[01:42] hello [01:49] doesn't look good for the ubuntu edge :/ [01:52] No :( I wonder if they'll manage to make a smaller scale one? [01:53] who knows. Looks like they are trying to make a safe/profitable investment [01:53] ax562, Not sure it was an intended drive seems like a bit of a question whether 32 mil would be actually generated by the general public, maybe a super hero will fly in at the last moment and save the day. [01:53] and call their bluff [01:55] hopefully, it just seems they want to take 0% risk [01:58] whats wrong with ubuntu edge? [01:59] nothing is wrong with it except that it will probably never come out [01:59] oh 11 days to reach 32 million [01:59] nothing I see, just the idea of the public investing that kind of money is a dream not a reality [02:01] the people over at cyanogenmod are pissed off that ubuntu touch is using their code [02:01] but to my understanding its just built on top of cyanogenmod [02:02] why are they mad? [02:04] I do like the idea of having stereo speakers on a phone ;-) [03:24] bored [03:39] is anyone making weekly/daily youtube videos of ubuntu touch? [03:40] would love to see what changes have been made recently [04:43] hello anyone here developers ? [04:44] sergiusens, ? [04:53] whats up ? [04:54] I dont have [04:54] suid [04:54] Im porting over to my device so far everything is good so far [04:54] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting#Device_changes [04:54] device/[manufacturer]/[codename]/fstab.[codename] [04:54] I dont have that fstab [05:00] hummm? [05:08] how come there is like no one here at all [05:08] I'm here but can't help [05:09] why not === Namidairo`bnc is now known as Namidairo [05:10] no developers or ports here at all [05:10] o.o [05:23] I need someone to help this [05:23] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting#Device_changes [05:24] anyone care to help [05:35] anyone ????????????? [05:35] omg [05:43] nexus 4 with android 4.3 stuck at google logo after flashing ubuntu touch by manual method? why? [05:43] help [05:44] any one? [05:44] clear factory reset ? [05:44] clear cache ? [05:44] try again [05:44] * ikillcypher afk [05:44] any developers here please pm me ty [05:45] okay thnx will try like this@ikillcypher === jo-erlend__ is now known as jo-erlend [06:27] nexus 4 stuck at google logo after installing ubuntu touch zips!!! [06:27] please help me out [06:27] trying from two days! [06:31] please developers help ,me out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 [06:32] I'm not real familiar with ubuntu touch. But, I know there's gotta be some way to find logs, sonce the kernel is Linux [06:32] so, what does ubuntu touch use, do they have ADB since this is based so heavily on CM and AOSP? [06:33] and, if so do you know how to use it? [06:33] interloper i unlocked my bootloader flashed custom recovery and installed ubuntu touch zips [06:34] now stuck at google logo [06:34] i have nexus 4 [06:35] so, you used fastboot in the beginning, falshes CWM or TWRP? [06:35] flashed* [06:35] twrp [06:36] have you tried ADB during the boot to get a logcat? [06:36] no [06:37] start there. But Google logo is called splash and thats the "first_init" phase of boot [06:38] If a device doesn't pass that it's usually how the kernel is made [06:38] is this a prebuilt or did you build it? [06:38] prebuilt for nexus 4 [06:40] have you tried flashing any other custom ROM's? [06:40] and can you get to bootloader or recovery still? [06:40] no i havent tried to install any custom rom on this model [06:41] Okay, so I must've missed it. What's the new 'phablet-flash -b'? [06:41] any developers here [06:41] anmol, did it work? [06:41] noo [06:41] it didnt [06:41] Im actually stuck here [06:41] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting#Device_changes [06:41] anmol, what happen ? [06:41] stuck at google logo [06:41] still bootloop ? [06:41] yup [06:42] reflash might be bad flash [06:42] i had android 4.3 reviously [06:42] previously [06:42] no wonder [06:42] you need 4.2.2 [06:42] cm 10.1 [06:42] 4.3 wont work [06:42] try getting a log while booting. If there is no log, pwer down and boot into recovery. use adb mount system and find last_kmsg [06:43] if adb gives a logcat at boot, try getting a dmesg too [06:43] Wait, wait. anmol, are you saying you had Android 4.3 installed before trying to flash Ubuntu Touch? [06:43] yes nhaines [06:43] That's no problem. I've switched between Ubuntu and Android 4.3 several times on my Galaxy Nexus. [06:43] ikillcypher should i put 4.2.2 now? [06:43] yes [06:43] 4.2.2 [06:43] not 4.3 [06:43] you device need to be using cm 10.1 aka 4.2.2 for the flash to work [06:44] interloper, care to help me with my issue ? [06:44] thanks @ikillcypher [06:44] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting#Device_changes this isnt available for my device [06:44] I looked at the page [06:44] anmol sure :P a beer would be nice [06:44] lol [06:44] anmol: that shouldn't be true, but flashing 4.2.2 won't hurt, so feel free to try it. [06:44] haven't finished reading it yet [06:44] nhaines, it is ? [06:45] can you tell melol [06:45] ikillcypher: it's not. [06:45] cause ubuntu uses 4.2.2 as based ? [06:45] ikillcypher: and Ubuntu replaces everything on the phone. [06:45] but the code is based on 4.2.2 [06:45] 4.3 wont work [06:45] does it flash a new kernel every time? [06:45] Doesn't matter. Ubuntu's based on Debian, but you can still install to a blank hard drive. [06:46] ... [06:46] interloper: yes. [06:46] we are talking about ubuntu touch here [06:46] And so Ubuntu Touch is Ubuntu. [06:46] It doesn't matter what's already on the phone as long as the recovery supports extended commands. [06:47] well dude nvm care to help me ? [06:47] The only time Android 4.2.2 matters is in source code if he's trying to compile and build Ubuntu Touch for another platform. [06:48] ikillcypher, you said "I am stuck here" Are you trying to build from source? [06:48] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting#Device_changes :( [06:48] Im porting ? [06:49] ok, then apply that patch in the kernel [06:49] thats what it says to do [06:49] no [06:49] The default fstab for the new device will have its /data partition mounted with nosuid, which needs to be removed, as certain Ubuntu applications/daemons require the use of setuid. The path to fstab is: [06:49] I dont have that [06:49] device/[manufacturer]/[codename]/fstab.[codename] [06:50] Well, that's step one. [06:50] then get it from somehwere [06:50] What device do you have? [06:50] yuga ? [06:50] it's on github [06:50] xerpia z [06:50] no it is isnt supported [06:50] https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_device_sony_yuga [06:50] Is device/sony/yuga/fstab.yuga a thing? [06:51] but the file you need is there [06:51] it is not on my home [06:51] wait a min [06:51] https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_device_sony_yuga/blob/cm-10.1/recovery.fstab [06:51] device/[manufacturer]/[codename]/fstab.[codename] [06:51] why did they said fstab. ? [06:52] it's just an example [06:52] device is the device folder in the build source [06:52] ikillcypher: they said fstab.[codename]. You have to replace (expand) [codename] with your device's codename. [06:53] device/sony/yuga [06:53] you both sure it is recovery.fstab ? [06:53] When you see a [variable name] in brackets like that, that's your cue to take the generic instructions and adapt them for your own use. The variable name tells you want to replace. [06:54] Neither of us have said recovery.fstab. So no, we are not sure. [06:54] cause I have just took a look at recovery.fstab there isnt suid [06:54] none of you are developers ? [06:54] I'm done. I wish you the best of luck. [06:54] you are done what ?> [06:55] well there isnt a yuga.fstab [06:55] https://github.com/xInterlopeRx?tab=repositories <---- thats my github [06:55] ikillcypher: I'm working on something else at the moment and while I appreciate skepticism, if you're going to not read my advice and then argue about it, I have to get this other thing done. I'm sorry, it's not personal. [06:56] https://github.com/OUDhs <---- thats my teams github [06:56] well the instructions of porting ubuntu isnt that clear at all [06:56] sir, you need to slow down, read what its really saying and think things through if you plan to complete this port [06:56] the instructions are clean [06:57] mate [06:57] it says you will not be mounted with suid so aplly the patch in the kernel [06:57] device/[manufacturer]/[codename]/fstab.[codename] [06:57] ??? [06:57] If you don’t find any files there, grep for “nosuid”. [06:58] well, did you? [06:58] grep for "nosuid" ? [06:59] We explained that you replace the [bracketed] names with the information mentioned. It's a universal Unix documentation convention. grep's been around since 1973. [06:59] I dont get it so [06:59] the correct path is [06:59] ikillcypher@ikillcypher:~/xperiatouch/device/sony/yuga$ [06:59] The instructions are fairly straightforward. If you're confused about them, you need to let us know. [06:59] Probably, yes. [06:59] probably ? [07:00] I don't have your tree in front of me. [07:00] there isnt [07:00] a fstab.yuga [07:00] But the directory exists? [07:01] ~/xperiatouch/device/sony/yuga$ [07:01] of cause [07:01] Okay, so there you go. Now you're reading the instructions correctly and we know there *should* be a fstab.yuga. You've been pointed to the correct file by interloper. [07:01] no where ? [07:01] So the good news is you can find the file, and additionally I'd make sure I had the full source branch downloaded. [07:02] What happened when you 'grep'ed for "nosuid"? === Fyodorovna is now known as sporkeee [07:02] I never did ? [07:02] grep "nosuid" seems like hangs the terminal [07:03] nhaines, === sporkeee is now known as wilee-nilee [07:03] If you don’t find any files there, grep for “nosuid”. meaning ikillcypher@ikillcypher:~/xperiatouch/device/sony/yuga$ grep "nosuid" [07:03] grep nosuid ./ [07:03] am I correct ? [07:04] there must be a path for grep to follow when no other args are used [07:04] You have to give it a list of files, or else it'll read from standard input (i.e., your keyboard) [07:04] so grep nosuid ? [07:04] without quotes ? [07:04] grep nosuid ./ [07:04] interloper's command is what you should write. [07:04] ikillcypher@ikillcypher:~/xperiatouch/device/sony/yuga$ grep nosuid ./ [07:04] grep: ./: Is a directory [07:06] sorry, I use a lot of aliased commands on my machine [07:06] you should do [07:06] ikillcypher: try grep -lr nosuid ./ [07:06] grep nosuid ./* -R [07:06] either will give results [07:07] ikillcypher@ikillcypher:~/xperiatouch/device/sony/yuga$ grep -lr nosuid ./ [07:07] ikillcypher@ikillcypher:~/xperiatouch/device/sony/yuga$ [07:07] ikillcypher: that means it found no matches. [07:07] Personally, it sounds to me like you don't have the complete source. [07:07] ... [07:08] I can build cm10.1 just fine [07:08] and cm10.2 [07:08] and now you are telling me im not having the complete source [07:08] Yes, based on the facts that you're missing files such as fstab.yug [07:08] let me check up with the cm team [07:09] Let us know what you find. [07:09] the tutorial/porting might be outdated [07:09] as I said it not so clear >:( [07:10] It's perfectly clear. It's just not quite matching what you're seeing. [07:10] So let's find out why there's a discrepancy and we can go from there. Documentation's easy to fix, if it's wrong. [07:10] That's why it's important for you to let us know if there's a problem. :) Are you on the ubuntu-phone mailing list? [07:11] are you a developer ? [07:12] I think Ubuntu touch team will be happy if I manage to port it it is like one step close to success [07:12] for the community [07:12] if I can I would love to port it to most devices [07:12] A lot of people will be happy. I'm rooting for you! [07:12] you have a xperia z ? [07:13] Galaxy Nexus from Google. But I want it to be as simple as possible for everyone who wants Ubuntu on his phone. [07:15] the issue here is that yuga is a common device and the ftab.yuga is actually ftab.qcom in another common device repo [07:15] fstab* [07:16] https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_device_sony_blue-common/blob/cm-10.2/rootdir/fstab.qcom [07:16] and it has nosuid already because its in the 4.3 tree [07:16] huh ? [07:16] so what should I do ? [07:17] well, I'm not sure if ubuntu-touch builds the same way using device repos and common repos [07:18] but, if you have cm-10.2 source for zperia z, you should have almost everything [07:18] Hey ikillcypher [07:18] ? [07:18] smartboy [07:18] xD [07:18] <3 [07:18] ikillcypher, how is your progress on making your port? [07:19] lol ask interloper [07:19] well I dont have device/[manufacturer]/[codename]/fstab.[codename] [07:19] ikillcypher, oh? [07:19] there's a lot of people in this channel [07:19] interloper, I have cm10.1 [07:19] that is what ubuntu touch supports [07:20] interloper, use cm10.1 please [07:20] cool, the file you need is still there in cm-10.1 [07:20] smartboyhw, care to help me out ? [07:20] I dont have the file [07:20] with nosuid [07:20] and Im lost [07:20] I dont know what to do anymore [07:20] I just provided a link to it [07:21] Yay, the new 'phablet-flash -b' is 'phablet-flash cdimage-touch -b'. I am glad I read Python. [07:21] https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_device_sony_blue-common/blob/cm-10.2/rootdir/fstab.qcom [07:21] dude what is that ? [07:21] sony_blue-common isnt my device [07:22] I'd like to see this on the nexus 7, but if your on cm-10.1 it will be too much work for me [07:22] interloper: it works on the nexus 7. Do you mean the v2 Nexus 7? [07:22] yes [07:22] smartboyhw, care to help [07:22] >:( [07:23] what should I do ? [07:23] ikillcypher, yes, looking [07:23] interloper: no luck with that then. Hopefully someone will pick it up in the next couple of weeks. [07:23] well, I'd like to pick it up [07:23] but if ubuntu isn't ready for 4.3, I can't change that [07:24] I can only work on the porting, not the OS development [07:26] :( [07:26] anyone help [07:26] smartboyhw, ping me once you find a soultion ty :P [07:26] ikillcypher, you can't grep nosuid? [07:27] smartboyhw: when he tried he got no hits. [07:27] Hmm [07:27] there isnt any fstab.[codename] [07:28] ikillcypher, wait, are you running Cyanogenmod on your device? [07:28] yes cm10.1 [07:29] Hmm [07:29] And you can't grep nosuid *on your device*? [07:31] grep on my device ? [07:31] uh meaning [07:32] smartboyhw, Im currently at this step [07:32] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting#Device_changes [07:32] ikillcypher, I get it = [07:33] But, can you launch a terminal emulator in your cyanogenmod-running device and grep for nosuid [07:33] why would you want me to do that [07:33] ikillcypher, because it *should* appear in your device. [07:34] ? go to terminal emulator ? [07:34] grep nosuid ? [07:35] Im not really good in bash commands === pressy4pi is now known as pressy4pie [07:38] imma get the code and see what I can do [07:38] good night and good luck [07:38] eh [07:39] smartboyhw, ? [07:39] why did you abandon me half way === Noskcaj10 is now known as Noskcaj [07:40] ikillcypher, ah, I mistaken you with interloper :P [07:40] ikillcypher, install a app that emulates terminal (find it in App store) [07:40] Ouch, Google PLay:P [07:40] yes got that pre-installed in my phone [07:40] so what do I do now [07:40] as in bash command [07:41] ikillcypher, just launch it and "grep nosuid"? [07:42] seems like hang [07:44] ikillcypher, :O [07:45] You can't run 'grep' by itself. You have to give it something to search. [07:45] ?? [07:45] ikillcypher: press Ctrl-D and you'll get a prompt back. [07:46] try grep nosuid / [07:46] im on at android phone [07:46] ikillcypher volume up should be the ctrl key [07:46] "grep -lR 'nosuid' /" should work. [07:47] uh [07:48] there are afew [07:48] grep : /tmp/adbd : Permission Denied [07:48] are you rooted? [07:48] of cause [07:49] Cyanogenmod 10.1 and not rooted ? [07:49] close it out and type su first [07:49] ikillcypher i wasnt here at that point in convo lol [07:49] are you a developer ? [07:50] i wish [07:50] i know some things about stuff. [07:50] i can help a bit [07:50] The devs won't be here until Monday, and it's Sunday morning (dev time). [07:50] now no such device or address [07:50] are the developers paid or something ? [07:50] no [07:51] well most arent [07:51] so whats with them here only on monday ? [07:51] i dont know about ubuntu-touch developers [07:51] Some are:P [07:51] no idea [07:51] * smartboyhw points at famous paid ubuntu-touch devs like ogra_:P [07:52] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting#Device_changes [07:52] Im facing this [07:52] :( [07:52] All the core Ubuntu Touch developers are paid by Canonical. There's a ton of other community devs, but if you insist on someone from Canonical, you're going to have to wait until Monday. [07:52] ikillcypher you have a functional cm10.1 device? [07:52] ikillcypher, please root then do the grep command [07:53] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting#Device_changes < have to wait till monday for it to be resolved ? [07:53] yes I have a functional cm10.1 device [07:53] ikillcypher, read above [07:53] ok so as root run the grep command [07:53] smartboy root on where my phone root access ? [07:53] ikillcypher, ?? [07:53] You just type "su“ in terminal [07:53] open terminal emulator on my phone [07:53] type su [07:54] grep nosuid / [07:54] grep : / : Is a directory [07:54] grep -lR 'nosuid" / [07:54] ikillcypher, yeah [07:54] oops [07:55] grep -lR 'nosuid' / [07:55] grep -lR 'nosuid' / [07:55] with the single quotes ? [07:55] yes [07:55] smartboyhw: that's what grep is telling him. grep needs files, not directories. [07:55] nhaines, hmm why not use *? [07:55] * is a wildcard:P [07:55] that command searches files for the string nosuid [07:56] (-R makes it search recursively in a given directory and follow symlinks; -r means the same except don't follow symlinks) [07:56] smartboyhw: nothing's wrong with using *, but it's not the advice you offered. :P [07:56] I dont understand a shit that is happening now [07:56] Invaild Argument [07:57] no such device or address [07:57] and why am I running this on my phone and not on my laptop when Im suppose to port it from my laptop [07:57] i was wondering why you werent using adb [07:58] adb shell = <3 [07:59] wait is this all to find fstab? [07:59] ikillcypher what device are you using? [07:59] nhaines, my fault [07:59] !language | ikillcypher [07:59] ikillcypher: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional. [07:59] yuga [07:59] pressy4pie: pretty much. [07:59] ???????????? [07:59] ikillcypher, no s*** word [07:59] why did you !language me for [08:00] oh s*** [08:00] o.o [08:00] Yep [08:00] I will have to pm a developer for cyanogenmod on this [08:00] seems like cm issues over here [08:01] have you built cm for yuga? [08:01] yes [08:01] im starting to think the porting guide is outdated [08:02] no its not [08:02] you have the device profile? [08:02] meaning what [08:02] the thing you git cloned [08:02] yup what about it [08:02] it works fine till this part [08:03] something like git clone https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_device_sony_yuga.git device/sony/yuga [08:03] and your looking for recovery.fstab i presume? [08:03] that is the question I dont know [08:04] pressy4pie, not exactly, he's looking for fstab.yuga [08:04] the tutorial said fstab.yuga [08:04] ikillcypher, I do agree that the guide needs some changes [08:04] the porting guide needs to be revisited for easiler way [08:04] adb shell find / -name fstab.yuga [08:04] something like what cm does [08:05] pressy4pie, why am I finding this on my device [08:05] when I suppose to do it via my laptop [08:05] it exists on your device? [08:05] do it over adb it is loads easier [08:06] you have a vold.fstab in system/etc [08:06] but that doesnt mount data [08:07] ikillcypher, what you're looking for is in device/sony/fusion3-common/rootdir/fstab.qcom [08:07] finally a cyanogenmod developer [08:07] :0 [08:07] Gd [08:08] that tutorial reallys needs to be rewritten [08:08] good god [08:08] it would be nice if the tutorial for installing ubuntu touch on a nexus 4 were up to date [08:08] fk 3 hours man [08:08] its not that difficult. theres no way to know exactly what file is where for every single device [08:09] but as it is the arguments for phablet-flash are wrong [08:09] Hi! I'm going to restoring android next to a one-day-trying of ubuntu touch. A lot of tutorial (and also the wiki) tell me to run ./flash-all.sh , but where I can find that script? thanks in advance! [08:09] pressy4pie, still the tutorial needs to be rewritten [08:09] it is badly written and give the people chance to give up [08:09] it requres some intuition, theres no way they can accomidate every device. it just requires some patience. [08:11] ^ [08:11] that will help alot you know [08:11] intuition [08:11] mapreri: what device do you have? [08:11] nhaines: I have a nexus 4 [08:12] mapreri: https://developers.google.com/android/nexus/images [08:12] nhaines: yeah! I have already downloaded the image [08:12] it's in the image [08:12] mapreri: unzip the zip file, then navigate to that directory. just './flash-all.sh' by itself will work. [08:13] ikillcypher: look at line 9 of the file pandaball linked [08:13] change nosuid to setsuid [08:13] you are the cyanogenmod-dev too ? [08:13] what ?! [08:13] ive done a little porting but im no dev [08:14] it clearly said remove - nosuid [08:14] + [08:14] nhaines: oh! thanks :) [08:15] mapreri: my pleasure. :) [08:16] i can see how that guide is confusing [08:17] oh so I suppose to change it to setsuid ? [08:17] no you can just remove it [08:17] huh ? [08:17] change nosuid to setsuid ? [08:18] ikillcypher in that file, line 9 just remove "nosuid" [08:18] so it reads: [08:18] then why did you said change nosuid to setsuid ? [08:18] /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/userdata /data ext4 noatime,nodev,barrier=1,data=ordered,noauto_da_alloc wait,check,encryptable=footer [08:19] then why did you said change nosuid to setsuid ? [08:19] i was mistaken [08:19] i can see how that guide is confusing [08:19] I think you are confusing people dude [08:19] !!!!!! [08:20] ikillcypher, hey hey hey calm down, not all of us know everything:) [08:20] suid is set by default. so by erasing nosuid it means its enabled [08:23] uh is this needed ? [08:23] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting#PATCHES [08:23] yep [08:23] easy patches. [08:23] do you know your kernel defconfig? [08:24] ikillcypher, of course [08:24] done that [08:24] cm_fusion3_yuga_defconfig ? [08:24] LAST STEP BEFORE I BUILD XD CANT WAIT [08:24] lol [08:25] ikillcypher, no [08:25] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/PortingFlippedInProgress#Build_changes [08:25] what no ? [08:25] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting#Device_changes ? [08:25] OUTDATED ? [08:26] ikillcypher, ^ [08:26] huh ? [08:26] why is there two ? [08:26] ikillcypher, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting#Build_changes [08:26] Yeah, the two are the same, no worries;P [08:26] When porting to a new device, you should include the following procfs patch which allows us to better manage applications running in the Ubuntu container. As there is much variation in the kernels shipped with Android, the patch may need adjustment to apply cleanly. [08:27] not needed ? [08:27] its needed [08:27] ikillcypher, ? [08:27] uh [08:27] smartboyhw, see [08:28] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting#PATCHES [08:28] not Device_Changes [08:28] ikillcypher, you need the patch [08:28] ikillcypher, actually, BOTH..... [08:28] You need both Device_Changes and the patches... [08:28] what both ? [08:28] jeez [08:28] Im talking about patches now [08:28] ikillcypher, yea [08:33] smartboyhw, [08:33] The part of interest are the subdirs included in the build and if special treatment for devices need to be made, i.e.; make sure the new vendor subdirs are added. [08:33] any idea what does it means ? [08:33] Im on devices changes [08:34] ikillcypher, wait, my network is too slow... [08:34] ikillcypher: did you patch your kernel files? [08:34] ie: https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_kernel_sony_apq8064/blob/cm-10.1/fs/proc/array.c [08:34] tes [08:34] yes [08:35] The part of interest are the subdirs included in the build and if special treatment for devices need to be made, i.e.; make sure the new vendor subdirs are added. [08:35] This will eventually not be needed. [08:35] dont understand this part [08:35] http://pastie.org/private/dsstuurmgcneqyfn8bb1tq [08:35] https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_device_sony_yuga/blob/cm-10.1/rootdir/init.device.rc [08:36] I know about that [08:36] I at the part where [08:36] The part of interest are the subdirs included in the build and if special treatment for devices need to be made, i.e.; make sure the new vendor subdirs are added. [08:36] This will eventually not be needed. [08:37] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting#Build_changes [08:37] ok i gotcha. its basically like the vendorsetup process on cm [08:37] but you have to do it manually [08:37] meaning [08:37] I have to add that in ? [08:40] meaning if you have any extra vendor stuffs too add, add it here [08:40] but if you built in cm fine it shouldnt need it [08:41] oh ok so skip that part :D [08:41] last part now [08:42] http://phablet.ubuntu.com/gitweb?p=CyanogenMod/android_build.git;a=blob;f=core/main.mk;h=4eb9db49f2e65c4d92409408322e345741afaf58;hb=HEAD [08:42] that file in particular. but again i dont think you'll need it [08:42] have you patched the brightness in init? [08:42] no [08:42] doing that now [08:44] https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_device_sony_yuga/blob/cm-10.1/rootdir/init.device.rc [08:44] line 12 [08:44] it should be changed to say "chmod 666 /sys/class/leds/lm3533-lcd-bl/brightness" [08:45] # Panel backlight [08:45] chown system system /sys/class/leds/lm3533-lcd-bl/brightness [08:45] chmod 660 /sys/class/leds/lm3533-lcd-bl/brightness [08:45] change the chmod ? [08:46] yup [08:46] you got it [08:46] now what should I do ? [08:46] Building the image ? [08:46] changed to chmod 666? [08:46] yes [08:46] now you can brunch and built [08:46] build* [08:46] finally [08:46] 48 hours later [08:46] that could take a few [08:46] hahahahahaha [08:46] yup I know [08:47] so I can just flash after this ? [08:47] no ? [08:47] i can build in about 30 minutes [08:48] cause it faster ? [08:48] if it doesnt error out, you should be able to flash phablet then your autodeploy.zip [08:48] what does the output file look like ? [08:48] cm ? [08:49] will there be two output file ? [08:49] *.zip and autodeploy.zip ? [08:51] youwill get out/target/product//*.zip /sdcard/autodeploy.zip [08:51] it is the building faster then cm ? [08:52] i dont know. [08:52] I meant build faster then cm [08:52] i built ubuntu on my old machine [08:52] did you successfully ported before [08:52] pressy4pie, help anmol out [08:52] he cant boot ubuntu - touch on his galaxy nexus [08:53] its my lg nexus 4 [08:53] stuck at google [08:53] i did a personal learning port on the samsung epic 4g [08:53] logo [08:53] anmol: i dont have a galaxy nexus but isnt is officially supported by phablet? [08:53] yes my lg nexus 4 is supported [08:54] mako? [08:54] its mako [08:54] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nexus_4 [08:54] yes> [08:54] ? [08:54] yes [08:55] pressy4pie, the build stopped [08:55] it'll do that [08:55] error? [08:55] http://pastie.org/private/xmbkmkgihvkbshfhb3xuq [08:55] i flashed 4.2.2 then unlocked bootloader , rooted ,installed cwm recovery and flashed ubuntu touch image [08:55] nowits stuck on google logo [08:56] ikillcypher: you are missing file [08:56] missing what file [08:56] /home/ikillcypher/xperiatouch/out/target/product/yuga/utilities/extract_elf_ramdisk [08:57] huh what should I do ? [08:57] hold on [08:58] ok. did you run extract-files.sh? [08:59] tell me i m stuck at google !!! :( [08:59] ~/xperiatouch/ extract-files.sh ? [08:59] yes [08:59] anmol hold on [08:59] okay [08:59] pressy4pie, ? [08:59] ok so im guessing ~/xperiatouch [09:00] is your source dir [09:00] yes [09:00] ok cd device/sony/yuga [09:01] ikillcypher@ikillcypher:~/xperiatouch/device/sony/yuga$ [09:01] ok ? [09:01] your phone is plugged in? [09:01] .build/envsetup.sh [09:01] ? [09:01] yes [09:01] no [09:02] do ./extractfile.sh [09:02] do ./extractfiles.sh [09:02] just to be sure [09:02] bash: ./extractfiles.sh: No such file or directory [09:02] extract-files.sh ? [09:02] ./extract-files.sh my bad [09:02] lol [09:02] ok extracting [09:02] ok done xD [09:02] just doing that to be sure [09:02] ok [09:03] cd to top [09:03] croot ? [09:03] yup [09:03] ~/xperiatouch ? [09:03] ok now what [09:03] ok and do you have all the dependencies? [09:03] https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_device_sony_yuga/blob/cm-10.1/cm.dependencies [09:03] yes [09:04] now what do I do ? [09:04] hold on [09:05] ok i think i gotchu [09:06] git clone https://github.com/Dees-Troy/extract_elf_ramdisk.git external/extract_elf_ramdisk [09:07] you sure ? [09:07] not 100 percent [09:07] m waitin :( [09:07] ok done [09:07] but thats the tool your needing [09:07] anmol just awhile more [09:07] now what should I do [09:08] hold on im looking at how kali- set up the device profiles [09:08] ok [09:08] anmol did you clear factory and cache ? [09:08] ok. so i think your missing a dependency [09:08] after flashing 4.2.2 [09:08] yes i did [09:09] pressy4pie, missing meaning [09:09] ikillcypher: do you have https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_device_sony_common.git in device/sony/common? [09:09] yup [09:09] https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_device_sony_common/tree/cm-10.1/extract_elf_ramdisk [09:09] thats your tool [09:10] yup have iut [09:10] so you can rm -rf external/extract_elf_ramdisk [09:10] why ? [09:10] remove [09:10] we already have it. you dont need it in external [09:10] ok done removed [09:10] now what [09:11] hold on reading [09:13] well. ok. heres one solution [09:13] cd device/sony/common/extract_elf_ramdisk [09:13] wait [09:13] dont do that yet [09:13] ? [09:13] ok [09:13] stay at croot [09:13] lunch your device [09:14] lunch ? [09:14] i think my saucy-preinstalled armhf file is corrupted... i am downloading it again .... :( thanks for the care @ikillcypher and @pressy4pie.. [09:14] anmol sorry i couldt be of more help [09:15] http://wiki.cyanogenmod.org/w/Envsetup_help#lunch [09:15] pressy4pie, http://pastie.org/8226502 [09:15] its an android building basic [09:15] now what [09:15] ok you caught on quick there nice. [09:15] yes I have built cm before [09:15] so pretty I know what Im doing [09:15] now try "make extract_elf_ramdisk" [09:16] that may or maynot work [09:16] just not good with bash commands [09:16] make extract_elf_ramdisk ? [09:16] yup [09:16] is that a vaild command ? [09:16] when you lunch your device [09:16] inside of envsetup.sh [09:16] http://pastie.org/private/a4m5jwbnsya0rq9fagtpg [09:16] ok [09:16] see that [09:16] you can make anything with an android.mk [09:17] what should I do now ? [09:17] its still thinking hold on [09:17] givie it a sec to build it [09:17] build it ? [09:17] its building extract_elf_ramdisk right now [09:18] along with other needed depends [09:18] http://pastie.org/private/4tdjplwijeevdm245q [09:18] omg [09:18] thats what i thought lol. ok cd device/sony/common/extract_elf_ramdisk [09:18] ? [09:19] cd device/sony/common/extract_elf_ramdisk [09:19] ikillcypher@ikillcypher:~/xperiatouch/device/sony/common/extract_elf_ramdisk$ [09:19] ok then ? [09:19] mm [09:21] whats it doing? [09:21] doing nothing [09:21] im waiting [09:21] oh. type "mm" [09:22] No private recovery resources for TARGET_DEVICE yuga [09:22] make: Entering directory `/home/ikillcypher/xperiatouch' [09:22] make: *** No rule to make target `/home/ikillcypher/xperiatouch/out/target/product/yuga/obj/lib/crtbegin_static.o', needed by `/home/ikillcypher/xperiatouch/out/target/product/yuga/obj/RECOVERY_EXECUTABLES/extract_elf_ramdisk_intermediates/LINKED/extract_elf_ramdisk'. Stop. [09:22] make: Leaving directory `/home/ikillcypher/xperiatouch' [09:22] i cant read that pastie it [09:22] http://pastie.org/private/6zooqwqgsgdmi1m7rm2z3g [09:23] o k. [09:24] go ahead and cd to your yuga device prof [09:24] ? [09:24] huh [09:24] cd device/sony/yuga [09:24] ~xperiatouch? [09:24] http://pastie.org/private/6zooqwqgsgdmi1m7rm2z3g [09:24] whoops [09:25] ikillcypher@ikillcypher:~/xperiatouch/device/sony/yuga$ [09:25] donew [09:26] open yuga.mk in your favorite editor. and at line 70 add xtract_elf_ramdisk [09:26] line 70 is ? [09:27] https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_device_sony_yuga/blob/cm-10.1/yuga.mk [09:27] line 70 is a blank line lol [09:28] you need to include the PRODUCT_PACKAGES += \ XperiaSettings \ extract_elf_ramdisk [09:28] what to add ? [09:28] PRODUCT_PACKAGES += \ [09:28] XperiaSettings \ [09:28] extract_elf_ramdisk [09:28] like that ? [09:28] there you gop [09:28] go* [09:28] ok now what [09:29] make clobber and build again [09:29] save -> make clobber ? [09:29] yes [09:29] wont that remove phatom tools again [09:29] build again from branch ? [09:29] ok dont make clobber then [09:29] just do make cleaninstall [09:30] at xperiatouch ? [09:30] yea [09:30] ikillcypher@ikillcypher:~/xperiatouch$ cleaninstall [09:30] cleaninstall: command not found [09:30] er make installclean [09:30] Deleted emulator userdata images. [09:30] Deleted images and staging directories. [09:30] ikillcypher@ikillcypher:~/xperiatouch$ [09:30] there you go. now brunch it again [09:31] . build/envsetup.sh && brunch yuga ? [09:31] you dont need to envsetup.sh but essentially yes [09:31] I will just do it anyway [09:31] ok brunching yuga [09:32] let hope it works this time [09:32] . build/envsetup.sh only needs to be ran once. its function is set up environment [09:32] env(ironment)setup [09:32] oh my god [09:32] it error out [09:32] ? [09:32] http://pastie.org/private/ejb62atf3fg3gnafthxbw [09:33] hm that is very weird [09:34] :'( [09:34] i think it could main.mk [09:35] which main.mk ? [09:35] the only one/ [09:35] in core/build [09:35] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting#main.mk ? [09:35] yup [09:35] what about it :3 [09:35] what should I do now [09:35] hold on im seeing how other people dealt with that [09:36] ok [09:38] ok link me your build/core/main.mk [09:39] link you ? [09:39] pastie ? [09:39] yea pastie paste bin w/e [09:39] http://pastie.org/private/fxo6uijjnsvkbu7e0hgyua [09:40] I FOUND IT [09:42] after line 190 [09:42] add vendor/sony \ [09:42] o.o [09:42] $(info Checking build tools versions...) [09:42] o.O [09:42] 190 [09:43] what? [09:43] endif # HOST_OS is darwin [09:43] that is line 190\ [09:43] oh strange [09:43] uh [09:43] find vendor/nxp \ [09:43] after that att vendor/sony \ [09:43] # device and vendor ? [09:43] yup [09:44] so just add [09:44] vendor/nxp \ [09:44] vendor/sony \ [09:44] yup [09:44] im not sure why its needed but now i get what the guide meant [09:44] now what :3 [09:44] what guide ? [09:44] lo [09:44] lol [09:45] ubuntu's [09:45] anyway what should I do now ? [09:45] anyway. try to build again [09:45] brunch yuga will do right [09:45] no need ./envset? [09:45] this time you'll need to . build/envsetup.sh [09:45] you changed it so you have to reinitialize unfortunately [09:45] . build/envsetup.sh && brunch yuga [09:45] so . build/envsetup.sh && branch yuga ? [09:46] yush [09:46] ok trying now [09:46] i dont know if that will solve the particular error. but i will solve many down the road [09:46] http://pastie.org/private/zem6ibh8tocxpcukrcodyg [09:47] -____- [09:47] im not sure why its doing that [09:47] how do I slove it ? [09:47] im still looking. [09:48] :'( help me please [09:49] im looking. this is a compleely new device to me and i dont know how it was built [09:49] ikillcypher: pressy4pie is basically doing all the porting work at this point. Please be patient and calm. [09:50] hes doing his fair share [09:50] well it is at the final part nhaines so I dont know what are you on about [09:50] Im just asking for help with the error [09:53] look in out/targer/product [09:54] and tell me whats there [09:54] yuga ? [09:54] inside yuga obj folder [09:55] clean_steps.mk and previous_build_config.mk [09:55] pressy4pie: you're a lot more patient than I am. I'm quite impressed. [09:55] nhaines i enjoy it [09:56] ikillcypher: theres no folder called utilities [09:56] ? [09:56] no [09:56] ok so its trying to call the boot.img thing too early [09:57] :'( [09:57] hold on [09:57] looking [09:58] this was a well documented device profile i like it [09:59] o.o cool [09:59] I think thousand of people will be happy of the prt [09:59] port not forgetting Sony ;) [10:00] ok. so you have device/sony/fusion3-common? [10:01] yeah [10:01] ls you device/sony [10:01] huh [10:01] cd device/sony [10:01] ls [10:01] pastie it [10:02] http://pastie.org/private/mkmrcs1uz6oa2b33p9jsg [10:03] https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_device_sony_fusion3-common/blob/cm-10.2/fusion3.mk [10:03] line 97 calls extract_elf_ramdisk [10:03] ? [10:03] so you can remove it from your yuga.mk [10:04] yuga.mk ? [10:04] device/sony/yuga.mk [10:04] remove the line i told you to add [10:04] done [10:05] now [10:05] why the hell isnt it getting build [10:05] lol ? [10:05] you want me to branch again? [10:05] no it wont work [10:06] pastie your fusion3.mk file [10:06] http://pastie.org/private/zp7knjlraraj4g4e0qik9g [10:06] k thats good [10:07] these profiles build fine in cm i presume? [10:07] yup [10:08] ok idea. try to build it with lunch [10:09] croot ? [10:09] yup [10:09] do lunch cm_yuga-eng [10:09] ok doing that now [10:09] cm_yuga-userdebug [10:09] ok sure [10:09] shouldnt matter [10:10] ok done [10:10] ikillcypher@ikillcypher:~/xperiatouch$ [10:10] what are your specs [10:10] ? [10:10] core2duo [10:10] 4gb [10:10] Ouch [10:10] lmao [10:10] do make -j2 [10:10] anyway lets continue [10:10] make -j2 ? [10:10] yup [10:10] what is thaat [10:11] its lunch [10:11] yummy [10:11] make is your command to make android [10:11] er ubuntu i spose [10:11] like brunch ? [10:11] its kinda like brunch but a bit different [10:11] http://elinux.org/Android_Build_System [10:12] good reading for envsetup.sh and brunch and lunch and breakfast and what not [10:12] well so far it is good [10:12] did you fix it ? [10:12] it does things differently. it is possible but doubtfull [10:13] meaning [10:13] keep an eye on it for that module that was failing to copy/build [10:14] http://pastie.org/private/jf0kxv8ey8mibl3hripzga [10:15] ok rild is failing to go this time [10:17] :( [10:17] git clone https://github.com/theminigame/android_vendor_sony_yuga.git vendor/sony/yuga [10:17] sure? [10:17] lol haven seen that repo before [10:17] its the same author so yea [10:17] it shouldnt be needed but apparently it is [10:17] ikillcypher@ikillcypher:~/xperiatouch$ git clone https://github.com/theminigame/android_vendor_sony_yuga.git vendor/sony/yuga [10:17] fatal: destination path 'vendor/sony/yuga' already exists and is not an empty directory. [10:17] ikillcypher@ikillcypher:~/xperiatouch$ [10:18] oh rm -rf it first [10:18] rm -rf /vendor/sony/yuga ? [10:18] yuh [10:18] ikillcypher@ikillcypher:~/xperiatouch$ rm -rf /vendor/sony/yuga/ikillcypher@ikillcypher:~/xperiatouch$ git clone https://github.com/theminigame/android_vendor_sony_yuga.git vendor/sony/yuga [10:18] fatal: destination path 'vendor/sony/yuga' already exists and is not an empty directory. [10:18] ikillcypher@ikillcypher:~/xperiatouch$ [10:19] nvm [10:19] forgot the / [10:19] you have an extra / [10:19] yup [10:19] cloning now [10:20] so basically what are you trying to do now? [10:20] get any libs that could be missing [10:20] the build was missing libril [10:21] https://github.com/theminigame/android_vendor_sony_yuga/tree/jellybean-mr1/proprietary/lib [10:21] which is in here [10:21] wait [10:21] ok let that finish [10:21] done [10:22] now do make installclean [10:22] or is it cleaninstall [10:22] make installclean [10:22] ok done [10:22] i always get em backwards [10:22] now make -j2 agaom [10:22] make -j2 ? [10:22] yuh [10:23] ok hopes it work [10:23] me thinks its a problem with ubuntu not picking up everything [10:24] ? [10:24] dont worry about it [10:26] looks good so far [10:26] *prays* [10:27] whats this phones name? [10:27] so you actually successfully ported for your device [10:27] Xerpia Z [10:27] yuga [10:27] not ubuntu-touch [10:27] i hate ubuntu-touch [10:28] well not hate [10:28] im not a fan yet [10:28] when it is more stable im sure ill like it [10:29] so what did you port [10:29] well i got ubunt-touch running on my samsung epic 4g [10:29] but that device was made for gb and it didnt run reall nice [10:29] plus all the missing stuff [10:29] andd i got cm10.1 on the epic 4g unofficially. [10:30] for my own learnign [10:30] so far terminal is still building [10:30] after which I should get the same as brunch right? [10:30] thats good [10:30] you'll have to run mka bacon [10:31] mka bacon ? [10:31] hopefully ubuntu-touch didnt bork that [10:31] mka bacon is cyanogenmod's special mka otatools [10:31] it is still making [10:31] er [10:31] how long is this o.o [10:32] ota something i dont remember [10:32] OH NOOOOO [10:32] and it will take a good while [10:32] what now/? [10:32] http://pastie.org/private/fakauvseemhpol2ewig2lg [10:32] you know c? [10:33] wait [10:33] my bad tahts the same error [10:34] any idea what should I do now :') [10:34] do you still have your cyanogenmod install? [10:34] er repo [10:34] I have 10.2 here [10:34] not 10.1 [10:35] erm. how fast is your internet? but, id resync cm10.1 and use these device profiles and see if it goes. [10:35] 50MBPS ? [10:36] thatd get it done quick enough [10:36] well what you want me to do ? [10:36] if i were you id go ahead and sync cm10.1 and build thesse repos against that to check there integrity [10:36] D: ? wtf [10:37] that's pretty insane [10:37] otherwise i think ubuntu is screwing you over somewhere [10:37] should I wait for a developer ? [10:37] if you like [10:37] or mail it to ubuntuptouch ? [10:38] can I try brunch yuga [10:38] see if the kernel error is gone [10:38] i dont know enough about ubuntu-touch to know why its not building your stuff in order [10:38] wait there is a kernel error? [10:38] see if the kernel error is gone << [10:39] ikillcypher@ikillcypher:~/xperiatouch$ brunch yuga [10:39] just ran that now [10:39] whats happening is its not building extract_whatever_;da;lkj in time and its trying to build your boot.img before its there [10:40] cant we edit that? [10:40] extract_elf_ramdisk [10:41] huh ? [10:41] you can. or i can look at it late tommorrow again. but i have stuff to do in about an hour and i could use some sleep. [10:41] yeah it has been quite long [10:41] I will pop by later to see if any developers are on [10:42] but your repo to look at is herehttps://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_device_sony_common/commit/f19a1b319b67afd8640422466f3c6b42a5ec5448 [10:42] my bad [10:42] https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_device_sony_common/commit/f19a1b319b67afd8640422466f3c6b42a5ec5448 [10:42] anyway branch still has the same kernel error [10:42] and [10:42] https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_device_sony_common/commit/142feebbc5cfbcf726148ea827539ad61afcc5e3 [10:43] anyway im out man sorry i couldnt be more help [10:43] its okay you have done enough [10:44] but your repo is set up and patched [10:44] all you need is the device profiles to work [10:44] see if someone who knows your device can help [10:44] later [10:55] How I can parse html pages with QML+JavaScript? People recommend XMLHttpRequest, but it doesn't work. [11:42] hello all, does anyone know if I can use phablet-flash to flash any recovery, even clockworkmod, to use it like heimdall? [11:44] It has to support the extended commands, I believe. [11:44] phablet-flash installs CWM recovery, though. So you're probably set there. [11:45] i went back to stock. so what you saying is I can just phablet-flash the ubuntu recovery and use that too flash any roms, including ubuntu? [11:46] to* [11:47] They just did a major update. I'm not sure it would work, although in theory you could write a plugin that would do this. [11:47] However, it doesn't flash the recovery on its own. [11:48] saucy-preinstalled-recovery-armel+mako.img [11:49] so best to just stick to heimdall? [11:49] I'm not sure what you're asking. phablet-flash doesn't have an option to flash only the recovery. The only part that's optional is the recovery. [11:50] If Heimdall does what you want, then probably. [11:50] trying to find the easiest way to switch between ubuntu and other droid roms [11:51] I only travel between stock Android and Ubuntu, but I just use each tool to do so. [11:51] ok [12:44] Hi there, I'm getting 'phablet-flash: error: too few arguments' when running phablet-flash -b anyone any ideas? === Namidairo is now known as Namidairo`bnc === mibofra_ is now known as mibofra [15:03] any developers here ? [15:04] sergiusens, ? [15:04] :( [15:11] Good morning [15:11] Flashing Ubuntu toro and get nothing but a black screen [15:12] lol [15:12] Using twrp [15:12] any ideas? [15:18] blah :( it is so hard to contact a ubuntu developer [15:19] ikillcypher, wait till Monday [15:19] Monday there will be a lot of them:) [15:19] here ? [15:19] ikillcypher, it's a Sunday don't forget. Yep here [15:19] monday Im from gmt +8 timezone [15:20] ikillcypher, me too [15:20] ikillcypher, I mean, monday GMT:P [15:21] lol [15:21] alright then tc :) [15:36] hello [15:36] Hello annerajb [15:37] anybody have the updated steps to checkout the flipped image? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/PortingFlippedInProgress appears to have the same steps as the previous guide. so it still checks out unflipped source code. [15:40] I updated my .repo/manifests.xml to use this revision But it dosnt produce a timestampped device zip like it did before. [15:54] Hi guys [15:54] I'd like to know whether it is already possible to watch youtube videos on Ubuntu Touch> [16:03] Is there anybody alive? [16:05] pixelshuck, hi [16:05] Hi, could you help me with installation of Ubuntu Touch on Nexus 4? I have weird issue [16:05] to be exact, phablet-flash -b fails [16:05] phablet-flash: error: too few arguments [16:06] okay, have you installed other custom roms like CM on your phone before? [16:06] Yes [16:06] It is on AOSP rom right now [16:06] the just download the .zip and flash it, don't bother with phablet-flash [16:06] Which one? [16:07] http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/daily-preinstalled/current/ [16:07] Every one with *Mako in name? [16:07] and the last one? [16:07] only the one mako zip [16:07] and the big ne [16:07] one [16:08] boot and last one? [16:08] and reboot to recovery, wipe, nstall mako.zip and install phablet.zip [16:08] no [16:08] saucy-preinstalled-touch-armel+mako.zip [16:09] and saucy-preinstalled-touch-armhf.zip [16:09] Alright, I'll try [16:09] If you need help, just ask [16:10] Offtopic: Ubuntu 13.04 should come with MTP support, right? [16:11] well, you need additional steps [16:12] check this out [16:12] http://www.mysolutions.it/mounting-android-sd-card-ubuntu/ [16:13] Mounted already [16:13] rebooting into recovery [16:13] Which file to flash first? [16:14] big or small one? [16:21] small [16:22] pixelshuck, mako.zip [16:22] first [16:22] Flashed, and had my first bug and crash already (: [16:23] Thanks! [16:23] what bug? [16:23] Opened gmail app(site), it did not allow me to write anything in the textbox [16:24] how come? [16:25] dunno [16:25] reboot helped [16:26] How do I close apps? [16:27] Found it :) [16:30] Got saucy to boot off an lvm2 partition, had to compile lvm.static and put that in my initramfs and change the touch script [16:30] Well, I expected a little better overall experince, but oh well, it's alpha. [16:30] powerd is complaining that it cant find my backlight, looking in /sys/class/backlight but my tablet uses /sys/class/leds for the backlight [16:31] should I change my kernel to do /sys/class/backlight instead of led's or can I change where powerd is looking and tell it to look somewhere else? [16:31] my kernel is 7 mb. =) [16:32] Guys, "Popular" tab supposed to allow playing video, or not? [16:35] this doesn't seem to work..... mount --bind /sys/class/leds \ /sys/class/backlight [16:48] Aww, ubuntu is not ready yet :( [16:48] Any head ups about release? [16:52] I updated my phablet-dev-tools or whatever, and it by default will build saucy [16:53] downloaded a daily image from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/daily-preinstalled/20130811/ [16:57] modified touch script to work with lvm on a hp touchpad [16:57] http://pastebin.com/FJKG4KvL [16:59] How to compile lvm.static for initramfs http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=26164531#post26164531 [16:59] I compiled it on ubuntu 13.04 raring (non-touch) with my touchpad.. made it easier instead of messing with qemu [17:00] Oroku_Saki: ubuntu touch runs fine on the touchpad? [17:01] last I checked the status was a couple of months ago and it still had some big chunks that weren't working [17:05] anyone knows why saucy port reboot when USB is unplugged? [17:05] mamenyaka, does the dmesg say anything? [17:05] if you do a tail -f while plugin the usb? [17:05] annerajb, it reboots instantly [17:06] I get some powerd errors in dmesg [17:06] can you paste bin them? [17:06] annerajb, of course [17:06] Oroku_Saki, how did you modified phablet-dev-tools to build saucy by default. [17:07] sudo apt-get update [17:07] update came out yesterday or the day before [17:07] then do the upgrade and you should see phablet in your list of updates [17:08] does the phablet tool now default to saucy? [17:08] yep [17:08] so phablet-dev-bootstrap also? [17:08] I redownloaded ubuntu and it was saucy [17:08] one command will update all phablet dev tools [17:09] so i just run bootstrap again and this time it will get phablet saucy? [17:10] @vic no... touchpad doesn't show gui like it did with quantal [17:10] annerajb, without usb plugged in, it doesn't even boot [17:10] that is what I am working on.... [17:10] powerd or dpower complains about not finding a backlight [17:10] I already had saucy, bootstrap was good with that [17:11] ah alright, thanks [17:11] Oroku_Saki, did you grant it permissions like it says on the porting guide? 10 + chmod 0666 /sys/class/backlight/panel/brightness [17:12] yep... bit mine is /sys/class/leds not brightness [17:12] powerd seems to be looking at class/backlight which is empty for my device [17:12] annerajb, are you working on ubuntu touch? [17:13] annerajb, this is what I get: powerd: unhandled page fault (11) at 0x00000000, code 0x017 [17:13] annerajb, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5974311/ [17:15] mamenyaka, i am not a ubuntu touch developer. just trying to help since my full time work consist of fixing issues like this for a company. so it's similar [17:16] annerajb, I would e forever thankful if you could help me [17:16] mamenyaka, i can try [17:17] powerd needs work, imo [17:17] annerajb, my device is Sony Tablet Z [17:17] they patched it last july... [17:18] well, it's working for other devices I guess [17:18] yep... ones that happen to adhere to /sys/class/brightness only =) [17:18] powerd also gives me some binder error in my syslog [17:19] what device are you porting on? [17:19] hp touchpad [17:20] and if you just add the line? [17:25] mamenyaka, did you add the udev rules for your device? [17:25] yesyes [17:26] mamenyaka, it seems udev is complaining a lot about them. from line 671-725 of the pastebin it complains about udev rules. [17:27] also found this mamenyaka http://devlabs.linuxassist.net/issues/228 [17:28] annerajb, what is about devtmpfs_ [17:28] ? [17:29] i am not sure since the bug repot is vague. but it's the only thing i could find searching online. [17:30] thank you [17:31] hmmm, I have this in the kernel config, from the porting guide: CONFIG_DEVTMPFS=y [17:34] here is my issue: http://pastebin.com/GTsX6vC8 =) [17:34] buntu-phablet powerd[654]: No backlight devices found [17:37] can't you live without that? [17:37] I don't know =) not getting a gui.. [17:37] that is why I am here [17:37] I don't know what to do next [17:38] I don't see ubuntu-session anymore, which.. I read.. isn't supposed to be there anymore [17:38] so.... uhhh [17:38] well, that why don't you ask for help on not getting a gui? I don't think it's related to backlight [17:38] doing that now, good idea =) [17:39] so, do you have the udev rules? [17:39] Oroku_Saki, if you run initcl start unity8 what happens? [17:39] (must be run as phablet i think) [17:39] mamenyaka, if the LCD dosnt have blacklight is going to be extremely dim. AFAIK [17:39] initctl not found [17:40] what do you have in your console? [17:40] right now my brightness is at 255 anyways [17:40] root@ubuntu-phablet ? [17:40] phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ initcl start unity8 -bash: initcl: command not found [17:40] so your not using flipped? [17:40] you're [17:41] I suppose not, I modified touch to do unflipped, but I have / mounted and my /system mounted with my /system, etc [17:41] I thought about pushing my system.img to my data to see what happens [17:41] which ubuntu image did you flash? [17:41] today's =) [17:41] well that's for flipped [17:41] you need nonflipped [17:41] oh [17:42] also, to access the ubuntu shell, type ubuntu-chroot [17:42] do you know where I can download the daily nonflipped image? [17:42] do you have the link for the daily flipped? [17:42] ubuntu-chroot command not found [17:42] I seem to be inside the chroot [17:42] well, what do you get when you just start to type ubuntu and smash TAB? [17:42] ? [17:42] okay [17:43] I have a swap.swp file at / [17:43] try android-chroot [17:43] root@ubuntu-phablet:/var/log# android-chroot chroot: cannot change root directory to /proc/-1/root/: No such file or directory [17:44] yes, so you are in flipped, that means ubuntu by default [17:44] nevertheless, here you go: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch-preview/daily-preinstalled/current/ [17:44] get the latest nonflipped [17:45] mamenyaka, shoudnt he use flipped since that's it what ubuntu touch is going to release with? [17:45] http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch-preview/daily-preinstalled/current/saucy-preinstalled-phablet-armhf.zip is that flipped or non flipped? how can you tell the difference? only 1 download [17:45] right [17:45] well, unless he has the fliped device image [17:45] i think the one that says -preview is unflipped [17:45] perhaps I should just upload my system.img to my /data and reboot and see what happens??? =) [17:45] I believe this is flipped http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/daily-preinstalled/ [17:45] touch script seems to be looking for that file and if it doesn't find it, then it goes to nonflipped part of the script [17:45] yes [17:46] well hell, see what happens [17:46] nono [17:46] nono? [17:46] just don't try to break stuff, it will break on it's own [17:46] =) [17:47] what device image do you have? [17:47] .zip [17:47] my lvm2 partitions get mounted with lvm.static command, but the uuid's don't get added to /dev/disk/by-uuid [17:47] did you build it [17:47] so the preload mount script doesn't "see" the /data partition [17:47] yeah I built the lvm.static [17:48] so my partitions are in /dev/mapper and /dev/store [17:48] have any github sources I could check? [17:48] just links... to threads.. [17:49] I did it last night at midnight [17:49] with the compiled lvm.static I put that in /bin on my initramdisk (unpacked and packed) [17:49] then changed the touch script [17:49] which script? [17:50] script is:/scripts/touch in the initramfs.... lvm.static vgscan lvm.static vgchange -ay mount /dev/store/cm-data /tmpmnt [17:50] those 3 commands [17:50] to get my data partition mounted @ /tmpmnt [17:51] # Old flipped model elif [ -d /tmpmnt/ubuntu ]; then mount --bind /tmpmnt/ubuntu ${rootmnt} mount /dev/store/cm-system ${rootmnt}/system mountroot_status="$?" [17:52] except that was old.. I had to do mkdir ${rootmnt}/system then it would mount [17:53] and how do you install the ubuntu image? [17:54] through clockworkmod [17:54] maybe I just misunderstood some things, sorry for that [17:54] but I put the ramdisk changes is boot after the install for the modified touch script and lvm.static addition [17:54] np it is confusing [17:54] =) [17:55] so again, you have phablet-10.1 or phablet-saucy source? [17:55] yep [17:55] brunch tenderloin etc [17:57] fliped (phablet-saucy) or unflipped (phablet-10.1)? [17:57] well, I went off the porting directions... there was an update to phablet-dev-bootstrap tools... it said that it would now do saucy by default, as of yesterday [17:57] cat .repo/manifest.xml | more [17:58] so I installed it, redownloaded the entire thing from scratch, compiled, and noticed it brought me into a busybox [17:58] hang on [17:58] okay then [17:58] so you need the latest flipped iamge [17:59] no need to download anything [17:59] that is what I have [17:59] yes [17:59] this has something to do with that touch script finding partitions and then | tail 1 [17:59] I bet... [17:59] It looks for partitions with uuid's or labels [17:59] yes [18:00] I should just focus on getting my lvm2 partitions to show up in udev in the ramdisk [18:00] the uuid do not show in /dev/disk/by-uuid [18:00] you guys know how to pull that off? =) [18:01] "/proc/-1/root/" that is related I bet [18:01] seems I will have to get my uuid to show up for this to work [18:02] yep.. just uploading my system.img to my data partition doesn't help.. script needs to find my uuid's... going to work on that I suppose [18:03] hey, i installede ubuntu on my nexus 4, but i cant get a network connection [18:03] though I do seem to wind up booting in phablet if I use the unflipped part of the touch script [18:03] didn't you get any build errors? [18:03] no [18:03] interesting [18:03] I don't think so [18:03] why? [18:04] dunno =) [18:04] in your $OUT, do you have android-boot.img, right? [18:04] any one that can help me out? [18:04] aww I know [18:04] I had to uncomment that [18:05] I remove it I mean [18:05] in build/core/makefile [18:05] removed that so it would build [18:05] I saw some pastebin about it when it was called ubuntu boot img install or whatever [18:05] now it is called android [18:06] yes [18:06] your a mind reader [18:06] INSTALLED_BOOTIMAGE_TARGET := $(PRODUCT_OUT)/boot.img [18:06] .../system/boot/android-ramdisk.img [18:07] from uboot-bootimg.mk [18:07] oh yeah.. ./out/target/product/tenderloin/boot.img [18:07] I had this same problem yesterday [18:07] I just renamed it to android-boot.img [18:07] strange... mine builds without having to do that [18:08] well, mine doesn't [18:08] must be our init scripts =) [18:08] Oroku_Saki, did you do the nosuid fstab modification before building the image? [18:08] I just copy and paste [18:08] yes [18:08] also, did you convert the rules from ueventd.tenderloin.rc? [18:08] modified the nosuid [18:08] no.... [18:09] Oroku_Saki, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/PortingFlippedInProgress#w-flo.27s_Notes [18:09] how does you fstab look now? [18:11] udev rules... hmmmm [18:12] yes, but if you can't android-chroot, I think there are other problems as well [18:16] how much space do you need for an ubuntu touch filesystem? [18:17] rah, around 980MB [18:17] i am installing it on a 918gb partition and it finishes with 300k But i am not sure if it copied everything succesfully [18:18] ok thanks [18:18] also for my 918gb install i had to delete files like /usr/share/doc [18:18] 918mb? [18:19] yes my bad [18:19] i hope so, at that size you would be just rounding to 1 TB [18:20] lol [18:23] hi [18:23] qualcuno parla italiano? [18:25] which is the difference betwen ubuntu touch preview and ubuntu touch [18:25] ? [18:26] Francesco_ i believe preview is unflippedand ubuntu-touch is flipped [18:27] sorry but i don 't understend flipped [18:28] what does it mean? [18:28] Francesco_, Unflipped is the old way where we run the android kernel and ubuntu touch runs like and app of sort. [18:28] Francesco_, Flipped we run a ubuntu kernel and android runs on a container like and app. [18:29] thk [18:29] so i need to install in my nexus device the ubuntu touch daily preinstall? [18:30] Francesco_, which nexus you have? I believe phablet-flash should install the latest version automatically [18:30] galaxy nexus [18:31] but i con 't find the phablet file [18:31] http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/daily-preinstalled/current/ [18:31] Francesco_, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install#Step_4_-_Deploying_Image_to_Device [18:32] that tool will automatically pull the laltest [18:34] by adb? [18:36] leave that tool alone [18:36] did you install any custom ROMs befora? [18:36] yes [18:36] i ve twrp recovery [18:37] just grab saucy-preinstalled-touch-armel+maguro.zip [18:37] and saucy-preinstalled-touch-armhf.zip [18:37] reboot into recovery, wipe, flash, done [18:37] of the ubuntu touch o ubuntu touch preview? [18:37] ubuntu touch [18:38] the link you posted [18:38] i ve try with the 11/08 build [18:38] you can [18:38] and i ve e boot loop of google open padlock [18:39] open adlock means you've unlocked your bootloader [18:39] yes but i ve this screen for ever [18:39] that it meansyou did something wrong [18:40] i try with the 08/8 build [18:40] how did you flash it? [18:40] the 11/08 [18:40] yes and i ve a boot loop [18:40] how [18:41] did you flash it [18:41] sorry [18:41] wipe and isntall [18:41] more precisely [18:42] one moment [18:43] advance wipe(twrp)- dalvik cache system cache [18:43] then factory reset [18:44] yes [18:44] after flash 2 files [18:44] then wipe and reboot [18:44] please expand "flash 2 files" [18:46] first saucy-preinstalled-touch-armhf.zip [18:46] second saucy-preinstalled-touch-armel+maguro.zip [18:48] is it ok? [18:48] now i try to 8/8build [18:48] hi [18:48] new to touch [18:49] we run a company and we want to setup ubuntu over our tabs. [18:49] galaxy tab? [18:50] thanks to all [18:51] Francesco_, sorry [18:52] Francesco_, you are flashing them in the woprng order [18:52] first maguro.zip, hten the other [18:53] no, AM335x [18:53] TI.com [18:53] is there anybody who can help ? [18:54] alalavin, why do you need ubuntu touch? [18:54] because, we want to have linux istead of android and it's open source advantages [18:55] alalavin, the touch is top of android [18:55] you do know that it is only a developer preview? and for you to deploy it on your device, first you need to port it? [18:55] on top [18:56] yeah, but i'm asking if there is any ubuntu linux that can install independently on out tabs. ? [18:56] u know, we don't want to have android === JanC_ is now known as JanC [18:58] u know, i want to know if it's possible to run ubuntu on tabs. like ubuntu on nokia n900 ? [18:59] wilee-nilee, can u help me ? [19:00] alalavin, this is a development as of now wait till its been actually released. [19:00] for a company dispersal [19:01] ok, right know, what can we do with this relaese ? [19:01] because u know, in ubuntu.com on tablet page u see many feautres [19:01] not much. Most of the apps are broken. [19:01] alalavin, Install it and check it out, if your looking for hand holding help the IRC is the last place to be. [19:02] i want to know, how can i use it on our tablets ? [19:03] alalavin, THe only real use as of now is fairly geek orientated, you have to ssh in to make any changes. [19:04] not really for common consumption [19:04] ok [19:04] even to install it you need a lot of stuff to do [19:04] alalavin, YOu can try it out though. ;) [19:04] and r u familar with texas instruments as TI [19:04] like woiding the warranty of the tablets [19:05] we have a AM335x starter kit [19:05] and it has a linux version with SDK [19:06] because u know, it's not popular [19:06] but the problem is that we have to develop any apps. for it [19:11] wilee-nilee, can u help me throught the tabs design [19:11] we are affraid of android [19:12] and ubuntu is something fine but with our customized linux with SDK, we can't use many market apps. [19:13] hey, i installede ubuntu on my nexus 4, but i cant make calles or sms on it. can any one help? [19:14] is there any one who can help or make a brain storm about what we should do with our tab. ? [19:15] alalavin, what are you trying to use them for on your company? [19:15] first we want to sell them for some specific organs. [19:16] and then we want to move to public market [19:16] but our SDK and its limitation is warning us [19:16] so you wanna sell the tablets with touch preinstalled? [19:17] yeah with some necessary requirements [19:18] my only complaint about ubuntu touch is that its not installed on all my devices yet! :D [19:18] for the start we can just run our customers program but later we should enter the market [19:18] :D [19:20] so, no one can help??? [19:20] i should use chinese AH to OEM and run android [19:21] my complaint is that i have no devices that are capable of running it yet T-T [19:21] yeah i red from aaderse [19:22] i have a nexus 4, but sounds like a couple show stoppers still [19:22] so i'm waiting [19:22] does ubuntu touch usually have apt-get installed [19:23] thnx everybody [19:23] aanderse, show stoppers such as what? I think the basic functionality is all there, isn't it? [19:24] hello? [19:26] co, yes, it does. [19:26] looks like mobile data and mobile are are WIP [19:26] front and rear camera are also not working completely [19:26] ok, then if it's missing how should I go about restoring it [19:26] aanderse, mobile data, front, rear camera all work fine on my Galaxy Nexus. [19:27] is that spreadsheet out of date? [19:27] cause i'm real excited to try out ubuntu touch :) [19:27] co, I'm not certain, but personally I would probably just re-flash the ROM. [19:27] ok thx [19:27] aanderse, probably. Last time I looked at it, it was. Check the dat eon the top of the spreadsheet, it's probably from July. [19:27] n0c_: looks like i have some research to do then :) [19:27] co forgot to mention that he probably wants to ubuntu_chroot shell but he left [19:28] hmm also no date [19:28] weird [19:29] would also love to install on this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices/tf300t [19:29] aanderse, which spreadsheet are you looking at? [19:30] https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArLs7UPtu-hJdDZDNWliMmV1YUJ3Zk1pQlpDdGp4VFE#gid=0 [19:30] If I'm looking at it correctly, the last update is listed under the device build. [19:31] For example, under "Maguro" you cna see 20130723 [19:35] oh yeah, well spotted [19:40] oh, i'm blind [19:40] lol [19:41] :) [19:41] that date could do with some better formatting though :) [19:43] so if apt-get is installed and i have sudo access... all we need now is sdl ported over to mir! [19:43] then i can install an up to date version of battle for wesnoth on my phone! [19:45] libsdl? Is there a particular revision you're looking for? [19:46] https://code.launchpad.net/~hikiko/mir/mir.sdl-backend [19:46] hopefully thats up and fully functional soon [19:47] i'm assuming ubuntu-touch is going to be a pretty standard linux disto at the core [19:52] aanderse, Thats the dream, is not even close at the moment. [19:52] well hopefully we get there :) [19:52] :) [19:53] was ubuntu touch built from scratch? [19:53] or is it ubuntu just hacked enough to run on phones? [19:53] I like the idea of the edge, but I suspect it will never really be available. [19:53] me, too [19:54] i'd throw money at it if i had known it was coming when it did, but now i'm in a position where i'm unable to do so because i didn't plan / budget for it [19:55] i just bought my nexus 4, so buying another phone is out of the question [19:55] i'm in the market for a new phone, but i'm immigrating [19:55] so it's pointless buying one right now [19:56] when i get there, then i will be able to get one [19:57] If I had 32 million to waste I would call canonical's bluff [19:57] :p [19:58] :D [19:58] right now I got about fiddy cents [19:58] lol [19:58] i'm in the middle of immigration and between jobs, so spending 700 usd right now is not sensible -.- [19:58] (just in case i have unforeseen expenses) [19:59] bad timing, canonical! :@ [19:59] but i did throw 20 USD at it :) [19:59] Cantide, You immigrating from a country? [19:59] immigrating to a country, yes, that's usually the case 'o' [20:00] Cantide, Cool, a different cultural environment radically, or similar? [20:00] radically, but one to which i am accustomed :) [20:00] Africa -> Asia :) [20:01] good luck, culture shock ahead! [20:01] Cantide, Coo, I have a degree in Black Studies and am in a intercultural grad program, it is all interesting [20:02] Cool* [20:02] Black Studies? there is such a thing :) [20:02] aanderse, thanks :) I've lived in Asia for 3 years prior to this, and visited 5 countries there, so I kinda know what to expect :) [20:03] ah, cool [20:03] which country are you moving to? [20:03] South Korea [20:03] (if all goes according to plan) [20:03] Cantide, Actually in the US academics there is, Africam American, Caribbean and African studies, basicall the worlds diaspora. [20:03] and i am pleased to see SK and KT in the CAG :) [20:04] SK... sounds exciting! good luck [20:04] wilee-nilee, now that makes a lot more sense to me than "Black Studies" :) (sorry, i don't mean to sound rude, but i didn't understand it at first) [20:04] 감사합니다! [20:05] Cantide, I didn't take it as rude no biggie. ;) [20:05] oh, that reminds me, OSK for Ubuntu Touch... is the keyboard an app? Would we be able to make a new keyboard as part of the App Showdown? [20:05] wilee-nilee, great :) [20:06] it's an interesting subject though - I studied a bit of ebonics when I did linguistics, and i touched on the slave movement during some African literature studies :) [20:06] Cantide, The department at the university is toed to the civil right movement in its name still to some extent, they will probably change the name at some point to be more undertandable. [20:07] tied* understandable* [20:07] yeah, i think that's necessary [20:07] so as to not give the wrong impression [20:07] anyone know about the OSK for Ubuntu Touch? [20:43] hello, i was wondering if I made a backup with # adb backup -apk -shared -all, do I need to reflash android stock before restoring the backup or just do an adb restore will work? === Noskcaj10 is now known as Noskcaj [21:09] curios about something in the touch script... "mount -o loop,ro /tmpmnt/system.img" is the system.img a yaffs2 filesystem???? [21:20] system.img is usuallt ext4 [21:21] we use mount -t ext4 -o loop [21:23] sergiusens, does LXC have to be enabled on the kernel config? [21:23] (for flipped images) === miguel_ is now known as Guest84601 [23:31] root@ubuntu-phablet:/etc/init# /usr/bin/powerd Segmentation fault [23:32] ahhh! [23:32] mount --bind /android/system /system