=== EroSannin is now known as HisaoNakai [13:53] zequence, we have a whole bunch of testcases in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual-tests/+bugs?field.tag=ubuntu-studio [13:53] 58.... [15:54] Hey madeinkobaia [15:54] Nice to see you back! [15:55] Hi smartboyhw :) [15:55] Thanks for the welcome ! [15:55] madeinkobaia, any nice things for me to see? [15:56] smartboyhw: nothing recent, the last artwork made is the social network banner. [15:57] smartboyhw: Also our webshop start to be ready. Did you visit it ? [15:57] madeinkobaia, ouch, I thought you are working on our 13.10 default wallpaper already. Webshop? Where? [15:58] http://ubuntustudio.spreadshirt.fr/ [15:58] Why did NOBODY tell me!? [15:59] Holy!? 20 euros!? [15:59] I think it is not finished that's why. The price seems expensive indeed. [15:59] zequence, I want a price slim-down.... [16:02] smartboyhw: I think ttoine is the best person for speak about his / this project. [16:02] madeinkobaia, OK. [16:02] Let me ask about price.... [16:04] smartboyhw: Otherwise what do you think about of the t-shirt designs ? [21:03] dexit === super is now known as Guest9653 [22:01] hi, I would like to contribute to ubuntu studio === Guest9653 is now known as millerthegorilla [22:02] Apart from the mailing list is there information about contributing anywhere else? [22:04] millerthegorilla: http://ubuntustudio.org/contribute/ [22:04] millerthegorilla: You being here is a good start [22:05] what do you think you would like to contribute with? [22:06] thanks, I've just been to that page. I don't know. [22:06] I'm a coder and a musician, and can patch and compile a kernel [22:06] millerthegorilla: Have you done any Debian packaging before? [22:07] No I haven't but I'm keen to learn [22:07] I wouldn't mind contributing to the alsa stuff along the lines of kxstudio's cadence [22:07] *jack [22:07] millerthegorilla: This is a good place to start https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/SetupDeveloperEnvironment [22:08] millerthegorilla: Have you done any python coding? [22:09] yh, a reasonable amount, I've used the RAD design gtk systems as well. [22:09] millerthegorilla: Actually, before you do that, you might want to install saucy [22:09] when is saucy planned for release? [22:09] October [22:10] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/DevelopmentReleaseSchedule [22:10] Feature freeze is coming up at Aug 22 [22:11] That means we need to have uploaded all our changes before then [22:11] ok, I should be able to get a grip of the workflow in time for the next version [22:12] We need to do a bit of work on ubuntustudio-controls before feature freeze [22:12] if you like, you could assist in that [22:12] i'm the project lead, btw [22:12] OvenWerks is our most busy dev [22:12] gr8, not seen the project before. got a link? [22:13] Right now, there's no new version anywhere [22:13] I'll need to set it up [22:13] been delaying it for far too long [22:13] either we fix it so it has some use, or we remove the package from the archive [22:14] It's job will be primarily to adjust system settings [22:14] it could also be developed into a jack control application [22:14] have you seen kxstudio? [22:14] I have some code laying around, just need to make it useful [22:15] *used [22:15] yes, and I know falktx [22:15] sounds sorta like cadence [22:15] well, he got some ideas from us to that, and it's a good start, but what I have in mind is something bit different [22:15] I strip out pulse and install cadence on my ubu studio [22:16] what did you have in mind? [22:16] I'll need to go to sleep now [22:16] ok. cya. [22:16] Will put up some code later this week [22:16] where? [22:16] will be attending DebConf and probably I'll be doing some work during that time [22:16] on the mail list? [22:16] We use launchpad projects, and bzr branches [22:17] ok. got a link? [22:17] https://launchpad.net/ubuntustudio-project [22:17] thanks, gdnight. [22:17] You can find most of what you need to know here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/DeveloperDocumentation [22:17] Or, at least, what is written down so far [22:18] millerthegorilla: See you around