=== Guest84363 is now known as wgrant [08:51] hi, we're trying to backport KDE to Precise and have used the backported HWE stack from raring, however, it seems like the window manager still depends on libgl1-mesa-glx because https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/precise/mesa-lts-raring/precise-updates/view/head:/debian/libgl1-mesa-glx-lts-raring.shlibs still says libgl1-mesa-glx instead of the -lts-raring package, is this intentional? [08:51] if not, should we still build using the regular stack but ask our users to manually install the LTS stack [08:52] s/not/so/ [09:01] shadeslayer: Deliberate [09:01] but then dpkg-shlibdeps adds the wrong dependency? [09:02] shadeslayer: Because the ABI for libgl1-mesa-glx is the linux OpenGL ABI, so really everything *actually* depends on the libgl1 branch of that dependency; the libgl1-mesa-glx branch is to help apt out. [09:04] yofel: ^^ [09:04] shadeslayer: Why does the KDE backport require the HWE backport stack? [09:05] well, the reason we're doing that because KDE upstream doesn't support any configurations they don't test (at least Martin Gräßlin doesn't). That includes KDE 4.11 with mesa 8 [09:05] RAOF: upstream told us that anything using old mesa versions is unsupported, only the latest mesa is supported because there could be problems during runtime [09:05] so we're *trying* to make kde 4.11 pull mesa9 in, but apt isn't really making that easy [09:05] ^^ [09:06] Hm. [09:06] You should be able to add a manual dependency on the various bits. [09:07] But I don't think installing the lts-raring stack on an existing system is something we've tried to support very hard. [09:07] is there an easy way to do that with an shlibdeps rule? or only by manually adding it in control [09:07] It's expected that if you've got a working install, then you don't need the backport stack for hardware enablement ☺ [09:07] mlankhorst would be the resident expert here. [09:08] would adding manually to control even work? [09:08] You *could* do it with a local shlibs file, I think, but I'm not sure why you'd want to do that instead of just a manual dependency in debian/control [09:08] it would, libgl1-mesa-glx would be overriden by libgl1 [09:08] erm I don't think depending on a version would work in the lts [09:09] why not? [09:10] because the user might use the blob drivers for example, in which case mesa version wouldn't matter, if you use the lts stack libgl1-mesa-glx is virtual, which means versioned depends would fail [09:11] well, so far we don't have versioned depends, but we try to directly pull in the -lts-raring stack [09:11] which ended up causing a dependency mess [09:11] it's not recommended to do that either [09:11] best you can do is request the user to do that upgrade [09:15] on amd64 it requires apt-get install xserver-xorg-lts-raring libgl1-mesa-{dri,glx}-lts-raring:i386 , I guess we need to review this in the next lts, maybe allow mesa to be separately upgraded [09:16] why i386 o.O? [09:17] because of steam/wine/ other 32-bits applications that may depend on libgl [09:17] ok, good point === psivaa_ is now known as psivaa [17:56] I am having an issue with my ubuntu 12.04 installation