[01:07] Is there any reason why I was banned from #ubuntu this morning? [01:52] mnaines: None that I can see. You do have some history a while back, so I'll just give a blanket reminder to read and follow the channel guidelines and CoC (links in topic). I've removed your ban. Please make sure I did it properly. [01:53] Yes, it works... [01:54] I don't even know what the past bans were for anymore [01:54] I know one of them was something about being oto [01:54] o4o, I mean [01:55] mnaines: It's nothing to worry about. Just follow the guidelines and the CoC. That's what matters! [01:55] Fair enough [09:57] hi [09:58] anybody ? [10:00] i joined freenode, and did /join #ubuntu, it says "you have been banned", i never came here but i have been banned ? [10:00] i asked a moderator at #freenode, he says there is wideban on me [10:01] [09:55] ~~~Irssi: Ban against *!*@119.157.* matches syko!~syk0@ [10:02] ? [10:04] !ops hi [10:04] !ops [10:04] Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Tm_T, tritium, elky, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, imbrandon, PriceChild, Madpilot, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, tsimpson, gnomefreak, jussi, topyli, or nhandler! [10:04] syko called the ops in #ubuntu-ops () [10:04] please see previous msg [10:05] syko: I'm sure someone will be along soon, apologies I don't have access to the channel you're referring to. [10:19] syko: one sec, I will sort that out [10:20] AlanBell, a moderator on freenode told me you guys banned 119.157.x.x [10:20] 119.157.x.x is the default ip range of PTCL [10:20] PTCL is the biggest ISP of Pakistan [10:20] so you banned 50/50 of Pakistan [10:20] see https://www.google.co.uk/?gws_rd=cr#bav=on.2,or.r_cp.r_qf.&fp=a898ec0b8e97eb61&psj=1&q=119.157.+ptcl [10:21] yeah, I know [10:21] you are not a operator, alanbell [10:21] it doesnt show ur name in emergencies [10:21] syko: try now [10:21] yes [10:21] now it works [10:21] thank you [10:22] it was a temporary ban set last week for someone who was bouncing around lots of IP addresses [10:22] i see [10:22] sorry you got caught in the crossfire :) [10:22] its ok :) [10:26] syko: can you part from this channel now please, we like to help people one at a time [10:31] AlanBell: that's the same guy the ban was there to catch [16:34] debian and mint support in one question. i think that is the highscore so far :) [17:08] Guest42793 is one of them conspiracy cooks [17:08] that is why I muted in #u [17:09] also a fairly regular troll of multiple channels [17:09] yodel-alay-eho! [17:09] -ehoooo!* [17:10] never tried to write it before [17:11] I wasn't so much correcting as much as I was adding my voice to the yodel. [17:11] I thought it would be nice if we harmonized [17:11] :) [18:23] FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from anonee) [21:58] what the fuck is your problem [21:58] well first off, that sort of language [21:58] who is abusing their op privileges on the Ubuntu channel? [21:59] are you talking about the mute in #ubuntu? [21:59] yes, who muted me and why [22:00] i leave and come back and realized i was muted [22:00] I muted you because you kept cross posting off topic comments in both #ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic. Seeing how you just wanted to discuss off topic subjects I figured I would just mute you and stop you from breaking channel policy in #ubuntu [22:01] if you can keep your comments in #ubuntu support related only. I'll gladly remove the mute. [22:01] what exactly did i cross post, it was only one thing and started to talk on the other channel when i was told [22:02] if you know it was only one thing why ask me what it was?? [22:02] is asking about Zeitgeist not related to Ubuntu? [22:02] it isn't a ubuntu support question [22:02] and you were answered [22:02] is Zeitgeist integrated in Ubuntu install ISOs? [22:03] you asked about the company that google apparently owns that is named zeitgeist [22:03] what is wrong with asking if it Google's Zeitgeist is the same Zeitgeist that is integrated in Ubuntu? [22:04] nothing actually, what was wrong was the cross posting [22:04] so if i say hello on 2 channels is considered cross posting? [22:04] Seeing how google zeitgeist is not the same thing as the zeitgeist in ubuntu, that makes it off topic. [22:05] both channels are Ubuntu channels and not everyone is on both channels who may know the answer [22:05] Do you want to resolve this mute and have it removed or do you just want to argue about it? [22:05] bot [22:05] both [22:06] I see. I am not going to argue either or remove the mute. Have a good day. [22:07] how would i know if Google Zeitgeist is the same Zeitgeist that Ubuntu uses? which what the reason i was asking about it [22:08] was* [22:08] both are called Zeitgeist and both are logging agents [22:08] maybe you can fine the web page for the company and see if it mentions a the software [22:10] so now i am not allowed to get any Ubuntu support because an op didn't like a support question that i asked [22:11] that wasn't really a support question [22:11] and that's not even the reason for the quiet, as was explained [22:12] if you were looking for an answer to a question, would you not want multiple opinions to help you discover the answer? [22:13] sure, if there were multiple unrelated channels which could be such a source [22:14] but that's not the case, as #ubuntu is _only_ for Ubuntu technical support [22:14] i asked a Ubuntu question on Ubuntu channels, what is wrong with that? [22:14] if it was a support question (I am not saying it was) why ask it in the offtopic channel where the topic clearly says that it isn't a support channel, and if it isn't an ubuntu support question (which I believe it isn't) why ask in in the support channel [22:14] just because it has the word "Ubuntu" in it doesn't make it an Ubuntu technical support question [22:16] Would me asking where to get my Ubuntu logo/circle of friends tattoo touched up be am appropriate question for #ubuntu? [22:16] s/am/an/ [22:16] first, you should put only "technical" or software related support on the ubuntu channel, which Zeitgeist happens to be software related to Ubuntu [22:17] you're still stuck on the "related to Ubuntu" thing, that's not the point [22:17] it has to be an Ubuntu technical support question [22:18] "How do I install zeitgeist" would qualify, for example [22:18] Technical is not even on the channel topic [22:18] support just means support [22:19] stop trying to find ways of saying you didn't "technically" do anything [22:19] that's not going to work for you [22:19] a Firefighter support team [22:19] either you can accept that it's against our rules, or you can't [22:19] its proper english [22:20] if you go to dell they have phones numbers for Customer Support and Technical Support, when anyone just says support it usually implies customer/user support [22:21] so you can't accept it, that means I can't help you with removing the quiet [22:22] but that is not even the point, why should an op one Ubuntu be able to dictate that someone can say or ask on another channel [22:22] on* [22:22] they are there to keep the channels on-topic [22:22] it was, apparently i was muted because i asked the same question on two different channels [22:23] yes, you cross posted [22:23] which is another thing ops look out for [22:23] if i am an op on this channel and see you ask the same question on the linux channel, why should i mute you? [22:23] the channels have unrelated topics, so any cross posting is obviously off-topic in one of the channels [22:24] if you're an op on your own channel you get to make up your own rules, we have ours and they are linked to in the topic of #ubuntu [22:24] is channels are unrelated then why should it matter? [22:24] if* [22:24] that is totally BS [22:25] they have an unrelated topic, one is for technical support and the other isn't [22:25] it's not hard to understand [22:26] so if you don't know if the question is a support or off topic question, what is wrong with asking on both channels? [22:26] support questions go one place, off-topic stuff goes to another [22:26] not both [22:26] this is just another sign of ops abusing their privileges [22:27] those are our rules [22:27] if you don't agree with our rules, that's fine, you're free to find other avenues of communication [22:27] you didn't even answer my question "so if you don't know if the question is a support or off topic question, what is wrong with asking on both channels?" [22:28] then you ask in _one_ of those channels and see if someone tells you it'd be better off asking in the other channel [22:29] if i see you say something i don't like on a channel called #computers does that mean i should mute you on the Official Ubuntu Support channel? [22:29] think about it [22:29] I didn't see you cross posting from out of the ubuntu namespace. I saw you do it from within our namespace. [22:30] what you post in other channels that have nothing to do with ubuntu don't concern me as it relates to my op duties [22:30] if had a Dell computer and complained about customer support, managers would actually do something about it because customers are important, but here it is the total opposite [22:31] you're not a customer, you haven't paid us anything. [22:31] when linux software in general there is a sense of snob [22:31] we do have an appeal process if you'd rather go through that [22:31] !appeals [22:31] If you disagree with a decision by an operator, please first pay #ubuntu-ops a visit. If you are still unhappy, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/AppealProcess for the steps you should take. If you feel the need to discuss the channel rules, please contact the ops on IRC or via the email address on the aforementioned page. [22:32] exactly, which is why there is a sense of snobiness in linux [22:32] and why linux does not adopt more users from windows [22:32] now you have the link if you want to appeal [22:32] anything else we can help you with? [22:32] maybe we should run an Adopt A Windows User campaign [22:33] so basically it was pointless even coming here [22:33] indeed [22:33] Guest42793: if you disagree with the action, I suggest you follow the instructions in the above link [22:34] which appeal is probably just going to go to you [22:34] they go to the IRC Council [22:35] they will decide if it was right or wrong [22:36] think about it, if i muted you on a channel and you wanted the mute overturned you would have to come back to me and beg LOL [22:36] well if it were your channel, how would that not be reasonable? you set the rules. [22:37] depends on the process whoever runs that channel has in place [22:37] i'm glad successful companies always put their users first [22:37] We aren't a company [22:37] LjL-Alps, you do not own nor invented Ubuntu [22:38] everyone here is a volunteer [22:38] We are a community of volunteers trying to help keep a little bit of sanity in a large number of irc channels with a large number of users. Some of those users don't like the rules and they are free to not use the channels. [22:38] Guest42793: yet the whole infrastructure that does own and has invented Ubuntu appointed various people, among which me, to run these channels. [22:39] yeah, ops should actually be voted by Ubuntu users, anyone can volunteer that does not mean they have automatic authority over every else just because they are a volunterr [22:39] they are [22:39] Guest42793: ops are assigned by the IRC Council, the IRC Council is voted for by IRC users and assigned by the Ubuntu Community Council [22:40] Guest42793: i'm sure most of these companies you mention that put their users first have their users vote on their management [22:40] ops should actually be paid, so that if anyone does have issues with an op they will lose their pay [22:40] you're full of ideas, why don't you mail the IRC Council about them [22:40] Will you pay membership fees to be able to use our irc channels? [22:40] if it is volunteer it should be by vote, if it is by pay people vote by how they spend their money [22:40] this money you think ops should be paid needs to come from somewhere [22:41] If people do have good experience with Ubuntu they will donate [22:41] we clearly aren't going to resolve your quiet right now, is there anything else? [22:41] tsimpson, why not [22:42] because you don't agree with our rules, or how we apply them [22:42] time for you to move on in the appeals process [22:42] a portion of Ubuntu's revenues should to support to ensure better quality support to help users instead of arguing with them [22:42] so there's nothing else? [22:43] tsimpson, your rules are anything you say and do is right. period. [22:43] think about it, there is nothing wrong with asking the same question on 2 different channels when both channels are Ubuntu topic channels [22:43] well that's not true as we have them documented in the #ubuntu topic [22:44] you disagree with them, fine [22:44] but that means we can't help you in here any more [22:55] @mark Guest42793 ~superman@24-246-51-209.cable.teksavvy.com [22:55] The operation succeeded.