=== Mamarok is now known as resident_pharmac === resident_pharmac is now known as Mamarok [16:35] I've been through +x for listing with lope at least once before [16:35] I actually think 2 times [17:19] 18:18 < Scriptonaut> wth, I have b43-fwcutter installed [17:19] the line of doom [18:11] all the ops on freenode are a bunch of gay faggots [18:11] he's hitting every major channel with that [18:12] and we wouldn't have it any other way [18:12] hehe [18:55] don't those two words used together cancel each other out? [18:56] did geri suddenly switch to ubuntu, or is he still asking for rhel support in #ubuntu [18:57] ubottu, random switched redhat [18:57] switched [18:57] bazhang: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [18:57] ok