[00:06] apt-get_install, i wouldn't try to hack this in, it should be a reliable native file-manager solution or forget it [00:26] hmm.. all of a sudden my sound has stopped working? [00:26] nothing seems to be muted [00:27] its still detected in lspci [00:28] any ideas? === River_Rat is now known as RiverRat [00:30] I get cannot open mixer: No such file or directory when I try to open alsamixer [00:31] drip, This ubuntu and you ran that in a terminal? [00:32] yes [00:33] drip, This a server and please use nicks [00:33] wilee-nilee: no its my laptop lol what server needs sound =P [00:33] drip, What happens when you run alsamixer, and have you removed anything. [00:34] wilee-nilee: it was working fine, and I think when I was building wine 1.7 from source, I installed the package oss4, perhaps that has something to do with it? [00:34] wilee-nilee: cannot open mixer: No such file or directory (is what I get when I run alsamixer) [00:34] drip, A person was asking this same question with a server earlier, without details we are lost. [00:35] drip, Possibly, wine from a PPA though is not supported, so not much we can address there. [00:35] I removed 1.4 and am back to 1.5 [00:36] wilee-nilee: this isnt a wine problem, its a global issue heh [00:36] I mean 1.4 [00:36] ugh... I removed 1.6 and am back to 1.4 [00:36] lol [00:37] drip, alsamixer is there stock, something YOU DID caused this so we have to work from that. [00:37] !lol [00:37] Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks. [00:37] wilee-nilee: anyway, could installing the oss4-base package mess things up? [00:37] drip: You installed oss4 (Open Sound System) [00:38] blindly, yes [00:41] drip: So now you have oss4 on top of pulseaudio and alsa (Bottom line is you need either alsa or oss4, not both.) Why was oss4 installed? (It is a dependency of ____________?) [00:42] drip: If I were a guessing man, I'd guess you either need to remove oss4 or alsa. [00:42] was installing a bunch of packages and had to install oss4-dev (to build wine 1.7) and I figured wth lets throw oss4-base in.. apparently that was a mistake. [00:42] I removed oss4-base [00:42] should I restart? [00:43] drip: Did apt install it? [00:43] "to build wine"? [00:43] to build from source [00:43] drip: Why? [00:44] to try 1.7 latest git [00:44] im past that tho, I removed oss4-base does a restart need to happen for things to take effect? [00:44] 2 Whys. 1) Why do you need wine? 2) Why build it? (As opposed to install it via the package management system). [00:45] drip: I don't know, but if I were a guessing man, I'd say yes. [00:45] to play guild wars 2, and I can install 1.7 via apt ? [00:46] drip: But if it needs oss4... what then? [00:46] would this work? http://romanrm.ru/en/mhddfs [00:46] it needed oss4-dev, for oss support [00:47] detached, rebooting. [00:47] !topic [00:47] Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic [00:47] !emacs [00:47] Text Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs, ed - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code [00:49] removing oss4-base worked [00:50] drip: Very good. Glad you figured it out. [00:55] hey, people in linux irc channels/or forums are the most arrogant, ignorant, unfriendliest abominations there are, you are the scum of the earth. I hope you all suffer a long and very painfull very slow death, or if it exists, eternity torture in hell for ever and every. I hope you instantly die right now. [00:56] * Dr_Willis yawns.. too late Tau.. im married. [00:56] ;) [00:56] that's the nicest comment I have received [00:57] i have a question about installing the 13.04. i used the usb method and made a partition on my 1tb drive alongside my win 7. when i boot up after installing it all freezes on the login screen? where do i start to look, ive searched google for about an hour now [00:57] !nomodeset | motodale try this [00:57] motodale try this: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter [00:57] Now - I have cheese showing a preview of the video capture. it does capture video and audio. but when im watching the 'preview' (what its seeing/showing from the capture dongle) i dont have any sound out to my system. So i cant hear the show as its recording. (or in preview mode) anyone got a clue if it can even play the sound to the system speakers at the same time? [00:59] motodale, Have you checked the iso's md5sum, if it were me I would wonder if the install went good. [00:59] i guess wht im saying is i want to 'hear' what is recording (looking at pavcontrol now. i can see the recording 'bar' moving.. just need to pipe it to the speakers also ;) [01:00] no i havent, im still kinda new to using ubuntu, ive used a dedicated machine for quite some time but wnated my personal home one to have it now too, what is the md5sum? [01:01] !md5sum | motodale [01:01] motodale: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows [01:01] what is a good DE for an ubuntu within Virtualbox... my default 13.04 is running a bit slow/hard drive access crazy lately. [01:02] aldaek: lightest full featured desktop would be Lubuntu/Lxde [01:02] motodale, You can also see what the harware info is might be worth booting the live usb and running lspci for graphic info, hard to say though in general. [01:02] then Xubuntu/XFCE === S-USAHasATail_ is now known as SonikkuAmerica [01:03] ok... how is Enlightment on resources? heavy still? [01:03] thought it was light in general, heaver that lubuntu probably [01:03] aldaek: Enlightment has always claimed to be 'light' for a long time now. [01:04] claimed.... but are they? [01:04] its hard to benchmark things - try it and see [01:04] compared to the other desktops E is very light. but its also always in a constant beta-testing state from what ive used of it [01:04] i would say try out lubuntu. it should do all you need [01:04] ok... it may be slow on my vbox as when it is slow, my computer is accessing the hard drive... i wonder if i should get a few SSDs... [01:05] aldaek: what are your system specs? Ive ran ubuntu in vbox and it wasent really show. [01:05] slow [01:05] but i found lxde/lubuntu quicker [01:05] ok... i will try lubuntu-desktop on some new vbox machines for a little samba troubleshooting scenarios. [01:06] wilee-nilee: im gonna try the nomodeset cause im running a nvidia gpu on my current system, im pretty sure the install went okay, also does an overclock change the ability to start up ubuntu? [01:06] motodale: from what ive seen over the years.. its best to not overlclock ;) [01:06] at least not at the beginning [01:06] When installing Ubuntu 13.04, after choosing the "encrypt the new Ubuntu installation for security" option, the installer then gives me the choice of whether or not to "encrypt my home folder". Isn't the home folder already encrypted if I choose the first option? [01:06] motodale, I would not know on the overclock, I would start with the nomodeset, even though you reach the login, usually you would not [01:07] motodale: The advantages of overclocking are minimal. [01:07] newb235: your user can have an encrypted home.. on top of an encrypted hard drive [01:07] newb235, I would ask yourself if you really need to encrypt first. [01:07] Dr_Willis: ive been overclocked on win7 for quite some time, im not worried about it on ubuntu side, it was mostly my gaming and benchmarking i was doing [01:08] Hi. I keep my boot partition on a removable drive. Earlier, I installed some updates, and it ran "grub-pc setup" and said it needed to update my boot partition, but since the drive wasn't present, I had to skip it. (I tried plugging in the drive, but it wouldn't update its list of available drives.) So now that I've plugged the drive in, how do I manually force Ubuntu to update grub2 on my boot partition? I'm afraid to turn off the computer until th [01:08] newb235: encrypting the whole hd. can have issues later on if things break. Id just encrypt the home (i dont even bother with that to be honest with you) [01:08] wilee-nilee: I guess it's nice if my laptop is ever stolen. [01:08] ^ Did that cut off? [01:08] Dr_Willis: meaning im gonna turn it off to get this going lol [01:08] motodale: ive definatly seen things fail/crash on ubuntu/linux due to over clocking, but this was years ago when overclocking was the cool thing to do. ;) [01:09] amd phenom II x6 1090T @ 3.2 GHz w/6.0 GB system memory... radeon 5750 ... 90 GB of 931 GB storage free [01:09] motodale: only thing i overclock these days is my Raspberry Pi. [01:09] wilee-nilee: thanks for the help on where to start, if i have trouble ill be back but heres to hoping not [01:09] Dr_Willis: But if my laptop is stolen and only my home folder is encrypted, then can't the thief get personal information from that still? I mean from the tmp folders or whatever. [01:09] linelevel, do you have the OS encrypted persay? [01:09] newb235: i doubt if they will get anything usefull from tmp [01:10] id love to get a new computer setup running win7 under xen for my games and everything else is linux based. [01:10] newb235: biggest issue i see in here is people trying to figure out how to get back in their own systems. to get their databack after some other issues/crashes/grub failure. [01:10] how install Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi SB0460 in ubuntu 13.04 32 bit? [01:11] Dr_Willis: That's true. Although I clone the HDD once a week, so it shouldn't be an issue. [01:12] But does the "encrypt the new Ubuntu installation for security" option encrypt the whole partion just like Truecrypt in Windows? And what about the swap partition? [01:12] *partition [01:12] jonairo: askubuntu.com has a fes posts - mentiond a driver === aldaek is now known as schultza [01:13] jonairo: also seems to mention the drivers should be included by default. (still looking at askubuntu.com) [01:15] Ubuntu 12.04 did a partial upgrade a few days ago. Upgraded apache to 2.4. Now can not access phpmyadmin - get 404 errors. Any ideas? [01:15] KimPrince, Never do a partial upgrade. [01:15] wilee-nilee, I know that now :) [01:16] KimPrince, It happens. ;) not sure on the 404. [01:19] KimPrince, Have you run a sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade if the missing packages are now available they may install. [01:19] KimPrince, sounds like a server so you may be in the root cli not sure [01:20] Hey just woundering is Ubuntu Gonna get better in Later versions and make it able to play programs like DDO it wqont subport it of any way in 12.04 LTS i was just woundering would it subport it in l8r versions [01:25] Hello everyone, Balder_Tomahere and i'm here and ready to DDoS. [01:26] After installing WINE, my root password is no longer accepted with su/sudo. [01:27] GeekDud3, user or root password, there is no root password unless you made one. [01:27] (Version 1.4 http://www.winehq.org/download/ubuntu ) [01:27] wilee-nilee, user password then? [01:27] it worked before [01:27] GeekDud3, su/sudo can you explain the actual command? [01:27] wilee-nilee, literally just "su" [01:28] Can someone please direct me to a channel where someone can help me with accessing a LAMP server? (an actual server, not just a Virtual machine). [01:28] $ su [01:28] Password: [01:28] su: Authentication failure [01:28] GeekDud3, su is not used, you want a root terminal? [01:28] wilee-nilee, sudo isn't working either [01:29] GeekDud3, can you run a update and use the password? [01:29] O_o [01:29] it worked this time [01:29] sudo echo "hi" [01:29] GeekDud3, Sounds like you may be using commands not ubuntu centric maybe. [01:30] wilee-nilee, The issue either resolved itself, or I was doing something wrong before [01:30] shawn1: accessing what exactly? [01:30] * GeekDud3 is installing wine/winetricks for a new IRC client [01:30] oh no, why [01:30] GeekDud3, "Resolved is a good thing" Martha Stewart === SonikkuAmerica is now known as Dargon_trNugato [01:31] jrib, I'm setting up a server at my house and I want to remotely access it from another computer (I will eventually house the server in another location). [01:31] !ssh | shawn1 [01:31] shawn1: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon) [01:31] * GeekDud3 remembers to set up VNC over SSH, but has no inkling how that works [01:32] I installed ubuntu server 12.04 with the LAMP installation option upon installation of the OS. I just don't know how to access it. === Dargon_trNugato is now known as SonikkuAmerica [01:32] shawn1: if you're at its physical location, log in. If you're remote, use ssh (assuming you setup ssh during install) [01:32] Okay. Is there any way that I can be sure that the LAMP server is set up correctly on my server machine? [01:33] shawn1: well you can test that apache works by visiting your server in a web browser [01:33] on the 'software and installation' list, I chose both 'LAMP server' and 'OpenSSH' [01:33] how do I do that? [01:33] shawn1: that's fine then. Log in using ssh if you want to get shell on your server [01:34] That's the thing. I'm a total beginner at this. How do I log in using SSH? [01:34] SonikkuAmerica, Good support in #xxxxxxx just metion dual boot for a good chuckle. [01:34] shawn1: read the links ubottu gave you but just "ssh host.to.connect.to" in a terminal [01:34] wilee-nilee: ... I got humiliated in #wxxxxxx. Didn't know VMware Server was dea. [01:34] *dea. [01:34] **DEAD. [01:35] SonikkuAmerica, I saw that, great help but rather biased. [01:35] okay. That's typed into my server machine terminal or into some terminal on my computer I'm trying to remotely access the server with? [01:35] wilee-nilee: Actually, I'm sticking to the philosophy of the ##wxxxxxx channel. [01:36] (I think we should call it ##tom_riddle , if you get the reference.) [01:36] Those links will probably give me the information, won't they? [01:37] SonikkuAmerica, never read the series but I get the gist. [01:37] wilee-nilee: He Who Must Not Be Named. :) [01:37] !ot | wilee-nilee bad wilee-nilee [01:37] wilee-nilee bad wilee-nilee: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [01:38] !ot | ubottu [01:38] SonikkuAmerica: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [01:38] oops meant that as a private [01:38] Putty said that the connection timed out [01:40] jrib: It was similar to what I tried when I tried to use the terminal on the mac side [01:42] On my non-server computer, I typed the internet protocol into the web browser and it failed to connect [01:42] maybe I should reinstall apache [01:45] Is there a type of software akin to Ccleaner for Xubuntu? [01:45] Shadow}}, Not really although bleachbit is not bad. [01:46] no registry keys in linux [01:47] Hm, Could you elaborate on Bleachbit? Primarily just searching for a /history cleaner/ [01:47] Shadow}}, Genarlly linux cleans up itself if you use the right commands. [01:47] Oh? I'm new to Linux, So...Yeah. [01:48] Shadow}} sudo apt-get install bleachbit can be run in admin has a check list for removal. [01:48] hello [01:48] Is that just as stated or with $ or #? [01:49] Shadow}}, sudo is $ [01:49] Good to know, I'll try it now. [01:49] Shadow}}, JUst run a regualr terminal [01:49] bleachbit is a gui [01:51] how can I chmod a usb device that doesn't show up as a ttyUSB device? (its a tinyisp) [01:51] Hm... I really like Xubuntu xD [01:51] Shadow}}, ON the stock bleachbit I run all to be removed but passwords and free disk space [01:52] Ah, I'm glad you brought that up... I'd hate to run free disk with this being encrypted. e-e === christian is now known as Guest46973 [01:53] I feel as though I may of made a mistake choosing to encrypt home also... Maybe its my imagination but seems rather slow. [01:53] it does take a bit longer to encrypt/decrypt [01:54] Shadow}}, I just have a trucrypt folder for a few things. [01:56] The only Linux I have had any /practice/ with is my LiveUSB Lucid Pup. I wish I could remember who recommended Xubuntu for my internal so I could thank them,lol [01:56] Honestly, It said "Encrypt" and I said "SURE!!" -Shrugs- [01:57] wilee-nilee: Yes, my whole hard drive is LUKS-encrypted, but the boot partition is on a USB stick. That's what I need to update. [01:57] linelevel, Not sure there then, you might try ##linux as well if you are registered. [01:58] Oh, Another question I expect to hear no but I'll ask anyhow. Is there (And if so should I even bother) a skype? [01:58] Shadow}}: Yes [01:58] Shadow}}, Yes the skype web site has a download. [01:59] ...Does it function properly? [01:59] wilee-nilee: I don't see why that should make a difference. My boot partition isn't encrypted, and my hard drive gets decrypted at boot time via the initramfs. Note that I may have misspoke: my /boot partition is on my main drive, only the MBR is on the removable drive. [01:59] Shadow}}: Yes [01:59] WITHOUT having to open ports on my router.. [01:59] Shadow}}, Fairly well, I rarely use it. [01:59] Shadow}}: I've used skype for years, (on linux), works fine. [02:00] So it was just my liveusb that skype disliked... Figured.. [02:00] linelevel, I fully understand one can load the bootloader anywhere, however not sure if a sudo update-grub goes to the right place is all. [02:00] wilee-nilee: Bootloader.. that's the term I was looking for :) [02:01] ...I must say my favorite thing about Ubuntu is the fact my ethernet is constantly flashing while sitting idle on desktop. <-< [02:01] wilee-nilee: but still... why would the fact that my drive is encrypted make a difference? [02:01] *is /not/ [02:01] linelevel, Might be as simple as sudo grub-install /dev/sdX X is the usb mbr and sudo update grub from the desktop, not sure really. [02:01] Is there a simple way to disable the fancy desktop effects in 13.04? [02:02] I can't find anything related to that in the System Settings or anywhere. [02:02] wilee-nilee: I think it already knows where grub2 is, so I don't think I should have to run grub-install. Maybe I'm wrong though. Maybe I just have to run grub-update? [02:02] So...I presume theres a command to run bleachbit from terminal... That would be? [02:03] linelevel, Well you are having a grub boot problem, and you are encrypted, However my interest in the encryption was more of a how pt=rotected are you actually, and my no real definitive answer is do to not having messed with encrypting seems like a waste of time to me. ;) [02:04] I thought the same thing about Encrypting... But... Encrypting Home seemed like a valid idea. O.o [02:04] Shadow}}, It is in the menu but either bleachbit or sudo bleachbit will bring up the gui [02:05] So, sudo X runs an apt? (They are called apts, no?) [02:05] wilee-nilee: Encryption doesn't affect this scenario at all. My whole drive is encrypted except for my /boot and a small partition that holds Windows (as a decoy). Within the encrypted partition, I use LVM for virtual partition management (swap, /home, etc.) The reason my bootloader is on a separate drive is so that when the TSA makes me turn on my machine, it boots straight into Windows, rather than loading grub2. [02:05] To anyone: I still can't seem to connect using putty [02:05] Shadow}}, It can but generally not used except if no desktop or needing an error info. [02:06] But...I'm too lazy to click... [02:06] More than 3 times. >-> [02:06] linelevel, I'm not your best helper here. [02:06] I just completed my tutorial series on working with Node.js and MongoDB with Ubuntu and then deploying to the cloud. Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anDhGAtbO1U&feature=share&list=PLCTh_XwrphiKQHpqSG8mz_74U0_nrGxar PDF: http://www.themindspot.com/trunk/tutorial.pdf (Feedback welcome: Good, bad, and ideas) [02:07] Shadow}}, You want to be careful though running the wrong thing with sudo can be detrimental. [02:07] Ah, So some /apts/ (Still wondering if thats the term) have alternate paths when utilizing sudo? [02:08] * Shadow}} is horrible at both his primary/only language; And also all terminology. [02:09] Shadow}}, Unlike windows which will run in admin ubutu has a password you are in a standard account with admin access using sudo, like run a s admin in windows. [02:09] apps in general I suppose. ;) [02:10] So then if you don't mind answering what does sudo stand for? If it does. o.o [02:11] Shadow}}, Not sure as an an acronym but it is just one of the terms to raise the root access when needed. [02:12] Kay, I have a problem over-analyzing things. -Nods- [02:12] Shadow}}, Does not hurt to ask. ;) [02:12] Especially considering I've only been using Ubuntu for two nights now lol.. [02:12] !sudo | Shadow}} here is a wiki. [02:12] Shadow}} here is a wiki.: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo [02:13] 'super user do' :) i think. [02:13] !cli [02:13] The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro [02:14] Shadow}}, In the right circumstances you can run sudo -i and be in super user in the terminal, you want to be sure that it is needed is all === drkokandy_ is now known as drkokandy [02:15] Hmm, In other words don't be lazy with Linux. xD [02:15] Shadow}}, You have git it man. [02:15] got* [02:15] The desktop animations are incredibly slow on my old laptop and I can't find a way to disable them. Is using the compizconfig-settings-manager really the only way? [02:16] Evening, I'm having some dificulty with my sound. Specifically it seems to be stuck thinking the HDMI is my output. I cant seem to get it to switch to my internal speakers. Im using xfce, when I switch to the ubuntu default it works. Any ideas? [02:16] newb235, Have you tried a lighter desktop like lubuntu? [02:16] I wouldn't put it that way. I would, however, say; Be careful with sudo (or admin privileges), don't use it unless it' [02:16] s needed [02:16] Shadow}}: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^66 [02:17] wilee-nilee: Yes, but I'm afraid I might run into issues with that distro. [02:17] don't be lazy with any OS I might say, but any person has their definition of lazy is all. [02:17] newb235, In what way? [02:17] You callin me evil boy? J/k, Thanks for all the info peoples. [02:18] wilee-nilee: I used the previous versions and the file manager didn't function properly and there were all sorts of little problems here and there. [02:19] newb235, How much experience do you have, might it be due to that as far as the lubuntu situation. I mean that in a kind way. [02:19] wilee-nilee: not very much experience. [02:19] lubuntu has less configs setup for sure [02:20] Hm, sudo bleachbit certainly starts up bleachbit however it warns me the owner is not root. So I'ma just not utilize it in that manner. === scotty_ is now known as Moral [02:21] Did anyone respond to my question? I accidentally rebooted. [02:21] newb235, You might try the fallback desktop it is a pseudo gnome 2 de, less effects. [02:21] Uh...The sound problems? [02:21] Moral, not yet [02:22] ok, thanks [02:22] wilee-nilee: How do I do that? [02:23] wile-nilee; Erm... You said my apps can be found where?... I've actually yet to start one that wasn't in the bottom bar. x-x [02:23] newb235, sudo apt-get install gnome-session-fallback [02:24] Shadow}}, YOu have xubuntu? [02:24] Yes. [02:25] Shadow}}, Should be a dropdown in the top panel, I use an app called synapse that with ctrl-space brings up a search gui, the slackers approach. [02:25] So; sudo apt-get install synapse ? [02:26] my system won't start, in recovery mode, it suggests running fsck. I have dropped into a root shell, what fsck options would give me the best results. my issue is on SDA1` [02:26] Shadow}}, Yeah, then launch it and hit prefrences and set the startup and any version you like. [02:26] bjrohan, I would fsck from a live cd [02:27] you don't want it mounted [02:28] boot from a live media? [02:28] ok [02:28] bjrohan, Yeah [02:28] once in a live usb, then what? [02:30] use fsck to filesystem check the filesystems bjrohan ;) [02:30] sudo fsck /dev/sda1 (for example) make sure sda1 is UNmounted [02:30] bjrohan, I'm not real up on the exact commands but the channel generally is, the couple of times I have ran it I just googled [02:30] fsck all the things! [02:30] I think it's really weird that 13.04 only provides compiz by default. What if the user doesn't have an internet connection and can't search how to solve the lagginess problems? :\ [02:30] One more question as for now... In synapse the /colored/ plugins are already installed, Yes? [02:31] newb235: mondern os's assume you got the internetz :) [02:31] can someone please pot there lightdm.conf file in pastebin mine or borked [02:31] gnome-session-fallback works great, by the way. [02:31] newb235, unity is a plugin in compiz running on top of gnome 3 [02:31] newb235, Many like the fallback [02:32] Hmm, fallback seems to work much better overall too. [02:32] gnome3 is comming out with its own gnome-2 look/theme/session also [02:32] I can find stuff easier in fallback. [02:32] Shadow}}, Not sure on that. [02:32] I would imagine Lubuntu is lighter then the gnome fallback session. simpiler also. [02:33] Dr_Willis, less than a 100MB when net installed [02:33] guys [02:33] Dr_Willis: Thanks. I might try out Lubuntu later. [02:33] nobody?? [02:34] hey Dr_Willis you there? ;o [02:34] ram that is [02:34] ggabriel96: im in and out all day/night long. [02:34] Dr_Willis: :D. well I got another problem [02:34] I alwyas set up Lubuntu on my machines for guests and faimly to use if they need the pc. :) they can almost always figure it out. [02:34] Dr_Willis: I just attempted to install the extension pack for virtual box and it asks for my administrative password. but I typed it 3 times and it says it's wrong! [02:35] ggabriel96: see if it works in a console, or terminal [02:35] isnt it the sudo password? [02:35] 'sudo apt-get update' and se eif it takes it. [02:35] your sudo password is the same as your initial admin users password [02:35] can someone please post their lightdm.conf file in pastebin mine is borked after remove Kubuntu [02:35] yes. and it worked [02:35] !find lightdm.conf [02:35] File lightdm.conf found in lightdm, lightdm-kde-greeter, mythbuntu-lightdm-theme, ubuntustudio-lightdm-theme [02:36] guest-ILWr9z, HOw did you remove kubuntu? [02:36] guest-ILWr9z: i think you can do a sudo apt-get install --reinstall lightdm and it should restore the file [02:36] Hm... Should I check Thunderbird > Passwords in Bleachbit? Says it contains a list of sites that should not store passwords... [02:36] Dr_Willis: worked normally [02:36] I know i need the default unity pure ubuntu post [02:37] Dr_Willis, nope try that dpgk-reconfigure look at the deb package in apt-cache [02:38] Shadow}}, If you use the password remover it will remove the password to your email I believe, passwords with websites are a cookie thing to have it in the login I believe. [02:38] search google for a hour. from what I ca tell it laydown on install [02:39] Thought so, Okay. I checked everything but a few things I am certain I don't want to clean. Except DropScan....Cause I have no idea what that is and says it'll be slow. [02:40] Dr_Willis: that administrative password is the one Ive set in the installation, isn't it? [02:40] logged into guest account as I can not login to my user just send me back to login screen end less loop [02:40] guest-ILWr9z, If you remove desktops you want the meta lists and what you want to have loo in playing around left column for future or use now. http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/ [02:41] look* [02:41] ㅎㅇ [02:41] *Deep Scan [02:43] ...Its been too long. Whats the IRC nick register line? [02:43] !register | Shadow}} [02:43] Shadow}}: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode [02:43] be right back [02:43] wilee-nilee, Sorry already did that what borked my lightdm.conf [02:44] Hm? Doesn't require an email or anything ? [02:44] ...Sheesh, Thats what I get for spending 4 years on the same server. o_o' [02:44] guest-ILWr9z, Did you run the command Dr_Willis gave you, in a tty? [02:45] Oh wait, I read that wrong. Ignore me. <-< [02:45] hi, i new to ubuntu. I installed it as Live USB. How to access my hdd from Live mode? I can't see them in Places and Media. Thanks [02:45] !register | Shadow}} [02:45] Shadow}}: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode [02:45] hi wilee-nilee [02:45] hi [02:46] windows7user, in home left panel [02:46] wilee-nilee, yes manytime or much more. I not new to linux :) all I need is a cat of /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf [02:47] wilee-nilee, But i can't see both of them. I can see only my usb flash frive. [02:47] windows7user, Are you here due to problems with W7? [02:47] Thank you both. [02:48] windows7user, If it gets messed up enough you wont have access is why I ask. [02:48] hmm. askubuntu.com says --> /usr/share/doc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.gz is an example [02:48] http://askubuntu.com/questions/168190/lightdm-conf-content-erased-now-stuck-in-low-graphics-mode [02:48] wilee-nilee, My nickame is win 7 because i working with it too. i new to Ubuntu and i try tu understand this system ;) [02:49] first google hit i got. ;) [02:49] <|Anthony|> after a shutdown my nic is now running at 100mbit/s instead of 1000. Any suggestions? [02:50] windows7user, I think we have a lack of details problem here, a HD that is not encrypted or using a exotic file system, should be easily accessible [02:50] Dr_Willis: yep, the password doesn't work [02:50] Dr_Willis: might it be related to users and groups? [02:50] Dr_Willis, there nothing Ubuntu in there all it has is al the prams you can set. [02:50] ggabriel96: i dont really know what you have been doing, or done to the system. [02:51] hi all [02:51] Dr_Willis: Ive done nothing actually lol. if I'm not wrong, Ive already run into this wrong password thing (i think it was when I tried a su command) [02:52] can someone help me with an emulator related problem? [02:52] smidley, Only if you describe it. [02:52] wilee_nilee; May I pm you briefly? [02:52] !ask | smidley [02:52] smidley: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [02:52] Gah, Knew it wasn't an underscore... [02:53] using XBMCbuntu, and I got zsnes to launch correctly from XBMC, but I don't have any sound [02:53] Shadow}}, I have PM's off, to many to much info and dragged out conversations. [02:53] nothing personal ;) [02:53] and I also followed a guide so that I can use lirc and my remote to close zsnes, but that's not working either [02:53] wilee-nilee thanks. And one quetion i have. Year ago my 2 HDD was in Raid massive. After split RAID 1st HDD was format but 2nd HDD don't format. So I can't access to my 2nd HDD from any system. Ubuntu can watch two hdd but can't access to it (sorry for my english) [02:54] windows7user, Not sure I'm not up on that area, your english fine. [02:54] Hm, Well. Bleachbit was unable to perform a few actions involving /var/log/ is this due to encryption? If so, Should I run in sudo? [02:54] is* Doh [02:54] Lol... [02:54] Dr_Willis: the group for root is wheel, isn't it? can't find it in users and groups (donwloaded the gnome-system-tools) === nick_ is now known as Guest32020 [02:55] Hello, just popping in... [02:55] Shadow}}, I use the root option in the cli sudo, I assume you are okay with that being encrypted. [02:55] anybody knows moonlight download site? [02:56] ?? [02:56] !cli [02:56] The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro [02:56] Moonlight? [02:56] Ya [02:56] lalala, Not sure it is in existence anymore [02:56] Like silverlight? [02:56] yes [02:56] lalala, for BT sports?? [02:56] Hm, Root option? In bleachbit? Or...Sorry not really following you on that one. [02:56] ggabriel96: its not been wheel for ages.. its admin since like 2 releases+ ago [02:57] Yeah, it may stwill exist, but i dont think its being supporteda anymore [02:57] Dr_Willis: when I tried the "su" command in terminal some time ago, I always got wrong password. then I googled it and found that the root is kinda blocked by default [02:57] Devs just quit working on it last i knew. And why not, silverlight is crap anyway. [02:57] ggabriel96: root in ubuntu has no default password and thus disabled. You use sudo to get root access. not su [02:57] I need moonlight or something [02:58] Hello everyone, Balder_Mikhailohere and i'm here and ready to DDoS. [02:58] Shadow}}, Root means admin in windows language loosely [02:58] Dr_Willis: yes, but my root password is not working! I think its related to that [02:58] lalala: there is that netflix on ubuntu package that has a ff browser, wine, and silverlight somehow magically made to work together. ;) [02:58] Lalala i think what you might be looking for is mono. Why do you need moonlight? [02:58] Yes, But... Root option you mentioned, Is this in bb's preferences or are you saying use a terminal? o.o' [02:58] its a trick [02:58] netflix? [02:58] ggabriel96: you shouldent have set a root password. theres no need. your sudo password is your users password. not roots. the 2 are totally unrelated [02:58] what is it [02:58] !netflix [02:58] If you use Netflix, there is an unofficial solution for using it in Ubuntu detailed in http://www.compholio.com/netflix-desktop/ - bug reports in https://bugs.launchpad.net/netflix-desktop [02:59] Dr_Willis: I didn't set a root password. I just set the password for my user during the installation and now the system says it's wrong [02:59] ggabriel96: but it works when you login to that user at teh console? [02:59] Shadow}}, In the menu are both options, if you look it up with synapse hit the arrow down key to see it. [02:59] lalala, after installing netflix, run it, it will open ie 10, then press F11 to get out of full screen and then you will have access to the address bar. [02:59] Dr_Willis: that sudo apt-get update worked normally [03:00] Hmm, i always suggest using a vm of windows for the need for netflix for *nix [03:00] OH! Gotcha, Thanks. [03:00] ggabriel96: so where is your sudo password not working? [03:00] ok [03:00] Dr_Willis: when I try to install extensions pack in virtualbox [03:00] apt-get install netflix? [03:00] ?? [03:00] i thought that netflix for linux thing used firefox in its setup [03:00] lalala: read the url the bot gave. [03:00] !netflix [03:00] !netflix | lalala [03:00] lalala: If you use Netflix, there is an unofficial solution for using it in Ubuntu detailed in http://www.compholio.com/netflix-desktop/ - bug reports in https://bugs.launchpad.net/netflix-desktop [03:01] No lalala, netflix is not a package to my knowledge, but is that what you are wanting moonlight for? [03:01] ok i will try [03:01] hi all [03:01] nightdemon666, it's a package [03:01] the only thing i can think anyone needs moonliught for is netflix. ;) [03:01] Lol, really? Um, ill have to look at the package details in synaptic :-P [03:02] nightdemon666: its not in synaptic/repos by default.. see the bot url it gave. [03:02] How do I override the EDID info that my driver has picked up? [03:03] Dr_Willis: did you read? [03:03] wilee-nilee;Thank you for all the help, I'll be around...Not per say to bug you specifically. ;P [03:04] Wow, what a pain in the but to watch netflix vids :-/ [03:04] anyone know about XBMCbuntu and emulators? [03:04] *butt [03:04] ggabriel96: ive not had any of the issues with vbox that you have had. [03:04] Shadow}}, No problem, I'm not all that much of an IT person mainly armchair knowledge. [03:04] smidley: its just ubuntu with xbmc installed by default. theres dozens of xbmc support sites and channels and forums. [03:04] Dr_Willis: havent you ever had any issue with wrong sudo password? [03:05] Same, Hah... Just nothing involving linux. [03:05] ggabriel96: nope. never. [03:05] ;/ [03:05] right [03:05] ggabriel96: unless your keyboard is set wrong, or wrong language [03:05] just thought I could get some help here [03:05] Dr_Willis: nope, it works as it should on terminal [03:05] ggabriel96: try typeing it in gedit to see if its right. [03:05] Well, Have a good night/day everyone. o/ [03:05] Dr_Willis: already tried in text editors, launcher [03:06] ggabriel96: to install the guest addations IN the vbox os. I recall downloading some guestaddation iso. then i just used the terminal to install them. [03:07] Dr_Willis: it's not guest additions, it's the extension pack. the virtual box install by its own. I downloaded the guest additions while running the vm and it failed to mount it I don't know why [03:08] ggabriel96: vbox is not mounting the iso file then? you could exit the vm and set it to be mounted when it boots up via the vbox menus. or download the iso Inside the vm. and mount it via the mount loopback option [03:09] Dr_Willis: I was running windows in the vm, downloaded guest additions "inside it" and it couldn't mount it [03:11] Dr_Willis [03:11] How do I override the EDID info that my driver has picked up? [03:11] Dr_Willis: just checked and the guest additions is set as the ide secondary master (cd/dvd drive) [03:12] I am now getting wine-compholio [03:13] that may invovle with netflix [03:13] Dr willis [03:14] now I am getting wine-compholio [03:14] what is that? [03:14] lalala: that netflix package has its own special wine, packages with browser + netflix and silverlight for use in it [03:14] aha [03:15] netflix is silverlight [03:15] right? [03:15] netflix USES silverlight [03:15] .join #hindi [03:15] oops [03:15] netflix+wine-copholio [03:16] that make me be able to use silverlight-using site [03:16] lalala: thats why we suggested it. [03:16] ? [03:16] lalala: it can do sites other then netflix i recall. [03:17] How can I turn off 'alt+char' access to applications menu in Ubuntu 13.04? It doesn't allow using of any alt-hotkeys in terminal. [03:17] hm ok I will try [03:17] Dr_Willis: this is very similar to the problem I'm having, but with another app: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2154044 what do you think of that solution? [03:19] wooot [03:19] Dr_Willis: that one worked! [03:19] ggabriel96: try it and see i guess. but i dont really see how its related to your windows os in vbox not accessing the guest addations iso [03:19] Dr_Willis: no, its not related to that [03:19] Dr_Willis: that's another thing Ill have to solve [03:19] hey willis [03:20] ggabriel96: you seem to have problems that i never have. :) makes me wonder what you have done to your poor ubuntu box. ;P [03:20] Dr_Willis: I did nothing! >_< [03:21] Which license is this? http://pastebin.com/y4MHmRrL [03:21] santosh: hi [03:21] NOt only On vBox that is possible but also wine-copholio [03:21] reply santosh :P [03:21] is possible [03:21] santosh, gpl3? [03:22] I need just doing on only ubuntu [03:22] Dr_Willis: well. now if I am added to the vboxusers group and I have the extension pack, will usb work? or I need that guest additions? [03:22] not wine [03:23] ggabriel96: i never really mess with getting vbox to access real usb devices. Its documented at the ubuntu vbox wiki page/vbox manual. [03:23] wine is vbox [03:23] lalala: no it is not. [03:23] vbox is wine like me [03:23] lalala: wine is totally differnt then vbox [03:23] to me [03:23] hm [03:24] \leave [03:24] wine is working on just ubuntu? [03:24] lalala: what? [03:24] vbox is same [03:25] lalala: err.. you are sort of rambling. [03:25] that is working on ubuntu [03:25] hm [03:25] wine runs windows executables.. vbox emulates a pc. to run a whole OS. [03:25] hm [03:25] playonlinux [03:26] playon linux is a wine frontend/variant [03:26] crossover is worth the money [03:26] that make windows games possible on ubuntu [03:26] splitwire: i havent even herd crossover mentioned in ages. i really dont think its worth the $$ unless it works for you i guess. [03:26] yes [03:26] ok [03:26] I understand [03:26] sorry [03:26] lalala: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [03:27] hehe [03:27] Dr_Willis - I've had really good success with Crossover lately. Works flawlessly with many games and Office 2010. [03:28] cant say ive ever had anything that needed it splitwire . [03:28] dont use enter? [03:29] sometimes i run a portable windows app via wine, but i just chose to find Linux alternatives to any software i need in windows [03:29] lalala: dont hit enter every 3rd word. [03:29] lalala, you need to write full sentences and then press enter ;) [03:29] how can insert my mentation [03:29] but thats just me [03:30] Dr_Willis: now I could install guest additions. it was automatically mounted o.o [03:30] Dr_Willis, not needing it is a great thing :) I ran across a free license deal through lifehacker.com once so I grabbed it then and was lucky I didn't have to shell out any $$ [03:30] how can I do wine-compholio and how can I get netflix and how can I mix those ? [03:31] Oh dear: https://one.ubuntu.com/help/faq/are-my-files-stored-on-the-server-encrypted/ [03:31] lalala: that netflix packatge that was mentined earlier installs all of those and gives you a netflix icon you run [03:31] I don't understand why they don't provide any security. [03:31] !netflix [03:31] If you use Netflix, there is an unofficial solution for using it in Ubuntu detailed in http://www.compholio.com/netflix-desktop/ - bug reports in https://bugs.launchpad.net/netflix-desktop [03:32] lalala, you add the ppa, then you install the netflix-desktop package and you are ready. [03:32] why the hell my usb is not mounting now -.- neither in ubuntu lol [03:33] i have a question, does ubuntu come with a traceroute app [03:33] !find traceroute [03:33] Found: inetutils-traceroute, libnet-traceroute-perl, libnet-traceroute-pureperl-perl, paris-traceroute, tcptraceroute [03:33] what are this ! commands? [03:33] !info tcptraceroute [03:33] these* [03:33] tcptraceroute (source: tcptraceroute): traceroute implementation using TCP packets. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5beta7+debian-4 (raring), package size 30 kB, installed size 116 kB [03:34] ggabriel96: notice the bot reply whenever someone does one? ;) [03:34] first I get wine-compholio, second I get netflix-desktop now how can I mix those ? Willis? [03:34] yes [03:34] Dr_Willis: I liked it, it's very smart and fast [03:34] Dr_Willis: for what kind of stuff can I use that? [03:34] lalala: No.. You enable the ppa and install the package and it handles it all i think read the url the bot gave. [03:34] !brain [03:34] Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots [03:34] wow [03:35] !google [03:35] While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question. [03:35] what is tha t PPa [03:35] i dont even know if thats the right program, does ubuntu have a program by default that i can trace a ip address and pinpoint what house it is [03:35] lol [03:35] google-fu? [03:35] !netflix | lalala read here man [03:35] lalala read here man: If you use Netflix, there is an unofficial solution for using it in Ubuntu detailed in http://www.compholio.com/netflix-desktop/ - bug reports in https://bugs.launchpad.net/netflix-desktop [03:35] i do have to say a simple web search would fix alot of questions new users have [03:35] though i understand the point [03:35] its for my wifi, i want to know where the guy lives thats riding my wifi [03:36] be right back here [03:36] felon, use a wpa and block them. [03:36] xmetal: reading what we make the bot say - would help a lot of people. ;) [03:36] i know i know [03:36] i dont want to [03:36] i just wanna know what house it is [03:36] lalala, if you want, have also a look at this http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/01/how-to-watch-lovefilm-redbox-instant-or-netflix-on-ubuntu [03:36] thats true [03:36] lol [03:36] felon, then don't complain we are not going to help you find the prson. [03:36] felon: some routers can block based on mac, or other ways also. [03:37] dont broadcast your ssid perhaps. [03:37] nm ill find out on my own [03:37] thx [03:39] plugin and turn the wifi off, running wifi is asking for trouble all it takes is package capture to get in for the right use. [03:39] hey [03:39] hi wilee-nilee [03:39] remember t-ubuntu? [03:39] yeah [03:39] I as trying to help him out [03:39] in a bour yes [03:39] was [03:39] Im his freind [03:39] blur* [03:40] but he got upset and went back to Vista [03:40] ... [03:40] willis u mean If I use Neflix, I must follow that site instructions ment? like compilation and patches? [03:40] jdale, vista? :( [03:40] yeah.. [03:40] well [03:40] jdale, It happens I would of used the W8 it came with. [03:40] His wifi issue was easy to fix [03:40] * xmetal screams ack at "vista" [03:40] well his desktop was a Dell Dimension 3000 [03:40] (sorry .. nervous reaction) [03:40] lalala: all i had to do as was mentoned eralier.. enable that netflix package ppa, and install the package using the package manager tools.. took all of like 3 min. [03:41] Is anyone here familiar with putty? [03:41] jdale, I suspect the computer had a wifi card easily used, rather than a usb with no drivers, [03:41] I successfully set up Mysql, Apache2, and PHP on my server [03:41] now I'm trying to access it remotely using putty [03:42] but it's not working [03:42] what is ppa [03:42] !ppa | lalala [03:42] lalala: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge [03:42] lalala: the directions at this url are rather specific -> http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/01/how-to-watch-lovefilm-redbox-instant-or-netflix-on-ubuntu [03:42] sorry wilee-nilee ? [03:42] !ppa | lalala [03:42] what do you mean? [03:42] good grief [03:43] shawn1: you do have ssh installed on the server? [03:43] I think so [03:43] how can I be sure? [03:43] PPA is what [03:43] I dont know PPA [03:43] shawn1: go to the server and see if it can 'ssh localhost' [03:43] jdale, Thought I remembered the wifi as a usb, I talk with 100's of people a day and have a brain the size of a walnut so....... [03:43] I type 'ssh localhost' into the command prompt? [03:43] yes wilee-nilee it was USB [03:43] :) [03:43] shawn1: thats ssh basics yes. on the server. see if it can ssh to itself. [03:44] !ssh | shawn1 [03:44] shawn1: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon) [03:44] jdale, You got a driver to work for a 10$ usb that many more at the same price plug and play? [03:44] well [03:45] ;) [03:45] wilee-nilee: he had trouble with the install.sh crap [03:45] :P [03:45] I think I'm going to try Linux Mint. I could never get used to Unity. It just feels incredibly clumsy. [03:45] it happens [03:45] he didn't want to deal with extracting the driver etc [03:45] yeah.. [03:45] He has Ubuntu on his laptop though [03:45] newb235: install a differnt ubuntu desktop then. [03:45] newb235: xubuntu, lubuntu, gnome-shell, [03:46] lalala, ppas are software repositories, in other words, remote sources of software. you need first to add the compholio ppa in your software sources list in order to be able to installl the netflix-desktop package. [03:46] newb235, The cinnamon desktop is in the raring repos, way less support there and none here for mint [03:46] Dr_Willis: I'm kind of scared to mess around too much. [03:46] newb235: err. time to dig in and learn i guess. [03:46] newb235: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop then select xubuntu at the login screen.. is rather trivial to do [03:46] easier theninstalling a whole new os. [03:47] support wise I would not give mint to a monkey on a rock [03:47] i use another distro (not going to say it or i will get grief) ... i install one "desktop" then just install the packages for the others [03:47] ah ha yes so I first add that repositories, and then I get to set that netflix-desktop [03:47] :) much easier [03:47] as Dr_ was just getting at [03:48] It says that the authenticity cannot be established and asked if I want to continue [03:48] now how can I make it work that Netflix [03:48] xmetal, You closet arch user you.;) [03:48] lalala: as was said eralier.. it adds a netflix icon to your programs. [03:48] hm [03:48] ok [03:48] I guess I didn't set it up [03:48] haven't tried that distro yet :P [03:48] it said that it just added localhost to the list and asks me for a password [03:48] on [03:49] lalala: this should have taken you allof like 5 min to get going..and you h ave been at it for like over an hr+ [03:49] oh no [03:49] the main ubuntu fork ... thats the one i use [03:49] ;) [03:49] it's MINT boys get him [03:49] shawn1: it will want your password when you ssh in. [03:49] lol [03:49] here are netflix icon [03:49] omg [03:49] lalala, :) [03:49] I put in my password and it shows me a bunch of system information [03:49] aha [03:50] i mentioned slack in a mint room (just saying mint/ubuntu are easier for newbies i think) and i got grief .. .so i have to watch what i say [03:50] this is part of mono project right? [03:50] lalala: no . that netflix thing is using silverlight in wine. [03:50] but wine mono [03:51] !mono [03:51] window popup is now appeared [03:51] mono is an open sourced implemtion of .net [03:51] I tried to connect on putty again, but got nowhere [03:51] really? [03:52] i have heard of mono before but i never knew that [03:52] shawn1: test with the local machine. you should ssh localhost. enter your password. then get a shell [03:53] to get mono program works at .Net Program [03:53] well I know this isn't the right place to ask, but no one is answering on vbox channel. do you guys know any way to boot vm with usb? [03:53] yeah. I've got the shell on the server [03:54] shawn1: so ssh is working on the server. if the pc cant ssh TO the server. see if it can ping the server. based on its ip#. could be some firewall or other network blocking going on [03:54] how do I ping the server? [03:54] with the ping command. ;) [03:55] lol! [03:55] yes [03:55] but is that a command available in windows? [03:55] windows has a ping command... [03:55] I used ln -s /var/log/rsyslog /var/log/syslog and firestarter still isn't logging traffic [03:55] Wine Program is now searching solving dependency problem [03:55] windows also has a firewall that maybe blocking stuff [03:55] Netflix is not free? [03:55] I tried to ping and the request timed out [03:55] Monthly fee? [03:55] omg [03:55] I guess I'll need to check firewalls [03:55] lalala: netflix is a paid service.. correct.. [03:56] lalala: no one ever said it was free. [03:56] the internet company wouldn't block it for some reason, would it? [03:56] Omg [03:56] shawn1: this is on a local lan or over the internet? [03:56] lalala: enough with the OMG and ranting please. [03:56] do I have a choice? [03:57] It can be on either. Right now my server is connected by ethernet cable to my router and my laptop is getting wireless internet from the router [03:57] . [03:57] both rsyslog and syslog are reading traffic rsyslog -> syslog so I think I did it right [03:57] shawn1: you can alwyas set up ssh to use differnt ports.. and yes isp's may block port 22. or your router. or widnows firewall may be doingit [03:57] Netflix is not working in My Country [03:57] YET [03:57] shawn1: if you are directlyconnected then it may be a windows firewall issue [03:57] okay [03:57] hehe [03:58] Dr_Willis: at the moment I have windows 7 and ubuntu in dualboot. now if I replace windows 7 with windows 8, will it mess the grub and ubuntu boot? [03:58] would OSX typically block those connections? [03:58] shawn1: see if the pcs can ping each other. thats a basic test. [03:58] ggabriel96: i dont use windows 8 - so no idea what it does [03:58] Dr_Willis: oh k ty [03:58] thats what supergrub (and similar) tools are for [03:58] :) [03:58] I'm using a macbook with windows and OSX [03:59] hm [03:59] windows will most likely over-write grub (linux is still there unless you format the entire drive) ... those recovery tools can get you back into your linux and will let you redo grub [03:59] to replace silverlight, I will pay? [03:59] damn [03:59] (not sure how grub is seeing Win8 .. there is no way i see myself ever having or wanting win8( [03:59] hmm [04:00] xmetal: does it still use +chainloader? [04:01] hey question about disk space: when i set up my partitions and home folder i placed the OS on a seperate, smaller partition. im having an issue now because i am using STEAM within wine. in order to play the game i woish, i need to downlaod it within wine, which takes up more room than i have on the partion. is there a way aroundthat anyone can think of? [04:01] beats me ... like i said i use win7 and dont see myself using win8 in the furtue [04:01] fture [04:01] oops .. my fingers have lost it ... lol [04:01] future [04:01] I'll get off and try it on the Mac side before trying to mess with all the firewall junk. Thanks! [04:01] Anyone know how to get disk smart counters via SNMP? [04:02] I JUST NEED REPLACEMENT PROGRAM OF SILVERLIGHT ON UBUNTU SYSTEM [04:02] wrektjet: RAID [04:02] LIKE MOONLIGHT [04:02] WHERE IS MOONLIGHT [04:02] DAMN IT [04:02] woo you mean add another hdd? [04:02] anyone SUCESSFULLY use grub-imageboot ... i can get grub to see the ISO's but when i select them the grub "page" just reloads [04:03] wrektjet: ya. then you would have to trust gparted to do some magic [04:03] not any big deal ... just curious [04:03] hello [04:03] lalala: Please drop the caps [04:04] woo yikes seems like a big task [04:04] MOONLIHGT IS SO MUCH UNSTABLE THAT NOT REPLACE THAT GODDAMN SILVERLIGHT [04:04] wrektjet: and quite unsafe [04:04] wrektjet: would be worth the experience though [04:04] :) @ hexchat ignore feature [04:05] wrektjet: if the motherboard supports raid that would be 1 I think. the one with no functionality of redundancy [04:06] hm, my ubuntu system is lately some kind of slow, any suggestions, where I can start to look for possible bugs? [04:06] !raid | wrektjet [04:06] wrektjet: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto [04:06] woo yes it does but ive never done RAID plus merging the partitons (regardless of the physical seperation) seems risky [04:07] wrektjet: its really easy with the right motherboard [04:08] im reading now. [04:12] wrektjet: you can always take a snapshot of the current state of your harddisk using the dd command and strorage that can hold the total disk size. so you can have a full backup of that disk. [04:12] dFiM, How full are the partitions and or HD? [04:14] wilee-nilee, only about 30% used [04:15] dFiM, Problem here is the majority of people we see here have this feeling and no real proof, so details are important. You can search the web with the slow whatever it is with bug ans see launch[pad bugs, and your hardware info is pertitnant the release and the desktoip, and any extra installs. [04:16] sorry for any misspells [04:17] yes i know, that the statement "my ubuntu is getting slower" isnt really helpful, sorry. i thought, there are some things, that one can proof first, because they are common problems === Benson is now known as irong33k === heathjs is now known as heath [04:25] !ubuntu [04:25] Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com [04:25] what is everyone doing? [04:26] not chatting that is #ubuntu-offtopic [04:26] santa - Homework [04:26] splitwire - what kind? [04:26] santa: please go to #ubuntu-offtopic for chat.. thanks [04:26] santa - certification for microsoft office [04:27] sorry holstein [04:27] splitwire - very nice [04:30] so you get certified to prove you can err.. write letters and stuff in a word processor? :P [04:30] woo im reading up on it and i think i will just create a virtualmachine on a diff drive and solve my issue that way bec ive had problems with partitions and fstab in the past [04:33] Hello [04:33] Hi, if i compile kernel from ubuntu kernel git as per https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/BuildYourOwnKernel, will this add a new entry in grub ? And can i load old kernels from grub menu ? [04:33] Q: how can i mount an ISO that is bootable? trying with furios ISO mont tool and no luck [04:33] Is there an editor that can edit a file without loading all of it into memory? (e.g. only load the segment you are at or load as you scroll)? I have a 22GB SQL file that I need to edit [04:35] dixoncx: the grub config tools scan and add all kernels i belive - so yes it should do it autimatically === richard is now known as Guest4473 [04:37] wrektjet: mount it same as you would any iso. the fact its bootable dosent metter [04:37] !iso [04:37] To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. [04:38] Dr_Willis, what if i compile from official kernel.org ? Also can you suggest me some resources to learn compiling kernel ? [04:38] dixoncx: i havent had to mess with the kernel in years. [04:38] if it puts the kernel files int eh right place. update-grub should see and add them [04:39] Anyone? [04:39] i had to compile a few kernals in slack 12 ...glad i know how but glad in ubuntu-like distros ... glad i dont have to [04:39] :) [04:39] yes braden [04:39] Braden`: i would be suprised if emacs, or vi couldent do it. [04:39] vim crashes out [04:39] they can do most everything else. ;) but i have to wonder what sort of edits you are doing to a 22gb file [04:39] It gets killed by the kernel for excessive memory usage [04:40] trimming the first half of the file (to a specific line) [04:40] theres always sed and awk [04:40] my best friend got killed by the kernal [04:40] santa: Yea, its pretty rough. [04:40] Dr_Willis, not messing with.. But whats better way to learn more about linux ? [04:40] if its on a 'per line' basis. head/tail can do that. [04:40] dixoncx: reading docs and books and guides. [04:40] braden you have no idea [04:41] head can read the first XXX lines and put them in a file. [04:43] on mint 15 (yes yes i know off-topic) i had to upgrade from "***.17" kernal to "***.27" kernal to fix my issues on booting [04:44] !mint | xmetal [04:44] xmetal: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org [04:44] i have found a few times that upgrading (however you do it) the kernal helps sometimes [04:44] theres unofficial kernel ppa's i belive for ubuntu. === unicoder is now known as Guest79066 [04:44] not asking for help .. jkust making a general comment [04:44] OH.. i see.. yeah.. kernel versions can make or break support [04:44] ive not had to mess with them in ages. [04:45] i did see that "offical kernal" .. hmm never saw that in a repository before for ubunu/mint distros [04:45] not sure what thats for [04:45] i am sure a simple search on the web would answer that though [04:45] :) [04:45] ubuntu has been slowly cutting out on the # of specilized kernels in the repos over the last few releases [04:46] Thank you [04:46] no need to havce alot of them, i guess [04:46] but good to have a few prior versions, if you ask me [04:47] i mean like the 'server'kernel or the 'rt' kernel and so forth. [04:47] not sure whatr ones are even in the repos any more [04:47] best part of compiling a kernal by hand, is since your adding another grub entry, if it "goes wrong" ... just boot your orginal kernal you were on and no harm done [04:49] i usually see ".....-generic... " type entries ... in some distros i see an entry "i think usually at the very top of the kernal section in say Synaptic that says "Generic Kernal" or something [04:49] i forgot exactly [04:49] worst part about compilng a kernel.. doing it - spending time.. testing.. then it not booting because you frogot to include ext2/3/4 support.. ;P [04:49] Ok,ok... not messing with custom kernels in ubuntu... will do secondary debian install for that.. [04:49] =)) [04:49] true [04:49] hey guys just installed ubuntu 13.04 into my PC, 1GB ram, 3.4Ghz pentium 4. I love the layout, but it is very slow compared to the XP I had before, freezes all the time. any suggestions? [04:49] dixoncx: debian will have the same needs [04:49] i wouldn't do that in this distro, but i would in ones like slackware [04:49] (IF i had to) [04:50] Jack1: and your video card is what? [04:50] ubuntu/mint makefs it seasy [04:50] oops @ fingers [04:50] makes it* [04:50] I actually have no idea just had an old pc running around, does that matter? [04:50] Jack1: if you want the proper video drivers.. yes. [04:50] Jack1: how old? are you trying to run main ubuntu on it? [04:50] thats very likely why its slow. [04:50] what desktop? [04:51] youtube videos are good even HD, just freezes a lot like when I open few tabs in firefox [04:51] browser+flash and a few tabs. can really suck down the ram. [04:51] dell optiplex gx620 [04:51] (gnome, kde, xfce, (one i just discovered myself) lxde ? ) [04:51] ram matters [04:52] just didnt expect it to be slower than windows xp [04:52] 1 GB hmm not sure what the info is on ubuntu but that seems at least "good enough" for me [04:52] even without flash video playing still freezes, i followed some advice online changed swap size from 60 to 10 [04:52] though maybe more ram would help [04:52] -maybe [04:52] Jack1: windows gave you drivers for the hardware, and the hardware is intended to run XP... [04:53] holstein, please explain.. [04:53] Jack1: you can likely get "good" performance, if you would like to explore one of the suggetions.. looking at the graphics driver and/or trying a different desktop [04:54] dixoncx: explain what? [04:54] too bad i really like Ubuntu [04:54] "debian will have the same needs" [04:54] might need to go back to xp if this is the performance [04:54] * xmetal sighs [04:54] dixoncx: if you are going to debian to have an "easier" time using a custom kernel.. it will be quite similar [04:54] you havent even tried to learn what your video chipset is have you? [04:54] Jack1: XP is nearly EOL [04:55] MS has been trying to kill XP for some time now. :) its like a zombie that wont die. [04:55] Jack1: you can try lubuntu or xubuntu live... or let us know what hardware you have.. or ask your manufacturer for linux support [04:55] cause MS keeps messing stuff up on the new OS's [04:55] it will take just a few min to get lubuntu installed on top of your ubuntu install. [04:55] so they keep XP around cause some do not want to upgrade or have the hardware to upgrade [04:56] lspci wont tell hardware info..? [04:56] my "old" desktop probably would hang running some of the newer OS's from MS ... xp runs fune, dualbooting [04:56] :) [04:56] 1 video tap 1 regular tab, just froze for 3 min [04:56] tab [04:57] mouse is jittering and not really moving on the screen [04:57] i'd try lxde or xfce desktops on that PC [04:57] Jack1: i understand you are having an issue.. have you tried a different desktop environment? or graphics driver? [04:57] Jack1: finding a solution will require your action [04:57] may not support (jack's pc) some of the say "more advanced kde4 stuff" [04:57] yes but i ws under the impression that ubuntu should support my current hardware [04:57] graphics drivers couild be it too [04:58] anyone ever used debian befefore [04:58] Jack1: why? did the vendor say it would? [04:58] nvidia and ati cards both have propitary drivers that may or may not be needed [04:58] mobile: lots of people use debian [04:58] mobile: in one form or another === BadLarry_ is now known as BadLarry [04:58] Jack1: if they didnt, and we *know* they didnt,the volunteers here are trying to help you support that hardware [04:58] mobile, Not really a ubuntu support issue. [04:58] no i mean has anyone in here. im thinking of switching to it but, is there any advantage [04:59] i know. general question [04:59] !ot | mobile [04:59] mobile: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [04:59] mobile: its a more 'roll your own' - so try it and see if you like it. dosent matter to us. [04:59] how can I check what video card I have and memory of it in ubuntu, sorry im very new to ubuntu dont know device manager and stuff [04:59] ok thanks === BadLarry is now known as BadLarry_ [05:00] how can i reset my mysql password? [05:00] Jack1: the lspci command. [05:00] !mysql [05:00] LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process. [05:04] <|Anthony|> after a shutdown my nic is now running at 100mbit/s instead of 1000. Any suggestions? [05:04] Intel 82945G/GZ integrated graphics controller [05:05] |Anthony|: check out what ethtool says about it? did the dog chew the cable? did the grandkids chew the cable? (happened to me once) [05:05] <|Anthony|> lol@grandkids [05:05] <|Anthony|> it is a different cable tbh [05:05] <|Anthony|> we moved [05:05] funny because its true.. toddler chewed through one i had. [05:06] <|Anthony|> lucky it doesn't carry much current ;) [05:06] extension cord had teeth marks on it also. I would check differnt cables first. to eliminate that possiblity [05:06] try differnt ports onthe router also if you can. [05:07] and perhaps test with a live cd. see if that also gives the lower speeds. [05:07] <|Anthony|> checked ethtool yesterday. shows it's running @100 although it's showing 1000 capability [05:07] that maybe a good first test. if the live cd is the higher speed, then you know its a os issue i guess [05:07] <|Anthony|> tbh, the only thing that has changed is the cable [05:08] <|Anthony|> since i'm further from the router/firewall (pfsense box) [05:08] <|Anthony|> all else is the same. just shutdown to make the move, reconnected everything when we got here [05:08] <|Anthony|> :/ [05:09] <|Anthony|> really only frustrating when the server does its backups [05:09] wow ... wasn't paying attention [05:10] lol @ grandkids chewing the cable [05:10] <|Anthony|> i wouldn [05:10] <|Anthony|> t put it past the 2 yo here tbh [05:10] he likes to hit the power button and run away also.. on the pc. [05:10] <|Anthony|> that's always fun [05:10] wilee-nilee, are you still there? [05:13] KimPrince, yes [05:14] wilee-nilee, you gave me some advice earlier but I have been away from my PC for several hours... would you mind repeating, please? It was to do with my phpmyadmin giving 404 errors after partial upgrade ubuntu 12.04? [05:15] KimPrince, I just suggested a sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade which may oick up any packages missed by partial upgrade [05:15] pick* [05:16] KimPrince, A partial is missing dependencies usually and they may show up. [05:17] wilee-nilee, thank. Just tried it but alas not fixed... [05:17] thanks [05:20] I don't know how to use my cloud!!!! [05:20] @Idleone are you here? [05:21] how do I use my cloud?????????? [05:21] eep_, ubuntuone? [05:22] yes. [05:23] eep_, setup with a password the gui is helpful, there is a #ubuntuone channel as well. [05:25] Thank you. New to the cloud idea. Was against it for a while. Decided to actually give it a shot. Thanks again. [05:25] eep_, No problem, I use one for grad papers and info. [05:34] hola === dixoncx is now known as Guest81140 === Rusty is now known as Guest47213 [05:37] Hello, Can someone help me install Skype onto this Xubuntu 13.0.4 (I believe thats the version...Was the latest one two days ago upon installation.) [05:38] I went to Skype's site, But the distributor didn't list xubuntu and the ubuntu seemed out of date, So i assume I need to to do the dynamic tar one, no? [05:39] Shadow}}: The one on the site is the latest version for Ubuntu. [05:39] i just installed the linux intel video drivers from intels site, ill let u know if anything changes. thanks [05:39] And that will work for this version? [05:39] Shadow}}, xubuntu and ubuntu have the same base I would try the 12.04 [05:39] Shadow}}: is the latest version I think. [05:40] Thank ya kindly. [05:41] wilee-nilee, got it! /phpmyadmin is an alias for /usr/share/phpmyadmin Instead of defining this in phpmyadmin.conf, I need to define it in the apache2 alias.conf [05:42] No clue what a dep file is... Will it have a preset default to open with? [05:42] Nvm. [05:43] I should of remembered seeing .dep during my updating last night. xD [05:44] Another question~ Will my m1crosoft live cam function through skype on here? [05:46] hi guys, a recent kernel update left me with a black screen upon booting, i tried to fix this through many appraoches but what worked was selecting a different kernel in GRUB. Now resolution is good and all but I don't get to see unity, only the desktop icons, i'm not sure how to reset unity, any clues? [05:47] ..W!n lied its butt off saying it required alot of m1c files on my other drive...That turned out to be false on Skype... Along with alot of things they claimed wouldn't function when I disabled the components. Reason I'm using Ubuntu now, Only thing that annoys me is I was told to start using it over 7 years ago and ignored my mentor. o-o'' [05:48] Shadow}}: I'm not sure. We would have to get more info on the webcam. Is it plugged in right now? Have you tried to use it? [05:48] *6...Hm, No I believe it actually was 7. xD [05:48] Naw, I don't trust the built in mic... Its out in the shed. O.x [05:49] Shadow}}: I"m talking about the webcam [05:49] So am i.... >->; [05:50] Oh [05:50] Yeah...I'm /that/ paranoid. [05:52] I have to take an anxiety med just to get on IRC, Due to my lack of knowledge of setting up a VPN. =.= [05:58] Well crud, I won't know if this Skype functions properly till my only active contact signs-in. [06:00] Shadow}}: You can use the test call [06:02] Right! Forgot, I gave up remembering it existed cause of my liveusb. [06:04] Hey, does anybody know anything about a driver called nouveau? It's glitching up my screen quite a bit and I don't know where to start with trying to fix it [06:05] uncle_zipper: thats the open sourced nvidia driver i belive. What is your video card/chipset? [06:06] Dr_Willis: lspci | grep VGA 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV28 [GeForce4 Ti 4200 Go AGP 8x] (rev a1) [06:06] Twenty-three: make a new user. and see if the desktop works properly for them. If so then that would point ot a user setting issue [06:06] uncle_zipper: tried the nvidia drivers from the 'addational-drivers' tool? [06:06] No, I haven't. I'll see if I can get that to work, thanks [06:07] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia [06:09] hello [06:10] Dr_Willis: hi, i have tried to move ~/.config to ~/.config_old and i managed to retrieve the launcher and all except the resolution was incorrect, when i tried to resintall the Nvidia drivers it went back to the same problem [06:10] Twenty-three: but an older kernel works properly with the nvidia drivers? [06:11] Dr_Willis: yes, it did, the resolution was correct but the launcher was still missing [06:12] hmm.. somthing seems odd. so its launcher worked.. res was wrong.... in one case.. then 'launcher dident work, but res was correct' on the newer kenel? [06:13] Dr_Willis: yes, i have purged the nvidia drivers since then in an attempt to restore things based on some instruction for a similar problem i found through google [06:15] You did run nvidia-settings after installing the drivers and set the proper options for your system? [06:22] Dr_Willis: nope, i hadn't done that when i originally installed the drivers so I didn't deem it necessary. btw, i tried ssomething else that was suggested elsewhere opening the compiz settings window and enabling unity (which was diabled) upon trying to enable this it complained about OpenGL, not sure about the significance of this, but it failed to enable unity [06:23] Unity would be disabled i imagine if the 3d drivers are not working right [06:24] what ubuntu release was this? === picca_ is now known as picca [06:28] Dr_Willis: This is an old chip... GeForce4 drivers were apparently last updated in 2004. nVidia doesn't support them any more, but I managed to find a download for what is supposedly an nVidia driver for it. It's a .run file, something I've never heard of. I can't figure out how to execute it. [06:29] Even as root it tells me that permission has been denied [06:29] uncle_zipper: clakes it may be so old of a driver it may not work on the newer kernels [06:29] Dang [06:29] if the current nvidia drivers supported that card. then it SHOULD be listed in the addational-drivers tool [06:29] in 13.04 its under 'software sources' program, on the last tab [06:30] see if it recommends the nvidia drivers [06:30] its possible the nvidia drivers domnt suppiort it any more. in which case you will need to use the open sourcd drivers [06:30] ); Running Salix. Ubuntu has quite a few more active people in their IRC [06:30] no idea how salix does anything. [06:31] uncle_zipper: please don't come to #ubuntu for help with not ubuntu [06:31] if you insist on trying those .run drivers. they CAN /Might break things.. you would 'chmod +x foo.run' THEN run the,m sudo ./whatever.run [06:31] I cant even recall hearing about salix. ;) [06:31] Ben64: Am I going to upset the Distro Gods? My bad :P [06:31] its based on slackware [06:31] not even close to supported here [06:32] slackware is radically differnt. :) you may as well be asking in #slackwarew [06:32] Eh... I don't know about that. Have you ever gone in there? [06:32] that card works fine on ubuntu though, so maybe you should switch? :D [06:33] Ben64: Perhaps. I was thinking about moving over to Xubuntu for this old laptop... I mainly wanted something quick, since this thing has a Pentium-M @ 1.4GHz. It's not the greatest machine [06:41] uncle_zipper: you're not so much going to upset people, as _any_ advice given for a ubuntu system has the potential to hose a salix system, no matter how well intentioned. [06:42] hi nandalpn [06:43] uncle_zipper: i'd hate to be the guy who helped you hose your own system, and you'd hate me for doing it. how does salix differ from ubuntu? only salix could know. [06:43] nandalpn: reply :P [06:43] Hey ya'll, how can I troubleshoot these random and spontaneous log-outs I've been getting? [06:44] I've got my syslog open right here if you can tell me what to look for. [06:44] This system is new and unimportant, fortunately [06:44] Well... The computer certainly isn't new. The OS is, I meant [06:45] Dr_Willis: sorry, i was away from the keyboard, this is 13.04 [06:48] Anyone? I'm willing to listen. [06:49] just wanted to say thanks to ubuntu folks for helping me install gentoo...new stuff is crazy :) [06:50] hi; may you glance this page: http://colmanlayout.webs.com/ [06:50] Have you any idea for improving it? I would appreciate any idea :) [06:50] Would you like to use this keyboard layout instead of ancient QWERTY layout? [06:51] If yes, I'll continue for documentations [06:52] Anyone know if NTP protocol that is not properly configured affect the time storage formats? [06:52] the layout is based of a large amount of analyses! [06:52] o/ 07 [06:53] or let me rephrase: Does server clock synchronization affect the way time storage format? [06:54] I apologize if this question is distantly related to this channel focus. [06:55] I'm a rookie trying to understand how server sync times relate to database storage [07:00] ntpd does not affect how time is stored; it affects how accurately the system clock keeps time. see http://www.redhat.com/archives/nahant-list/2005-December/msg00009.html [07:03] thanks peterrooney [07:05] Guest___: you're welcome. It helped me greatly once. [07:08] hi I am trying to install Ubuntu over an existing EFI boot, is that possible [07:08] It is not a grub , but gummiboot [07:08] ganeshran, EFI as in W8? [07:08] or an apple computer? [07:09] wilee-nilee: no . I don't have Windows 8. It is UEFI booting [07:09] !uefi | ganeshran [07:09] ganeshran: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI [07:09] wilee-nilee: I installed arch linux moved to GPT and an ESP partition [07:10] ganeshran, I'm not up on uefi so can only give you links. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2147295 [07:10] wilee-nilee: ok thanks [07:10] is there a reason you're not using grub2? === newbie is now known as Guest2068 [07:11] aeon-ltd: I got gummiboot installed after a lot of work. :( Don't want to break it again. [07:11] aeon-ltd: If i install ubuntu now, will it automatically use grub2? [07:12] could anyone help me, I want to run a file.sh (made my self) it is about 5 commands that run with && after each one, but when I put them on their own lines in the file, and not in one line I get a error, syntax error near unexpected token `&&' any idea [07:12] will post code if needed [07:13] why are you using &&? [07:13] command &7 command && command [07:13] I only want the commands to run if the one before ran ok [07:13] you need to use some actual logic or stick to them on one lune [07:13] is there way to instal intel graphic instaler on ubuntu 12.04 [07:13] line. I belive === EroSannin is now known as HisaoNakai [07:14] actual logic, aka, a function? [07:14] if/fi and so forth [07:14] ya ok, and the &7 what does that do that && does not? [07:14] dorohoro: the intel drivers are already installed [07:15] typs [07:15] typo :) [07:15] kk ty [07:16] leckoren: either chain all your commands into one line, devided by && or if you insist on using one command per line, escape the newlines with \ [07:16] !abs [07:16] Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide, obtainable with ${package-manager} install abs-guide, is a quick and comprehensive guide to bash (command line) scripting in *nix systems. It is also viewable via web at http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/ [07:16] using && and \ wouldbe a bit weird to read [07:16] Dr_Willis: better than 500char lines :) [07:16] less /etc/modules [07:17] but stuff like... [07:17] command && \ [07:17] command2 &&\ [07:17] just seems.. odd. [07:17] When I try to install ubuntu it says no root filesystem defined [07:17] I have edit this file over 100-150 time in the past 1-2 hours, I would just like in on more then one link of easy of editing, [07:17] using putty ssh [07:18] up runs commands to update my server and cp the files to all them then restart/update the services on them all [07:18] * Dr_Willis rereads that a few more times... [07:18] ganeshran: you ned to pick your root partition to install it to [07:18] auronandace: I already chose /dev/sda1 [07:19] ty @llutz [07:19] ganeshran: have you picked it as / [07:20] auronandace: I will take an image and upload it [07:24] auronandace: http://i.imgur.com/xlPKnar.jpg [07:25] auronandace: this is the boot menu [07:25] leckoren: &7 is a typo [07:25] ganeshran_: select change and use it for / mountpoint [07:25] peterrooney: ya got that [07:25] ganeshran_: at the very least you need / [07:26] auronandace: thanks I have mounted /dev/sda1 as / [07:26] using Command &&\ [newline] Command &&\ [newline] Command &&\ [newline] Command works just fine thanks @llutz [07:26] auronandace: Install is starting now. I just hope it doesnt mess up my existing EFI boot [07:27] leckoren: works but looks a bit odd, as Dr_Willis already stated [07:27] auronandace: Does Ubuntu autodetect UEFI partitions or does it overwrite everything? [07:27] !uefi | ganeshran_ [07:27] ganeshran_: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI [07:28] looks odd and work, sounds link most of my servers, lol, and coding [07:28] ganeshran_: not sure why you wanted to give ubuntu over 200gb, seems a bit much to me [07:28] like* [07:28] auronandace: can I resize that later [07:28] auronandace: I just wanted to store my files over it as well [07:29] ganeshran_: i prefer using a storage partition, that way i just mount the storage partition in whatever os i'm in (keeps your files safer too when you need to wipe the os) [07:29] ganeshran_: you can :) [07:29] It is installing now. Hope the bootloader isnt messed up *fingers_crossed* [07:29] it depends [07:29] good [07:29] :D [07:36] /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER pet2001 hldevweqtqir [07:36] pet2001: might wanna chhange that [07:36] !identify | pet2001 [07:36] pet2001: You can identify automatically by using your NickServ password as the server password in your IRC client. When identifying manually, do NOT send the command from a channel's tab, as a typo will give away your password. If that happens, identify and then type « /msg NickServ set password » in the server tab as soon as possible. [07:36] pet2001: better luck next time [07:41] my uefi boot doesnt work :( [07:41] It boots to Linux Boot Manager but the keyboard and mouse don't work after booting has completed [07:44] I am able to see the login screen but the keyboard and mouse are frozen. Has anyone faced this issue on a UEFI boot? [07:46] I have a folder /mnt/ that has my two raid drives mounted in there and I the /mnt/ folder's permissions is set to "root" as the owner. I would like it to be set as an user instead. [07:48] /mnt should have root as owner. [07:48] use fstab or mount options to mount your drives with a different owner / mask [07:49] Casey: what filesystem are you using? for unix-fs (ext-fs, xfs etc) you use chown to change ownership, not mount-options [07:49] !permissions | Casey [07:49] Casey: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions [07:55] how to mount usb in ubuntu? [07:55] hmm [07:56] hey, how can I change my crontab path? e.g, I want cron to read the file ~/myCustomDir/crontab [07:59] Guys I accidentally delete a file that would back up what do I do now? [07:59] heyo! how would you compress an ogg file using avconv? [07:59] i confused tar params [07:59] and now my truecrypt file is gone :( [07:59] Please guys help me! [08:00] corehook: calm down, or the FloodBot's will get you. [08:02] k so logical check for me to udnerstand AIDE - If you create a AIDE db using a default conf. then someone adds ignores to it later on. I want to know if it still checks for the files when a aide -c /etc/aide/aide.conf --check is performed. The ignore rules only work i creating the AIDE DB right. Not in the fact that your using the DB to check your system? [08:02] I have been working on my update scripts, and I can running into a error and google is of not much help. I am running the command ssh -i user@server "command --update; echo "service Updated remotely"|wall; exit" and I get the error "wall: cannot get tty name: Invalid argument" but everything on the remote server worked just fine and even posted the message to the wall, just on the server running the script do I get the error, any ide === sporkeee is now known as wilee-nilee === Guest87971 is now known as ponbiki [08:11] leckoren: that is not really an error, check walls $? (should be 0) [08:14] it is 0 [08:15] so i should just ignore? i was just think there might be a easy fix to not display that wall "error/whatever" when it works fine. meh, it works [08:16] leckoren: so either ignore that message, redirect output to dev/null or file a bugreport (bsdutils) [08:16] 好 [08:17] !cn | yanong [08:17] yanong: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw [08:20] It is possible to install Unity Preview in the Ubuntu 12.04??? [08:22] ewerton, unity web-apps preview? [08:23] if I install the pre-release of the next ubuntu, how can I upgrade it when it becomes stable? is it as simple as apt-get upgrade? [08:23] ewerton, from a ppa if this is what you mean. http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/07/how-to-install-ubuntus-new-web-apps-feature [08:23] zacts: yes [08:23] !13.10| zacts basically yes [08:23] zacts basically yes: Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) will be the 19th release of Ubuntu. Announcement: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1252 - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 [08:24] How do I check ram usage [08:24] vmstat -MS [08:24] leckoren: try with passing -t to ssh [08:24] vmstat -SM [08:24] !final | zacts [08:24] zacts: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Saucy and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 13.10 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal. [08:25] ok [08:25] auronandace: an even better factoid :) [08:25] tsimpson: ssh -t -i "commands to run" like so [08:25] leckoren: yes, but I don't know why you're passing -i at all [08:26] for the rsa key file [08:26] I don't use passwords, I use rsa keys [08:26] bigwily, 3 ways. http://askubuntu.com/questions/138668/is-there-a-program-that-tells-ram-usage [08:26] leckoren: ok, but you didn't show that just -i user@server [08:27] ya, when you pass just -i it looks in the ~/.ssh/ folder for a file named id_rsa by defalt [08:27] leckoren: it does even without -i === Ubuntu is now known as Guest14896 [08:29] O I see now, sorry, I am so used to my own code did not think about it, I am using the -i because I am telling ssh to use a key file other then the id_rsa file [08:29] hello === xavier is now known as Guest28753 [08:31] tsimpson: the -t got rid of the error and posted the wall command, thanks much better [08:32] no problem [08:32] leckoren: if you use that often, its imho easier to specify "IdentityFile xxx" in ~.ssh/config for the hosts [08:33] ~/.ssh/* [08:35] llutz: reasoning for me, because I have 2 RSA keys, one that has a password on it and one with out. the one with out encryption I keep vary safe (as can be). I want ssh to use only the encrypted one, and only even think about the unencrypted one if I tell it to [08:38] I just installed ubuntu using a minimal cd [08:39] .how to install libre office 4 on ubuntu 11.4 [08:39] pleace help [08:40] !11.04 | nikmah [08:40] nikmah: Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) was the fourteenth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on October 28, 2012. See !upgrade, !lts and !eol for more details. [08:41] Hi [08:41] ubottu : how to step by step instalation libre office 4 [08:41] nikmah: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [08:42] nikmah, 11.04 is end of life and not supported, do you have a reason for using it? [08:43] I just installed ubuntu from minimal cd it gives a terminal...but after 1 or 2 minutes of runing it either hangs or reboots and sometimes says BUG kernel error dereferencing null.....what can i do? Can i try some other kernel? [08:43] i have dkim and spf set even then my mails are being thrown in spam folder. here is the original mail with headers http://pastebin.com/yexnWm0D [08:44] When using Java-based apps (any of them, really) my system overheats and powers off in about half an hour. Using openjdk 7. What gives? [08:44] wilee-nilee : hemmmmm.,. libre office does not support in ubuntu 4 11:04 [08:44] The system is Dell XPS 15Z, the Ubuntu release is 13.04. [08:44] nikmah, Ubuntu is not supported. [08:45] !eol | nikmah [08:45] nikmah: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades [08:45] hi [08:45] nikmah, Take a look at the link, however is there a reson to keep using 11.04 [08:46] nikmah: Basically what you're doing is similar to asking support for Mac OS 9 or Windows 2000, it's too old and unsupported, and you seriously need an upgrade. [08:46] Can anyone help me ? I have a problem : I'd like to install gnome15 drivers on my Ubuntu 13.04 but when I'm typing this command : sudo sh -c "echo deb http://packages.russo79.com/debian/gnome15 raring main > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gnome15.list" nothing happens, anyone knows what's up ? [08:46] wilee-nilee : do I have to upgrade ubuntu [08:47] nikmah: yes. to 12.04 or 13.04. 12.04 is good until 2017, 13.04 is good until january 2014 [08:47] nikmah, You would have to go through 11.10 using the upgrade info in the link to get to 12.04 which is supported, it might be easier to do fresh install. [08:47] Shindaz_: Nothing is supposed to happen. No output = everything's fine. [08:48] Shindaz_: Just go and do "sudo apt-get update" to see your new packages. [08:48] oh [08:48] thanks [08:48] newbie here :d [08:49] Shindaz_: By the way, that's not exactly the best way to add repos. Instead, you can use this: sudo add-apt-repository 'deb http://packages.russo79.com/debian/gnome15' [08:49] Shindaz_: Err. [08:49] Shindaz_, What PPA is that from? [08:49] sudo add-apt-repository 'deb http://packages.russo79.com/debian/gnome15 raring main' [08:49] Shindaz_: However, "debian" is suspicious... Especially together with "raring". [08:49] I am following this : http://www.russo79.com/gnome15/download/ubuntu [08:53] Shindaz_, Why? [08:53] why what ? [08:54] Shindaz_, Why are you using this repository? [08:54] to get my keyboard working [08:54] Shindaz_, And you are sure this is the answer? [08:56] I am using this repository to get the drivers for my keyboard [08:57] Hello. I have installed skype on my Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. I use an USB webcam which is configured on /dev/video0. With xawtv for example I can see the webcam image just fine. In skype there’s a problem on one of two PCs running the very same Ubuntu: I can see the remote image but as soon as I switch on my own camera the image I see on my screen gets disturbed and flickering, blue screens appear. [08:57] The only difference between the two machines is the hardware. [08:57] Any idea how to debug this? [08:57] Shindaz_, All the info to install it there, this is outside ubuntu support is all, That does not mean you will never get help though. [08:58] how to install openoffice on ubuntu 11.04 [08:58] nikmah: aptitude install libreoffice [08:58] nikmah, 11.04 is not supported here. [08:59] vlt: ...and for that matter, neither is Aptitude. It's broken. [08:59] not libreoffice but openoffice [08:59] On the machine where it works lspci finds a "01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI RS690M [Radeon X1200 Series]", on the machine with the problems it’s "VGA compatible controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 661/741/760 PCI/AGP or 662/761Gx PCIE VGA Display Adapter". [09:00] nikmah: As stated, 11.04 is NOT supported. Please upgrade. [09:00] theadmin: Aah, you’re right. 11.04 is EOL [09:00] theadmin: aptitude is brolken? How? [09:00] *broken (like my keyboard) [09:00] theadmin: aptitude _had_ broken multiarch support [09:01] llutz: Oh, they fixed it? [09:01] afaik yes [09:01] llutz: Oh, neat. Is the change reflected in any of the supported Ubuntu releases? [09:01] theadmin: idk [09:01] Where can i get the rep to get python working ? [09:02] !details | Shindaz_ [09:02] Shindaz_: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." [09:02] vlt: Anyways, Aptitude has (or had) problems with installing 32-bit apps on 64-bit systems, what is normally referred to as "multiarch". [09:02] Shindaz_: Uh. Python is preinstalled in Ubuntu. If you want Python3, just sudo apt-get install python3 [09:02] theadmin: Are there examples for 32bit apps that one would like to install? [09:02] vlt: Sure. Steam, Skype... [09:03] ok, because when i try sudo apt-get install gnome15 it says that it depends on the python but it isnt installable [09:03] !xy | Shindaz_ [09:03] Shindaz_: The XY problem is when you need to do X, and you think you can use Y to do X, so you ask about how to do Y, when what you really should do is state what your X problem is. There may be a Z solution that is even better than Y, but nobody can suggest it if X is never mentioned. [09:03] oww.,.yes.,. thanks for the help [09:04] vlt, i can repeat but i said all of this before :) [09:04] Can anyone help me ? I have a problem : I'd like to install gnome15 drivers on my Ubuntu 13.04 but when I'm typing this command : sudo sh -c "echo deb http://packages.russo79.com/debian/gnome15 raring main > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gnome15.list" nothing happens, anyone knows what's up ? [09:04] Shindaz_: gnome 15 drivers ? [09:04] yep [09:04] what do you mean "drivers" ? [09:04] ikonia: Gnome15 is something related to Logitech keyboards [09:04] Shindaz_: Are you sure you know what you’re doing? [09:05] ahhhh [09:05] no [09:05] ikonia: Doesn't have much to do with Gnome, lol [09:05] thank you theadmin [09:05] im a ubuntu newbie [09:05] trying to get my keyboard displaying shit on the screen [09:05] Shindaz_: The command you provided just adds a line to a config file [09:05] Shindaz_: Nothing’ſ expeted to happen [09:05] I am following this : http://www.russo79.com/gnome15/download/ubuntu [09:06] * vlt won’t read it [09:06] I am blocked at this Install Gnome 15 step [09:06] Shindaz_: Is you install packages from external sources you might experience some dependency problems (among others) [09:07] Shindaz_: hang on [09:07] Shindaz_: did you say you where using 13.04 ? [09:07] i am [09:07] ok, that's fine, just checking, [09:07] Shindaz_: which part is not working ? [09:07] is there any link for mounting usb drive [09:08] Dhananjay_Kumar: it should automount if you plug it in [09:08] Shindaz_: Can you pastebin the errors you get when you run "sudo apt-get install gnome15-suite-unity" to http://paste.ubuntu.com ? [09:08] my usb drive is getting mounted as readonly [09:08] ok [09:08] Dhananjay_Kumar: what file system is in on it [09:08] ikonia: FAT32 [09:09] Dhananjay_Kumar: fat32 doesn't support file system permissions, so you'll need to use a root shell to use it [09:09] http://paste.ubuntu.com/5946832/ it's in french though [09:09] k so logical check for me to udnerstand AIDE - If you create a AIDE db using a default conf. then someone adds ignores to it later on. I want to know if it still checks for the files when a aide -c /etc/aide/aide.conf --check is performed. The ignore rules only work i creating the AIDE DB right. Not in the fact that your using the DB to check your system? [09:09] missing dependencies.... [09:09] ikonia: ...wat? I have vFAT USB sticks which work just fine with Ubuntu when automounted... [09:09] what a surprise, an external repo is not maintained properly and causes dependency problems [09:09] ikonia: ? by default it should mount fat32 drives user writable [09:09] theadmin: I suspect it's not automounted "automatically" [09:10] Ben64: it "should" be, but there have been a few in the last day or two mounted as root [09:10] Shindaz_: Hm. Did you add their APT key? [09:10] i did [09:10] Ben64: I'll put $10 if we run "ls -la" against it, it will be root:root . [09:10] Hm. Oh well. Shindaz_, I'd contact those people for support. Third-party repos aren't technically supported here. [09:11] okay [09:11] thanks for the help though [09:13] hey auto eth0 is recognized but not establishing connection to internet, i tried restarting comp and router... === CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob [09:19] hey im having internet troubles [09:19] auto eht0 recognized but not establishing connections [09:20] ken-the-whiz: are you confident using the terminal [09:20] yes very [09:20] ikonia, [09:20] ken-the-whiz: ok, "sudo ifconfig eth0" and use a pastebin please. [09:22] Maybe your interface is down you can take it up by trying "sudo ifconfig eth0 up" [09:22] anything specific you need to know from ifconfig data ikonia [09:22] ken-the-whiz: no, just pastebin the output as I asked please. [09:23] im on my iphone no connection on comp [09:23] umm how do i paste with no internet [09:24] u want me to do it via iphone lol [09:24] ken-the-whiz: save it to a text file and move it to a machine that does have internet [09:24] no up didnt work bl4ckdu5t [09:24] don't randomly up interfaces [09:24] no other comp [09:24] you have an iphone [09:24] ken-the-whiz: can you cut and paste on the ifphone ? [09:25] Can ubuntu sync well with iPhone ? [09:25] hi [09:25] jdale: no [09:25] Not Android either ? [09:25] yeah i found it on fourth of july [09:25] getting error message in ubuntu [09:26] no sorry [09:26] pawan: telling us what error message and when and how it comes up would help [09:26] system running in low graphics mode [09:26] cant start ubuntu [09:27] ken-the-whiz: going to be very hard to progress this without the ability to share information [09:27] ken-the-whiz: does eth0 have an ip address ? [09:27] no [09:27] ken-the-whiz: right, that's the problem then [09:27] ken-the-whiz: you can't get on the network without an ip address [09:27] How are you running your Ubuntu? Live? on disk? or Virtual? [09:27] ken-the-whiz: I suspect you are getting IP from from a dhcp server ? [09:28] yup [09:28] Jau, people actually use the ubuntu torrents [09:28] ken-the-whiz: ok, so please run "sudo dhclient eth0" [09:28] ken-the-whiz: lets see if that works, or gives a good error [09:30] didnt work [09:30] ken-the-whiz: what did it say [09:30] saying no working lease [09:30] ken-the-whiz: ok, so one of two things is the problem [09:30] should i restart router for a while? [09:30] ken-the-whiz: 1.) your ubuntu machine isn't connected to the network with the dhcp server on it [09:30] ken-the-whiz: 2.) your router is not offering an IP address [09:31] yeah thats very transparent ikonia [09:32] im praying to the internet gods [09:32] Wait a min! You should answer the question I asked coz if it's from a virtual machine, I think I may know what's causing it [09:32] better than your help ikonia [09:32] lol joking [09:32] ken-the-whiz: "sudo ethtool eth0|grep Link" [09:34] no such thing as ethtool [09:34] im on 10.04 [09:34] back to praying [09:35] ken-the-whiz: does your router have lights per port, eg: a set of lights per port you plug cables into ? [09:35] yeah [09:35] well it works for my iphone [09:35] im connected via wifi [09:35] ken-the-whiz: you don't plug your wifi into the router [09:35] ken-the-whiz: please try to read the questions and respond with an answer to the question that is actually asked [09:35] idk integrated router [09:36] ken-the-whiz: intergrated into what ? [09:43] Check your DHCP clients on your router interface to see if it includes an IP address for your computer [09:43] bl4ckdu5t: we know it doesn't it's already said "no lease" [09:43] ciao [09:43] !list [09:43] maya: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». [09:44] Infact I think we're rushing into conclusions here! You are meant to provide every information like the kind of connection to your internet, the way your OS is running, the number of clients on your network [09:45] bl4ckdu5t: no one is making any conclusions beyond the facts, [09:45] And if you can connect your phone to your router wireless, why not use a wireless connection on wlan0 to rather than eth0 [09:45] bl4ckdu5t: who said he has a wireless network card on his machine ? [09:45] bl4ckdu5t: you're just saying random things - we already know the issue [09:46] oh! ok [09:46] how do can I finf out which theme I'm using [09:46] *find [09:49] There is this program I used to change my ubuntu appearance a while ago I forgot the name. It can be used to set default fonts and some other things I forgot the name, can someone help me remember? [09:51] ikonia, are u a girl? [09:51] ken-the-whiz: what does that matter ? [09:52] yeah it's MyUnity [09:52] lol u just sound like a girl [09:52] ken-the-whiz: what does that matter ? [09:53] I built a tool that can be used to detect female Nicks on IRC [09:53] If you need to know, I can give it to you [09:53] well my internet still doesnt work [09:53] for $200 [09:53] ken-the-whiz: what have you done to resolve it [09:53] what's the difference between a girl and a boy? [09:53] bl4ckdu5t: stop it please, you are just saying random noise [09:53] mindbender1: nothing to do with this channel [09:53] !ot bl4ckdu5t ken-the-whiz [09:53] k1l: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [09:54] !ot | bl4ckdu5t ken-the-whiz [09:54] bl4ckdu5t ken-the-whiz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [09:54] * mindbender1 wonders [09:56] nice tool [09:57] Hi, could anyone offer a bit of advice to an Ubuntu noob about a dpkg error I'm getting? [09:58] !anyone | WodgeyBoy [09:58] WodgeyBoy: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll. [09:58] i.e. we don't know if we can help until you ask the actual question [09:58] anyway I can convert .wav to .ogg with higher compression? I use the -b 32k and -b16k flags but it still comes out with the same size after conversion [09:59] ntzrmtthihu777 winff is a nice frontend for ffmpeg [09:59] ok, no worries, can't update, I keep getting dpkg: unrecoverable fatal error, aborting: [09:59] reading files list for package 'linux-headers-3.8.0-26-generic': Input/output error [09:59] E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2) [09:59] MonkeyDust: I can convert things fine, lol, I'm just trying to get a higher compression. [10:00] WodgeyBoy: is your disk space full? see "df -h" [10:00] k1l: maybe he has alotta old kernels [10:00] k1l No 63% full [10:01] WodgeyBoy: "sudo apt-get clean" to clear the downloaded packages, then "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" to initiate update again. Maybe it was a bad download. [10:01] ken-the-whiz: what have you done to resolve it [10:02] Cheers Ampelbein I'll try that [10:05] No, it's returning that error on the sudo apt-get dist-upgrade as well :/ [10:05] greetings! [10:09] WodgeyBoy: Even after it redownloaded the package file? [10:10] Ampelbein Yea..... [10:11] did you rerun a 'apt-get update' as well? [10:16] when i run apt-get update it returns Done, but doesn't actually update anything....The gui software updates application opens later and fails with dpkg error as well [10:17] WodgeyBoy: do you have backups for your important data? [10:18] WodgeyBoy: You can try to force a file system check and reboot. Close all your open programs and enter "sudo shutdown -rF now". That will reboot your system and perform a file system check. [10:19] When i start my server in single mode it runs normally but when i do init 2 it will hang in a minute..can i find which service is causing this hang [10:19] Ampelbein: works out most of the time even with broken hdds [10:20] Cheers Ampelbein, I'll give it a shot.... I can feel a reformat though jrib :/ I'll log back in after reboot Cheers all ;) [10:21] WodgeyBoy: I'd be somewhat worried about disk failure. I would 1) cause the error and then check dmesg, 2) check SMART on the drive, 3) investigate the file it refers to [10:22] Hey guys. i'm going to install lubuntu on ym netbook today. just wanted to know if i have to partion everything before the installation, or if 13.04 installer is able to parition btrfs and install on it out-of-the-box? [10:22] In windows there is a step by step debuging mode in which asks step by step do u want to start this service...i am looking for that kind of thing [10:27] frozen1900: BTRFS isn't recommended, but you can create a btrfs partition in the installer I think. [10:27] Hiyas all [10:28] theadmin: its just for my netbook which have to get a little bit quickier. everything i have to store on it will be saved in gdrive [10:28] hello :-) [10:28] frozen1900: Ext4 is pretty fast in my opinion. [10:28] i want to estimate the size of a git repository [10:28] can anybody please tell me how to do it [10:29] i found this link http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8646517/see-the-size-of-a-github-repo-before-cloning-it but don't know how to use api [10:29] theadmin: i read so many things about btrfs should be much faster on a netbook with any ubuntu :/ i would test it on a gentoo system, but its summer so i dont want to install a whole day on a shitty netbook :D but i gonna try it ot. thank u [10:31] theperfectpunk1: Just go to http://api.github.com/USERNAME/REPOSITORY/, it'll give you a JSON-formatted information. Search that for "size". [10:31] theperfectpunk1: Err, http://api.github.com/repos/USERNAME/REPOSITORY/ [10:31] theadmin: thank you :) [10:33] theadmin: i need to be registered with github to do so? [10:33] theperfectpunk1: I don't think so, I just visited a similar link without logging in. [10:33] theadmin: to fill the username field === mindbend` is now known as mindbender1` [10:33] theperfectpunk1: No, that's the username of the repository owner [10:34] theadmin: and the repository is the link to git file? [10:36] theperfectpunk1: No, just the name. For example, http://api.github.com/repos/mozilla/addon-sdk/ [10:36] theperfectpunk1: Seems you also have to use HTTPS, not HTTP :/ [10:37] theperfectpunk1: Maybe the info isn't available for all repos, either. Anyways, this isn't exactly an Ubuntu question. [10:37] theadmin: thanks anyways === smitty8827 is now known as flipper88_fl [10:48] my web host has multiple php versions installed, and they can be run from the shell via "php" (runs php 5.2), or "php52", "php53", and "php54", for the appropriate version. can i do something like "alias php=php53", and automatically run "php53" when "php" is called? also, in case "php52" didn't exist, how would i then call the original "php" program? [10:49] bittyx-desktop: how do you call the "php" program now? [10:50] jrib: most of the time, i just use "php53". but i would like "php" to run php 5.3 and not php 5.2. so i assume the above alias would work, correct? [10:51] bittyx-desktop: you can do that if you want. Or create a symlink in your PATH (or update the system-wide symlink if you have permission and want to change it system-wide) [10:51] bittyx-desktop: The alias would work, or yes, you can make a symlink. [10:52] bittyx-desktop: To call the original program, you'd have to use the full path, i.e. /usr/bin/php [10:52] theadmin: ah, that's what i was wondering, thanks. [10:53] bittyx-desktop: Or with a bit of trickery, $(which php) [10:53] theadmin: but if "php" was aliased to "php53", wouldn't that run php 5.3? [10:53] \php works too I think. [10:53] bittyx-desktop: Nuh-uh. Aliases don't change binaries. [10:54] theadmin: ah, awesome. thanks for the tips! [10:55] bittyx-desktop: Note that on certain shells, like zsh, "which" is overly smart and will tell you if "php" is an alias, which may cause my second option to fail. [10:56] bittyx-desktop, theadmin: which -p [10:56] hi [10:57] hello tomato [10:57] theadmin: i'm using bash, but thanks for the tip. though, i think that the full path would be best for my uses (e.g. in case the webhost decides to change "php" to mean "php53" - then i'd still be able to use the old php via the absolute path, but not via "$(which php)"). [10:57] bittyx-desktop: if you need a specific version, why not just run the specific version so you are never surprised? [10:57] i have lxde and i didn't find how can i set keyboard layout and numlock turn on after X starts, can you help me please? [10:58] why did ubuntu turn pink? [10:59] tenX, Pink, can you elaborate? [10:59] jrib: compatibility. most systems (at least the ones i use) don't have multiple php versions installed, and the installed one is called via "php". in my use cases, this is php 5.3 almost always. i have a web host that i use for testing, and i have to call "php53" there. [11:00] wilee-nilee: no. simply pink [11:00] !details | tenX [11:00] tenX: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." [11:00] jrib: it's easier for me to just make "php" call "php53" on my web host, than to try and change multiple other systems to have the "php53" alias to "php" (which i sometimes don't even have access to do). [11:01] bittyx-desktop: I would probably go the symlink route then as it will be the most similar to the others [11:01] bittyx-desktop: if it's just for interactive use though, alias should work fine [11:02] hi, I m trying to add an ip to iptables [11:02] but it doesn t seem to apply the rule [11:02] https://gist.github.com/samsonradu/ab69cf7028822b5c9f01 [11:02] hey see if i were to dual boot win xp with linux will it mess up my ubuntu ? [11:02] am I forgetting something? [11:02] My DHCP server prescribes 3 DNS servers - one internal and two 'backup' external ones. The idea is if the first goes down, internal hosts won't resolve but clients can still get to external sites. Trouble is, my client (Ubuntu desktop) occasionally queries the external DNS for an internal site (which fails). Why is Ubuntu skipping the primary, internal DNS? Is it because it takes too long to respond, so Ubuntu moves on to t [11:02] he secondary & tertiary DNS servers? Is it because Ubuntu queries all 3 at once and takes the fastest answer? My 'external' provider practices DNS hijacking for unrecognised domains, so could be giving back its (incorrect) resolution quicker than the internal server can? [11:03] gregor_: if you install winxp afterwards you will need to install grub back into the MBR [11:03] jrib: yup, mostly that. i do web dev, and i run my database migrations via the cli (well, some app-update scripts run it automatically). i don't want to make the scripts more complicated by trying to detect the environment they're running in - i just want them to call "php" and assume that php 5.3 will be run. [11:03] ah so cant have both on the machine by botting it up with a bootbale usb ? [11:03] ok, --flush does the job :) [11:04] gregor_: ? [11:04] !dualboot | gregor_ [11:04] gregor_: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot [11:04] wilee-nilee: whoever came up with that default appearance did so much damage [11:04] jrib: but thanks for the tip - i realize how a symlink could be more useful in general. [11:04] so my OS (12.04 LTS) can't switch settings from headphone to speaker when I unplug the cans. [11:04] bittyx-desktop: if you want it to work in scripts, you most likely don't want an alias [11:04] rep / linux, , match all files w/o .mp3 or .MP3 using regex / "" [11:05] can i boot winxp with a ubuntu oprating system ? without delteting ubuntu [11:05] with a usb === lux_ is now known as Guest40581 [11:05] jrib: you sure? if i have an alias, and i run the script manually from the shell, wouldn't that script inherit my aliases? [11:05] wilee-nilee: you wont hardly find a girl that likes it [11:05] bittyx-desktop: I don't think so but it is early in the morning. Try and see :) [11:06] gregor_, read the dual boot post above [11:06] tenX: 1. you should not troll with you business ip as host. 2. we have #ubuntu-offtopic for non support chat [11:06] jrib: and in the case of making a symlink, would that work if i do the following: create the ~/bin/php symlink that points to the absolute path of the php version i wanna run, and then add ~/bin to the beginning of my PATH [11:07] so then, any of my scripts calling "php" would call ~/bin/php ? [11:07] k1l: actually its way more than trolling [11:07] (i'm asking in case it turns out that the alias won't actually work) [11:08] bittyx-desktop: yes, as long as ~/bin is in PATH (on ubuntu this should happen by default through ~/.profile, though you may have to log in again if ~/bin didn't exist when you last logged in) [11:08] what app should I use to copy dvds? [11:08] jrib: cool, thanks. [11:08] not burn [11:10] i have lxde and i didn't find how can i set keyboard layout and numlock turn on after X starts, can you help me please? [11:17] hello ! [11:17] i've just installed geany and I am trying to add some color schemes to it [11:18] loging into other account in ubuntu constantly makes ubuntu to forget my admin settings for monitors [11:18] m3pow: #geany [11:18] thanks ss_haze [11:19] how do I make sure my OS switches from Headphone to Speaker when I unplug my headphones? It currently fails to do so. [11:19] ss_haze, For which account, your st\atement has no meaning [11:20] my statement is based on loging in to some created account and having 2 monitors [11:20] I have set settings for not doubling the screen, so I can use both, one at full res and other at 1280 x 1024 [11:20] ss_haze: Sounds like an issue with Xorg and multi head flags [11:21] When I try to mount my ESP partiton, I get an error uknown filesystem type vfat [11:21] when I log out, lightdm doubles the screen anyway [11:21] parted /dev/sda print gives file system as fat32. Should I change the type to fat32 in /etc/fstab? [11:21] is anyone seeing my support request? [11:22] hi guys [11:22] when I log in to some of my created account, it gives good config, but loging into first account makes it double screen again and constantly messes with resolution [11:22] and stuff [11:22] poppingtonic: shouldnt that be hw based? [11:22] anyone having problems with 'sudo apt-get update'? [11:22] Hi. What are usually the reasons for problems with skype and video and certain hardware? I get a flickering image on ONE machine as soon as I switch on my own camera. [11:22] (Ubuntu 12.04 btw) [11:23] poppingtonic, Yes look at the volume preferences. [11:23] !details | tamiya [11:23] tamiya: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." [11:23] i'm getting a GPG error, BADSIG... on Ubuntu 12.04 all of a suddent [11:23] Only showing the remote video works fine, xawtv’ing my own video also. [11:24] I was using the Main Server, experienced the problem, so I switched to the AU server, it seemed to progressed further, but still the same issue [11:24] tamiya, do you get the gpg key listed, and have you added extra repositories? [11:24] wilee-nilee: tenX: I don't see why. Before I plugged in, the speakers played fine. After I unplugged, the "Play sound through" section in the volume preferences still considers the Headphones as output. [11:25] I need ubuntu to save the monitor settings for all accounts and user logins.. [11:25] yeah, i added the http://www.duinsoft.nl/pkg repository earlier in the day for Oracle Java [11:26] nandalpn: hi [11:26] ss_haze: you make changes to monitor configuration using the gui and it isn't saved for the user you made them with/ [11:27] tamiya, You need the gpg key it seems was there one where you added this from, and or does it show a key in the update in a terminal? [11:27] it is saved until I log out [11:27] and log in other user [11:27] guys how do I convert a text file to unix ? [11:27] then it f**** up [11:27] ss_haze: what if you log in as the same user? [11:27] ikillcypher@ikillcypher:~/Downloads$ ./tr-be-script.sh [11:27] bash: ./tr-be-script.sh: /bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory [11:27] reisio, what up. ;) [11:27] ikillcypher: dos2unix [11:27] jrib: then it stays somehow [11:27] !language | ss_haze [11:27] ss_haze: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional. [11:27] I was able to install Oracle Java 7 successfully. [11:27] wilee-nilee: buntu, stuff and things [11:27] tamiya: Oracle no longer conde=one the linux distributions to distibute patches for there copptwritten veriant of jave I'de strongly recommend openjdk-7-jre-headless from the ubuntu/dfsg repos [11:27] any idea how do I do that ? [11:27] again ikonia you bot [11:27] ikonia: use the tools in the tofrodos package [11:28] ss_haze: I'm not a bit no [11:28] ikillcypher: dos2unix [11:28] jrib: I'm sure thats not for me..... [11:28] But now when I do an apt-get update: GPG error: http://extras.ubuntu.com precise Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 16126D3A3E5C1192 Ubuntu Extras Archive Automatic Signing Key [11:28] ikillcypher: use the tools in the tofrodos package [11:28] ikillcypher: it's in 'universe' https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu === Edwin is now known as Guest88480 [11:28] why does no one follow my "only one name can start with the same two letters" rule [11:29] jrib: I wish I knew [11:29] tamiya, run sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 16126D3A3E5C1192 [11:29] flipper88_fl: I used Oracle Java 7 because it supports Check Point SSL Network Extender client [11:29] reisio how do I convert the sh file to unix? [11:29] ss_haze, ubottu is the bot [11:30] ss_haze: right, because the settings just get saved to ~/.config/monitors.xml (I think). Either make your settings system-wide (use xorg.conf.d) or propogate monitors.xml to all your users [11:30] ikillcypher: install dos2unix from the 'universe' repo, then run 'dos2unix path/to/file' [11:30] ikillcypher: dos2unix [11:30] !info dos2unix [11:30] dos2unix (source: dos2unix): convert text file line endings between CRLF and LF. In component universe, is extra. Version 6.0.3-1 (raring), package size 77 kB, installed size 271 kB [11:31] ^ ikillcypher [11:31] wilee-nilee: just ran it :) [11:31] The full error now is: GPG error: http://repo.steampowered.com precise Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG F24AEA9FB05498B7 Valve Corporation [11:31] W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: http://extras.ubuntu.com precise Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 16126D3A3E5C1192 Ubuntu Extras Archive Automatic Signing Key [11:32] Hello I have a question, but it was too long to put here so i pastebinned it: http://pastebin.com/q0dFtEd4 it has to do with installing ubuntu [11:32] Apt-get update was working well a few days ago and I've been running steam for the last 2 weeks [11:32] tamiya, now run the add key with that key you just posted can you see what I did. [11:32] i try to run an distro and my computer just boots it up and then after a while its "lagging" and freezes. [11:32] dWen: a distro, or ubuntu? [11:33] tamiya,Ah it is the same key, not sure then really. [11:34] k1l: i was trying out 2 ditros, but i got the same kind of problem from both on my computer.. is like its telling me not to run linux :P [11:34] i'm running the command now for the 16126D3A3E5C1192 and F24AEA9FB05498B7 keys [11:34] dWen: what problem? I've just connected [11:34] same problem [11:34] dWen: if it is an ubuntu issue please show the exact ubuntu version you tried and what error messages you get [11:35] The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 16126D3A3E5C1192 Ubuntu Extras Archive Automatic Signing Key [11:35] W: Failed to fetch http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise/Release [11:35] W: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead. [11:35] Darksonn: egrep '\(EE..[^error]' /var/log/Xorg*log [11:35] Ubuntu repos haven't been hacked have they? [11:35] Am I correct to infoer that 12.04.2 will be supported on all plat forms until 2017? [11:35] tamiya: doesn't take a hacker for a repo to have suffered some suboptimal happening [11:36] reiso, should i run that command in the terminal? [11:36] flipper88_fl: april 2017, correct [11:36] i boot the livecd and its just "lagging" and freezes (crash?) and this is on an stationary computer [11:36] Darksonn: that could be useful, yes [11:36] flipper88_fl: but that is just for the ubuntu side. other community flavours or spinoffs have different support schedules [11:36] I'm reading the LPI exam book and I want to do an apt-get install lshal but I'm worried the repo has been hacked [11:36] http://paste.ubuntu.com/5947223/ here is my xrandr -q outout, please help to make a script for [11:36] dWen, What is the gpu and cpu? [11:36] So technically i don't have to dist-upgrade for five years [11:36] having nice resolution for both screen in lightdm [11:37] flipper88_fl: :p [11:37] dWen, the chip and ram amount? [11:37] tamiya: it saw the invalid signatures [11:37] flipper88_fl: "apt-get dist-upgrade" is not a 12.04 to 12.10 upgrade. but yes, you can use that 12.04 untill april 2017. [11:37] wilee-nilee: intel i7 990x and Nvidia 590 something.. [11:37] flipper88_fl: I'm using 12.04LTS and there are lots of issues I encountered [11:37] tamiya: the system worked exactly as it was meant to, so no reason to worry [11:37] reisio: cool [11:37] dose anyone have any links for the iso xp image file downlaod for vitual box ? [11:37] dWen, nvidia is graphic [11:38] gregor_: iso xp? [11:38] yeah [11:38] win xp [11:38] wilee-nilee: yea but didnt you asked about cpu and gpu? [11:38] gregor_: ask the windows support for that. [11:38] gregor_: look into, um... [11:38] gregor_: vagrant [11:38] gregor_: win xp is ancient [11:39] gregor_: it's in universe [11:39] dWen, what I meant my mistake was the chip speed and ram amount, hardware trying to see if you might have an older computer. [11:39] when is the next LTS? [11:40] tamiya: 14.04 [11:40] tamiya: 14.04 === __prefect is now known as nha [11:40] cool, why isnt 13.04 an LTS product? [11:40] wilee-nilee: on the gpu or cpu? [11:41] !lts | tamiya [11:41] tamiya: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04) === nha is now known as Guest16809 [11:41] tamiya: because its the schedule to ship a lts every 2 years [11:41] http://paste.ubuntu.com/5947223/ #!/bin/sh [11:41] xrandr --output DVI-0 --primary --mode 1680x1050 [11:41] I need this script to set up resolution for lightdm [11:41] but I don't know what I should write [11:41] ss_haze: wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config [11:42] gregor_: or https://github.com/xdissent/ievms I don't keep track of which is the most favorite [11:42] jrib how link can help me write it for my needed resolutions? [11:43] ss_haze: you have to read it for it to help you. For example, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution#statically_setup_in_xorg.conf [11:43] ss_haze: if you want to use xrandr: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution#Setting_xrandr_changes_persistently [11:43] doesn't helps at all [11:43] wilee-nilee: on the gpu or cpu? :P [11:43] ss_haze: it doesn't if you don't read it. [11:43] wilee-nilee: i can tell you that this isnt an old computer [11:44] RandR1.2 configuration in xorg.conf is based on per monitor. So you need write a 'Monitor' section for each output and specify these monitors in 'Device' section. [11:44] Below is a example snippet in xorg.conf. [11:44] jrib: You need to learn how to read the manual and how tos people post to the channel. [11:44] ss_haze: that's part of the document, yes. Why are you pasting it here? [11:45] I don't see how it helps [11:45] I should open xorg.conf? [11:45] same goes for you ss_haze [11:45] dWen, This in general is out my arae of knowledge, all I can say is detailed descriptions of the problem and identification of the hardware will be your best use here for help. [11:46] ss_haze: the document gives you several options. You can use xorg.conf or you can put your xrandr command in one of several locations (several are listed and their pros and cons explained) [11:46] where is that xorg.conf, I haven't opened it for years jrib [11:46] ss_haze: TRY /ETC/x11/? [11:47] I was half way to get done with that script, I even gave xrandr output [11:47] flipper88_fl: Caps lock unnecessary. What's more important, Linux is case-sensetive. [11:47] ss_haze: /etc/X11/ [11:47] ss_haze: you can use xrandr if you want. That's one of the alternatives listed in the wiki. [11:47] wilee-nilee: well im told you what i have experienced with the computer with. but this doesnt happen to windows, so i dont think it would be an hardware problem [11:48] thanks for the sage advice theadmin [11:48] well I don't even have it in that dir, but somebody could surely help to write that bash script [11:48] from this output http://paste.ubuntu.com/5947223/ [11:49] dWen, the more you converse with me someone who cannot help you loose chances of help from the channel, and you can think what you want, however there is a norm for getting help here and I told you what it is. [11:49] ss_haze: I do beleive that most modern distributions including the *buntus do what is known as on the fly xorg configuration? [11:50] that is minus slackware [11:50] flipper88_fl: should I give screenshot [11:50] ? [11:51] Yes please ss_haze just please use photobucket> [11:52] flipper88_fl: they pay you? [11:52] Does anyone use Steam to play games regularly? [11:52] ss_haze: So... what kinda script do you want to make of this? [11:52] tamiya: I do, why? [11:52] ss_haze: you can create xorg.conf (or organize things nicely in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d I believe). Again, read the wiki closely, and follow what it advises [11:53] do you get good performance? have any problems? [11:53] tamiya: Nope. With the only exception being lack of games, currently -- not very many ported yet. [11:53] why ubuntu users should ever do file per configuration for monitors :> [11:54] I have ATI 5850, performance on L4D2 is terrible [11:54] tamiya: > ATI -- there's your problem :P [11:54] tamiya: Are you using radeon or fglrx? [11:54] wilee-nilee: well how much do you know? [11:54] I used the drivers from AMD website [11:54] Yikes. [11:54] whenever i try getting into the terminal i end up in this acpid thing, how do i get to the terminal from acpid? [11:54] hello, are there any good kernels that a desktop user could use for ubuntu 13.04? (im new to linux so maybe it's a stupid question from me. but with android roms you can flash different kernels and get different performance on the phone so i thought that it maybe existed for ubuntu too) [11:54] Bad idea. [11:54] tamiya: that brings alot of problems [11:54] !ot | dWen [11:54] dWen: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [11:55] tamiya: Try goigng with an nvidia based chisp set? [11:55] cowbacon: Um... The default kernel is pretty much fine. You may have driver problems with other kernels, and it won't really affect the performance much. [11:55] tamiya: first way is to go with the drivers that ubuntu ships. stop that windows-thinking to load everything from websites [11:55] dWen, I'm going to put you in ignore so address the channel. [11:55] k1l: I can't [11:55] games won't work [11:55] theadmin: ah ok. :) just thought i'd ask since flashing kernels can have such a big difference on your android phone. but then i know, thanks for the help :) [11:56] cowbacon: there are lots of kernel patch sets, but usually a person would have some end goal in mind to choose one other than the default [11:56] tamiya: Then you should've installed the AMD drivers from Ubuntu reposiories, using the additional drivers tool [11:56] tamiya: sudo apt-get install fglrx [11:56] tamiya: That'll do it, but first remove those you have from the wobsite [11:56] reisio: ah ok, ye, then i guess default is fine ^^ [11:56] to connect to a vlan to get a ip from a dhcp server u need a virtual network card eth0:001 or can a standar lan card do it eth0 ? if the switch port so computer is connected to is in trunk mode for vlan 100 ? [11:57] cowbacon: Yesh, I dunno... Cyanogenmod gave me a bigger performance increase than custom kernels :D [11:57] hello how can I check for my RAM capacity, I mean both used and unused, I think my RAMS do not work well [11:58] jrib: thanks for not helping with script, but giving me actually chance to make xorg conf on stuff I havent configured ever, with wiki manual, are you f**** kidding me [11:58] motaka2: free -m [11:58] motaka2: You can cat /proc/meminfo , I think that'll do it [11:58] ok, i will try that tomorrow :) [11:58] ss_haze: stop that attitude [11:58] motaka2, Use the live cd to run a memory test [11:59] theadmin, is there something like right clicking on mycomputer in windows and select properties to see what system I am running ? [11:59] k1l no user should ever try to write it's own xorg.conf for bs like that [11:59] cowbacon: hard to find many pages that cover more than one at a time; http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/gentoo-kernel.xml [11:59] motaka2: Uh, sure, you can go to System Settings -> Details [11:59] ss_haze: that is no excuse for your language! [11:59] ss_haze: the wiki walks you through it and gives you several options. You can use xorg.conf or you can place the xrandr command in the appropriate file. You have to first try what the wiki advises and then if you have problems with it, I can help you further. But I'm not going to sit here and type what's already up on the wiki. [12:00] ss_haze: and if you have special tasks you cant demand autmatic solutions for that. [12:01] How wpuld i set midori as my default webbrowser? [12:02] flipper88_fl: Depending on your desktop environment. In Unity, System Settings -> Details -> Default Applications. [12:02] theadmin: Ia m running xubuntu [12:03] flipper88_fl: Oh, okay, then Menu -> Settings -> Settings Manager -> Preffered Applications (I think) [12:03] theadmin, It says I am using a @Gb of ram and AMD Atheolon 64 Proccessor 3200+ and os type is 32 bit ? Is that not enough for ubuntu ? [12:03] flipper88_fl: Haven't used Xfce in a while, might be "Default applications" as well [12:03] motaka2: Why do you think that's not enough? [12:03] thanks theadmin [12:03] s/Default/Preferred/ [12:04] theadmin, cause it runs so slow, application got closed suddenly so often [12:04] flipper88_fl: if you use xubuntu be aware that they dont have the same support schedule for the LTS. its only 3 years on yubuntu [12:04] *xubuntu [12:04] hi.. I'm running ubuntu 13 on a host..... I want to use rpm to bootstrap a fedora install..(for lxc or other virtualization technology) [12:04] it gives me an error to never use rpm directly every time I try to do that... even if not on root filesystem [12:04] mynameisdeleted: That is most definetly not supported here. [12:05] any fix? [12:05] this breaks lxc [12:05] except for ubuntu guests [12:05] k1l: how does that work... [12:05] gotcha k1l [12:05] lxc is an "ubuntu-stable" package [12:05] in main [12:05] reisio: ? [12:05] I suggest you support it or move it to multiverse [12:06] mynameisdeleted: Okay, and? It doesn't mean that Fedora becomes supported. [12:06] k1l: how does it have a different support cycle [12:06] I am using a 2Gb of ram and AMD Atheolon 64 Proccessor 3200+ and os type is 32 bit ? Is that not enough for ubuntu ? if not why my applications got closed suddenly so often [12:06] k1l: isn't it just a set of desktop files? [12:06] mynameisdeleted, This is not canonical it is support. [12:06] then move the fedora creation template ot templates-extrtta in multiverse and not ubuntu main [12:06] reisio: its their own decision how long they support their community supported packages [12:06] motaka2: if so? [12:07] !tell motaka2 system requirements [12:07] flipper88_fl: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [12:07] k1l: know which packages? [12:07] ubuntu-main should contain all and only supported packages [12:07] reisio: Basically, Xfce packages in the repos depend on the Xubuntu team for updates and stuff. Those will stop receiving updates after Xubuntu is EOL, but the main Ubuntu packages will continue to be supported. [12:07] reisio: You can run "ubuntu-support-status" to see what packages are officially supported by Ubuntu and which aren't. [12:07] flipper88_fl, What are the system requiements ? [12:08] theadmin: thanks [12:08] !info lxc | mynameisdeleted [12:08] mynameisdeleted: lxc (source: lxc): Linux Containers userspace tools. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.0-0ubuntu3.4 (raring), package size 110 kB, installed size 473 kB [12:08] mynameisdeleted: I don't think it's clear what you want support for. Maybe pastebin exactly what you are doing (your terminal input and output), what you expected to happen when, and what happened instead [12:08] theadmin, Please tell what I should do [12:08] theadmin: when did that come in ? [12:08] So you guys are saying that i have to migrate to ubuntu which is no issue in order to get an lts release that has five year support on all platforms? [12:09] ikonia: That? [12:09] mynameisdeleted: its not in main, its in universe. you are aware of it? [12:09] theadmin: ubuntu-support-status [12:09] ikonia: Not sure, it's a binary found on default Ubuntu installs at least since 12.04. [12:09] flipper88_fl: you really shouldn't wait that long to update anyways :p [12:09] theadmin, ? [12:09] 2016/april [12:10] oops [12:10] motaka2: No idea. What is your GPU? [12:10] reisio, im trying to enter the egrep '\(EE..[^error]' /var/log/Xorg*log command as you said, but whenever i do what previously gave me the terminal, i end up at something that looks like the terminal but no matter what i type it just goes to next line, i think its called acpid === eaWPq4nU is now known as Guest84012 [12:11] theadmin, in the setting says unknown but physically I have XFX 9 series [12:11] Darksonn: try grep EE /var/log/Xorg*log instead then [12:11] motaka2: XFX? What company is that? [12:11] I made a script with arandr and now I want to set it up on startup [12:11] what should be my command [12:11] nova and openstack are all supported so if those dont work I can ask here....haha [12:11] theadmin, I think GEFoRCE [12:11] ss_haze: the wiki tells you what to do :/ [12:11] all nova-* packages and keystone [12:12] ss_haze: arandr? [12:12] reisio i cant get to the terminal at all [12:12] location of this file /home/user/Darbvirsma/monitors.sh [12:12] Darksonn: ah [12:12] huh, frontend to xrandr [12:12] motaka2: Hm. Tried installing the nVidia drivers? [12:12] jrib go to park with your wiki [12:12] ss_haze: good luck with your issue [12:12] ss_haze: probably /etc/xorg.conf.something [12:13] theadmin, What do u mean? [12:13] I need to launch sh script on start up [12:13] flipper88_fl: the xubuntu team doesnt serve a 5year support for their packages for xubuntu. the main packages will get the ubuntu5year support but not the ones from that xubuntu team. so you have to upgrade to the new xubuntu LTS on that date or you need to look out to stay on the ubuntu packages [12:13] ss_haze: for ordinary Ubuntu? [12:13] motaka2: Well, sudo apt-get install nvidia-current # Or somesuch. [12:13] ... rpm is supported.. but only with alien I guess [12:14] theadmin, I think it is instaleed [12:14] mynameisdeleted: rpms are not supported, even with alien [12:14] mynameisdeleted: i'd hardly call that supported [12:14] reisio: thats why I am on this channel [12:14] !rpm | mynameisdeleted [12:14] mynameisdeleted: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !dpkg, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported) [12:14] motaka2: Well, try to run that command [12:14] any idea how i get from a terminal looking thing where i can type stuff but anything i type has no effect, if i pressed the power button it says something about acpid and then it shuts down [12:14] mynameisdeleted: Well douh it a debian based distribution so by default you're looking for a .deb package [12:15] theadmin, In addtional drivers it seems it activated [12:15] motaka2: Ah, okay then. Hm. [12:15] motaka2: I'm not sure. Tried running the memtest? [12:15] theadmin, What should I do leave linux world forever? [12:16] /home/monitors.sh [12:16] how to launch it as command [12:16] easy question [12:16] ss_haze: Just type the path [12:16] theadmin, Whats that ? Whenever my computer wants to do a task I hear some strange voices from the case, maybe something is wrong with hard drive? [12:16] Is there a way in which to trim get the clasic gnopme interface on a fresh install of ubuntu 12.04.2? [12:16] ss_haze: Make sure the script starts with #!/bin/bash or whatever shell it uses, and that it's marked as executable (chmod +x) [12:16] then why this script didn't worked out as it should on startup [12:16] Hi everyone. For some reason my notebook (ubuntu 13.04) freezes on "loading initial ramdisk" without any error message when using the mainline kernel. Is there anyway to find out what is going wrong, any logs or something? [12:17] theadmin: tnx [12:17] Hi, I am trying to remove a scanner from Ubuntu (it no longer works), but I am not sure how to do this... Can anyone point me in the right direction? I think I'll need to edit some config file somewhere!! Thanks [12:17] flipper88_fl: Classic Gnome, no, that no longer quite exists. Check out Xubuntu, though: http://xubuntu.org -- the interface is very similar, I'd even say superior. [12:18] thanks, theadmin I'll just stick wirth the xubuntu teams 3year lts schedule [12:18] any idea how i get from a terminal looking thing where i can type stuff but anything i type has no effect, if i pressed the power button it says something about acpid and then it shuts down [12:20] I have script that gives needed resolution when I launch it, but when I add location of it on startup apps, it doesn't change anything, and settings come back to what ubuntu likes them to be [12:20] ss_haze: Again, make sure it's executable. [12:20] ss_haze: chmod +x /path/to/script [12:20] ss_haze: you might also want the command './script' or 'sh script' [12:20] ss_haze: (or right-click, properties, permissions, allow executing as program) [12:21] or make a .desktop file :) [12:21] guys how do make yourself root ? [12:21] !sudo | ikillcypher [12:21] ikillcypher: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo [12:21] sudo passwd root [12:21] !danger | tamiya [12:21] tamiya: DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you! [12:21] tamiya: that is not supported in here. [12:21] tamiya: Do not do that. [12:21] ikillcypher: do not do what tamiya has said, see ubottu [12:21] oh [12:21] why not? [12:21] tamiya: please just point people to the documentation on the wiki so they learn about sudo [12:21] tamiya: please stay with the ubuntu-way in this ubuntu support channel [12:21] how do I make myself root [12:22] ikillcypher: Use "sudo command" to run a single command as root, or "sudo -i" to run a shell. [12:22] ikillcypher: see the bots message [12:22] jrib: Are you there [12:22] Stdedos: i'm here [12:22] i run as root whenever possible :/ [12:22] tamiya: That's a bad, bad idea. [12:23] tamiya: exactly the opposite of what you should be doing :) [12:23] jrib: Well I am kinda into xmlstarlet, but instead of removing lines, starlet's complaining about encoding [12:23] why is it bad though? [12:23] tamiya: Running apps as root is bad... well, because it gives them rights they don't need. [12:23] tamiya: what are you referencing when you say "it"? [12:23] i havent accidently done: rm / yet [12:23] it just doesn't work as ubuntu is really not executing it on startup anyway [12:23] tamiya: yet :) [12:24] ss_haze: is the path to your script really /home/monitors.sh and not something like /home/haze/monitors.sh? [12:24] i hate typing in my password when running 'sudo' all the time [12:24] tamiya: check out "sudo -i" [12:24] tamiya: plus, sudo should cache your password for something like 15 minutes [12:25] any idea how i get from a terminal looking thing where i can type stuff but anything i type has no effect, if i pressed the power button it says something about acpid and then it shuts down [12:25] jrib: it doesn't. more like 2 minutes [12:25] Stdedos: don't know about that, but if you pastebin input and output, someone may be able to help [12:25] Darksonn: is it graphical? [12:25] no [12:25] how do reverse my 'sudo passwd root'? [12:25] back to system defaults? [12:25] tamiya: the wiki has the command [12:25] !sudo | tamiya [12:25] interesting question [12:25] tamiya: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo [12:26] tamiya: sudo usermod -p '!' root [12:26] tamiya: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo#Re-disabling_your_root_account (what theadmin says will work too) [12:26] jrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5947358/ there you go [12:26] sudo passwd root [12:26] what so dangerous about that [12:27] !noroot | ikillcypher [12:27] ikillcypher: We do not support setting a root password. You're free to do it on your own machine, but please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information. [12:27] ikillcypher: it's not that it's dangerous necessarily, it's just not something you need. You can use sudo to do administrative tasks [12:28] thanks guys, i just disabled root again [12:28] Stdedos: weird, don't know. Check for encoding options [12:28] sudo is much more configurable. You can set up access rights for individual users and groups, instead of handing out the root password to whoever needs to run a single command as root, for example. [12:29] !root [12:29] Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo [12:29] theadmin: ah, but it's more than a single command you can run by default :) [12:29] reisio: On the default account, which is an admin one, of course. [12:29] yup [12:29] reisio: Because %sudo ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL [12:29] Does playing .wav files require a non-stock package to be installed? or should a stock install play WAV files out of the box? [12:29] reisio: But I mean for other users. [12:29] jrib: xmlstarlet ed -d has no options about encoding ... xmlstarlet fo has, but I do not want to touch the formating ... program using it does and I am happy for it! [12:29] reisio: welcome back. :/ [12:29] SuperLag: yes, you'll need the codecs [12:29] but if someone cracks my own password, then they can just do: sudo rm / [12:30] SuperLag: good question [12:30] auronandace: I think WAV is a format supported by about anything. [12:30] SuperLag: :) [12:30] I don't think anyone collects royalties on PCM [12:30] tamiya, Someone can boot a live disc and remove all of it. [12:31] Stdedos: does the xml document itself define an encoding (usually near on any computer [12:31] in fact arecord uses wav by default, IIRC :) [12:31] jrib: yes it does, UTF-8 [12:31] jrib: some greek characters though are not encoded well, dunno [12:31] SuperLag: sorry, i'm likely wrong [12:31] and aplay plays them, I believe [12:31] looks like ubuntu-restricted-extras is what I need [12:32] then its no better than not having root access [12:32] tamiya: having a different user and root pw is no security. if he could crack one pw he could crack the other too. [12:32] reisio: Does. Infact, /usr/share/sounds/alsa/ is full of .wavs :D [12:32] a veritable ocean [12:32] i shall learn the ubuntu way [12:32] tamiya: besides booting up a live-system and erasing all. but that is more of an offtopic discussion for the offtopic channel [12:32] what [12:32] root@ikillcypher:~# chmod a+x ~/bin/repo [12:32] chmod: cannot access ‘/root/bin/repo’: No such file or directory [12:32] tamiya, get a safe and never go on the internet you should be safe. ;) [12:33] Hopefully, I'm not losing out by these packages being removed: libavcodec53 libavutil51 [12:33] SuperLag: they're probably being replaced [12:33] SuperLag: It installs superior versions of those, you should be fine [12:33] (when I install ubuntu-restricted-extras) [12:33] ikillcypher: why are you chmod-ing a file in /bin ? [12:33] ikillcypher: that are problems with beeing root at all. so dont be root, use sudo [12:33] cyanogenmod [12:34] ikillcypher: When running as root, ~/ refers to the home directory of root, not your home directory. [12:34] ikillcypher: And you don't need to be rood to chmod a file in your home dir. [12:34] ikillcypher: what does that have to do with #ubuntu [12:35] Stdedos: I don't know. If you can't sort it out with xmlstarlet (maybe try their forums or mailing list if they have one), you might try some alternatives like xmllint mentioned yesterday or your favorite programming language's xml library [12:36] i'll be back tomorrow with removing AMD drivers and installing fglrx. Hopefully I'll be able to play L4D2 according to the "wonderful" claims by Valve [12:36] excellent [12:36] Stdedos: http://www.unix.com/shell-programming-scripting/149524-xmlstarlet-parse-non-en_us-characters.html might be related or useless, but probably worth a read [12:37] Whenever I tap on my touchpad the cursor moves before the click is registered and it keeps doing the wrong thing, like minimising windows instead of closing them or clicking the wrong links in Firefox. Does anyone know how to fix this? I'm about to tear my hair out :'( [12:38] hey, is there any (official or inofficial) way to move the unity launcher bar to the bottom in the latest ubuntu? :/ [12:39] Also the sensitivity settings in System Settings appear to have zero effect whatsoever... [12:39] or any alternate launcher that looks similar but is attached to the bottom of the screen? [12:39] saschagehlich, No official and the unofficial does not work anymore [12:39] saschagehlich: you might want to look at Linux Mint for a more traditional desktop. [12:39] oliver3: Please do not suggest unsupported derivatives. [12:40] saschagehlich: Try Xubuntu if you want support (and a traditional desktop) [12:40] theadmin: unsupported? Seems about as well supported as Ubuntu unless you buy a support contract, no? [12:40] Hey guys, quick question. Is there a terminal command to open another terminal window/tab and run a command in said window? [12:40] oliver3: I mean, not supported by Ubuntu. [12:40] oliver3: mint is not supported here [12:40] theadmin: that's what I said. [12:40] DreamPCs: gnome-terminal -e '....' [12:40] For instance, I want to write a script that will perform a dd and open another tab to see the progress of that dd [12:40] Thank you theadmin [12:41] DreamPCs: most terms have a param for running a specific command upon starting [12:41] DreamPCs: That is, if you use gnome-terminal. Other terminals will have different commands, but "-e" is pretty much almost universal. [12:42] is there a reason that unity does not support being moved to the bottom? [12:42] Ok cool, I am using gnome-terminal but I have different linux distros installed on this same machine so that information is useful. [12:42] unity is open source, right? so it would be possible to kind of monkeypatch it so that it works? [12:42] saschagehlich: yes, its not ment to be used that way. [12:42] or they just take the first argument without a param, it varies [12:42] saschagehlich, You do that and many will love you. [12:43] saschagehlich: heheh [12:43] wilee-nilee: no Unity for you? :) [12:43] I bet you could just xrandr rotate the screen, and then move the panels [12:43] reisio: LOL [12:43] or at least you could have with GNOME 2 :p [12:44] i might be able to properly fix my linux installation problems, if i can get to the terminal, but i cant, im in the installation phase form a livecd and nothing i try gets me to the terminal. I can get to a non graphic interface where i can type stuff, but its not a terminal but i can type stuff but nothing happens when i press enter after running a command [12:44] saschagehlich: you'll probably end up wasting a huge amount of time and have to repatch it every time. I don't think Unity is designed to support a horizontal alignment at all, who knows how much effort it would take to change that. [12:44] reisio: Unity doesn't let you easily move the panels. [12:44] SuperLag, No cube no unity, I use the shell, all said in voice of superiority, hehehe [12:44] Darksonn: CTRL-Alt-F2... that doesn't get you to a console? [12:44] wilee-nilee: no cube? [12:44] oliver3, maybe i'll spend a weekend looking into it :) [12:45] saschagehlich: and I doubt your goals are aligned with Canonical's, so I doubt it'd get accepted as an official patch. [12:45] saschagehlich: good luck regardless of what I said, could be fun. :-) [12:45] i don't want an official patch, but a fork would make sense maybe [12:45] theadmin: I know [12:45] wilee-nilee: you use *only* shell? lynx to browse? irssi to IRC? mutt for mail? mplayer for music? vim for everything else? :) [12:45] SuperLag, The cube is a bit harder than it used to probably possible, I used unity for a couple of years it is okay. [12:46] https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/668415 [12:46] Launchpad bug 668415 in Ubuntu "Movement of Unity launcher" [Undecided,Won't fix] [12:46] superlag, i pressed ctrl+alt+f2 and now i am in a terminal looking thing, but i cant type anything [12:46] SuperLag, Yes, all installed in a golden delicious potato. ;) [12:47] hello Ubuntu people, I like to use Ubuntu 13.04 as my main OS on my Mac, just use Mac for music apps. What should I do for partitioning? 100GB Mac, 8GB swap, 30GB / and rest /home? [12:47] sorry I been up for 24hrs I'm a bit loopy [12:47] wilee-nilee: whoa - that's dedication [12:48] If I just knew to what [12:48] streulma: sounds fine [12:48] wilee-nilee: support in here of course [12:49] how can I downgrade grub .. it may have broken in latest 12.04 upgrade I did .. tried apt-get install grub-pc=1.99-21ubuntu3 grub2-common=1.99-21ubuntu3 grub-pc-bin=1.99-21ubuntu3 [12:49] no luck [12:49] saschagehlich: looks like there are a few hacks mentioned in the comments on that bug [12:51] what command do i need to enter in terminal to install pip??? [12:51] paranoidi, Have you tried the bootrepair tool perchance and have the url generated? [12:51] \\?\Volume[547406c4-9f9a-48ff-8b05-18e5238ee24f}\ does that look ubuntu related? [12:51] fgdfgdfgdfgdfdsf: ask apt-file [12:51] hello [12:51] mirak: hi [12:51] I have no sound in ardour [12:51] when i play a track [12:51] Sk1Special: it looks kvm related [12:51] wilee-nilee: the what? I've used linux for 13 years and no word you said rings bells [12:52] Sk1Special: or dd [12:52] my server is still quite up and running, but it will likely not boot correctly next time if grub is not in working order [12:52] just want to downgrade grub and see if it passes without errors, because if it does I'm filing a bug report ;P [12:52] reisio, hmm. im on my windows 8 boot and the ubuntu one is disabled, but thats a new partition ive noticed..just seeing if it came from ubuntu somehow [12:53] Sk1Special: oh, from what output? [12:53] paranoidi, this app has a bootinfo summary it is actually the bootscript it is helpful for aiagnosing boot problems. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/ [12:53] diagnosing* [12:53] hi I can't play some radios on rhythmbox or totem but yes with vlc [12:54] could not determine type of stream [12:54] paranoidi: why downgrade grub ? [12:54] reisio, ah im just looking in disk management..and i noticed that new partition. [12:55] ah, not familiar with that GUI [12:55] Sk1Special: if you pastebin the output of fdisk -l or gdisk -l, that'd probably make more sense to me [12:55] I use GParted [12:55] streulma: because it's not throwing bunch of "error: found two disks with the index 5 for RAID md/3." [12:55] wilee-nilee: running ubuntu server, your gui tools are no use [12:56] streulma: it's *now throwing [12:56] reisio, are those windows commands? im on my win8.1 boot, and ubuntu isnt working atm. i was just seeing if that partition somehow came from ubuntu [12:56] paranoidi, And you failed to mention that and raid up front now didn't you. [12:56] reisio, can you link me to the comment? there are a lot :P [12:57] Sk1Special: ooooooh, okay [12:57] Sk1Special: no they aren't :) [12:57] wilee-nilee: irrelevant details, the question was how can I downgrade a package (grub) in this case in order to verify that the new faulty behaviour is because of upgraded package [12:57] saschagehlich: just search for 'http' [12:58] reisio, lol yeah...sall good. random partitions being created i know nothing about worries me is all..back to google i guess [12:58] Sk1Special: look in Disk Manager [12:58] Sk1Special: or use diskpart [12:58] list disk [12:59] select disk 1 [12:59] list partition [13:00] paranoidi, And by the way the bootscript is a text, I only suggest the bootrepair as ubuntu likes It as a standard for support, you are not the only person with years of use. [13:01] Sk1Special: use your ubuntu live OS [13:01] reisio, thanks [13:01] wilee-nilee: I rather fix the problem than go to some tool that, frankly, I have zero faith in [13:01] I got an error which pointed to a website with an explanation how to fix it, doing their explanation gave an error, i put the error and the terminal output here http://pastebin.com/aQLQxW78 [13:02] can anyone explain what it means and what i should do? [13:02] wilee-nilee: in any case this is more likely a grub bug so that is not going to help anyway [13:03] Darksonn: what's the output of sudo lspci | grep -i net ? [13:03] sec [13:04] reisio, grep: ?: No such file or directory [13:05] Darksonn: mmm, try without sudo [13:05] reisio same output [13:05] Darksonn: lspci on its own? [13:06] reisio just lspci fills the screen with stuff about usb and different intel stuff [13:06] Darksonn: without the '?'... [13:06] withotu the ? it gives 2 things [13:06] jrib: oh, ha [13:06] hahaha === ubu_ is now known as imad [13:06] Darksonn: what are they? :p model # [13:07] a network controller and an ethernet controller [13:07] Darksonn: network, model # [13:07] hi [13:07] imad: hi [13:08] network controller: broadcom corporation bcm4312 802.11b/g lp-phy (rev 0 1) [13:08] #soya [13:09] reisio, network controller: broadcom corporation bcm4312 802.11b/g lp-phy (rev 0 1) [13:10] I got a hp pavilion g6 2320tx laptop [13:10] now I have installed ubuntu on it [13:10] Darksonn: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx [13:10] reisio, ill take a look [13:11] the wireless driver is not recognised even after doing sudo apt-get upgrade [13:11] I got a hp pavilion g6 2320tx laptop now I have installed ubuntu 12.04 on it, the wireless driver is not recognised even after doing sudo apt-get upgrade [13:12] anyone there?? [13:13] anup: can you tell me the output of this?: lspci | grep -i net [13:13] does anybody know a good audio-player to manage my mp3collection [13:13] foobar [13:13] anup, I believe you have a Radeon HD 7670M graphic askubuntu.com has some threads to check if this is the case. [13:13] jelles: ncmpcpp [13:14] reisio: 07:00.0 Network controller: Ralink corp. Device 3290 08:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8101E/RTL8102E PCI Express Fast Ethernet controller (rev 05) [13:14] hey there :D [13:14] reisio, it says i need to Install the STA hybrid drivers/firmware from the restricted repository using the Software Centre or the Synaptic Package Manager, but i only have access to terminal since anything else has a graphics error or black screen [13:14] thank you, i tried amarok/gayadeque/rhytmbox/banshee/... they all were to slow and unable [13:14] wilee-nilee: can u please forward me the link. [13:15] wilee-nilee: other wise can you tell me the best suitable linux distro for my laptop? [13:16] anup, run lspci in the terminal to confirm the graphics. http://askubuntu.com/search?q=+Radeon+HD+7670M Not sure on a suitable distro [13:16] it is radeon 7670m hd [13:16] wilee-nilee: it is radeon 7670m hd [13:17] anup, Cool might be something in the links, I have not messed with all graphics so this is just info. [13:17] somebody to help me configure a sound card under ubuntu 13.04-64b ? [13:17] I am currently using win7+ubuntu 13.04. if I replace win7 for win8 now, and I don't get the option to boot into ubuntu anymore, what can I do to restore grub? [13:17] wilee-nilee: on [13:18] ggabriel96, This a mbr setup W7? [13:18] reisio, it says i need to Install the STA hybrid drivers/firmware from the restricted repository using the Software Centre or the Synaptic Package Manager, but i only have access to terminal since anything else has a graphics error or black screen [13:18] wilee-nilee: what? [13:18] anup: various problems dealt with over here: http://www.google.com/search?q=%22RTL8101E%2FRTL8102E%22%20site%3Aubuntuforums.org [13:18] Darksonn: okay [13:18] ggabriel96, Huh? [13:19] Darksonn: might be simplest to boot into your install media ('try') and fix it from a chroot [13:19] wilee-nilee: what did you mean? [13:19] somebody to help me configure a sound card under ubuntu 13.04-64b ? [13:19] reisio, how do i do that? [13:20] Darksonn: you boot up your install media, hit 'try', and then come back here and ask how to chroot [13:20] reisio, with install media, you mean my livecd that im attempting to install from? and what is try [13:20] reisio: sorry but what's chroot? [13:20] Darksonn: yes, are you not already installed? [13:20] no [13:21] ggabriel96: chroot = change root [13:21] new on irc chat : somebody is talking to me ? [13:21] ntzrmtthihu777: and what does that do? [13:21] ggabriel96, I'm fairly sure you have a standard W7 setup booting from the mbr the first 512MB of the HD and not a uefi which uses a partition and different partitioning. YOU can reload grub to that mbr in several ways, commonly people use the bootrepair app, can be done form a live cd as well. [13:21] ggabriel96: it tells the system to pretend that its boundaries are different than what they are by default [13:21] reisio, attempting to install gives blackscreen [13:21] Darksonn: blackscreen when you try to boot the install, right? [13:21] Darksonn: or during installation? [13:21] hmmm [13:21] reisio, booting the installation [13:21] ggabriel96: normally root is /; suppose i wish to enter a mounted iso on my filesystem; I'll use chroot /path/to/iso/mountpoint and I'll enter a shell within the iso. [13:22] Darksonn: okay, then as I said, boot your install media, 'try', then come back for more instructions on how to chroot to fix [13:22] its kinda like dualbooting without dual booting :P [13:22] oh thanks ntzrmtthihu777 and reisio :D [13:22] wilee-nilee: yes, it's a standard mbr [13:22] ggabriel96: why you worried about chrooting anyways? [13:22] reisio, that means just get to the black screen? [13:22] ntzrmtthihu777: curiosity ^^ [13:22] hooray, building unity from source... let's dive into the code [13:22] ggabriel96: gotcha. be very careful, however :P [13:22] blech, unity. [13:23] just precautionally taking paracetamol... [13:23] wilee-nilee: but if my win8 install doesnt let me boot into ubuntu, what can I do exactly? I mean, can you give me a whole exemple? ;x :P [13:23] ggabriel96, Cool, you can use the live cd and the bootrepiar app or here is another link, its fairly easy once you are up on it. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing [13:23] Darksonn: no I wnat you to boot up the disc you installed from, and select the 'try' option instead of 'install' [13:23] Darksonn: and then come back to IRC for further instruction [13:24] reisio, got it [13:24] ggabriel96, It seems confusing IO know all you are going to do is install W8 the reload the mbr with the grub bootloader, and hit the road. [13:24] reisio, chose nomodeset so try dosent give black screen and chose try [13:25] reisio, now on ubuntu 12.04 loading screen [13:25] Darksonn: gj [13:25] wilee-nilee: if Im not wrong, the last time I used this boot repair, it made 2 entries for windows and the hidden mbr partition was available on my computer in windows. didn't like that program. it messed that and didn't solve my last problem (nothing related to what I'm asking now though xD) [13:25] ; i've just installed 'ncmpcpp' and i noticed it works in terminal , fun, but I can't work enough with terminal yet.now i am looking for something like clementine/banshee, that remains working... [13:26] mediamonkey is awesome, but it won't work in ubuntu, not even when running it in wine [13:26] jelles: lies :p http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=5519 [13:27] ggabriel96, Not sure there I never use it myself just suggest it as ubuntu likes it to be used, I just know how to load the mbr, and if I need to reload the mbr because I have messed up I boot to the linux install with supergrub and do it from the dektop. [13:27] reisio, 3 lines of error flashed on the install screen and now it stopped loading and it is now showing a "the system is running in low-graphics mode" [13:27] wilee-nilee: for exemple. I have the mbr partition, the C: drive partition, 3 partitions for ubuntu (/, /home/ swap) and then a ntfs data-only partition (yes, in that order). where is my grub located? [13:27] Darksonn: can you use it? [13:27] wilee-nilee: yes, that thing! how is that "install with supergrub and do it from the desktop"? [13:28] Ubuntu firefox vs. Microsoft Silverlight... There's a Danish web site (arealinfo.dk) which uses Microsoft Silverlight to browse Danish map and geographical information. I have tried to make it work in firefox/ubuntu 12.04, installed the Moonlight plugin for firefox. But when I run it, nothing happend and the following error message is on the console: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5947519/ [13:28] ggabriel96, Mbr is not a partition, it is the first 512 MB of the HD. [13:28] ggabriel96, it should be on the mbr [13:28] reisio, im on the error box, i can move a cursor with an x as icon, there is an ok button [13:28] reisio, assuming i should click the ok button [13:28] BluesKaj: oh yeah that's what I thought. thanks [13:28] wilee-nilee: here it is o.o and only 125mb though [13:28] Darksonn: probably [13:29] wilee-nilee: oh, when I say mbr, Im talking about that system reserved thing, that stores the mbr (it stores it, doesnt it?) [13:29] ggabriel96, and that's where you should keave it [13:29] jablo: could install a win32 browser with silverlight via Wine [13:29] ggabriel96, I think you are confusing a boot partition with the mbr, but here is a link to the supergrub iso. ggabriel96 [13:29] BluesKaj: yes! I just wanna replace win7 with win8 and I think it will mess grub. just wanna know how I could fix that if that actually happens [13:29] hey pated your nick twice [13:29] Reisio: when i tried it 4 times, everytime it was incredibly slow, and stopped working, without the ability to even play one song [13:29] pasted* [13:29] reisio, another dialog with title what would you like to do? the options are: 1 run in low-graphics mode for just one session, 2: reconfigure graphics, 3: troubleshoot the error, 4: exit to console login [13:30] ggabriel96, Thee is no if it will. [13:30] there* [13:30] ggabriel96, ok [13:32] wilee-nilee: hmm I'm reading that link about grub install [13:32] hey where is the best place to keep nginx source code ? [13:32] wilee-nilee: I wanted a method like that with live cd [13:32] http://paste.ubuntu.com/5947527/ what should I do === erry is now known as erryone [13:33] ggabriel96, Cool, if you have problems just return here most here know how to reload grub to the mbr. [13:33] wilee-nilee: okay, thanks :D [13:33] reisio: You know, that might just be the thing to do. I'm trying to show a friend - who's really on a tight budget for various reasons - how to prolong the life of his aged windows xp computer which is failing badly after an attempt to install XP SP3. And everything he uses the computer for, Ubuntu does very very well... except for just this one web site. === erryone is now known as erry [13:33] reisio, another dialog with title what would you like to do? the options are: 1 run in low-graphics mode for just one session, 2: reconfigure graphics, 3: troubleshoot the error, 4: exit to console login [13:35] #ubuntu-tn [13:38] Darksonn: you might try 2, then 3, then 1 [13:38] reisio, ok starting with 2 === Vampire0_ is now known as Vampire0 [13:39] reisio, dialog title: "how would you like to reconfigure your display?" 1 Use default (generic) config 2 use your backed-up config [13:39] Darksonn: just try things, I don't know those dialogs personally === p0wp0w is now known as p0wp0w|AWAY [13:40] reisio, the first option makes the dialog go away for a second and then reapper, no matter how many times i do it, the second option does the same [13:41] reisio, there is a cancel button on the dialog too [13:41] reisio, that one puts me in the weird inescapable terminal where you can write anything you want but it just goes to the next line and you can keep writing [13:42] then we're back to chrooting from your live OS [13:43] is there a more straight forward tool than deboostrap ? [13:43] to install a full ubuntu ? [13:43] from a running ubuntu ? [13:43] mmmmmmm [13:43] reisio, i could click ctrlaltf2 to get to the terminal if it helps anything [13:44] mirak: you could extract a system you made in a VM on another system [13:44] reisio, now at terminal instead [13:44] Darksonn: no... if you remember we were already at that point a long time ago [13:44] reisio: mmm [13:44] you've gone in a complete circle :) [13:44] reisio, heh [13:44] reisio, ill reboot and try another option [13:45] reisio: i think deboostrap would be less of a hassle :) [13:45] reisio: :( wine firefox + silverlight at least on aralinfo.dk just uses 99% cpu and is stuck. [13:45] mirak: so do I [13:45] jablo: when did it get stuck? [13:45] hi [13:46] here [13:46] jablo: oh [13:46] jablo: actually you might want a patched wine version [13:46] how can I use apt-get to only download packages and not install them? the internet connection might disconnect in the middle of the download [13:46] jablo: wine-compholio; https://launchpad.net/~ehoover/+archive/compholio/ [13:47] amireldor: man apt-get, /--download-only [13:47] resure, thanks [13:47] reisio: Thanks, trying. [13:47] reisio, ok back to original graphics error, will try another option now [13:48] reisio, i clicked the troubleshooting option [13:48] reisio, theres 4 things i can troubleshoot [13:49] reisio, 1 xserver log file 2 startup errors 3 edit config file 4 archive config and logs [13:51] reisio, 1 xserver log file 2 startup errors 3 edit config file 4 archive config and logs [13:51] kproxy not working [13:52] kproxy not working in ubuntu [13:52] reisio, the xserver logfile is really long with alot of stuf [13:52] reisio, the startup erros is completely empty [13:52] Darksonn_: only lines with EE matter [13:53] why cant i install any apps on software center? [13:53] reisio, first ee: open /dev/fb0: No such file or directory [13:53] when doing a chroot is it safe to mount /dev ? [13:53] reisio, second ee: intel(0): failed to get resources: invalid argument [13:54] reisio, thrid ee: screen(s) found, but none have a useable config [13:54] reisio, not an ee but contained fatal server error assuming thats also important: fatal server error: no screens found [13:54] mirak: `mount -o bind` works fine. "Safe" depends on what you’re going to to in that chroot env ;-) [13:55] vlt: yes i mean a --bind [13:55] vlt: i am installing a new ubuntu with debootstrap [13:55] reisio, another ee: consult someone at x.org fundation support [13:55] I've not actually used debootstrap, but usually use mount --rbind /dev for chroots [13:56] Darksonn_: only the lines with EE and useful text matter :) [13:56] mirak: Works for me. [13:56] reisio, another ee: Please also check the log file at "/var/log/Xorg.0.log" for additional information [13:57] Darksonn_: sorry, what are you reading this from? [13:57] xserver thingy [13:57] xserver log file [13:58] uhuh [13:58] !offtopic [13:58] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [13:58] useful messages don't say "see blah blah for help" [13:58] they're more like "FOO did BAR error" [13:58] reisio, what about screens found but none have a useable config [13:59] Darksonn_: yeah [13:59] Darksonn_: anything else? [13:59] reisio, except if i can somehow read the reference log file, no [14:00] ubuntu 12.04 is not detecting my wireless [14:00] anyone know how to resolve this issue? [14:00] live9, new installation? [14:01] live9, and is it not detecting the wifi channels or is your wifi totally fragged and non-functional? [14:01] yes [14:01] its not detecting it [14:01] it totally cant see it [14:01] live9, has it ever worked? [14:01] yes [14:02] before this installation I had 9.04 on there [14:02] and that version detected it [14:02] live9, are you hardwired to the net at present? [14:03] no [14:03] on another computer over the wireless connection [14:03] live9, get a hard connection, go to settings > additional drivers and it should automagically set up. [14:04] reisio, except if i can somehow read the reference log file, no [14:04] Ich have a script on my ext4 filesystem (mounted through iscsi on a RAID10), that creates about 25000 textfiles files (around 60kbs each). The files are beeing serverd by apache2 to to other users. Each user is one file and there devices download the files probably every 10 minutes. It it better to sepperate the files in multiple directorys? (Yes, i should use a database for that, but my skills with databases arent good enough yet) [14:04] its empty and reads no proprietary driver in this system [14:04] drivers^ [14:05] whats the official ubuntu channel [14:05] this one [14:05] live9, what? this is #ubuntu [14:05] ok [14:05] you're in it! [14:05] which ubuntu version installs php 5.4 by default? [14:06] live9, ok well, this does happen. I might be able to help. make and model of your computer? [14:06] * cfhowlett hopes it's broadcom ... [14:06] dell inspirion 1750 [14:06] dwarder: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=names&suite=all§ion=all&keywords=php5 [14:07] Hi guys! This bug drives me crazy... I'm getting random freezes after 24+ hours of uptime - mouse doesn't move, no reaction from keyboard as well except for Alt+SysRq+REISUB. Syslog: https://gist.github.com/liverlin/6150424 [14:07] I tried the fn + f2 [14:07] live9, yep, broadcom onboard. here's the tutorial. for what it's worth, I used the "no internet access STA method" and had wifi in 2 minutes , no reboot required .. [14:07] live9, um, wait. are you dual booting? [14:07] ok great cfhow [14:07] reisio: so, 12.10 right? [14:07] nope no dual boot [14:07] ubuntu is only os on this computer [14:08] reisio, except if i can somehow read the reference log file, no [14:08] dwarder: and higher, right [14:08] Darksonn_: think you want to chroot man [14:08] reisio: thanx [14:09] I gotta go do some things and then get some sleep [14:09] live9, if you mucked around with the hardswitch, you could easily have turned off your wifi ... [14:09] how do i chroot then? [14:10] wifi was turned off ever since the first time it booted into ubuntu after installation [14:10] you said u had a tutorial? [14:11] live9, tutorial won't help if you killed the hardswitch ... wait one [14:12] the dell doesnt have a physical switch [14:13] live9, f2 IS the switch on the 1545 ... [14:14] live9, http://karuppuswamy.com/wordpress/2012/08/17/how-to-fix-wireless-is-disabled-by-hardware-switch-message-in-ubuntu-12-04/ [14:14] yes it is f2 on the 1750 [14:14] ok great [14:14] live9, and if you turned it off, it might or might not reactivate via hardware. run the tutorial. [14:16] why do i have problems with internet connection in software center if i try to install or update settings??? [14:18] why do i have problems with internet connection in software center if i try to install or update settings??? [14:19] hgfhfghf: dont need to repeart [14:19] more than likely a coincidence [14:21] no luck with that [14:22] why do i have problems with internet connection in software center if i try to install or update settings??? [14:22] !details|hgfhfghf, [14:22] hgfhfghf,: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." [14:23] i got ubuntu 10.10, when i try to install any app i get this: Failed to download repository information. Check your Internet connection. [14:23] and then this in details: W:GPG error: http://archive.canonical.com maverick Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 40976EAF437D05B5, W:Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick/restricted/binary-i386/Packages.gz 404 Not Found [IP: 80] , W:Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick/multiverse/binary-i386/Pack [14:24] hgfhfghf: That would explain it, 10.10 is no longer supported, the repo's have probably been removed [14:24] !10.10 | hgfhfghf [14:24] hgfhfghf: Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 10th, 2012, see http://ubottu.com/y/maverick for details. [14:24] but i cant even upgrade it [14:24] !eolupgrade [14:24] End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades [14:24] correct, no repos, no upgrade [14:25] what should i do now? [14:25] how to install new version of ubuntu? [14:25] the last link up there.. [14:26] hgfhfghf: If you look at Ubottu's last link, that gives info on how you can upgrade, although it may be better to download and install a more recent version, if you want long term support 12.04 is supported for 5 years [14:27] Hello everyone, Inge_Tomahere and i'm here and ready to DDoS. [14:27] he comes in here daily [14:28] Can somebody help me migrate from evolution to thunderbird? The ubuntu wiki is outdated and askubuntu wants me to manually export 30+ folders to mbox format [14:29] Inge_Toma: DDoS sounds like a stale thing to me [14:29] What could be causing my laptop to turn on when hibernated? A few times recently I've come to take my laptop out of my bag and it has been warm and out of batteries even though it has been in hibernate mode. More recently I've tested it by hibernating it and leaving it on a desk - yup, it is turned on a few hours later. === sysadmin is now known as Guest87670 [14:31] I was tinkering around with SSH a couple of days ago. Now I want to start afresh. Do I have to delete the keys or files in /etc/ssh ? [14:31] i have older computer, should i install xfce on ubuntu to run it little faster? would it help? [14:32] A1Recon: might be things in ~/.ssh/ [14:32] hgfhfghf: yes [14:32] hgfhfghf: it is possible, i like xubuntu [14:32] not xubuntu, xfce on ubuntu [14:32] k, sure [14:32] hgfhfghf, xubuntu and lubuntu are optimized for older and lower tech devices [14:32] SuRfDaEmOn: So I don't touch things in /etc/ssh ?? [14:33] A1Recon: no, not unless you were specifically changing things in /etc/ssh [14:34] reisio: To use wine-compholio, do I uninstall the default wine first (and then---which of the many wine-packages?) or do I just install wine-compholio on top of the existing installation ? [14:34] A1Recon: not sure what you're looking to do, but I wouldn't think you would need to, normally. [14:34] A1Recon: ~/.ssh/ is your local dir where personal settings are stored [14:36] SuRfDaEmOn: drip: Thanks!! [14:43] ok finally. I got it now. all I had to do was walk up to my router and get a wired connection. and then, go to additional drivers and download the proprietary driver I needed for my wireless. [14:43] what should i get xubuntu or lubuntu? [14:43] apparently this version of ubuntu didnt include that proprietary driver i need for my computer [14:44] anyway, im happy now [14:45] Does it matter that i did a sudp apt-get -y purge xubuntu after rebooting post sudo apt-get -y install ubuntu-Desktop? [14:46] live9, good for you. [14:48] what should i get xubuntu or lubuntu? [14:49] gfdfgdfhd, up to you. try this; install xfce4 to sample xubuntu and get lxde to sample lubuntu [14:49] yes. thanks a lot cfhowlett for your help [14:49] have a great day [14:49] live9, have fun, be safe [14:51] Hello [14:51] ubuntivity, greetings [14:52] My old laptop running ubuntu server 12.04 takes very long time wheb I order it to dhclient eth1 [14:52] *when [14:52] Hi everyone. For some reason my notebook (ubuntu 13.04) freezes on "loading initial ramdisk" without any error message when using the mainline kernel (same config as the one of the working kernel - chose defaults in oldconfig). Is there anyway to find out what is going wrong, any logs or something? [14:53] I use that command to connect it to a dhcp over wifi === BadLarry_ is now known as BadLarry === BadLarry is now known as BadLarry_ [14:58] hey guys [14:59] o/ [15:00] tomorrow I was trying to create my virtual machine and I was having problems with virtual box crashing x. with some research I couldn't find so much useful info, but that made my guess it was some conflict with nvidia driver [15:00] then I restored nouveau and everything was fine [15:00] but, the performance is of course lower. I wanted to go back to nvidia, but I still have the old x files here that nvidia used === BadLarry_ is now known as BadLarry [15:01] I wanted to do a completely clean install, with everything in default settings, to see if I can use the nvidia driver and virtual box normally [15:01] how can I do that? [15:01] ggabriel96: so you came back from the future? you wouldn't have nvidia drivers in a VM [15:01] daftykins: not in the vm, in my system [15:02] ggabriel96: as in without formatting the whole thing? [15:02] daftykins: of course! === blazemore is now known as shleden [15:03] why not just do it? [15:03] daftykins: format? [15:04] yeah [15:04] did you create a separate /home ? [15:04] daftykins: yes, i have a separate /home. I don't know what are the files nouveau uses. so I didn't remove any X file. I just want to install nvidia driver again but as if it was the first time. [15:04] oh right [15:05] why is the prime symbol (U+2032) so tiny in the Ubuntu default font? [15:05] i'm not sure what the package names are for nvidia in the latest ubuntu [15:05] daftykins: reinstalling ubuntu telling it to format /, use the "old" /home but without formatting it would make the trick? [15:06] ggabriel96: well you should have a pretty plain nvidia setup by reinstalling and just renaming any /etc/X11/xorg.conf you have to say xorg.conf.old so it's backed up [15:06] as in just use additional drivers / install the package in a terminal [15:07] daftykins: I don't have any xorg.conf there, just my backup and this xorg.conf.nvidia-xconfig-original what I don't know what it is [15:07] it'll likely be the xorg.conf as it was before 'nvidia-xconfig' was run, which generates a xorg.conf for nvidia driver use [15:07] so just put it back on and gogogo \o/ [15:08] so I shouldn't worry about this xorg.conf.nvidia-xconfig-original and just install nvidia? [15:09] ggabriel96: yep [15:09] ggabriel96: what's the worst that could happen? :) [15:10] daftykins: my vm crash x again T_T [15:10] sigh. No luck with Firefox/wine + silverlight on arealinfo.dk. I think I'll give up. [15:10] jablo: with compholio? === seg` is now known as seg [15:12] daftykins: how can I know what option on additional drivers is the nvidia-current? there is not much info about drivers in additional drivers... plus I don't know which one is the most recommended, as the 304.88 (nvidia-current) had a better performance than the latest one available there (313-updates) [15:12] I do think I installed compholio, yes. (wine-compholio). Then I got "virtual memory exhausted" whenever I started wine. Then I tried adding another ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa which also upgraded wine, and wine could starte - but silverlight still just locks ups. [15:12] reisio: I do think I installed compholio, yes. (wine-compholio). Then I got "virtual memory exhausted" whenever I started wine. Then I tried adding another ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa which also upgraded wine, and wine could starte - but silverlight still just locks ups. [15:12] ggabriel96: just experiment [15:12] daftykins: isnt there any problem in constantly changing those drivers? [15:12] ggabriel96: no. [15:12] jablo: what's the site? [15:12] OMG HOW I LOVE LINUX [15:13] sorry for caps, but I get excited [15:13] xD [15:13] thanks daftykins and seg :D [15:13] ggabriel96: nope, you can keep changing drivers in Windows too - doesn't make an issue [15:14] daftykins: yeah but windows is a whole mess with that ntfs crap and "you need to restart your system in order to apply changes" [15:14] reisio: arealinfo.dk. I do not know if it is available outside Denmark [15:14] daftykins: and it's pretty much slower than linux (even more when changing drivers!) [15:14] Hey I am trying to make Ubuntu a DLNA Client and I following the stuff from this webpage https://www.ebower.com/docs/ubuntu-dlna-player/ I downloaded the plugin code and plugin definition by using the code on that page but the plugin does not show up on Totem/Media Player. BTW the files downloaded are named "upnp-coherence.py" and "upnp-coherence.totem-plugin" << Maybe the problem is because of the ".totem-plugin" extension. Please help!! [15:15] BTW I am on Ubuntu 13.04 [15:15] daftykins: I'm making all this questions and vmbox thing because imma test what's gonna happen if I replace my win7 with win8 (i have dualboot win7+ubuntu13.04). I think it will mess my grub and ubuntu's boot option, so Ill test in virtualbox before doing anything else === zz_DenBeiren is now known as DenBeiren [15:15] daftykins: but virtualbox was having problems with nvidia, as I said. I hope it doesnt anymore [15:15] ggabriel96: virtualbox probably won't be able to let you test an EFI install [15:16] daftykins: EFI install? [15:17] A1Recon: sudo python upnp-coherence.py [15:17] ggabriel96: yeah UEFI vs. legacy installs and all that fun. i figured you meant that's what's going wrong [15:18] jablo: you might actually try installing netflix-desktop and using its web browser [15:18] guys i install ubuntu 12.04 but before i have ubuntu 12.10 and now i have 2 os how can i uninstall ubuntu 12.10 ( same time installed windows 7 i want to save it ) [15:18] magdur: leaving only Windows 7? === Hichem is now known as boulhech [15:18] daftykins: sorry I don't get it. could you simplify? ;x [15:20] no reisio i want leave ubuntu 12.10 now i installed 2 os [15:20] magdur: Windows 7, Ubuntu 12.04, _and_ Ubuntu 12.10? [15:20] ggabriel96: eh nevermind [15:20] reisio ubuntu 12.10 [15:20] i want to delete it [15:20] daftykins: vbox can emulate efi stuff, but its a bunch of hacks and is probably an unreliable simulation for what he's doing. [15:20] ggabriel96: i'm pretty sure virtualbox won't be a good comparison to your actual PC though [15:20] magdur: you want to get rid of 12.10 and keep 12.04? [15:21] yes [15:21] seg: yeah i don't see it comparing [15:21] seg: yeah? I've been meaning to try that, you gotta link? [15:21] reisio: I'll try that. Running wine firefox from the command line, and loading that site, I see endlessly repeated messages: fixme:winsock:WSAIoclt -> SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE request: stub [15:21] no link, just first hand, fiddle with the image settings after its made, its with the ioapic stuff I believe [15:21] daftykins: ok xD. just let me ask you one more thing. if I wanted to format and reinstall ubuntu without touching the /home partition, would I preserve all my programs too? and would it have any problems related to that? [15:21] magdur: okay, the typical way would be to boot your live OS, delete the partition/s of the one you don't want, and resize the rest to reclaim the space [15:22] seg: :/ [15:22] seg: what about vmware? [15:22] reisio how can i do that ? [15:22] reisio: not sure, I havent played with that in a few years [15:22] ggabriel96: no, it wouldn't save installed software. just software settings and maybe their data, e.g. firefox bookmarks would be in /home [15:22] magdur: with the disc you installed Ubuntu from [15:22] seg: righto [15:22] lets all with a disk [15:22] daftykins: ooh. and is there any way to save at least a list of the programs I have/had installed? [15:23] reisio: in my experience, vmware does all the fancy stuff first. I'd bet they can emulate those environmentsm too === picca_ is now known as picca [15:23] reisio: or atleast get them to work [15:23] ggabriel96: yeah i don't know how though [15:23] flipper88_fl: current pwd is "/usr/lib/totem/plugins/upnp-coherence" and i run the "sudo python upnp-coherence.py" and i get this : [15:23] Traceback (most recent call last): [15:23] File "upnp-coherence.py", line 14, in [15:23] import totem [15:23] ImportError: No module named totem [15:23] A1Recon: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [15:23] daftykins: hmm ok [15:23] Kubuntu 13.04 amd64 can't boot on Macbook but Ubuntu works fine [15:23] daftykins: ty again ^^ [15:23] oops [15:23] be right back [15:23] seg: but in the free version is the question :p [15:24] reisio: ughh. that's why I haven't played with it in a few yearsr ;D [15:25] #ubuntu_tr [15:25] türkçe kanalı neydi? [15:26] resio: cya later, thanks for help. I'll try the netflix solution to my silverlight problem later. [15:26] hello : I search for help configure properly a intel hd sound card under ubuntu 13.04-64b [15:26] fujipompon: what makes you think it's not configured properly? [15:26] hacılar türkçe kanalın ismi neydi [15:27] magdur: /msg alis list *ubunt*tr [15:28] reisio : sound comes out the hdmi digital outpout and I badely needs SPDIF ! [15:28] #ubuntu-ceviri [15:29] where can I find the Kubuntu 13.04 amd64 for mac ? [15:29] xkernel: i'm not sure that macs are even officially supported [15:29] reisio : can't find any graphical way to setup all that [15:30] fujipompon: sometimes that's hidden in alsamixer [15:30] fujipompon: some of the channels instead of volume mixers are toggles between outputs [15:31] reisio : if you can help I know how to type commands in console [15:32] fujipompon: just run 'alsamixer', look around, hit TAB, use the arrow keys (up/dn for toggles) [15:32] any suggested mailserver solution for Ubuntu 12.10 server. Just for a personal domain. Thinking postfix, dovecot & squirrelmail [15:32] it might be referred to as IEC something === p0wp0w|AWAY is now known as p0wp0w [15:35] reisio : ok for alsamixer : some kind of "picture" appears [15:35] mmhmm [15:36] reisio : with tab I can go to "control spdif" witch displays a 00 [15:36] fujipompon: okay, that's something [15:36] reisio : but there'sis no way to raise thet value [15:37] fujipompon: you have some speakers hooked up to your spdif out? [15:37] reisio : thAt ! [15:37] got it? [15:38] in fact I have an HC amplifier conneted through an Optic wire [15:38] fujipompon: k, turn it on [15:38] reisio: has he unmuted all outputs like IEC958 in alsamixer? [15:38] fujipompon: play some audio while you play in alsamixer [15:39] daftykins: that's what he was just trying [15:39] cool [15:39] that used to be the old trick for my optical gear === Rusty is now known as Guest30206 [15:39] reisio : All that is operational under W7... Amplifier is on... [15:39] fujipompon: oh on the same box? [15:39] #ubuntu_tr [15:40] reisio : yes ! that means at least that the connections are ok ! [15:40] fujipompon: okay, so put an audio file on a loop while you play in alsamixer [15:40] vishnu: on my color scheme your name comes up blue :) [15:41] y woo [15:41] ? [15:41] I think he was commenting on the coincidence that 'vishnu' would be blue [15:42] How do i change the file permissions so that i can delete it? it needs root. [15:42] A1Recon: it? [15:42] yaa may be [15:42] ...cause vishnu is said to be blue... [15:43] vishnu: please use entire spelling of words for those people for whom english is not their first language [15:43] vishu sucks. [15:43] reisio : OK something reads in "Rhyhmbox" : can't hear anything [15:43] What horse shit is it? [15:43] gyklon: stop that please. [15:43] what [15:43] gyklon: tone down your language. [15:43] !guidelines | gyklon [15:43] gyklon: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines [15:43] can I use the xfce settings manager for things like power control on lxde? lxde has little to no tools for settings. [15:43] fujipompon: make sure you can hear it out of _something_ before you proceed [15:43] gyklon: he absorbs [15:43] fujipompon: headphones, other speakers [15:44] not point trying to figure out s/pdif if your audio isn't already working in some fashion [15:44] sry ot [15:44] c'mon. [15:44] no* point [15:44] gyklon: please read the guidelines before saying anything else [15:44] !guideliens > gyklon [15:44] Yeah. Ok. [15:44] !guidelines > gyklon [15:44] gyklon, please see my private message [15:44] gyklon: great, thank you [15:45] Yes. Master. [15:45] never mind, found the answer to my question via google, the answer is yes. === BadLarry is now known as BadLarry_ [15:46] suppose i had a few thousand .mp3 files in a folder, and some of them would contain a certain word, and id want to remove that word out of their title. what would be the easiest way of doing that? [15:46] Voi: the filename, not the metadata? [15:46] reisio : i don't have any speakers here, but there's nothing either coming out of HDmi (TV) [15:46] reisio, both [15:46] I finally managed to install ubuntu on my laptop, but whenever i boot it i get the following error: the system is running in low graphics mode, i searched up some solutions, but when i tried to perform them i couldnt because the terminal dosent work, its black screen, blue cursor and is filled with blue lines going down over the entire screen vertically [15:46] reisio, lets say the file name for starters [15:46] rm -rf *.mp3 [15:46] Best solution. [15:46] !awk > Voi [15:46] Voi, please see my private message [15:46] You need to be is that directory. [15:47] reisio : witch I use as a monitor [15:47] gyklon: That is not helpful [15:47] gyklon whats that command? [15:47] Voi: you might see what 'beets' has for it [15:47] !danger [15:47] DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you! [15:47] Voi: I'd probably use find + id3v2 + rename [15:47] Voi: dont use that command. that will erase all files === BadLarry_ is now known as BadLarry [15:48] thanks [15:48] fujipompon: as long as you can hear something [15:48] im not using anything i dont know no worries :P [15:48] but !awk is still right use with grep and mv [15:49] i guess what i want is a script that loops through the files looking for the key word and replacing it [15:49] reisio, whats id3v2 [15:49] Voi: just line them up in nautilus [15:49] Hi. When I try to watch a DVD I get the message that the decoding library is not installed. [15:50] !dvd | gerardov [15:50] gerardov: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [15:50] Voi: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZaqJmjM23D0#t=2m29s [15:50] and what about metadata; i dont know much about that, but can i do such things on title, artist name etc.. [15:50] I finally managed to install ubuntu on my laptop, but whenever i boot it i get the following error: the system is running in low graphics mode, i searched up some solutions, but when i tried to perform them i couldnt because the terminal dosent work, its black screen, blue cursor and is filled with blue lines going down over the entire screen vertically [15:50] kostkon, thanks. [15:50] ty reisio [15:53] Hi [15:54] reisio : Old ditros of ubuntu use to havec the option of using external drivers, for peripherical such as soundcard , too bad that 13.04 doesn't anymore... [15:54] what url to mirror in order to setup a personal ubuntu ftp install site?, i just need plain CD size mirroring and dont want to have a mounted ISO [15:54] fujipompon: I'm sure it has, but I don't think you're at that point yet [15:55] reisio : I'm convinced that my trouble is a matter of unappropiriate drivers [15:55] what does it mean if when i open the terminal, i get to a page where the entire screen is black except for alot of blue vertical lines going over the black area [15:56] reisio : but anyways I can't find any linux drivers 4 this soundcard [15:57] reisio : So then what else can I do ? Any clues , dear reisio ? === ubuntu is now known as Guest98035 [15:58] reisio : ( Rhythmbox still runs a loop) [15:58] Can someone help me? [15:59] pk___: you need to ask a question first [15:59] Hi, what would be the best partition structure on a 500 GB Sata driver on laptop? :) I am thinking about have one /home, one /boot and one /. [15:59] pk___: ask your question, and see (assuming it's ubuntu related). [16:00] Guest98035: and swap? That should work out fine [16:00] Guest98035: I'd skip the /boot though [16:00] I'd skip /home, even, but that's just me === BadLarry is now known as BadLarry_ [16:02] reisio : ok ! I went to "sound tuning" clicked on HDMI / DisplayPort /internal audio AND I CAN HEAR my loop playing in RhytnmBox !!!! [16:02] reisio, Yes of course the swap :D Why skip /boot? :) I wa thinking if some kernel or grub is on a bad sector on hdd its easy to move a whole partition instead of a part. [16:02] reisio : on the TV I precise ! [16:03] reisio, I prefer to have /home separatly now, when I really understand that its nice to have those time Ubuntu crashes or goes fawlty, which is quite often unfortunatly. I would like A OS which never fails in some years at least. [16:03] fujipompon: sound tuning? Some pulse gui thing? [16:03] Guest98035: separate partitions don't really protect against that, backups do [16:04] so i installed beets using ubuntu software center but i fail to find it; the beets doc says ~/.config/beets/config.yaml but its not there; i get that a lot these days, things not being where they should be, how do i find that beets config file now? [16:04] Voi: dpkg -L beets | grep bin [16:04] reisio : no Ii mean the GUI sound "stuff that comes when you hit paramaters [16:04] fujipompon: k, well gj [16:04] reisio, Well yes of coruse it does. If / partition fails, I can just blow it out and reinstall. But if /home is on same partition as /, well I need to take a backup each time. [16:05] reisio : sorry my ubuntu is in french so ! [16:05] Guest98035: nope [16:05] Guest98035: you can 'just reinstall' regardless [16:05] reisio, Yes I can? I have done it before? [16:05] Guest98035: I don't know :) [16:06] reisio, If you resintall where /home is on /, then you need to take a new backup before doing the reinstall. If /home is separate from /, then you do not need any backup. You just use old /home as the new /home on the new installation. [16:07] you need to take a new backup anyways, or your backup won't be much use [16:07] but regardless, you can still do it [16:07] anyone can give me an example on what url to mirror to have own personal ftp install server? [16:08] Hello, I'm trying to activate PFS on my apache on ubuntu 12.04 LTS. But the server won't start and complains about: "Unable to configure permitted SSL ciphers" [16:08] reisio, Well yes, but its about comfortability wheryre talking about, not what works and what does not. Then separate /home is more secure, IF yorue Linux actually get any virus, which it can. [16:08] hplc: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Rsyncmirror [16:08] i renamed my /etc/init.d directory to something else.. now it wont boot..says it couldnot find /etc/init.d/rcS [16:08] Also I'm not possible to activate TLSv1.2 [16:08] reisio : that sounds parameters also display a "Digital Output (S/PDIF) / Internal audio, but I soon as I click on it HDMI sound cuts and nothing plays through spdif... [16:08] do I really have to compile apache by myself, or am i missing something? [16:09] Guest98035: because viruses can't copy themselves to other partitions? [16:09] beneter_, No? sudo apt-get install apache2. [16:09] pk__: rename it back [16:09] fujipompon: so don't click on that? [16:09] Guest98035 [16:09] reisio, Usually virus do not goes between partitions, but yes they can. [16:09] reisio : ok... [16:09] Guest98035: ... [16:10] Guest98035: I have done that... it is already up and running [16:10] Guest98035: Server version: Apache/2.2.22 (Ubuntu) [16:10] reisio: bt there is no trminal now how o rename back [16:11] pk__: Boot from a live cd, mount the root partition and fix it... And what would possess you to rename anything under /etc/ in the first place? [16:12] looking for DAB+ player - any ideas? [16:12] beneter_, Then wahts the prob? [16:12] When I look at the image files for these graphics, I'm not seeing any background on them.... but this Pomodoro icon on the panel (the tomato) shows up with a background. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/913175/pomodoro_icon.png [16:12] adamk: i agree that it was a mistake [16:12] Is that a configuration issue, or do I need to correct the imag? [16:12] image, that is [16:13] reisio, Usually hackers are using Linux themselfes and are paranoid, which make Linux quite safe :D [16:13] any idea of how can I use this spdif digital output? You look very buzy with a lot of people ! [16:13] pk__: Well there's no doubt it's a mistake, whether you agree or not... I'm just curious why you would have done such a thing? [16:13] adamk: but i used a damn small linux live cd..it says cannot mount /dev/hda5 cannot read superblock [16:13] Guest98035: The Ciphers needed for PFS aren't supported [16:14] beneter_, use another web server? [16:14] Guest98035: SSLCipherSuite TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA:... [16:14] adamk: actually my computer was running good in single user mode and when i used to move to runlevel 2 then it hang..so i wanted to know what servie is causing hang so i renamed /etc/init.d :P [16:14] stupid i know [16:15] Guest98035: why should I do this? ^^ [16:15] reisio : sorry to bother U with all that ! [16:15] but now i got myself into a bigger problem :( [16:15] didn't even see it, 'bout time for sleep [16:15] beneter_, I dont know [16:15] It would be cute if a Canadian humped your asshole. [16:16] 0o [16:16] I'm not saying you're a slut, but if your twat had a password, it would be 'password'. === pfifo_ is now known as pfifo [16:17] no password at all would be more apt :( [16:18] in order to rename my directory back..i have tried all this 1. run a live cd of damn small linux it wont mount my pext3 partition says cant read the superblock 2. in the grub prompt i can see and list my file system and can even see the /etc/initdbck which i want to rename but grub prompt wont provide any rename or mv command [16:18] reisio : any idea of other support forum where I could find some help ? [16:19] fujipompon: help with what? [16:19] pk__: try an Ubuntu live cd [16:20] installed libreoffice in lubuntu, then removed abiword and gnumeric. icon for abiword is gone. but icon for gnumeric is still in menu (even though nothing happens when click on it). how do i get rid of it (on all user accounts)? [16:20] my internet connection is to slow and cant afford to download ubuntu live cd :( [16:20] shoot, I had a question but I had to fuss with SASL so so long I forgot what it was. === Abd_Allatif_ is now known as Abd_Allatif [16:21] rundaz: can you check ~/.local/share/applications if there is a file for Gnumeric there? [16:21] by the way is the command corrbect mount -t ext3 /dev/sda5 /mnt [16:21] * alfacard is backkk [16:21] lewq lewq lewq lewq lewq lewq lewq lewq !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [16:22] ahh yes, What package is memcheck in? [16:22] alfacard: please disable that away/back script [16:22] saiarcot895: if there is, i must delete it? [16:23] reisio : to find a wau to fix that bloody digital output matter !!! [16:23] rundaz: yes [16:23] reisio : what else do you think I'm here for ??? [16:23] fujipompon: didn't you say you got it working? [16:23] pk__: mount /dev/sda5 /mnt should suffice [16:24] saiarcot895: and will it delete it for all user accounts? or do i have to do it for every user? [16:24] reisio: hmm that too same error [16:24] rundaz: you'll have to do it for every user, but do you know if every user has that icon as well? [16:24] reisio : no way I need SPDIF output !!! 'cause my HC amp has no HDMI input [16:24] rundaz: also, is there a file there? [16:25] reisio : and my Tv sound is hugly !!! [16:25] how is it possible that my os is being loaded from the same partition but mount is unable to mount it [16:26] pk__: seems pretty quirky that's for sure [16:26] saiarcot895: i am in the guest session now and icant find the folder. but then in the guest session changes are not permanent... [16:26] rundaz check /usr/share/applications [16:27] even grub prompt can list all the files inside the partition..wish grub prompt had rename command inbuilt..:) [16:28] rundaz: can you get into your user account, or an existing user account? [16:29] yes it's /usr/share/applications and icon for gnumeric is there [16:29] is it possible to make ubuntu not look for /etc/init.d/rcS and give a shell instead? [16:30] rundaz: in that case, you'll need to delete that file with sudo permissions [16:30] reisio : under W7 this little PC sends multichannel sounds to this same HC Amp and it sounds great !!! [16:31] may be there is some parameters in bootloader which will directly take me to a shell [16:31] but how do i delete it for the guest session? i mean changes are not saved there... [16:31] pk__: init=/bin/sh [16:31] pk__: That used to work... Not sure if it still does. [16:31] where? [16:32] where do i write this? [16:32] You pass that to the kernel. [16:32] reisio : I'm so disappointed that free sofware is unable to do as well with teh same hardware !!! [16:32] rundaz delete /usr/share/applications/gnumeric.desktop [16:32] then it will be gone forever [16:33] linux ....... quiet splash init=/bin/sh like that? [16:33] for all users? even guest? [16:33] rascul: you need sudo permissions to delete anything outside your home folder [16:33] rascul: that being said, I'm not sure you can get sudo permissions on a guest account [16:33] pk__: Correct. [16:33] ok let me try [16:34] could you please give me the exact command for terminal? [16:34] sudo rm /usr/share/applications/gnumeric.desktop [16:34] if you only have guest account then you likely won't be ablt to remove it [16:35] fujipompon: is it intel hd audio? [16:35] reisio : Not here anymore ? Or do I bored you with my question ? [16:35] and later i will do it from the admin account. thank you. you people are great :) [16:35] yes, i am [16:35] h4rray [16:36] reisio :yes it is, with ACL 662 audio chipset it seems ! [16:36] but just out of curiosity.. why didnt the icon disappear when i disinstalled the program like for abiword)? [16:37] for some reason /usr/share/applications/gnumeric.desktop wasn't removed when the package was uninstalled [16:37] obvious broken package [16:37] if you can replicate it, it may be worth filing a bug [16:38] broken! [16:38] or not, depending on how much beer you've drank today [16:38] if anything doesn't work perfectly at any time it's a bug, just not necessarily one that can be fixed easily [16:38] !behelpful | rascul [16:38] rascul: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes. [16:38] adamk: got a #shell but while renamig it says read ony file system [16:39] pk__: Try 'mount -o rw / [16:39] ok, bye bye :) [16:40] hey.. any one can tell me how can i mount this mtdblock "Squashfs filesystem, big endian, lzma signature, version 3.1" [16:41] says /dev/sda5 alrady mountd [16:41] mount image.squashfs block/ -o loop [16:41] mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0, missing codepage or helper program, or other error In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail or so [16:42] Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset High Definition Audio (rev 06) [16:42] SQUASHFS error: Can't find a SQUASHFS superblock on loop0 [16:43] reisio : Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset High Definition Audio (rev 06) [16:43] mount image.squashfs block/ -o loop [16:43] SQUASHFS error: Can't find a SQUASHFS superblock on loop0 [16:43] any help ?? [16:52] pk__: Try 'mount -o remount,rw /' [16:53] mmm dne [16:53] hank u adamk [16:54] https://gist.github.com/TheFrozenFire/c576f0afe120774eb9ff I'm having an issue where my system is apparently wanting to uninstall... just about everything. I previously had some issues with a broken ppa that forced me to remove a package forcibly using dpkg, and I recently made the mistake of installing Intel's package update tool. [16:55] Any ideas as to how I can, at the very least, eliminate the marked removal of all of these packages? [16:55] Hellooo guys, got a problem where Slim login manager says "failed to execute login command". This has happened after I changed my user account name. I made sure all it's permissions are set correct and that ownership of the files was switched over. But my system still refuses me access to my account. Ironically, I can still access the root account. [16:56] adamk: i have another problem because of which i did all this in first place..if you could help [16:56] What are the chances of easily installing boost 1.54 on my stock 12.04LTS? [16:56] adamk: problem is when i run my computer in single user mode it runs fine but when i do init 2 [16:56] then after a minute computer either hangs or reboot [16:56] how can i find what is causing that [16:57] you can't mount a 3.x squashfs image with squashfs 4.y in the kernel, your only chance is to unroll the beast with unsquashfs ... [16:57] you can't mount a 3.x squashfs image with squashfs 4.y in the kernel, your only chance is to unroll the beast with unsquashfs ... [16:57] How do i change the permissions of a file so that i can delete it? it needs root. === flyin4x4 is now known as flyn4x4 [16:59] A1Recon, cd to the directory that holds the file. type sudo chown yourAccountName File [16:59] Hm... Anyone happen to come across an error when booting about cdc_acm? [17:00] A1Recon, then type rm FileToBeDeleted [17:01] Achn30: or an older kernel that is still on squashfs 3.x, recent ones have 4.y [17:01] A1Recon, I just realized you could just type sudo rm FileToBeeleted [17:02] abaddon: Thanks!! You play Dota?? [17:02] A1Recon, Unless it's a folder and not a file. That would be sudo rmdir fileToBeDeleted [17:02] abaddon: creating or removing a file is a write operation on the directory which contains the file, not on the file itself. so the directory permissions must be set accordingly. [17:03] A1Recon, Dota? [17:03] abaddon: Never mind.... [17:03] abaddon: of course sudo rm will work anyway [17:03] A1Recon, >.> [17:05] gedit just got stuck, how do I kill it [17:05] abaddon: One more thing... I need to put another file in that folder... Dunno how? Paste is disabled in that folder [17:06] POVaddct, IUf you own the file you have the permissions to remove it? So chowning it fixes the permission schemes. You could even add the user to the needed group and delete it that way [17:07] A1Recon, cd to directory with file you want copyed to the directory [17:07] abaddon: no. if you own a file you can change its content. you can only remove it (without sudo) if the directory has the right permissions. [17:07] A1Recon, type sudo cp FileToBeCopied /Directory/to/be copied to [17:08] abaddon: Thanks!! :) === nerdcustoms is now known as nerdcustoms_afk [17:08] Hey guys. I'm the root user of my server running ubuntu 12.04 . Can I login on someone elses user account ? [17:08] A1Recon, Glad to be of service [17:09] bretfam: su - username [17:09] I had a working Grub, that happened to root Windows 7 via it's own bootloader, which I believe was actually on the old XP partition. I've now deleted the Windows XP partition, so the grub entry for Windows fails to find the partition it is looking for. - How can I force a grub reinstall to fix the Windows option? [17:09] 'foo"bar'"'"'baz' [17:09] oops [17:09] reisio, nice password [17:09] Hi ! in mu ubuntu live usb not installed wifi support. what i must do? i have this system only and I don't have wired internet [17:09] POVaddct, Mmmmm...okkaaayyy.... [17:09] heh [17:10] Steve^: grub happened to root windows? === HxD_NightFall is now known as LuniX [17:10] holstein, sorry, *route :) === pal is now known as ese === LuniX is now known as LunIX [17:10] Steve^: i would just recover grub.. try running sudo update-grub === LunIX is now known as LuNiX === LuNiX is now known as LuNix [17:11] holstein, ok, that did stuff, though didn't mention Windows.. I'll see if it worked [17:11] Steve^: 'stuff'? what did you do, friend? [17:11] stuartrexking: Thanks mate . su -l username :D [17:11] <__crash_> "Error creating directory: Permission denied" when trying to create .themes folder in home directory [17:11] Hello everyone, Abolfazl_Olafhere and i'm here and ready to DDoS. [17:12] <__crash_> what should i do? thanks [17:12] Steve^: and, how did you do it.. and what do you have? and what do you want?.. you have a lot of "variables" in your statement [17:12] A1Recon, if the file is to be read or exacuted POVaddct may have a point. You might need to change the cp'd file permissions depending on what needs access to it. I'm not too sure on how that'\d work out. You can ask POVaddct if something doesn't work out [17:13] helo [17:13] did he DDoS himself? === benjamo is now known as benjamino [17:13] how to install wifi support in my ubuntu without wired internet? [17:13] abaddon: hmm, i think he/she left [17:13] can someone help me out with trying to make a truecrypt device auto mount during bootup and tell the truecrypt program to auto start with ubuntu? [17:13] holstein, I ran update-grub, I now don't have Windows in Grub at all :( [17:14] abaddon: OK === LuNix is now known as ienZo [17:14] POVaddct, XD Nope, not yet. === BadLarry_ is now known as BadLarry [17:15] Steve^: where is windows? is the drive mounted? did you remove it? [17:15] abaddon: oh, i misread the nickname ( A1Recon vs. AlRecon ). damn font. === HxD_NightFall is now known as ienZo [17:15] holstein, /dev/sda1, I can mount it and it all looks fine [17:16] Steve^: "looks"? its either fine or its not. and if it were, we wouldnt be talking about it [17:16] POVaddct, Alls good mate. I don't suppose you can help me with my problem? I can repost if needed. [17:16] Steve^: where is what version of windows? and is the drive mounted? and how did you try getting grub to see windows? [17:16] holstein, in terms of files in a partition, it looks fine, I can navigate its files [17:17] abaddon: maybe. just repost. [17:17] Steve^: what looks fine? the windows partition? or drive? where is windows? [17:17] Steve^: on its own drive? is it mounted when you run "update-grub"? [17:17] POVaddct, I've got a problem where Slim login manager says "failed to execute login command". This has happened after I changed my user account name. I made sure all it's permissions are set correct and that ownership of the files was switched over. But my system still refuses me access to my account. Ironically, I can still access the root account. [17:18] holstein, Windows 7 is on /dev/sda1, the files are all on that partition. I rebooted to see what Grub gave me, and it contained many linux installations, but not Windows. (When I ran update-grub it didn't mention Windows, so that wasn't surprising) [17:18] Steve^: have you tried boot repair? [17:18] holstein, /dev/sda has many things on it, not just Windows [17:18] Steve^: is the the only drive you have, friend? and is it mounted? when you run "sudo update-grub" ? [17:18] abaddon: how exactly did you change your accout name? [17:18] Steve^: many? whats on it? [17:18] daftykins, no, because I can get into Linux, which is usually a better way to fix stuff? [17:19] Steve^: sure but it'll scan the disk, spot windows and probably sort it right out [17:19] Steve^: i would try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair from a live CD [17:19] Anyone here know a way to have multiple LDAP groups be able to login using LDAP authentication. I can get it to work with all of the users in LDAP, but only want 3 groups to be able to login. [17:19] Steve^: up to you naturally [17:20] daftykins, ok, I used boot repair not too long ago, and it seemed to be a little out-of-date, I can get a new one [17:20] holstein, update-grub does not mount the windows partition === Abd_Allatif_ is now known as Abd_Allatif [17:20] POVaddct, sudo usermod -l Rave abaddon THEN sudo mv /home/abaddon /home/Rave [17:21] <__crash_> help. how do i get permissions to make a .themes folder in /home/? === HxD_NightFall is now known as ienZo [17:21] holstein, this hard disk contains 2 linuxes in an extended partition, and Windows on sda1 [17:21] gedit is sitting and wont close, just a blank window [17:21] __crash_: usually that's done in $HOME (/home/username usually), not /home [17:21] POVaddct, THEN sudo usermod -u 43 Rave === eden is now known as Guest24263 [17:21] <__crash_> ok. ill try that. thanks === Guest24263 is now known as mickhi [17:22] Steve^: i would try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair from a live CD [17:22] POVaddct, After that sudo chown -R Rave Rave/ [17:22] looking for DAB+ player - any ideas? [17:22] kill -9 worked === HxD_NightFall is now known as ienZo [17:23] abaddon: you're somehow using a username with capitalization? [17:23] POVaddct, jrib mmmmmm not atm as I can't access it [17:24] abaddon: like jrib said, i don't know if all tools like account names with capital letters in it. [17:24] abaddon: well you're saying you issued all those commands to "Rave" and not "rave". Is that the case? [17:24] jrib, yes sir and no errors came up ether?? [17:25] POVaddct, ahhh, ok? [17:25] abaddon: if I had to guess, that would be my guess as to why you are having isssues. I'd change it to lowercase [17:25] abaddon: just a guess [17:25] hello friennds [17:25] file a bug if the application doesn't handle usernames with capitalization [17:25] hello [17:26] jrib, POVaddct Ahhh... I was worried that'd be the case. T.T Darn [17:26] Do skype,yahoo other chat and social communication prog work 2 spoil muslim's youth and spy4isreal&usa??????? [17:26] do they record and analyse every word we type???????????? [17:26] Do chat prog spy 4 isreal&usa??????? Do chat prog spy 4 isreal&usa??????? [17:26] هل يتجسس الشات لامريكا واسرائيل؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ [17:26] holstein, gosh Sourceforce download of it is very slow :( [17:26] dfa14313: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [17:26] xubuntu on eeepc 1005ha: fn+f2 does not switch the wifi module physically any more - how to do that? [17:26] Steve^: of what? you run it from a live CD>. install it from the repos [17:26] abaddon: as a side note you probably need to sort issues with group membership but I don't think it would cause what you are describing [17:27] holstein, downloading an .iso [17:27] Steve^: use the installer CD you have from installing ubuntu [17:27] i have a hybrid gpu laptop(intel/nvidia) i followed these commands sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bumblebee/stable [17:27] sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates [17:27] sudo apt-get update [17:27] sudo apt-get install bumblebee bumblebee-nvidia [17:27] sudo reboot [17:27] mickhi: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [17:27] to install the nvidia driver now optirun is working [17:28] !ppa | mickhi [17:28] mickhi: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge [17:28] hello my dear friends [17:28] 'lo [17:29] i can use optirun for my nvidia card to work but this is for a specific application only right? [17:30] mickhi: the ppa you are using is not officially supported here.. the graphics should work out of the box.. you might want to choose to add features that bumblebee provides [17:30] holstein, before that nvidia gpu didn't work [17:30] Hey is it OK if I open up port 1900 UDP?? >> http://jjjjango.blogspot.in/2012/11/vlc-as-dlna-client-on-linux.html [17:30] jrib, I did change group to root? [17:30] holstein, i had to install the driver using these commands [17:30] mickhi: there are nvidia drivers in the repo [17:30] abaddon: I don't know what you mean by that [17:30] !nvidia [17:30] For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto [17:31] Anyone aware of how I can use pam_groupdn to enforce group membership requirements from ldap [17:31] mickhi: you *chose* to use the ppa.. and that is fine, but ppa's are not supported here [17:31] jrib, i typed sudo chgrp root Rave/ [17:32] abaddon: ok. Usually on ubuntu the user has a primary group with the same name as his username (and that's the group that owns his home). But this shouldn't cause the issues you are seeing [17:32] the permission scheme is as follows jrib and POVaddct drwxr-xr-x [17:33] abaddon: should be okay [17:33] abaddon: I would advise: 1) create a brand new user and verify slim works with him and then 2) if (1) is ok, change "Rave" to "rave" [17:33] jrib, ahhh, when I tried doing that with Rave it said no such grp exists [17:33] exec -o inxi -Fx [17:33] abaddon: you would have to create it [17:34] abaddon: or rename group abaddon to Rave [17:34] abaddon: if keeping the capital R is really important to you. Then I would advise 1) checking slim logs and 2) creating a brand new user with a capital letter (you have to use some --force flag) and seeing if he works with slim [17:34] jrib, POVaddct How would I change grp abaddon to rave? [17:35] jrib, It isn't I just figured itd be nicer for some reason [17:35] abaddon: there's groupmod just like there is usermod. But I don't know if you have to do any bookkeeping afterwards [17:35] abaddon: the capital letter will be more of a pain to type :P === swoodruff is now known as Guest83922 [17:37] !lxer [17:38] jrib, mmmm, sudo groupmod abaddon rave gives me the help options for groupmod === Guest83922 is now known as swoodruff [17:39] jrib, wait, oops, bad syntax [17:39] trying to do the best of old hardware, but cant figure if raid0 or raid1 brings the most possible benefits, both same speed increase? (if any) [17:40] jrib, POVaddct Be back in a bit [17:42] or if putting swap onto own hdd and and own ide channel helps?, at all? [17:42] hello friends [17:43] hello [17:43] hi [17:43] suraj [17:45] where do I put files that have no significance, where do I save the to? [17:45] larrymo: anywhere you want in your HOME? [17:45] ahh k [17:46] larrymo: I use ~/tmp for things that I don't care much about being deleted at any time [17:47] larrymo: /tmp userally [17:48] jrib, POVaddct Back guys, i'm just going to leave the groups as is. Wish me luck [17:52] holstein, that was quite unsuccessful. It has installed a less visually attractive version of Grub, one that shows a massive confusing list of kernel options to choose from (the old one had an obvious choice and hid the rest) and it still doesn't have Windows listed :( [17:53] hello....new here. can I ask a question? [17:53] holstein, perhaps the "recommend" options were not quite suited for me, and I'll have to try again [17:53] *recommended [17:53] jrib, POVaddct Yeeaahhh...it didn't work. [17:53] crud [17:53] abaddon: "it"? [17:53] guys i have 2 os [17:54] how can i delete someone [17:54] jrib, POVaddct sorry, login with lowercase account after I changed it [17:54] sa__: you want to DELETE A HUMAN BEING!?? [17:54] skhyatt: do it [17:54] just installed an old version of Ubuntu, 8.1. Can I upgrade to the most recent version without any issues? [17:54] can someone help me out with trying to make a truecrypt device auto mount during bootup and tell the truecrypt program to auto start with ubuntu? [17:55] abaddon: create a new account (all lowercase) and try that [17:55] skhyatt: 8.10 you mean? [17:55] jrib, POVaddct doing that right as we speak/ [17:55] jrib: go brave with us non-native [17:56] yes [17:56] sa__: sorry, it's not clear what you are asking. Please rephrase [17:57] Wondering if I can upgrade to the most recent version without any issues? [17:57] jrib, POVaddct after creating the new account I'm assuming I don't need to reboot for it to take place? [17:57] skhyatt: Unlikely. Will probably break somewhere along the way. [17:58] skhyatt: why don't you just start with a more recent version instead of installing a version that has been unsupported for several years (8.10) [17:58] found the culprit...a service named "ondemand" as soon s it stars my computer freezes [17:58] skhyatt, Yeeaahh, don't try upgrading from 8.04 or 8.10 [17:58] Hello everyone, Mot_Johniehere and i'm here and ready to DDoS. [17:58] Hi everyone! I have set up virtual host for my localmachine and have forbidden 403. apache error losg telling me that apache is tryint to call .htaccess in my home directory what is a bit strange. [17:58] so just download and install over my current version? [17:59] skhyatt, just get a new iso of 12.04 or 13.04 [17:59] sa__: so you want to purge one of your two os'es, procedure depends a bit on what those are. Mind you telling us? [18:00] okay, will try that. thanks for the help [18:01] jrib, POVaddct If so, creating a new account didn't work.... [18:01] is 13.04 the actural lts of the original ubunt? [18:01] abaddon: check slim logs [18:02] flipper88_fl: 13.04 is not LTS [18:02] jrib, right, will do. I just gotta fond 'em [18:02] 13.04 is not LTS, 12.04.2 is the latest [18:02] jrib, right, will do. I just gotta find 'em [18:03] thank you eixV [18:04] jrib, just a quick thought, could slim still be owned by my old account? === BadLarry is now known as BadLarry_ [18:04] Need help making truecrypt a startup application and would like to make a volume auto-mount during bootup. [18:04] abaddon: doesn't slim run as root? [18:05] my dhcp isnt giving out ip address therefore no connection to net is being made [18:05] abaddon: can you log in at a virtual console to "rave"? How about to the new user? [18:05] I assume my XP partition contained valuable information for booting that my Windows 7 partition needed - and now Windows won't appear in Grub. I will try repairing from Windows I suppose... [18:05] but auto eth0 is recognized [18:06] jrib++ [18:06] jrib, I'm sure it did. but sense root is still accessable and not rave it could be owned by old account and still in the root grouip?? Anyway, new account didn't work ether. I can access root normally like a reguler account/desktop [18:07] jrib, still looking for the Slim logs [18:08] installed webhttrack (in lubuntu) and icon is way out of size in menu (way too big). how can this be fixed? [18:09] Any tips on repairing a Windows 7 boot loader, without a Windows 7 disk? :| [18:09] Steve^: get a windows 7 disk, or try the system-rescue live cd === S-USAHasATail_ is now known as SonikkuAmerica [18:10] I belive MS has a legally 'free' windows 7 recovery/rescue iso you can download. Saw it mentioned on lifehacker web site once a few months back [18:11] Dr_Willis, yea I think that's true, but it's hard to know which one it is :( [18:11] I belive the lifehacker site gave urls to the legal one. Might have been a 32bit and a 64bit one. [18:12] hello everyone [18:12] I got both iso files somewhere on a usb hd.. in my pile of stuff. [18:12] dead links on Lifehacker :( [18:12] ask in #windows they may know. [18:13] grab that system-rescue live cd while you are lookibng === sergio_ is now known as Guest68451 [18:13] http://www.sysresccd.org/SystemRescueCd_Homepage [18:13] jrib, ok, not finding the logs. [18:13] abaddon: can you log in at a virtual console to "rave"? How about to the new user? [18:14] #ubuntu-tr [18:15] hmm... if you were going to distribute audio with software, what format could you use, that didn't require installing extra software, on *both* Linux and Windows, *and* include license headaches? (don't you have to have a license to distribute audio in MP3 format?) [18:15] jrib, Slim lets me login fine as root. Slim gives the same error for my new account called test [18:15] and not include license headaches, that is [18:15] abaddon: yes, now see if you can log in at a virtual console (ctrl-alt-f1) [18:15] Need help making truecrypt a startup application and would like to make a volume auto-mount during bootup. [18:16] SuperLag: the #gpl channel may have some suggestions. Im thinking .ogg [18:16] http://www.vorbis.com/faq/#flic [18:16] The Ogg Vorbis specification is in the public domain. It is completely free for commercial or noncommercial use [18:17] Hey [18:18] hey guys [18:18] jrib, huh...when i press ctrl+alt+f1 it says Abaddon login. Trying to ogin to rave says HOME=/ [18:18] I'm on vacation, and I'm using a hotspot. Ubuntu often fails to connect to it, yet sometimes, it succeeds. [18:18] daftykins: you there? [18:18] abaddon: and with new user? [18:18] Any idea why it's so randomly unstable? [18:18] jrib, not tried it yet, rebooting comp [18:19] sevenforall: could be interfearance from other wireless devices. [18:19] abaddon: just log out :P [18:19] reisio: you there? [18:19] ggabriel96: sorta [18:19] Dr_Willis: Well, that usually explains it, but that doesn't explain why it's much more stable on Windows... [18:19] jrib, errr...well...I don't know how to do that through cmd.... [18:19] Dr_Willis: but I don't think Windows Media Player will play Ogg, out of the box. [18:19] sevenforall: it may be luck. or selecting other channels automatically [18:19] Dr_Willis: or maybe u? [18:19] ggabriel96: hi [18:19] SuperLag: no idea. I dont use windows media player. [18:19] oh 2 of you are here :D [18:19] 3 o.o wow [18:19] jrib, And I was too proud to ask... XD [18:19] Dr_Willis: me neither :) [18:20] Dr_Willis: I tried it quite often... often enough to say this isn't really luck anymore [18:20] SuperLag: given how the codec is totally unrestricted you could include any codec pack for it - if needed [18:20] abaddon: heh, you can use ctrl-d (EOF) or type "exit" === daveym is now known as kubblai_ [18:20] daftykins and reisio: well I don't know if you guys remember my story about the virtual machine and replace win7 with win8 [18:20] Windows media player - is like a fancy car given to you for free.. that you cant stand to drive. [18:20] abaddon: you could also just use a different virtual console (you should have one with ctrl-alt-f1-6) [18:20] ggabriel96: yeah what's new? [18:20] ggabriel96: nope [18:20] jrib, when i type exit it just closes terminal [18:21] abaddon: yep, and should give you another login prompt in a virtual console [18:21] Dr_Willis: but if I'm going to suggest to $DEV that he package something other than WAV, then I need to suggest something that will work out-of-the-box, with both Windows and Linux, since his package works on both platforms [18:21] Dr_Willis: amen to that :) [18:21] daftykins and reisio: I just did that and as I expected, after win8 install, I couldn't boot into ubuntu anymore. so I reinstalled grub with live usb as the guide says and now everything's fine. so if that happened to the virtual machine, it will happen if I do it in my real machine too, right? [18:21] SuperLag: ive learnd to not expect anything to work out of the box with windows. [18:21] SuperLag: i recall having to install extra stuff for mp3's at one time on windows. [18:21] ggabriel96: i don't really think they'll act identically [18:21] ggabriel96: probably [18:22] Dr_Willis: yeah, and you have to install extra stuff for WAV to work on Ubuntu [18:22] ggabriel96: but that would likely be your process no matter what [18:22] dhcp isnt giving ip address but auto eth0 is recognized also tried to down and up eth0 any help? [18:22] jrib, when loging in a test it says the same thing as rave. no directory logging in with HOME=/ [18:22] SuperLag: wav? cant say ive noticed.. but no matter what you use. there WILL be some people that yhave to install extra cruft. or they may allready have some mega-codec pack installed that may casue other issues (seen that befor on windows) [18:22] rw4452 [18:23] abaddon: ok, good. So what's the output of « getent passwd test » and « ls -ld / /home /home/test »? [18:23] SuperLag: uhm [18:23] daftykins and reisio: well. thanks a lot for your support guys! Ill do that and I hope it will work too and I don't screw up everything as this is the last day of my vacations hehe [18:23] SuperLag: since when have you needed to install anything for .wav to work in Ubuntu? [18:23] ggabriel96: good luck :) [18:23] ken-the-whiz: dhcp isnt giving ip address but auto eth0 is recognized also tried to down and up eth0 any help? [18:23] SuperLag: as for windows media player - its mentioned here --> http://www.vorbis.com/setup_windows/ [18:23] gordonjcp: I was surprised too [18:23] see you later! thanks :D [18:23] gordonjcp: I don't know how long it has been that way.... but I just had to install codecs for it to work on 13.04 and 13.10 [18:23] jrib, T.T Hardly "good". Am i to login as root and run this command? [18:23] SuperLag: bollocks [18:24] abaddon: sure. [18:24] gordonjcp: okay, so call me a liar, then. might polite of you. [18:24] SuperLag: unless you're doing something really, really weird, .wav playback works out-of-the-box [18:24] abaddon: it's only not [18:24] I think SuperLag ment .mp3 not .wav :) [18:24] SuperLag: I am on a freshly-installed 13.10 machine *right now* [18:24] no, I meant .wav [18:24] .wav files play just fine [18:24] SuperLag: what *exactly* are you trying to do? [18:24] abaddon: it's only not when you do something to determine whether it's X or Y and you end up more confused [18:25] gordonjcp: run a Java app with some WAV files included [18:25] .wav format has always played for me on linux with no hassles - for years.. the file format just stinks. :) [18:25] Dr_Willis: I checked. The hotspot I'm on is the only wireless network available here. [18:25] SuperLag: okay, and what did you have to install to get it to work? [18:25] would a java app even use the system audio.video codecs? [18:25] I had to install ubuntu-restricted-extras [18:25] Dr_Willis: no [18:26] SuperLag: okay, but can you play back the .wav files outside of the Java applet? [18:26] Dr_Willis: said app packages .wav files with it [18:26] SuperLag: this sounds like Java broken-ness [18:26] gordonjcp: double-clicked on them... and NOTHING [18:27] SuperLag: I don't know what you're doing wrong then, because .wav playback is supported just fine on Ubuntu [18:27] bbl. [18:27] SuperLag: about the only thing I can think of is that installing sox doesn't install .wav codecs, but then it doesn't install *any* codecs of any sort by default [18:27] jrib, TTrue true. OK getent passwd test says test :x:1000:1001:/home/test:/bin/sh [18:27] gordonjcp: sox? === BadLarry_ is now known as BadLarry [18:28] abaddon: good ;) [18:28] SuperLag: audio conversion tool [18:28] SuperLag: you likely don't need it, but it does provide command-line audio playback and editing tools === BadLarry is now known as BadLarry_ === Craggy is now known as Guest44097 === BadLarry_ is now known as BadLarry [18:30] jrib, And ls -ld / /home /hometest gives drwxr-xr-x root root / drwxr-xr-x root root /home and it says cannot access /home/test no such file or dir [18:31] gordonjcp: I was just going to suggest to the author of this Java app that he package something other than WAV... but I guess it's the least-encumbered option [18:31] jrib, And ls -ld / /home /home/test gives drwxr-xr-x root root / drwxr-xr-x root root /home and it says cannot access /home/test no such file or dir [18:31] abaddon: what about ls -ld /home/rave? [18:31] sorry typo in what i put [18:31] SuperLag: it's probably because Java is fundamentally retarded and has no audio support [18:31] SuperLag: what's the app, anyway? [18:31] Need help making truecrypt a startup application and would like to make a volume auto-mount during bootup. I'm using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS server 64bit. The device I would like to auto mount is a raid1 off of a raid controller. [18:32] jrib, drwxr-xr-x rave abaddon /home/rave [18:32] abaddon: getent passwd rave [18:32] jrib, mind it says abaddon 'cause i changed it back from root [18:32] gordonjcp: it's a Pomodoro timer app [18:33] gordonjcp: tomighty [18:34] SuperLag: I'm none the wiser here [18:34] jrib, rave:x:32:1000:abaddon,,,:/home/abaddon:/bin/bash [18:34] abaddon: ok, test is failing because you never created a home for him. rave is failing because you need to update the location of his home to /home/rave [18:35] jrib, but i mv'd /home/abaddon to /home/rave ??? === kcristiano_ is now known as kcrist [18:35] abaddon: yes, but the passwd file still tells the system that rave's home is /home/abaddon [18:36] jrib, ahhhh, i'm gitting that. ok sir, how shall i proceed? [18:36] abaddon: you can update rave's home location either by using usermod -d (check man page) or by (carefully) editing /etc/passwd [18:36] #docker [18:37] jrib, lets go for the eassyer one [18:37] abaddon: which one is that? :P [18:37] jrib, please guide me in proceeding [18:37] jrib, one will the leastn ammount of typing [18:37] jrib, one with the least ammount of typing? [18:38] abaddon: usermod -d /home/rave rave === _BJFreeman is now known as BJfreeman [18:40] jrib, logedin fine via alt ctrl f1 [18:40] abaddon: k, now try slim [18:41] jrib, waiting for reboot of sys so slim will start [18:41] Need help making truecrypt a startup application and would like to make a volume auto-mount during bootup. I'm using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS server 64bit. The device I would like to auto mount is a raid1 off of a raid controller. [18:42] jrib, awww yeahh, back in business === brainwash_ is now known as brainwash [18:45] jrib, thank you sooo much!!! [18:45] abaddon: no problem [18:48] ubuntu 13.04, is iSCSI better or nfs? [18:48] Im running 12.04 when I try to install flashplugin-installer It says I cannont resolve deps, the dep in question is libnspr4-0d... I have a pastebin http://fpaste.org/30041/75642059/ [18:49] ubuntu 13.04, is iSCSI better or nfs? <--- Which performs better on linux? [18:50] jrib, I don't suppose you've used Synergy? The program that'll share a mouse and keybord between two computers? [18:50] abaddon: I haven't used it personally, no. But I'm sure lots of users here have, so just ask your question and see if they can help [18:50] jasunto: iscsi [18:51] jasunto: wait i missread that [18:51] i would say nfs is easier to set up. the speeds depend on your network [18:51] pfifo: apt-cache policy libnspr4-0d; [18:51] jrib, Aight, one more question. Do you use Dropbox? [18:51] abaddon: no [18:52] eh just found an ancient old SDHC card size 16Mb, anyone up for the challenge to what i can use it for? :D i cant think of any emergency linux that size at all [18:52] jrib, ahhh bummer. Thanks again =] [18:52] abaddon: no problem [18:52] hplc: tinycore? also 16mb is not sdhc [18:52] im using 13.04, my NAS supports NFS and iSCSI, just wondering which would be best [18:53] trism, http://fpaste.org/30042/75642369/ [18:53] where pgp channel? [18:53] pfifo: looks like it is there, what about if you try to install it [18:53] gig throughout [18:53] hmm "Toshiba SD 16mb sd memory card" [18:53] hey? [18:54] trism, install what? [18:54] give please [18:54] pfifo: libnspr4-0d [18:54] !alis | Refo [18:54] Refo: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http* [18:54] wherre? [18:54] what? [18:54] mudkip908, tinycore? what is that? [18:55] hplc: http://www.tinycorelinux.net/ [18:55] i not undestand how serach chanel? [18:55] pgp lease [18:55] hplc: a basic graphical system is 12mb [18:55] p [18:55] hplc: it's a GNU/Linux distro designed for hard drive capacities of the 80s [18:56] apt-get install error == http://bpaste.net/show/XFy9HIkYNYSh2ODl6eVt/ [18:56] cry [18:56] Refo ask your question in full sentences instead of random words, please [18:56] trism, at first this http://fpaste.org/30043/75642507/ but then after that I used dpkg -i to install an older version of flashplugin-installer, and now it wants me to run apt-get install -f to remove the 'broken' package (which actually works just fine) [18:56] i want pgp [18:57] irc [18:57] MonkeyDust, I dont think he is very good at english [18:57] @ Marlene : try apt-get update and upgrade after install [18:57] Refo: Either use the info Ubottu gave you to search for IRC channels, or join #freenode, they may know the channel [18:57] Refo what is your own language? [18:57] hi [18:58] Is there an updated guide for this? Preferably for 12.04.2 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID [18:58] killmaker: 'lo [18:58] pfifo: yeah the problem is you have libnspr4 from -updates but you are trying to install libnspr4-0d from -release [18:58] James_Epp: sure it doesn't work? [18:58] James_Epp: it's pretty much the same [18:58] pfifo: might be easiest just to reenable -updates in software-properties-gtk or whatever [18:59] gordonjcp: reisio: When I select "Finish partitioning and write changes to disk" it comes back: No root partition selected. I could probably figure it out, but hey -- better get a more step-by-step guide if I can, seeing as how this is the first time I have done this. [18:59] i just unmounted a partiiton on a flash drive, and now the flash drive isn't recognized in the BIOS or the devices [18:59] wtf [18:59] :( [18:59] mmm [18:59] trism, ohh man, looking at my sources.list I see things got borked and im missing all my stuff. [18:59] James_Epp: that's because you haven't specified a root partition [19:00] if you taught yourself the low level happenings, you wouldn't need a guide anymore ;) [19:00] I did exactly as the guide said >.< [19:00] James_Epp: you know how it gives you the option to set what you use the partition for? [19:00] gordonjcp: Yes. [19:00] okay, so did you set one to be / ? === DenBeiren is now known as zz_DenBeiren [19:01] I did as the guide said, with "automatically partition the free space" so I am assuming that did it for me. [19:01] I want pgp GUI like TrueCrypt [19:01] where get? [19:02] can I encrypt file or folder and fast open and work with it real time like in truecrypt? [19:02] ohh i see what it is, its that stupid update manager GUI borkin my sources.list [19:02] how do I get rid of update manager? === johntash_ is now known as johntash [19:03] which linux is best for gamming [19:03] and out of nowhere it's now working [19:03] killmaker, none of them [19:03] what the hell [19:03] Hi! I've got a question about backups with Ubuntu One. I'm backing up my home folder - at least, I think I am - but when I look on one.ubuntu.com I don't see it (I see other folders I'm backing up, like /documents) [19:03] Is that normal? [19:03] killmaker any depence of your's skeels [19:03] Refo is this useful https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TrueCrypt [19:03] killmaker: I do not know about distro differences. I know for me specifically, I had much better luck with drivers on a 12.04.2 install of Ubuntu rather than a 12.10 version. [19:04] I want pgp i have true [19:04] So there are a lot of things to consider xD I wish you the best of luck in discovering the answer for yourself. [19:04] in true i make virtual disk (file) [19:04] and can add files and folders in this disck [19:04] for mount need password [19:05] how work pgp? [19:05] levubis : see what happen after upgrade == http://bpaste.net/show/C4wQOG6dxMMWBMjNaDp5/ [19:05] HexSquid: are there files in ~/ ? Do you see them in your backup? [19:05] i do however have another usb stick that wont initialize [19:05] HexSquid: you may be backing up all the contents of ~/ and not see a top-level dir [19:05] pgp have normal gui like true? [19:06] Yes, my dotfiles are what I'm concerned about [19:06] It is ~/ [19:06] I don't see them in the backup [19:06] Perhaps there are there but not presented on the website [19:07] ... [19:07] HexSquid: mmm, I wonder if it hides them by default [19:07] !gpa | Refo [19:07] can I send? === eden is now known as Guest50284 [19:07] !info gpa | Refo [19:07] Refo: gpa (source: gpa): GNU Privacy Assistant (GPA). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.2-2 (raring), package size 337 kB, installed size 1195 kB [19:07] arent dot files invisible by default? i think it takes show hidden [19:08] atleast in GUI [19:08] my mouse randomly stops,This is happening only when my laptop is unplugged.Also after a few seconds it comes back and again the same.I am using 12.04 64 bit and 3.8.0-27 kernel [19:08] HexSquid: you using GNOME? [19:08] HexSquid: or Unity [19:08] Hi, I've installed KDE, but I'd like to remove it [19:08] how can I do this? [19:08] Refo that's for gpg, pgp, my mistake [19:08] not pgp ^^ [19:08] Samul: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/pureubuntu [19:08] Hello! [19:08] I sent sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop but at the boot ubuntu asks me if I'd like to launch unity or KDE [19:08] jgdfsmk: 'lo [19:08] gordonjcp: All partitions set on the SCSI[2,3] but not on raid. This is as the guide tells the story. http://i.imagebanana.com/img/j9dmn01z/Ubuntu_RAID_TESTRunningOracleVMVirtu.png [19:08] why i keep getting same same error evey apt-get install "" http://bpaste.net/show/C4wQOG6dxMMWBMjNaDp5/ [19:08] I prefer to handle updates manually with apt-get from the command line, is there a way to disable or uninstall the update-manager GUI? [19:08] Samul: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/pureubuntu [19:09] OK OK I'm reading it [19:09] gpg is pgp gnu pg [19:09] thanks reisio [19:09] pfifo: should be able to do both [19:09] Marlene: Try an apt-get -f install [19:09] pgp have many programs standarts and realisations [19:09] Hello [19:09] James_Epp: none of those are set as the root partition though [19:09] pfifo system settings > software and updates [19:09] 'lo Helpgfx [19:09] reisio Gnome [19:09] i just need pgp for encrypt files [19:09] gordonjcp: So I need to set the raid partition now......how? [19:09] Hello [19:09] and work real time like in true [19:10] HexSquid: what Ubuntu version? [19:10] James_Epp: same as you would with a normal disk partition [19:10] reisio: terminal says that it don't find that packges [19:10] I have a doubt regarding setting up a bluetooth device on my laptop which has ubuntu! [19:10] 13.04 [19:10] HexSquid: http://askubuntu.com/questions/134703/ubuntu-one-and-hidden-folders ? [19:10] gordonjcp: Both devices, or just one? [19:10] Got a problem with my graphics card. so i installed ubuntu 13.04. and tried to install the amd driver. now, when i start my system @ bios screen my screen is black. but if i start with usb stick ubuntu live version, i got a screen at startup. wirting actually from my pc [19:10] Samul: which? [19:10] can anybody hel me? [19:10] all === jgdfsmk is now known as help_plz [19:11] all kubuntu's packages [19:11] gordonjcp: I can also not use the pre-set swap space. Normal? It does just say "unusable" [19:11] reisio: is it OK if I paste the output in italian and next to the traslation? [19:11] James_Epp: when you combine the drives into a RAID array you use the array rather than the individual devices [19:11] my OS is in italian, obv [19:11] Helpgfx: /msg ubottu nomodeset [19:11] MonkeyDust, im on lubuntu-desktop atm, dont have such things [19:11] Oh, hah, yes I see the dotfiles on my machine - I just want to verify they got backed up with one.ubuntu.com [19:11] Samul: sure [19:11] gordonjcp: MMMM I get it now. Thanks, mate! [19:12] HexSquid: so there's no right click option for ubuntu one? [19:12] I've got 2x 500gb drives, and I have ubuntu installed on one of them and the second one is empty with ext4 as its filesystem, can someone help me and tell me how to add this second hdd to the /home partition? [19:12] I'll take a look [19:12] hm my english isnt that good... sry. what did you mean? [19:13] Guys on a server running ubuntu 12.04, how to assign 2nd HDD to the user too ? [19:13] reisio, it tries to remove some stuff that I dont want to remove http://fpaste.org/30044/64355313/ [19:13] msg ubottu? [19:13] bretfam: What do you mean by "assign" ? [19:13] HexSquid: if that doesn't lead anywhere, check /etc/xdg/ubuntuone/syncdaemon.conf [19:13] HexSquid: for 'ignore' [19:13] I have 2 HDD but that user can only see 1 [19:13] rypervenche: ^ [19:13] I've got 2x 500gb drives, and I have ubuntu installed on one of them and the second one is empty with ext4 as its filesystem, can someone help me and tell me how to add this second hdd to /home so I can extend it? [19:14] bretfam: How did you add the scond disk? [19:14] Thank you very much === Guest50284 is now known as namethat [19:14] my mouse randomly stops,This is happening only when my laptop is unplugged.Also after a few seconds it comes back and again the same.I am using 12.04 64 bit and 3.8.0-27 kernel [19:14] rypervenche: the datacenter i got my dedi from gave me 2 hard disk [19:14] ? [19:14] t3k, you want this permanent right? [19:14] yup [19:15] HexSquid: looks like maybe it just wants you to select them explicitly? Either that or that _and_ it ignores them by default :P [19:15] edit /etc/fstab with a new entry [19:15] k [19:15] reisio: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5948584/ === help_plz is now known as nam_94 [19:15] bretfam: So have you created a partition, file system, and mounted it? [19:15] James_Epp : same error see == http://bpaste.net/show/4j2xt73XozcbPd9ivmzd/ [19:15] it seems like I've already remove all packages [19:16] but there is still KDE [19:16] *Removed [19:16] rypervenche: I don't know . They had the GUI to install OS with 1 click [19:16] Samul: can you actually log into kde? [19:16] heey? [19:16] help plz [19:16] pgp [19:16] reisio: I don't think [19:16] Marlene: What version of ubuntu are you running? [19:16] should I try? [19:16] tekk, first sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.orig [19:16] bretfam: Well you'll need to do that. It's up to you to decide where you want the disk to be available. Also, are you using LVM? [19:16] i want pgp [19:17] nobody? [19:17] so, I have to log out? [19:17] maybe just a lingering config, then [19:17] sure, will do that. [19:17] t3k, first sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.orig [19:17] Jteve_Sobs yup i got dis [19:17] I have a little difficult with english language, reisio please could you tab me every time you are speaking with me? [19:18] Samul: I can try === invalid is now known as dougiel [19:18] OK thanks [19:18] I'm going to log out to try to launch KDE [19:18] t3k, next make a directory in /home/t3k called my-extra-harddrive (or such) [19:18] I'll return in a few sconds. [19:19] help pls with pgp [19:19] u also need it [19:19] hello, im running an apache server, my issue doesnt regard that. i believe the issue is in regard to file permissions: http://acidshower.com/wwb/beats/Agressive%20Dark%20-%20Collision%20of%20Faiths.mp3 - this is the link in question. it wont play in a web browser, but it will play fine on my computer. any suggestions? [19:19] cose ZOG [19:19] Jteve_Sobs so u just wanna link it huh? [19:19] i have set permissions on the file to acidrain.acidrain.read only [19:20] t3k, no, you are going to mount the drive at boot [19:20] Jteve_Sobs i used ubuntu's first option during installation and it mounted the first 500gb drive as / so i can't add it to /home im afraid? [19:20] reisio: it is strange but KDE works! [19:20] http://acidshower.com/wwb/freestyle.mp3 this song also will not play [19:20] :/ [19:20] Jteve_Sobs I mean that my home directory isn't separate but I see it as / in the disk management app [19:20] now I'm in KDE [19:21] but I removed it... [19:21] Samul: acidrain https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats [19:21] whoops [19:21] reisio, is that for me? [19:21] or Samul ? [19:21] lol [19:21] acidrain: you [19:22] so, what should I do? [19:22] t3k, your home directory and every thing is on your first hard drive [19:22] in add to remove KDE, I must restore unity as just installed [19:22] ? [19:22] yeah [19:22] I tried to terminal, but didn't work [19:22] reisio, ok, im sry, http://acidshower.com/wwb/freestyle.mp3 actually plays fine in my browser. but the other songs dont.... the link you posted is no longer the issue [19:23] How can i do this.. [19:23] Please install the build and header files for your current Linux kernel. [19:23] The current kernel version is 3.5.0-38-generic === zz_DenBeiren is now known as DenBeiren === kb3gtn|2 is now known as kb3gtn [19:23] !headers [19:23] To install the Linux (kernel) headers, open a terminal and: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) To install headers for libraries, you need the accompanying -dev packages [19:23] t3k, and your second hard drive is mounted as a drive by automount or some such by your window manager right? [19:23] woah, is there someone who can help me? [19:24] reisio, i see the issue, its because the upload folder on my server has upload permissions to www-data, so "acidrain" cannot access it [19:24] Dr_Willis i get this in return.. [19:24] E: Unable to locate package linux-headers-3.5.0-38-generic [19:24] E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'linux-headers-3.5.0-38-generic' === nerdcustoms_afk is now known as nerdcustoms [19:24] Jteve_Sobs I had gentoo on the second drive previously and after installing ubuntu on the first one, i used the disk management application to delete everything from the second disk and now i just have 500gb free space in ext4 fs. [19:25] reisio, actually NVM!!!! firefox was just acting stupid! thanks for yalls help! much love here! [19:25] hi [19:25] reisio: maybe I just had to use the method for ubuntu 12.04 lts [19:25] I'm trying [19:25] I all of a sudden got this message [19:25] I have no name! [19:25] after i was playing with network storage [19:26] t3k, and the path to the second drive is? /run/user/something? [19:26] Samul: ah :) maybe [19:26] I also get this error [19:26] You don't exist, go away! [19:26] Is there a stuck pixel fixer in the repos? [19:26] anyone know why my machines unable to figure our what user i a [19:26] my uid and gid is all correct [19:26] Jteve_Sobs i didn't even mount it :P. I need to know how to configure the fstab so it'll extend the whole system to 1tb instead of using single 500gb disk [ if you know what i mean ] [19:26] but when im sshd I get those errors [19:27] reisio: yeah, it works [19:27] I'm going to fully remove KDE [19:27] pfifo: I'm pretty sure there's an xscreensaver module for that. Called scrub or something. [19:27] thanks! [19:27] gj [19:27] I'll return in a few minutes [19:27] bye, at after. [19:27] pfifo: lcdscrub [19:28] t3k, you gotta have both drives to act as one? I don't konow how to do that. You can make the second drive be a directory in / or home or /whatever though [19:29] i have problem deploying webapp, tomcat7, it can't finde home page when i add servlet-class tag in web.xml [19:29] Jteve_Sobs it seems that i should make it a LVM so it would act as one disk [1TB]. But anyway, thanks for advices. [19:29] anyone have any idea why ubuntu this my name is "I have no name!" [19:30] t3k, I don't understand all the LVM stuff so I avoid it,,, heh [19:31] Jteve_Sobs ;) [19:31] kernel: [16010005.487397] INFO: task cp:23386 blocked for more than 120 seconds. [19:31] [16010005.487412] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message. [19:31] !lvm > woo [19:31] woo, please see my private message [19:31] man wtf [19:31] squaregoldfish, what package is that in? [19:31] ken-the-whiz: dhcp isnt giving ip address but auto eth0 is recognized also tried to down and up eth0 any help? [19:32] * Jteve_Sobs is a horse with no name.... [19:32] ubottu isn't talking to me [19:32] woo: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [19:32] anyone know how to fix ubuntu saying " I have no name! " [19:33] ubottu, I have no name [19:33] Jteve_Sobs: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [19:33] ubottu, thanks [19:33] You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) [19:34] pfifo: You may already have gnome-screensaver installed, which is essentially the same thing - you should be able to find screensaver settings somehwere (I don't run gnome so I can't remember!). If not, you can install xscreensaver and run xscreensaver-demo. [19:34] ubottu, a bit bot? [19:34] Jteve_Sobs: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [19:34] What is the command to see all your kernel, previous and current? [19:35] squaregoldfish, im not running gnome either [19:35] pfifo: Well then, installing xscreensaver is the way forward! [19:36] anyone have any idea why ubuntu doesn't know my user :( [19:36] hello, can someone tell me what /usr/bin/friends-dispatcher is [19:36] Hi fellows - is it true that new router firmwares dont allow port forwarding to broadcasting adress ?!?!?!?!? [19:36] it keeps downloading stuff quite often [19:37] I have no name!@xx:~$ id [19:37] uid=1000 gid=1000(ubuntu) groups=4(adm),20(dialout),24(cdrom),25(floppy),29(audio),30(dip),44(video),46(plugdev),110(netdev),111(admin),1000(ubuntu) [19:37] nathanbzz, you might want to add more details > after i was playing with network storage [19:37] squaregoldfish, I have xscreensaver, it says very few or no screensavers are installed and reccommends i install some non existant packages [19:37] i did a umount -l on some storage [19:37] it happpened before that though [19:38] @ any op here see my problem = http://bpaste.net/show/C4wQOG6dxMMWBMjNaDp5/ [19:38] squaregoldfish, n/m i got it from xscreensaver-data-extra [19:39] pfifo: Cool. [19:39] OerHeks I think this has something to do with it http://pastebin.com/v7NsCjtc [19:40] TheUsD try this line find / -name "linux-headers*" -exec file {} \; 2>/dev/null [19:40] squaregoldfish, thanks [19:41] anybody? /usr/bin/friends-dispatcher [19:41] Does anyone use freetalk as their xmpp client? I can't stand Finch. [19:41] dude someone help me with my internet connection [19:41] cant seem to find much information online [19:41] ? [19:41] MonkeyDust thank you for your reply, but I decided to just uninstall it due to cause I wanted just seemed redundant. If anyone was to gain access to my linux account password, my drives would be compromised too, :p [19:41] cause what i wanted*** [19:42] dhcp isnt giving ip address but auto eth0 is recognized also tried to down and up eth0 any help? [19:42] azaan: It's something to do with Ubuntu's messaging/social networking client - it claims it can talk to Facebook and Twitter. [19:42] azaan: friends-dispatcher --list-protocols [19:42] I'm using saucy and pavucontrol crashes whenever I try to open the Recording-tab. I need to set the monitor for avconv, so now I have to do it manually. Any ideas how to do that? [19:43] Hello, why kernel could cause high cpu usage (according to htop)? Green = user, red = kernel, right? http://i.imgur.com/pLaZqWr.png [19:43] ken-the-whiz have you tried connecting other devices to the dhcp server? did they pull dhcp? [19:43] dhcp isnt giving ip address but auto eth0 is recognized also tried to down and up eth0 any help? [19:43] azaan: (friends-dispatcher --help) [19:43] thanks. is it any use? [19:43] because im not using twitter/fb integration as far as i know in ubuntu [19:43] TheUsD, umm well my iphone is connected right now to its wifi [19:43] I have no name!@xx:~$ id [19:43] uid=1000 gid=1000(ubuntu) groups=4(adm),20(dialout),24(cdrom),25(floppy),29(audio),30(dip),44(video),46(plugdev),110(netdev),111(admin),1000(ubuntu) [19:43] anyone know why that would be happening ? [19:44] Help! I have warning: SASL authentication failure: cannot connect to Courier authdaemond: Connection refused [19:44] I've worked on this for hours [19:44] (in my mail.log) [19:44] squaregoldfish: I wonder why its downloading stuff then considering i havent done any fb/twitter integration on ubuntu [19:44] I have 2 versions of Ubuntu on this machine, 12.04 64 bit and 13.04 32 bit, is there a way I can set them up with a shared home folder on a spare hard drive? [19:45] I have 3 virtual private servers all of which are not current releases... right now I'm working on trying to upgrade the one that is 11.10... where are the docs that show you how to do the upgrade chain to the latest version from no longer supported versions. [19:46] azaan: It's part of what used to be Gwibber. If you're using the standard desktop then I suspect it's lurking somewhere amongst the thingies that live in the top right corner. [19:46] !eolupgrades | here4thegear [19:46] here4thegear: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades [19:46] ken-the-whiz have you tried turning off your radio so that only the wifi will be able to connect to the internet/receive imessages? Also, check to see if you are receiving dhcp from the router in the wifi settings in the iphone. [19:46] azaan: You can probably get rid of it, but don't ask me how! [19:46] bazhang: thank you very much! [19:47] squaregoldfish: oh. could be pidgin. i have signed in with fb with it.. [19:47] squaregoldfish: anyway thanks. ill try to get rid of it. irritating to see it download stuff every now and then :S [19:47] azaan: That's probably it. I think it will integrate with that. [19:47] ken-the-whiz once you have established that the dhcp is working on other devices (such as your iphone) then we can proceed. [19:47] TheUsD, well i should be my desktop with no internet is hardwired and its recognizing auto eth0 just not establishing a connection [19:48] ken-the-whiz however, if it does not obtain dhcp then we have narrowed it down to a router issue. [19:49] then i think its that [19:49] I have no name!xx:~$ ssh localhost [19:49] You don't exist, go away! [19:49] what make/model is your router? [19:49] anyone know any ideas :/ [19:49] ken-the-whiz what make/model is your router? [19:49] its a uverse router [19:49] whatever is current [19:50] ken-the-whiz ahh, att...eww [19:50] ken-the-whiz do you pay extra a month for a static IP? [19:50] wow i kinda like uvetse [19:50] Hello, I was wondering if anyone could help me with some graphics issues [19:50] hi fellows is it true that new router firmwares do not allow the broadcasting to ??? [19:50] im not sure mom works for company [19:51] guys can you suggest to me a downloader [19:51] ken-the-whiz att uvers all-in-one routers are garbage and since they do not let customers provide their own (at least in my area) that makes them even less like-able lol [19:51] magdur, what kind of files u dling? [19:52] theusd oh i c [19:52] from websites === whoever is now known as Guest98257 [19:53] like internet downsload manager [19:53] your browser like firefox should handle that magdur [19:53] hi fellows is it true that new router firmwares do not allow the broadcasting to ??? [19:54] ken-the-whiz but besides all of that. Since you do not know the if you are paying extra for a static or not, I can not recommend this100% because I can not remember if att adds scripts into their all-in-one routers for statics like most cable compaies do, but if I were you, I would do a 30-30-30 on the all-in-one and see if DHCP becomes distributed. [19:54] ken-the-whiz before you do that, can you please go into specifics about the att connection in relation to a company? [19:54] 30 30 30? [19:55] well idk what you mean [19:55] ken-the-whiz is this your mothers company? a company she works for? who has admin rights on the account in case att needs to be called to make a service call. If you or your mother can do this, then I would say go for it! [19:56] alright i will [19:56] could you prefer anything ? [19:57] ken-the-whiz a 30-30-30 is this: Hold reset button for 30 seconds powered on. keeping reset button pushed in, remove power for 30 seconds. plug power back in keeping the reset button held. wait two to 4 minutes (or until router is back online) and power cycle one last time. [19:57] add-on? [19:57] got to love do-release-upgrade :-) [19:57] actually i use generally chrome [19:57] /msg NickServ identify 28401234564562dpR [19:58] ken-the-whiz what that should do is reset the u-verse device to its factory settings. [19:58] JasonGriffee, time to change your password [19:59] JasonGriffee >> http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#changepass [19:59] Does anyone use GNU freetalk as their xmpp client? [20:01] 0erHeks, ty. it failed to see command due to space [20:02] adding that password to my dictionary list ;-) [20:02] ^kidding [20:02] here4thegear, strong? [20:04] how do i enable "Web Sockets on Web Workers" in chrome? [20:05] what program Ubuntu use for encrypt home folder? [20:06] Refo: ecryptfs [20:06] !encrypt | Refo [20:06] Refo: For information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory [20:08] its pgp? [20:08] Hi, can anyone help me get my wireless working on my laptop? I think I might be missing a driver. [20:09] !ndis | Dommon [20:09] Dommon: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [20:09] Refo: http://ecryptfs.org/ [20:12] for windows work? [20:12] !info gnupg | Refo [20:12] Refo: gnupg (source: gnupg): GNU privacy guard - a free PGP replacement. In component main, is important. Version 1.4.12-7ubuntu1.1 (raring), package size 778 kB, installed size 1676 kB [20:13] Dommon, run lspci in the terminal and find the wifi info and post it. [20:16] Anyone has any expiernce with installing powertop from a Tar.gz [20:16] ? [20:16] K1CKA55, Why would you thats in the ubuntu repos? [20:17] Really i couldn't download it from there. Ill try again [20:17] !info powertop [20:17] powertop (source: powertop): Linux tool to find out what is using power on a laptop. In component main, is extra. Version 2.1-0ubuntu1 (raring), package size 164 kB, installed size 476 kB [20:17] K1CKA55, In the terminal sudo apt-get install powertop [20:19] ok now should i get this monitor http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Dell+-+UltraSharp+29.8%26%2334%3B+LED+HD+Monitor/8977088.p?id=1218960137734&skuId=8977088#tab=specifications [20:20] or 2 1080p monitors [20:20] !ot | goddard [20:20] goddard: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [20:22] jrib: does ubuntu support high resolutions? [20:23] jrib: i mean do icons and stuff look good? [20:23] !paste [20:23] For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [20:23] goddard: afaik, yes. You probably just want to check that your video card is well-supported [20:23] jrib: i have 2 7950s but so far cant get crossfire working [20:24] Getting 5 hours 30 minutes on a UX32Vd with a I7 seeing if i can turn of Hyperthreading without doing it in the bios [20:24] http://paste.ubuntu.com/5948806/ [20:24] hello, I'm getting error out of memory when I try to use font-manager, but I still have 2 gigs free... 12.04 i686 system [20:24] i686 [20:24] virtualbox told me to run this '/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup' and here is the out put from the log, can someone help http://paste.ubuntu.com/5948806/ [20:25] Prock81: sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-$(uname -r) [20:25] that gives another .... [20:26] jrib [20:26] E: Unable to locate package linux-headers-3.5.0-38-generic [20:26] E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'linux-headers-3.5.0-38-generic' [20:26] Prock81: what ubuntu version is this? [20:27] 12.04 [20:27] uname -a [20:27] Linux prock-Latitude-E6420 3.5.0-38-generic #59~precise1-Ubuntu SMP Sun Jul 28 05:16:47 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux [20:27] is there any channel thats more into hardware side of things? [20:28] hplc: ##hardware ? [20:28] heh? [20:28] hplc: ya #hardware but then they dont know anything about linux [20:28] sudo hplc?? want me to do that [20:28] oh oh n/m [20:28] Prock81: run sudo apt-get update and repeat the apt-get install command from before [20:28] did that allready [20:29] Prock81: pastebin the full input and output and your /etc/apt/sources.list [20:29] Prock81, clear your cache, sudo apt-get clean [20:29] !info linux-headers-3.5.0-38-generic precise [20:29] Package linux-headers-3.5.0-38-generic does not exist in precise [20:29] the plot thickens [20:30] !find linux-headers-3.5 precise [20:30] Found: linux-headers-3.5.0-18, linux-headers-3.5.0-18-generic, linux-headers-3.5.0-19, linux-headers-3.5.0-19-generic, linux-headers-3.5.0-21, linux-headers-3.5.0-21-generic, linux-headers-3.5.0-22, linux-headers-3.5.0-22-generic, linux-headers-3.5.0-23, linux-headers-3.5.0-23-generic (and 22 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=linux-headers-3.5&searchon=names&suite=precise§ion=all [20:30] how can I make some websites ask me again if i wanted the webapp installed? [20:31] !paste [20:31] For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [20:32] my source list http://paste.ubuntu.com/5948818/ [20:32] hello. I'm getting error "out of memory" when I try to use font-manager, but I still have 2 gigs free... [20:32] jrib^ [20:32] Prock81: apt-cache policy linux-image-3.5.0-38-generic [20:33] Prock81, i think you need to fix or remove the 1st line [20:34] Prock81, try replacing VERSION with precise [20:34] http://paste.ubuntu.com/5948823/ policy <-- [20:34] Prock81: so your current kernel comes from some repository you no longer have enabled; this is your issue [20:35] Prock81, available only locally? hmm [20:35] oh, so what do i do [20:35] how did that happen [20:35] i haventmess with anything simerlar like this [20:36] wand what file do i need to edit again [20:36] Hello Children [20:37] hello kiddo [20:37] Prock81: I don't know; how did you install this kernel? [20:38] it come with updated, aptitude update [20:39] Prock81: ack, I need to run for something. Have someone help you with https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack (probably; wait for confirmation that that kernel actually came from there). You didn't get your current kernel from the repositories you currently have enabled === CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away === CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob [20:40] what can i do [20:40] hey there [20:40] i am trying to download moonlight [20:41] im in such a hurry i cant focus to read, and will run what ever i think can fix it [20:41] hello. how can I give a session name to tmux? [20:43] qwebirc12784, Not sure it's supported anymore, what is the need for it? [20:43] i dont wanna format, cna u help [20:44] i am trying to download moonlight, i got it under chrome extensions, however when i want to watch a certain video (lecture recording) it asks me to download the add-on codecs. from that point on it shows a network error message. i read that microsoft is supporting the media pack anymore, any idea how to fix this? help! [20:44] ubuntivity: inside tmux, ctrl+a $ , outside: tmux rename-session -toldname newname [20:44] Heya hiya. [20:44] ubuntivity: err, if you remap ctrl+b to ctrl+a that is [20:45] Has anyone run into issues with an application just sitting where it left off when putting into the background? [20:46] jrib what line needs to be remarked in my sources? [20:46] Thanks trism [20:47] i am trying to download moonlight, i got it under chrome extensions, however when i want to watch a certain video (lecture recording) it asks me to download the add-on codecs. from that point on it shows a network error message. i read that microsoft is Not (correction) supporting the media pack anymore, any idea how to fix this? help! === miguel_ is now known as Guest79097 [20:49] qwebirc12784, I found that I just had to use on some web access at the university I was at with windows, you may be in the same situation. [20:49] for the love of jesus christ & satan getting married, can you tell me what line i need to remove from my sources.lst? [20:50] hello [20:50] Prock81, No but will be glad to put you in ignore for such an offensive pot and I'm an agnostic, lol. [20:50] post* [20:50] Heya hiya, jdale. [20:51] wilee,nilee do you mean i wont be able to watch those recordings from my ubuntu pc? [20:51] qwebirc12784: moonlight is a fail i believe [20:51] There's a netflix-desktop from an external repo.. Its basically Wine with Firefox/Silverlight. [20:51] goddard, is there an alternative then? [20:52] qwebirc12784, Only you can tell, moonlight has not been supported for a couple of years I believe. === DenBeiren is now known as zz_DenBeiren [20:52] qwebirc12784: you can try the silverlight for firefox netflix thing like suggested above or just run a virtual machine [20:52] qwebirc12784: when i have stupid things i will only ever do once because of moronic univeristy's i just use a VM [20:53] qwebirc12784, Get W8.1 free right now its activated and run it in a virtual if you have no windows license. [20:54] hey willybilly0101 [20:54] erm [20:54] wilee-nilee: [20:54] lol [20:54] haha [20:54] :P [20:54] :b [20:54] hola [20:54] Anyways wilee-nilee Im going to help my friend out with that wifi issues [20:54] lol [20:54] Heya hiya. [20:54] He was so bad at Ubuntu [20:54] erm [20:54] jdale: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [20:54] mad* [20:54] jdale, Cool, they seemed a bit frustrated yes. [20:54] but his Dell Dimension 3000? eh [20:54] well he's a newbie [20:55] jdale: dont use enter that much! [20:55] Could He still try to come back on here? He's right across the street from me [20:55] So a Linux admin, a Windows admin, and a developer walk into a bar ... [20:55] The bartender asks, "What is this, a joke?" [20:55] what is a windows admin? [20:55] !ot | CLI_Cowboy [20:55] CLI_Cowboy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [20:55] oh you mean a button presser [20:55] anyone able to get gnome 3.9.4 working on 12.04 [20:56] p0wn3d: tried the PPA? [20:56] p0wn3d, that gnome 3? [20:56] so wilee-nilee could he still get help? [20:56] jdale, Certainly we abuse all equally. [20:56] yes I have, yes its the latest release of gnome 3 [20:56] oke thank you guys, im gonna give it a try [20:56] hahah [20:56] :P [20:56] :b [20:56] well wilee-nilee I mean COuld that card still work? [20:57] It found his home wifi network but kept on asking him for the password [20:57] So it is working… [20:57] I told him maybe he entered the wrong password [20:57] so what do you think? [20:57] p0wn3d, PPA's are technically not supported here that desk top version in 12.04 or anywhere is a fools prardise. [20:58] jdale, No idea, I'm just an armchair user really, so not the best source. [20:58] Who was that guy that is good w/ wifi? [20:58] you said there was a guy? [20:58] jdale, I forget their nick starts with a v and is kinda long. [20:59] !details | jdale [20:59] jdale: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." [20:59] lol I gave you details k1l_ [21:00] my friend should be [21:03] ZIPY, hey zipy you there [21:06] john38: ye [21:06] s [21:06] ZIPY, hey [21:07] ZIPY, ok i recovered about 50,000 zip files with photorec [21:07] hi :P [21:07] lol [21:07] ZIPY, how do i make sense of all those recup_dir folders [21:07] ZIPY, 90GB [21:07] hmm sort by size or date [21:08] or maybe u can search for files that are in zip files [21:09] ZIPY, well they are in zip folders [21:10] ZIPY, all they say are f3424233_locale.zip.......f232345445.jar...etc.... [21:10] john38: for f in `ls *.zip`; do echo "$f: "; unzip -l $f | grep ; done [21:10] ZIPY, i mean the file im looking for couldnt even be in here [21:10] ZIPY, ok [21:11] but i dont know how long this will take [21:11] with 50k files [21:11] !enter | john38 ZIPY [21:11] john38 ZIPY: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [21:11] ZIPY, what do i type first [21:11] hey i restarted comp now internet doesnt work [21:12] wired connection [21:12] !details | ken-the-whiz [21:12] ken-the-whiz: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." [21:12] john38: all together [21:12] ZIPY, its in my /Downloads/Untitled/photorec directory... [21:13] ZIPY, where do i start typing?? [21:13] john38: change to the directory and paste the line [21:14] im running 10.04.4 and restarted comp now internet doesnt work called isp said it was linux problem i down then uped eth0 auto eth0 is found but no connection is being made [21:14] ken-the-whiz, This a desktop? [21:14] wilee-nilee, yes wired connection [21:15] ken-the-whiz, 10.04 the desktop is end of life and not supported, not sure on the net access. [21:16] ZIPY, copy from for.. to ; [21:16] aware of that [21:16] I'm trying to load the ndiswrapper driver for my wireless card via ndis wrapper using the command "modprobe ndiswrapper" via this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper (step 3.4) and terminal is saying it cannot find the ndiswrapper module. Any help? [21:16] ken-the-whiz you could try ping'ing your routers IP to see if the problem is between computer->router or router->internet [21:17] its the first [21:17] it just goes to > blinking [21:17] ZIPY, > blinking [21:18] john38: wait a second, im looking for an application that does it for u [21:18] ZIPY, ok [21:19] ken-the-whiz: you could try 'ifconfig' to check if you're eth0 is up, and if you're getting an IP from your router [21:23] what are some things I should do after first installing ubuntu? [21:23] Is galternatives the only GUI-based program for managing your update-alternatives options? [21:23] ZIPY, i found this http://www.linuxforu.com/2009/05/recover-deleted-files-easily-with-photorec/ [21:25] Hi, I am running a small system, only text. When I run command like dmesg it returns a lot o text but I can't see all the information, how can I run commands in by screen (like pause on MS-DOS [/p])???? [21:25] mwallacesd: pipe the output to a pager like "less" [21:25] mwallacesd: use "less" [21:25] `dmesg | less` [21:25] or more mwallacesd [21:25] ph33rgear, use it, this is support and asks for no polling. [21:26] ok wilee-nilee was just curious if there was anything immediate [21:26] thanx vlt [21:26] =) [21:27] ph33rgear, There are a number of websites that have suggestions. [21:28] ph33rgear, using your exact question. https://www.google.com/webhp?hl=en#hl=en&output=search&sclient=psy-ab&q=what+are+some+things+I+should+do+after+first+installing+ubuntu&oq=what+are+some+things+I+should+do+after+first+installing+ubuntu&gs_l=hp.3...3889.21326.0.22547.,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.50165853,d.cGE&fp=3e4fc68cd [21:28] ea4c25f&biw=948&bih=486 [21:29] o.O [21:31] I feel braindead to be fan of some os that doesn't organize icons itself when I connect other monitor [21:31] I get my needed configuration manually and even then it has a bug [21:31] should I report that nautilus doesn't appear to show all icons on desktop [21:31] when I press clean up === KrzPi_ is now known as KrzPi [21:33] who was that masked noob === Bry8Star_ is now known as Bry8Star [21:40] I have a question about ubuntu on Nexus 7, is this the correct room? [21:40] wilee-nilee: Please don't refer to people as noob and please keep your comments in here support related only. [21:41] IdleOne, no problem, not my best moments. [21:41] newbie007: try #ubuntu-arm for the desktop version or #ubuntu-touch for ubuntu-touch [21:41] k1l_: thank you [21:42] newbie007: there is also #ubuntu-touch [21:42] oh, never mind. k1l_ had said that [21:42] Boo [21:43] ola boa noite [21:43] am i doing something wrong here, im using 12.04 , http://paste.ubuntu.com/5949018/ [21:45] Prock81: did you read the error message? [21:46] Prock81: "Please install the build and header files for your current Linux kernel" so install the kernel headers [21:46] that doesnt work, can u tell me what to type, maybe i doing it wrong somehow [21:46] guys i have a proble m about tor browser [21:47] how can i install the proper kernel that 12.04 should have, cause i think i got somrthing else [21:47] magdur, Tell us the problem if you can. [21:48] Prock81: what did you do to install the kernel headers? what error did you get? did you install some other kernel? do you have PPAs activated? [21:49] how can i tell what ppa i have activated [21:49] when i click start tor button i take an warning "Vidalia detected that the Tor software exited unexpectedly. Please check the message log for recent warning or error messages." [21:50] Prock81: "ls -al /etc/apt/sources.list.d" will list the ppas, "uname -a" will list the kernel [21:50] error message Aug 05 00:48:11.155 [Notice] Tor v0.2.3.25 (git-17c24b3118224d65) running on Linux. [21:50] Aug 05 00:48:11.155 [Notice] Tor can't help you if you use it wrong! Learn how to be safe at https://www.torproject.org/download/download#warning [21:50] Aug 05 00:48:11.155 [Notice] Read configuration file "/home/sa/.tor-browser/App/../Data/Tor/torrc". [21:50] Aug 05 00:48:11.161 [Notice] Initialized libevent version 2.0.21-stable using method epoll (with changelist). Good. [21:50] Aug 05 00:48:11.161 [Notice] Opening Socks listener on [21:50] magdur: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [21:51] nothing kernel related in ppa.... [21:51] uname -a [21:51] Linux prock-Latitude-E6420 3.5.0-38-generic #59~precise1-Ubuntu SMP Sun Jul 28 05:16:47 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux [21:51] !pastebin | Prock81 [21:51] Prock81: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [21:52] http://paste.ubuntu.com/5949040/ here error [21:52] so what do u think [21:52] magdur, I have just used the browser down load from them, it is pretty much a download and unpack and use, with no root access. [21:52] Hello folks. I just installed Ubuntu Gnome on an hp pavilion g4 laptop, and whenever the system suspends whether due to inactivity or closing the screen, the display won't turn back on when it wakes up. I know it's awake, as I can hear alert sounds from Skype. === Elish4 is now known as Elisha [21:53] Prock81, virtualbox is available in softwarecenter. [21:53] Prock81: and again my question: did you install the headers? [21:53] i need the usb support in it [21:54] me to installed with terminal sudo add-apt-get ... and know i cant use it [21:54] what can i do? [21:54] ? Note, selecting 'linux-libc-dev' instead of 'linux-kernel-headers' [21:55] magdur: did you try to use the bundle instead of installing? [21:55] magdur, somehowe you made an account as root? >> /home/sa/.tor-browser/Data/Tor is not owned by this user (sa, 1000) but by root (0). Perhaps you are running Tor as the wrong user? [21:56] OerHeks: or with sudo :/ [21:56] net tim ed out [21:56] look im nost, i dont know, u tell me what to type and ill reply with the out put [21:57] please? [21:57] no how to ? [21:57] i am root [21:57] this user own this computer [21:57] OerHeks i need usb support in virtualbox [21:58] i have a massive log file that i want to search for a specific piece of text. is there a grep i can do to return an area of text? [21:58] magdur: https://www.torproject.org/projects/torbrowser.html.en [21:58] what kernel does everyone else have on 12.04 [21:59] am345: depends what you mean by "specific piece" and "area of text" [21:59] hello, can I auto-start a unity webapp? for example I want to start unity-webapps-gmail when I log in to my computer. [21:59] Prock81, pretty recent howto (usb) > http://www.n00bsonubuntu.net/content/how-to-install-virtualbox-4-2-14-on-ubuntu-13-04/ [22:00] im on 12.04 [22:00] will it still work [22:00] Prock81: install the !linux-header-...." packages that matches your kernel version [22:00] Walex2: i've got an an error i want to see somewhere in my log file. so if i grep for an ip that's linked to the error i only return something like the request. where a few lines below that is the actual error i want. [22:00] !=" === CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away [22:02] oh. it looks like there something i can use grep -B 3 -A 2 foo README.txt [22:03] Fodi69, I see some info at askubuntu.com you might search there as well.. [22:03] am345: 'man grep' [22:03] yeah, i got it. [22:03] posted above. [22:03] am345: ahhh you already found oops [22:03] but yes. thanks for the rtfm suggestion :/ [22:03] hi all... im running through distributions to find out if there is some where oracle java runs with javaws and everything out of the box... is there any distro like that now ? [22:04] am345: alternatively you can use a log indexer, or a "desktop" search engine, for repeated searches [22:04] I think I found a fix for my system resume issue, will check back if it doesn't work. [22:04] jaaaaaaaaaaaakkk: this is ubuntu support. better ask in ##linux [22:04] WOW aptitude search linux-headers-3.5.0-38-generic ,,, has no results , i see the .37-generic but not .38 that i have on a search !!! help? [22:06] k1l_: ok thanks [22:06] i assume that means that ubuntu does NOT come with oracle java or any easy way of installing it? [22:06] how can i down grade my kernel by .01 [22:06] instead of *.38* make it .37 [22:08] jaaaaaaaaaaaakkk: you didnt ask for that. you did ask for comparison. you can install oracle java in ubuntu but no distribution is allowed to ship with it or provide it with their package management system [22:08] wilee-nilee: I haven't found any, what keywords are you searching for? [22:08] !java | jaaaaaaaaaaaakkk [22:08] jaaaaaaaaaaaakkk: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software Development Kit" (SDK). Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations. [22:08] why do i have 3.5.0-38-generic if there are no headers for it [22:09] my head hurts bad enough, please dont make my cry [22:10] k1l_: there is an error or maybe more erros in the guide [22:10] shhh i think i hear the answer on the tip of your toung [22:10] jaaaaaaaaaaaakkk: ? [22:11] and im not good enough to fix those ... [22:11] yeah... eg. wget http://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/java/jdk/6u34-b04/jre-6u34-linux-i586.bin does not get the actual .bin file [22:12] Fodi69, This might help I think the web-apps auto communicate, it may be a matter of setting it up correctly. http://askubuntu.com/questions/288478/gmail-webapp-13-04 [22:13] jaaaaaaaaaaaakkk: no its not wrong, its just wrong that you dont read the text and just copy the commands :/ [22:13] Fodi69, I use Thunderbird to do the same and just added it to the starup app. [22:13] "Deprecated information about the installation of Oracle Java 6:" === All is now known as Alc [22:14] i read it... i think it is more that i dont understand it then [22:14] wilee-nilee: gmail was just an example, I also open my twitter and facebook webapp everytime I start the computer. this is what I want to automatize [22:14] SO WHat will happen if i install linux-image-3.5.0-37-generic ... and purge linux-image-3.5.0-38-generic ... that way i can get the headers for linux-image-3.5.0-37-generic.... and if i do this , do i just do update-grub2 [22:15] *afterword [22:16] can I auto start a unity webapp? [22:17] k1l_: did you try? im pretty sure it does not download the actual binfile [22:17] reisio: apt-get install flux-capacitor didn't work. Can you help me? :) [22:18] jaaaaaaaaaaaakkk: come on: it says right above that commands that the commands are outdated and will not work. [22:18] lol [22:18] can onn dd a ubuntu 12.04 cd isom image directle onto a stick drive? [22:18] flipper88_fl: yes [22:18] flipper88_fl use unetbootin , its easy [22:19] im homeless and must goto a public dinner, got to go [22:19] i dont see that? [22:19] im not native english speaking and to me it does not look like that? [22:19] How to enable root account and root auto-login? [22:20] James_Epp: that is not the ubuntu way. [22:20] James_Epp there is no root, they do some kind of trickery, what i was tolded summed up [22:20] since when? [22:21] James_Epp: the ubuntu way is to use sudo in case you need root rights [22:21] James_Epp: since the beginning. [22:21] see i try to help, but i need it not hter ttyl [22:21] i just aktivated root user [22:21] !root [22:21] Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo [22:22] SuperLag: doc-brown? :p [22:22] Ughhhhh [22:22] James_Epp: what purpose would that serve, regardless of the Ubuntu way? [22:22] I am really hating my whole "convert windows pc to linux" project === Guest20570 is now known as McPeter [22:22] It's just obstacle after obstacle. [22:22] James_Epp: heh [22:22] I'll generate a green text rant [22:22] James_Epp: you want to always be root because Windows was? [22:22] where's the best place to learn C? [22:22] Namrack: ##C [22:23] James_Epp: in ubuntu there is no need to be root all the time. think of it running around with a unlocked weapon [22:23] school [22:23] reisio: I better not encourage you. Don't want the curmudgeons to ban either of us for being humorous. :) [22:23] !alis | Namrack [22:23] Namrack: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http* [22:23] James_Epp: like k1l_ says [22:23] since packages are managed instead of installed via random downloads [22:24] you don't need every random link you click upon to potentially be installable as admin [22:24] >Wants utorrent server on ubuntu [22:24] >Will be using folders only accessed by root [22:24] >Wants server to auto-start on boot [22:24] >Things, "Therefor; server needs auto-login for root" [22:24] >mfw no way to log in as root [22:24] James_Epp: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [22:24] jaaaaaaaaaaaakkk: the wiki page mentiones how to get the latest java. so dont just look out for the outdated commands on that page [22:24] thinks* [22:24] James_Epp: why only root? :) [22:24] Because it streamlines all of the things, reisio [22:25] James_Epp: that is not a good setup [22:25] I'm at the point where I don't care any more. [22:25] James_Epp: you dont want to run everything as root. [22:25] why not? [22:25] James_Epp: i share your frustation james [22:25] James_Epp: because its useless [22:25] k1l_: Alternatives\ [22:25] frustration... the community is getting a litttle "mother-like" [22:26] bad boy want to be root... [22:26] the alternative would be not :) [22:26] ty k1l_ [22:26] it is part of the ubuntu way to give only the rights needed. this is part of the security features [22:26] jaaaaaaaaaaaakkk: you can do what you want, but we support only the ubuntu way in here. so dont blame us [22:27] fml. Why make things so difficult, ubuntu? [22:27] I just want........ease. [22:27] James_Epp: its not difficult [22:27] But it is, good sir! [22:27] you got a strange setup plan there [22:28] How can one write torrents to a samba server owned by root....when one is NOT ROOT? [22:28] make it not owned by root [22:28] simple [22:28] How can a server auto-start as root to write to samba server owned by root......when one is NOT ROOT? [22:28] fair enough... but i think im off to a different distro... linux mint comes with both root and java ready to go... at least the version i have [22:28] James_Epp: that is a problem of your samba/mount setup [22:28] >Needs samba share to be owned by root [22:28] but thanks for trying and take care [22:28] >Doesn't want mounts going everywhere [22:28] James_Epp: that's hard to believe [22:28] >Starting to think that windows drives are easier..... [22:29] heh [22:29] James_Epp: sry, but that doesnt make sense at all. [22:29] James_Epp: Yeah, maybe you should go with Windows then. [22:29] but security......*facepalms* [22:29] James_Epp, you're doing it wrog [22:29] and cost...... [22:29] YES I AM [22:29] TEACH ME HOW [22:29] James_Epp: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [22:29] heh [22:29] "i want a broken setup. why doesnt ubuntu have a broken setup ootb?" [22:29] James_Epp: tone it down, no need for caps! [22:30] simple, setup your file/directory permissions correctly and make sure your bittorrent client writes with the correct umask [22:30] I've been off-and-on working on this upgrade for months [22:30] k1l_: lol... sometimes it is broken ootb [22:30] AndresSM: Windows just does it without that confusion. [22:30] * James_Epp hates to be mentioning windows so much [22:30] it doesn't [22:31] it's the same as running utorrent in userA trying to write to userB's folder without the appropiate permissions [22:31] also why would samba share be owned by root [22:31] who's sharing the files? a windows or a linux box? [22:33] Both, Andres [22:33] no wait, those are da users [22:33] DA? [22:33] also....windows.......with a share......utorrent writes files to share which users choose through web ui. it also has a startup directory with shortcuts to .exes [22:33] *sighs* [22:33] da = the [22:34] it's all very simple anyway, when you connect to a network share you connect WITH A USER [22:34] that user will be the owner of the files unles the SMB server says otherwise [22:35] you can set the mounted share's permissions to be.... 0777 and everyone will be able to read/write [22:36] AndresSM: I can recall some stuff from chmods...... [22:36] *sighs* I'm going to take a break off linux servers for a bit. Sorry for ranting at people whose falts they hath not ownership of. [22:36] James_Epp, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountWindowsSharesPermanently [22:36] it's all there [22:37] AndresSM: I do that in my linuxmint box to my current windows box [22:37] I'm wondering if I should have samba shares, then do local mounts to areas I need them? [22:37] ranting about ubuntu and using linux mint? nice one m( [22:37] !mint | James_Epp [22:37] James_Epp: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org [22:39] als ubottu is wrong... not al mint derivatives are based on Ubuntu === FreakingTea is now known as FreakingEspanol [22:39] k1l_: I never said the server was running linuxmint. I simply said I had a linuxmint device :) [22:47] hi [22:47] guys, dual booting windows 7 and ubuntu 13.04. whenever i make a link to my desktop folder on the windows 7 partition , the link always stops working after a while [22:47] im a girl [22:49] Is it possible to resize an encrypted volume (namely one that contains / on top of an lvm)? [22:50] More exactly, is it possible to set up a dual-boot system if I've already installed ubuntu on an encrypted drive? [22:51] blz: you mean encrypted /home or / [22:51] qin, / [22:51] qin, well both, actually [22:51] qin, / and /home are on the same partition [22:52] blz: not certain. [22:53] Man, it's surprisingly quiet in here tonight [23:01] hi, given a custom-compiled (from source) eg. nginx, how do you create binary packages for distribution / deployment? [23:04] having difficulty installing firefox - E: Package mozilla-firefox has no installation candidate [23:04] any help [23:04] tried apt-get update -f [23:04] p0wp01, try 'firefox' [23:04] instead of mozilla-firefox [23:04] p0wp01: which ubuntu do you use? [23:04] E: Package mozilla-firefox has no installation candidate [23:04] I want to be able to alter a file in /sys with a keyboard shortcut. I think I should chown it to myself. I did that, rebooted, and now its back to root ownership. Am I doing this wrong? [23:04] !info firefox [23:04] firefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 22.0+build2-0ubuntu0.13.04.2 (raring), package size 25632 kB, installed size 53336 kB [23:05] actually on gnewsense at the moment [23:05] shouldn't be that different thought right, firefox is under gnu license? [23:05] SDr: checkinstall (if you think of creating deb from tarball) [23:05] hi [23:05] !gnewsense [23:05] gNewSense is a GNU/Linux distribution based off Ubuntu with the aim of containing only free software. The Website is http://www.gnewsense.org - Support in #gnewsense, NOT #ubuntu [23:05] p0wp01: as you see its different from ubuntu. so please see their support [23:05] p0wp01: we can't help you then [23:05] What is more common [23:05] Desktops or laptops? [23:06] Im thinking of getting a custom built desktop [23:06] jdale: moleskin? [23:06] jdale: better ask in #ubuntu-offtopic [23:06] p0wp01: I think Firefox uses the MPL instead of the GPL [23:06] even though I sold a desktop I built [23:06] ok [23:06] p0wp01: It is very different. [23:06] Hi. When I chown something from root to myself, it should stay that way after restart, right? [23:07] energizer1: Yep. [23:07] what is the ppa for ubuntu's games/how do i find it. i somehow messed it up [23:07] rypervenche, energizer1: Is that true even in the case of /proc entries? [23:07] energizer1: yes, but depends on vserver or other special setups it could be different [23:07] : dhcp isnt giving ip address but auto eth0 is recognized also tried to down and up eth0 any help? [23:08] Hi, Noob here. Trying to mount my ext hdd that worked an hour ago before reinstalling Ubuntu but having trouble. Have put error in following pastbin Error mounting /dev/sdc1 at /media/anon/Elements: Command-line `mount -t "ntfs" -o "uhelper=udisks2,nodev,nosuid,uid=1000,gid=1000,dmask=0077,fmask=0177" "/dev/sdc1" "/media/anon/Elements"' exited with non-zero exit status 13: $MFTMirr does not match $MFT (record 0). Failed to mount [23:08] my chown didn't stick after reboot. what can i do if i want permanent ownership? [23:08] from /sys [23:08] oh, sorry. My mistake. This is the link i mean http://logfilech.pastebin.ca/2428191 === Guest49386 is now known as McPeter [23:09] on 10.04.4 and my wired connection recently stopped working im positive its a software problem [23:10] energizer1: I don't think you can do that. /sys entries are generated by the kernel and the kernel modules. [23:10] energizer1: what more precisely in /sys ? [23:10] energizer1: You can modify the kernel module for a specific entry by going into the source, changing the permission bits, and then recompiling the module. [23:10] mathfreak, im a butt phreak [23:11] energizer1: That's probably something you don't want to do, though. [23:11] actually the only game i want is the one where there is a penguin that roams around, doing missions to save a planet from an alien invasion. he gathers guns n such, makes friends and does side missions...what is its name? [23:11] I really don't understand the error so it doesn't solve the problem for me. ;-) [23:12] so i have two identical laptops, with a known bug so the brightness keys dont work. on one, i've been able to edit /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/backlight to have owner energizer, but on the other, it didnt stick after reboot [23:12] marcus2010: What's it say if you just run 'mount /dev/sdc1 /media/anon/Elements'? [23:13] mathfreak: I will go check and let you know thanks. [23:14] having internet wired connection problemss [23:15] mathfreak: It now says this. http://logfilech.pastebin.ca/2428193 [23:15] hello all, anyone knowledgeable on hibernating? [23:15] my s2disk stopped working a couple of nights ago after an update [23:15] mathfreak: qin any thoughts on getting permanent control of /sys/class/.../brightness ? [23:15] deserteagle: Nope, not a bear. [23:15] deserteagle: i recall its disabled by default. and askubuntu.com having a guide or 2 on the topic. ;) [23:15] deserteagle: i belive you need swap = ram+a bit more - for hibernate to work [23:16] Anyone know of any rainmeter type setups for ubuntu? [23:16] Blue_Fox: Have you looked into conky? [23:16] mathfreak: All I did was forma the hdd and instal ubuntu via usb key using the default settings plus encryption [23:16] But more for market prices and such? [23:16] Dr_Willis: it was working perfectly up until 2-3 nights ago, when it first complained about not finding the swap partition, even through it is there (according to gparted) and it is pointed at in the uswsusp.conf :\ [23:17] mathfreak: Yeah, just barely though. Is there a way to make conky look more modern though? [23:17] energizer1: Not a clue at the moment. I haven't touched on sysfs yet. [23:17] Blue_Fox: Conky can use a config file that should be in your home directory (if it exists) [23:18] ahaaaa! its freedroid ;) [23:18] theres dozens of 'mondern' looking conky setup/theme/tools to make themes out there. ;) it sort of had a revival in popularity last year. [23:19] mathfreak: Well I've seen a conky and something... Kind of thing that looked good but not sure where to get it. [23:19] ombubuntu and webupd8 has some nice themes and things for conky [23:19] Blue_Fox: Here's my .conkyrc if you want to take a look. http://pastebin.com/wxHPTy1A [23:20] marcus2010: Have you seen this yet? https://wmarkito.wordpress.com/2010/12/29/how-to-fix-mftmirr-does-not-match-mft-record-0/ [23:20] mathfreak: qin: Dr_Willis: any idea where i might start looking? === andrex is now known as andrex|off [23:21] energizer1: hang on. Looking for good places to start. [23:21] mathfreak: Thank you so much, looks noob proof so I'll go and give it a try. [23:22] mathfreak: Hm. Could you screen cap it for me? [23:23] | dh_auto_configure: ./configure --build=i486-linux-gnu --prefix=/usr --includedir=${prefix}/include --mandir=${prefix}/share/man --infodir=${prefix}/share/info --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --libexecdir=${prefix}/lib/nginx --disable-maintainer-mode --disable-dependency-tracking returned exit code 1 [23:23] ./configure: error: invalid option "--build=i486-linux-gnu" [23:23] doing dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot . any ideas? [23:24] mathfreak: That worked perfectly, Thank you for your time and patience. [23:24] Blue_Fox: Mine looks like this: http://i.imgur.com/YMokIBS.png It's a relatively simple appearance to others I've seen, but I like simplicity. [23:25] SDr: I wish I could speak your language haha. [23:25] Blue_Fox, grow half a meter of hair :P [23:26] mathfreak: That's pretty much all conky config's looking like haha [23:26] SDr: Oh man, half a meter? Why not get a haircut? Long hair just gets annoying. [23:28] energizer1: Yeah, searching the Internet doesn't give me much information about changing the ownership for /sys entries. [23:28] Blue_Fox, regular maintenance (cron grep hair) keeps it non-annoying. Would change it to wires in a heartbeat though ^^ [23:28] mathfreak: yea. i couldnt find anything either [23:28] thanks [23:28] SDr, wait, we're still talking about the same thing, right? [23:29] energizer1: Still though, there might be a different solution that'll work out for you. Changing ownership of files that should be owned by root doesn't seem ideal. [23:30] Blue_Fox, wires, as in http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100122201303/aliens/images/3/3d/Queue.jpg [23:30] mathfreak: Is there something i could do with groups? [23:31] Blue_Fox, that would give the word "auto-configuration" a totally new meaning ^^ [23:31] SDr: Hahahaha Avatar. I guess that would be pretty cool, hair stays the same length forever and you could interface with almost everything [23:31] energizer1: I don't believe so. [23:31] SDr: Hahaha no doubt. How long have you been into all of this linux stuff? [23:34] energizer1: You said that it was your hotkeys that didn't work to change the lighting screen brightness, right? What sorts of things did you already try? [23:35] mathfreak: kind of alongside that whole brightness + keys thing, is there a way to make each key stroke a certain percent of brightness? [23:36] Blue_Fox: Yeah. I know you can do that in LXDE, but I don't know how to do it for the other desktop environments. It's most likely going to be in some config file in your home directory. [23:36] how can i stop a ppa\ [23:37] hello i am new to ubuntu and i was wondering if it's possible if someone can help me install a LAN driver so i can connect to the internet [23:37] @_@ [23:37] mathfreak: Ah yeah, I think I'm using either the Gnome DE or the Unity DE. [23:37] how do i change from a $ to # [23:38] Prock81: Graphical way: Start "Software sources" (command name: software-properties-gtk). Click "Other Software" tab. De-select PPAs you don't want [23:38] sudo su, but that is a bad ides, just sudo whatever jlau [23:38] Blue_Fox, since 2.0 or so (~97) [23:38] !ppa-purge | Prock81 [23:38] Prock81: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:/ » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html [23:39] Prock81: through the command line: cd to /etc/apt/sources.d. Open up the file for the specific PPA you want to disable. Comment out the relevant lines. [23:39] jlau: you shouldnt need to install a lan driver [23:40] jlau: The driver should have came along with the kernel (there are cases where some cards don't work out-of-the-box due to licensing issues). Do you know how to start a terminal? [23:40] well my internet is not working for my desktop. forums say i need to install latest drivers for my gigabyte ud3h [23:40] yeah i started the terminal [23:40] i don't how to install [23:41] i think i got the package [23:41] jlau: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [23:41] hi [23:41] jlau: In the terminal, can you run the command 'lspci'? Copy-paste the output to http://paste.ubuntu.com [23:42] most ethernet cards work ootb today [23:42] SDr: Daaaaang, you're ancient haha. I just started like 2 months ago I guess. Maybe a month and a half. [23:42] oh and by the way i follow this and i still have the same problem http://www.n00bsonubuntu.net/content/how-to-install-virtualbox-4-2-14-on-ubuntu-13-04/ [23:42] in on 12.04 [23:43] OK, so the ubuntu repo for puppet seems out of date, so i installed the repo from puppet labs, but when I try to do sudo apt-get update puppet, it says they were kept back. Any suggestions? [23:43] its my freaking kernel, there are no headers able to install, how can i purge every think kernel related, and pick another? [23:44] Prock81: just install the kernel package you like [23:44] Prock81: and choose the kernel at grub menue [23:44] Prock81: usually purging things go like 'sudo apt-get remove --purge (whatever you're getting rid of here)' [23:44] how to get the correct one and the headers and so forth for it, and remove the old, well newer/current [23:44] Prock81: Not sure if that's the same with getting rid of an entire kernel though. [23:45] http://paste.ubuntu.com/5949326/ [23:45] i wanna say F my current kernel [23:45] /set activity_hide_level JOINS PARTS QUITS MODES [23:45] Prock81: Which one are you using right now? [23:46] jlau: you're using a wired connection? [23:46] Linux prock-Latitude-E6420 3.5.0-38-generic #59~precise1-Ubuntu SMP Sun Jul 28 05:16:47 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux [23:46] there is no headers fori t [23:47] Hm. Why do you want headers though? [23:47] I'm sure they're in there somewhere? [23:47] i see .37 but not .38 [23:48] yes [23:48] i am typing for another computer right now [23:48] from another computer* [23:49] Prock81: Hm. Yeah I have no idea haha. [23:49] I want to run a script as root on boot. How do i do that? [23:49] well beside headers what the other called when it comes to compileing modules [23:50] Prock81: Headers and pointers? Is that what you mean? [23:50] it's recommended to do this for the LAN at http://www.linuxfoundation.org/collaborate/workgroups/networking/alx [23:50] Prock81: What are you trying to do? [23:50] i don't know how to get it installed offline. [23:50] energizer1 create a cronjob, add @reboot [your script] [23:50] can anyone help me out, I just did a fresh install of 12.04 on a laptop and I am getting "Recursive failure fixed but a reboot is needed" I tried adding acpi = off to grub and that did not help. [23:50] the stuff needed for kernel compileing modules [23:51] mathfreak: I think he wants to have a C or C+ compiler or something haha. Not sure. [23:51] tring the get the latest virtual box pule installed [23:51] Oops, nevermind. [23:51] the o e with usb support [23:51] the one with usb support [23:53] Prock81: what is a "pule"? [23:53] ^ [23:53] the non oven source version of virtualbox [23:54] not the ose [23:54] Prock81: So 'pule' is a VM? [23:54] jlau: do you have a flash drive you can use to move the downloaded file to that PC? [23:54] one moment [23:55] oh and this didnt work, brb http://www.n00bsonubuntu.net/content/how-to-install-virtualbox-4-2-14-on-ubuntu-13-04/ [23:55] jlau: Try this: sudo modprobe atl1c [23:55] yup i downloaded the "compat-drivers" - moved it from windows to linux [23:55] jlau: and extracted the .bz2? [23:55] yup [23:56] and ran the ./scripts/driver-select alx ? [23:56] yeah i got permission denied [23:56] VirtualBox 4.2.16 Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack All supported platforms [23:56] Support for USB 2.0 devices, VirtualBox RDP and PXE boot for Intel cards. See this chapter from the User Manual for an introduction to this Extension [23:56] i just installed ubuntu a few hours ago so i don't know how to use it. [23:56] jlau: can you browse to that driver-select file graphically? [23:57] yes [23:57] i can [23:57] Prock81: Haha okay, you're using virtualbox. That's the 'virtual machine' (VM) you're using. Now what are you trying to do with it? [23:57] and can you right click on it and change the properties to allow execute permissions? [23:57] but to compile vboxdrv i need my headers and there not on an aptitude search, i see all the others [23:57] jlau: Your card should be supported by the atl1c module that's already available. Did you give sudo modprobe atl1c a try? [23:58] mathfreak: that commannd doesn't work [23:58] i do t wanna break my system for this ^ [23:59] jlau: How did it fail? Was there an error message on the terminal? [23:59] jlau: did you find the execute permissions ok?