[04:39] Hmm. Seems I can't debootstrap lucid anymore due to glibc version :( [04:55] ouch, I would've thought debootstrap would be immune to those sort of issues [05:06] Something weird is going on. I can't chroot; /bin/bash: /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.15' not found (required by /bin/bash) [05:07] Similar sort of error to when I was running debootstrap. Managed to debootstrap raring from raring but now can't chroot into it. [05:07] not a arch mismatch related issue? [05:09] Hmm, yes you might be right. I was trying for an i386 target [05:31] Okay cool. I can chroot into a standard precise debootstrap install. [05:31] Seems to be an i386 thing. I used to be able to do that. Wonder what's changed. [05:31] Thanks G [05:37] Oh good, now it works and I didn't change anything except rebooting. [05:37] I hate that. [05:46] heh .. /me makes a note for next time hads has a problem ;) [05:58] "Have you tried turning if off and on again?" :) [06:39] What about the third story window solution? [10:19] Anyone have any bright ideas how "welcomein" gets encoded to "X0l/5UIA6sZEleHnJDJ8Zw==\n1909" (where \n is a newline)? [19:45] morning [20:41] morning