dholbach | good morning | 07:06 |
Camoceltic | Hello. | 16:50 |
caiohess | hello girls and guys | 16:56 |
caiohess | may we all enjoy today's ubuntu on air | 16:56 |
=== CAsper_ is now known as casper2 | ||
=== casper2 is now known as CasperMan | ||
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-on-air to: Welcome to Ubuntu on Air! || Upcoming Schedule: http://is.gd/OWD4uc || Ask your questions at ubuntuonair.com || Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/UbuntuOnAir || Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: http://youtube.com/UbuntuOnAirCurrent Session: Weekly Ubuntu Webcast - Speakers: jono | ||
AirBot | Logs for this session will be available at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2013/08/13/%23ubuntu-on-air.html following the conclusion of the session. | 17:00 |
Cantide | oh~~ thanks for the facebook post, i had no idea this was happening now :) | 17:01 |
dholbach | woohoooooooooo! | 17:01 |
dholbach | about to go live! | 17:01 |
DS_McGuire | Hey guysssss | 17:01 |
dholbach | let us know once we're live! :) | 17:01 |
DS_McGuire | We are live!! | 17:02 |
SimonK_ | i see you | 17:02 |
Camoceltic | Hello :D | 17:02 |
DS_McGuire | Loud and clear :D | 17:02 |
Raahede | Yep it works! | 17:02 |
Cantide | oh yeah, i see it now! | 17:02 |
Advation | You're live | 17:02 |
Richie442 | yep, live | 17:02 |
Cantide | yep jono, you're live~~ | 17:02 |
nikopol_ | can see you in France ok | 17:02 |
ODU | yes. you are live! | 17:03 |
DS_McGuire | You'd better! | 17:03 |
temptemp | You're live | 17:03 |
Camoceltic | Had it right on the first try. Few people do. | 17:03 |
Maidomax | yea, we're live | 17:03 |
CasperMan | Live! | 17:03 |
=== lm_ is now known as Guest94945 | ||
blazingwolf | your live. :) | 17:04 |
Manish | we can see you jono! :) | 17:04 |
Manish | We'r live bro! :) | 17:04 |
ba7a7chy | Hi all | 17:05 |
jono | Manish, :-) | 17:05 |
ba7a7chy | when is this starting ? | 17:05 |
ODU | now. | 17:05 |
Raahede | ^ | 17:05 |
ba7a7chy | still no stream thou | 17:05 |
ODU | click play | 17:05 |
ba7a7chy | oh... my bad :) cool thanks | 17:06 |
ODU | lol np | 17:06 |
Masternoob | hello :) | 17:08 |
dholbach | oh and if you want to ask questions, please do! | 17:09 |
dholbach | just make sure you put QUESTION: in capital letters in front of it, so it stands out and is easier to see | 17:09 |
ba7a7chy | QUESTION: does canonical has any OEM or other business relationship with dell ? | 17:11 |
ubuntu76 | will there be a video uploaded to youtube on this weekly update. | 17:14 |
erino72 | it is always uploaded | 17:14 |
Cantide | probably, check the ubuntuonair channel after a day or two | 17:14 |
ubuntu76 | cool ty | 17:14 |
Camoceltic | I think Hangouts are automatically uploaded, since the video goes through YouTube. | 17:15 |
Cantide | oh, cool :) | 17:15 |
Camoceltic | QUESTION: Can Jorge end the hangout by playing one of the guitars in the background of his screen? | 17:17 |
=== muhammad is now known as Guest47796 | ||
designbybeck_ | What is this Click Package? | 17:22 |
designbybeck_ | vs a deb? | 17:22 |
designbybeck_ | links? | 17:22 |
mhall119 | dholbach: ^^ do you have a link? | 17:23 |
erino72 | QUESTION: Is there any new info about Mir and proprietary graphic drivers from nvidia/AMD ? | 17:24 |
dholbach | initial discussion: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2013-May/037074.html | 17:24 |
dholbach | current specification: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/foundations-1305-click-package | 17:24 |
Masternoob | we should start a crowdfnuding to buy Pat a new Mic :D | 17:24 |
designbybeck_ | thanks dholbach | 17:24 |
dholbach | more docs: https://click-package.readthedocs.org/en/latest/ | 17:24 |
mhall119 | thanks dholbach | 17:24 |
erino72 | :D | 17:24 |
dholbach | it's in saucy, you can just go and install it there | 17:24 |
rickspencer3 | these updates are awesome, do many people watch them? | 17:28 |
Cantide | lol jono :) | 17:29 |
Cantide | what is that? | 17:29 |
designbybeck_ | ha | 17:30 |
jono | what? | 17:30 |
Cantide | looked like Doraemon sneaking in there | 17:31 |
mhall119 | yay XDA! \o/ | 17:32 |
ba7a7chy | Thomas looks a bit like mark zuckerberg | 17:33 |
ba7a7chy | XD | 17:33 |
Masternoob | bepp beep | 17:33 |
erino72 | I thought that is my message :D | 17:34 |
rickspencer3 | dholbach, who was that? | 17:35 |
dholbach | rickspencer3, hang on, I'll show you again | 17:35 |
dholbach | rickspencer3, larsu and seb128 :) | 17:36 |
rickspencer3 | wow! | 17:36 |
rickspencer3 | say hi to seb128 and larsu for me | 17:36 |
rickspencer3 | I never got to hear sweb128 speak German, I think ;) | 17:36 |
dholbach | rickspencer3, he said something about "too busy to talk a lot in a hangout" earlier | 17:37 |
Joe_B_ | jono, what about mir with proprietary drivers? | 17:37 |
mhall119 | Joe_B_: start your questions with "QUESTION: " | 17:37 |
rickspencer3 | :) | 17:37 |
mhall119 | it'll highlight them for him, makes it easier to see the questions | 17:37 |
designbybeck_ | flablockflash? | 17:40 |
erino72 | Joe it is my question ;) | 17:40 |
dholbach | designbybeck_, phablet-flash | 17:40 |
designbybeck_ | thank you dholbach | 17:40 |
ba7a7chy | QUESTION: Will i be able to use steam on the Ubuntu-Phone ? | 17:41 |
DS_McGuire | QUESTION: Why doens't the Ubuntu Touch use an already developed and maintained web browser? There are already great web browsers such as Opera mobile which is already written in QT (I believe). Using this would mean more focus can be put into other areas. | 17:41 |
rickspencer3 | QUESTION: why does jorge have a picture of fabio for his avatar? | 17:42 |
Masternoob | If Valve will make a ARM version than you can use Steam on ubuntu phine | 17:42 |
mhall119 | rickspencer3: because jcastro is *Fabulous* | 17:42 |
Camoceltic | QUESTION: Can Jorge end the Hangout with a song? | 17:42 |
ba7a7chy | QUESTION: will the Ubuntu-phone gonna use ARM CPU ? | 17:43 |
jcastro | rickspencer3: I have bigger arms than fabio. :p | 17:43 |
ba7a7chy | suppose to be bararchy (Ba7a7chy) :) | 17:44 |
Masternoob | indiegogo,com/buyPatAnewMic | 17:46 |
mhall119 | Masternoob: lol | 17:46 |
Samir_ | QUESTION is it posible to make a phone rom that installs on all devices and than you can find and install drivers from manufacturers source for camera, gpu and so on... like installing a new OS on the PC | 17:47 |
dholbach | dell.com/ubuntu has been around forever for example too | 17:48 |
AlexMl | QUESTION: How many apps are in the ubuntu app showdown yet? | 17:48 |
ba7a7chy | and also on servers ? | 17:48 |
mhall119 | AlexMl: non-exhaustive list: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/AppShowdownList | 17:48 |
Camoceltic | QUESTION TO EVERYONE IN THE HANGOUT: Do you have a partition for other Operating Systems on your personal computers? | 17:48 |
Masternoob | Yes Windows but only for wok | 17:49 |
Masternoob | *work | 17:49 |
SimonK_ | QUESTION: will I be able to use SDL2 to make an Ubuntu-Phone app? Will I have to include SDL2.so into my *.click package? | 17:50 |
ba7a7chy | QUESTION: what will be the mail client in use ? also, will it support exchange ? | 17:50 |
DS_McGuire | QUESTION: Does anybody else think that the Ubuntu touch tablet interface would really suit small screened netbooks? I personally think that Ubuntu touch could be really usable with the tablet interface. | 17:50 |
mhall119 | http://developer.ubuntu.com/showdown/ | 17:51 |
Clutch__ | What computers are primarily used in the Ubuntu offices? System76? XPS 13 Developer Edition? MacBookPro? | 17:51 |
rickspencer3 | DS_McGuire, that's convergence! | 17:51 |
simion314 | QUESTION : any plans to improve the software center desktop app? | 17:51 |
DS_McGuire | QUESTION: Will there ever be a Ubuntu Touch image for the Nokia N9? My understanding is that it should be able to run it as it can also run Android. | 17:52 |
Cantide | QUESTION: I use Android currently, and i'm tied into the google ecosystem - ie gtalk, gmail etc. Will Ubuntu Touch allow easy importing of google contacts etc. and allow me to easily use the ubuntu mail client and im client that come with ubuntu touch? | 17:52 |
DS_McGuire | So rick what you are saying is that is what's going to happen? | 17:54 |
ba7a7chy | :( | 17:54 |
mhall119 | ba7a7chy: the plan right now is to put an Ubuntu Touch UI on Trojita | 17:55 |
mhall119 | sometime after 13.10's release | 17:55 |
mhall119 | but no, trojita doesn't support exchange (yet) | 17:55 |
saucyalex | i'm late for a party, but do all ubuntu devs use chromium instead of firefox or chrome? 14.04 news | 17:56 |
ba7a7chy | clonig trojita now to test it, thanks :) | 17:57 |
rickspencer3 | nooooooo | 17:57 |
rickspencer3 | Software Center Scope all the way! | 17:58 |
ba7a7chy | QUESTION: what will happen if the indigogo fails ? | 17:59 |
ba7a7chy | (of curse i hope it wont | 17:59 |
mhall119 | ba7a7chy: the Ubuntu Edge won't get built, and we'll continue working with OEMs to build other models | 18:00 |
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-on-air to: Welcome to Ubuntu on Air! || Upcoming Schedule: http://is.gd/OWD4uc || Ask your questions at ubuntuonair.com || Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/UbuntuOnAir || Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: http://youtube.com/UbuntuOnAir | ||
ba7a7chy | Thanks guys for this hangout ! | 18:00 |
mhall119 | and of course people will get a refund for the amount of their contribution | 18:00 |
Cantide | thanks to everyone in the hangout :) | 18:00 |
caiohess | thank you everyone! see you later! | 18:00 |
svennp | how much does paypal earn on the contributions? | 18:01 |
LRaposo | Howdy | 18:08 |
blaircse | you are live guys | 19:43 |
blaircse | haha nevermind | 19:44 |
=== salem_ is now known as _salem |
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