[06:06] fp [06:35] good morning [06:36] hi magespawn and all the lurkers [06:37] how goes it this morning Kilos? [06:37] good ty magespawn and you? [06:37] booted without a hassle [06:37] yay [06:37] all good, thats good [06:38] going to school later for yearly photos [06:38] in fact i had better go now [06:38] bbl [06:38] was thinking if i can now get xp to not have a black screen i can run chkdsk and let it mark the bad areas [06:38] enjoy [06:39] there must be away to do that in linux [06:39] will check it out when i come back [06:39] np [07:01] good mornings [07:01] morning inetpro [07:08] morning [07:09] to all those latecomers [07:14] hi Squirm Snowy [07:25] hi sakhi tonberry352_ [07:36] hiya maiatoday you well? [07:37] fine thanks Kilos [08:20] hi psyatw [08:20] hi Kilos [09:06] hi all [09:06] Kilos i have found this http://superuser.com/questions/77789/external-hard-drive-bad-sectors-recover-mark-utility-in-linux [09:07] ty magespawn [09:08] the commands i have you actually have to make a file where it remembers them [09:08] doesnt actually mark them on the drive [09:19] but im actually scared to fiddle in the ms partition in case it crashes my unity. at the moment its booting cleanly. i havent tried to go to the xp install since grub update [09:20] but i reckon ubuntu is safe here because it isnt using anything in the first 10g of the drive apart from boot sector i think [09:23] at least it is working [09:23] yeah, now disk utility shows it has a few bad sectors [09:24] as long as sucks stays on them thats fine [09:24] hehe [09:25] indeed [09:29] hi Xethron [09:30] we just gotta work out how to make QA auto identify with freenode [09:36] Maaz, google how to read irc freenode #ubuntu-za logs [09:36] Kilos: "Ubuntu ZA - Ubuntu South Africa LoCo" http://ubuntu-za.org/ :: "Get Involved | Ubuntu ZA - Ubuntu South Africa LoCo" http://ubuntu-za.org/get-involved :: "Feedback Monthly irc meeting March | Ubuntu ZA - Ubuntu South ..." http://ubuntu-za.org/news/2012/03/19/feedback-monthly-irc-meeting-march :: "3 - Ubuntu ZA - Ubuntu South Africa LoCo" http://ubuntu- [09:36] za.org/node?page=2 :: "User account | Ubuntu ZA - Ubuntu South Africa LoCo" http://ubuntu-za.o… [09:36] ai! [09:36] i need saterdays logs to see the commands the weed gave me [09:37] morning superfly [09:37] hi Kilos [09:38] Kilos: this? pastebin.com/9ULkREsM [09:38] Kilos: this? http://pastebin.com/9ULkREsM [09:38] ty will go see [09:39] some commands that must go in ibid.ini [09:39] yeah thats them ty superfly [09:40] Kilos: not commands [09:40] those are options that you set [09:41] i looked in ibid.ini but dunno how to make them work [09:42] tried adding them and adding with set but didnt work [09:43] maybe they gotta be set in a certain place [09:57] is this where to do it superfly http://slexy.org/view/s20abrPeU6 [09:57] there by auth [09:58] and must i change password to my bots password [09:59] and i dunno if i must remove hostmask [10:24] ai! dont work either way [10:28] Maaz, ibid channel [10:28] irc://autumn.cpt.za.atrum.org [10:42] Kilos hee this might help https://github.com/ibid/ibid/blob/master/ibid.ini [10:43] s/hee/here [10:43] ah lemme look there ty magespawn [10:43] shows you where to set those in the ibi.ini file [10:44] it is a tumbleweed original [10:46] that looks good. how did you find that [10:46] ya i see that but how did you find it [10:46] what did you google for [10:46] how to set nickserv password on ibid [10:46] Maaz google how to set nickserv password on ibid [10:46] magespawn: "Anonymous Latinoamerica" http://anonlatam.tumblr.com/ [10:46] thats most of my prob i think i dunno how to google properly [10:47] ty [10:47] everyone gets different results [10:48] i could be wrong but i think you may have to set the last line to false [10:50] as in, under freenode "disabled=True" to "disabled=False", but i could be wrong about that [10:50] lol [10:51] theres lots to read there and try to understand. my ibid.ini looks very different [10:51] much less [11:02] hehe magespawn i remember i fixed an 80g drive once before in a similar fashion [11:04] started the xp install then told it to use next partition so it installed to D: and the drives still going [11:04] only the first 100m were messed up [11:14] hi Trix[a]r_za [11:14] oh [11:18] gotta go out bbl [11:19] later [14:11] wb Squirm === Kilos- is now known as Kilos [14:18] at last. ty magespawn inetpro [14:18] hi Cantide [14:18] QA, coffee on [14:18] * QA washes some mugs [14:18] hey Kilos :) [14:18] QA is the new Maaz? 'o' [14:19] na she is my visiting bot [14:19] just let her come brag with her cloak [14:19] QA: coffee please [14:19] inetpro: Alrighty [14:20] is vhata on the ibid channel Kilos? [14:20] yessir [14:20] ah well at least it is working now [14:20] you didnt tell me to remove the # [14:21] sorry the hash tage means that line is ignored [14:21] tag even [14:22] Coffee's ready for Kilos and inetpro! [14:22] yeah i forgot the uncomment thing [14:22] QA, ty love [14:22] Kilos: What? [14:23] i had an idea for an app by the way [14:23] but i'll need to figure out how to use GPS data... and it will be impossible for me to test because i lack an Ubuntu Touch capable device T-T [14:25] researching now >.< [14:25] hi Cantide [14:25] hello :) [14:25] doesn't ubuntu touch run on top of android? [14:26] not exactly [14:26] yes, but now they're releasing "flipped" images [14:26] http://news.softpedia.com/news/Canonical-quot-Flips-quot-the-Table-on-Android-365512.shtml [14:27] they're slowly but surely removing their dependence on Android it seems, which is great :) [14:33] it looks like the flipped images are only for certain devices [14:33] yeah [14:33] the 4 reference devices [14:33] Cantide: oh wow! [14:33] Nexus 4, Galaxy Nexus and i forgot the other tow [14:33] two * [14:33] * inetpro loves the idea of the flipped image [14:33] at least they are making good progress with Ubuntu Touch :) [14:34] Can't wait for the first official release [14:34] nou praat ons! [14:34] here is some more info https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2013-July/037443.html [14:35] watch this space... come next year we will see the Ubuntu phone for real regardless of whether the target of $32m was reached or not [14:36] * Cantide clicks [14:36] well, they may not make their own phone, but i am sure manufacturers are keen to release devices running Ubuntu Touch [14:36] Can't wait for May!!! (or around there) [14:38] this is also interesting if you want to see the state it is in on the reference hardware: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArLs7UPtu-hJdDZDNWliMmV1YUJ3Zk1pQlpDdGp4VFE#gid=0 [14:39] does anyone here have a device capable of running Ubuntu Touch? [14:40] what is an enterprise architect? [14:40] hmm [14:41] not sure... sounds like it could be many things [14:44] just looking at this http://businesstech.co.za/news/it-services/44018/best-paid-it-professionals-in-sa/ and this http://www.itweb.co.za/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=66441 [14:47] same thing [14:47] later all home and shopping time [14:47] go safe magespawn [14:48] QA, leave #ubuntu-za [15:43] hi charl Mezenir [15:49] hi Kilos [16:52] evening [16:52] hi magespawn [16:53] Everything still working? [16:53] lol yeah i hope so [16:53] Cool beans [16:54] magespawn: define everything [16:56] evening~ [16:56] it turns out that GPS support hasn't landed in the Ubuntu SDK yet T-T so much for that plan.. [17:12] inetpro not the internet or ftp [17:15] Specfically Kilos's setup [17:15] lol [17:15] Cantide thats too bad [17:15] yeah.. [17:15] they said it should land in the next week or two [17:15] i wanted to make a phone-tracking app [17:15] that would be handy [17:16] Like smscontrol for the n900 [17:18] can't say i know that >.< [17:18] http://wiki.maemo.org/SMSCON [17:18] Awesome piece of software [17:19] that seems a bit different to what i had in mind [17:20] i wanted to make an app that you could install on multiple devices and then link them - then you could query a device for its location [17:20] a bit tricky for me, but handy for stalkers and / or / parents / friends [17:21] but alas, with no GPS, and no means for me to test it myself, that is now out the window :) === Cantide is now known as CantiAFK [17:49] night all. sleep tight and warm [18:09] Cantide it would also be handy for finding a misplaced phone or tablet, espcially if you can't phone it like the tablet [18:09] yeah [18:09] it's a fun / nice app to make, and useful [18:10] some parts will be challenging for me - i.e. querying a remote device and that device sending GPS info [18:10] it's simple to query your own device :) [18:10] but, as i said, apparently GPS isn't working yet in Ubuntu Touch T-T [18:10] really? how? [18:11] using QtLocator -> http://doc.qt.digia.com/qtmobility-1.1/qml-location-plugin.html [18:11] oh, "Location" [18:11] same thing :p [18:11] maybe wait for it [18:11] but that hasn't filtered through to the Ubuntu SDK as yet.. so.. -.- [18:11] yeah, 2 weeks... eh and then i may not be able to implement it as i'd like [18:12] i decided on something SIMPLE :) [18:12] that needs no hardware :) [18:12] also, one can submit as many applications as one likes to the competition [18:12] there is no limit [18:12] care to share the details, or you keeping it under wraps for now? [18:13] so i could make something simple now, submit it within 2 weeks, and then maybe make an attempt at the other one with the remaining time [18:13] just a nice Unit Converter, because it seems the standard calculator doesn't have one [18:13] (i'm going to download the calculator app now and test it to be sure) [18:14] i use those all the time [18:14] yeah, very handy [18:14] and very easy to make [18:14] and useful on the phone, tablet and desktop [18:14] and relies on no specific hardware such as GPS [18:14] so i think it's a nice app to make [18:15] i can do it in a day or two i think [18:19] cool beans [18:29] 'lo peeps [18:34] hi ThatGraemeGuy [18:35] hey :-) [19:18] "Just to let you know, someone else has already been working on a unit converter (though not for the Showdown). Here is an article about it: http://iloveubuntu.net/handy-utility-unit-converter-reached-01-version-usable-temperature-length-mass-and-time-categories." [19:18] ffuuuuuuuuuuuu :D