=== bellasbells is now known as callie === callie is now known as callie_away [10:33] Where can ubottu be modified? [10:34] the regression alert list of people needs an update. [10:35] xnox: you mean a factoid? [10:35] m4v: whatever gets executed upon "!" + "regression-alert". I think, it's a factoid. [10:36] * xnox is not familiar with ubotu terminology. [10:36] m4v: it's an important factoid, but it's list of people is obsolete. It should be "ubuntu archive admins" + "ubuntu sru team" yet the list os obsolete. [10:38] xnox: what exactly do you want it to say? [10:38] !regression-alert [10:38] cjwatson, jdong, pitti, skaet, ScottK, kees, Daviey, pgraner: reporting regression in a stable release update; investigate severity, start an incident report, perhaps have the package blacklisted from the archive [10:39] AlanBell: the people in that list should be members of "ubuntu sru team" and "ubuntu archive team". So I guess: infinity, slangasek, stgraber need adding [10:39] AlanBell: also seb128 [10:39] I don't know about the factoid function, you can propose a change with !regression-alert is What you want it to reply. [10:46] !no regression-alert is cjwatson, jdong, pitti, skaet, ScottK, kees, Daviey, pgraner, infinity, slangasek, stgraber, seb128: reporting regression in a stable release update; investigate severity, start an incident report, perhaps have the package blacklisted from the archive [10:46] !regression-alert [10:46] cjwatson, jdong, pitti, skaet, ScottK, kees, Daviey, pgraner, infinity, slangasek, stgraber, seb128: reporting regression in a stable release update; investigate severity, start an incident report, perhaps have the package blacklisted from the archive [10:46] like that xnox? [10:47] AlanBell: better =) here is the full update: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5965951/ [10:47] AlanBell: that's all AA and SRU intersection, sans bots. [10:50] !no regression-alert is bdmurray, cjwatson, Daviey, didrocks, doko, infinity, jdstrand, pitti, RAOF, Riddell, ScottK, seb128, skaet, slangasek, SpamapS, stgraber: reporting regression in a stable release update; investigate severity, start an incident report, perhaps have the package blacklisted from the archive [10:50] I'll remember that AlanBell [10:50] !regression-alert [10:50] bdmurray, cjwatson, Daviey, didrocks, doko, infinity, jdstrand, pitti, RAOF, Riddell, ScottK, seb128, skaet, slangasek, SpamapS, stgraber: reporting regression in a stable release update; investigate severity, start an incident report, perhaps have the package blacklisted from the archive [11:04] excellent! [11:04] thanks a lot AlanBell =) === Exio is now known as Exio4 [19:11] a user named "juju" is spamming me. [19:11] in priv. message. no idea if it's widespread. [19:13] that user is no longer online === Guest12552 is now known as McPeter