
dolphin-manI have a question08:37
dolphin-manif I have a letter of recommendation from RMS and Mark Shuttleworth, can I become a ubuntu op?08:38
Myrttiit doesn't work like that08:38
Myrttiso, no.08:38
dolphin-manhow does "it" work?08:38
Myrttimuch like any other recruitment08:39
Myrttiif you have the skills needed, you'll be asked, and if there's recommendations, that's a plus.08:39
Myrttiassesment of the skills is based on behaviour on Ubuntu IRC channels08:39
Myrttiand other venues08:40
dolphin-manso you're saying the owner of Canonical which releases Ubuntu has no say as to who runs the official ubuntu irc channels?08:40
tsimpsonthe IRC Council have the say, and they are overseen by the Ubuntu Community Council08:41
dolphin-manCouncil of the Learned Elders of Zion?08:42
MyrttiI find your lack of faith disturbing.08:42
elkyAww, i wanted to see these glowing recommendations. I was picturing something like "Dear Teacher^Wubuntu ops, Jimmy can stay home from school^W^W^W^Wbe an ubuntu op, because I say so. From Jimmy's Mom^W^WMark Shuttleworth."08:50
DJonesikonia: Was that syko returning with a different ip range09:25
ikoniaanother idoit09:27
ikoniafirst seen using "chunkyhead" in BT09:27
DJonesAh, thought it may have been syko on the basis they seemed to be deliberatly attacking you by name09:28
=== mnepton is now known as mneptok
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  Tm_T, tritium, elky, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, imbrandon, PriceChild, Madpilot, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, tsimpson, gnomefreak, jussi, topyli, or nhandler!11:29
ubottusyko called the ops in #ubuntu-ops ()11:29
sykoikonia sucks dick11:29
ikoniait's fine11:29
ikoniahe's making threats against me and #ubuntu in pm and because I'm not rising to it he's trying to create an issue11:29
jussiperhaps a staffer can take care of him if he is threatening you.11:30
ikoniaooh, he got klined11:30
ikonia12:30 -!- syko [~syko@] has quit [K-Lined]11:30
ikoniathe threats are comical, I really couldn't care11:30
jussiwell then11:30
kloerimiss him already? :)11:31
ikoniahe's back already11:32
k1lkloeri: hehe11:32
ikoniain #freenode now11:32
DJonesAnd using their cloak11:32
ikoniaof course,11:32
ikoniahello Agd_Scorp11:35
DJonesWatching nicks/ips/cloaks from trolls being klined is how I image staring up into the night sky at the end of time slowly watching stars blinks out as they burn out...Relaxing :)11:35
ikoniathats Agd_Scorp him again11:35
k1lhe got some accounts and ip-ranges11:36
ikoniahe's got a lot of accounts11:36
ikoniakloeri: Agd_Scorp is him again11:36
ikoniajust rejoined with exactly the same channel list11:37
ikoniahello again syko11:37
kloeriikonia: ok11:39
DJonesCurrently in -offtopic11:40
DJonesok, not anymore11:40
ikoniajust saw him11:40
DJonesWhat other nicks do they have (that you're aware of)11:42
ikoniaI'm only aware of 2 more I think11:42
ikoniaI think only 1 is registered though11:42
ikonia(of the two)11:42
ikoniaI'll have to go through my logs11:42
DJonesNo worries, I'll search BT11:42
TheSheephi, have any of you have any trouble with GNUdru?13:24
PiciTheSheep: doesn't sound familiar13:25
TheSheepok, thanks13:26
TheSheephe's just a little suspicious, ircing from an EC2 server and dropping links about Assange :)13:26
TheSheepbut I guess he's not trying to spam13:26
IdleOneI don't click the link but he doesn't seem to have broken any rules13:29
TheSheepjust suspicious :)13:36
TheSheepthe link doesn't really contain anything interesting13:36
TheSheepor new13:36
ikoniakloeri: ping syko back using the nick "one"14:08
ikoniasorry one_14:08
* kloeri looks14:15
kloeriahh, already taken care of14:15
ikoniayour too slow ;)14:16
kloeribusy making tomato soup!14:17
kloerigotta have priorities in life :)14:17
ikoniaimportant stuff14:17
geniiPici: This is the first I've seen with the lamp-server^ as opposed to using tasksel14:29
ikoniait's a PPA meta package isn't it14:30
ikoniait's not a core package14:30
ikoniaor standard meta package I mean14:30
geniiThat's what I assumed at first14:30
Piciits a task14:30
Piciwell, technically, I think it just matches any package with lamp-server in the description, which all the packages that are in the lamp-server task have.14:31
ikoniahow was he doing apt-get install lamp-server ?14:33
ikoniawill apt-get pickup tasks ?14:33
Piciits "apt-get install lamp-server^"14:33
ikoniaso it can do tasks then14:34
ikoniaI didn't know that14:34
PiciIf I use a test search I get:14:34
PiciE: Unable to locate package foo^14:34
PiciE: Couldn't find task 'foo'14:34
PiciE: Couldn't find any package by regex 'foo^'14:34
geniiikonia: Me either. Learn something new every day.14:34
Piciso it does searching by name, task, and regex14:35
ikoniapeople shouldn't be employed, they really shouldn't15:21
ikoniasomeone complaining about HP's tools not being cli based,15:21
ikoniawhen they are....15:21
ikoniaclearly done homework before trying to sound l33t by wanting command line tools15:21
geniiI have a hunch they saw some command which was supposed to be ./something  but was typoed /.something15:35
chuI thought it was in reference to the slashdot discussion15:35
geniiHeh, maybe.15:35
=== nik0 is now known as niko
PiciWasn't there someone else a few days ago asking about similar arp spoofing things?17:27
PiciSame person?17:27
ikoniadon't think so, don't know17:27
PiciJust seems like an oddly specific question, one we don't get all that often.17:28
ikoniayes, more odd as he's responding with total lies17:28
* Pici shrugs17:28
bazhanggnome-shell works great without the proprietary drivers here18:01
ikoniait's going to depend on your card though18:01
ikoniarunning it vesa "works" but it's not good18:01
bazhangthe 9600 nvidia iirc18:01
LjL-Alpsi'm very much not a fan of every UI depending on "3D" features18:56
LjL-Alpsit has made them neither nicer, nor faster, nor lighter18:56
Unit193Enter quite a few WMs, LXDE, and Xfce.18:57
geniiI wonder if anyone still works on TWM19:00
dolphin-manI was banned from #ubuntu-offtopic23:09
dolphin-manI just logged on23:09
dolphin-mancan someone tell me why23:09
dolphin-manim not sure whats going on23:09
dolphin-mani dont remember getting banned23:10
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (Xochipilli appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY)23:48
ubottuwilee-nilee called the ops in #ubuntu (Xochipilli)23:49
k1lthe bot is right23:49

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