
caodepalhahi everyone14:07
caodepalhai got into a problem with ubuntu studio. when i start my laptop i get the message unable to launch startxfce4 x session.. startxfce not found falling back to default14:09
caodepalhaplease help me14:09
xequencecaodepalha: Do you get to the login screen?14:10
caodepalhai try to login and i get the message unable to launch startxfce414:10
caodepalhai cant do nothing with the laptop14:13
xequencecaodepalha: Have you tried the xfce session?14:14
xequencecaodepalha: did you try another user?14:14
caodepalhahow do i do iti-m the only user14:15
caodepalhaxfce session dissapeared14:15
mossyfunkHello. I have been playing with Audacity in linux mint for months and decided to install Ubuntu Studio. I am very confused as how to simply get my mic working... from what I read I need to set up Jack but when I open qJackctl it just says "inactive" and gives me no options displayed in any guide I can find. Is there an idiots guide anywhere?14:20
caodepalhai turn on the laptop and when i get to the login screen i can log in with my account, as guest or as other. everyway i try i get the> unable to launch startxfce4 x session> startxfce4 not found falling back to default session14:20
cubmossyfunk, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/HowTos14:30
cubBut for Audacity it should work in any way. How do you connect your mic?14:31
mossyfunkcub, thanks for responding. That is where I have been looking, but Jack will not start14:31
mossyfunkIt is connected via M-Audio fast track box connected to pc via usb14:32
mossyfunkin sound settings I can see the input is getting signal from mic... just seem unable to get any applications to pick up signal14:32
cubsry, I'm on work laptop now so I can't check properly. Hopefully someone can jump in?14:35
cubmossyfunk, ^14:35
mossyfunkcub, oh ok thanks though =)14:35
caodepalhacan anyone help me_14:38
xequencecaodepalha: I missed your answer before probably14:40
caodepalhai turn on the laptop and when i get to the login screen i can log in with my account, as guest or as other. everyway i try i get the> unable to launch startxfce4 x session> startxfce4 not found falling back to default session14:40
xequencecaodepalha: Ah, the xfce user settings are probably corrupt14:41
xequencecaodepalha: delete some files in your user dir14:41
xequencecaodepalha: like ~/.cache ~/.config14:41
caodepalhaok i problaby deleted some files yesterday14:41
xequencecould be others14:41
caodepalhawhere can i do that_14:41
xequencecaodepalha: reboot in recovery mode14:42
xequencerm -r /home/<username>/.config14:42
xequenceand so on14:42
xequencethis will delete user settings for other stuff too14:42
caodepalhaok ive done that. im at the recovery menu14:43
xequenceso, if you want to only delete XFCE configs/cache, you need to look for them14:43
caodepalhahow can i look for them in the recovery menu_14:43
caodepalhatheres resume, clean, dpkg, fsck, grub, network, root, system summary14:45
xequencecaodepalha: root14:45
xequencemight be its write protected14:45
xequenceyou could start with network, then root14:45
caodepalhai write my username as i have it on the log in screen with capitals and space_14:46
xequencecaodepalha: root is a user14:47
xequencecaodepalha: root has the power to write to any file14:47
xequenceif you choose root, you login as root14:47
xequencenot as the user14:47
xequenceas root you can run any command14:48
caodepalhaso now im logged as root14:48
caodepalhacould you tell me what command i should write14:48
xequencecaodepalha: whats your username?14:49
xequencels /home14:49
xequencewill show the usernames14:49
caodepalhaok just found my username14:49
caodepalhabiggest dummie14:50
caodepalhaim sorry14:50
xequencereplace <username> with your username in the next command14:50
xequencerm -r /home/<username>/.config /home/<username>/.cache14:51
caodepalhai got a cannot remove read only14:51
xequencemake sure its not read only next time. Enable network next time14:51
xequenceto exit, write: exit14:52
caodepalhaim in network mode14:58
caodepalhaafter enabeling network i must restart_15:00
caodepalhahow do i start with network15:13
xequencecaodepalha: Just network in the menu15:22
xequenceI'll be back15:22
caodepalhanow i cant even get to the recovery menu15:33
caodepalhawhen i start the desktop and press f11 it sends me to the login panel15:36
xequencecaodepalha: shift is what gets you to the GRUB menu15:38
xequencekeep pressing shift while booting15:39
xequencethen choose the kernel with recovery mode15:39
caodepalhaok done it15:39
caodepalhaback at the recovery menu15:39
xequencechoose network. that should make things writable15:40
xequencethen root15:40
xequencerm -r /home/<username>/.config /home/<username>/.cache15:40
caodepalhachoose network. plugins loadind15:40
caodepalhashould i get any message when its finnished15:41
xequenceYou should get back to the menu15:42
caodepalhaby restarting15:42
caodepalhathis keyboard is not good so i cant use the question mark15:43
caodepalhahow do i get back to the menu15:43
xequenceafter selecting network, you should get back to the menu or the command line15:44
xequenceit has changed a bit between releases15:44
caodepalhabefore selecting network it just stays there15:45
caodepalhastill there15:56
caodepalha_please any helphere16:12
caodepalha_im sorry16:12
caodepalhahi everyone i really need some elp ere. when i turnned my laptop this morning and tried to log in my user account o got the message> unable to lauch startxfce4> startxfce4 not found> falling back to default session.16:18
caodepalhahi everyone i really need some help here. when i turnned my laptop this morning and tried to log in my user account o got the message> unable to lauch startxfce4> startxfce4 not found> falling back to default session.16:18
caodepalhai lod into grub but if i try network it just stays there and i cant get back to grub recovery menu to do root16:23
caodepalhastill need elp sorry16:28
caodepalhahi everyone19:55
caodepalhagot a question. Me and my girlfriend we both have laptops with ubuntu studio. can we connect them both19:56

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