
littlegirlHey there, I'm using Kubuntu 12.04. My Window Decorations are Plastik. My Desktop Theme is Air for Netbooks. I can't for the life of me figure out how to change the color of my entire panel all the way across. Any ideas?00:07
littlegirlI've got all the rest of the colors the way I like them, but my panel is still the default grey (which does not go with the hot pink rest of it all). (:00:07
alfonsojonI'm using Kubuntu on the ARM Chromebook00:10
alfonsojonIronically, it's the smoothest Linux distro on this specific Chromebook. However, I was wondering, are there any proprietary drivers for the Mali T604 I can install to improve the experience?00:11
alfonsojonRight now, 2D acceleration is pretty "meh". It works but it's very laggy and just undesirable.00:11
littlegirlHey there, does anybody know how to change the background color of the panel in Kubuntu 12.04?00:34
PibbleWhich panel?00:34
littlegirlThe default panel at the bottom. The one with the main Kubuntu menu, the tasks, and the kickoff.00:34
PibbleFind a different theme00:34
Pibblethere are a ton of them out there00:35
PibbleI think 12.04 has oxygen and air by default00:35
littlegirlI've figured out how to theme it sort of, which just changes it from light grey to dark grey to black, and that's the end of my selections. I'd just like to change its color to pink. (:00:35
Pibblebut there are thousands of them00:35
littlegirlThanks. I'll see if I can figure it out. I'00:35
littlegirlI've got all my other colors just the way I want them, but this panel is being difficult. (:00:35
PibbleYeah, themes will do what you want00:36
littlegirlCool, thanks. I'll see if I can do it without messing up everything else. (: (: (:00:36
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alfonsojonCan anyone help me out with my laptop?00:44
alfonsojonKDE runs buttery-smooth minus 2D and 3D acceleration, and I'm stuck on Xrender.00:45
alfonsojonThis is on the Mali T604, and I can't find any drivers for it.00:45
littlegirlalfonsojon: If you're still here, there's this page, but I have no idea whether it's legitimate or would be useful: https://github.com/hrw/chromebook-mali-driver01:02
littlegirlalfonsojon: He seems to have some more information here: http://marcin.juszkiewicz.com.pl/2013/04/15/hardware-acceleration-on-chromebook/01:02
littlegirlalfonsojon: Any time. If neither of those help, you might want to do your searches with Ubuntu rather than Kubuntu since that's the more popular release, and anything that works for Ubuntu *should* work for Kubuntu. (:01:05
alfonsojonlittlegirl: Thanks01:05
alfonsojonAlright :D01:05
alfonsojonIn fact, it should work better with Kubuntu if I'm not mistaken01:06
alfonsojonKWin supports OpenGL ES a lot better AFAIK01:06
littlegirlYeah. I'm just thinking that when I do searches for Kubuntu stuff, a lot of the time I get Ubuntu results, so I tend to do Ubuntu searches if I can't find whatever I'm looking for with a Kubuntu search. (:01:06
littlegirlIf you're having slow performance, did you turn off Desktop effects? That can make a nice difference. (:01:07
* littlegirl uses older hardware, so she turns those off.01:07
alfonsojonIt's not slow performance01:07
alfonsojonLike I said before, it's just "meh"01:07
alfonsojonwhoops, CTRL+Q not for the win01:08
alfonsojonBut anyways, it's not slow, it's just "meh"01:08
littlegirlWell, I'm happy, because I managed to find a theme that lets me turn my panel a different color, so my Kubuntu is now hot pink *everywhere*. (:01:08
alfonsojonVsync doesn't work, OpenGL mode works somewhat (I think?)01:08
alfonsojonEven without compisition01:08
alfonsojonMoving windows looks like they're chunking apart01:08
alfonsojonAt least Kickoff opens smoothly01:09
alfonsojonPlasma works fine01:09
alfonsojonKWin? Eh.01:09
littlegirlThat's good. Now to just figure out the parts that don't. (:01:09
alfonsojonI'm thinking about investing in a 16 GB SD-XC card01:10
alfonsojonBut one that's small and can hide under the plastic01:10
alfonsojonThat way, I can get near-USB 3.0 speeds and essentially a second internal SSD01:10
alfonsojonBut honestly01:11
alfonsojonFor $249, this laptop is a jouy01:11
littlegirlThat sounds like a great price! Did it come with Linux on it?01:12
alfonsojonIt's the ARM Chromebook :D01:12
alfonsojonTechnically, yes.01:12
littlegirlThat's Greek to me. (:01:12
alfonsojonIt's a google laptop01:12
alfonsojonIt runs Google Chrome OS01:12
PibbleThe chromebooks have google os01:12
Pibblewhich IS linux01:12
alfonsojonIt's linux but locked down01:12
Pibblebut youre locked out of anything lowlevel on them01:12
littlegirlAh, like my Google tablet that wants to get Kubuntu Active on it when they have it figured out. (:01:12
alfonsojonNot full GNU01:12
PibbleIm on a chomebook c701:13
Pibbleright now01:13
Pibblerunning kubuntu01:13
alfonsojonPibble: I'm debating removing the BIOS read-only screw and flashing a custom BIOS01:13
littlegirlPibble, thanks for the help! I'm all hot pink in my panel now. (:01:13
Pibblealfonsojon: do a whole lot of research on it.01:13
alfonsojonI have01:13
Pibblelittlegirl: welcome, glad I could help01:13
alfonsojonI'm not doing it =yet= because it seems scary and I haven't even opened this laptop up yet01:14
alfonsojonScary being i don't want to kill it.01:14
PibbleDont do it until the machines are better understood too01:14
alfonsojonWhat's your opinion on the C7?01:18
alfonsojonIs it worth the price or is the ARM one worth the $50?01:19
PibbleC7 is a solid computer with a full OS01:19
Pibbleit is NOT a netbook01:19
alfonsojonMy main question is really battery life01:19
alfonsojonConsidering with mine, I get beyond what the paper says (7 hours, 6.5 hours advertised)01:20
alfonsojonWhat do you get?01:20
PibbleFull charge, with modest browsing and application... 2.5 hours01:20
alfonsojonThat's not that bad for the price01:20
PibbleI could prolly bump that to 3ish if I tried01:20
Pibblebut that would limit the application of the entire computer01:20
alfonsojoncan't you swap out the HDD for an SSD and upgrade the battery?01:20
PibbleIn time, im sure01:20
PibbleBut it has more robust hardware01:21
alfonsojonIf it had an SSD, I'm sure the battery life would be better01:21
augiewhats a decent netbook to get if I just want to run Kubuntu on it?01:21
PibbleLike I said, its a good laptop, but not a netbook01:21
alfonsojonaugie: Depends on what you need it for :)01:21
augieim using an Acer F-020 right now running Kubuntu as a virtual machine01:22
alfonsojonaugie, what do you need to do with this laptop?01:22
augieI'm a network security student and studying linux networking and security as a course. I don't want to run it as a virtual machine for long because I want to use it as a stand alone system01:22
alfonsojonIs $995 too expensive for you?01:23
augiefor sure. I'm in Australia. everything is insanely expensive here01:23
alfonsojonBecause I really like the Galago UltraPro by System7601:23
augieI'm not sure so this might be a stuopid question but will I be able to install it on a chromebook? :P01:24
augieI can get one for AUD$30001:24
alfonsojonWhich Chromebook?01:24
PibbleI have that one01:28
augiehow does it work for you?01:29
PibbleFine, for me01:29
augieis there ANY way to install Kubuntu on top of ubuntu ? :S01:29
PibbleYou can install ubuntu then KDE01:30
augieI want to install Kubuntu on my other machine which currently has ubuntu 13.04 and I HATE the unity desktop01:30
PibbleJust run KDE instead of unity01:30
augieI'll have to install it on top and the desktop will change to KDE right?01:31
alfonsojonaugie: My laptop just committed suicide01:32
alfonsojonWhich brings me to my main point01:32
alfonsojonIf this is the Samsung ARM Chromebook, the support isn't the greatest.01:32
alfonsojonI'm running Kubuntu 13.10 on my ARM Chromebook and it has its "quirks"01:32
alfonsojonFirst of all, there is no video acceleration. Expect lag.01:33
augieSamsung would be way to expensive here01:33
alfonsojonIt's the $249 USD one01:33
alfonsojonAre you talking about the Acer one?01:33
augieI was going for the Acer Chromebook01:33
alfonsojonWhy is everything over in Australia so expensive!?01:33
alfonsojonThat laptop costs $199 here.01:34
alfonsojon$1 USD = $1.09 AUD01:34
alfonsojonMeaning if my laptop costs $249, it costs $272 AUD01:35
augiebecause we're in the extreme end of the freakin world01:35
alfonsojonAnd the $199 Acer one you're thinking about costs $217 AUD. Yet they're selling it for $300 AUD????01:35
alfonsojonWell, that's besides the point01:35
augieand by the time stuff gets here the transport cost is so huge that everything doubles in price sometimes01:35
alfonsojonPibble: How does Kubuntu run on your Acer chromebook?01:35
augieI have ubuntu installed on my Acer F020 netbook but I want one to install and purely run Kubuntu on it or even BackTrack for my seucrity course01:37
alfonsojonaugie: It should work fine01:38
alfonsojonYou'll need to enable developer mode and use Chrubuntu though01:38
augieChrubuntu? what's that?01:39
augieI won't be able to run the stock Kubuntu installation that I have on the Chromebook?01:41
alfonsojonIt works the same but the installation process differs extremely01:42
alfonsojonYou can't just make a live USB and boot it that way01:42
augieoh ok01:42
augiehaha why would it be simple :P01:43
augienothing worth doing ever is01:43
alfonsojonIt's actually not hard01:43
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alfonsojonYou boot the laptop in developer mode01:44
alfonsojonRun the chrubuntu script01:44
alfonsojonBoot into ubuntu with CTRL+U when the developer mode nag appears.01:44
augieOk. I'll pop back in once I have the chromebook in front of me01:45
augieI'm tempted to buy it today but I have to pay rent first :P01:45
alfonsojonGood luck01:46
augieThanks mate.01:46
alfonsojonNo problem01:47
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hyper_chhi there, for some reason, my hdmi monitor stopped working... or rather the kde systemsettings doesn't display it anymore.05:38
jussihyper_ch: did you try turning it on and off again? :D05:39
* jussi hugs hyper_ch05:39
hyper_chcomputer or screen?05:41
jussihyper_ch: in anycase, please flesh out the details - what did you do before it, have you updated etc etc05:42
hyper_chjussi: I turned it off at home - plugged it in at work05:43
hyper_chmy notebook05:43
hyper_chthat's all I did05:43
jussiHave you had it working at work before?05:43
hyper_chfor months05:43
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jussihyper_ch: sounds weird. Unless youve done an update, or the cable isnt properly plugged in, I have no idea!05:44
hyper_chI'll reboot05:44
hyper_chjussi: reboot fixed it somehow05:49
jussihyper_ch: hehe, who knows, maybe some daemon crashed05:50
hyper_chthe vga screen worked05:50
hyper_chjust hdmi didn't05:50
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hyper_choh well05:50
dragu_hi, any fix known to mysql-server problem on kubuntu 13.04 after update?06:46
cornfeedhobodoes anyone know how to stop kde while it's running? i just want to be able to run "X -configure" from tty107:03
dragu_hi, any fix known to mysql-server problem on kubuntu 13.04 after update?07:32
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alvinI see KDE 4.11 final release is scheduled for tomorrow. Here's hoping there will be packages soon :-)08:39
dragu_hi, any fix known to mysql-server problem on kubuntu 13.04 after update?09:06
valoriedragu, why not write to the list? or file a bug09:12
valorierepeating yourself here isn't finding you an answer09:12
dragu_valorie: where?09:13
valoriewhere where?09:13
dragu_"to the list"09:14
valoriekubuntu-devel is the list, and you can use 'ubuntu-bug' in the cli09:14
dragu_valorie: ok, thanks09:14
valoriealso, the forums are usually useful09:15
valorieI just don't use them enough09:15
valorieI sometimes answer, but have been too busy lately09:16
valorieanyway, signing out for the night....09:16
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yofeldragu_: #ubuntu-server is also a good place to ask about server things09:19
yofelthey might know more09:19
dragu_yofel: thanks09:19
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jussiHow does one clear the recent documents opened history?10:22
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit10:40
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alvinjussi: That's easy. Right-click it12:16
jussialvin: I discovered that after hunting through about a bazillion settings...12:17
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lucahi everybody! i have problems with kernel dependencies, who can help me?12:46
ignerioushi everyone12:52
ignerioushow to change the ksplash screen resolution????12:54
ignerioushow to change the ksplash screen resolution????12:54
igneriousplease help12:55
alvinWhat's ksplash?13:00
igneriousalvin: the screen that apears after username and password are given to login to kubuntu13:03
alvinThe rectangle that is only visible for a few seconds?13:04
igneriousno there is a background image behind the rectangle13:05
igneriousany body plaease help13:06
alvinWell, I've never needed it, but I've found this. Worth a try. http://askubuntu.com/questions/73804/wrong-login-screen-resolution Maybe changing the lightdm resolution helps. Otherwise it's the KDE resolution and you can just do that in settings.13:07
igneriousalvin: sorry to say this is not at all13:09
alvinThat's remarkable. So, there is the resolution for GRUB and text mode. Afterwards, there's X, and X is split in lightdm, ksplash and KDE? Those are a lot of places to set a resolution for. I used to fix stuff like that in KDM's xrandr configuration, but that was when KDM was still used.13:11
igneriousalvin yeah13:12
ignerioushow to change the ksplash screen resolution????13:25
ignerioushow to change the splash screen resolution in kubuntu????13:33
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mydogsnameisrudyignerious: maybe this is what your looking for  http://askubuntu.com/questions/127851/change-boot-screen-resolution13:45
igneriousmydogsnameisrudy: sir i want to change this resolution http://img651.imageshack.us/img651/1654/snapshot32.png13:50
igneriousplease help me13:51
mydogsnameisrudyis your splash screen resolution differnt then your desktop resolution?13:57
igneriousit uses 800x600 instead of 1900x120013:58
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mydogsnameisrudyhmmm i dont know ...  maybe ask in  #ubuntu14:01
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johnharris85How do I put a file on my desktop? copying it to my user's desktop folder doesn't work14:45
alvinIt does. Maybe your ~/Desktop directory is just not visible on Plasma14:47
alvinWhat I want to say is: "have you added the folderview widget?"14:48
johnharris85alvin: I haven't, but I have now, thanks. I'm coming from windows was expecting it to just appear there, anyway to emulate windows functionality here or am I stuck with folder view?14:49
johnharris85doesn't bother me but this is going to be for guys coming from windows as well and they're going to be non-technical14:50
alvinjohnharris85: Actually, I don't know, but I thought it was possible to set your folderview to the whole desktop.14:54
alvinAh, I see. Just right-click your desktop. You can set the layout to folderview14:56
johnharris85alvin: aha, awesome got it, thanks for your help!14:57
ladyleeguys i need help15:23
ladyleeim using linux mint 15 rite now15:23
ladyleeand i want to install Kubuntu15:23
ladyleewhats the newest version and how to install it?15:24
ladyleeis it the same way as ubuntu15:24
resureHi. Is that OK to install KDE on Ubuntu 13.04 and use it, or it's better to install Kubuntu?15:33
bbeck_ladylee: The latest version is 13.04 available from http://www.kubuntu.org/15:33
yahyaacan anyone please tell me why I can not see any words in my firefox browser, or any content??16:09
yahyaaplease help, I don't won't to format and reinstall my whole system!!16:10
geniiyahyaa: Did you install some new fonts recently?16:20
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geniiyahyaa: This is most likely the problem.16:21
yahyaado u know how I can fix it16:21
yahyaabasically what i did was copied a bunch of fonts that I already had to the true fonts folder16:21
geniiyahyaa: I would try removing them from there. You can make a folder in your home directory called .fonts     and then put them in there instead.16:23
geniiApologies on lag, work is requiring much of my attention at the moment.16:23
yahyaawow, thanks alot, let me try that right quick!16:23
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Anne-senpaiHi.  Question on a wifi issue (Intel Wireless-N BGN using iwlwifi driver): I've noticed that my speed starts out decent enough, but drops to zero almost immediately.  I've searched through forums and blogs, and even tried using a Bash script to "force" it into 54 Mpbs, but even that doesn't work.  Any help on this?17:06
Anne-senpaiI'd had the same problem in 12.04 and 12.10, and am running 13.04 now.17:08
geniiAnne-senpai: This is the first I've ever heard of such an issue. It's very weird.17:10
Anne-senpaiIt seems that all the Bash script really does is lie to NetworkManager, since it is listing the speed at 54Mbps, when any form of dowloading (including BitTorrent and just through a browser) seems to be at a maximum of 400Kbps down.17:10
Anne-senpaiIt seems that all the Bash script really does is lie to NetworkManager, since it is listing the speed at 54Mbps...etc17:11
Anne-senpaiA simple page load for Google just took about 45 seconds, and a basic search (terms: "ubuntu speed drops") took about 30 seconds or more17:12
Anne-senpaiI have also tried this with the machine (single user, laptop) throughout the house, on several days of different weather, and line of sight and barrometric pressure doesn't change a thing17:13
Avihayhave you tried with a hard line?17:14
Anne-senpaiYes.  Proper speed.  It is only when I am using wifi.17:14
Anne-senpaiProblem is that there is only one place in the house where the laptop and I can get along comfortably, and it can't be using a hard line there (too easy to trip everyone)17:15
Avihayand does this happen only with your home wifi?17:15
Anne-senpaiNo, sadly17:15
AvihayI guess I'd go looking for a different/better driver17:15
Avihaywell, I've heard something bout disabling the N version of wifi protocol on some problematic boards improves performance (if I understand it correctly)17:17
Anne-senpaiNot entirely sure if I tried it, and not entirely sure what to do after running the one-liner to disable N17:19
Avihayme neither :-<17:19
Anne-senpaiNo, what I mean by that is, after I've run it (it being echo options iwlwifi 11n_disable=1 | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/51-disable-6235-11n.conf ), do I then reboot, disconnect then reconnect to the network, logout and back, etc17:21
AvihayI guess ifdown ifup?17:24
geniiLooks like maybe https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/103474017:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1034740 in Linux "iwlwifi drops connection when using 802.11n" [High,Confirmed]17:27
himanshu_hi, how do i install *.bin file on kubuntu?17:32
himanshu_tried "./*.bin" got no command found17:32
geniiRemove the *17:32
geniiAnd substitute with the actual filename17:33
himanshu_i ran with the filename only17:33
himanshu_actually i want to install Qt17:34
himanshu_so i download qt offline installer17:34
himanshu_from here http://qt-project.org/downloads17:35
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Avihayhimanshu_: it's easyer to install qt from the repositories17:51
mr-richIs Kubuntu 13.04 really LTS?18:28
jussimr-rich: not last time I checked... wy do you ask?18:28
mr-richzareason is offering "Kubuntu 13.04 LTS" as an option ...18:28
Riddellmr-rich: got a URL?18:29
Riddellprobably a typo18:29
jussiyeah, someone should shoot Cathy an email18:31
Riddellnow now that's a bit violent, we should just sent one :)18:31
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streulmahello, I don't know how to change the screen resolution on Kubuntu19:09
DarthFrogstreulma:  SystemSettings/Hardware/Display and Monitor/Display Configuration.19:12
DarthFrogOr you could try krandr.19:13
streulmais Kubuntu better to run in Macbook Pro Retina then Gnome ?19:13
DarthFrogstreulma:  I think you might be able to predict the answer if you come on to the #Kubuntu channel and ask if Kubuntu is better than GNOME. :-)19:14
[RoeyInABox]ever since I upgraded to Ringtail, I've noticed that after a few hours, my graphics starts to really lag and chop up19:19
[RoeyInABox]what's with this?  Is this a memory leak?19:19
chachanguys, I'm having continuous disconnection on WiFi. Some details: http://paste.kde.org/pc5bdbfed/23:25
chachanI don't see anything on dmesg, and syslog has a lot of reconnection things...23:25
chachanI have more devices connected to this router without having disconnection. Also I tried connecting to my android using hotspot and I still get disconnected23:27
chachanthe weird thing is that network manager doesn't change its status, it thinks is still connected. Another thing is that I can't even ping the router API23:28
chachanwhen I disconnect and connect through network manager, it restores the connection without any problem23:28
lectusHello! I installed Kubuntu 13.04. After updating and installing nvidia proprietary driver I reboot and now KDE is very slow, very unusable. How can I solve this?23:29
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LectusHello! Can anyone help me? I installed nvidia drivers and now KDE runs very slowly. How can I solve this?23:35
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