
didrocksMirv: hey, I'm around if any packaging review needed :)05:22
=== tvoss|eod is now known as tvoss
Mirvmorning didrocks! upower in system-settings + new mir packages in platform-api
didrocksMirv: good morning! system-settings + mir: ack ;)05:24
didrocksMirv: will you look at u-s-c and apps? we have 35 minutes to figure out what's wrong before next daily release :)05:24
Mirvplatform, not mir :) mirslave seems to be depending on this.05:25
didrocksMirv: sorry, I meant, platform :)05:25
Mirvunity-system-compositor:i386 Depends on libmirserver105:25
Mirvso after platform gets them to NEW it'd be resolved?05:25
Mirvno actually different package05:26
didrocksMirv: no need for NEW? (normally yeah, binary NEW, but we bypass that with daily releases)05:26
didrocksyeah, it's the AP tests that are failing05:26
didrockslike a lot of them05:26
Mirvthe whole line is about strict version dependency unity-system-compositor:i386 Depends on libmirserver1 [ i386 ] < none -> 0.0.9+13.10.20130813-0ubuntu1 > ( libs ) (= 0.0.9+13.10.20130812.4-0ubuntu1) can't be satisfied!05:26
Mirvdidrocks: platform has the new binary packages libubuntu-application-api-mirserver1 + libubuntu-application-api-mirclient1, but the whitelist was only for new source packages?05:27
Mirvapps on the other hand has gathered a lot of gstreamer/libav dependencies05:28
didrocksMirv: oh yeah, the whitelist is only source packages05:28
didrocksMirv: yeah, I just checked them, they seem ok (almost all in main). I just wonder about gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg05:28
didrocksMirv: you know, ffmepg isn't really allowed everywhere05:28
didrocksMirv: mind poking upstream about it? (not blocking on that, but let's do that preventively)05:29
didrocksand note in the "not blocking release part"05:29
didrocksMirv: btw, not sure you noted, but you have the dependency chain before the +<package> in the logs05:29
didrocks/var/log/upstart/otto-setup.log:   Installing gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg as Depends of gallery-app05:29
didrocks/var/log/upstart/otto-setup.log:     Installing libavcodec53 as Depends of gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg05:29
didrocks/var/log/upstart/otto-setup.log:       Installing libavutil51 as Depends of libavcodec5305:29
didrocksit helps to know what's pulling the different components :)05:30
Mirvdidrocks: ok, poking and noting, meanwhile https://code.launchpad.net/~timo-jyrinki/cupstream2distro-config/apps_gstreamer_libav/+merge/17984805:31
didrocksMirv: +1, please merge :)05:32
didrocksMirv: btw, if you have any idea on how we can make this list more easy to deal with…05:32
didrocksMirv: it's the biggest part I'm not happy about, but I don't know how we can deal with that ensuring the same security in term of detecting transitions05:32
didrocks(and packages that we shouldn't dep on)05:33
didrocksthe only piece of improvment I guess is to add to the dep list the stack we depend on package list as well05:33
Mirvyes it's a bit ugly. diff:s would be easier with newlines, but then it'd take even more space05:34
Mirvok apps redeployed, shall I rerun check or let the next run handle it?05:34
Mirvdidrocks: what do you think about these repeated unity7 AP problems? now I haven't seen the aborted AP sessions, but still differentiation. there was a successful (marked as such) check run during the night, and the diff against the new one is http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5979939/05:37
didrocksMirv: next run is in 20 minutes, I'm fine with waiting05:37
Mirvshould we start the familiar-from-the-past manual testing on the differing tests and forcing publication if no problems found?05:37
didrocksMirv: I guess we shouldn't do the manual testing anymore as long as there is no urgency05:37
didrocksMirv: juste poke upstream + the manager05:37
didrocksand write in the list05:38
Mirvright. with the webapps now functioning, autopublishing should happen every now and then.05:38
didrocksMirv: we have enough to do TBH without adding the manual testing :)05:38
didrocksyeah ;)05:38
didrocksMirv: can you start with the list of mirslaves unity AP tests failing?05:38
didrocksMirv: I think that list is urgent05:38
didrocks(because mir and platform-api are blocked in -proposed as long as those are not addressed)05:38
Mirvdidrocks: I don't see the failing AP tests? just the dependency problem.05:41
Mirvhttp:// etc05:41
didrocksMirv: argh05:42
didrocksMirv: I've been trapped by the jenkins ui05:42
Mirvthere was a new mir snapshot that go tin two hours ago05:42
didrocksI guess it's a sign for coffee needed :p05:42
Mirvdidrocks: hehe :) that's not a miracle, the ui is what it is05:42
didrocksMirv: don't tell me :)05:42
MirvI'd think the dependency problem would resolve itself now that the new mir is built05:43
didrocksMirv: it's interesting in fact05:43
didrocksmirslaves deps on mir05:43
didrocksso normally mir finished before mirslaves start05:44
didrocksand is published05:44
didrocksMirv: maybe we can quickly run mirslaves?05:44
didrocks(the tests are taking 10 minutes, should just be before the tick)05:44
Mirvsure we can, just foo run?05:44
Mirvok, it's running05:45
didrocksthanks Mirv :)05:45
didrocksI propose we trademark the "foo run" :)05:45
Mirvyou're welcome05:46
didrocksok, passed the installation step, I think we had a publisher mismatch possibly05:46
didrocksas you can see mir is run in the first pass05:47
didrocksand mirslave in the second05:47
didrocks__________ divide dependencies05:47
didrocks(there is no more manual scheduling)05:47
tjaaltoni guess we're not going to see g-c-c/g-s-d 3.8.x in saucy?07:28
didrockstjaalton: I think it's a question for seb128 (he will be around late)07:28
tjaaltondidrocks: ok07:29
darkxsttjaalton, g-s-d yes, g-c-c probably not07:32
tjaaltondarkxst: alright07:33
darkxstits still blocked by the ibus/keyboard-indicator stuff though07:33
tjaaltonhmm I think the new wacom stuff needs g-c-c 3.8 too, but oh well07:40
Mirvdidrocks: apps would be ready with the ffmpeg packaging addition
didrocksMirv: ok, +1 for publishing, did you ping upstream? (cc Pat maybe?)07:49
didrocksMirv: will start on qt3d & co in a few minutes07:49
Mirvdidrocks: just did as osomon appeared to be online07:49
didrocksgreat :)07:49
Mirvdidrocks: there's something going on at platform-api, ../mir/mir.project* doesn't exist
didrocksMirv: yeah, I changed the job so that it's starting to be green instead of yellow07:51
didrocksMirv: in fact, it means that there is nothing to release (see the logs before)07:52
didrocksthere is force_rebuild set07:52
didrocksbut the condition "having a newest Mir" isn't met07:52
didrocksso no need for rebuilding07:52
didrocksgood morning sil210007:52
didrocksit should just be green in that case07:52
didrockslet me relaunch, I fixed it07:52
sil2100Good morning everyone!07:52
Mirvdidrocks: ah, that kind of dependency07:52
Mirvhello sil210007:53
didrocksMirv: exactly, this is to avoid rebuilding platform-api and unity-system-compositor if it's not needed07:53
didrocksMirv: should be green now :)07:53
Mirvit's green now. ok, just mirslave and unity tests running, all others green07:54
sil2100Mirv: so I see this daily-release run is ready? :)07:54
Mirvsil2100: two runs already :)07:55
sil2100Then I'll deal with the next one then07:55
didrocksyeah, it's nice when it's releasing quickly, there is not so much ;)07:55
didrockssil2100: wait for unity/mirslave to finish07:55
sil2100didrocks: there is still time, hope unity will manage!07:56
didrocksyeah and mirslave07:56
didrockslast ran blocked on ati :/07:56
didrocks(even with latest compiz)07:56
darkxsttjaalton, still hoping to get g-c-c 3.8 in, but really not much time left.07:59
sil2100didrocks: that's too bad then... but at least we're no longer running an 'external application from another package' from inside of compiz, which I always thought was a bit strange08:01
tjaaltondarkxst: same blocker?08:01
didrockssil2100: right, it's not that bad, as we don't have unity-2d anymore anyway08:01
didrockssil2100: I gave RAOF access this morning, he's preparing a new version of Mir/u-s-c/Xmir with intrumentation08:01
darkxsttjaalton, yes, but there is a bunch of additional minor issues, that I can't fix since the desktop team hasnt even looked at it yet to decide what they want08:02
darkxstI did fix all the major blockers08:02
sil2100didrocks: \o/ would be nice to finally know what's up with mir and the ati machine08:02
didrocksyeah ;)08:02
sil2100Strange that no one encountered it locally though08:02
tjaaltondarkxst: that's cool08:06
sil2100Mirv, didrocks: unity testing finished \o/08:29
didrockssil2100: great \o/08:29
sil2100ATI had a bit too many failures it seems, I even saw it was a bit slower then the others - probably some timeouts or hangups08:29
didrocks(unity-system-compositor passed)08:29
sil2100didrocks: \o/08:30
didrocksin the way, unityshell was loaded this time :)08:30
sil2100Ok, so we're clear for the next run08:30
didrockssil2100: it's intel rather:
didrockssil2100: jibel stops at the first card which doesn't pass08:30
didrocks(too many regressions for intel)08:30
sil2100didrocks: oh, but I checked here:
didrockssil2100: depending on what you want, if you poke upstream to get the number lower (we need that anyway, 17 is way too much)08:31
sil2100didrocks: but right08:31
didrockswe can force publishing08:31
didrocksit's your pick08:31
didrocksbut in any case, ensure that you or Mirv track upstream to get the number of flacky tests down08:31
sil2100didrocks: ok, but if I poke them, you think it's ok to force publishing?08:31
didrockssil2100: yeah, I think that's fine for that time08:32
didrocks(to not having another unity rebuild for nothing)08:32
sil2100didrocks: btw. in the end, in such a case how am I supposed to force publishing again ;) ? I mean, do I have to do it from the head job somehow?08:32
sil2100didrocks: since I remember yesterday something with running the publish job manually was wrong or something?08:32
sil2100(it anyway doesn't propagate properly to the head job)08:33
sil2100I would like a head job flag such as 'do only publishing, but don't force the publication yet'08:33
didrockssil2100: so, run it on the head08:33
sil2100So that I can see if the publish is yellow or not08:33
didrockswith AUTO_PUBLICATION on08:33
didrocksnot FORCE_PUBLICATION08:33
sil2100Oh :D08:33
sil2100: D08:34
sil2100didrocks: it seems you were reading my mind and prepared everything beforehand!08:34
sil2100didrocks: with foo, yes?08:34
didrockssil2100: ahah, I try to prepare all cases where we need to manually unblock things ;)08:34
didrockssil2100: doesn't matter :p08:34
didrocksah, we are in that case08:36
didrocks"the previous run already failed, can't republish automatically the stack. Report to that run to get more info."08:36
didrockslet me try to think if that's really needed, because it was a double shield protection08:36
didrockssil2100: should we define for that trick to be foo + AUTO_PUBLICATION?08:37
sil2100didrocks: you mean, that it would still run publish even if the previous run failed when it's a special case of AUTO_PUBLICATION and foo as the project to build?08:38
didrockssil2100: right08:38
didrocksI doubt we need another flag for that08:38
sil2100didrocks: fine with me, but it would be nice to document it somewhere08:39
sil2100didrocks: quirks of jenkins daily-release ;)08:39
didrockssil2100: we need to have that controller out of jenkins08:39
didrockssil2100: normally, we should never ever have to do that btw ;)08:39
didrockssil2100: ok, redeployed, do you mind trying that?08:41
sil2100didrocks: trying!08:41
sil2100didrocks: seems like the same08:42
sil2100didrocks: "the previous run already failed, can't republish automatically the stack. Report to that run to get more info."08:42
didrocksand rebuild_only is set to foo…08:43
didrockssil2100: sorry, I'm *really* stupid08:43
didrocksesil2100: should be better now, please try again. Btw, I added another message to tell to use "foo" to force a normal manual publication08:44
didrocksone day, I'll learn the difference between = and !=08:45
sil2100Trying ;)08:45
sil2100hehe, typos happen!08:45
sil2100didrocks: it seems to be working \o/08:45
didrocksgreat ;)08:46
didrockssil2100: the message will now be FYI/08:46
didrocks+      echo "ERROR: The previous run already failed, can't republish automatically the stack. Report to that run to get more info."08:46
didrocks+      echo "If you wanted to try/force a manual regular publication, you can use AUTO_PUBLICATION and set REBUILD_ONLY to foo to bypass this safeguard."08:46
didrockssil2100: sounds legit? ^08:46
didrockswe will need to redeploy all stacks to get that in production though08:46
sil2100didrocks: sounds good indeed!08:46
sil2100We still have like 13 minutes to the next run to start, right?08:47
didrockssil2100: Mirv: ZOMG it's all green! quick quick, tape a picture:
didrocksasac: you as well, we have prooves! :)08:47
didrockssil2100: 1h1308:47
didrockssil2100: meanwhile, maybe you can start lurking as well on the Raring/SRU side?08:47
sil2100didrocks: ah! I think I forgot about the UTC offset ;)08:47
didrocks(seeing if stuff are stuck in proposed)08:47
didrockssil2100: heh, yeah, we are +2 ;)08:48
sil2100didrocks: ok!08:48
didrocksthat will be an interesting challenge with the UTC offset08:48
didrocksI set the times so that every run can be looked at08:48
didrocksso, I think we may need to move the time with UTC change, or just not caring of the delta08:48
didrockslet's see08:49
asacdidrocks: nice!!!!!!08:50
Mirvdidrocks: !!!08:51
asacwell done08:51
MirvI'll take a screenshot for sure08:51
asacdidrocks: what about phone testing ? guess thats next?08:51
asacor is that already in those greens?08:51
didrocksasac: no, it's not08:52
didrocksasac: I'm still on a huge backlog, as told in the meeting, I'll need someone in the QA team to help08:52
asacdidrocks: do they know how otto is done etc.?08:53
didrocksMirv is desperatly waiting on me for Qt for instance :)08:53
didrocksasac: I'm unsure of it08:53
asacdidrocks: could we try to use utah for the provisioning part? what special requirements do we have for daily-release?08:53
didrocksasac: jibel transmitted the requirements to the UTAH team08:54
didrockswhich are basically:08:54
didrocks- be able to specify a ppa08:54
didrocks- be able to have a list of packages we filter on (like, if we install more than this list of packages, bails out and show a diff)08:54
didrocks- have a switch to disable this previous check, for multiple runs08:54
didrocks- have a switch to dist-upgrade from the whole ppa08:55
didrocks- have a snapshot capability that we can transmit usptream to rerun that locally08:55
didrocks- and have a way to ssh to the machine while it's running08:55
didrocks- oh also: if we kill the jenkins job, the test should be aborted08:55
didrocksand be able to run the next one08:55
didrocks- and have the timeout working (it regressed a lot in the past)08:56
didrocksthis is in addition to have a stable runs of course08:56
asacdidrocks: how often do you use ssh?08:56
didrocksasac: almost daily08:56
didrockswhen upstream need to investigate live08:56
didrocksbecause they can't reproduce locally08:56
didrocksRAOF for instance was connected this morning for Mir08:57
asacdidrocks: how long do we leave an instance live?08:57
didrocksof course, when we ssh, the machine should be temporarly deprovisionning08:57
didrocksasac: 2h08:57
asacafter it has failed08:57
didrocks2h is the timeout08:57
didrocksif the machine is stuck08:57
asacor is is a special job for "hacking"?08:57
didrocksthen, we have snapshot08:57
didrocksand we can restore any snapshot from the past week08:57
didrockswhich will restore the same environment when you left08:58
asacdidrocks: so you basically say we need an lxc solution?08:58
didrocksasac: not sure, I guess with a VM this will be possible as well08:58
asacbut right now we dont have VM08:58
asacand we dont have lxc08:58
asacso not sure if your requirements are realisitic short term08:58
asacmaybe i am wrong about lxc08:58
asaclets see how stuff is going on the emulator front08:59
asacxnox: ^^ :)08:59
didrocksasac: can we have at least the UTAH team looking at them and giving an answer?08:59
asacyou could safe the world08:59
didrocksyeah ;)08:59
didrockswe all rely on xnox!08:59
didrocksasac: but that's what we need daily basically and from what I know, it's the gap we missed with UTAH in the early days08:59
asacdidrocks: no... utah team are not able to solve problems like "ouch we have no virtualization solution on our phone"08:59
asacthats just unrealistic. the experts about that are elsewhere09:00
didrocksasac: I meant for the rest, like ppa, filtering package list and so on09:00
didrocksaborting when the jenkins job aborts09:00
asacdidrocks: so would a solution with just the "realisitic" things be useful?09:00
didrocksasac: I think this will block everything09:00
didrockslike if upstream can't debug what's wrong live… we'll be way slower to fix issues09:01
asaci know09:01
asacso you say we shouldn't even try to get anythng that isnt virtualized there09:01
didrocksthis is what happened with unity during the natty cycle09:01
didrocksI think so09:01
asacotoh we have the problems then in the image09:01
asacwhich slows stuff even more down09:01
asacbecause the distance from image to developer is even greater and the disconnect as well09:01
didrockswith the virtualization?09:02
asacdidrocks: people have problems fixing bugs that we see on real phones09:02
asacsaying we slow down development because we block those issues at daily-release stage09:02
asacis probably not right09:02
asacright now we just dont see lots of problems and hence dont care09:02
asaclets wait for xnox to bring us good news09:03
didrocksyeah, let's see09:03
xnoxdidrocks: asac: i'm at debconf this week. I will come back to above, when available.09:03
xnoxdidrocks: asac: per-se lxc doesn't provide snapshots, the emulator does copy/snapshot the virtual disks to provide a snapshot, but there is little or no cost starting a fresh emulator each time.09:04
didrocksxnox: asac: right, we do emulate snapshot ourselves09:05
didrocksproviding a tar that people can restart09:05
xnoxdidrocks: asac: i didn't bring up unflipped yet to the point of working/booting the gui. And not sure how much flipped bring up will need, since i don't think goldfish kernel has lxc ported/enabled.09:06
didrocksasac: I think on the phone, we won't have the snapshot at first, so that can be delayed, but at least, the same configuration for developers will help (and a way to ssh to the machines/unprovision-reprovision)09:07
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didrockssil2100: latest change redeployed everywhere09:30
sil2100didrocks: \o/ right on time!09:31
didrocksheh ;)09:31
sil2100Oh! No seb128!09:39
didrockssil2100: not today09:45
didrockshe will be connected at 5pm approx09:45
sil2100Since I have a g-c-c-u question from raring09:46
sil2100g-c-c-u is stuck in -proposed, not sure what to do exactly, as there is one bug fixed there but not fixed 'completely' - and it's arguable if we should release it like that or not09:47
didrocksah ok, let's wait for him maybe :)09:48
sil2100Hello seb12809:59
seb128sil2100, hey, how are you?09:59
didrocksseb128: already arrived?10:00
seb128didrocks, no, in Zurich10:00
didrocksah ok :)10:00
didrocksseb128: quick quick, 2 minutes before next run:
seb128didrocks, something went wrong with the red color10:01
seb128it went missing10:01
didrocksseb128: right, we changed jenkins' assets :)10:01
seb128nice one indeed10:02
seb128did you take a screenshot to have a proof it happened? ;-)10:02
didrocksapparently, we are multiple to have taken some :)10:02
didrocksseb128: how is the travel btw? everything on time?10:02
didrocksnice that you have Wifi :)10:03
seb128didrocks, yeah, everything is just fine, first flight was around 40min and second one is around 1h10:03
seb128Zurich airport is nice for that10:03
seb128they have one hour free wifi available from pretty much anywhere in the airport10:04
didrocksgreat ;)10:04
sil2100Awesome :)10:05
sil2100didrocks: hm, strangeness! Webapps is red because of the check job, which didn't even run10:21
sil2100ERROR: Build aborted. No projects to trigger. Check your configuration!10:21
didrockssil2100: right, I'm looking at that just now10:21
didrockssil2100: I wonder why when redeploying, commenting the check wasn't enough10:21
didrockssil2100: you know… as we disabled the check for it10:21
didrocksit shouldn't even have been ran10:21
didrocks(I only wanted to comment the minimal part)10:21
didrockssil2100: ok, commenting everything then10:22
didrocks(redeploying and rerunning)10:22
sil2100didrocks: but this will mean the need for redeployment of everything again? Watch out for other projects that might be running!10:23
didrockssil2100: no no, only webapps is in that case10:23
seb128ok, boarding time, back online in some hours10:23
didrocks    if 'extracheck' in stack and stack['extracheck']:10:23
didrocksseb128: safe travel10:24
seb128didrocks, thanks10:24
didrockssil2100: any idea why even with extracheck: False, it's trying to get it?10:24
didrocksoh maybe yaml want a space before #10:24
didrocksit's extracheck: False#autopilot-saucy-daily_release10:24
sil2100didrocks: could be, I never tried doing that without a whitespace before #10:25
didrockssil2100: yeah, that was it :)10:26
* didrocks reruns webapp10:26
didrockssil2100: ah, the -check job is off the hook now :)10:26
didrockssil2100: so, I just delete the -check job for now, ok?10:27
sil2100btw. why was the check job for webapps disabled?10:27
didrockssil2100: so that the "view" can be green10:27
didrockssil2100: because nobody is fixing unity_qml_webapps10:28
didrockssil2100: so it's disabled for dailies10:28
sil2100didrocks: ;/10:28
didrockswe gave them a week10:28
czajkowskiGood morning :)10:36
didrockshey czajkowski10:37
czajkowskiso running saucy and loving it however what ever updates I did last night is leading to much brokenness this morning., :(10:38
ubot2`czajkowski: Error: launchpad bug 1205896 not found10:38
ubot2`czajkowski: Error: launchpad bug 1211718 not found10:38
czajkowskiall happen on start up10:38
didrocksczajkowski: I would blame new glib, seeing the stacktrace. Mind pinging seb128 when he's back?10:39
didrocksdesrt: or maybe you can have a look dude? ^10:39
didrocks(the second one is not retraced yet)10:40
* didrocks goes for a run, see you later10:40
czajkowskididrocks: cheers10:41
czajkowskiseb128 is for once not here :(10:53
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sil2100didrocks: there seems to be an extra package missing in platform-api11:07
sil2100didrocks: let me check that and fix it11:07
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
desrtdidrocks: i get 404s for those pages?11:20
czajkowskidesrt: let me add you to them11:23
czajkowskithey're private bugs11:23
czajkowskidesrt: what is your LP id ?11:24
sil2100didrocks: once you're back: https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/cupstream2distro-config/add_hardware-api_to_platform/+merge/17990011:25
sil2100I jump out for lunch and dentist11:25
desrtczajkowski: desrt11:26
czajkowskidone :)11:27
didrockssil2100: approved11:50
didrockssil2100: rerun and approving the packaging changes I already approved :)11:56
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
sil2100didrocks: ok12:16
popeyhmm, bug 1189850 says it's fixed but I'm still seeing lots of corruption on Intel on saucy12:19
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1189850 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "(Needs a 3.10.3 kernel) saucy/raring has frequent image corruption (intel, sna)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118985012:19
popeyahh, "needs a 3.10.3 kernel"?12:20
desrtczajkowski: these two traces don't look particularly related12:29
desrt#25 0x00007f574a3e2d9b in dconf_settings_backend_write (backend=0x164c9d0, key=0x200c5d0 "/org/gnome/eog/view/background-color", value=0x1c13690, origin_tag=0x0) at dconfsettingsbackend.c:7912:30
desrtya... that's a bug12:32
desrtEogScrollView is hooking up bidirectional gsettings bindings to _itself_ during _construction_12:33
czajkowskiah well at least it makes sense to you :)12:38
desrtalthough i'm sure that this is definitely wrong, i wonder if there is something else that is wrong as well12:38
desrtsimple fix: changing G_SETTINGS_BIND_DEFAULT, to G_SETTINGS_BIND_GET on line 2561 of eog-scrolled-view.c12:39
desrtbut there may be another bug hiding out here12:39
tkamppeterI have removed the binary package ghostscript-cups and have moved the contents into cups-filters, is it OK if cups-filters has breaks/conflicts/replaces: ghostscript-cups? Or do I need a ghostscript-cups transitional package (provided by which source package and what should it depend on?). How can I make an update uninstall the current ghostscript-cups when cups-filters 1.0.36 gets installed?12:41
popeyany intel users seeing desktop lockups as per bug 1211754  ?12:41
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1211754 in unity (Ubuntu) "Desktop freezes for some seconds then continues" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121175412:41
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desrthmmmm.  may be some interesting damage here caused by our recent priv shuffling12:45
desrtczajkowski: are you reliably able to reproduce this eog problem?12:50
Mirvpopey: I've seen that, ie compiz/unity crash or something, although not this week yet12:50
popeyMirv: I get it daily, multiple times a day12:51
Mirvmaybe it's the xmir/unity-system-compositor magic that fixed it for me :)12:51
Mirvpopey: I guess it was no apport triggering or anything?12:51
popeyI'm running that12:51
popeynothing in /var/crash Mirv12:51
Mirvyeah that was annoying to me as well12:52
czajkowskidesrt: it's happening on start up for me not sure what it's doing for dholbach12:53
czajkowskiI've to run for interviews for the next hour but back then if I can help12:53
didrocksMirv: ok, finally your turn12:59
didrocksphew :)12:59
popeyMirv: interestingly after the crash, I get visible corroption on the screen13:01
popeyindicators blinking at me13:01
didrockspopey: it's the new blink functionality of indicators :)13:01
didrocksMirv: on http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5976449/, I'm happy about the change, but I would like to have something else than just a "forwarded: no"13:07
didrockslike why can't it be forwarded? why would we care the delta forever (when this file change)13:07
didrocksMirv: qt3d sponsored!13:11
Mirvdidrocks: I tried... it can be forwarded, I just would like for the person who can explain the problem best to describe it to upstream13:12
didrocksMirv: agreed, so not sponsoring until this is settled13:12
didrocksMirv: it's the only way of pressure we have :)13:12
didrocksbut the guy writing it should forward it13:13
Mirvthomi: ^ could you file an upstream bug / feature wish about the testability environment variable that could be then referred to in the patch, and then a codereview request to fix that bug? I can help.13:14
Mirvin the e-mail from Aug 7th there was the guide to submitting patches as well13:15
popeyok, desktop locking up every 10 mins is getting old now.13:19
tkamppeterAnyone can help me with a packaging issue?13:20
didrockstkamppeter: just ask and people who will have an idea will maybe answer :)13:20
tkamppeterI have removed the binary package ghostscript-cups and have moved the contents into cups-filters, is it OK if cups-filters has breaks/conflicts/replaces: ghostscript-cups? Or do I need a ghostscript-cups transitional package (provided by which source package and what should it depend on?). How can I make an update uninstall the current ghostscript-cups when cups-filters 1.0.36 gets installed?13:21
didrockstkamppeter: ok, so ghostscript-cups will be empty and should be removed, right?13:21
didrocks(and nothing is build-depending on ghostscript-cups?)13:23
tkamppeterdidrocks, yes13:26
tkamppeterdidrocks, there are some depends which I can easily change before FF.13:26
didrockstkamppeter: if you don't have any build-depends, you just need to use a conflicts/provides/replaces13:27
tkamppeterdidrocks, there are probably no build-depends.13:27
didrocksthat will remove the old package throught apt and will install the new one instead13:27
didrocksensure that what is depending on ghostscript-cups or seeded directly pull cups-filters then13:28
didrocks(so that's in on the CD by default)13:28
tkamppeterdidrocks, so no ttransitional packages, the binary package cups-filters which will hold the files which formerly came in ghostscript-cups will simply conflicts/provides/replaces ghostscript-cups?13:28
didrockstkamppeter: exactly, no transition packages and right, this relationship between the 2 packages will do the trick13:28
didrocksthe only thing you need to look at is how ghostscript-cups was pulled on the CD13:29
didrocksyou need at least one dep to pull cups-filters13:29
didrocksor changing the seed to list cups-filters instead of ghostscript-cups13:29
tkamppeterdidrocks, as cups-filters will provide ghostscript-cups, will a Depends: ghostscript-cups in another package pull cups-filters then?13:30
didrockstkamppeter: no, because it only a "provides"13:30
didrocksand you can have more than one provides13:30
didrocksso you can't directly install a provides13:30
didrocksif you have cups-filters installed on your system13:31
didrocksanything that depends on ghostscript-cups will have the dependency fulfilled (because cups-filters provides ghostscript-cups)13:31
didrocksso, the only question is "how ghostscript-cups was pulled in the CD?"13:31
didrocksand you need one thing to pull cups-filters on the CD13:31
tkamppeterdidrocks, cups-filters gets already pulled in by cups, and ghostscript-cups is not seeded, it is only puilled in by several printer driver packages (which I wuill change to pull cups-filters).13:32
didrockstkamppeter: ah ok, so if cups-filters was already pulled in, no worry :)13:32
didrocksthe dependency will be set13:32
didrocksjust add this conflicts/provides/replaces and you're fine :)13:33
tkamppeterdidrocks, thanks.13:33
didrockstkamppeter: yw!13:33
didrocksMirv: should we mark the Qt5 saucy snapshot module as DONE?13:35
Mirvdidrocks: I tend to add more and more stuff to it, but the qtlocation in there could be separated into its own item now13:36
didrocksMirv: yeah, let's do that :)13:36
didrocksthanks Mirv13:36
didrocksseb128: had a good end of travel?14:12
seb128didrocks, yeah, perfect, thanks14:13
sil2100seb128: hi! You on stable grounds now?14:24
seb128sil2100, hey, yeah, I'm at dholbach's14:24
sil2100Awesome! btw. you working today or do you have a free day? ;)14:25
didrocksseb128: so, you are going to watch cat's picture the whole afternoon now?14:25
seb128didrocks, Daniel is rather a dog guy :p14:25
* seb128 has a dog sleep just next to his shoes14:25
didrocksoh, he lied to me on his favorite activity!14:26
didrocksahah :)14:26
didrocksI hope you don't call Daniel a dog :p14:26
seb128oh, maybe he likes to watch cat's pictures to forget about the dog ;-)14:26
didrockssil2100: Mirv: so FYI, Mir dailies are blocked now14:27
didrocks(and mirslaves as well)14:27
didrocksuntil the ATI issue is fixed14:27
didrockssil2100: I set enabled: False on magners config14:27
didrocks(you can see it with bzr diff)14:27
didrockssil2100: if the issue is fixed, bzr revert will just reenable the stacks14:27
didrocksmaking sense?14:27
didrocks(yeah, it's easier than removing the schedule and redeploying, right? p:)14:27
sil2100But isn't it *sometimes* working ? ;)14:30
didrockssil2100: right, but let's ensure it's getting fixed now14:30
sil2100didrocks: agreed ;)14:30
sil2100didrocks: since it's breaking the machine basically, so every time it happens we have a problem with resetting the machine14:30
sil2100Which is blocking everything14:30
didrocksolli_: FYI: Mir/Mirslave not daily releasing anymore: DONE (in fact, was done during the meeting, just a 30s thing :p)14:31
didrockssil2100: exactly14:31
asacdidrocks: will this "in manual mode" show up as a state here: http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/daily/ ?14:58
didrocksasac: I think it's a question for fginther, but I think it won't14:58
didrocksasac: the information isn't in jenkins14:58
didrocksasac: but we should see that the stack isn't run for a long time14:58
didrocksasac: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuDk72Lpx8U5dHFtUmlPOUtCRk8zR2dtaEpIbUVhMmc#gid=3 is updated though14:59
fgintherdidrocks, the mir/mirslave jobs will stop running?15:12
didrocksfginther: right15:14
fgintherdidrocks, asac, in that case the stack will appear as published, but the publish date will not be updated until the job is re-enabled15:16
sil2100didrocks: opinion! What do you think would be the better option for media-scanner naming: ubuntu-mediascanner or unity-mediascanner ? Do you know if there is a specific convention in distro for that where we should use ubuntu- and where soemthing else?15:21
didrockssil2100: TBH, we had that discussion already, and it seems we want to name everything without prepending ubuntu-15:24
didrocksis media-scanner already taken?15:24
didrocksasac: dailies are so green that I want to cry honestly :)15:25
didrocks(but TBH, not a lot is coming in)15:25
didrockswe only released 27 packages from the past 24 hours15:26
seb128it's meeting time:15:30
seb128hey qengho15:31
seb128qengho, mlankhorst, tkamppeter, attente, (desrt?), larsu: hey, it's meeting time15:32
qengho- Wrote first 90% of new GRIT/gettext migration tool to support Launchpad translations in Chromium-browser.  This clears up (again) the reason we didn't adopt Cr as default in 12.04.15:32
qengho+-- Imported latest templates and strings in Launchpad.15:32
qengho- Discussing plugin behavior with businesspeople.15:32
qengho- Preparing 28.0.1500.95 for more testing and then #security.15:32
seb128qengho, thanks15:33
seb128mlankhorst, hey15:33
seb128no mlankhorst?15:35
seb128Laney, hey, here or busy at Debconf?15:35
seb128ok, busy I guess...15:37
seb128tkamppeter, hey15:37
jbichaseb128: maybe no one's here? ;)15:38
seb128seems so....15:38
seb128attente, hey15:38
larsuseb128: attente is on vacation I think15:38
seb128jbicha, but some people are on holidays, some are at Debconf15:38
seb128larsu, your turn :p15:38
seb128going to be a quick meeting ;-)15:38
larsu- last days of GUADEC, had some nice talks with people, but mostly working during the hackfest days15:39
larsu- MR UnityThemeIconProvider to ubuntu-ui-toolkit (slightly more featureful version of the one in unitymenumodel). It will help to get rid of the gicon provider which is only causing trouble. Not merged because there are no tests, Wellark agreed to write some because I'm busy (and on vacation soon)15:39
larsu- indicator-messages: consolidate branches. WIP but everybody wants it to land (phone-app is blocked on it)15:39
larsu- wrote a proposal for Saviq and MacSlow on how to handle system dialogs15:39
larsu- and general explaining-how-icons-should-be-done in unity815:39
tkamppetersorry, I am also here15:40
tkamppeter - Release of cups-filters 1.0.3615:40
tkamppeter - cups-filters upstream work15:40
tkamppeter - Testing for fix of Onboard right-click emulation bug15:40
tkamppeter - Bugs15:40
tkamppeter - GSoC15:40
tkamppeter - Tried out webbrowser-app on standard Unity desktop on Thinkpad Twist.15:40
mlankhorstseb128: woops, fixing up mesa 9.2 build for saucy, tested 9.1.4 for raring, pushed 9.1.6 to saucy (for raring next week). helping out with mir, some upstream nouveau fixes.15:41
seb128mlankhorst, tkamppeter, larsu: thanks15:41
seb128ok, me15:42
seb128- basically system settings15:42
seb128spent most of the week on the battery panel, debugged qtsystem/upower integration15:42
seb128added upower integration and charge graph15:43
seb128and I'm continuing on that atm15:43
seb128otherwise some sponsoring and reviews on the side15:43
desrtnobody cares about desrt15:44
didrocksdesrt: you were asked for!15:44
desrtnot in turn :)15:44
larsuts ts ts15:45
desrtanyway, i have very little to report anyway since i was at GUADEC most of last week.  only one item, really:15:45
seb128desrt, hey, I though you were on holidays/travelling15:45
desrtthe disk usage thing has spun out of control as people want to add more and more features to it and now we're left with an unbindable API.  i'll try to make sure it's all sorted by end-of-cycle still, though15:45
seb128ok, thanks15:45
larsudesrt: can we get a subset of the api first? Or is that unfeasible?15:46
desrtlarsu: not unless we want the _full form later...15:47
desrtit's sort of annoying because gobject-introspection is bad at cases where we have two callbacks (progress callback + async callback)15:47
larsudesrt: that's what I feared. Nevermind then :)15:47
desrtand further complicated by the fact that the scope of the progress callback is bounded by the single call to the async callback and we do not have a way of specifying this in introspection15:48
desrti should talk to colin...15:48
larsuhow does g_bus_own_name do it?15:48
desrt...but i think he's on vacation too15:48
desrt_with_closures maybe?15:48
larsuyeah, I think that's what vala uses at least15:48
desrtwe don't have a closure convention for async callbacks, though15:48
desrtso... fail15:48
desrtseb128: did you want to use this API sync or async?15:49
seb128desrt, async but I don't really need status updates15:49
seb128desrt, e.g I can spawn a sync version in a worked thread15:50
seb128I just want to animate a spinner until I get a value and then display the value15:50
desrtya..... alex's idea is that nautilus could share the same API15:51
desrtwhich is a nice idea15:51
desrti guess you're also using it from C15:52
desrt(or C++)15:52
desrtso an initial lack of bindability would not be a problem for you15:52
seb128C++ yes15:52
desrtk.  thanks for the input.15:53
seb128I could even system("du") but that's really not nice...15:53
desrtthis problem already exists with other functions like copy_async, fwiw15:53
desrtso i think we'll have to fix the bindings layer at some point anyway15:53
jbichaseb128: is there any good way to test whether webkit builds on powerpc before pushing to the regular archives?15:57
didrocksrobru: Mirv: sil2100: cyphermox: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/75e8e7309827ce11c50e72e98393d200a9993937?hl=fr16:00
didrockswhere is ken?16:00
didrockslet's do the hangout as we decided last week :)16:00
sil2100Joining in16:01
seb128jbicha, did the MIR got approved?16:02
jbichaseb128: I think it just needs a bug subscriber, bug 118655316:02
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1186553 in libwebp (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libwebp" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118655316:03
seb128jbicha, otherwise I'm not too sure where you can test on ppc before upload...16:04
kenvandinedidrocks, did i miss the link?16:05
* kenvandine was disconnected16:05
didrockskenvandine: yeah, you were disconnected16:05
didrockskenvandine: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/75e8e7309827ce11c50e72e98393d200a9993937?hl=fr16:05
jbichaseb128: what if it fails to build on ppc and no one fixes it?16:05
didrockskenvandine: still disconnected?16:06
seb128jbicha, whoever uploads better fix it16:08
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pstolowskihello, i'm getting garbage on 1/3rd of the screen when booting today's saucy iso on intel hd 3000 gfx; known?16:16
pstolowskitvoss: ^16:19
tkamppeterdidrocks, thank you very much for your help, my cups-filters package correctly uninstalls ghostscript-cups now.16:23
evhi folks. Would someone with more intimate knowledge of glib's inner workings care to comment on this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glib2.0/+bug/121141716:49
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1211417 in whoopsie (Ubuntu) "whoopsie takes 100% CPU on the phone" [Critical,Confirmed]16:49
evI'm having a hard time reproducing it as it's racy16:49
evbut it looks like glib is getting wedged in g_main_context_prepare16:50
didrockstkamppeter: great! :)16:50
seb128ev, try asking desrt16:53
robrudidrocks, Mirv: can you elaborate a little bit on what needs to be done for ubuntu-docviewer-app/poppler-qml-plugin ? i don't understand some of the bullet points in the spredsheet16:54
didrocksrobru: sorry, I think you'll have to check with Mirv directly (but I think he EOD, well deserved ;))16:55
didrocksrobru: may be try by email?16:55
robrudidrocks, ok16:55
didrocksit was AFAIK:16:55
didrocks- ensuring/helping upstream to setup their LP project to match source package name16:55
didrocks- reviewing packaging and so on16:55
didrocks(from the conversation we had in the hangout)16:55
jbichacyphermox: do you know what's currently blocking indicator-keyboard from landing?16:59
evdesrt: if you have a moment, I'd greatly appreciate your comments on that bug ^17:01
evseb128: thanks17:01
desrtev: i looked at it just now17:02
desrthard to make very much of it.  would be good if you could give a way to reproduce it17:02
evdesrt: I don't suppose you have a nexus 4?17:02
evI've not seen it anywhere else17:03
evoutside of the touch images, that is17:03
desrti have a nexus 717:04
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evoh, I imagine it'll show on that as well17:04
desrti'm kinda close to end of day, though, and going on vacation for 3 weeks starting tomorrow :)17:04
evah damn17:04
desrtdo you have very quick steps to reproduce?17:04
* didrocks waves good evening17:05
evphablet-flash cdimage-touch --pending did it for me17:05
desrtdidrocks: nite17:05
evbut that's going to take time to pull the image down17:05
didrocksdesrt: thanks, you too! :)17:05
desrtev: oh.  the problem is on the flash tool?17:05
evdesrt: no, that just gets the broken bits onto your nexus 717:05
desrtah.  afraid i don't have time for a reinstall :p17:05
evdesrt: would you be able to judge whether the problem lies in glib or in whoopsie from that stack trace?17:06
ev(the final one, that is - it's got the clearest listing)17:06
desrtthis stack trace is ... not legit17:07
desrt #4  g_main_context_dispatch (context=0x40531cd5 <g_pattern_spec_free+8>) at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.37.5/./glib/gmain.c:3641 No locals. #5  0x4054132a in g_test_build_filename_va (file_type=<optimized out>, first_path=<optimized out>, ap=...) at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.37.5/./glib/gtestutils.c:293817:07
desrtthis is not possible....17:07
desrtneither of those functions call each other17:07
desrteven indirectly17:07
evbut yeah, perhaps we've corrupted the stack inside whoopsie as gdb hints at17:08
desrti'd whip out valgrind as a first step...17:09
evwill do in the morn'17:09
evthanks for your help17:10
desrtsorry :/17:10
desrtbut good luck :)17:10
evno worries :) enjoy your holiday!17:10
cyphermoxjbicha: tests are still failing18:16
jbichacyphermox: are you sure? trunk appeared to build fine for me yesterday https://launchpad.net/~jbicha/+archive/dev/+build/487058718:39
cyphermoxjbicha: it does some of the time, but fails here in sbuild and in pbuilder for continuous integration18:39
cyphermoxin other words, it's an unreliable test that needs to be fixed or (if there's no other option) removed18:40
jbichasorry for getting a bit impatient but I expected indicator-keyboard to land about 2 weeks ago and it's blocking getting gnome-settings-daemon 3.8 in which ought to land before Feature Freeze18:44
jbichaI don't think the g-s-d keyboard indicator had tests so I believe it's at least better than what we had before18:45
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