[06:58] good morning [09:07] Morning dholbach. [09:07] hi iulian === DrKranz is now known as DktrKranz === Guest79504 is now known as amithkk [20:11] Hey guys, what's the Unity dev channel again? [20:11] Also, is anyone coming to FOSSCON this weekend? :) [20:14] debconf [20:15] debconf? [20:15] this weekend/ [20:15] Debian Conference. [20:15] In Switzerland?? [20:15] this week was debcamp. debconf starts sunday [20:15] that is nice [20:15] you guys from the US are going there? [20:16] tumbleweed: drop in a word about eC/Ecere for me , will you :P [20:16] DebCamp is in Switzerland as well? [20:17] Unity dev chan? :P [20:26] How should i package a program that now needs automake1.14? (gthumb) [20:31] ESphynx: yes, in switzerland. it doubles as a chance to set up infrastructure [20:32] nice! :) === jbicha is now known as Guest66961