[06:49] good morning [14:36] Hello! I'm PPA maintainer of a game 'curseofwar' https://launchpad.net/~curseofwar . I succesful contributed the game to debian sid http://ftp-master.debian.org/new/curseofwar_1.1.8-3.html . What I should to read about taking my package into Ubuntu? [14:36] sicness_: it'll get into Ubuntu automatically once it's in Debian [14:36] (well actually, it won't because we're already past Debian Import Freeze) [14:36] From sid too? [14:36] but right now, the best thing to do is to wait for it to get out of NEW and into sid [14:37] from sid, yes [14:37] sicness_: once it's in sid, you can request a sync of it (assuming we aren't past FeatureFreeze then) [14:38] How can I make this request? [14:38] man requestsync (from the ubuntu-dev-tools package) [14:39] thanks. And where I can read about Debian Import Freeze and about all process Debian -> Ubuntu [14:40] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SaucySalamander/ReleaseSchedule === v_ is now known as v