
jussimorning all05:16
jussican someone help me with graphics at all? I need the Kubuntu logo to be White letters, not black... (for embroidery on Navy blue).05:19
Tm_Tjussi: the whole logo?05:38
jussiTm_T: yes05:38
Tm_Tjussi: where's the source you're using?05:38
jussiTm_T: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuArtwork05:38
Tm_Tha, was on that page already, thanks05:39
Tm_Tjussi: what format you need?05:39
jussiTm_T: a decently large PNG should be fine05:40
Tm_Tjussi: does the gears need to be reversed in colours too?05:40
jussiTm_T: no05:40
jussijust the back letters white05:40
Tm_Tso only the text, one moment I'll save this05:40
jussiTm_T: see this: http://jontheechidna.wordpress.com/2012/12/23/kubuntu-shirt-flu/05:41
Tm_Tah, yes05:42
Tm_Tjussi: http://www.tm-travolta.net/shots/kubuntu-logo-lucid-1.png05:45
Tm_Ttransparent background, white text05:45
jussiTm_T: thank you sir!05:46
Tm_Tjussi: I simply opened svg on karbon, clicked the text, picked white colour, exported png05:47
jussiTm_T: hehe... that would require me to even know that it was karbon needed to open svgs... :D05:48
Tm_Tjussi: oh no, I simply opened the file and it was opened in karbon, first time for me to use karbon at all05:48
jussiahh ok05:48
jussiGuess my lack of kofffeeeeeeeeeee is showing me up05:49
Tm_Tthis is how technology should work, you don't have to pick tools, they're just there for you (:05:49
Tm_Thmmmm, I wonder...05:50
Tm_TI'll try do the same edit with vim just for the giggles05:50
Tm_Tlet's make it red06:00
soeegood morning06:12
jussimorning soee? 06:13
jussierr, without the ? 06:13
soeeyes morning jussi :D06:13
soeeits 8:15 -.-06:14
baltolkienGoog Morning06:44
jussiRiddell: one final detail: What sizes did you order? Im thinking to go S:5, M:5, L:10, XL:5. 07:28
Tm_Tjussi: all male shirts at this point?07:35
jussiTm_T: yeah, its too small a number for female ones, unfortunately. Its not I didnt think of it, but its not going to work for this order07:36
Tm_TI agree, unfortunately07:37
Tm_Tjussi: let me know when female cuts are available07:37
Tm_Tpreferably both small and large sizes07:37
jussiTm_T: when/if these sell out, I expect female will be next on the agenda. This is really about testing the waters07:38
jussiMaking sure the systems work etc07:38
shadeslayerScottK: kinda, I'm more actively looking at things to do in Frameworks to do for sure08:19
tester56hi i have downloaded kde-style-oxygen and all it's dependencies, copied oxygen.so to /usr/lib32/kde4/plugins/styles and determined all needed libaries with "ldd". It finds all libaries now (copied to /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu)09:09
tester56I am on a 64 bit system and want to use 32 bit qt apps like skpye with oxygen style 09:09
tester56switching to gtk as layout is not an option for me (it would use oxygen-gtk then)09:10
tester56so i started skype using "QT_PLUGIN_PATH=/usr/lib32/kde4/plugins/styles/ skype" but i can't select oxygen09:11
tester56has anybody an idea what does not work?09:11
tester56i have heared this working from many sources, http://community.skype.com/t5/Linux/Enabling-oxygen-style-in-Skype-on-64-bit-systems-is-WAY-TOO-HARD/td-p/1695840 is one of them09:12
tester56i downloaded the packages from repo using sudo aptitude -o APT::Architecture="i386" download 09:13
shadeslayerhow odd09:15
shadeslayeryofel: I haven't signed your keys?09:15
yofelhm, no, at least here it doesn't say so09:16
tester56i have solved it :-))))09:18
tester56in ~/.config/Trolltech.conf wa an entry "[Qt%20Plugin%20Cache%204.8.false]"09:19
tester56i have removed it and restarted skype ... everything looks fine 09:19
=== Oli`` is now known as Oli
tester56it would be nice if there was a package to install oxygen 32 on 64 bit09:20
tester56are there any plans to package something like this?09:23
tester56i have wps office running which is also a qt 32 bit application ... but it does not use oxygen ... it works for skype though now 09:26
tester56is there any way to establish the reason why it does not work?09:27
tester56on a 32 bit system theming works fine09:27
tester56which oxygen libary is responsible for the color scheme?09:33
smartboyhwHey Kubuntu people10:09
* smartboyhw blames yofel and shadeslayer and Riddell of not replying to the e-mail10:09
yofelI'll try to do that later today10:26
yofelsmartboyhw: want to update nepomuk and marble in the meantime?10:26
smartboyhwyofel, uh, I can do it 1-2 hours later10:27
smartboyhwyofel, to confirm: I'm supposed to use the 4.11.0a versions for nepomuk and marble?10:33
=== who_da_fly is now known as superfly
yofelsmartboyhw: yes10:50
smartboyhwyofel, sure10:50
=== dpm_ is now known as dpm
RiddellScottK: ah hah, well it doesn't much cover me but I would like to look at getting them co-installable11:13
* shadeslayer was doing paperwork all day today11:20
shadeslayerI can only reply tomorrow I think11:20
shadeslayeror maybe on the 15th since I have a holiday on that day11:21
smartboyhwshadeslayer, OK;)11:42
smartboyhwyofel, uploading nepomuk-core12:00
Riddellhmm, lots of blue http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ninjas-status/build_status_4.11.0_raring.html12:09
yofelkde4libs had failed without reason, I restarted it earlier12:22
jussihave we all seen the youtube easter egg? (probably old, but I just found it) if you havent, go to a video, pause it and type 1980 :D12:44
smartboyhwyofel, marble uploading12:45
yofelcould you update raring too while at it? Should be as simple as running the default hook and adding the changelog entry12:48
smartboyhwyofel, default hook = ?12:48
smartboyhwyofel, either I'm stupid or I just can't see a raring hook12:49
yofelcheckout too old?12:49
smartboyhwyofel, probably:(12:50
smartboyhwUnfortunately, I am doing this alongside a full -j4 kernel build, so it will take some time:p12:50
yofelwell, there's no hurry12:53
shadeslayerjussi: nothing happpens12:54
shadeslayerjussi: seeks back to the beginning12:54
jussishadeslayer: you failed then. 198012:54
smartboyhwyofel, where is the 13.04 PPA? kubuntu-ppa/staging?12:55
jussishadeslayer: open http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bYXz1hE_bWc and try it, perhaps ad supported doesnt work or something12:55
yofelno, ninjas now, see pad12:56
yofelwhich reminds me that I should purge the 13.04 stuff from staging12:56
=== smartboyhw changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - Friendly Computing | https://trello.com/kubuntu | https://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-ninjas 4.10.97 saucy/archive raring/beta quantal/staging precise/beta/read_notes_on_pad | 4.11.0 saucy+raring/ninjas | 13.10 Alpha 2 released | 13.10 milestoned bugs tagged Kubuntu http://goo.gl/vHRjj |
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - Friendly Computing | https://trello.com/kubuntu | https://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-ninjas 4.11.0 saucy+raring/ninjas | 13.10 Alpha 2 released | 13.10 milestoned bugs tagged Kubuntu http://goo.gl/vHRjj |
Riddelltime to move on from 4.10.9712:57
shadeslayerjussi: I think it only works with flash vids12:58
jussishadeslayer: yeah, I dunno, but its a good one12:58
jussishadeslayer: seems like the focus cant be on the video element then it works13:02
smartboyhwyofel, I've done nepomuk-core to raring13:07
tester56hi again: How to make Trolltech.conf use 32 bit oxygen for 32 bit apps and 64 bit oxygen for 64 bit apps?13:07
tester56I can delete .config/Trolltech.conf13:07
tester56when I start a 32 bit app then 32 bit apps use oxygen but not 64 bit and vice versa13:08
tester56exporting QT_PLUGIN_PATH for the app has no impact13:11
Riddellyofel: shall I use the backport script to upload 4.11 into ninjas or is there more stuff needing done for the LTS bits there?13:12
yofelthe backport script should work fine for precise13:13
yofelI think I reverted all of the mesa changes I had in there13:13
yofelfor that matter, I installed precise on a SD card over the weekend and ran 4.10.97 on my intel notebook here. Worked fine.13:14
Riddelltester56: I don't think I understand your issue13:14
Riddelltester56: you're using kde plasma or another desktop?13:14
tester56i have manually install all 32 bit libaries needed for oxygen.so13:14
yofelSo considering the amount of people that actually use it I think we can live with the occasional mesa 8 issue, and recommend the HWE stack in those cases13:14
tester56Riddell: kde plasma13:15
yofelneed to send martin a mail though as that's not what we agreed on13:15
tester56Riddell: problem is 32 bit apps like skype can't use oxygen 13:15
Riddellyofel: so no HW enablement backports by default?13:16
yofelno, at least not as upgrade13:16
tester56Riddell: So I have downloaded kde-style-oxygen and copied oxygen.so to /usr/lib32/kde4/plugins/styles13:16
tester56Riddell: (32 bit version)13:17
smartboyhwyofel, can you fix marble in 13.10?13:17
* smartboyhw does not have time, sorry13:17
tester56Riddell: then I determined all required libaries using ldd13:17
tester56now Trolltech.conf only lets me set either 32 bit oxygen or 64 bit oxygen13:18
yofelI don't see how oxygen here is fixable without multiarch-ing kde-style-oxygen. Which doesn't sound trivial at all13:19
tester56is multiarch planned for the future?13:20
smartboyhwtester56, probably...13:20
yofelnot the near future13:20
tester56the stuff i did should work: http://chakra-project.org/bbs/viewtopic.php?pid=6176513:21
yofelthe path should be /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/kde4/plugins/styles btw. for us, we have no lib3213:21
shadeslayerwhats up13:22
yofelsmartboyhw: no time to fix marble either, sorry13:22
shadeslayerwasn't marble respun13:22
shadeslayersame for nepomuk-core13:22
shadeslayerwere they re-uploaded?13:23
yofelthey were13:23
yofelnow marble complains about13:23
yofeldh_install: libmarblewidget16 missing files (usr/lib/libmarblewidget.so.0.15.*), aborting13:23
shadeslayerwhat needs doing raring?13:23
smartboyhwshadeslayer, marble13:23
yofelfix saucy first13:23
yofelkopete failed too13:23
shadeslayerlooking at kopete13:23
shadeslayercan someone QA ktp from my PPA?13:24
shadeslayerfor raring13:24
shadeslayerand kscreen13:25
shadeslayerstuff to QA just keeps piling up :<13:25
tester56yofel: that path does not work either13:25
yofelwell, the default qt plugin path does not respect multiarch folders so I'm not surprised13:26
tester56yofel: I can have oxygen, but only either for 32 bit or 64 bit (at least with autogenerated Trolltech.conf)13:26
tester56I don't know what I should edit 13:27
* yofel wonders how qt5 handles that13:27
shadeslayersmartboyhw: next time plz mention the KDE bug instead of a direct patch to the link plz13:27
tester56both paths (32 bit one and 64 bit one show up in the config file)13:27
smartboyhwshadeslayer, what?13:27
shadeslayer  [ Howard Chan ]13:27
shadeslayer * Introduce patch at http://bugsfiles.kde.org/attachment.cgi?id=8053413:27
shadeslayer    to fix audio_stream13:27
shadeslayerin kopete13:27
smartboyhwshadeslayer, my fault, sorry;p13:28
yofelanother complain: the patch name is missing13:28
shadeslayerdo you remember the the bug number?13:28
smartboyhwshadeslayer, /me searches13:28
smartboyhwyofel, no name from upstream, it's an attachment of the bug13:28
yofelsmartboyhw: I mean the file name in debian/patches/13:28
smartboyhwyofel, oh, sorry13:29
yofelotherwise I have almost no way to find out *when* a patch was added13:29
shadeslayerplus would be nice to have dep 3 formatted patches13:29
shadeslayerbut that's a dream for now13:29
yofeldep3 is strongly recommended for non-git-format-patch patches really13:30
smartboyhwUh, obviously I forgotten that, I do include these normally:(13:30
shadeslayerfwiw I think smartboyhw's patch causes the failiure13:31
smartboyhwshadeslayer, Bug 31882513:31
ubottubug 318825 in ebox-ntp (Ubuntu) "Please upgrade ebox-ntp to 0.12" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31882513:31
smartboyhwUm, KDE:P13:31
yofelkde 31882513:31
ubottuKDE bug 318825 in Jabber Plugin "build failed against ortp-0.21.1" [Normal,Confirmed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=31882513:31
smartboyhwI think so, I forgotten..................13:31
smartboyhwThat's what upstream directed me to...13:31
shadeslayerit most certainly touches the exact same code that fails to compile13:31
smartboyhwshadeslayer, eh, I asked in #kopete and they pointed me to there:(13:32
* smartboyhw blames upsteram.13:33
* yofel blames smartboyhw for not noticing that it failed to build13:34
* smartboyhw did not see the failure e-mails, sorry13:34
* shadeslayer points to policy13:36
yofelI tried to build kopete against ortp-0.21.1 and mediastreamer-2.9.0 which are part of linphone 3.6 beta1.13:36
yofelfrom the bug13:36
yofelwe have 3.5.2-1013:36
yofelso the patch doesn't apply for us13:36
smartboyhwyofel, :O but I asked in #kopete and they told me that. I should copy down the logs..13:37
smartboyhw(Next time I should NOT  be fooled:(...)13:39
yofelsmartboyhw: ok, I know what happened13:41
yofelwe indeed had the newer linphone, but Scott removed that from the archive because of debian bug 71685513:41
ubottuDebian bug 716855 in libucommon-dev "libucomon-dev: Dependency on libgnutls28-dev makes sflphone unbuildable" [Important,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/71685513:41
yofelthat patch should really have an #ifdef with the version13:42
shadeslayernote that the patch is on bugzilla, it's just meant to be a stop gap measure and is not a 'real' patch :P13:43
shadeslayersmartboyhw: something for the future, don't drop patches from bugzilla13:46
smartboyhwshadeslayer, OK13:46
shadeslayeryofel: did you make use of the wifi dongle ? :P13:47
shadeslayerremoving smartboyhw's patch makes it compile :)13:48
yofelnot yet, I want to use it for the raspi, but I never actually get to move that13:48
shadeslayerheh, my raspi is currently in it's box13:48
shadeslayermight set it up once I move to the office13:48
yofelmine is running... doing nothing13:49
shadeslayerI might use it to self host mykolab13:49
shadeslayeryofel: https://plus.google.com/photos/112529497463297468627/albums/5911300498495945937/5911300497362610162?pid=5911300497362610162&oid=11252949746329746862713:50
yofelwhat's that red hat doing there? :P13:51
shadeslayerthat's what you noticed? I sort of noticed the gtk equivalent of kscreen :P13:52
shadeslayer*sort of first13:52
yofeli was wondering what that was, thanks for clearing that up (looked vaguely familiar ^^)13:53
shadeslayerwell ... it *looks* like the gtk equivalent of kscreen, I'm not sure myself ;)13:55
shadeslayerkopete fixed in ppa/bzr13:55
smartboyhwshadeslayer, yofel (et. al): Deeply sorry for wasting your time:(13:55
yofeluh, didn't we just figure out that it's not your fault?13:56
yofelwell, you could've known what caused it though13:56
smartboyhwyofel, yeah, that's why I have to apologise:(13:56
yofelin any case, nvm13:56
* smartboyhw is making the linux-rt package while tracking on the aproaching typhoon...13:58
shadeslayeryofel: I know why marble is failing14:01
shadeslayer-- Installing: /build/buildd/marble-4.11.0a/debian/tmp/usr/lib/libmarblewidget.so.0.16.014:01
shadeslayerthe regex is too old :P14:01
Quintasansmartboyhw: What IM are you using?14:02
smartboyhwQuintasan, XChat14:02
Quintasansmartboyhw: I'm asking about input method selector14:03
smartboyhwQuintasan, IBus?14:03
Quintasansmartboyhw: Is that a question or answer?14:03
smartboyhwQuintasan, IBus is the answer, why is the question:P14:03
QuintasanOh, I wanted someone competent (as in "I actually know what the hell I'm typing") to test fcitx with Chinese14:04
QuintasanWhile typing at random is generally a good test case for "Does it work" it's not good for anything else.14:04
* smartboyhw likes IBus, sorry:P14:05
Quintasansmartboyhw: Can you just give it a go?14:07
smartboyhwQuintasan, no time sorry14:08
shadeslayer4.11 should be all fixed up14:17
shadeslayerbe back later14:18
Quintasansmartboyhw: Do you happen to know any Chinese Kubuntu users who could try fcitix for a while?14:30
smartboyhwQuintasan, NO.14:31
QuintasanAh well.14:31
smartboyhwQuintasan, Chinese users will rather use UbuntuKylin now...14:31
shadeslayeryou can't say that definitely14:42
shadeslayerwhat if the chinese secret agency is using Kubuntu everywhere14:42
shadeslayerQuintasan doesn't want to piss them off14:42
Quintasantoplel theory :D14:49
smartboyhwshadeslayer, you know that UbuntuKylin is actually developed by the governernment itself!?Q14:54
shadeslayerso ... UbuntuKylin spies on it's users, and if it's users are the secret service, the spy agency spies on itself? recursive spying? :D14:55
smartboyhwshadeslayer, can't it?14:56
shadeslayerI wouldn't know the first thing about spying14:56
yofelspying on yourself is called making backups14:58
smartboyhwyofel, +114:58
Riddellyofel: what's your current practice for symbols files on backports?16:36
RiddellI've always just deleted the symbols files on backports if they cause problems16:37
Riddellalthough it doesn't fail to build I'm getting confused by it being red on build_status page16:52
yofelRiddell: same here, the precise hook even does that. Should be added to the others too IMO17:12
Riddellcor, blue http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ninjas-status/build_status_4.11.0_precise.html17:37
jussiRiddell: you are awesome :D18:55
* Riddell sits back in satisfaction of being awesome19:02
Riddelljussi: wait, what am I awesome for just now?19:02
Riddellsweet, setting up a network printer is just as easy as a local one19:34
Riddelltrouble is easy doesn't include it pre-selecting the driver19:34
Riddelllooks like sources are available http://download.kde.org/stable/4.11.0/src/20:37
Riddellany objections to uploading 4.11 tonight to saucy?20:38
soeenope :)20:38
Riddellraring needs a few more bits compiling then probably mable/nepomuk updated then testing20:39
soeealso request for raring -.-20:39
Riddellprecise needs lots more bits compiling20:39
Riddellsoee: i386 is done if you want to test htat20:39
soeeim on 6420:40
Riddellmostly done20:41
soeeim here 2 more hours if its ready i can test, if not i can do it tomorrow 20:42
Riddelldamn ninjas is 15.3 GiB (100.00%) of 15.0 GiB21:49
yofelit still has 4.10.5 for quantal, let me wipe that22:14
yofelthough most of the space probably goes to old raring and precise packages22:15

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