
xnoxsuperm1: i'm not sure yet, but developers from mir/desktop teams are working on porting ubiquity.08:37
xnoxsuperm1: at the moment in saucy, ubiquity is still starting it's own X session. And to change that there should be commits in lp:ubiquity, there haven't been any yet.08:42
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xequenceWhat would be the easiest way to test ubiquity plugins?14:41
xequenceCurrently I'm starting ubiquity from my standard installation, after having installed the plugins, so this seems to work15:55
infinitycjwatson: There's a kernel cmdline twiddle to make d-i look in -proposed, right?  (I really feel like I should know this, but I do it so infrequently)17:02
superm1ah okay thanks for update xnox18:18
xnoxxequence: that's a reasonable way to test a plugin.18:42
xnoxxequence: there is some automated unit-tests one car write for the plugin. E.g. see tests for the ubuntuone plugin. but running ubiquity after dropping in a plugin, is currently the only way to fully run/test a plugin.18:42
xnoxinfinity: google "ubuntu testing enable proposed"  => https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/EnableProposed => apt-setup/proposed=true18:47
infinityxnox: My google-fu failed me, apparently.  Thanks.18:54
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