[00:33] does anybody here have the new N7, flo? Could you please give me output of commands "dmesg" and "cat /proc/iomem"? [01:09] Tassadar_, someone might in #android [01:22] RobbyF: thanks, I'll try it [01:27] Hey Guys [01:38] Evening [01:39] still morning here [01:40] Anyone here that can help me with flashing the ubuntu rom onto my n4? [01:41] :( [01:42] I mourn your lack of help. Alas, I"m just getting here myself and don't have a Nexus device I want to sacrifice. Just a Galaxy Tab 7 Plus, I think. [01:42] Hello. I'm very interested in trying out ubuntu-touch on my phone, however I don't own a nexus. Is there a list of unofficially supported phones or something like that? [01:43] c-IOw: I just looked earlier today, the only official list seems to be the Nexi. [01:43] I'll wager people are trying on other devices too, though. [01:44] TQuid: what about a non-official list? [01:44] do you know of any? [01:45] I think just Googling is your best bet there . . . maybe xda-developers forums? [01:45] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices [01:46] galaxy tab 7.7 is in there [01:47] I was looking around at xda-developers, I found out that some devices are partially supported. However I wondering if did anybody compile a list of those partially supported devices. [01:47] Thanks anyway :-) [01:47] ThatTomPerson: thank you! [01:47] np [01:48] Ah, I'm a dolt and didn't read the rest of that page. [01:48] Thanks! === ptl_ is now known as ptl === Namidairo`bnc is now known as Namidairo [03:36] sir there is a problem while flashing [03:36] error [03:36] HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable The file is already fully retrieved; nothing to do. Starting new HTTP connection (1): cdimage.ubuntu.com File download failed for http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/daily-preinstalled/20130808/saucy-preinstalled-touch-armhf.zip to /home/dell/Downloads/phablet-flash/ubuntu-touch/20130808/saucy-preinstalled-touch-armhf.zip [03:36] please help [03:38] phablet-flash cdimage-touch < worked for me [03:39] what should i write interminal now? [03:39] phablet-flash cdimage-touch < [03:40] my device is nexus 4 [03:40] yup [03:40] please tell me exactly .. i couldnt understand [03:40] its givin error [03:40] usage: phablet-flash [-h] [-d {mako,maguro,manta,grouper}] [-s SERIAL] [--alternate-settings ALTERNATE_SETTINGS] [--no-device-validate] [-b] [-D] [--wipe] [--legacy] [--list-revisions] [--series SERIES] [-r REVISION | -l | -p BASE_PATH | -u URI | --pending] [--ubuntu-bootstrap] [03:40] update your stuff [03:41] upgrade [03:41] sudo apt-get upgrade phablet-flash [03:41] okay [03:42] it as been kept back the phablet-flash [03:42] not updates [03:43] Robby what should i do now brodr! [03:43] you have an older version, update and upgrade [03:43] then flash with cdimage-touch as i said above. [03:46] robby what files i need for manual installation? [03:47] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install [03:47] scroll down for instructions. [03:47] * RobbyF is off to bed. [03:49] thnx Robby :) [04:16] file download failed :'( but i have both files !!!!! === Nick is now known as AboutTreeFiddy === Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk === AboutTreeFiddy is now known as Nick === kaxing_ is now known as kaxing === kaxing is now known as Guest33849 === melmoth_ is now known as melmoth [06:54] anybody got Ubuntu Touch working on the new Nexus 7 (flo) ? [06:55] problemmm HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable The file is already fully retrieved; nothing to do. ERROR:phablet-flash:Checksum does not match after download for /home/dell/Downloads/phablet-flash/ubuntu-touch/20130808/saucy-preinstalled-touch-armhf.zip and hash 0c147d121853ab28c0f8de49cfb05cee5559bedeec1451181916aeaad3442825 [06:55] my device nexus 4 [06:55] pleasee help [06:56] anybody?????? [06:57] Try phablet-flash -b or if you have already Ubuntu Touch update via Terminal [06:57] usage: phablet-flash [-h] ... phablet-flash: error: too few arguments [06:57] it says this [06:57] try adding some arguments [06:58] phablet-flash cdimage-touch -b [06:58] which arguments? [06:58] ok [06:59] does this work for you? [07:06] can somebody tell me where I'd find touch for the new Nexus 7? The Devices page doesn't look like it's been updated in a LONG time... [07:40] problem installing ubuntu touch [07:40] ERROR:phablet-flash:Checksum does not match after download for /home/dell/Downloads/phablet-flash/ubuntu-touch/20130808/saucy-preinstalled-recovery-armel+mako.img and hash 0e4c7bbec0fe9194b0057083decc9603e091c6a8bf83616a26ebbfa5e177ac9b [07:41] used phablet-flash cdimage-touch -b [07:41] please tell what to do [07:42] anyone? [07:44] hey any one? [07:48] hey guys help me!!!! [08:04] problem!!!!! [08:04] Resolving cdimage.ubuntu.com (cdimage.ubuntu.com)..., 2001:67c:1360:8c01::20, 2001:67c:1360:8c01::21, ... Connecting to cdimage.ubuntu.com (cdimage.ubuntu.com)||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable The file is already fully retrieved; nothing to do. ERROR:phablet-flash:Checksum does not match after download for /home/dell/Downloads/phablet-f [08:04] please help [08:04] checksum problem [08:06] anyone? [08:44] I'm trying to install ubuntu touch on my nexus 4 but when it comes to using "phablet-flash" I get an error [09:02] nevermind, factory reset fixed it [09:26] hello guys Im actually thinking of porting ubuntu to my phone :) [09:30] is there anyone here? [09:36] :S [09:37] any idea how to port? [09:44] Hey, im trying to install ubuntu touch on my nexus 4. But i get this error when i phablet flash it.... phablet-flash: error: too few arguments - Any one that can help me? [09:44] I want to port it to my device [09:45] Im confused as I can build cm10.1 just fine [09:45] so Im wondering what I else I need [09:54] if anyone is here ping me ty I really need help regrading porting Ubuntu Touch to my Device [09:54] Hey, im trying to install ubuntu touch on my nexus 4. But i get this error when i phablet flash it.... phablet-flash: error: too few arguments - Any one that can help me? [09:54] wufu [09:54] Yes [09:54] they made some changes to phablet-flash [09:55] I figured it out the hard way just now :) [09:55] try phablet-flash -h [09:55] iKillCypher, there is a guide for porting [09:55] but I'm not sure how up to date it is [09:56] Nimble, I can build cyanogenmod 10.1 just fine [09:56] then ubuntu touch should work [09:56] Nimble - think i got it thanks <3 [09:56] np wufu [09:56] but I want to port it ? how [09:56] the porting guide is not so detail [09:56] you might find that clockworkmod has some issues with the new phablet-flash [09:56] I found that I had to manually apply the zips in it [09:57] armel first and then armhf [09:57] Nimble, so where do I start ? [09:57] iKillCypher, sorry, I don't know [09:57] I've never ported [09:57] Enabling a new device ? [09:57] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting [09:57] well I need someone to guide me [09:57] lol o.o [09:57] I'm as clueless as you here [09:58] actually since you've built cyanogenmod once, you're doing better than me [09:58] o.O [10:10] so I will wait for someone here to help me out [10:19] :S damn why isnt any one talking at all [10:19] GSM/3g is that not working on the Nexus 4 yet? [10:22] I managed to get a phone call [10:22] and a text message [10:22] but I haven't tried data yet [10:22] o.o damn I want to port to my device badly [10:22] and no one is helping :( [10:22] Well i cant get a signal on it... Did i do something wronge? [10:24] hm [10:24] not sure [10:24] what device are you using? [10:24] Nexus 4 [10:24] odd [10:25] all I did was flash the armel zip and then the armhf zip [10:25] I used the cdimage-touch [10:25] same [10:25] * iKillCypher is sad :( [10:25] damn I really want to use Ubuntu Touch for my device [10:27] sorry iKillCypher [10:27] what device do you have? [10:27] yuga ? [10:27] sony xerpia z [10:29] Hi. [10:29] hm [10:29] well, you might have to wait a bit [10:29] or try to figure it out yourself [10:29] Could I ask some question? [10:29] I see other xperias in the list so it should be possible [10:29] hi MayorSheFF, you already asked one so you might as well ask another [10:29] :) [10:29] well yeah I really want to port and contribute to development [10:29] any idea when the developers will arrive ? [10:29] nope [10:30] you might have better luck on the xda forums for your device [10:30] Ok. Can I download ubuntu for phone? [10:31] sure [10:31] well Nimble I believe someone here can help better [10:32] iKillCypher, alright [10:32] ultimately it is your time [10:33] Please, tell me. Can I download ubuntu for phone? [10:33] MayorSheFF, yes, you can [10:33] Please, tell me. When? [10:34] right now [10:34] I have no good English. Sorry for it. [10:34] May be right now. [10:34] what phone do you have? [10:34] I have iPhone and HTC. [10:34] you won't be able to install it on the iPhone, but maybe the HTC [10:34] which HTC? [10:35] I have the HTC Desire X. [10:35] did you port it over? [10:36] is there a difference between the HTC Desire X, Z, and S? [10:37] I don't know it very well. I try to see it now. [10:38] It is a little difference. [10:38] :S im dying here learning how to port it [10:39] It is a little difference between the HTC Desire X and Z. [10:43] NImble, please help me. [10:46] MayorSheFF, the desire x doesn't seem to be supported at the moment [10:46] do you know if you can run cyanogenmod 10.1 on it? [10:47] I don't know about cyanogenmod. [10:48] Could you give me some link for downloading ubuntu for phone? [10:48] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices [10:48] for devices that aren't the nexus 4/7/10 or galaxy nexus, you can check on this list [10:48] the desire x isn't there [10:49] it doesn't mean that it won't work [10:49] someone might not have ported it yet [10:49] but I don't know if it's possible to do with your device [10:49] you need to be able to install custom roms and cyanogenmod 10.1 needs to be able to run on your phone [10:50] if those two things are possible, you can install ubuntu touch [10:50] theoretically [10:51] Nimble, I will wait for someone who is a developer to help me out [10:51] brb booting into Ubuntu [10:51] Ok. Thank you very much. I will try to install those. [11:56] hey problem installling ubuntu touch [11:56] phablet-flash cdimage-touch INFO:phablet-flash:Device detected as mako INFO:phablet-flash:Download directory set to /home/dell/Downloads/phablet-flash/ubuntu-touch/20130808 INFO:phablet-flash:Download directory set to /home/dell/Downloads/phablet-flash/ubuntu-touch/20130808 INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1): cdimage.ubuntu.com INFO:phablet-flash:Downloading http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/daily-p [11:57] checksum doesnt matches!!! [11:57] please help [11:58] can anyone tell me please? [11:58] anmol, try again? [12:10] Hi! I'm trying to install utouch on my nexus 4, so I'm following wiki.u.c/Touch/Install. There is wite to run "phablet-flash -b", syntax not recognized by phablet-flash. Lookin to `phablet-flash -h` I probably the command to run is `phablet-flash cdimage-touch`. Can someone confirm it? [12:11] yeah [12:11] (note: I've already onlocked the bootloader, but it's not rooted) [12:11] sergiusens, how about updating the docs :) [12:11] gema: thank you :) === DrCode_ is now known as DrCode [13:16] mapreri: not sure why, but any time ;) [13:19] Caution: I try to flash utouch on a stock nexus 4 (only unlock the bootloader) and obtain: WARNING:phablet-flash:The device needs to have a clockwork mod recovery image (or one that supports extendedcommands) in place for the provisioning to work [13:19] INFO:phablet-flash:Restarting device... wait [13:19] INFO:phablet-flash:Restarting device... wait complete [13:19] error: device not found [13:19] ERROR:phablet-flash:Command 'adb shell mount /sdcard/' returned non-zero exit status 255 [13:19] probably you want to update the docs at wiki.u.c/Touch/Devices [13:48] hey, i installede ubuntu touch on my nexus 4 but i cant get it to find any network with my simcard. any one that can help? === Namidairo is now known as Namidairo`bnc [14:00] hey, i installede ubuntu touch on my nexus 4 but i cant get it to find any network with my simcard. any one that can help? [14:39] hi [14:40] anyone here who works on the calendar [14:46] anyone alive? [15:05] hello how do I port over my device ? [15:07] anyone here developer ? [15:07] ubuntu touch teams is currently not available, please hold ... [15:09] at least noone fliched for the last 30 min [15:10] ? [15:10] oh well I will wait [15:13] ikillcypher, jrei you came at a Saturday, which is when the Ubuntu Touch team normally go for holidays:P [15:14] So, probably come back at Monday will be a better choice [15:14] But, I thought ogra_ will always be here.. [15:16] jea I like weekends too [15:16] :( damn [15:17] but there was a chance that there is a team member without a privat live ;) [15:18] so no one can help me out in porting it to my device? [15:19] sorry [15:20] jrei, what is your problem? [15:20] Look at wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting [15:21] ikillcypher, ^ [15:21] jrei, Ubuntu Calendar Developers can be contacted through https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-calendar-dev [15:22] smartboyhw, thanks I will go there [15:22] ok i was there [15:23] I am just trying to figure out the ubuntu development structure so that I can contribute [15:23] jrei, maybe you should subscribe to the ubuntu-phone mailing list [15:23] And ask:) [15:23] jrei, if you want to contributte [15:23] Check out https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-calendar-app [15:23] hi there [15:23] This is a number of bugs you can fix;) [15:23] I will [15:24] jrei, read through https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/CoreApps/DevelopmentGuide [15:24] I did [15:24] well the tutorial isnt that clear [15:25] ikillcypher, for instance? What's your issue? [15:25] well likw how do I port do I build cyanogenmod 10.1 ? [15:25] then do what [15:26] ikillcypher, what device are you going to port? [15:26] yuga [15:26] xerpia z [15:26] I am not yet shure how to get the trunk of the calendar souce, and debug an run it [15:26] if it even is possible without a device [15:27] jrei, to get trunk, install bzr (sudo apt-get install bzr) and run bzr branch lp:ubuntu-calendar-app [15:27] k [15:27] jrei, for debugging, I suggest you use the Ubuntu SDK [15:27] got that [15:28] jrei, Ubuntu SDK installation instructions available at http://developer.ubuntu.com/get-started/ [15:28] ikillcypher, does it have cyanogenmod 10.1 available? [15:28] yup [15:29] gd [15:29] yeah so what do I have to do next [15:29] help me out mate :P [15:29] ikillcypher, install the packages at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting#Set_up_your_development_environment [15:29] so I have to build cyanogenmod 10.1 or have the source here no ? [15:30] I strongly believe I dont need cyanogenmod 10.1 right? [15:30] as in the source [15:30] since I will be using ubunti [15:30] ikillcypher, I know, you need the cyanogenmod CODE [15:30] Not installing it, no worries:P [15:31] so I dont need cyanogenmod 10.1 source on my ubuntu right ? [15:31] ikillcypher, source yes... [15:31] Only the source [15:32] so I need to checkout cyanogenmod ? [15:32] 10.1 [15:32] ikillcypher, yes [15:32] D: ? 20GB OMG [15:32] ikillcypher, uh yep:) [15:32] well dont make sense dude [15:32] since Im checking out ubuntu source as well right ? [15:33] ikillcypher, after you check it out, you will be running a breakfast command. Then you get to do the Ubuntu bits [15:34] But make sure you DO install all the development tools [15:34] And https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install#Step_1_-_Desktop_Setup [15:34] just a quick question [15:35] so I follow the tutorial till http://wiki.cyanogenmod.org/w/Build_for_yuga < breakfast ? [15:35] ikillcypher, here's what you need to do really [15:35] well I have build cyanogenmod before so not really an issue just want to port it over for my device [15:35] Install the tools [15:36] And https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install#Step_1_-_Desktop_Setup ? [15:36] Run phablet-dev-bootstrap [15:36] ikillcypher, that's required for "repo" command [15:36] After phablet-dev-boostra [15:36] p [15:37] source build/envsetup.sh [15:37] breakfast yuga [15:37] ok so first I follow so I follow the tutorial till http://wiki.cyanogenmod.org/w/Build_for_yuga < breakfast ? or no ? [15:37] Then repo sync (to get Cyanogenmod bids) [15:37] *bits [15:37] ikillcypher, no [15:38] phablet-dev-bootstrap (get the Ubuntu bits)-> source build/envsetup.sh -> breakfast yuga -> repo sync (the CM bits) [15:38] the repo sync will connect to a special cm10.1 which is ubuntu type ? [15:39] ikillcypher, uh, the Ubuntu type is done in phablet-dev-bootstrap [15:39] repo sync does the CM [15:39] ok so after that what happens ? [15:40] ikillcypher, follow the steps starting from v [15:40] v [15:40] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting#Retrieving_the_proprietary_blobs_from_Android [15:40] (Sorry for the extra v(s):P) [15:41] you ported before ? [15:41] You retrieve the proprietary blobs [15:41] ikillcypher, NO:P [15:41] so how did you know all this ? [15:41] ikillcypher, from the wiki page:P [15:41] wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting [15:41] I tried once before [15:42] But after all, the device wasn't what I'm using anyway [15:42] so did it work? [15:43] ikillcypher, if you are porting a device that wasn't yours, it won't work, trust me [15:43] huh ?! [15:43] ikillcypher, you are using Xperia Z so you're fine:) [15:44] I dont get you [15:44] what you meant it wasnt mine [15:44] ikillcypher, like I'm trying to port a Sony device when I actually use a Samsung [15:44] :PO [15:44] You get what I mean [15:44] You are OK [15:44] oh lol that is stupid of cause I have the device with me [15:44] See? [15:44] well so when you ported did it work? [15:44] no/yes? [15:45] ikillcypher, I gave up in the middle since I have no time (I'm an active Ubuntu contributor in other areas) [15:45] oh lol so you are a developer? [15:45] smartboy ^^ [15:45] ikillcypher, applying to be (a Kubuntu Developer) [15:46] And also an active QA tester [15:46] so pretty much everything you said should work fine ? and I should able to boot ubuntu touch on my device [15:47] ikillcypher, it SHOULD [15:47] :) [15:47] :( [15:55] where can I fined planed features of a core app? [15:55] is there something like a backlog [15:56] I am new to launchpad projects [15:58] jrei, a blueprint? [15:59] jrei, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu-calendar-app/+spec/initial-calendar-development [15:59] maybe [15:59] jrei, look at above link [16:00] the link is broken [16:00] jrei, :O [16:00] The wiki needs an update.. [16:01] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone-commons/+spec/initial-calendar-development [16:01] jrei, yeah, that:P [16:02] smartboy so I start of by following [16:02] *bits [16:02] ikillcypher, no [16:02] whoops [16:02] ikillcypher, ? [16:02] You start off by installing all the prerequisities [16:02] And https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install#Step_1_-_Desktop_Setup ? [16:03] ikillcypher, yeah [16:03] you guys dont use java at all right? [16:03] ikillcypher, we do [16:03] openjdk-6-java? [16:03] o.O applications? === Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha [16:03] ikillcypher, oh, openjdk-6-jdk [16:03] is there a youtube video to undestand launchpad ;) [16:04] ikillcypher, sudo apt-get install git gnupg flex bison gperf build-essential \ [16:04] zip bzr curl libc6-dev libncurses5-dev:i386 x11proto-core-dev \ [16:04] libx11-dev:i386 libreadline6-dev:i386 libgl1-mesa-glx:i386 \ [16:04] libgl1-mesa-dev g++-multilib mingw32 tofrodos \ [16:04] python-markdown libxml2-utils xsltproc zlib1g-dev:i386 schedtool [16:04] ok I will try it right now see if im able to port [16:04] And sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jdk [16:04] o.O what about [16:04] sudo add-apt-repository ppa:phablet-team/tools ? [16:04] ikillcypher, and that [16:04] And install the tools [16:04] jrei, I don't think so:P [16:04] phablet tools are ubuntu os right ? [16:04] ok, there are no blueprints for the calendar app [16:05] ikillcypher, yes [16:05] jrei, oh:( [16:05] Weird team:P [16:06] or I am blind [16:06] jrei, no https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone-commons/+spec/initial-calendar-development [16:06] That is a valid blueprint [16:06] smartboyhw, I actually done with step 1 ? so now do I head back to the porting guide ? [16:06] ikillcypher, yeah [16:06] Have you installed all those things I listed above? [16:06] And I'm sorry, I have to sleepnow:P [16:07] nope going to now o.o [16:07] ikillcypher, good [16:08] smartboyhw, [16:08] E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. [16:10] blah I will do this tomorrow :( [16:10] Im going to learn Java now [16:11] I think I am still missing a level of information about the planed result === jono is now known as Guest59661 [16:31] mhall119, may i trouble you for a minute? [16:40] oh, i may have found what i'm looking for.. [16:45] Hello, if I want to create a popup to appear to the center of the page what I should put to PopupUtils.open() second arg? [17:13] Can I port Ubuntu Touch to a device using Ubuntu 13.10? The Porting wiki page makes it sound like I must using 13.04 or lower. [17:14] Seems the Manual Installation guide on the wiki.ubuntu.com is not correct - you can not make adb push command after adb reboot recovery because there is no any operating system loaded [17:15] Make sense? [17:16] o.O [17:16] iBelieve, I think the latest Ubuntu is 13.10 as of now [17:16] so when you port and flash to a device it should be 13.10 if Im not wrong [17:17] ikillcypher, in the PortingFlippedInProgress wiki page it says "For development you can run any 64-bit Desktop version of Ubuntu between 12.04 LTS and 13.04. "? [17:18] it might be updated [17:18] I doubt it [17:18] wait a min isnt Ubuntu on 13.04 [17:19] ikillcypher, Ubuntu 13.04 is the current version, 13.10 is the development version. [17:19] oh yeah so it should be 13.10 [17:19] you can try it out as Im porting too [17:20] ikillcypher, I guess I'll try using 13.10 and see if it works. [17:20] Do you know if I'm supposed to be using the Porting or PortingFlippedInProgress page? [17:20] :) [17:22] what ? PortingFLippedInProgress ? [17:22] ikillcypher, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/PortingFlippedInProgress or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting - which one should I be using? [17:23] Porting no idea what is the other one tho [17:38] hello [17:48] has someone been able to get ubuntu touch running on a phone with less than 918MB of /data??? [17:49] oops i dc [18:20] annerajb, you can try see how it works [18:21] I think the minimum requires is 512 ram [18:24] ikillcypher, i tried it runs out of space after installing the rootfs [18:25] o.O what device [18:25] ikillcypher, i had to delete /usr/share/doc and a bunch of files before flashing [18:25] did you port it ? [18:25] epicmtd [18:25] yes [18:25] o.o so what happens ? [18:25] RAM or storage? 'o' [18:25] did you delete your cache or factory reset ? [18:25] well it boots with like 300k left and cant run anything because of file system space error. storage [18:26] yes both before flashing the rootfs [18:41] ikillcypher, any idea of what i can delete on the rootfs to save space. I was thinking of reducing the swap. But I figure that would make it super slow since it only has 10mb of ram free. [18:41] ikillcypher, other option would be having the rootfs on the sdcard thought that would require a lot of change [18:41] I really have no idea mate are you able to run cm 10.1 without any storage issue ? [18:42] what did you do to get this storage error [18:43] sudo apt-get upgrade: E: Write error - write (28: No space left on device) [18:43] E: IO Error saving source cache [18:47] where in here i can get the latest rootfs? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch-preview/daily-preinstalled/ [19:20] hi. I have nexus 4 with android and i want to try ubuntu. I stuck on phablet-flash command. [19:20] phablet-flash -d mako -b usage: phablet-flash [-h] ... phablet-flash: error: argument : invalid choice: 'mako' (choose from 'cdimage-touch', 'cdimage-legacy', 'ubuntu-system', 'community') [19:21] any developers here? [19:21] there is some change in phablet-flash command but i cant find instructions how to use :/ [19:37] Hi, I'm starting a little program to enter the app showdown, and I have some beginners questons about my qml code. Is this the right place? [19:42] skoczo: did you see the email that wen to the mailig list? [19:42] skoczo: phablet-flash cdimage-touch .... that's what you want [19:44] sergiusens, developer? [19:52] Rttommy, #ubuntu-app-devel might be better [19:53] o.o [19:56] ikillcypher: a big depends and I'm feeling very lazy today :-) [19:56] http://pastie.org/private/pzhlznxewe8rbfbthyyw [19:56] see that [19:57] ikillcypher: is yuga on cyanogenmod and does it have a 10.2 branch? [19:57] 10.1 yes [19:57] 10.2 yes [19:57] isnt ubuntu-touch 10.1 ? [19:58] ikillcypher: yes, it's 10.1 ... but the phablet-saucy branch is 10.1.2 (still 10.1) [19:58] just looking you error is something else [19:58] yeah === Noskcaj is now known as I_Hate_Timezones [19:59] huh ? [19:59] ikillcypher: urllib2.HTTPError: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden [19:59] yup no clue wtf is that shit [19:59] ikillcypher: I get that from github when I abuse their webservice [19:59] so what should I do ? [20:01] any idea ? [20:04] ikillcypher: I have something like this http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5971122/ [20:04] let me breakfast yuga [20:04] what is that [20:05] O.O [20:05] ikillcypher: breakfast yuga? It's what you did in your pastebin ;-) [20:05] no I meant the github gives me 403 [20:05] try breakfast yuga see if it works for you [20:06] ikillcypher: http://developer.github.com/v3/rate_limit/ [20:06] ikillcypher: see if you are getting the 403 due to a rate limit [20:09] sergiusens, http://pastie.org/private/hktmxrhkq1o50bisiojhpg [20:09] ikillcypher: the ratelimit is a http call [20:09] nevermind [20:10] ikillcypher: breakfast yuga works for me [20:10] I'm guessing you hit the ratelimit [20:10] so either you wait [20:10] build/core/product_config.mk:239: *** _nic.PRODUCTS.[[device/sony/yuga/cm.mk]]: "vendor/sony/qcom-common/qcom-common-vendor.mk" does not exist. Stop. [20:10] what is that ? [20:10] or create a github user and ser your .netrc [20:11] ikillcypher: that's because your previous sync went wrong [20:11] yeah I cant repo sync too [20:11] since it cant breakfast [20:12] so what should I do [20:12] ikillcypher: rm .repo/local_manifests/roomservice.xml and you should be able to repo sync and start over with breakfast again [20:12] remove that? [20:12] o.O [20:12] ok so once I remove it [20:12] ikillcypher: you are welcome to look at it's contents [20:12] I repo sync and then breakfast ? [20:13] should work? [20:13] Hey guys, why does the install for Maguro want you to push to sdcard when it doesn't have one? [20:13] ikillcypher: there are manu ways to do this [20:13] well I followed the ubuntu tutorial [20:13] Zorthos: the 'sdcard' is a virtual entry... it's just like android [20:13] they said breakfast then repo sync [20:13] which is why I did not get it [20:14] ikillcypher: who is they? breakfast accomplishes the same thing for a bootstrap... but once that's done, repo sync regularly [20:14] to get the new stuff [20:15] o.O but it cant get the vendor/sony/qcom-common [20:15] tutorial of porting [20:15] sergiusens: my drivers must be proken then, as every time I try and install it can't push to it. [20:15] Zorthos: how are you doing it? [20:17] sergiusens, the breakfast in yuga is broken or seems like this [20:17] the vendor/sony/qcom-common needs to be added manuelly in roomservice [20:17] The auto install, "phablet-touch cdimage-touch -b", it goes to recovery then fails to push to sdcard, then softlocks the phone [20:17] ikillcypher: jsut finished here, seems it is [20:18] huh? [20:18] Oh yeah, and then when it's in recovery I can't push to it anymore [20:18] ikillcypher: noooo [20:18] running source build/envsetup.sh && breakfast codename [20:18] build/core/product_config.mk:239: *** _nic.PRODUCTS.[[device/sony/yuga/cm.mk]]: "vendor/sony/qcom-common/qcom-common-vendor.mk" does not exist. Stop. [20:18] will get me that again [20:19] ikillcypher: do this... [20:19] ikillcypher: cd device/sony/yuga; ./extract-files.sh; cd -; breakfast yuga [20:19] ikillcypher: try that please, I don't have that device so I can't try [20:20] sony/yuga dont exists [20:20] o.o [20:20] ikillcypher: device/sony/yuga ? I have it after a clean breakfast [20:21] what ?! wait [20:21] * sergiusens waits [20:24] sergiusens, [20:24] see this [20:24] http://pastie.org/private/oojdbq0lkdp5deqskhg8ig [20:25] ikillcypher: from that pastebin, it is clear that you DID HAVE a device/sony/yuga ... just look at line 8 as evidence [20:26] yeah anyway I just ran repo sync now [20:26] so now do what I told you to do [20:26] ikillcypher: cd device/sony/yuga; ./extract-files.sh; cd -; breakfast yuga [20:26] what's the command to start on ubuntu touch the xserver or w/e equivalent of service lightdm start?? [20:26] well let repo sync to finish up [20:26] you need your device connected and with adb enabled [20:26] yeah I know that [20:27] I have built cm10.1 and cm10.2 before [20:27] annerajb: for the phablet user initctl start unity8 [20:27] thanks [20:28] sergiusens, it says unknown job unity8 [20:29] annerajb: you have to do it as the phablet user [20:30] sergiusens, [20:30] sergiusens, my shell looks like this phablet@ubuntu-phablet:/$ does that mean i am on the phablet user? [20:30] http://pastie.org/private/specob5vphnketbaoohmq [20:30] annerajb: yes, how did you get there? [20:31] adb shell -> ubuntu_chroot shell -> initctl start unity8 [20:31] annerajb: oh, wait, you are on unflipped? [20:32] it appears so? [20:32] ikillcypher: if you already built cyanogenmod, just copy that directory over... [20:33] seems the setup is broken for yuga [20:33] annerajb: well yeah, if you are on unflipeed you need to as root do, initctl start ubuntu-session [20:33] sergiusens, btw this rootfs is from like a month ago not sure if there is a latest one [20:35] sergiusens, [20:35] ikillcypher@ikillcypher:~/xperiatouch$ repo sync [20:35] Fetching projects: 100% (119/119) fatal: Couldn't find remote ref refs/heads/phablet-saucy [20:35] fatal: Couldn't find remote ref refs/heads/phablet-saucy [20:38] sergiusens, should i be on flipped or unflipped? [20:38] sergiusens, any idea what is wron [20:43] where did that dude went of to [20:44] his probably working :P give him a break he should come back later [20:44] fatal: Couldn't find remote ref refs/heads/phablet-saucy :( [20:44] whyyyy [20:47] anyone else know ? [20:47] o.o [20:49] i can try helping ya ikillcypher can you paste bin more of the lines displayed on the screen [20:50] http://pastie.org/private/tur8q9lsrywvbljvd2t9a [20:51] ? [20:51] damn I really need that guy now [20:51] ikillcypher: if that's for your new repos, that would be expected [20:52] annerajb: you should be on flipped [20:52] so what should I do now ? [20:53] Fetching projects: 100% (119/119) fatal: Couldn't find remote ref refs/heads/phablet-saucy [20:53] fatal: Couldn't find remote ref refs/heads/phablet-saucy [20:53] error: Cannot fetch TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_sony [20:54] sergiusens, how do i go flipped download a new rootfs?(if so from where and which one) [20:54] * ikillcypher eyes are getting teary [20:54] it has been more then 36 porting this shit [20:54] hrs [20:55] !language | ikillcypher [20:55] ikillcypher: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional. [20:55] ??? [20:55] annerajb: http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/daily-preinstalled/ [20:55] sergiusens, any idea what should I do now ? [20:55] Im really lost here [20:56] and I want to port it over [20:56] ikillcypher: how good is your makefile editing? [20:56] not good [20:56] if you could help me I would be grateful [20:56] ikillcypher: development skills? [20:56] I know java programming [20:57] bash not so [20:57] ikillcypher: well I'm signing out soon, so I can't help you all the way [20:57] well so I give up the porting? [20:58] I mean is that normal to see or no ? [20:58] ikillcypher: I didn't say that [20:58] cause those guys at cyanogenmod did not add vendor to automatically grab the vendors [20:58] which seems to cause huge issues [20:58] ikillcypher: no it's not normal... I have no idea what you are doing to get so much errors, I just did a breakfast and it was flawless [20:58] ikillcypher: nooo [20:59] build/core/product_config.mk:239: *** _nic.PRODUCTS.[[device/sony/yuga/cm.mk]]: "vendor/sony/qcom-common/qcom-common-vendor.mk" does not exist. Stop. [20:59] ikillcypher: the device/[vendor]/[device] directory has an extract_files.sh which is supposed to setup vendors for you [20:59] ikillcypher: the yugo setup is clearly broken or not mature [20:59] but it failed [20:59] ikillcypher: can you build plain cyanogenmod for this same device? [21:00] yes [21:00] but I have to edit [21:00] .repo/local_manifests/roomservice.xml === ricotz_ is now known as ricotz [21:00] ikillcypher: did you copy vendor/sony from that build tree to this one as I told you to? [21:00] add [21:00] and repo sync [21:00] then it works on cyanogenmod [21:01] nope as I only have 10.2 over here [21:02] ikillcypher: does the github TheMuppets repo hold a 10.1 branch? [21:02] yes [21:04] sergiusens, the steps to install the latest rootfs are the same as previous ones factory reset-> install bootstrap -> install daily. IS this done using the same bootstrap as for unflipped? or do i have to change something on my bootstrap to be flipped? [21:05] annerajb: the boot.img's ramdisk needs to be an ubuntu one [21:05] annerajb: there's a link, but I can only IRC now [21:05] so can't find it [21:05] do you remember the name of the site so i can search for it or keywords on the page? [21:05] just google touch porting flipped [21:05] ok [21:06] there's also an architectural diagram [21:06] foudn this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/PortingFlippedInProgress [21:06] s/diagram/explanation [21:06] annerajb: that's the one [21:07] ikillcypher: your entry is incomplete === I_Hate_Timezones is now known as Noskcaj [21:07] nvm dude [21:07] ikillcypher: add [21:07] ikillcypher: or whatever revision is appropriate [21:09] haix [21:09] can you slap me [21:09] it has been 36 hours [21:09] * annerajb slaps ikillcypher [21:10] ikillcypher: if anything the cm.dependencies in device/sony/yuga are incomplete... [21:10] huh ? [21:11] Retrieving the proprietary blobs from Android I will do that tomorrow as I have cm10.2 over here [21:11] ikillcypher: the device repo should list all the dependencies for all the branches/repos that are required [21:12] sergiusens, should I run breakfast again [21:12] since I ran repo sync [21:12] i wouldn't think you need to [21:12] there should be an output like cm right ? [21:12] no ? [21:13] ikillcypher: oh, if the breakfast command never completed successfully, then yes, you need to run it [21:13] yup [21:13] im tired [21:14] :( [21:14] initial new ports take an hour if you know what you are doing... then you have the glitches to fix [21:15] ser [21:16] sergiusens, is this correct for ubuntutouch ? [21:16] http://pastie.org/8225295 [21:17] and before i go and sleep [21:17] ikillcypher: yes... your build will fail without the binary drivers though [21:17] I will continue tomorrow I just have to follow this right : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting#Retrieving_the_proprietary_blobs_from_Android [21:17] so you'll need to get them [21:17] yes [21:18] suid [21:18] what is that [21:18] If you don’t find any files there, grep for “nosuid”. [21:18] meaning [21:19] ikillcypher: grep is a linux command [21:19] sergiusens, how do i flash the boot.img ? [21:19] sergiusens, nvm found it [21:19] well what does it means actually ? [21:19] annerajb: it should be bundled in the device zip [21:19] ack [21:19] ikillcypher: grep means find [21:20] oh lol :3 thanks [21:20] * sergiusens is out for a while... [21:20] later! [21:20] later [21:20] cant we jsut use find? [21:20] lol [21:20] later ? [21:20] grep searchs for file content ikillcypher [21:20] oh cool anyway Im off mate [21:20] Im dead tired [21:20] atleast part 1 is done [21:21] left part 2 tomorrow [21:21] ikillcypher, l8r [21:21] hopefully I can port before monday xD would be cool [21:21] byeee [21:21] i need to figure out how do i know my device zip is flipped or not :( [21:21] what is that [21:21] lol [21:21] flipped or not [22:37] Hi folks, will Ubuntu Edge work on Brazil's 4G at 2.5GHz??? [23:08] piovisqui, not sure it says on the canonical page that it will cover standard lte frequencys