=== carm is now known as struktured [03:27] is there a kubuntu channel specifically for help? [03:31] #join === dziegler is now known as dziegler_off === dziegler_off is now known as dziegler === dziegler is now known as dziegler_off === dziegler_off is now known as dziegler === hydra is now known as Guest54910 === jbracker is now known as Guest85023 === ubuntu is now known as Guest85181 === BTCOxygen is now known as Guest40406 === BTCOxygen|1 is now known as BTCOxygen === Abd_Allatif_ is now known as Abd_Allatif [11:05] hi [11:05] in using the latest KDE, I have Present Windows configured to trigger when the mouse hits the bottom edge of the screen.. only that now I only see the bottom edge of the screen lighting up, but no Present Windows... (it still works if I type the shortcut key though) [11:05] BluesKaj: heya [11:05] ^ [11:05] Roey: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [11:29] hi [11:30] is there anyone??? [11:30] ahoj,lidu dost,je tunekdo i z cech? :) [11:30] what? [11:31] :) [11:31] any people from czech republic? :) [11:31] no Im not!! [11:32] it should be from z cech?! [11:32] !cz [11:32] České uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme. [11:33] type in english plz [11:34] anyone?!!! [11:34] yuhoooooooooooooo [11:35] hi [11:35] hi shaan7 === ubuntu is now known as Guest87427 [13:07] Hey folks [13:53] hi there [13:54] hi === christian is now known as Guest20959 === Guest20959 is now known as crodriguez === ajcortes is now known as jjg1965 [15:25] hello all [15:25] BluesKaj: hai === ajcortes is now known as jjg1965 [16:24] hey all what isthe shortcut for locking the screen? [16:32] . === ubuntu is now known as Guest42608 === lia_ is now known as User012 === y_ is now known as Guest831 [17:28] does anyone know a Documentation, Tutorial, Example for Knewstuff , I want to make a downloader for the kate snippets, on python === phi-scribe is now known as phiscribe [17:51] Roey: if you are running Kubuntu in a VM, could you confirm https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=311974 [17:51] KDE bug 311974 in containment-panel "When I set the panel to auto-hide, the mouse does not reveal it" [Normal,Unconfirmed] [17:56] ^ can not reproduce === kubuntu is now known as Guest95384 [18:11] Is there some one who has worked with vpn [18:13] me [18:13] connect from bash [18:19] juancarlospaco, have you use kubuntu for the vpn? [18:19] ye [18:20] sudo openconnect .... [18:20] from konsole [18:20] nikolaj_basher, yes , I have worked with L2TP/ipsec vpn [18:21] the gui dont work without a package named vpnc-scripts [18:21] BluesKaj, I have a vps DEbian and I would like to install kubuntu and use this for vpn [18:22] but at that time i didnt know that [18:22] is there a guide for this some where, The guides I found was nothing worth [18:23] juancarlospaco, what vpn clients do you have available ion the package manager? [18:24] a lot [18:24] only openconnect was the one I needed, but that depends on the vpn server itself [18:25] not all are the same, nor compatible [18:25] or do you nee a specific client that comnnects to a server that runs a specific type like openvpn [18:27] depends on the vpn server [18:27] BluesKaj, I would be nice if I coul connect from my tablet [18:27] I use the L2TP/ipsec on the servers i connect to simce that's the requirement , openvpn hasn't been successful for me [18:27] the cisco one are compatible with: cisco, cisco, cisco, cisco, cisco, cisco, cisco, cisco, cisco, cisco, or cisco [18:28] :P [18:28] \on openvpn servers [18:28] , that is [18:28] oh cisco [18:28] I have no experiencwe with them [18:28] you must know what the other end point is [18:29] yes [18:31] I use a group of servers bases in Japan called VPNGate , they're non-commercial open source [18:32] mainly meant for users in asian countries that block western websites, but since they're free I've used them for the las5 few months [18:36] thanks for inspiration [18:41] hi [18:41] how do I map a key to lock the screen? === sayakb_ is now known as sayakb [19:25] hi guys. how do i install a new plasma theme on kubuntu? i tried - system settings -> workspace appearance -> desktop theme -> get new themes -- selected one, clicked to install.. it says the same is installed but i cant see in the list. what to do to make the them appear? [19:25] *the theme is installed === Darthfrog_ is now known as Darthfrog [20:17] Kubuntu will not install on Vmware 9.x for those keeping logs [20:17] All it does is hang on the log in screen for Kubuntu 13.04 [20:17] Thanks guys. [20:17] Всем привет ;-)) [20:18] Having to use an ubuntu plus a kde remix for that kde goodness [20:18] well peace out and keep hacking [20:25] <[Raiden]> oleg: ) === moji_ is now known as moji