
diegoaperhola a todos02:33
diegoaperacá brindan soporte para ubuntu studio?02:34
absortohello! ubuntustudio used to distribute a sweet tape delay app: tapiir05:20
absortoI cannot get it to compile now, this is it: http://www.resorama.com/maarten/tapiir/05:21
absortoThe problem seems to be something about linking fltk, but I don't know enough to solve this problem. help!05:22
=== sirafkalot is now known as sirriffsalot
studio-user795H all!06:51
studio-user795One question: How I must to do for format smartphone sdcard? :)06:52
studio-user795internal ed external, I dont see the menu :(06:53
caodepalhahi everyone!13:44
caodepalhaI'm using patchage to make connections with jack. anyone knows of a better software?13:45
caodepalhaI'm using patchage to make connections with jack. anyone knows of a better software?14:40
OvenWerkscaodepalha: I just use qjackctl. It and pachage are about the only two I know. Check kxstudio as they may have another.15:29
OvenWerksthere are also some commandline kinds of things if that is your bent15:31
OvenWerkscaodepalha: http://kxstudio.sourceforge.net/KXStudio:Applications has Catarina, Catia and Claudia that you may find helpful15:33

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