=== smb` is now known as smb [14:34] Aloha [14:43] seas [14:46] daChris: do you have any experinece with openVPN on ubuntuServer? [14:46] or anyone else for that matter [14:48] I keep getting TLS Error: TLS key negotiation failed to occur within 60 seconds (check your network connectivity) and TLS Error: TLS handshake failed [14:54] ya, try talking to openvpn using openvpn :) [14:54] I did :D [14:54] normally that means something is is attempting to talk to it [14:55] problem on client side? [14:56] iptables? [14:56] I've checked that client is using udp, ip, port, corresponding certificates and everything [14:56] don't use iptables on client side [14:56] did you use iptables on server side? [14:57] daChris: I use ufw, I just opened udp and tcp 1194 with ufw firewall [14:58] deactivate iptables and test it again [15:03] is there a simple way to deactivate iptables? [15:03] by simple I mean *easy* [15:03] also [15:04] ufw uses iptables, if I disable ufw then iptables won't take effect or am I wrong? [15:06] nevertheless I'ev disabled iptables and ufw, still can't connect with client :o [15:06] deactivated iptables* [15:07] hm [15:10] brb === zz_DenBeiren is now known as DenBeiren [15:17] Hm.. any other ideas what I might test? [15:17] ...in order to make OpenVPN work [15:28] Reading this page now: http://openvpn.net/index.php/open-source/faq/79-client/253-tls-error-tls-key-negotiation-failed-to-occur-within-60-seconds-check-your-network-connectivity.html A perimeter firewall on the server's network is filtering out incoming OpenVPN packets (by default OpenVPN uses UDP or TCP port number 1194). <- I'have disabled ufw and deactivated iptables, still the same error [15:28] A software firewall running on the OpenVPN server machine itself is filtering incoming connections on port 1194. Be aware that many OSes will block incoming connections by default, unless configured otherwise. [15:28] ^^ disabled ufw [15:28] frojnd: Error: "^" is not a valid command. [15:33] I think I found the cause [15:33] finally [15:33] I'm just ashamed didn't remebered this earlier [15:33] looks like I didn't make "correct" rule with ufw about tcp and udp ports [15:42] Hm.. ufw allow 1194 should enable tcp and udp [15:42] yet, when I do netstat -au don't see any 1194 port there [15:43] also nestat -lnt | grep 1194 won't show it [15:43] odd [15:44] that means openvpn isn't running [15:44] qman__: ah yeah forgot to start it [15:44] even if blocked in the firewall it would still show up there [15:45] hm ok [15:45] so I now removed all 1194 entries in ufw and did: ufw allow 1194/udp [15:47] I've started openvpn, and when I do netstat -lnt | grep 1194 I can see 1194 there, but when I do netstat -au | grep 1194 can't see 1194 there [15:47] ah, gotta check what openvpn uses anyways [15:47] -au doesn't show listening ports [15:47] so it would not show up there [15:48] open udp ports [15:48] or I red help page wrong [15:48] yes, and there aren't any open yet [15:48] there would be once a connection was established [15:49] Ok [15:50] Hm.. looks like for some reason when using udp ports client can't connect [15:50] But if I use tcp ports it can [15:51] Can I configure openvpn server to use both tcp and udp? [15:51] pretty sure it's an either/or setting [15:51] if you turn off the firewall, does udp still not work? [15:52] qman__: yes [15:52] I don't know why [15:53] are both client and server set to udp? [15:53] yes [15:53] currently [15:56] ok, do you have a router or some other device that might be firewalling you? [15:57] on client side I have some embedded modem/router device [15:57] that ISP gave me [15:57] but I'm configuring this for when I'm gonna be abroad [15:58] because I'll use free wifi with my mobile and I need to have safe connection [15:58] brb [15:58] ok, it wouldn't be that [15:58] there's nothing wrong with using tcp, it's just a little bit slower due to the added overhead of the tcp protocol [16:04] Hello, I'm trying to activate PFS on my apache on ubuntu 12.04 LTS. But the server won't start and complains about: "Unable to configure permitted SSL ciphers" [16:04] Also I'm not possible to activate TLSv1.2 [16:05] do I really have to compile apache by myself, or am i missing something? [16:17] beneter_, the fact you think this is even an apache issue, tells me you don't even know where to start [16:27] I'm still curious why I can't connect to openvp using udp port [16:32] Patrickdk: @ #ubuntu-de I know got the information, that - in fact - it is an apache issue. I'm using 2.2.22 which is the up-to-date version in the standard repos of 12.04 LTS AND which doesn't jet support the Ciphers needed. [16:32] *yet [16:32] apache has nothing to do with ssl [16:33] and apache on 12.04 does support tls1.3 tls1.4 tls1.5 .... [16:33] but the default plugins do ;) [16:33] if they ever make those standards [16:33] the default plugs for apache support tls 1.1 and tls1.2 [16:33] mod_ssl [16:33] do you know what mod_ssl is? [16:33] it's a wrapper for openssl [16:33] openssl in 12.04 has no tls 1.1/1.2 support [16:33] it's a wrapper around openssl as far as i know [16:33] so how would mod_ssl have it? [16:33] so switch to one that DOES have support [16:34] mod_ssl should support the needed cipher suites, or not? [16:34] or replace openssl [16:34] mod_ssl doesn't have anything [16:34] it's a wrapper [16:34] so all i need to do is update opensslß [16:34] *? [16:34] you could [16:35] or you could just use an apache ssl that doesn't use openssl [16:35] but GnuTLS insteadß [16:35] *? [16:36] if you want, sure [16:36] okay, I have to think about this step :) [16:36] or I could tell you a secret way to upgrade mod_ssl with a newer openssl, that doesn't ahve to be compiled [16:37] i'm listening... XD [16:37] why is "sudo wget -q http://deb.theforeman.org/foreman.asc -O- | apt-key add -" responding back with "ERROR: This command can only be used by root."? [16:37] MACscr, cause you didn't run apt-key as root [16:37] dunno why you would run wget as root [16:37] u shoud write sudo before apt-key [16:38] lol, doh. good call [16:38] i was just coping and pasting. Didnt even think about it [16:38] MACscr: Common mistake :) [16:38] beneter_, check out mod_spdy [16:38] after you install it, you can always disable mod_spdy [16:39] tried it, didn't really liked it ;) [16:39] guess you didn't pay close enough attention [16:39] might be [16:39] it comes with mod_ssl with newer openssl [16:42] I'll give it a second try [16:42] But I think I had some sort of compatability issue [16:43] dunno how you could have a compatability issue [16:43] CalDav / SVN .... I don't remember... [16:45] heh? those have issues with mod_ssl? [16:45] mod_spdy [16:46] but I don't remember enough.... might be something different... [16:46] did you not listen to me? [16:46] I said you can always disable mod_spdy [16:47] mod_spdy != mod_ssl [16:48] yea... What are we talking about? ^^ Weren't you saying, I should install mod_spdy with it's pendant to mod_ssl to be possible to use PFS? [16:51] sorry, I don't get it [16:54] now I get it... [16:54] sorry again [16:54] I'll install mod_spdy and a2dismod mod_spdy and can use the new mod_ssl... right? [16:54] yes [16:54] make sure the new mod_ssl is enabled though [16:55] it is called something like mod_sslnpn [16:55] okay [16:55] I don't have enough time to try it now... gotta go. [16:55] I think it edits the mod_ssl.load file to do it [16:55] thank you very much for your help [17:33] Anyone aware of how I can use pam_groupdn to enforce group membership requirements from ldap [17:33] Trying to restrict access to servers using Active Directory authentication without having to make the client a domain joined system. [17:34] I can get it to use one group. But I need more than one === alamar is now known as jullian === jullian is now known as alamar === DenBeiren is now known as zz_DenBeiren === zz_DenBeiren is now known as DenBeiren [19:44] it's been ages since my last ubuntu serverinstall,.. seems like i am overseeing something in configuring samba :-) [19:44] i see the share in my network, but i can't access it :s [20:38] DenBeiren, smbpasswd -a === DenBeiren is now known as zz_DenBeiren [23:17] hmm, why do you guys think im getting this duplicate sources entry for foreman? I dont see any duplicates http://pastie.org/pastes/8206483/text?key=8jf6msfsfgynht3p2cdna [23:24] Hm, I've successfully configured basic openvp. Now I'd like to setup routed VPN configuration, so when client uses openVPN everything wold go through openVPN so external IP would be changed https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/openvpn.html#openvpn-advanced-config I've configured everything except for user and group and password authentication. [23:25] WHen I test with client, I can ping but when using a browser I'm in infenite loop [23:25] And I don't know whyx