[00:00] hazxubxmir: if you open a terminal and run: ps ax | grep system-comp [00:00] if more than just the grep command returns, it's proably running [00:00] yes I did that in the beggining [00:00] should have several lines of stuff show up if it's running [00:01] oh ok run that again? [00:01] if you don't remember what it said, yeah :) [00:01] Log file will show 3 times, grep once. [00:01] ok thanks will check brb [00:01] it's only looking at your process list and pulling some things out [00:01] not actually doing anything to your system [00:05] ok, it appears I'm only getting 2 log files and 1 grep [00:07] On the Mir page, you can also see a screenshot of what you should get, if you want to add | pastebinit and give thelink here, we can tell you for sure, but sounds as if you're using xorg. [00:07] ok mir page is where [00:09] don't matter I found that page [00:10] so now how do I get xmir to work [00:11] Alright. 1. You aren't running this in a VM, right? 2. What's the output of the log window? [00:12] hold up I have to do it again [00:12] Unit193, maybe the mir page should say that in cat sized letters... :) [00:13] 945 ? S 0:00 /bin/sh /usr/sbin/unity-system-compositor.sleep --enable-input=false --from-dm-fd 7 --to-dm-fd 13 --vt 7 [00:13] 955 ? Sl 1:09 /usr/sbin/unity-system-compositor --enable-input=false --from-dm-fd 7 --to-dm-fd 13 --vt 7 [00:13] 23467 pts/0 S+ 0:00 grep --color=auto system-comp [00:13] I put it in bold. [00:13] hazxubxmir: You're running XMir. [00:15] oh goodie, thank mate, only reason I wanted to check, that any comments I do make wanted to be sure that is was xmir working [00:20] 1 more question does that command have to entered each time when booting in [00:26] hazxubxmir: Not at all, all it's doing is looking at the list of running applications, a task manager. [00:27] ok mate, many thanks for your help [00:28] Sure, have a good one. [00:28] alwasy and u too [00:28] oops always [00:39] sorry I haven't been on much my system keeps just shutting off, not sure if its a heat issue or kernel panic [00:45] Well that's not good. [03:20] Do they not get what's written on the can? [03:30] Unit193: Hunh? [04:34] hi all... connected just to say: xmir + xubuntu is amazing!!! [04:36] if I install xubuntu + xmir, can I update my system without losing xmir? [04:37] !13.10 [04:37] Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) will be the 19th release of Ubuntu. Announcement: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1252 - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 [04:37] xubuntu-mir647: is that what you are talking about? from 13.10? [04:37] yes... posting from xubuntu iso live cd + xmir [04:38] I loved xmir... [04:38] I think xmir packaging uses replaces xorg [04:38] want to keep it on my pc [04:38] so upgrade should work. [04:38] nice... thanks! [04:38] will try to install now. [04:38] tks [04:42] didn't wait around long enough for the "this is alpha sw" disclaimer ;) [04:52] Wonder why he thought it was amazing. [04:54] maybe he tried it with unity first [05:27] don't know if anyone else has noticed but scrolling and typing is at times very slow, [05:51] Yep, known bug. [07:36] Good morning (at least it's morning here), I've been trying to run the Xmir tests on http://vanir.unit193.tk/mir/ [07:37] It seems I'm not allowed to log on to the etherpad. When sharing through the mailing list, are the screenshots really everything you need? No HW specs or anything? [07:44] cub, hardware helps, but most of the current bugs are hardware independent [07:44] are there discussions about acutally doing mir as default? [07:45] imo we shouldn't include xmir until at least 14.04 [07:45] uh. i mean 14.10 [07:45] Pwnna, yep, the final meeting on it is at the end of the month [07:48] Noskcaj: can anyone give feedback/opinions? [07:48] Is it worth the effort to set up the ether pad? [07:48] Pwnna, everyone can [07:48] use mozilla's etherpad [07:49] Noskcaj: where? [07:49] Pwnna, mailing list and here. [07:49] okay. [07:49] i have to go, bye [07:49] i don't see a dedicated discussion thread [07:49] so i wasn't sure [07:50] Pwnna, I meant the Etherpad as instructed on the Xubuntu Xmir page. [07:51] where's that page? [07:51] http://vanir.unit193.tk/mir/ [07:52] "If you would like to share your results with the team, please do so at Xubuntu etherpad, or on the mailing list." [07:52] But the Etherpad requires authorization [07:52] oh. i see [07:52] .... [07:52] why oh why. [07:52] don't we have a wiki [07:52] and I figured if I was going to run several tests it might be easier to set it up. [07:53] setup an etherpad instance? [08:41] Pwnna, if you need access to the etherpad, you can get that by having a launchpad account [08:42] cub, ^ [08:42] Pwnna, cub: then just join the ubuntu-etherpad team (and once you're approved to that team, you can access the ubuntu pad) [08:42] there are no public etherpads? [08:43] Pwnna, sure there are. [09:24] knome, thanks for the pointers. I have updated my tests in etherpad. [09:24] cub, np, thank you [10:54] howdy, is the XMir test ISO's performance expected to be painfully slow at this stage? [18:16] anyone else unable to log into the Xubuntu etherpad? [18:17] tr33m4n: you need to be in the etherpad group, let me know your launchpad name and I can ad dyou [18:17] ah, think it's tr33m4n [18:17] nope, fine for me [18:17] tr33m4n@googlemail.com ? [18:17] yes [18:18] tr33m4n: ok, added you [18:18] thanks :) [18:18] should be able to log in now [18:18] yep all fine, thanks [18:59] http://openbenchmarking.org/result/1308067-SO-XUBUNTUXM33 [19:01] nice [19:08] so on the tests it does beat normal xubuntu it is a very small win mmm [19:17] I think you read it backwards. [19:21] well it only beats normal xubuntu on 2 tests i think [19:21] 4* [19:34] Xmir is generally slower, though. [19:34] yup [19:35] Tearing seems to win, but you can fix that in xorg.conf [19:35] 2 of those 4 it only beats normal xubuntu by 0.003% [19:36] yeah, but it's a dry 0.003%. [19:52] Best guess on the number of total downloads, 1769. [19:53] wow :) [19:54] And my guess was going for ~50... [20:01] Someone said I should make a LindsayLohanOS, but I don't want to! :( [20:01] The DEA would probably shut you down. [20:02] people love telling me what I should do with my time [20:02] drc: Aha! [20:03] OK,lets say 1700 DL's...how many reported tests so far? [20:03] Mhmm... Yeah, not that many. [20:04] pleia2: it's for you own good, you know :) [20:09] pleia2, has to be done :P [20:16] Unit193: I wonder if there would have been more test results if one didn't have to have an account to report said results?? [20:18] I'd assume so, maybe a little more spam, but who knows. I would have been good using mozpad or piratepad. I just don't dislike Ubuntu etherpad like I do the pastebin. :P [20:35] :P [23:02] skellat: nice email to the list [23:02] pleia2: Thanks [23:53] hi all... I need some help... [23:53] I installed xubuntu + mir last night... [23:53] while on live cd, all worked fine... [23:54] but after the installation, I'm having issues with "colored" blocks on the screen... [23:55] and I dont know where to start the debugging... [23:55] does someone esperienced something like that? [23:55] lucas: at this point it's best to just file bug reports [23:55] it's under heavy active development so we haven't really been doing much debugging, mostly they are just bugs :) [23:57] tks for the answer... [23:57] lucas: you can also try #ubuntu-mir [23:57] that's where the mir devs hang out, and I'm sure they can always use interested debuggers [23:58] I will try looking the syslog, and ati driver... [23:58] (though it is a bit late in the day for them) [23:58] I think my issue is driver related... [23:58] thanks anyway.