
Chikoreping all14:14
=== |s-a| is now known as megabraker
=== pingwin_ is now known as iliana
ilianaBonjour tous le monde21:53
ubuntiste-msakniBonjour iliana :)22:03
ilianasalut ubuntiste-msakni et iidek mbrouk22:05
ubuntiste-msakniSnine dayma merci iliana :)22:05
ilianadidant est se que Mawal passe encore ici22:06
ubuntiste-msaknioui parfois..22:06
ilianaest se que tu sais quand je peux le trouver22:07
ubuntiste-msaknini idea iliana22:08
ubuntiste-msaknihey ChanServ23:52
Chikoreasma3 3andi mysql running23:52
Chikoren7eb nal9ah win wenna7ih23:52
Chikore:'( conflit23:52
Chikorehelp please23:53
ubuntiste-msakniwhereis mysql23:54
Chikorefibeli bih fi "/etc/init.d/mysql"23:55
ubuntiste-msaknisi c'est pas installé via apt-get, alors ça doit être sous /opt/ ou /var/23:55
Chikoreye5i ma fammech23:55
Chikore/var/mysql femma les bases23:55
ubuntiste-msakniChikore, si c'est installé manuellement alors tu le trouveras pas sous /etc/init.d/ SAUF si t'as ajouter un init.d script23:55
Chikoreeni haw chen9allek 3malt23:56
Chikore9bal installitou b tasksel23:56
Chikorew mba3d na77itou23:56
Chikorew 3andi backup kemel mte3 xampp fih un projet23:57
Chikoreki lansitou 9alli onother mysql deamon is running23:57
ubuntiste-msakniservice mysql status23:57
Chikoremysql start/running, process 112623:58
Chikore7atta min apache :X23:59
Chikore * Starting web server apache2                                                 apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName23:59
Chikore(98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:8023:59
Chikore(98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address
Chikoreno listening sockets available, shutting down23:59
ChikoreUnable to open logs23:59
ChikoreAction 'start' failed.23:59
ChikoreThe Apache error log may have more information.23:59

Generated by irclog2html.py 2.7 by Marius Gedminas - find it at mg.pov.lt!