[02:36] the goal of lubuntu is to increase productivity and efficiency, meaning lightweight and user friendliness right? [02:39] Are you looking for something? [02:46] aren't we all? :P [02:51] Your question seems to lead to something, I was wondering what that might be. I'd be looking for cookies, but I know they are either all gone, or now right next to me. :D [03:25] when using an external monitor as the sole main monitor with a laptop, upon login, it seems to mess up open box in the background, as if the laptop monitor is overlayed in the background which messed up the background image and ssometimes the conky i am running [03:36] it seems to be a bug [03:39] and also when when switching users and relogging back to a session you have to enter your password twice with lightDM and xscreensaver, but this probably won't be a problem in the next release since lubuntu is getting rid of xscreensaver for screen locking [03:40] This is the released version? [03:40] yeah [03:40] 13.04 [03:40] You should be able to disable the xscreensaver one. [03:41] screen locking is a good feature, but is it just redundant since you already just logged on with lightDM [03:45] but the openbox problem when switching to another external monitor is a bigger bug, and when switching from one monitor to another it is best to do the process one at a time since if you do it simultaneously both screens black out and since you can't see anything on either screen the only way to fix it is to restart [03:46] right now if i click on the desktop background it is as if it is an openbox desktop with the menus [04:21] please, change the lightDM theme to the standard Ubuntu theme. thanks [04:21] Guest68418: you mean, you want to change the theme? [04:21] of the LightDM, yeah [04:21] Guest68418: You can install unity-greeter, may pull in extra deps. [04:22] deps? [04:22] Guest68418: you can have *exactly* what the main version has.. but it is heavier [04:22] danmackay: deps = dependencies [04:22] danmackay: sorry [04:22] Guest68418: ^^ [04:22] Yep, has quite a few more. [04:22] Guest68418: meaning, it'll be heavier than it is now [04:24] but my computer isn't that heavy right now, i can carry it with one arm [04:24] lol jk :P [04:24] it shouldn't be that heavier since when Windows XP has a nice login theme [04:24] even* [04:24] Guest68418: if you are comfortable with the additions, add it [04:26] can this be found in the lubuntu software center? [04:26] Guest68418: lubuntu *is* ubuntu.. the same sources.. so *any* packae manager will have access to all the software [04:27] its not on there, i'll try synaptic [04:28] !info unity-greeter [04:28] unity-greeter (source: unity-greeter): Unity Greeter. In component main, is optional. Version 13.04.2-0ubuntu1 (raring), package size 139 kB, installed size 500 kB [04:28] sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install unity-greeter [04:29] do you recommend an alternative greeter that is lightweight but with a similar interface? [04:30] Guest68418: i recommend the one that is used by default [04:30] such as Razor Greeter, Pantheon Greeter... etc? [04:30] Guest68418: its look/feel is fine with me [04:31] Guest68418: if you prefer another one, you are welcome to use one [04:31] Guest68418: i dont think razor or pantheon are in the default repos yet.. so, you are still welcome to them, but they are not officialy supported [04:34] why does it install plugins for facebook, twitter, flickr and google? [04:35] Guest68418: the main ubuntu has social additions.. could be dependenies.. [04:36] Could try with --no-install-recommends [04:37] how does that command look [04:37] sudo apt-get install unity-greeter --no-install-recommends ? [04:37] sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends unity-greeter [04:38] i'll reinstall it after its done [04:38] You'll still have the extras. [04:38] its a big install tho, about 140MB [04:38] Guest68418: whats a "big" install? the greeter? [04:38] yeah [04:38] Guest68418: thats the "heaviness" i was commenting on.. [04:39] lightdm-remote-session-freerdp sounds interesting... [04:42] Adios. [04:45] the lightDM login theme is still the same [04:46] Guest55146: same as? [04:46] before, nothing changed [04:46] Guest55146: are you still using the lubuntu greeter? [04:46] you'll want to switch to the ubuntu one [04:47] how would i do that [04:48] sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm maybe [04:49] sudo dpkg-reconfigure -f dialog unity-greeter [04:49] Guest55146: ^ [04:49] Or just purge the lightdm-gtk-greeter. :P [04:49] yeah, if you dont want it [04:54] its not working [04:54] Guest23983: its? [04:55] so i guess "sudo apt-get purge unity-greeter" is the right command? [04:55] Guest23983: the unity-greeter? or the command? or the theme? [04:55] Guest23983: if you want to purge the greeter you wanted to add, yse [04:55] yes* [04:55] all of the above is not working [04:55] if you want to *not* use the other one. you should purge it [04:56] yeah, it installed a bunch of stuff like rythembox that i don't use [04:56] http://askubuntu.com/questions/75755/how-to-change-the-lightdm-theme-greeter might be relevant [04:57] Guest23983: the "additions" are the additions i referenced in the beginning.. when i said "heavy".. that was what i was talking about [04:59] hopefully, in future releases lubuntu login screen will be a lightweight version with a similar interface to Ubuntu or Windows OSes so that i can install Lubuntu on computers for family who are not computer savvy [05:01] Guest23983: why would it be similar to ubuntu?.. you can always just get ubuntu [05:02] Guest23983: i would try xubuntu for those users. maybe something a little more "mainstream" [05:02] the folks i have installed lubuntu for seem to just login fine [05:03] actually Ubuntu is a good choice, but i prefer Lubuntu because the computers will just be basic computers, and Ubuntu has a lot of bloat that they will never use [05:04] Guest23983: thats why i said "xubuntu" and not ubuntu [05:04] holstein, the purge command didn't work to complete remove all the stuff it installed, i still have rhythmbox and all that other stuff [05:04] Guest23983: but, they are all ubuntu... and have ways any user can easily login [05:05] Guest23983: feel free and manually remove whatever you like [05:05] wait they can't log in really [05:05] ianorlin: they cant "easily" login like in ubuntu and windows? [05:05] ianorlin: not sure about the details... [05:05] Guest23983: sudo apt-get autoremove --purge && sudo apt-get autoclean [05:06] sudo apt-get autoremove --purge unity-greeter ? [05:06] Sure. [05:11] thanks, it said it removed about 50MB of the plugins from google, facebook, twitter and rhythmbox and stuff...., but i thought the initial install was about 140MB [05:12] maybe 140mb's of disk space [05:12] so i should be fine? [05:13] Guest23983: fine in what way? [05:13] that everything it installed was actually removed [05:13] Guest23983: i look at the list.. and make a note if i want to be sure [05:13] Guest23983: i dont konw what all got installed or why... [05:14] Guest23983: it'll be "fine" having any of those packages... [05:15] i'll have faith that it was purged properly [05:15] thanks for your help guys, ttyl [05:15] Guest23983: why? just look in the future, and make a note it you want.. then you *know* [05:15] ok [08:59] one of the mint devs has sent a huge number of lxde fixes into debian. Once they get out of mentors, we might be able to sync some. http://mentors.debian.net/packages/uploader/mati75%40linuxmint.pl [13:28] hello can i get some help ? [13:30] some1 here and can help me ? [17:25] hi [18:02] honestly, which is more lightweight Windows XP or Lubuntu? [18:05] Guest74987: define lightweight [18:06] uses less resources and is faster at booting up and doing basic computer things [18:08] xp is nearly EOL.. and lubuntu is currently actively developed [18:08] dont know if its "fair" to compare an OS that is released 4 months ago to one 10 years old [18:08] both should be "light", depending on use case.. hardware support might be a factor [18:09] yeah, but there is problems with hardware drivers, so i'm just wondering if it is worth changing it to lubuntu [18:09] Guest74987: no prooblems [18:10] Guest74987: you have an agreement with the hardware you purchased.. that you would run windows on it, and that the vendor will provide you drivers.. going with linux, you decide to take that responsibility on [18:10] Guest74987: what do i suggest? try it live, and see how the hardware is supported.. the linux kernel is modular and supports most hardware "out of the box" [18:11] if it is my personal computer i wouldn't mind as much [18:11] yeah, i'm testing it right now [18:11] Guest74987: this has nothing to do with what you 'mind'.. this is fact [19:10] the disk test utility doesn't seem to work in Lubuntu [19:11] it just keeps loading, it has been loading for almost 40 mins now [19:11] same problem this guy has http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2139654 [19:13] same problem this guy was having http://askubuntu.com/questions/321363/safe-to-install-lubuntu-from-livecd-after-force-quitting-check-disk-for-defects [19:18] no real solution was provided [19:37] Guest74987: i use diagnistic live CD's.. i just have them laying around [19:37] Guest74987: we should get someone to confirm that issue [19:44] loads for me [23:35] so the current stable version of Lubuntu will only be supported for about 4 more months? [23:36] !13.04 [23:36] Ubuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/13.04/ - Release notes: http://ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/13.04 [23:36] Yep, 9mo. [23:36] i think the term is 9 months total [23:40] so it would be better to install the older version [23:41] now you tell me! [23:41] HELLO! [23:41] hi [23:41] I love you all :D [23:42] thanks [23:42] "better" is a matter of opinion.. 13.04 is the current supported version [23:42] if you install the older version, at least you will have full support up until the LTS version comes out [23:43] Guest74987: there is not official LTS from lubuntu [23:44] 14.04 probably will be [23:44] Yep, but that's not out yet, or in development. [23:44] Guest74987: as i stated, lubuntu has no official LTS, and AFAIK none are planned [23:44] holstein: 14.04 they may go for it, actually. [23:44] i win! :P [23:45] Guest74987: currently, there is no LTS> i am not tring to argue or "win" [23:45] IMO, Lubuntu should just focus on LTS [23:46] Ubuntu has 2 year LTS releases now i think [23:46] Guest74987: 5 [23:46] Guest74987: these are documented.. you can look it up [23:46] i mean, isn't Ubuntu going to release LTS every 2 years now? [23:47] Guest74987: that is the plan, and has been for a while [23:47] Guest74987: could always change that, if needed, in theory [23:50] a new release twice a year or a new release every 2 years, which would you prefer? or lubuntu could just be released once a year on xx.04 to be in line with LTS releases from Ubuntu [23:51] developers would be spread too thin with 2 releases per year, even with reducing support to only 9 months [23:57] i rather have at least a full 1 year support for any distro i choose to install [23:58] so chances are i'll only be installing the LTS versions