument chips.. i bought one, and tested it, and it had a TI chipset22:28
tucemiuxholstein, I mean a firewire sound card, I already ordered the firewire card22:29
crankharderdoes upstart/init have a config file somewhere?  I'd like to specify an additional directory that it monitors for configuration files... in addition to /etc/init22:29
holsteintucemiux: i like/use a presonus firepod.. the focusrite saphire series is good for the cash.. i would check the ffado and decide on a budget and what features you need22:30
tucemiuxholstein, ill be on later on, my laptop is about to die22:30
tucemiuxholstein, talk to you later if youre still around22:30
SuperLagIs the ~/.config/ directory an Ubuntu standard, or someone else's?22:33
motaka2hello is there a way to use a lighter theme on ubuntu without the need of re installing ubuntu ?22:33
LXLEanyone know how to enable xft ?22:34
Priceymotaka2: http://standards.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-latest.html might be interesting.22:35
UbuntivityHello people. I have a problem with the 'beep' on my Ubuntu Server 12.0422:35
UbuntivityOn my Desktop PC running Ubuntu server 12.04, I removed the blacklisting from /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf then did a 'sudo modprobe pcspkr' then it worked fine22:35
theadminmotaka2: Sure, you can use any of the official Ubuntu desktops. To do so, simply install xubuntu-desktop, lubuntu-desktop or kubuntu-desktop from the Software Centre.22:36
UbuntivityBut I did the same steps on a Laptop with Ubuntu server 12.04 but it did not work!22:36
motaka2theadmin, which one do you suggest for a LAMP programmer?22:36
theadminmotaka2: Uh. None. Servers aren't supposed to have desktops.22:37
Priceymotaka2: Sorry, that link wasn't for you!22:37
PriceySuperLag: http://standards.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-latest.html might be interesting.22:37
theadminmotaka2: If you mean for development, then eh, shouldn't matter, what matters is the text editor you use and that's about it...22:37
motaka2theadmin, It's not a server, I use it for my day work but I mostely use programming staff since I am programmer22:37
motaka2theadmin, I use netbeans, if i install one of those spplication, i dont need to reinstall my apps again right ?22:38
theadminmotaka2: Not at all, you can even use all of the multitude of desktops -- you choose which desktop environment to use when you log in22:39
motaka2theadmin, so those desktops consume less cpu/meory etc ?22:40
theadminmotaka2: That depends. KDE (which Kubuntu uses), for example, is generally heavier, but much more functional and customizable than plain Ubuntu (in my opinion anyway). Xfce (Xubuntu) and LXDE (Lubuntu) are a lot lighter. Xfce is more functional than LXDE in general, though.22:41
motaka2theadmin, so over all Kubuntu is lighter than current desctop I am using ?22:42
theadminmotaka2: No, Kubuntu would be a bit heavier, I think.22:42
NewInIRCMy Ubuntu 12.04 installation freeze sporadically (ping still works, ssh not, screen and mouse frozen) - how can I analyse the problem? Are there any kernel log files?22:42
holsteinNewInIRC: i would try booting an older kernel, if you have one22:43
UbuntivityDoes alsamixer exist in Ubuntu Server?22:43
holsteinUbuntivity: ubuntuser *is* ubuntu.. but thats not the issue with the pc spkr beep you are cross posting about ;)22:44
theadminUbuntivity: If anything, you can always install it.22:44
motaka2theadmin, so u suggest me xfce ?22:44
theadminmotaka2: Well... Choose whichever you like. See screenshots at http://kubuntu.org http://xubuntu.org and http://lubuntu.net22:44
motaka2theadmin, screen shot is not important to me I need something fast22:45
holsteinUbuntivity: try running "alsamixer" and see if it comes up22:45
theadminmotaka2: Oh, okay then, I do suggest Xfce (Xubuntu).22:45
theadminAnyways, I'm off.22:45
Ubuntivityholstein: I'm going to start my Laptop server since it is in another room..22:45
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motaka2does anyone know what's the size of xfce is ?22:48
Ubuntivityholstein: It didn't come up on Ubuntu Server and instructed me to install alsa-utils, so I'm doing so right now on that laptop..22:50
alamihi all, i have ubuntu about 2 years, i have do every time upgrade, do i musst after four upgrades backup new instell?22:51
jribalami: nope, you can keep upgrading22:51
NewInIRCholstein: I have received some kernel updates in the past and the problem still exists - that's the reason why I want to find the problem. I only have one older kernel installed where the problem also appears.22:51
alamijrib: but the system is become a little bis slowly, and i start get some Problem ...22:52
eighteensi have a issue when trying to import a .wps document to open office, it will import but looses all the tabs22:53
daftykinseighteens: tried libre office? it's getting updated more often22:53
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UbuntivityThis is annoying! First when I tried to run 'alsamixer' I've been told "The program is not currently installed ... install alsa-utils" but now after installing it I get "cannot open mixer: no such file or directory"22:55
daftykinsthat's in a terminal yeah?22:55
Ubuntivitydaftykins: Yes in terminal on Ubuntu Server 12.0422:56
daftykinsare you running a desktop on top of that then?22:57
UbuntivityNo daftykins, I have an old laptop with Ubunut server 12.04 for a robotic project, and I need to activate the 'beep' on it..22:57
UbuntivityI tired un-blacklisting it and loading the module with modprobe pcspkr, but I hear no sound out of it when I run beep.22:58
UbuntivityI had a similar issue on my NEW laptop with Ubuntu DESKTOP, and I could solve it using alsamixer22:58
daftykinsmmm, far less audio software present on server as standard though i'm sure22:58
UbuntivitySo, do you have any idea how do I activate the PCSPKR on my old laptop? I don't need real audio, just the beep.22:59
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jrib!info beep23:01
ubottubeep (source: beep): advanced pc-speaker beeper. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3-3 (raring), package size 23 kB, installed size 78 kB23:01
eighteensdaftykins: thanks, i will try that23:01
jribubottu: pretty sure beep actually plays sound through audio card/speakers23:02
ubottujrib: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:02
subcoolhow do you probe the usb to "FIND" a device without rebooting?23:02
daftykinseighteens: after that i might try and find a channel for either of them!23:02
jribUbuntivity: pretty sure beep actually plays sound through audio card/speakers23:02
UbuntivityI've got alsamixer finally working on Ubuntu server using sudo. Now I'm going upstairs to hear if it actually beeps :)23:03
jribUbuntivity: what you are probably wanting is to use the pc speaker which is unrelated afaik.  You need to load the appropriate kernel module (sounds like you are, maybe? (be more verbose)).  And you also need to probably sort out some configuration issue in your shell since I'm pretty sure ubuntu disables bell actually playing noise by default23:03
SuperLagPricey: ah, yes. You're right.23:05
SuperLagPricey: $XDG_CONFIG_HOME defines the base directory relative to which user specific configuration files should be stored. If $XDG_CONFIG_HOME is either not set or empty, a default equal to $HOME/.config should be used.23:05
PriceySuperLag: yep23:05
SuperLagPricey: and since, at least on Xubuntu, $XDG_CONFIG_HOME is not defined, it's using ~/.config23:05
SuperLagPricey: thank you23:07
subcoolthere use to be a way, my iphone isnt detected when i plug it in. i know if i reboot, itll work, but i cant reboot at this moment23:07
PriceySuperLag: no probs23:07
NewInIRCMy ubuntu 12.04 is up-to-date but the kernel version is still 3.2.0-51-generic, with apt-cache I found the kernel image 3.8.0-27-generic - why?23:08
wilee-nilee subcool I assume it is a usb run lsusb and see if there, iphone here is a not much used product I suspect.23:09
kostkonNewInIRC, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack23:09
subcooli did lsusb, its not there wilee-nilee - im porting to my vmbox.23:09
Tex_NickUbuntivity: I can't help with your specific issue, however ... pactl list sources | less ... has helped me resolve PulseAudio issues in the past ... will at least give you some info23:09
Ubuntivityjrib: I've finally got it working ^__^ This is by first removing the blacklisting, then installing alsa-utils, and run 'sudo alsamixer' then unmute EVERYTHING (unmuting beep only didn't help, so something else was involved too) and that's it :) Thanks to all23:09
wilee-nileesubcool, Sounds like a plan.23:10
UbuntivityTex_Nick: Got it solved (see ^) thanks anyway :)23:10
Tex_NickUbuntivity: GREAT :)23:10
subcool i hate having to reboot23:10
UbuntivityTex_Nick: I'm gonna write that down here in case I need it someday in the future23:11
fishsceneI have an ATI 5800 series (I think?) graphics card. On Windows, I can play TF2 with maxed out settings quite nicely. But on Ubuntu 13.04 with AMD proprietary drivers, it's horrendously lagging, no vsync, etc... and my card doesn't "ramp up" the fan for cooling on my GPU. Are the AMD graphics drivers *really* this terrible? Would NVIDIA be any better?23:11
Tex_NickUbuntivity: yeah, i'm also making notes of your experience ;-)23:11
wilee-nileesubcool, What release are you using?23:11
UbuntivityTex_Nick: Nice! Does that qualifies me to be officially a geek ;)23:12
Dr_Willisfishscene:  i find nvidia better then ati. but i dont mess with high end ati cards any more. I go all nvidia or intel23:13
fishsceneUbuntivity, if not, you're a heck of a lot closer to being one :)23:13
wilee-nileeUbuntivity, Only if the queen grants it. ;)23:13
Ubuntivityfishscene: bear in mind that I ssh a lot 8-)23:13
Tex_NickUbuntivity: you're now a linux geek ;-)23:13
Ubuntivitywilee-nilee: I think TUX can override the queen LOL!23:14
subcoolwilee-nilee, Linux AMDServer 3.2.0-50-generic #76-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jul 9 19:03:14 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux23:14
fishsceneDr_Willis: Yea, from what I read, ATI was supposed to have "decent" graphics drivers now, so last night I took the plunge on my 4-year old machine. :) But holy cow... tf2 was unplayable at the absolute lowest settings.23:14
wilee-nileesubcool, No desktop? that 12.04?23:14
compdocfishscene, I havent used ubuntu for gaming, but I would guess the fan speeds up when the card heats up. Sounds liek the card isnt being pushed enough to heat up23:14
UbuntivityTex_Nick: Thanks :)  Now I have to have a 24h-on PC running weechat on #ubuntu :P23:14
subcoolwilee-nilee, yea.. i think so.. that or 12.123:15
wilee-nileesubcool, This might help, not sure if no X though. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone23:15
loki_anyone out there??23:15
loki_I need help23:16
SuRfDaEmOn!ask | loki_23:16
wilee-nileeloki_, State your issue for help.23:16
ubottuloki_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:16
fishscenecompdoc: That's the exact conclusion I was coming to. But I sincerely suspect the card was being pushed, but it wasn't allowed to cool fast enough, which would cause the extreme lag I was seeing.23:16
UbuntivityWelcome loki_23:16
fishsceneAnyway, thanks everyone for your input, I'll look into swapping in an NVIDIA card I have lying around :)23:16
loki_i have an acer 5740 running ubuntu 12.04 and it will not detect my blutooth card23:16
compdocfishscene, I never realized the driver was responsible for cooling.23:16
subcoolwillybilly0101, nope23:17
subcoolim working on rebooting. i just thought there was a was to probe the usbs to see whats there..23:17
loki_the bluetooth card is built into machine23:17
kostkonloki_, what's the output of:  hcitool dev23:18
loki_it is blank23:18
fishscenecompdoc: I'm not an expert, I think I stated it incorrectly - sorry about that. It felt like the card wasn't allowed to clock itself up to handle the load, so it didn't need to cool itself.23:18
wilee-nileesubcool, In general without a desktop the usual access is probably not there, what I see in that blink are gui23:19
loki_it is not detected23:19
kostkonloki_, did it work in windows?23:19
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount23:19
subcoolok.. lets try something else that needs to work.23:21
subcoolmy HDMI isnt pushing audio..23:21
subcooli think Dr. something told me its a kernel issue, but- i cant seem to find what he had forwarded me a long time ago23:21
motaka2hello should I instal xfce4 or xubuntu desktop ? whats the diffrence?23:22
holsteinsubcool: it might not work.. i would look at the graphics driver..23:22
holsteinmotaka2: xubuntu uses xfce.. what is your goal? to have XFCE and unity?23:22
wilee-nileemotaka2, xfce4 is a little lighter is all.23:22
loki_any suggestions??23:22
holsteinmotaka2: i would just install xfce4... you can always convert xubuntu if you want23:22
Dr_Willisxubuntu-desktop is xfce+extras23:22
loki_i dont like windows and dont want to go back23:23
holsteinloki_: it might not be supported by the manufacturer in linux23:23
loki_was afraid of that23:23
hesterI've installed some software from source but I'm unable to get a working icon to appear on the unity dash.23:23
Dr_Willishester:  you made a proper whatever.desktop file for the binaries?23:23
johnj2If I can use alsamixer but not pavucontrol, what is wrong?23:24
loki_you how to get dvds to play??23:24
holsteinjohnj2: nothing.. maybe you are not using pulse23:24
Dr_Willis!dvd | loki_23:24
ubottuloki_: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:24
Dr_Willisloki_:  theres a extra package to install. and a script to run to get dvds playing I recall23:24
hesterDr_Willis: There was one included, I checked it against the sample found online at help.ubuntu.com23:25
johnj2Is there some way that I can start using Pulse?23:25
loki_sweet thanks everybody23:25
Dr_Willishester:  could be its got installed to the wromng place, or not installed at all. or the dash menus havent refreshed to show the file yet.23:25
Dr_Willishester:  you could copy it to ~/.config/menus/applications-merged/23:26
hesterDr_Willis: i'm able to run the tool from terminal just fine, so long as specify the full path. I included the full path in the *.desktop file too.23:26
hestercopy what? the .desktop file or the executable?23:26
loki_any thoughts on reaver??23:26
Dr_Willishester:  .desktop files go in that dir. its a user custome menu directory23:27
holsteinloki_: reaver?23:27
loki_wps cracking tool23:27
[deXter]Hey all, any recommendations for an Ubuntu friendly Haswell Ultrabook?23:27
hesteraah, I had it in /usr/share/applications/ or something like that.23:27
holsteinloki_: i would ask in an appropriate channel.. maybe networking or security23:27
Dr_Willishester:  if theres other desktop files in that dir. then the dash should see it. it might take it some time to find it.23:28
hestereven after a full restart?23:28
Dr_Willishester:  never really noticed. I rarely do stuff dorm source any more.  once you run git.. it should have an icon you can pin to the launcher23:29
wilee-nilee[deXter], You are not new here and know the channel norms, polls are not part of them. ;)23:29
[deXter]wilee-nilee, Yes, but this isn't a poll, it's a serious question.23:31
ikonia[deXter]: this is a serious statement - no poll,23:31
[deXter]It's *not* a poll.23:32
holstein[deXter]: i would look for users with that hardware, and ask them.. or just try it live on the hardware first hand23:35
ikonia[deXter]: you'll need to resarch the hardware of the kit you want23:35
hesterDr_Willis: no such file or directory... I failed to mention I'm using 13.0423:36
[deXter]Thanks guys, I guess I'll just  pop into one of the stores and try out a live usb..23:36
tgm4883I'm not a mod here, and maybe I should just keep my opinion to myself, but I'd have to agree with [deXter] that while this may feel like a poll, it should probably still be allowed. The spirit behind the no poll rule was because people would ask something like "what is the best cd burning software", in which there would be many replies because there are hundreds of different cd burning programs, each with different feature sets. However, he is ask23:37
tgm4883ing for a recommendation on hardware that works with Ubuntu. Something that there is a limited number of23:37
Dr_Willishester:  what file/dirctory are you talking about?23:37
apt-get_installHi, can I help multipe folders in one bookmark, like Windows and Explorer's libaries?23:37
apt-get_installMaybe in an other file manager?23:37
hesterDr_Willis: sorry,  /home/<me>/.config/menus/applications-merged/23:37
Dr_Willisapt-get_install:  you could make a direcvtory that contains soft links to other directorues23:37
Dr_Willishester:  make the directory then?23:37
apt-get_installDr_Willis: i dont wanna have alot of subfolders23:38
holsteinapt-get_install: you can have as many bookmarks as you like..23:38
apt-get_installyou see, i have three disks23:38
Dr_Willishester:  that might not be the right place. let me look at my dirs23:38
apt-get_installi dont wanna search though every bookmark23:38
apt-get_installthat's just stupid23:38
apt-get_installi want i bookmark, or libary, that contains EVERYTHING in several folders23:39
holsteinapt-get_install: you can mave as many bookmarks as you want, to custom locations23:39
apt-get_installholstein:but to only one localtion, right?23:39
holsteinapt-get_install: the file manager can be seen as that library23:39
Dr_Willishester:  seems i got .menu files in there  not .desktop files, theres some directory that adds custome desktop files. i just cant find it23:39
holsteinapt-get_install: its a bookmark to a location.. im not sure what you are asking23:39
Dr_Willishester:  askubuntu.com may have some info on where to put custom launchers23:40
hesterDr_Willis: ah okay, from what I've found it's the  /usr/share/applications/ dir ... yeah let me poke around there some more. Thanks for your time.23:40
apt-get_installholstein: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows7/working-with-libraries23:40
brontosaurusrexapt-get_install, filemanager ./location1 ./location2 ./locationN < you could script it23:40
Dr_Willishester:  theres a user owned similer directory23:40
Dr_Willishester:  or just put the .desktop file in your home and see if you can double click it fom there23:40
apt-get_installbrontosaurusrex: holstein: http://cdn.howtogeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/25library.png23:41
kostkonDr_Willis, it's ~/.local/share/applications23:41
hesterDr_Willis: I actually went to the orig file and tried the ol' double-click  "there was an error"23:41
apt-get_installlike that23:41
holsteinapt-get_install: there is a pictures folder23:41
holsteinapt-get_install: you can use symlinks.. or another filemanager.. i can think of a few ways to emulate that23:42
apt-get_installholstein: but i cant add different locations to the picture bookmark23:42
apt-get_installholstein: yes, that's what i wondered23:42
apt-get_installand no, symlinks are not suitible23:42
Dr_Willisyou could put a link to your other picture directory, in your Pictures folder i guess. ;)23:42
holsteinapt-get_install: you can add symlinks inside that pictutes folder.. thus, being able to get to them, as stated, from that pictures bookmark23:43
Dr_Willisno idea how it would be differnt really.23:43
holsteinapt-get_install: sim links *are* suitable.. though, you might now want to use them23:43
brontosaurusrexapt-get_install, i'am pretty sure kde/dolphin can do it (and i'am pretty sure its animated as well)23:43
apt-get_installi dont want to have like four symlinks and sunfolders23:43
Dr_Willisfuse has some sort of 'overlay fs' thing where you can murge differnt directories into one huge directory.. it can get to be a huge mess easy however23:43
Dr_Willisid rather have the links.23:43
holsteinapt-get_install: i dont want libraies ;).. try dophin...23:43
Milos_LamontHello everyone, Milos_Lamonthere and i'm here and ready to DDoS.23:44
Dr_Willishe DDosed his selff off the network. ;)23:45
brontosaurusrexapt-get_install, actually now i'am curious, how does it look when you clicky such a library bookmark?23:49
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apt-get_installmaybe this? http://www.webupd8.org/2010/11/display-multiple-folders-content-in-one.html23:55
brontosaurusrexapt-get_install, right23:58
apt-get_installproblem with installing23:58
apt-get_installsome deps that doesnt exists :(23:59

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