=== hloeung is now known as Guest59444 === Guest59444 is now known as hloeung === _salem is now known as salem_ === salem_ is now known as _salem [06:20] hello [06:20] am i at the correct place to ask about package upgade/install problems? it's about mysql-server, maysql-server-5.5 http://paste.ubuntu.com/5965187/ [06:28] more information after purging mysql-server-5.5 and remove /etc/mysql and /var/lib/mysql and reinstall mysql-server: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5965242/ [06:32] noaXess: can you run dmesg | grep user.frm ? I'm curious if the AppArmor policy needs to be extended (errno 13 is "Permission denied") [06:49] sarnold: sure.. wait [06:49] sarnold: no output [06:49] good morning [06:49] dholbach: morning [06:49] hi noaXess [06:50] is it a package problem? [06:50] noaXess: well, that's probably for the best for everyone else :) but it does mean I'm not sure what step to take next. maybe try to find that user.frm file and check permissions on it? [06:54] sarnold: have you installed mysql-server? [06:54] here are perms to root:root sudo ls -l /var/lib/mysql/mysql which i think it should be on mysql:mysql [06:54] does the package upgrade/install make wrong perms? [07:06] strange: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5965336/ [07:11] davmor2, happy birthday! :) === smb` is now known as smb [07:35] noaXess: see bug 1210380, this seems to be an update regression in -proposed [07:35] bug 1210380 in mysql-5.5 (Ubuntu) "package mysql-server-5.5 5.5.32-0ubuntu0.12.04.2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1210380 [07:37] geser: that means? workaround or wait? can't wait.. i'm developing each day on mysql.. [07:39] the workaround for now seems to be to downgrade to 5.5.32-0ubuntu0.13.04.1 from -updates/-security [07:40] geser: so install an older version.. [07:40] ok.. hm.. purge first all, recover data [07:42] geser: how do i downgrade to that package versino? do i need first purge all mysql-* packages? [07:46] geser: apt-get install abcdef= http://askubuntu.com/questions/138284/how-to-downgrade-a-package-via-apt-get [07:51] sladen: I guess that was meant for noaXess [07:52] sladen: yeah.. but that shows dep errors.. so i think i need this: sudo apt-get -s install mysql-server=5.5.32-0ubuntu0.13.04.1 mysql-server-5.5=5.5.32-0ubuntu0.13.04.1 mysql-server-core-5.5=5.5.32-0ubuntu0.13.04.1 mysql-common=5.5.32-0ubuntu0.13.04.1 mysql-client=5.5.32-0ubuntu0.13.04.1 mysql-client-5.5=5.5.32-0ubuntu0.13.04.1 mysql-client-core-5.5=5.5.32-0ubuntu0.13.04.1 libdbd-mysql-perl libmysqlclient18=5.5.32-0ubuntu0.13.04.1 [07:55] yes you need to downgrade all mysql 5.5 packages together [07:59] can't get it running.. same error then before.. also if i use verinos 5.5.29-0ubuntu1 [07:59] always on setting up mysql-server-5.5: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5965500/ [08:02] :'( [08:03] what happens if i purge all mysql-* packages? will it break system? [08:03] cause purge mysql-common will purge also http://paste.ubuntu.com/5965518/ [09:08] cjwatson, hey, do you still plan to add the icon info the click manifest soon? (I'm waiting on that to make system settings use the manifest instead of the fake datas) [09:18] seb128: It's on my list for this month - will try to get it done over DebConf [09:18] cjwatson, thanks [09:20] geser, sarnold: got my mysql-server running, read bug comments... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mysql-5.5/+bug/1210380 YESSSSS [09:20] Launchpad bug 1210380 in mysql-5.5 (Ubuntu) "package mysql-server-5.5 5.5.32-0ubuntu0.12.04.2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,Confirmed] [09:20] 5h later === jibel_ is now known as jibel === MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch === greyback is now known as greyback|lunch [11:14] stokachu, doko_: mysql-5.5 5.5.32-0ubuntu2 is stuck in saucy-proposed. Is this related to verification-failed in bug 1121874? [11:14] bug 1121874 in mysql-5.5 (Ubuntu) "MySQL launch fails silently if < 4MB of disk space is available" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1121874 [11:15] Could you see if you can sort it out, please? [11:18] rbasak: mysql-5.5 autopkgtest fail http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html but it looks like it never passed, thus each time it was probably "adt ignored" manually by release team. [11:18] Ah I see. I did get confused by that. [11:18] rbasak: thus it's waiting for an override. [11:19] We'll need to fix 5.5.32-0ubuntu2 anyway, as I presume it's broken the same way as the others. === greyback|lunch is now known as greyback === MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow === _salem is now known as salem_ === dosaboy_ is now known as dosaboy [12:20] jamespage: what do you think about changing pull-lp-source to pull from -proposed instead? [12:21] AIUI, the point is to get the latest version, so perhaps it should. [12:21] (it'd have to fall back though I guess) [12:21] rbasak, might be a good idea actually - would stop some of the confusion I have seen [12:45] cjwatson: so some of the new build-deps for automake's testsuite are in universe. I've dropped those build-deps, and instead added autopkgtest to run the fuller testsuite. [12:46] rbasak: pull-lp-source already pulls from -proposed. there are timing issues, but you can do $ pull-lp-source package saucy-proposed [12:46] rbasak: or specify version explicitely, if you notice it pull out of date. [12:47] rbasak: similarly one can use: $dist-updates $dist-proposed $dist-security [13:49] infinity: hey [14:19] tedg: hey-- so I approved the click MIR yesterday. it is my understanding you were blocked on that. it is still in universe-- is there something you need me to do to unblock you? [14:19] tedg: I should also point out that click-apparmor doesn't have a MIR yet, but I plan to create on today. are you blocked on that too? [14:20] jdstrand, Yeah, I noticed I was talking with fginther on how to move that forward. My understanding is that I need to dep on it to get it pulled in. [14:20] jdstrand, No, I just need the click-dev dependency to be allowed. [14:20] jdstrand, Obviously that'll make things not work, but they'll build, etc. [14:20] tedg: yeah, you need to dep on it or have it seeded then it'll show up in component-mismatches and an archive admin will override it to main [14:20] jdstrand, Thanks for getting to that! [14:20] tedg: ok. I could seed it, but that seems like a a weird seed for desktop since [14:21] stgraber, Yeah, the issue is how to convince Jenkins it is okay. It errors on deps that aren't in main. [14:21] tedg: but if it would help you, let me know [14:21] (which is reasonable, but need to figure out this case) [14:21] jdstrand, put it in supported [14:21] ogra_: yeah, that would work [14:21] tedg: shall I just do that ^ [14:21] though i'm not sure that actually pulls it in, hmm [14:21] I think it does [14:21] I don't know what that is. But if you think it would work, I'm happy with it :-) [14:22] trying wont hurt i guess [14:22] sadly ubuntu-touch seeds still live in universe [14:22] tedg: I'll do the override [14:22] else you could just seed it there [14:22] it should be seeded on the touch images [14:22] right [14:23] but they build from universe atm [14:23] oh I see what you mean [14:23] until all PPAs are gone from the build [14:56] tedg: ok, added click and click-dev to the supported seed and adjusted the overrides. let me know if you need any more help [14:59] jdstrand, Cool, thanks! [14:59] * jdstrand will keep an eye on component mismatches [15:16] cyphermox: 'sup? [15:17] infinity: ah, I wanted to ask about colord blocking systemd. I noticed you unblocked the test failure for chromium-browser, and the colord failure seems unrelated to systemd, just the same usual reason it fails [15:17] ^ re: transition from proposed to release [15:24] cyphermox: Had nothing to do with systemd, I foced skipping tests on colord/1.0.1-1ubuntu2 [15:24] cyphermox: The hope was that the next version would fix the broken tests, not that I'd have to keep hinting forever. :P [15:25] right. the next version of colord. [15:26] cyphermox: Yes, but clearly that didn't happen. Can someone fix the test? :P [15:26] RAOF: I'm looking at you. [15:26] infinity: I don't know, perhaps someone could. ;) [15:28] cyphermox: Anyhow, yes, it looks like the same failure as last version, so I'll bump the hint for now. :/ [15:28] * cyphermox grabs the colord branch === nate-finch is now known as natefinch [15:49] mitya57, do you have an idea what can be done about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-packaging-guide/+bug/1205797? [15:49] Launchpad bug 1205797 in Ubuntu Packaging Guide "Cannot open file `/usr/share/doc-base/ubuntu-packaging-guide-html-single' for reading: No such file or directory." [High,New] [16:08] dholbach: looks like a regression from my last commit — will take a look [16:08] super, thanks! [16:09] * mitya57 wonders why he didn't receive a notification about that bug [16:38] slangasek: hi, we're interested in using samba 4 for LTSP 6, edubuntu 14.04 etc, but currently it's postinst scripts are broken etc, would you have some ETA for when it'll be properly working in Ubuntu? === natefinch is now known as natefinch-lunch [16:43] stokachu: what's the news on mysql? [16:45] rbasak: heres what i can do -- re-do the debdiffs with the fix and re-test the installation. but i wont be able to get to until until tonight (EST) [16:45] stokachu: OK no problem. I can look at it again on Monday. [16:46] rbasak: perfect! ill have it ready for you by then [16:46] Thank you! [16:46] rbasak: will you be able to do the upload too? [16:46] Sure [16:46] rbasak: ok cool ill ping you on monday then :) [17:14] alkisg: I'm not working on samba4 in Ubuntu (or hardly much in Debian), no === natefinch-lunch is now known as natefinch [17:17] seb128: I'm looking into an issue with libgksu and sudo-mode being set to false on a default install of raring. It looks to me like the alternative is set correctly but running gconftool-2 -g /apps/gksu/sudo-mode I see false [17:17] seb128: how might I find out more about how the gconf key was set? [17:20] slangasek: sorry, ogra_ pointed you to me, thanks :) [17:20] slangasek, oh, did you give up on it ? [17:21] ogra_: "give up"? [17:21] werent you the samba debian maintainer ? [17:21] I'm still a comaintainer [17:21] ah [17:21] but I haven't been involved in the samba4 packages, and I don't know anything about their status in Ubuntu [17:22] bdmurray, no real way to see what set the value, same as trying to figure what created a file... [17:23] seb128: do you have any ideas how I might dig into it further? [17:26] * mitya57 giggles at a branch named "tyops" in the sponsoring queue [17:27] bdmurray, no, sorry, I've not looked at gksu in years, I though we stopped using it a year ago [17:27] gdebi seems to still use it [17:44] alkisg: Debian experimental now has the "samba" package providing samba4 http://packages.qa.debian.org/samba [17:45] 4.0.6, thank you jbicha - and also thanks for the gnome flashback work ;) [17:46] so I'm guessing samba as samba4 is doable for 14.04 [17:52] mitya57: i call that informative branch naming [17:52] =)))) [17:57] mitya57: was the qt / icons fix properly re-fixed in saucy? [17:57] mitya57: and is now safe for SRU once again? [17:57] xnox: I thought you fixed it in saucy :) [17:58] mitya57: correct! [17:58] mitya57: and it's the same one for sru or different? [17:58] * xnox looks like a fool now! [17:59] it's functionally identical (± some comments & whitespace) [17:59] ack. [17:59] mitya57: will into it later. [18:00] great, thanks! [20:31] * New upstream release [20:31] - Ghostscript 9.08rc1. [20:31] - We are using the system's liblcms2 and libopenjpeg now. [20:31] tkamppeter, seb128: openjpeg not in main. can you convince me that it needs to be there? [20:32] please by email === doko_ is now known as doko [21:02] doko, see your e-mail. === salem_ is now known as _salem === v_ is now known as v [22:34] sorry if offtopic.. looking for an upstart config that can manage a process that is expected to have its PPID change. not fork, not daemonize... it'll actually spawn a replacement process. [22:38] crankharder: That would be different from forking how? [22:38] crankharder: can you strace that process? using establishing pid count recipe from upstart cookbook [22:39] crankharder: so, say, over a few weeks, it'll cycle pids through the entire pid space? [22:39] infinity: it forks itself and then kills the original... but that's expected, and i dont want upstart to start a new process [22:39] crankharder: That's the definition of daemonizing. [22:39] except this happens repeatedly when it receives USR2 [22:39] Oh. [22:39] Ew. :) [22:39] :) [22:40] I'm not convinced any sane process tracking system is prepared to deal with that scenario. [22:41] How did one do it in the sysvinit world? Does it keep updating a pidfile with its current mystery PID? [22:41] it maintains its own PID file [22:41] Hah. Jinx. [22:41] haven't seen a config for upstart to specify a pid file though [22:41] it almost seems like a task designed solely to run from systemd. [22:42] sarnold: Or sysvinit, to be fair. [22:42] ya'll lost me there ;) [22:42] infinity: the pid file does help sysvinit a lot, yes.. [22:43] crankharder: Anyhow, I'd say the answer right now is "upstart can't do that", and you want a legacy sysvinit script in /etc/init.d instead of an upstart job. [22:43] yea, i have one of those, but sysvinit won't restart it if it dies completely [22:43] upstart in theory could do that [22:44] Sure. If upstart could even remotely sort out how to track it. [22:44] I was thinking of a wrapper bash script that would just loop and check the pid file and die if the pid in the pid didn't exist [22:44] We've discussed allowing "expect fork" to take an argument to specify number of forks, but "expect fork infinite" would never seem like a good idea. [22:44] hah [22:45] so, nginx works this way - kinda a big one, so hopefully someone else is thinking about this [22:45] i'm not trying to solve for that though [22:45] nginx doesn't have a control process like... Everyone else who uses this sort of worker model? [22:45] (apache, spamassassin, etc) [22:46] i dunno, you tell me [22:46] https://gist.github.com/crankharder/93a68a060329d8446ede [22:46] * TheLordOfTime heard nginx mentioned [22:46] ...and that's supposed to be a transparent restart [22:46] Looks like a master process there to me. [22:46] yea, but the pid changed? [22:46] Yes, because it was restarted... [22:47] what infinity said, when nginx restarts the master process PID changed [22:47] okay, fair, nvm [22:55] crankharder: You could file a wishlist bug for this sort of bizarre tracking. Something like "expect pidfile /var/run/daemon.pid" could put an inotify watch on the pidfile and force it to update its ptrace when the pidfile changes. [22:56] crankharder: Seems like it would be a bit fragile to get right, but theoretically doable. [22:57] (Or rewrite the daemon in question to have a control process :P) [22:58] think i'm gonna try to hacktogether some bashfu control process and have upstart monitor that... and see where that gets me