[00:00] Chanel* [00:00] rebbecajohnson20: That's the link you were given and asked to read, after you were kicked the first time. [00:00] If, for some reason, you've lost that link, the page is here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines [00:00] I said f... kids and roasted asked me what f... means and I wrote "fuck" then u banned me [00:02] Hello [00:02] Are u there [00:02] Y u do get paid to do this?! [00:03] rebbecajohnson20: We don't get paid. And why would you think a comment like "fuck kids" would be in-line with the guidelines? [00:03] Because roasted said I am a kid and I said fuck kids because im not a kid anymore im 12 [00:05] rebbecajohnson20: Right. But the guidelines clearly address profanity, and I even specifically told you to keep things family friendly earlier as well. [00:05] Whatever.. why you said "go find another channel" thats mean its not in guidlines [00:06] rebbecajohnson20: I was simply trying to get you to take your inappropriate comments elsewhere without having to ban you. I apologise if it came off as mean. [00:06] Its ok :) but why swearing is not permitted? [00:07] Do you work at ubuntu? [00:08] "It came" = "it ejaculated".. [00:08] rebbecajohnson20: As I already explained, there are children in the channel sometimes, or parents with young children, etc, which means to be respectful of them, we should keep the channel family-friendly. [00:09] Y do you respond so slow? [00:10] rebbecajohnson20: Anyway, this isn't a social channel. Did you have anything else related to your ban you'd like to clarify? [00:10] You said "it came" and it means"it ejaculated" thats swearing:/ [00:12] rebbecajohnson20: That's etymologically/historically accurate, but still, that's the slang usage at best. "came" can mean plenty of non-dirty things. But again, did you have any additional questions regarding your ban? [00:12] Can I get unbanned? [00:12] rebbecajohnson20: Not at this time. No. [00:13] Ubuntu offtopic is my favourite server [00:13] Why? :/ [00:13] rebbecajohnson20: Because as far as I can tell, if I unban you, you'll simply get banned again soon thereafter. So let's not go through the motions and save everyone the hassle. [00:14] How old are you? [00:14] rebbecajohnson20: Is there anything else? If not, please part this channel. Take some time to read the guidelines and the Code of Conduct, and rejoin here in a week or two after you've let things soak in and are ready to participate in a constructive manner. [00:15] Please can you just tell me how old are u in a private message? [00:15] rebbecajohnson20: I don't see how it's relevant, so no, I can't. Sorry. Have a nice day though. [00:16] Because you ban everybody you must be a young troll :/ [00:17] rebbecajohnson20: calling people names is not going to help you [00:17] Help me with what?? [00:17] ...and is only more reason to not lift the ban [00:17] What reason [00:18] help you not remain banned, that's why you're here [00:19] .unban rebbecajohnson2001 [00:19] Oops nevermind [00:19] as you aren't going to get unbanned, I suggest you leave and come back when you're feeling more rational [00:19] What means feeling rational? [00:19] not feeling irrational [00:20] And what is that? [00:20] No im gonna have a mental break myself if I will not get unbanned [00:21] that's unfortunate, but there's nothing we can do about it [00:21] IM A FUCKING SCARY CUNT! [00:23] * Flannel stands on IdleOne's lawn. [00:24] you sir are welcome to stand on my lawn, just don't let the neighbour kids play there === IdleOne is now known as frenocha === frenocha is now known as IdleOne === mrmist is now known as mist [10:12] Hello. [10:12] I was unbanned a few days ago by AlanBell after some moderator placed a false ip-range ban. [10:12] now, I am banned again? [10:12] I never did anything harsh? [10:13] !ops [10:13] Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Tm_T, tritium, elky, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, imbrandon, PriceChild, Madpilot, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, tsimpson, gnomefreak, jussi, topyli, or nhandler! [10:13] syko called the ops in #ubuntu-ops () [10:13] sorry you guys are afk so :p [10:14] using the ops call is a sign that you could do with a second helping in patience [10:14] yes [10:15] dealing with unbanning isn't an emergency, so please in the future don't use the ops call for it. [10:16] Myrtti: I was unbanned by AlanBell a few days ago because one of your operators placed a false IP-range ban, AlanBell sorted it out though, but now, I am banned from #ubuntu again? * Cannot join #ubuntu (You are banned). [10:16] unsurprisingly I did notice your question earlier, as did all the other ops. [10:16] yea [10:17] however I have a rather important phonecall to make so I don't have time to dwell further into the issue [10:17] oh... [10:19] syko: patience, please [10:19] ok [10:19] syko: looks like you specifically are banned [10:21] syko: you happen to know about that? [10:21] "specifically" [10:21] ? [10:22] Tm_T: AlanBell unbanned me like 2 days ago. [10:22] there's no wide-range bans that preventing you to join #ubuntu but only you [10:22] now, when I tried to enter the channel. [10:22] it says * Cannot join #ubuntu (You are banned). [10:22] Tm_T: any reason behind that? [10:22] @btlogin [10:22] syko: well I kinda asked if you knew, I could remind you though (: [10:23] tm_t: I don't even know why I was banned... [10:23] syko: about three weeks ago, "33:16 Life is like a box of......rm -rf / commands." [10:23] tm_t: lanser was my old alias. [10:23] syko: and? [10:23] and what? [10:24] I was in #ubuntu, and thought to change my nick to Lanser, did /nick Lanser and I got banned. [10:24] well, that line is a reason why you are banned currently [10:24] 11:00 < syko> i joined freenode, and did /join #ubuntu, it says "you have been banned", i never came here but i have been banned ? [10:24] so there was a bit of a lie in that then [10:25] so if you like to join our support channel again, it would be nice to solve those bans [10:25] AlanBell: no [10:25] how can I solve those bans ? [10:25] the big ban on that address space is gone, that isn't what is blocking you [10:25] fill out freenode forms? [10:25] syko: by being honest with us for starters [10:26] ok [10:26] besides [10:26] I've honestly already lost count on how many times you need to be told to not use the ops call for ban resolution [10:27] for the love of all that's precious, could you not do it again? [10:27] I will not do it again, myrtti [10:29] syko: so, do you remember why you are banned? [10:30] brb, I'm needed elsewhere for a moment [10:30] I am also needed somewhere, I'll be back. [10:30] keep your eyes and ears open. [10:52] I wonder what their point is. [11:46] Pricey: there point is to cause problems/damage to peoples machine and annoy people [11:47] hence why he's STILL joining channels and doing "!ops" [11:47] hence why he's registering new accounts to hide his "past" [11:47] eg: the other day he said "I'm new here" [11:47] then he's just admitted his "old" alis [12:05] ikonia: He just didn't strike me as being very good at it. [12:12] oh no, he sucks at it [12:12] you're totally correct [14:27] Hello, guys I am back. [14:27] Myrtti: I will not trigger the !ops thing now. :p [14:28] syko: May we help you with something? [14:29] Corey: I was banned for saying 'fedora is better' [14:29] Corey: #ubuntu's operators seem to be having fun with their powers. [14:30] syko: what did I said about being honest? [14:30] Tm_T: If I be honest, will you unban me? [14:30] like, truly honest. [14:30] syko: that's first requirement, but not the only one [14:31] syko: hang on this is just nonse [14:31] what's the next one? [14:31] he's alrady banned under 10 different identities [14:31] he's told constant lies [14:31] this is a waste of time [14:31] Tm_T: please forgive me. [14:31] I am sorry, ikonia. [14:31] ikonia just hates me. [14:31] but do you hate me, tm_t? [14:31] I don't hate you [14:32] I just want you to behave inline with the rules of ubuntu, not lie, not try to cause a problem, not keep hitting the !ops trigger [14:32] it's really not a hard set of things to grasp, you've had MANY chances [14:33] syko: until you can actually behave, follow the rules, stop telling lies, stop hitting the !ops trigger, stop trying to ban evade there is zero point in having any more conversation about this [14:34] syko: clear ? [14:35] understood, ikonia. [14:35] syko: ok, bye then [14:36] ikonia: well put, thank you [14:38] When you're desperately wanting to get back into a support channel but don't even cry about needing help with something... it's just not trying! [14:38] ? [14:38] Tm_T: I'm just tired of trying to negotiate with this guy, it's pointless while he's just trying to cause a problem and lie abou tit [14:39] Pricey: what do you mean ? [14:39] ikonia: well I was going to tell those same things but more verbose, I think you managed to put it out more effectively [14:45] * genii slides Unit193 a coffee [15:03] visualise: hi [15:42] visualise: Hi, how can we help you today? [15:44] /70 [16:39] !ops [16:39] Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Tm_T, tritium, elky, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, imbrandon, PriceChild, Madpilot, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, tsimpson, gnomefreak, jussi, topyli, or nhandler! [16:39] guys [16:39] ch4k3r called the ops in #ubuntu-ops () [16:39] this little motherfucking ikonia bitch [16:39] banned me [16:39] ch4k3r: you really don't learn do you [16:39] I LOST MY [16:39] KERNEL [16:39] YOU FUCK [16:39] I NEED HELP [16:39] FROM PARSNIP [16:39] ch4k3r: stop it - tone down the language [16:39] * Pici blinks [16:39] Did I miss something? [16:39] syko [16:39] ...again [16:40] the language, geez [16:40] I believe he' just a child, hence the language [16:40] I could be wrong on that [16:42] Was he being a problem in #ubuntu while action was helping him? [16:42] well he's still telling lies [16:42] as he's not actually using ubuntu [16:43] what is he using? [16:43] backbox [16:43] which is why he's banned from #kali-linux #ubuntu to some extent as he's trying to get generic instructions to work on backbox [16:43] which is a hacked up based on ubuntu buid [16:43] build [16:44] and telling lies (not very good) about what he's doing and command output [16:44] then it ges confusing as he trips up [16:44] ok so he was banned got unbanned, then got banned again. [16:44] no - didn't "really" get unbanned [16:45] he's been ban dodging for about a month with k1l_ [16:45] just keeps joining doing !ops [16:45] made "another" new account, AlanBell wasn't aware if was teh same guy, unbanned him, cut him some slack [16:45] he behaved like a fool a bit, [16:45] then came back using his "old" new nickname with his old cloak so an "old" ban caught him [16:45] and he started up again [16:45] Well, there were no notes in the bantracker to tell us that it was the same person. [16:46] but it then proved it was the same guy saying "I've never used ubuntu before I'm new here" was a lie [16:46] Pici: which one - the one I just banned ? [16:46] Not questioning the decision of banning him mind you. From the 4-5 lines he posted in here just now he probably deserves the ban. I just wanted to catch up :) [16:46] ikonia: the person that alan unbanned, I briefly looked at it myself. [16:46] Pici: ahh I spoke to alan about it [16:46] Pici: there wasn't a note in it as it was a "new" account [16:46] but it was the same guy [16:47] I can prove it without any doubt [16:48] I don't think anyone is asking for proof. Just helps us when there is some documentation we can all read and be on the same page. [16:49] well, I couldn't document a ban on syko - as that nickname didn't exist [16:49] he was caught under his IP ban [16:49] alan thought it was a new user sharing the same IP [16:49] however BT should now be up to date [16:49] persistent this one is [16:49] and he came in saying "I'm new to ubuntu, never been in here before, please unban me" [16:49] this one here is the sam as syko with the ip AlanBell unbanned. he is a real problem user exept for the time he really needs support [16:49] so Alan really had no choice [16:49] yup, it was a plausible new user, and on a wide ban we should assume good faith [16:50] me is ready to remove confused_guy [16:51] :P [16:51] bazhang: he'll stop, probably just learning his client [16:51] we have #test for iirc [16:51] +that [16:51] not everyone knows [16:51] and he's been asked to stop, and has done [18:23] ikonia: I've behaved very accurately. [18:23] and I have been following the rules. [18:23] very positively, ikonia. [18:23] but.... [18:23] !ops [18:23] Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Tm_T, tritium, elky, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, imbrandon, PriceChild, Madpilot, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, tsimpson, gnomefreak, jussi, topyli, or nhandler! [18:23] Lanser called the ops in #ubuntu-ops () [18:23] and fuck you all [18:23] oh for gods sake [18:23] Lanser, [18:23] yegads [18:23] one more time.. [18:23] !ops [18:23] Lanser: Stop doing that please [18:26] ^ they are in ##c++ now asking for "skilled hackers" [18:27] we only have ikoni a [18:27] heh [18:33] ha ha ha ha [18:34] tsimpson: he asked in #python too, I do suspect this is a young kid, excited to be a hacker [18:49] yes, the ubuntu support he needed was backtrack support most times. === LjL-Alps is now known as frenocha [18:55] is't backbox now, even more l33t === frenocha is now known as LjL-Alps